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Yaekob getahun
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering


Contents 1

List of figure and table 2

Acknowledgment 4

Abstract 5

Declaration of the student and approval of mentor 6

Executive summery 7

1. Brief History of transport construction design share company 8

1.1Major services /Activities 8

1.2 Equipment’s of the company 10

1. 3. Major customers of the company 11

1.4 Over all organization of the company 12

1.5 Work flow in the company 13

2. Overall internship experience 15

2.1. How became interned in TCDSCo, 15

2.1. How became interned in TCDSCo. 15

2.2. Sections of the company I was working 15

2.3. Work flow in the laboratory section 15

2.4. Work piece or work task I have been executing 16

2.5. Procedures used while I was performing my work 18

2.5.1 Procedures used in the design office of TCDSCo 18

2.5.2 Procedures used in the laboratory section of TCDsco 24 Procedures used In the Aggregate and Asphalt Testing Laboratory 24 Procedures used In Geotechnical (soil) Testing Laboratory 39 Procedures used In the Concrete Testing Laboratory 46

1 Internship final report
2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
2.6 Challenges I face while I was performing my work 56

2.7 Measures taken to overcome Challenges faced 57

3. Safety report 58

4. Benefits of the internship 58

4.1. Practical Skills 57
4.2. Theoretical Knowledge 59
4.3. Interpersonal Communication Skills 60
4.4. Team Playing Skills 60
4.5. Leadership Skills 61
4.6. Work Ethics Issues 61
4.7. Entrepreneurship skills 62
5. Conclusion 62
6. Recommendation for the company 63
7. Reference

List of figure, table and charts Page

Chart: 1. Showing overall organization of TCDsco 12

Chart: 2 Process map of Laboratory testing section 13

Chart: 3. Process map of structures design 13

Chart: 4 Process map of hydrologic study 14

Chart: 5 Workflow the laboratory section 15

Table: 1. Design standards vs. road classification and ADT 19

Fig: 1. Designation of Road sides , Table: 2. Slope relation table 21

Table: 3 superelevatin rates and length of run-off 22

Fig: 2. AIV machine 25

Fig: 3. ACV apparatus 26

Fig: 4.ACV mold and sample 27

Fig: 5. LAA machine 28

Table 4 . Sample Size Fractions for Sodium sulfate soundness (SSS) test 29

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
Fig: 6.seive shaker 29

Fig: 7. Sulphate attacked aggregate under test, Table 5 .Gradation for soundness 30

Fig: 8.specific gravity of course aggregate test model diagram 31

Table6.Bulk Specific gravity (SSD & dry basis) for aggregate size (13.2-6mm)( ASHTO-T85 32

Fig: 9. Specific gravity balance 32

Fig:.10 Elongation gauge, Fig :11.Flakiness slot 32

Fig: 12. Ductility of Asphalt Mold and testing machine while in test, Fig :11.Flakiness slot 33

Fig: 11.Flakiness slot

Fig14.pycnometer filled with asphalt 35

Fig15. Penetration container and penetrometer 37

Fig16.Hydrometercylinder under test 38

Table 7. Standard proctor test (light compaction test) - 2.5 k.g hammer 39

Table8. Modified proctor test (heavy compaction test) - 4.54 kg hammer 40

Table9. Proctor data format 41

Fig17.CBR machine, Table 10.CBR data format

Table 11. UCS data format 43

Fig18. Shrinkage mold, Fig19: concrete mixer

Table12.bulk volume of course aggregate 47

Table 13.Approximate water requirement for different slumps and maximum size of course 48
aggregate(mm), Table14. First estimate of course Aggregate(mm )

Fig20.pycnometer operating 49

Fig21.plunger 50

Figure 22.Glimore apparatus while testing 51

Fig23.mortar mold, Fig24.fine sieve shaker 53

Fig25.Autoclave machine, Fig26. Compressive strength machine, Fig27. Drilled Rock 55

Figure 28 .tensile strength of steel testing machine 56

Figure 29.Manual balance and Shrinkage sample 57

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering


First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Addis Ababa Institute of Technology for

arranging this internship program for us. Next, I would also like to thank my hosting company TCDsco

for their genuine hospitability and continued effort to educate, supervise and foster my technical and

professional skills throughout the whole internship program.

In addition to this, my thanks goes out to all TCDsco employees especially to Ato behailu and w/ro sosina
getachew for their continued help in providing counsel as well as technical support.

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

iv. Abstract
This is a report that is written to give an account to my internship general overview. The report contains
sections. The first section is an introduction to the report. The second section is general information on
the company’s background and achievements. The third section is about my personal experience I
conceived during my stay in the contractor class and consultant as well as outlines my share of work in
both class. The forth section states what I gained during the internship. The last section contains
reference for the report.

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

v. Declaration of the Student & Approval of the Mentor

Student name yaekob getahun


Date _______________________

District Supervisor Name _

Signature ______________

Date ____________________

Mentor name _ Michael

Signature ______________

Date ______

I declare that this report is my own work. I composed this report based on my
experience, observations and achievements I have gained during my internship

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering


Now a days construction is the most undertaking policy in Ethiopia.TCDsco is the leading laboratory and
design companies in the country, thus tests for construction purpose as well as design of the most
important highways has been done in this company. Geotechnical investigation for giant structures such as
dams, bridges has been successfully achieved.

According to the program of Addis Ababa institute of technology I have been working my internship in this
company for the last four months from October to February. During this period I was working in the
sections provided by the company, which are soil section, asphalt section, concrete section and design

In my opinion I was lucky to work in this company that I become familiar with most of laboratory sections
which are the milling stone for any construction. Besides I become familiar with the latest technologies
(software’s) which are helpful for design of structures.

Generally; during the internship period I have developed & gained different skills, attitude & knowledge of
properties of materials helpful for construction as well as design of structures, and of course I gained basic
knowledge to reach on conclusion of materials from conducted tests.

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
1. Brief History of transport construction design share company

Transport Construction Design Share Company (TCDsco) is a full-fledged state owned

consulting firm that deals with the Design and Construction supervision of Roads, Bridges and
Airports. The company is established in August 1987 before its establishment as an
independent consulting firm TCDsco had been a division under Ethiopian Roads Authority.
The main purposes of its establishment are:

 To engaged in activities of surveying and design of transportation works.

 To engage in construction materials testing, and Geotechnical investigation for
buildings, Dams, etc.
 To render consultancy services in construction supervision and contract
 To engaged in any other related activities necessary for the attainment of its

TCDsco is located at Addis Ababa: Behind Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA). The company has
more than 40 years of experience particularly in photogrammetry, surveying, design, materials
investigation and testing and, construction supervision with regard to roads, bridges and
airports. It has also acquired substantial experience in design of Buildings, west works and
other civil Engineering works. The company is currently having 440 and above staff members.
Vision of the share company
To be one of the leading international construction consultants in the field of civil

Mission ofthe Share Company

To render Design and Construction Supervision Consultants service for civil works with care,
diligence and in strict accordanceprofessional standards that ensure satisfaction of clients.

1.1Major services /Activities

The major activities of the company are delegated among the following three functional and two
support giving departments:-

 Contract formulation and Business Department

 Design Department
 Construction supervision Department
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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
o Service Delivery improvement Department
o Administration and Business Department
i. Contract Formulation and Business Development Department
 Strategic planning of the company
 Preparation of technical and financial proposal and contract documents
 Preparation of Tender Documents, Engineering Coast Estimates
 Tendering construction contract and Analysis of bids
 Monitoring the progress of projects
 Business Environment Assessment
 Documentation and Library service.
ii. Design Department
I. Survey division
Surveying division is mainly responsible for:-

 Photogrammetry and survey works including aerial photo Reproductions,

 Location survey
 Drainage survey
 Data processing for Design and
 Topographic Map and Hydrographic studies

II. Geotechnical division

The major activities of this division includes,

a. Filed investigation
 Traffic survey
 Soil and material investigation
 Pavement design
 Pavement Evaluation and Land Slide Investigation
 Geotechnical investigation for Bridges, Dam-sites, Buildings and other
exploratory works
b. Material Testing
 Laboratory testing of soil, aggregates, concrete, asphalt and related
construction materials and
 Asphalt and concrete mix-design
III. Design division
The major services rendered by this division are:-
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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
a) Routes and facilities design
 Geometric design of roads
 Geometric design of Air ports and
 Geometric design of other facilities
 The design of most of roads and most airports and airfields of
the country are the result of the rich experience of the design
staff of TCDsco.
b) Bridges and structural Designs
 Design of Bridges, Buildings, water works
 Design of other types of structures

The biggest bridges such as Baro river, jemariver,Tekeze river and Bashilo river bridges which
are spanning 260 and above are designed by TCDsco ,with Bashilo river Bridge spanning 338m.

Construction supervision Department

The major activities of construction supervision Department are:-

 Construction supervision service for Rural, Asphalt and Feeder roads, Bridges and
 Quality control in accordance with the design specification
 Schedule and cost control
 Contract Administration
 Checking and approval of payment certificate for contractors
 Claims management
 Preparation of reports
1.2 Equipment’s of the company
I. Survey equipment’s

In TCDSCo main surveying equipment’s are Total Station, G.P.S., theodolites, diatomite, levels
and other conventional surveying equipment’s.

II. Geotechnical Investigation Equipment

 Wire line Truck Mounted Rig capable of angle drilling. Maximum core
recovery and packer tests, etc.
 Dynamic Con penetration Apparatus
 Benkelman Deflection Beam
III. Construction Material Laboratory Equipment

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
 Soil and Chemical Testing Laboratory testing apparatus
 Marshal testing machine for Asphalt concrete Mix-design
 Computerized CBR machine
 Computerized Traxial, Consolidation Direct/Residual shear and CBR
machine with Accessories
 Mortar mixer
 Computerized compressive strength Testing Machine
 Brazilian Tensile strength testing machine
 Rock core and Mortar strength Testing Machine
 Loss Angels Abrasion Machine
 Viscosity Tester
 Library facility

The company has a well-organized Library with a collection of all round reference books, in
particular with manuals and specification that are applied in the design of civil Engineering

1. 3. Major customers of the company

The following are few customers of the company while I was in the company.

