Unit - I: Basic Performance Equations of D.C. Motors
Unit - I: Basic Performance Equations of D.C. Motors
Unit - I: Basic Performance Equations of D.C. Motors
Wm = (Vt / (K I a )) – ( r a + r s) / k
Single phase half wave converter drives
V o = (Vm / 2 ) (1 + cos
1 )
V f = (Vm / ) (1 + cos
2 )
Single phase semi converter drives
V o = (Vm / ) (1 + cos
1 )
V f = (Vm / ) (1 + cos
2 )
Single phase full converter drive
V o = V t = (2Vm / cos 1
V f = (2Vm / ) cos 2
Wm speed of the armature
Ф – Flux per pole
Ia – Armature current
V – Armature voltage
Ra- Armature resistance
Te – Torque developed
Ke – Motor constant.
An electric drive is one which consists of an electric motor along with control
equipment & energy – transmitting device.
Depending on type of a.c source or the method of voltage control d.c drives are
classified as.
(1 cos 1 )
For such drives V0 = Vt = 2
α1 = firing angle of converter 1
Vm = Maximum voltage
V0 = output voltage
1/ 2
I sr I a
Isr = rms value of free wheeling diode current apparent input power =Vs. Isr
Single Phase Semi Converter Drive:
It uses separately excited D.C motor, fed through 2 single phase semi converters one for
armature circuit & other for field circuit. This converter also offers one-quadrant
1/ 2
I sr I a
R.m.s value of source current 2
I fdr I a
R.m.s. value of free w heeling diode current s
1/ 2
ITr I a
R.m.s value of Thyristor current = 2
In the phase drives output ripple is small, ripple frequency is large and filtering
requirement is less.
The armature terminal voltage 2
Vml – Maximum value of the line voltage
Firing angle.
3Ф half converter offers one quadrant operation and is used upto 40 KW motor
I o
Average thyristor current is 3 a for 60
180 -
360 I a 60o 1 180o
Average thyristor current is for
Vt 1 cos
Terminal voltage 2
Application up to 115 KW ratings.
3Vm R
wm 1 cos a2 T
Speed torque relationship
2 K K
Wm speed of the armature.
3ф full Converter drive offers two quadrant drive without field reversal.
Vo Cos
The average output voltage
I ar I a
Rms value of the source current 3
ITr I . 2 1 I a 13
Rms value of the thyristor current a2 3 2
ITA 1 I a
Average value of the thyristor current 3
3Vm R
Wm Cos - a
Speed torque relation ship
K = Constant.
V - Armature voltage
T - Torque developed.
T =KIa, E= KWm
V Ra
wM = K K
V a = E + IaR a = Vm Cos
3vm R
Cos - a T
Wm =
Vt m Cos 1
For Converter 1 in operation
Vt m Cos 2
For convertor 2 in operation
1 2
1) Regenerative braking
2) Dynamic braking
3) Plugging
Choppers are used in the speed control of DC motors used in industrial and tradition
Ton is duty interval and motor is connected to source during this interval.
Where is the duty ratin
Ton is the duty interval
T is the chopper period
V Ra
Wm T
K K2
1 ton
Where V 0 Vdt
During the on period of the chopper energy is stored in the armature cisrlcuit
inductance and called the energy storage interval.
When the chopper is turned off the stored electromagnetic energy and energy
supplied by the machine is fed to the source.
Duty int erval T Ton
Duty ratio T T
T- is l;the period of the chopper
Ton – On period of chopper
T- ton is the duty interval
V Ra
Wm T
Armature speed K K2
v IaRa
T Ka Ia
Wm= Speed
Ia and Ka obtlaineda from magnetization characteristics.
In two quadrant d.c motor, drive both motiring as well as regenerative braking operations
are carried out by one chopper circuit configurations. One possible.
It four-quadrant d.c chopper drives, a motor can be used to work in forwad motoring,
forward regenerative braking, Reverse motoring, Reverse Regenerative braking
modes. Hence a circuit configuration can be used to obtain the four duadrant
operation of separately excited D.c motor device.
In order to control the speed of a d.c motor, variable voltage is obtained from d.c
chopper, which is widely used today. In addition chopper has following advantages.
