CIP 20 - Delamination of Troweled Concrete Surfaces
WHAT are Delaminations? DELAMINATION ZONE In most delaminated concrete slab surfaces, the top 1/ 8 to ¼ inch (3 to 6 mm) is densified, primarily due to premature and improper finishing, and separated from the base slab by a thin layer of air or water. The delami- nations on the surface of a slab may range in size from several square inches to many square feet. The con- crete slab surface may exhibit cracking and color dif- ferences because of rapid drying of the thin surface AIR AND BLEED WATER during curing. Traffic or freezing may break away the surface in large sheets. Delaminations are similar to blisters, but much larger (see CIP 13). Delaminations form during final troweling. They are more frequent in early spring and late fall when con- crete is placed on a cool subgrade with rising daytime temperatures, but they can occur at anytime depend- ing on the concrete characteristics and the finishing practices used. Corrosion of reinforcing steel near the concrete sur- Delaminated Concrete face or poor bond between two-course placements pass. They can, however, form during the floating op- may also cause delaminations (or spalling). The result- eration if the surface is overworked and densified. The ing delaminations are generally thicker than those chances for delaminations are greatly increased when caused by improper finishing. conditions promote rapid drying of the surface (wind, Delaminations are difficult to detect during finishing sun, or low humidity). Drying and higher temperature but become evident after the concrete surface has set at the slab surface makes it appear ready to trowel and dried. Delaminations can be detected by a hollow while the underlying concrete is plastic and can still sound when tapped with a hammer or with a heavy bleed or release air. Vapor retarders placed directly chain drag. A procedure is described in ASTM D 4580, under slabs force bleed water to rise and compound Standard Practice for Measuring Delaminations in the problem. Concrete Bridge Decks by Sounding. More sophis- Factors that delay initial set of the concrete and re- ticated techniques include acoustic impact echo and duce the rate of bleeding will increase the chances for ground-penetrating radar. delaminations. Entrained air in concrete reduces the WHY does Delamination Occur? rate of bleeding and promotes early finishing that will produce a dense impermeable surface layer. A cool Bleeding is the upward flow of mixing water in plastic subgrade delays set in the bottom relative to the top concrete as a result of the settlement of the solids. layer. Delamination occurs when the fresh concrete surface is sealed or densified by troweling while the underlying Delamination is more likely to form if: concrete is still plastic and continues to bleed and/or to 1. The underlying concrete sets slowly because of a release air. Delaminations form fairly late in the finish- cool subgrade. ing process after floating and after the first troweling 2. The setting of the concrete is retarded due to con- crete temperature or mixture ingredients. possible. Any steps that can be taken to slow evapora- 3. The concrete has entrained air or the air content is tion should help. higher than desirable for the application. If a vapor retarder is required, place at least four inches 4. The concrete mixture is sticky from higher (100 mm) of a trimable, compactible granular fill (not sand). Do not place concrete directly on a vapor re- cementitious material or sand-fines content. tarder. If a moisture-sensitive floor covering will be 5. Environmental conditions during placement are con- placed on interior slabs, concrete will generally be ducive to rapid drying causing the surface to “crust” placed directly on a vapor retarder (see CIP 29), and and appear ready to finish. other procedures may be necessary. 6. Concrete is excessively consolidated, such as the Do not use air-entrained concrete for interior floor slabs use of a jitterbug or vibrating screed that brings that have a hard troweled surface and that will not be too much mortar to the surface. subject to freeze-thaw cycles or deicing salt applica- 7. A dry shake is used, particularly with air-entrained tion. If entrained air is necessary to protect interior concrete. slabs from freezing and thawing cycles during con- struction avoid using air contents over 3%. 8. The slab is thick. Delaminated surfaces can be repaired by patching af- 9. The slab is placed directly on a vapor retarder. ter the surface layer is removed and the underlaying Corrosion-related delaminations are formed when the concrete is properly cleaned. Extensive delamination upper layer of reinforcing steel rusts thereby breaking may need to be repaired by grinding and overlaying a the bond between the steel and the surrounding con- new surface. Delaminated surfaces due to steel cor- crete. Corrosion of steel occurs with reduced concrete rosion will additionally require sandblasting to remove cover and when the concrete is relatively more per- rust from the steel. meable causing chlorides to penetrate to the layer of the steel (See CIP 25). References HOW to Prevent Delamination? 1. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction, ACI 302.1R American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI Accelerators or heated concrete often prevent delami- nation in cool weather. 2. Slabs on Grade, ACI Concrete Craftsman Series, American Be wary of a concrete surface that appears to be ready Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. to trowel before it would normally be expected. Em- 3. Concrete Slab Surface Defects: Causes, Prevention, Repair, phasis in finishing should be on screeding, straight-edg- IS177, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, ing, and floating the concrete as rapidly as possible— 4. Diagnosing Slab Delaminations – Series in three parts, B. without working up an excessive layer of mortar and Suprenant, Concrete Construction, January, February and without sealing the surface layer. In initial floating, the March 1998, float blades should be flat to avoid densifying the sur- 5. Using the Right Finishing Tool at the Right Time, R.H. face too early. Spannenberg, Concrete Construction, May 1996. Final finishing operations to produce a smooth surface 6. Concrete in Practice Series, NRMCA, Silver Spring, Mary- should be delayed as long as possible, and the surface land, covered with polyethylene or otherwise protected from 7. Residential Concrete, National Association of Home Build- evaporation. ers, Washington, DC, 8. ASTM D 4580, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03, Delamination may be difficult to detect during finishing ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, operations. If delamination is observed, tear the sur- face with a wood float and delay finishing as long as
Follow These Rules to Avoid Delamination
1. Do not seal surface early—before air or bleed water from below have escaped. 2. Avoid dry shakes on air-entrained concrete. 3. Use heated or accelerated concrete to promote even setting throughout slab depth. 4. Avoid placing concrete directly on vapor retarders, if the application allows. 5. Do not use air-entrained concrete for interior slabs that will receive a trowel finish. 6. Avoid placing concrete on substrate with a temperature of less than 40° F (4° C). 1992, 2002, 2004
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