 Sunshine Construction
 AdamaAwash highway project
 Keangnam interprise.
 Air field jigjiga.
 SaTcon

11 Internship final report

2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

1.4 Over all organization of the company


Audit Department GENARAL MANAGER

Legal Service Service Delivery &

System Improvement
Ethics Officer

Contract Formation & Administration &

Construction Supervision Design Department
Business Development Finance Department

Surveying Division Finance Division

Construction Supervision
Formation &
administration Division1
Division Procedure
Design Division
Business Construction Supervision Administration
Development Division
Geo –technical
General Service &
Engineering division
Human Resource

Chart1. Showing overall organization of TCDsco

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

1.5 Work flow in the company

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Chart2.Process map of Laboratory testing section

Chart3. process map of structures design

Chart4. Process map of hydrologic study

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

2. Overall internship experience

2.1. How became interned in TCDSCo.

The chance of being interned in TCDsco is gained by appealing to the company early in May
2005(E.c). I took an application letter from UILS office at the institute (AAIT). The application
letter was submitted to TCDsco geotechnical section manager Ato mr x and they confirmed my
hiring as intern.….Then on the month October 2013 i took the acceptance letter to the UILS
office for confirmation. The company accepts me for four month internship from October 13 up
to February 113. And then I began my internship program as provided.

2.2. Sections of the company I was working

TCDsco is a company which works transportation related designs and important laboratory
tests. Also site investigation is the other known work of the company. And I have got the chance
to work in design office and the laboratory sections of the company besides I was having a
chance to visit site investigation which were done for G+4 mixed building around
MEKANISA.TCDsco has well organized three laboratory sections, This three sections I was
working are Soil section,Asphalt section (which includes aggregate) and finally in the concrete
testing laboratory. In each section I was working each and every test by myself with the help of
formally working lab technicians and friends who are interns.

2.3. Work flow in the laboratory section

Chart5..Workflow the laboratory section

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
2.4. Work piece or work task I have been executing

In TCDSCo I was working in both design and laboratory sections of the company.

TCDsco has three laboratory sections which are soil laboratory, concrete section and Asphalt
laboratory. And I get full chance of working in these three laboratories. And this helps me to
understand well different important engineering tests. While I was in TSDsco laboratory section
I performed the following tests:

 Aggregate crushing value(ACV) test

 Aggregate impact value(AIV) test
 Ten percent fines value(TFV) test
 Loss Angeles Abrasion (LAA) test
 Sodium sulfate soundness (SSS) test
 Elongation and flakiness
 Bulk SSD Specific Gravity of course and fine aggregate
 Setting time of normal cement:
 Normal consistency of cement
 Silt content of sand
 Workability of mortar
 Compressive strength of mortar
 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate
 grading coarse aggregate
 Auto clave Expansion of cement
 Slump(Workability of concrete)test
 Compressive strength of concrete
 Compressive strength of blocks
 Concrete mix design(ACI Mix design method)
 Tension test for steel

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 Ductility of Asphalt
 Flash point of Asphalt
 Penetration test for Asphalt
 Solubility of Asphalt
 Specific gravity of Asphalt
 Water content of Asphalt
 Asphalt Mix Design
 Grain Size Analysis-Hydrometer
 Atterberg Limits
 Compaction Test (Procter Test)
 CBR and Swell
 Linear shrinkage
 Specfic gravity and absorbtion
capacty of fine aggregate
 Unconfined compressive strength
(UCS) of soil

17 Internship final report

2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

While I was in design studio my main task was developing the geometric design of high
way road by using civil designer software specifically Inroads Bentley. my main tasks
are listed below:
 Importing surveying data (i.e.Excel data sheet file).
 Digital Terrain Modeling(i.e. Triangulation, filtering and developing
counter for corridor)
 Horizontal Alignment(i.e. Inserting, Editing and moving straights and
curves of the alignment)
 X-section extraction and Editing.
 Plotting Ground profile
 Vertical Alignment (i.e. Inserting, Editing and moving straights and
curves of the alignment)
 Defining road Templates and inserting (i.e. side slope, back slope and
carriageway width).
 Developing Super elevation and Widening Design.
 First grading
 X-section area calculation (i.e. for each station)
 Volume of total Cut and Fill for each 1.5 Km in metric cube.
 Creating plan and profile drawings for every 1.5Km
 Compiling plan, profile, super elevation, widening and edge elevations of
carriageway on one Drawing paper for each 1.5 Km.

2.5. Procedures used while I was performing my work

2.5.1 Procedures used in the design office of TCDSCo

In the design office of TCDsco i was using specific standard design procedures which are used in
the company. To assist this procedures three Geometric Design Manuals are used in the
company, which are TCDsco, Addis Ababa City Rod Authority (AACRA), and Ethiopian Rod
Authority (ERA) Geometric Design Manuals. The company use this manuals according to the
need of the client, but generally if the rod is in Addis Ababa AACRA Manual is used for design, if
the rod to be designed is out of Addis ERA Manual is used, also if the client need the design in
TCDsco Manual the company use this manual for the design. Also the company used manual
design of the road in earlier days, but know the company use Civil Designer Software. This

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
software make the design process simple compared to manual method and the geometric design
of any highway is done by using this software, in the design room of TCDsco.

The major procedures used in the design room of TCDsco are listed and discussed below:

 Determining design standards of the road

The design standards to be used for roads of various traffic volumes (AADT) are summarized in
the several following tables of ERA geometric design manual. Of these, Table 2-1 of chapter two
presents an overview of design standards relating to road functional classification and traffic
volumes, and illustrates the split between paved and unpaved standards.

Table1. Design standards vs. road classification and ADT

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 Developing Digital Terrain Model(DTM) (Triangulation)

It is the process of making triangles by connecting the given spot Heights (SH) for a given
distance let 50m throughout the whole rout. This means the software connect all points in the
range of 50m by making triangles. Triangulation helps the computer to determine all
intermediate elevations by interpolating. Finally it can draw the contours throughout the route.
And this is the main input for ground cross-section extraction.

 Horizontal Alignment

Drawing horizontal alignment of the road means inserting straights and curves of the center line
of the road along the selected rout without deflecting from the control points indicated by
surveyor data as much as possible. we started this process by filter ring the center lines(CL) and
intersection points(PI). For points which have no indicated PI point we inserted intersection
points. Also for points with inaccessible PI weinserted POTA and POTB points. we insert and
connect all inter section points and for each intersection point we insert appropriate horizontal
curve radius by considering the minimum radius for the terrain type and design speed
recommended by ERA manual tables for the DS road.

 Cross-section extraction, Editing and Ground lines

This is the process of extracting cross-sectional (transversal direction) profile of the natural
ground for the right way of total 50m. We extract all ground x-sections for all stations also we
edit and check all of them. After we extract all drawing the ground profile was the other step.
This ground profile of the center line of road is important to draw vertical alignment of the road.

 Vertical Alignment

To develop vertical alignment of the road the first requirement was grading, which means
reading the maximum and minimum grades specified by ERA manual in chapter two under
tables from 2.3-2.12 for each Design standards(DS) of the road. For example, the minimum
gradient is 0.5% and the maximum absolute gradient was 8% for DS3 road as provided in ERA
manual in caper two of table 2.5 as shown below. When I developed the vertical alignment of
the road I performed the following:-

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 I insert appropriate grade , which means minimum gradient should be greater than or
equal to 0.5%, which is the minimum requirement for longitudinal drainage and the
maximum gradient should be less than or equal to the absolute maximum gradient
specified by ERA manual.
 I insert vertical curves according to ERA manual recommendation of vertical curve
 I edit and move vertical alignment to full fill requirements like gradient, drainage and
balance of cut and fill.
 Defining and inserting road Templates

Templates are drawings transverse direction cross-section of the road including its
corridor, which includes side slope, back slope and carriageway width of the road.
Standard rod way template and table used to determine back slope and side slope of
road as provided by ERA geometric design manual in chapter six is shown bellow. In
TCDSC design studio there are different types of templates for example Rural, Urban,
rock soil and other types of Templates are available and according to the condition of
the site we assigned these different Templates to different sections of the road.

Fig1. Designation of Road sides

Table2. Slope relation table

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 Super elevation and Widening Design

We determined super elevation and widening coordinates of the road by using Excel spread
data sheet developed in ERA, this Excel sheet is linked and to give the outputs(i.e. super
elevation and widening), it need inputs like BC,EC, Radius, e(%), intersection angle, curve
direction(Lt&Rt) and length of Run-off(L). To determine the length of Run-off (L) we used
table8.4 in chapter eight from ERA design manual, which is shown below. After inserting all
necessary data the Excel sheet automatically provides coordinates of super elevation and
widening and this coordinates are pates in Civil Designer Software.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 Determining cross-section area for each station and Volume of total Cut
and Fill for each 1.5 Km in metric cube.

After all the above procedures are completed well, which means for each and every
station design cross section and ground cross sections are fully developed and
combined by the given Templates. Then area calculation is continued. we calculated the
area between the design cross section and the ground cross sections. After all areas are
calculated total volumes of cut and fill are computed for each 1.5km section of the road
throughout the route. The area and volumes are calculated by using civil Designer

 Creating plan and profile drawings for every 1.5Km

The plane drawing contains contour, centerline horizontal alignment, cut and fill edges,
BM, GPS, and all other necessary data’s. Also the profile, widening and super elevation
drawings are created. And it contains vertical curve alignment and template edge
elevation data’s. This two drawing papers are saved as Auto CAD file name and they can
be opened in Auto CAD software.