In this motor acts Generator an kinetic energy of motor & connected load is returned to
The average voltage = (1 - α.) Vs
Power generated by motor = (1 - α.) Vs. Ia
Motor e.m.f generated = (1 - α.) Vs. + IaRa
Ia = Armature currents
Ra = Armature Resistance
α. = duty ratio
converter 2 V t = (2 V m / ) cos 2
The advantages & disadvantages of a.c drives wish aspect to d.c drives are quoted.
For same vating a.c motors we light in weight
Less Expensive.
Can work in hazar dous areas like chemical Environment
Requires low maintenance
Dis Advantages:
Control is complex
Poloer converters for a.c drives are expensive
Power converters for a.c drives generates harmonics.
By changing supply frequency, motor synchronous speed can be altered and thus
torque & speed of 3 – φ IM.
Hence with constant supply voltage, if supply frequency is increased the synchronous
speed and therefore motor speed rises.
3 I 22 r2
Motor torque = Te =
Ws S
The developed torque and therefore speed of 3 – φ IM can be controlled by stator current
A constant current for 3 – φ IM can be obtained from 3 – φ current source Inverter. The
advantages of CSI fed IM one
In a slip ring induction Motor a 3 phase variable resistor can be inserted in rotor circuit,
hence starting torque & starting current can be controlled.
1. Low efficiency
2. Unbalances in voltages & currents.
Te .ws .3s
I1 I d
2. Rotor current Referred to stator 3
3. Fundamental component of rotor current, referred to stator
I11 . Id
In the above method slip power is dissipated in external resistance and it leads to poor
efficiency of drive. However, instead of washing slip power in rotor circuit resistance,
it can be conveniently converted by various schems for speed control of IM. Two
important schemes are
static kramer’s drive
static scherbius drive
The slip frequency power from rotor circuit is converted to d.c voltage which is then
converted to line frequency & pumped back to a.c source. As slip power can flow in
only one direction, it offers speed control below synchronous speed.
In sub synchronous speed control of WRIM, slip power is removed from rotor circuit &
pumped back to a.c supply.
In super synchronous speed control of WRIM, additional power is fed to rotor circuit
at slip frequency.
The circuit consists of WRIM, 2-phase – controlled bridges, smoothing inductor &
Near synchronous speed, slip frequency e.m.f’s are insufficient for natural
commutation of thyristors, hence forced commutation is applied.
such a scheme is applicable for very high power pumps & blower-type drives.
Cycloconverter permits slip-power flow in either direction and hence machine can therefore
be controlled in both motoring & regenerating features with both sub-synchronous and
super-synchronous speed.
Synchronous motor has 2 windings, one on the stator is 3 – φarmature winding and
other on rotor is field winding. The three phase winding on stator is similar to 3 – φ
stator winding of Induction Motor. Three phase stator winding 3 – φ balance
currents creating it own rotating m.m.f.
Power factor of synchronous motor can be varied by varying its field current.
For speed control of synchronous motor both inverter and cycloconverters are used.
Developed torque
1 E f .Vt
Te . Sin f
ws xs
Synchronous speed in rods
E f .Vt vt2 1 1
P Sin f Sin 2 f
xd 2 xd q
= load angle
Ef = E.m.f
Vt = remind voltage
Xd = direct axis reactance
Xq = quadrature axis reactance.
I a xq cos
Vt I a x q k sin
tan f =
Vt Cos .Ef
Id = xd
A salient pole motor connected to runs at Ns. If the field current is switched off, it
continues running at Ns as a reflectance motor.
Thus a machine designed to operate as reluctance motor is similar to salient pole motor
wish no field winding on rotor. The rotating magnetic field induces field in rotor
which tends to align itself with armature field producing a reluctance torque at
synchronous speed.
P Vt cos I q Vt sin I d
tan 1 I a x q cos
Vt I a x q sin
Where ‘θ’ is angle between Vt & Ia
Pull –out torque
Vt 2 1 1
2ws xq xd
Tom =
1 vt 2 1 1
Te . sin 2
ws 2 xq xd
Reluctance torque
It is similar to salient pole synchronous motor without field winding on poles. The required
flux is produced by permanent magnets mounted on rotor. In these motor excitation
emf ef can’t be varied.
All the equations governing the performance of salient pole are applicable to this
with excitation e.m.f ef taken as constant. The absence of field winding & 2 slip rings
loads to reduction in motor loss. For same frame – size PMSM has higher pull-out
torque & more efficiency as compared to salient pole motor.
These motors are used in robots & machine tools. It is fed from CSI