Yield Curve Analysis Using Principal Components
Yield Curve Analysis Using Principal Components
Yield Curve Analysis Using Principal Components
*Swamynathan V.
There has been a phenomenal slide in the same is then extended to delve on the
interest rates which has been of interest to methodology to derive the sensitivity of a
the corporates and academicians alike. To portfolio of Fixed Income Securities to
put the facts in perspective, the following change in interest rates.
graph depicts the level of the yield curve on
What are the traits associated with a brand
six sample dates:
S pot R a te (%)
9 01-Oct-01
8 01-Apr-02
1 Year 5 Year 7 Year 10 Year 15 Year 20 Year 25 Year 30 Year
Figure. 1
While the movement in the interest rates can like ‘Wheel’ of HLL?
be loosely explained in terms of a fall of
What are the features one desires when
around 400 bps. in the 10-year segment and
buying a C-Class car? What are the
the like, one is tempted to enquire about a
psychological traits that cause a person to
statistical framework to validate such
contribute to a charity institution?
Market research firms develop
The following note attempts to explore the
questionnaires seeking responses on
yield curve movement by introducing one of
personal background, social status, tastes,
the statistical methods used extensively. The
financial strength, et. al. to identify various
V a lue s
relating to the yields of the tenures 0.5, 0.5 1 5 7 10 15 20 25 30
0.5 Year -0.3102 -0.5499 -0.3851 0.4135 -0.4438 -0.2705 0.1037 0.0341 0.0094
1 Year -0.3080 -0.5151 -0.2529 -0.2214 0.5785 0.4026 -0.1632 -0.0570 -0.0164
5 Year -0.3260 -0.2159 0.3800 -0.5558 0.0082 -0.4078 0.3825 0.2626 0.1107
7 Year -0.3356 -0.0894 0.4473 -0.1055 -0.3108 0.0352 -0.4286 -0.5479 -0.2941
10 Year -0.3437 0.0548 0.3926 0.3133 -0.1470 0.4673 -0.1271 0.4614 0.3969
15 Year -0.3469 0.2034 0.1587 0.4152 0.3081 0.0616 0.5272 -0.0821 -0.5073
20 Year -0.3451 0.2866 -0.0798 0.1934 0.3357 -0.4006 -0.1192 -0.3696 0.5754
25 Year -0.3423 0.3373 -0.2748 -0.0989 0.0471 -0.2668 -0.4807 0.4851 -0.3795
30 Year -0.3396 0.3707 -0.4268 -0.3772 -0.3745 0.3788 0.3054 -0.1866 0.1048
It’s comforting to note that PC1 has PC1 contributes around 97.5% to the change
consistent negative values for all tenures. in the overall yield curve; followed by PC2 of
PC2 has negative values for the shorter around 2.23%. The third component
tenures; it increases for the medium to changes the curve to the extent of 0.1%;
longer terms. PC3 has a negative impact on remaining components have a negligible
the yield curve for the shorter and longer effect on the curve dynamics.
tenures while its effect is positive for the
medium tenures.
Table 2 PC3 is the Curvature effect. It has an effect
similar to changing the curvature of the
Variance % Contribution Cum. Contribution
PC1 0.0037189000 0.9759 0.9759 curve of a day. This may be interpreted as the
PC2 0.0000849730 0.0223 0.9982 curve taking a longer (or shorter) time to
PC3 0.0000064787 0.0017 0.9999 reach the longest tenure rate.
PC4 0.0000002734 0.0001 1.0000
The values of the first three Components as
PC5 0.0000000364 0.0000 1.0000 rd
on 23 Feb’04 are as follows:
PC6 0.0000000028 0.0000 1.0000
Table 3
PC7 0.0000000001 0.0000 1.0000
PC8 0.0000000000 0.0000 1.0000 Tenures PC1 PC2 PC3
0.5 4.29% -0.3102 -0.5499 -0.3851
PC9 0.0000000000 0.0000 1.0000
1 4.34% -0.3080 -0.5151 -0.2529
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YC 23/02/04 YC shift due to PC1
YC shift due to PC2 YC shift due to PC3
A Risk Manager would be interested in using for a 1 bp. change in each of the components
the concept of PCA to arrive at the volatility is computed. This is i.e. the change in the
of a portfolio of fixed income securities. price of the kth bond for a basis point
One finds it convenient to deal with a th
change in the i Principal Component. This
volatility matrix of 3 factors as compared to is similar to the Duration of a bond (which is
a volatility matrix of 30 x 30. the change in a price of a security for a small
We have tried to implement the PCA model change in its yield). The values of b ki are
to a portfolio comprising of Zero Coupon tabulated below for a 1 bp change in each of
bonds - 25% of face value in a 1 year, 35% in 5 the principal components.
year and 40% in 20 year Zero coupon bonds It is notable that the effect of the change in
based on the yields of 23 Feb, 2004. The PC1 is all negative (LEVEL), change in slope
present value of the portfolio is as follows: due to PC2 (SLOPE) and change in curvature
Table 4 caused by PC3 (Curvature).
Zero Rates 4.34% 4.91% 6.29%
Present Value (Rs.) 95.84 95.32 94.08 The Variance of the portfolio is derived
Portfolio weight 0.25 0.35 0.4 from the table above using the formula:
2 2 2
The sensitivity of the yield curve to changes Portfolio Variance = b p1l1 + b p 2 l2 + b p 3 l3
in the components is given by the respective Where l is the Variance of the respective
contributions to volatility of the Principal Principal Component.
Components as listed in Table 2.
The above equation can be regarded as a
Firstly, the change in the price of the bonds product of the Duration and Volatility of a
bond to arrive at the risk exposure. be a classical case for implementing PCA.
Our results have identified three factors
This results in the Variance of the portfolio
which can explain the change in the
which can then be extended to arrive at the
complete yield curve. These factors can be
Value-at-Risk figures. Assuming a Normal
used to compute the Variance of a portfolio.
Distribution, the VaR can, then, be
computed by adopting the parametric One may extend the implementation of PCA
method. to Stress a portfolio by changing the
Principal Components with respect to the
anticipation of yield changes in future.
The Indian yield curve movement seems to