 Compiling plan, profile, super elevation, widening and edge elevations

of carriageway on one Drawing paper for each 1.5 Km.

Finally we create Compiled plan, profile, super elevation, and widening and edge
elevations of carriageway on one Drawing paper for each 1.5 Km by using Auto CAD
software. And this will conclude all our design office room work task procedures.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

2.5.2 Procedures used in the laboratory section of TCDsco.

In the laboratory section of TCDsco different sub sections are available which are
Aggregate and asphalt testing laboratory, concrete testing laboratory and Geotechnical
laboratory. Procedures used In the Aggregate and Asphalt Testing Laboratory

 Aggregate impact value(AIV) test(BS B12 Part 111)

Objective: To assess the resistance of an aggregate to mechanical sudden impact load

by the Aggregate impact value test.

Test Procedure

1. The material used is aggregate passing a 12.70 mm sieve and retained on a 9.52
mm sieve. It shall be clean and dry (washed if necessary) but it must not be
dried for longer than 4 hours nor at a temperature higher than 110°C may
otherwise certain aggregates be damaged.
2. The whole of the test sample (mass A) is placed in the steel mold and compacted
by a single tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
3. The test sample is subjected to 15 blows of the hammer dropping 381 mm, each
being delivered at an interval not less than one second.
4. The crushed aggregate is sieved over a 2.36 mm sieve. The fraction passing 2.36
mm is weighed to the nearest 0.1 g (mass B). The fraction retained on the sieve is
also weighed (mass C). If {A-(B+C)}>1 gram, the result shall be discarded and a
fresh test made.

Calculation and Result

The aggregate impact value (AIV) is: AIV = (B/A) X100 (%) . . . (1)

An average is taken of the two tests and the result is recorded to the nearest whole
number as the Aggregate Impact Value. The AIV is normally about 105 per cent of the
Aggregate Crushing Value and it can be used for the same purpose. For weak aggregates,
the required load for the first ten per cent fines test can be estimated by means of the

Required load (KN) = 4000/AIV . . . (2)

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Example .Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) Test in dray condition

Retain on No8® 319 316

Pass in No8® 27 29
Total 346 345
AIV((p/T)*100) 7.8% 8.41%
Average AIV = = 8.11≃8% Test result: AIV =8%

Fig: 2. AIV machine

 Ten Percent Fines Value(TFV) test (BS B12 Part 111)

Objective: To assess the load required to crush only ten percent of the material in ten
munities gradually by the Ten percent Fines value test.

Test Procedure

1. The material used for both tests is aggregate passing a 12.70 mm sieve and
retained on a 9.52 mm sieve. It shall be clean and dry (washed if necessary) but
it must not be dried for longer than 4 hours nor at a temperature higher than
110°C may otherwise certain aggregates be damaged.
2. The required volume is obtained by filling the measuring cylinder in three layers,
each tamped 25 times with the rod and the top struck level. This volume is then
weighed to the nearest 0.1g (mass A).
3. The material from the measuring cylinder is placed in the test cylinder in three
layers, each tamped 25 times with the rod. The depth of the sample will then be
about 100 mm. The plunger is lowered onto the sample and rotated gently to
seat it and level it.
4. The cylinder, plunger and sample are placed in the compression testing machine.
Force is applied at a uniform rate for 10 minutes.
5. The sample is then sieved over a 2.36 mm sieve. The material passing 2.36 mm is
then weighed (mass B) and expressed as a percentage of the original mass

Calculation and Result

6. If the percentage fines lies between 7.5% and 12.5%, the following calculation
for Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) is made:

TFV = Force to produce 10% fines = 14x y + 4 . . . (2) where x = maximum force used

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
y = percentage fines from the test (%)

The result should be reported to the nearest whole number.

7. If the percentage fines lie outside the range 7.5 to 12.5, the test must be repeated,
applying the force given by the formula over a period of 10 minutes. Two tests
are required and the ten percent fines values (TFV) are averaged to obtain the
final result, reported to the nearest 10 kN (for forces > 100kN)

Example Ten percent finesse value wet condition applied load=270kN

Retain on No8® 2502
Pass in No8® 222
Total 2724
TFV((p/T)*100) 8.15≃8%
Finally by using Linear Graph method

Exact TFV is at 280kN

Fig 3. ACV apparatus

 Aggregate Crushing Value (BS B12 Part 110)

Objective: To assess the resistance of an aggregate to mechanical gradual applied load

by the Aggregate crushing value test.

Test Procedure

1. The apparatus and sample preparation is identical with that described above for
the Ten Percent Fines Test.
2. The cylinder, plunger and sample are placed in the compression test machine. It
is loaded at a uniform rate so that a force of 400 KN is reached in 10minutes. The
load is then released.
3. The percentage fines is then determined as before. The material passing 2.36 mm
is weighed (mass B) and expressed as a percentage of the original mass
(mass A) to give the aggregate crushing value (ACV).ACV = B/ A*
100% . . . (4)
Calculation and Results

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
The average is taken of two tests and the result recorded as Aggregate Crushing Value. If
the percentage fines exceed 30, the result may be anomalous as the broken pieces of
aggregate will tend to fill the voids and prevent further crushing. In this case, the Ten

Percent Fines Test is more appropriate

Example Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) Test (BS B12 Part 110)

Retain on No8® 1781 1945
Pass in No8® 656 567
Total 2437 2512
ACV((p/T)*100) 26.9 22.6%
2 23
Average ACV = = 25% Test result: ACV =25%

 Loss Angeles Abrasion (LAA)(ASHTO T-96)

Fig: 4.ACV mold and sample


To determine the resistance of coarse aggregate to impact in a rotating cylinder

containing metallic spheres.

Test Procedure

1. Place the test specimen and abrasive charge in the Los Angeles Abrasive
Testing Machine and close the opening with the dust-tight cover.
2. Start the testing machine and allow operating for the required number of
3. When the testing machine has completed rotating the required number of
revolutions, remove the cover and carefully empty the entire contents into a
pan. Remove the abrasive charge from the pan.
4. Separate the test specimen on the4.75-mm sieve, then sieve the
passing4.75-mm material on the 1.70-mm sieve. Combine the material retained
on the4.75 and 1.70-mm sieves. Weigh and record these values to the nearest 1
5. If the mass of material retained on the 1.70-mm sieve was determined after 100
revolutions, return the entire test specimen, including the material passing the
1.70-mm sieve, to the testing machine. Close the opening in the testing
machine and rate for the required number of additional revolutions, then
repeat Step 3 and 4 above

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Fig: 5. LAA machine

Calculation and Reporting

9. Calculate the “Percent Wear” to the nearest % using the following equation:

Percent Wear = [(A – B)/A)] x 100

Where: A = Mass of original test specimen, to the nearest 1 g

B = Mass retained on the 1.70-mm sieve after revolutions

Example Loss Angeles Abrasion Test Grading “B” 48+000 LHS 150m depth average
0.6m pit 2
5000 40

 Sodium sulfate soundness (SSS)(ASHTO T-104) test

Objective: This test method measures aggregate resistance to disintegration.

Test Procedure

1. Immerse samples in the prepared solution of sodium or magnesium sulfate for 16

to 18 hours.
2. Cover the tank to reduce evaporation and prevent contamination.
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School of civil and environmental engineering
3. Maintain the solution at a temperature of 20 to 24°C (68 to 75°F) for the
immersion period.
4. Remove the aggregate samples from the solution, permit them to drain for 15 ± 5
minutes, and place in the drying oven.

Table 4 . Sample Size Fractions for Sodium sulfate soundness (SSS) test

Item Sieve Passing Sieve Weight,

Retained g
Base Material 4.75 mm (No. 2.36 mm (No. 100 ± 5
4) 8)
Base Material 2.36 mm (No. 1.18 mm (No. 100 ± 5
8) 16)
Base Material 1.18 mm (No. 600 μm (No. 100 ± 5
16) 30)
Base Material 600 μm (No. 300 μm (No. 100 ± 5
30) 50)
Course 2´ 1 ⅟2´´ 2000
Course 1 ⅟2´´ 3/4´´ 1500
Course 3/4´´ 3/8´´) 1000
Course retained on 300
aggregate No 4
Fig: 6.seive shaker

5. Oven-dry the samples until they reach a constant mass. Constant mass will be
considered achieved when the mass loss is less than 0.1% of the sample mass in
four hours of drying.
6. Allow the samples to cool to room temperature.
7. Repeat Sections 1 through 6 for a total of five cycles unless otherwise specified.
8. After completion of the final cycle, allow the sample to cool to room temperature.
9. Wash sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate free from the sample. Wash by
circulating water continuously at 43 ± 6°C (110 ± 10°F) through the samples in
their containers. Determine the thoroughness of washing by obtaining a sample of
water flushed through the aggregate; check by adding 0.2 M barium chloride to
the rinse water. If the water becomes cloudy, additional washing is required.
10. Oven-dry each fraction to a constant mass.
11. Sieve to refusal in accordance with the following sieve sizes.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
1. Calculate Individual Percent Loss of each size fraction (ci):

Where: ai = initial mass of each size fraction bi = final mass of each size fraction.

2. Calculate Normalized Percent Loss of each size fraction (di)

3. Calculate Total Percent Loss

Example Test No1 Soundness Test for fine Aggregates (13.5-6mm)

Fig: 7. Sulphate attacked aggregate under test.

