Reliability of Memory
Reliability of Memory
Reliability of Memory
Psychology Factsheets Number 167
Reliability of memory - revisited for exams
This factsheet explores reliability of memory, from looking at how Exam Hint: if you are going to use the MSM of memory in an
memories are formed and stored to the factors that may influence answer on reliability of memory you need to focus on the ways
memories being retained or forgotten. A range of theories and studies in which memory can be seen to be reliable in the context of
will be explored and evaluated along with advice and guidance on the model and its studies. Simply focusing on the model as a
how to answer exam questions. Words in bold are explained in the way of conceptualising memory is not enough for the purpose
glossary and the worksheet provides an opportunity to practice of this question.
what you have learned.
Schemas and memory
The examiners will expect you to:
· Demonstrate a clear understanding of the key concepts of the
topic (e.g. that memory is part of the cognitive approach to File:Hummingbird_flight.svg
psychology and the role of schemas in memory).
Schemas are mental representations of the
· Be able to discuss the possible reasons for some types of memory
world – for example an individual may
being more easily recalled than others (eg the accuracy of flash-
develop a schema for ‘birds’ which
bulb memories).
contains the knowledge that birds fly,
· Be able to discuss under what conditions memory is more likely have feathers, eat worms, have beaks. An individual’s schema set
to be either reliable or unreliable (eg laboratory conditions or develops based on his or her experience of the world and the
real life). knowledge they have obtained about the world so far. Schemas are
· Have a secure knowledge of a range of studies and theories linked to memory because they help to inform and guide our recall
which consider reliability of memory. of events – and sometimes they can interfere with a reliable version
of events being remembered.
· Be able to link question, theory and study coherently.
Schemas work by:
· Show strong essay-writing skills by incorporating key evaluation
issues into your answers eg the difference between reliability · Organising information in the memory
and validity in psychological research. · Providing prompts or cues for the memory
How does memory work? · Providing expectations about the information being encoded
· Providing stable ideas about the world which are resistant to
File:Brain,_G_Reisch.png Bartlett’s War of the Ghosts study
Memory is studied as part of cognitive
psychology – the area of psychology Native_Americans#mediaviewer/
that is particularly interested in how the File:Indijanac.jpg
mind works. Because memories are
In one of the earliest experiments to
intangible (ie we can’t observe them
investigate the way that schemas affect
physically, unlike some aspects of
memory Frederick Bartlett (1932) carried out
behaviour such as group interaction or
a piece of research that highlighted an
brain activity) researchers have to rely
unreliable aspect of memory. His study
on laboratory experiments or self-
involved asking a sample of male Cambridge University students to
report methods to investigate the nature of memory.
read a Native American folk tale called The War of the Ghosts. The
Memory can be explained simply as the process of encoding, storage
tale included details that the participants were unfamiliar with (eg
and retrieval of information. The Multi-Store Model of Memory
place names, hunting implements) and supernatural details that did
(Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968) seeks to explain how memories are
not accord with Western ideas of war (eg a spirit wound rather than
formed. The model emphasises the idea of there being two memory
a flesh wound).
stores: short-term memory and long-term memory. The theory
behind this model is that it is only information that has been After the participants had read the story they were asked to tell the
rehearsed which will pass from the short-term to the long-term story to another participant who in turn tells it to another and so on.
memory and thus stay with the individual. Studies such as Murdock This process is known as serial reproduction. What Bartlett found
(1962) and Terry (2005) support the idea of these separate memory was that the story became much shorter than the original version;
stores as they demonstrate that memory for a list of items is more place names were left out and some unfamiliar details were ignored.
reliable for items that appear either at the beginning (primacy effect) The most interesting findings related to how the participants’
or end (recency effect) of a list. schemas had distorted the recall of the story – they tended to make
the story fit with their own cultural understanding and experience
of the world. So, unfamiliar activities such as hunting seals were Her major concerns with the use of EWT are that:
changed to more easily recognisable pastimes such as fishing.
· People may reconstruct memory of a crime to fit their schemas
Canoes became simply ‘boats’ and the spiritual element of the story
was largely lost. · The way in which a question is asked may influence a witness’
memory and produce an incorrect version of the incident
What does this tell us about the reliability of memory? Bartlett
concluded that his study demonstrated that memory is an active · Cross-cultural EWT is fallible as people find it much harder to
reconstructive process rather than a simple recall process. His study distinguish facial features of someone who is from a different
highlights the way in which cultural schemas can interfere with ethnic group.
memory at the point of retrieval by imposing the familiar world-view
Loftus & Palmer (1974) tested the reliability of EWT in a study
on unfamiliar ideas.
which involved 5 separate groups of participants who watched a
series of the same car crashes on a video. They were then asked
Exam Hint: examiners report that not enough candidates are
questions about what they had seen. One of these questions was
clear as to how this study was carried out, often making errors
as to the nature of serial reproduction. It is important to get the critical question, which formed the independent variable of the
study details correct in an exam, particularly with regard to study. This question asked the participants ‘at what speed were the
terminology. Confident use of accurate terminology can really cars going when they contacted/hit/bumped/collided into each other’
enhance your exam performance. – each group experienced one of these verbs. The results revealed
that ‘smashed’ received the highest speed estimates with a mean of
40.8 mph while ‘contacted’ was the lowest with 31.8 mph. Loftus
Other schema-based studies: and Palmer concluded that interference from the schemas associated
Bransford & Johnson (1972) – recall for a piece of text is much with the verbs (ie ‘smashed’ sounds more violent than ‘contacted’)
easier if the text has been given a title compared to if the text is had produced the range of different responses. A follow-up study
presented without a title; schemas in this case help to activate revealed that participants in the ‘smashed’ condition reported
memories by contextualising the information. having seen broken glass more times than the ‘contacted’ group
even though no broken glass was present.