Table 5 .Gradation for soundness

Sieve size Weight %Retain % Pass

3/8´ - - 100
No 4 0.65 0.13
“ 8 238.48 47.7
“ 16 103.86 20.77
“ 30 49.89 9.98
“ 50 29.39 5.88
“ 100 17.65 3.53
pass 60.08 12.01
500.00 100.00
Soundness calculation table

Sieve size Weight before Weight after Loss % Loss Average

test(gm) test(gm) Loss
No 8 100 94.14 5.86 5.86 2.8
“ 16 100 92.51 7.49 7.49 1.56
“ 30 100 91.75 8.25 8.25 0.82
“ 50 100 91.99 8.01 8.01 0.47
Result report: Soundness Loss by sodium sulfate = 6%

 Bulk SSD Specific Gravity andwater Absorption for course

aggregate(AASHTO T- 85)
Objective: Determining the bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate in a saturated surface-dry
(SSD) condition.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
Test Procedure

1. Make all weightings to the nearest gram.

2. Weigh the empty pail and record as tare mass of pail, (M1).
3. Submerge the pail, as shown in Figure 1, and exercise care when immersing to see that
no air is trapped under the pail. Adjust the water level in the container to intersect the
straight portion of the lower section of the hook-ended rod. Place a reference mark at
this intersection of the rod with the water surface or insert an overflow spout through
the side of the water container at this level. Adjust to this same water level within ± 25
mm for all future “in water” weighings. Weigh the pail and rod in water and record as
mass, M2. Remove the pail from the water container and invert it to dry, as it will be
used later as a container for the sample when weighed in air.
4. Roll the wet sample in a large absorbent cloth until all excess water is removed,
although the surfaces of the particles still appear to be damp. The larger fragments or
particles may be individually wiped. Exercise care to avoid evaporation of absorbed
water during the operation of surface drying.
5. Immediately after it has reached a saturated surface-dry (SSD) condition place the
sample in the dry pail and weigh in air. Record this mass, M3.
6. Remove the pail and sample from the balance and add enough water to the pail to
completely inundate the sample. Stir the inundated sample with the spoon, rod or hand
in order to remove any entrapped air.
7. Add enough water to almost fill the pail and attach the pail to the balance by means of
the hook-ended rod. Lower and immerse the pail and sample to within ± 25 mm of the
same level where the pail was when filled with water only. Exercise care when
immersing to see that no air is trapped under the pail. Weigh the pail, rod and sample in
water and record as mass, M4.
8. oven dry the sample and measure the mass.

Fig: 8.specific gravity of course aggregate test model diagram


1. The mass of the sample in water, Mw, is equal to the mass of the pail, rod and
sample in water minus the mass of the pail and rod in water Mw = M4 - M2.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
2. The mass of the sample in saturated SSD condition in air, Ma, is equal to the mass
of the SSD sample and dry pail in air minus the mass is the dry empty pail: Ma =
M3 - M1
3. Calculate the bulk specific gravity (SSD) from the following formula:
Bulk Sp. Gr. (SSD) = Ma /(Ma - Mw)
4. Duplicate determinations should check to within ± 0.02.

Table6.Bulk Specific gravity (SSD & dry basis) for aggregate size (13.2-6mm)( ASHTO-T85)

Sample Sample
(a) (b)
A= Mass of oven dray 213.60 2131.24
B= Mass of saturated surface 2177.28 2174.31
dray(SSD) in air
C= Mass of saturated test sample 1405.80 1400.00
in water
Bulk Specific gravity SSD 2.822≃2 2.809≃2
basis=B/(B-C) .82 .81
Average Bulk Specific gravity SSD 2.82
Bulk Specific gravity Dray 2. 66≃2 2. 52≃2
basis=A/(B-C) .77 .76
Average Bulk Specific gravity Dray 2.77
Water Absorption 2.05 2.02
Average Water Absorption 2.0

Fig: 9. Specific gravity balance

 Elongation index(BS 812-100)

Objective: To determine the percentage by mass of elongated particles to the total mass
of sample.

Sample Preparation

Use the material retained on any of the following sieves: ¾”, ½”, 3/8”, ¼” or the #4 sieve
and has been placed into separate containers. Aggregates retained on each sieve which
comprises at least 4 percent of the total sample, shall be tested.

Test Procedure

1. Wash and oven dry samples to a constant weight at 110 ± 5 °C. (230 ± 9 °F.)
2. Test each of the particles in each size fraction using the elongation gauge for each
sieve size.
3. Separate the particles passing through the elongation gauge from those that do not
pass through.
4. Weigh the particles passing the elongation gauge to the nearest 0.1 gram.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
5. Weigh the particles retained on the gauge to the nearest 0.1 gram.

A A1 A2
% Elongation Index x 100
A A1 A2 B B1 B2


A, A1, A2 = Weight passing a given elongation gauge

B, B1, B2 = Weight retained on the same elongation gauge

Fig: 10.Elongation gauge

 Flakinessindex(BS 812-101)

Objective: The Flakiness Index test determines the percentage of flat particles in a seal
coat aggregate.

Test Procedure

1. Wash and oven dry samples to a constant weight at 110 ± 5 °C. (230 ± 9 °F.)
2. Test each of the particles in each size fraction using the slotfor each sieve size.
3. Separate the particles passing through the slotfrom those that do not pass through.
4. Weigh the particles passing the slot to the nearest 0.1 gram.
5. Weigh the particles retained on the gauge to the nearest 0.1 gram.

A A1 A2
% Flakiness Index x 100
A A1 A2 B B1 B2


A, A1, A2 = Weight passing a given slot

B, B1, B2 = Weight retained on the same slot

Fig: 11.Flakiness slot

 Ductility of Asphalt

Objective: To measure of the tensile properties of the polymer modified asphalt cement
residue of a polymer modified emulsified asphalt.

Test Procedure

1. The sample shall consist of the asphalt cement residue obtained from the
distillation of a polymer modified emulsified asphalt. Strain the melted sample
through a 300 mm sieve
2. After a thorough stirring pour the sample in the mold.Take care not to
disarrange the parts and thus distort the specimen.

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
3. Allow the test specimen to cool to room temperature for 15 minutes and then
place in a water bath at 4o C for 15 minutes.

Fig : 12. Ductility of Asphalt Mold and testing machine while in test

4. Remove the test specimen from the water bath and cut off excess bitumen with a hot,
straight edged putty knife or spatula to make the mold just level full
5. Place the trimmed specimen and mold back in the water bath at 4o C for 30 minutes
prior to testing.
6. Remove the test specimen from the plate by a shearing action between the specimen
and plate, avoiding any bending of the test specimen. Detach the side pieces and attach
the specimen to the pins.
7. Position the cross leads and ensures that the load cells are attached to the specimen.
8. Set the elongation rate for 5 cm/min.
9. Elongate the specimen for 100 cm or until the test specimen ruptures.

 Flash and Fire point of Asphalt(ASTM D 92)

Objective: To determine the Flash and Fire points of petroleum products

Test Procedure
1. Place the apparatus on level, solid, vibration free table and where no drafts
are present. If there are drafts, it will be necessary to shield the apparatus
2. Place the thermometer in a proper position with respect to the cup
3. Fill the sample cup to the filling line
4. N.B. the temperature of the material should be as low as possible, and
5. Maximum 56 o C below the expected flash point
6. Light the test flame and adjust its position and diameter
7. Apply heat and adjust the rate of temperature rise as the test proceeds
8. Starting at minimum 28 o C below the flash point, apply one sweep of fig13. flash and firepoint

the test flame for every 2 o C rise on the thermometerFigure16fire point tester

9. N.B. the flame for the test flame to cross the test cup should be approximately 1 second

10. The flash point is recorded as the reading on the thermometer when the 1st true flash
appears on the sample surface

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
11. To determine the fire point, continue heating at specified rate of 5-6 o C and apply the test
flame for each 2 o C rise in temperature. The fire point is recorded as the thermometer reading
when the sample ignites and continues to burn for at least 5 seconds


Correction applied for change in atmospheric pressure

Corrected value = C + 0.03 (760-P)

Where, C – observed flash/fire point temperature to the nearest 2 o C

P – Barometric pressure in mmHg

 Solubility(ASTM D 2042)

Objective: To determine the degree of solubility of asphalt cement in


Test Procedure

1. Place the grouch crucible plus one thickness of the glass fiber pad in an oven
at110 ± 5 o C for 15 minutes, allow to cool in a desiccators and weigh
2. Take 2 cm of asphalt and 100 cc of tri chloro-ethylene to the beaker
3. Continuously agitate the beaker until all the asphalt cement is uniformly
dispersed in the solution
4. Cover the container and set aside for at least 15 minutes
5. Filter the solution in the filter in the filtering gooch crucible
6. Remove the gooch crucible from the filtering tube, carefully clean off any
bitumen from the bottom of the crucible with trichloro-ethylene
7. Dry and weigh the material retained in the filter
Calculation% soluble = 100 – * 100 Where, A – weight of insoluble

% in soluble = * 100 B – weight of asphalt cement sample

NOTE: For percentage of insoluble in asphalt concrete sample less than 1 %, report to
the nearest 0.01 %. For percentage of insoluble greater than 1.0 %, report to the nearest
0.1 %

 Specific Gravity(ASTM D 70)

 Objective: To determine the specific gravity of Asphalt
Test Procedure
1. Fill the beaker partially with distilled water and place it in the water bath
2. Take the weight of Pycnometer (clean and dry)

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
3. Fill the Pycnometer with distilled water and place in the beaker at 25 ± 0.1 o C for
at least 30 minutes. N.B. the water level should be above the Pycnometer
4. Pick the Pycnometer from the beaker, dry the surface and weigh
5. Melt the bituminous sample until it is sufficiently fluid to pour; stir gently to
prevent local overheating

6. A clean, dry and preheated Pycnometer is filled with the material to

approximately ¾ of its capacity. Cool the Pycnometer to room temperature for
40 minutes and weigh the Pycnometer
7. Fill the Pycnometer with distilled water and place in the beaker standing in the
water bath for a minimum of 30 minutes
8. Pick up the Pycnometer from the beaker, dry the surface and weigh

Calculation Specific Gravity = ( ) ( )

Where, A – Mass of Pycnometer C – Mass of Pycnometer partially filled with sample

B – Mass of Pycnometer filled with distilled water D – Mass of Pycnometer +

Sample + Water

Fig14.pycnometer filled with asphalt

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37 Internship final report

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Therefore according to the design table as per provided the quantity of each aggre

gate (fine or coarse ) is being determined from an iteration. And this value is just

reported to the clients.offcourse tentative check for use of what is being reported

will be checked by the owner such as ERA accordingly.

 Penetration test for Asphalt(ASTM D 5)

Test procedure
1. Material identification.
2. Date Air TemperatureoC
3. Date of preparation of test Specimens .
4. Depth of sample in container(specified to be at least 10 mm. greater than depth of
penetration of needle)mm
5. Length of air cooling period before placing in controlled waterbath(specified to be
between 1 1/2 and 2 hr.)
6. 6. Clock time specimen placed in controlled water bath .
7. Clock time specimen removed from controlled water bath. .
8. Interval in controlled water bath (specified to be b/n 1 ½ and 2 hr.)
9. Weight of load on needle. gm
10. Time of application of needle to specimen sec.
11. Temperature of controlled water bath 0C
12. Take readings until 3 penetration values are secured whose average meets the tolerance
requirements. Circle the 3 penetration values used in computing the penetration value
recorded on line 13. Report penetration value as the nearest whole number.
13. Penetration value for mate.

Fig15. Penetration container and penetrometer


38 Internship final report

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
penetration Procedures used In Geotechnical (soil) Testing Laboratory

 Moisture content

Objective To determine the amount of water present in a soil i.e. moisture content

Test procedures

1. Clean and dry the container, then weigh it to the nearest 0.1g
2. A representative sample shall be crumbled and loosely placed in the container
 For fine grained soils the sample weight shall be min
 For medium grained soils the sample weight shall be min 300g
 For coarse grained soils the sample weight shall be min 3kg
1. The container with sample shall immediately be weighed
2. After drying, weigh the container and the contents.


Calculate the moisture content of the soil specimen, w,as a percentage of the dry soil
mass to the nearest .1% from the equation:

W= ( ) x100(%) Where, M1 is the mass of the container, M2 is the mass of

the container and wet soilM3 is the mass of the container and dry soil

 Grain Size Analysis-Hydrometer Test

Objective: To plot continuous particle size distribution curve of a solution Hydrometer

method covers the determination of particle size distribution in a soil from the coarser
sand size to the clay size by sedimentation. The mesh of the finest screen commercially
available is 75 um. If at least 10% of the particles in the soil under test are smaller than
75 um (No. 200) sieve, sedimentation has to be carried out.

Test Procedure

1. In hydrometer test, the grain size is determined on the basis of the settling rate
of the particles in a liquid. The relationship between diameter of grains and
speed of settling of a sphere is direct.
2. About 20 to 50 gm of the soil to be tested is taken in natural wet condition (mw),
more if the soil particle are coarse, and less if they are finer. The sample is then

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
soaked in 100-200 cm3 of distilled water in a glass bowl, with the harder lumps
being broken up by moderate hand pressure, and the solution is left to rest.
3. After soaking for at least one whole night the solution is agitated again and
eventually diluted by the addition of little water.
4. The diluted solution is poured into mechanical operating stirring device in order
to crush the soil lumps in to fines.
5. The solution is poured in the settling cylinder with dispersing agent to prevent
coagulation, and then the cylinder is filled with distilled water, up to the 1000
cm3 mark.
6. The cylinders should be kept where no open windows, direct sunshine, over
heat, or vibration effect might act upon them.
7. Great care should be taken to make the temperature of water identical to the

Fig16.Hydrometercylinder under test

8. Now onwards, the density (specific gravity) of the suspended solution is

subsequently measured at the different times after having started the test.
9. Finally we will use formulas to convert time for settling and hydrometer reading
into diameter of soil grains.

 Atterberg Limits

Objective:To determine the plasticity index (PI)

 Test procedure

 Liquid limit (LL)

1. The tests are conducted on soil samples passing 0.425mm (No. 40) sieve.
2. Place the soil sample on a mixing dish and thoroughly mix it with distilled water.
3. Place the mixed sample on casagrande cup by squeezing to prevent air entrapment.
4. The soil in the cup of the device shall be divided by a firm stoke of grooving tool
along the diameter through the centreline of cam follower
5. The cup shall be lifted and dropped until the two sides of the sample come in contact
at the bottom of the groove. Record the no of blows (shakes) of the cup
6. Take a sample of soil from the cup into container and weigh it for moisture content
7. Repeat all the steps at least for 2 more samples with different water content in order
to plot moisture content vs. number of blows curve.

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2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
8. Oven dry the soil in the containers and record the weight.
N.B. Liquid limit of the soil is a moisture content which corresponds to 25 blows to
close the grooved surface. We can read it from moisture content vs. number of blows
 Plastic limit (PL)
1. Form ball of soil by mixing air dry sample with small water.
2. Mould the balls of soil between fingers and roll it between the palms of the hand
until the soil starts to crack slightly at a diameter of about 3mm.
3. Divide the sample into 2 subsamples and weigh it.
4. Oven dries the subsamples in the containers and records the weight.
Calculation: PI = LL – PL

 Compaction Test (Procter Test)

Objective: To determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content
Table 7. Standard proctor test (light compaction test) - 2.5 k.g hammer

Method Mold diameter Material pass Compacted No.of blows/layer

A 101.6 4.75 3 25
B 152.4 4.75 3 25
C 101.6 19 3 25
D 152.4 19 3 25

Table8. Modified proctor test (heavy compaction test) - 4.54 kg hammer

Method Mold diameter Material pass Compacted No.of blows/layer

A 101.6 4.75 5 56
B 152.4 4.75 5 56
C 101.6 19 5 56
D 152.4 19 5 56

Prepare 5 representative samples each above 3 k.g materials passing

I. 4.75 mm if cumulative % retained on 19 mm sieve is < 30% or

II. 19mm if cumulative % retained on 19 mm sieve is ≥ 30%

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Test procedure

1. Mix the sample thoroughly with a proposed amount of water which increases
gradually from first to last specimen
2. Place a quantity of well mixed soil in compaction mould such that it occupies a
little over 1/3rd or 1/5th of height of mould box when compacted.
3. Compact the soil uniformly using free fall of proper hammer by applying the
specified no. of blows as shown above.
4. Repeat the same process for each layer
5. When all the layers are compacted, remove the extension collar from the excess
soil, level the surface of the compacted soil to the top of mould using straight
6. Weigh the soil and the mould
7. Remove the compacted sample from the mould. Take a representative sample of
soil for determination of moisture content
8. Re-do all the test process on the remaining four test specimens
9. Plot the compaction curve based on the results on five specimens which can be
summarized as in the table below
10 .Read Maximum dry density (MDD) and Optimum moisture content (OMC) from
the curve

Table9. Proctor data format

A Test No. 1 2 3 4 5
B Wt. of mould + wet soil Grams
C Wt. of mould Grams
D Wt. of wet soil Grams
E Volume of mould cm3
F Wet density gm/cm3

G Container Grams
H Wt. cont + wet soil Grams
I Wt. cont + dry soil Grams
J Weight of water Grams
K Weight of container Grams
L Weight of dry soil Grams

M Moisture content %
N Dry density gm/cm3
Maximum dry density:MDD = __________ gm/ccOptimum moisture content: OMC = _______ %

42 Internship final report

2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
 CBR and Swell

Objective: To determine the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and % Swell of a given soil

Test procedure

I. Compaction

1. Assemble compaction mould and record its weight

2. In one of the three moulds i.e. for 10,30 and 65 blows, place a quantity of thoroughly
mixed moist sample such that it occupies a bit over 1/3 or 1/5 of mould volume when
3. Compact the layer uniformly by applying the proper number of blows with free fall of
4. Remove the rammer, fill the next layer and repeat the same process until final layer
5. Remove the extension collar, trim the extra sample and take a record of weight
6. Remove the sample from mould and take a representative sample for moisture
7. Repeat all the above processes for the remaining two samples.

II. Soaking
1. Place filter paper on the top of each sample and fit perforated base plates on the top of
the moulds
2. Assemble the moulds and place in empty soaking tank
3. Mount the dial gauge to read swell in place and adjust it to give a conventional zero
reading and then fill the tank with water
4. Record reading of the dial gauge everyday
5. After 4 days of soaking, takeoff the dial gauge and its support, remove the mould
assembly from soaking tank and allow it to drain for 15 min.
6. Carefully remove the surcharge discs, perforated swell plate and extension collar.

III. Penetration
1. Weigh the soaked sample before penetration.
2. Assemble the mould containing the sample on testing machine
3. Apply a seating force on the plunger, adjust the loading ring and
penetration dial gauge reading to zero
4. Start the penetration of sample by the plunger at a uniform
rate of 1 mm/min
5. Record the reading of loading ring for standard penetration
6. Perform penetration test for all the samples

Swell (%) = (final reading-initial reading)/127 *100

Load= dial*ring factor

CBR value1 (%) = P1*100/13.2

CBR value2 (%) = P2*100/20Figure 21CBR machine

CBR value(%) = Max. (CBR value1 (%), CBR value2 (%)) fig17.CBR machine

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School of civil and environmental engineering
Where, P1 and P2 are plunger forces at 2.54mm and 5.08mm penetration respectively

Density of soil from CBR Mould (g/cm3) Before After

soaking soaking
Weight of soil + mould (g) W2 Plunger
Weight of mould (g) W1 Penetra Dial Load
Weight of wet soil(g) W2 – W 1 tion
Volume mould(g) V (mm)
Wet density of soil (g) W2 – W1/V 0.64
Dry density (g) (W2 – W1)/V (1 +
Moisture Content 1.91
Container No. 2.54
Weight of wet soil + W3 3.18
container (g) 3.81
Weight of dry soil + W2
container (g)
Weight of container (g) W1 5.08
Weight of moisture (g) W3 – W 2 7.62
Weight of dry soil (g) W2 – W 1 9.16
Moisture content in (%) (W3 – W2 )/(W2 –
W 1)

Table 10.CBR data format

Objective: To determine the Unconfined compressive strength (UCS)of a given soil


Test procedure
1. Collect necessary data from Procter test like MDD, OMC, and NMC.
2. Calculate mass of soil and volume of water which can fill UCS mold.
3. Mix the soil with water.
4. Place all moist sample in the UCS mold
5. Remove UCS mold and put molded sample by covering plastic.
6. Apply load on molded UCS sample by using soil UCS tester machine.
7. Read dial readings from machine and write on UCS format table.
8. Calculate stress according to the table format as shown below.
9. Draw stress vs. strain diagram and determinequ

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Table 11. UCS data format

DDR LD ∆L=DDR * LDR * 1.85 /2.2 %ε=∆L/Lo * Ao Ac=Ao/(1- stress

R 0.00254 100 ε)
0 0 0 0 0 24.63 24.630086 0
10 1.3 0.0254 1.093181818 0.222807018 24.63 24.685086 0.044
20 17. 0.0508 14.71590909 0.445614035 24.63 24.740332 0.595
5 8
30 20 0.0762 16.81818182 0.668421053 24.63 24.795826 0.678
40 21. 0.1016 18.07954545 0.89122807 24.63 24.851570 0.728
5 6
50 22. 0.127 18.92045455 1.114035088 24.63 24.907565 0.76
5 4
60 23 0.1524 19.34090909 1.336842105 24.63 24.963813 0.775
70 23 0.1778 19.34090909 1.559649123 24.63 25.020315 0.773
80 20 0.2032 16.81818182 1.78245614 24.63 25.077074 0.671
90 15 0.2286 12.61363636 2.005263158 24.63 25.134091 0.502
qu=0.775kg/cm2 C = qu/2 =0.03875 kg/ cm2

Strain at failure =1.34%

 Linear shrinkage

Objective: To determine the linear shrinkage of a given soli.

Test procedure

1. The tests are conducted on soil samples passing 0.425mm (No. 40) sieve.
2. Place the soil sample on a mixing dish and thoroughly mix it with distilled water.
3. Place the mixed sample on Casagrande cup by squeezing to prevent air entrapment.
4. The soil in the cup of the device shall be divided by a firm stoke of grooving tool
along the diameter through the centreline of cam follower
5. By trial and error determine the water content which make the
6. two sides of the sample come in contact at the bottom of the

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
groove, by usingaround 25 no of blows (shakes) of the cup.
7. Take a sample of soil from the cup into shrinkage
container and shake by hand until the bubbles come out.
8. Air dray the samples to protect them from crake for
some time according to the soil property.

Fig18. shrinkage mold

9. Oven dry the soil in the containers and record the linear length.
10. Linear shrinkage is equal to ((Lo-Lf)*100)/ Lo, but Lo is equal to 14cm i.e.
length of mold. Procedures used In the Concrete Testing Laboratory

 Concrete mix design(ACI Mix design method)

The design of concrete mix is based on requirements and quality tests like:

(a) Grade of concrete

(b) Type of cement
(c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate
(d) Fineness modulus test coarse aggregate
(e) Fineness modulus test coarse aggregate
(f) Specific gravity test of cement
(g) Specific gravity test of coarse aggregate
(h) Specific gravity test of fine aggregate
(i) Bulk density of coarse aggregate
(j) minimum water cement ratio
(k) Workability

Fig19: concrete mixer

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

ACI Mix design Procedure

1. Determine the slump depending on the degree of workability and placing

condition. A concrete of the stiffest consistency (lowest slump) that can be
placed efficiently should be used.
2. Determine the maximum size of coarse aggregate that is economically available
and consistent with dimensions of the structure.
3. Determine the amount of mixing water for the given slump and maximum size of
coarse aggregate from Table 4. This table also indicates approximate amount of
entrapped air.
4. Determine the minimum water-cement ratio from the curve.
5. Determine the amount of cement per unit volume of concrete from steps3 and 4.
This cement content should not be less than the cement content required
based on durability or some other criterion.
6. Determine the amount of coarse aggregate required for a unit volume of
concrete from Table 5. The value thus obtained is multiplied by the dry rodded
unit weight if the aggregate to get the required dry weight.
7. Determine the amount of fine aggregate.At completion of step 6, all ingredients
of the concrete have been estimated except the fine aggregate. If the weight of
concrete per unit volume is assumed, the required weight of fine aggregate is
simply the difference between the weight of fresh concrete and the total weight
of all other ingredients. An estimate of weight of fresh concrete can be made
either by using Eq. 1 or Table 6

Wm = 10ρA(lOO-A)+γc(1- ρA/ ρC) -γw(ρA - 1) (1)

WhereWm = weight of fresh concrete, kg/m3ρC = specific gravity of cement (= 3.15)

ρA = weighted average specific gravity of combined fine and coarse aggregateA = air
content, percent,γw = mixing water requirement, kg/m3 γc = cement requirement,

8. Adjust the mixing water quantity based on the moisture content in the
9. Check the calculated mix proportions by means of trial batches prepared
and tested in accordance with the relevant IS specifications and make
another trial, if necessary.

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School of civil and environmental engineering

Table12.bulk volume of course aggregate

Maximum size Bulk volume of dray-rodded course aggregate per unit volume of
of concrete
aggregate(mm) Finesse modulus of fine aggregate
2.4 2.6 2.8 3
10 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
40 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.7
50 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.72
70 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.75
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81

Table 13.Approximate water requirement for different slumps and maximum size of course

Slump(m Water, Kg/m3 of concrete for maximum size of course aggregate(mm)

10 12.5 20 25 40 50 70 15
Non air entered concrete
30-50 205 200 185 180 160 155 14 12
5 5
80-100 225 215 200 195 175 170 16 14
0 0
150-180 240 239 210 205 185 180 17 -
Approximate % of 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2
entered air content
Air entered concrete
30-50 180 175 165 160 145 140 13
80-100 200 190 180 175 160 155 15
150-180 215 205 190 185 170 165 16
Recommended 8 7 205 5 4.5 4 3.5
percent of average
total air

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School of civil and environmental engineering

Table14. First estimate of course Aggregate(mm)

Maximum size of course Firest estimate of concrete weight (Kg/m3)

Aggregate(mm) Non-air entered Air entered concrete
10 2285 2190
12.5 2315 2235
20 2355 2280
25 2375 2315
40 2420 2355
50 2445 2375
70 2465 2400

 Specific Gravity And Absorption Of Fine Aggregates (Aashto T 84)

Objective: To determin the specfic gravity and absorbtion capacity of fine aggregate.

Test Procedure
1. Thoroughly mix the sample and reduce the sample to the required size in
accordance with AASHTO T 248. The sample size for this procedure is
approximately 1000g of material passing the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve.
2. Dry test samples to constant weight in an oven set at 230 ± 9°F (110 ± 5°C). Cool
the sample at room temperature for 1 to 3 hours. After the cooling period,
immerse the sand in water at room temperature for a period of 15 to 19 hours.
3. Decant water from sample, avoiding loss of fines. Spread the sample on a flat,
non-absorbent surface. Stir the sample occasionally to assist in homogeneous
4. Calibrate a specific gravity flask pycnometer by filling with water at 73.4 ± 3°F
(23 ± 1.7°C) to the calibration line. Record this weight as the weight of the
pycnometer filled with water to the nearest 0.1g.
5. Place the SSD sand into the pycnometer (Figure 5) and fill with water (set at 73.4
± 3°F (23 ± 1.7°C)) to 90% of pycnometer capacity.
Figure 24pycnometer
6. Bring the pycnometer to the pycnometer calibrated capacity with additional

Fig20.pycnometer operating

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School of civil and environmental engineering
7. Determine the total weight of pycnometer, specimen, and water. Record the
weight to the nearest 0.1g as Weight of Pycnometer with sample and water.

Calculations: Determine calculations based on appropriate formula for desired result

as follows:

A. Bulk Specific Gravity (Gsb):Gsb = A / (B-C) Where: A = Oven dry wt .B = SSD wt.
C = Wt. in water
B. Bulk SSD Specific Gravity (Gsb SSD): Gsb SSD = B / (B-C) % Abs = [ (B-A) / A] x
C. Apparent Specific Gravity (Gsa): Gsa = A / (A-C)
D. Absorption (% Abs): % Abs = [ (B-A) / A] x 100

 Normal consistency of cement(ASTM C 187,AASHTO T 129)

Objective: To determine the amount of water required to prepare standard cement

pastes, initial and final setting time of cement.

A 300 gm cement sample with a measured quantity of clean water is thoroughly mixed
with in using of a trowel.

1. Quickly from the cement pastes in the approximate shape of the ball with gloved
hand by tossing 6 times from one hand to another a free path of about 6in
(150mm)so as to produce a neatly spherical mass that may be easily interested
in to the vicat ring mold.
2. Immediately after filling the mold level the past and lower the plunger gently and
bring it in contact with the surface of the paste.
3. Release the plunger immediately.
4. Thirty seconds after releasing the plunger record its penetration.
5. The paste is said to be of normal consistency when the rod settles 10+1 mm
below the original surface within thirty sec.
6. Repeat the above procedures varying the proportion of water until a paste of
normal consistency is obtained.
7. The amount of water for normal consistency is then expressed as a percentage
by weight of the dry cement.


 Setting time of normal cement(ASTM C191, AASHTO T 154)

Objective:To determine the initial setting time and the final setting time of Figure
24Vicatappa.Cement paste with normal consistency.

1. Proper cement paste of normal consistency

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
2. Remove the excess at the larger end by a single of sharpened trowels.
3. Invert the larger ring on the glass plate and slice off the excess pastes on the
smaller end at a single oblique stroke by a sharpened trowel held at a slight take
care not to compress the paste.
4. Immediately after molding, place the test specimen in the moist room and allow
angle with the top of the ring. During the operation of cutting and smoothing
5. it to remain there except when determination of setting is being made. The
specimen shall remain in the conical mold supported by the glass throughout the
test period .allow the specimen to remain in the moist cabinet for 30 min after
molding without disturbing. Lower the needle until it rests on the surfaces of the
6. Tighten the screw and set the indicator at the upper end of the setting time initial
reading. Release the rod quickly and allow the needle to settle for 30 sec .no
penetration is made closer than 10mm from the inside of the mold (ASTEM 95).
7. Determine the penetration of the 1mm (diameter) needle at this time and every
10min thereafter until penetration of 25mm or less is obtained and record the
results of all penetration testes.
8. Interpolate between the results obtained to determine the time when a
penetration of needle does not sinks visibly in to the paste.

Figure 22.Glimore apparatus while testing

 Silt content of sand

Objective: To determine the silt (finer than No 200 sieve) content in sand.

1. Take graduated cylinder or jar having a capacity of greater than 100ml.

2. Pour 30ml of sand to the cylinder.
3. Fill approximately 4/3 of the cylinder with water.
4. Shake the cylinder vigorously for a about a min
5. Leave the cylinder for about an hour to allow them to settle on the layer of
the sand.
6. Measure the amount of fines forming a separate layer on the top of the
washed sand.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 Workability of mortar

Objective: To determine the workability or fluidity of fresh mixed mortar.

1. Prepare cement sand and water with given proportion.

2. Mix cement and sand for about a min (dry mix) then add the required
amount of water and mix for about two min.
3. Carefully wipe the flow table tope clean and dry then place the flow mold at
the center of the table.
4. Fill the mortar to the mold with three layers and tamp 25 times each layer
with a tamping rod. The tamping pressure shall be just sufficient to ensure
uniform filling of the mold.
5. Cut off the mortar to a plane surface, slush with the top of the mold by
drawing the straight edge of the flow mold.
6. Wipe the table top clean and dry being especially careful to remove any
water from around the edge of the flow mold.
7. Lift the mold away from the mortar and then drop the table 25 times within
15 sec through a height of 13mm.
8. Using the caliper determine the flow by measuring the diameter of the
mortar along the lines on the tabletop(take 4 reading)

 Compressive strength of mortar

Objective: To determine the compressive strength of mortar.
1. Immediately following completion of the flow tests return the mortar from
the flow table to the mixing dish. Quickly scrap the dish and then remix the
entire batch for 15 sec.
2. Fill the mortar in to the cube mold with three layers and tamp each layer
25times with tamping rod. The tamping pressure shall be just sufficient to
ensure uniform filling of the mold.

Fig23.mortar mold

3. After 24 hrs remove the mortar cubes from the mold and cure them in
4. Determine the compressive strength of the mortars at the ages of 3, 7 and
28 days.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate(AASHTO T 27-93)

Objective: To determine the particle size distribution of course aggregate.
1. Weight 2kg of a sample of fine aggregate.
2. Quarter the sample using a riffle box.
3. From the quartered sample take 500gm.
4. Weight the empty sieves and record the data.
5. Place the pan to the bottom of the sieve shaker and put the other sieve in
to the pan with increasing opening size of the sieve.
6. Place the 500gm of sample on the top of sieve
7. Shake the sample about 2 min in a sieve shaker.
8. Weight each together with the aggregate retained on it.
Figure27 sieve
9. Calculate the weight retained on each sieve.

 Procedure for grading coarse aggregate(AASHTO T 27-93)

1. Weight 20kg of sample of coarse aggregate.
2. Select a representative sample by quartering.
3. From the quartered sample take 2kg.
4. Weight the empty sieve and record the data.
5. Place the 2kg of sample on the top sieve.
6. Shake the sample about 2 min in a sieve shaker.
7. Weight each sieve together with the aggregate record on.
8. Calculate the weight retained on each sieve.
Fig24.fine sieve shaker

 Auto clave Expansion of cement (ASTM C 151-84,AASHTO T 107)

Objective: to determine the response of the cement when it is under high
pressure (295PSI) and temperature condition.
Test Procedure
1. The mass of cement used for the pest is equal to two times the
cement used for setting time.
2. Tamping 25 times in two layers in the Autoclave mold andputting for
24hrs in moist place is the next step.
3. After 24hrs the initial length is measured by length comparator. And
putting the specimen in Autoclave tester machine for 3hrs
after adding 500ml distilled water under pressure of 295PS.
4. After cooling the specimen for 30mites the final length is
measured. Finally AEX is determined by calculating the
percent increase in length. And AEX value shall be between 0.02&0.8%.

 Slump test (Workability of concrete)( AASHTO T 119-93)

Objective:To determine workability of concrete.Figure28
1. Make sure that cone is clean, free from hardened concreteand dry inside
on the base plate, which must also be clean.
2. Stand with your feet on the foot rests.
3. Using the scoop fill the cone to about one third of its height and rod this
layer of concrete exactly 25 times using the tamping rod.
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School of civil and environmental engineering
 Compressive strength of concrete(AASHTO T 022-92)
Objective:To determine the compressive strength of concrete.
1. Use the same concrete mix for workability is determined.
2. Prepare a cubical mold (15*15*15) cm3 and oiled them in order to easily
demanding of the concrete cubes.
3. Fill the concrete in the cubical mold and vibrate in order to remove air
bubbles for about 30 sec.
4. Smooth the surface and remove the excess concrete on the cubes mold by
using spatula, and also register mixing date at the top of the concrete.
5. After 24hrs remove the concrete from the mold and cure in water till the
required date.
6. Load the concrete specimen to failure at 3, 7 and 28 days of age by using
testing machine and record the failure loads.
7. Calculate the stresses at failure by dividing the failure lodes by respective
contact areas with the load (the compressive strength).

 Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of drilled rock core

Objective: to determine the compressive strength of bed rock which are drilled
from ground at different depth.
1. The cylindrical sample is prepared with height equal to two times
the diameter of drilled rock.
2. The prepared sample is soaked in water for 24 hrs to consider worst
conditionthen the unconfined compressive strength of the sample is
determined, by putting the rock sample in compressive strength tester
machine and the maximum load which can be carried by the rock is
3. Finally, UCS is load divided by cross sectional area.

 Compressive strength of blocks

Objective: To determine the compressive strength of concrete blocks.
1. Measure the dimension of each block for a check.
2. Make the concrete surface, with the testing machine, of each sample plane
by chapping with 1:1 mortar of 2 to 3mm thickness. The cape shall be
aged for at least 24 hrs before the samples are tested.
3. Place samplesin a position such that the load is applied in the same
direction as in service and the sample is centralized b/n the pressure
4. Increase the compressive force at the rate of 0.2 to 0.5 N/mm2(2 to
5kg/cm2) until the sample breaks.
5. Record the maximum load (load at rupture).

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School of civil and environmental engineering

Fig26. Compressive strength machine Fig27. Drilled Rock

Fig25.Autoclave machine

 Re-bar test for steel(AASHTO T 68-96)

Objective: To determine tensile strength, yield strength, mass per meter (Kg/m)
and reduction of area of Reinforcement bar which have different diameter. Itis
general test which used to determine different qualities of Reinforcement steel

1. Sampling is done by taking three samples for each diameter randomly

not less than 70cm in length.
2. Test procedure is started by measuring the length and mass of each
3. Then the maximum load which can be resisted by the bar is determined
by using tensile strength tester machine.
4. Finally ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, mass per meter (Kg/m),
elongation and reduction of area are calculated.
5. There are two different types of steel Grades which are G40 and G60. If
the steel is G40 the minimum yield strength is expected to be 300Mpa
and if the steel is G60 the minimum yield strength is expected to be
500Mpa. Also the minimum elongation is 12 percent.
 TCDsco is among known company in the country which have a machine to test
bars of high diameter.and ofcourse a machine which tests hollow steels.

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering

Figure 28 .tensile strength of steel testing machine

2.6 Challenges I faced while I was performing my work

While I was working in TCDsco we face different challenges both in design and in laboratory
section. Most of the problems of the company came from old age of the materials and
machines used in the company. Also poor attention for maintenance contributes a lot for
most challenges we face in the company. The other challenge source of the company is
inability to update the machineries and software used in the company. Even the company
has such sources of problems, but the company has highly experienced and qualified
workers who can do accurate and standardized quality work by facing and giving
appropriate solution for each and every problems.

Challenges we face while we were working in TCDsco are the following:

 Civil designer software is the oldest version and it may stack while working
 While working ACV test , the material was highly crushable and it crushed rapidly
fill all voids before ten munities and the machine can’t apply 400kN.

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School of civil and environmental engineering
 High quantity of dust particle was produced and may course health problem.
 Auto clave expansion sample is broken after it is casted and it was difficult to
measure the initial length to proceed the test.
 Manual balance of Specific gravity and hydrometer test is located near the tensile
strength testing mashing and the vibration caused by the machine decrease
accuracy of the result of the test.
 Shrinkage samples are broken after oven dray.
 UCS sample of soil was broken when the sample is removed from cylindrical mold.
 Since we didn’t take Highway II, I couldn’t fully understand different lab testes
specially Asphalt tests.
 Because of shortage of workers in the laboratory section, we face high work
 Some times their might not be electric power which affect working duration.
 Lack of safety is not the list challenge. The work is so hard it is not the hardness
only the feature of the laboratory work. A lot of dusts and being dirty is also typical
feature of laboratory work. This expose to lung diseases there are a lot of
chemicals for the test which are very dangerous for health including sulfur,
mercury, exylineand so on.

2.7 Measures taken to overcome Challenges faced

Measures taken to overcome Challenges we face while we were working in TCDSC are the

 For the third challenge we mentioned above additional spacer is added and the
test is repeated by other sample.
 Repetitive weighing of samples for accuracy.
 I used laboratory safety equipment’s to protect my health by myself.
 Manual balance is used, which is shown below.

Figure 29.Manual balance and Shrinkage sample

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School of civil and environmental engineering
 Since Auto clave expansion test has two trials it is continued by one trial. And for
the accuracy the test is repeated.
 Specific gravity and hydrometer tests are done as much as possible when the
machine is not working.
 Shrinkage samples put on air to dry before they are send to oven.
 For the UCS samples additional water is added to the sample and the sample is
putted in plastics to increase the cohesive nature of the soil. Also the mold is
painted by oil well.
 Maintaining some of machines is on progress.
 High sort of care is been taken while I was in a sections which are exposed to some
chemicals, machines and others as well. It is unquestionable that in a such section
there will be a harmful things be there,but I myself also take care of things which
harms my health as well.

4. Benefits of the internship

For something that takes inputs there is something in return, a benefit. In my internship too,
there were some benefits those are gained accordingly. While I was working in TCDSC in
general I have gained the following important and interesting benefits, which are:
 Practical skills
 Theoretical knowledge
 Interpersonal communication skills
 Team playing skills
 Leadership skills
 Work ethics related issues
 Entrepreneurship skills

These listed benefits are discussed below briefly:

4.1. Practical Skills

When we started working in the company everything was new for me. I had only the theoretical
knowledge of the works. It was really fascinating and inspiring to see and experience the
lessons we have been learning for the past there years. So I tried to experience and learn every
work as much as we can. I tried to learn every aspects of the work both technical and non-
technical terms. From our internship time in TDCsco we deserve high practical skill in design

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School of civil and environmental engineering
and laboratory sections of the company. Practical skills i gained in the company are listed

 Making Geometric design of the road by using Civil Designer software

 Using different design manuals for design of road like ERA, AACRA and TCDSC
manuals for practical design
 Using different software like Auto Cad, Civil Designer, Excel and
 Compiling and making full drawings of road design
 Preparing samples for different testes
 Using different laboratory machines and apparatuses
 Using different laboratory manuals like ASHTO,BS,ASTM and ACI for practical work
 Executing different tests by following different standards and manuals
 Calculating results of different tests
 Analyzing results of different tests
 Reporting results of different tests

4.2. Theoretical Knowledge

Since the practice depends first on theory, it was easy to correspond with each other. It is not
very challenging to change the theory into practice. Theoretical knowledge is dependable on
principles, logic and calculations. It is interesting when the theoretical knowledge & the practice
meet exactly as you wanted to.

In my internship time I have gained so many, theoretical knowledge’s in addition to practical

skills. Since I work in the design and laboratory sections of the company, most of the theoretical
knowledge I learn and read is applied effectively. And these help me to exercise and understand
in unforgettable way because I was designing and testing samples by my selves. These were
interesting to us and increase our intention towards the work. This and other different reasons
make me to have rich theoretical knowledge and experience.

The company has a well-organized library which is full of books. Anyone who is in the company
can access it. we were using this opportunity. This led us to know a lot. Additionally the
professional workers specially the youths were so enthusiastic to show and tell briefly anything
new for me additional to brief answer for my questions. There was time to perform a test by
ourselves which is encouraged us which develop our self-confidence. The other way that
increase our theoretical skill was some of the workers made a mistake on purpose and expect us
to correct and sometimes they asks us what to do next and they expect us to answer and judge
us. Which is a good way to make a person follow attentively? We personally want to thank them

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School of civil and environmental engineering
for being such a good teacher. This internship gave us much knowledge regarding highway
design in design division and concrete, soil, aggregate and asphalt tests in geotechnical division.

Generally speaking, my theoretical knowledge got strengthens more by these practical

techniques invested on laboratory and Design. This is because I had to refer every time when I
came across a problem.

4.3. Interpersonal Communication Skills

Interpersonal communication is a way of communication that a person have with other people
who might have contact with. Meeting with the staffs was a little tough. Then after time has
passed we let ourselves to them by reasonably talking on issues those are related to the
laboratory and design. Then step-by-step when we got into the work, there comes the
opportunity to communicate on work related talks.

The other relation we involved was with internees who were come from different universities
with different backgrounds. First day of our meeting it possessed a great effort for nice
interaction because of background, hobby and other similar things. But this situation changed
because we all are young. Our relation developed with days and we investigate common friends.

Every day we wear connecting with specific working class. This improves understanding the
thinking of the peoples around us. And finally we wear the one who communicate with
everyone in the laboratory and design. This was one of the main things that helped us to
improve our practical skills.

4.4. Team Playing Skills

Team playing skill is a skill of a person to work with other people co-operatively. This skill was
developed easily and rapidly. It begins when we were in campus. Some assignments given were
done in groups. This helps us to handle different characters of the persons we worked with.

Our work tasks need lot of cooperation and communication with one another specially
laboratory section because laboratory testes need high degree of coordination with
accuracy.The output result of one is input of the another. In each and every tasks contribution of
every individuals adds a value for the best output. While we were doing this different tasks,
ideas where rose and there were arguments between us.

Even each work task was done and completed by working as a team. For each and every test,
starting from sample preparation up to reporting the final result, accurate working ability, good

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Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
coordination and high care for the work are the basic requirement. This listed factors and other
conditions of the work highly upgrade our team playing ability.

4.5. Leadership Skills

Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples. In our internship time in TCDSCo
different works help us to improve and exercise our leadership ability. Leading a work came
with responsibility. And the works give us responsibility of performing different tests and
designs accurately with other peoples. Leading this tests and designs was our task, through this
time we exercise our leadership ability. And these highly contribute to the process of improving
our leadership skill.

Here in our working place, it is occupied with highly experienced and qualified person, this
person has a leading responsibility which can teach us how to lead the workers under his/her
control. Among very hard and difficult tasks in the construction field it is also very difficult to
lead a lot of employees. It would be one of the best ability of a good engineer. due to lack of
knowledge and experience or being out of mind for some reason, someone might runs a wrong
procedure or wrong reading. The tests which are performed there are highly risky, a little
mistake gives completely wrong value. Correction of this mistake is expected from the engineer.
This thing allowed us to foresee the future responsibility that would lay on our shoulder.

4.6. Work Ethics Issues

 Punctuality:-arriving on time at work was necessary since it was part of my job to
manage, control, monitor and supervise the portion of the task i was doing. In
laboratory punctuality is directly related with accuracy, correctness and finally with
result of test. Being not punctual means reporting incorrect result, this is because
most of laboratory tests are related with time, and arriving on time in laboratory is
must to have accurate and correct test result. All this helped me to understand how
punctuality is important in work place.
 Responsibility: - I have taken responsibility to the jobs I were doing and the
equipment’s. Responsibility in our work place was important work Ethics, because I
was responsible for all tasks I perform. This helped me to understand the
importance of responsibility.
 Office disciplines- in work place i don’t have to disturb the working
atmosphere. For example abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs
and things which disturb other worker’s working mood.

61 Internship final report

2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
 Reliability- The worker should be qualified for the part he is
supposed to be performing. He/she must have appropriate skill and
knowledge for the task assigned.
 Honesty- Regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should
abstain from bad behaviors such as cheating , bias , corruption etc..
 Cooperation- Each worker should interact and cooperate with each
other while working. That is because it is through such system problems could
be easily solved , which facilitate the work flow in the company.

4.7. Entrepreneurship skills

By now in our country construction is the leading business relative to other new business. Since
our country is developing country the country need different more civil facilities to become
developed country, which need high participation of Civil Engineers starting from design up to
construction. Construction needs high investment which delivers high profit for both contractor
and client. We saw and hear different construction related problems. Understanding this make
me to think more about being Entrepreneur and we saw different construction firms which
work together with TCDSCo.

5. Conclusion

TCDSCo is a highly experienced independent company since 1987. The major part of the
company’s staff holds different professionals of Civil Engineering fields including Highway
Engineers, Structural Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, Hydrologists,
Photogrametrists, Surveyors and so on. The company also includes Chemists, Economists,
laboratory technicians, specialists in construction management, preparation of specifications
and contract documents, Computer application and other supporting staffs other than non-
professional laborers. The company involved in many major construction projects including
Bole international airfield and Addis Ababa ring road.

6. Recommendation for the company

 Try to keep highly professional skilled man powers of the company; this enables the
firm to attend projects with a lot of speed and accuracy.
 Substitute workers rapidly as soon as possible when they resign from the company.
 Use additional modern computers, machineries and equipment’s, this will enable the
projects to be finished with a lot of speed and will save a lot time and facilitate the wok
flow in the company. And also has the advantage of using the machineries for a longer
period of time..

62 Internship final report

2006 E.C
Addis Ababa institute of technology
School of civil and environmental engineering
 Give proper and enough safety equipment’s especially for laboratory workers.
 Facilitate some short courses and trainings to the workers to update the with recent
 Make strong communication between different departments of the company each other.
 Implement a Generator to run all the tasks quickly for the customer’s satisfaction when
there is no electric power.

7. Reference

 ASHTO Material Test Manual

 ASTM Material Test Manual
 BS Material Test Manual
 ERA Geometric Design Manual
 ACI Manual
 TCDSCo Company profile

63 Internship final report

2006 E.C

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