Macrae et al (1994) – participants who had been told someone’s job
title found it easier to assign stereotypical personality characteristics Exam Hint: be careful not to state that Loftus and Palmer’s
to them than those who hadn’t eg if the person was a doctor then study (or any piece of psychological research) ‘proves’ that
participants were more likely to describe them as intelligent, caring, memory can be unreliable. It is much better to say that the
reliable and hard-working. research ‘demonstrates’, ‘supports’, ‘highlights’ or ‘provides
evidence for’ a theory or concept. Proof in psychological
Allport & Postman (1947) – participants who saw an image of a research is almost impossible to obtain due to the changing
black man and a white man on a train were much more likely to and unpredictable nature of human behaviour.
report that the black man was holding a cut-throat razor when in
fact it was the the white man. Other key Loftus studies into EWT:
Exam Hint: it is worth considering the year in which a Loftus & Zanni (1975) – participants were much more likely to say
particular study was carried out when you are evaluating it. they’d seen the broken headlight rather than a broken headlight;
Some studies might yield different results if replicated with the changing article triggered a different response due to ‘the’
a 21st century sample of participants. The Allport and seeming to point to something specific that had been present at the
Postman study (above) for example, may well be a product scene.
of its time as it was carried out well before the Civil Rights Loftus et al (1987) – participants who had seen a man holding a pen
movement in the USA. were better able to identify him from 50 photographs than participants
who had seen a man carrying a blood-soaked knife – this is known
as the weapon focus effect, where memory for a face is hampered
Eye-witness testimony and reliability of memory
due to the witness focusing on the weapon instead. Interestingly, Loftus points out that it is not possible to mislead
File:Japanese_car_accident.jpg witnesses when they are presented with information that is blatantly
incorrect. In a 1979 study she was able to show that participants
Eye-witness testimony were not misled about the colour of a stolen purse (98% accurately
(EWT) is widely used as a recalled it as red). This highlights the idea that false information
means of identifying which relates to insignificant details rather than key issues is more
suspects and securing a likely to be distorted in recall. A time delay also tends to affect
conviction. There are, accurate memory for events as does after-the-fact information.
however mistakes and
confusion that can arise Exam Hint: the bulk of EWT research has been conducted
from EWT that can result using laboratory experiments. It might be a good idea to
in an innocent person suggest improvements to lab-based studies when you are
being charged and evaluating them. What might the effects be of turning one of
convicted of a crime. Elizabeth Loftus is the foremost researcher in Loftus’ studies into a field study in a naturalistic setting? What
this area of psychology, having run several studies and delivered practical considerations would have to be made to do this?
lectures on the dangers of relying too heavily on EWT in police What ethical issues are there with changing the method? Can
interviews and in court. you still retain reliability if you lose control of extraneous
Studies which support the idea that memory can be reliable emotional information or which may be linked to a dramatic world
event (eg the twin towers attack). Their research demonstrated that people tend to have very distinct memories of where they were,
wiki/JFK#mediaviewer/ what they were doing and what they felt when they heard of events
File:Kennedy_funeral_procession_leaves_ such as the death of Princess Diana or the 9/11 terrorist attacks. A
White_House,_25_November_1963.jpg high number of their participants also reported FBM associated
with personal events such as the death of a relative.
A study by Yuille & Cutshall
(1986) underlines the idea that There are, however, some limitations to FBM theory, the main
important information witnessed criticism being that after-the-fact information may distort the
at the scene of an emergency or memories, even though the person who claims to have that memory
dramatic event is much less denies that this interference has taken place.
resistant to being distorted by leading questions or misinformation. Talarico and Rubin (2003) asked participants to recount their
The sequence of events which led to this field study taking place is memories of the 9/11 terrorist attacks at specific intervals to avoid
as follows: an inadvertent “rehearsal effect,” in which a memory gets
· A gun store owner in Canada was tied up in his shop by a thief strengthened through each retelling. They found that the
who then proceeded to steal money and several guns. consistency and accuracy of both 9/11 flashbulb memories and
everyday memories declined over time, at comparable rates. The
· The store owner managed to free himself, picked up a gun and
participants, however, thought something quite different was going
went outside the shop where he encountered the thief who was
about to drive away from the scene.
Participants believed that their 9/11 memories were much more
· The thief fired two shots at the store owner from six feet away.
accurate than their everyday memories. One finding in particular
The store owner fired all six shots from his gun, killing the thief.
interested Rubin: people had already changed their stories of how
· There were 21 witnesses to this event, some close to the scene they heard about the attacks over just a few days, from the day after
of the shooting, some across the street, in adjacent buildings the event to one week later. “Because at that point you’ve told 35
· 4 to 5 months later 13 witnesses agreed to be interviewed by the people how you heard about it, and it’s been solidified in your
researchers which involved verbatim accounts of the event plus memory the way you’re telling it, not necessarily how it really
questions – 2 of which were leading questions. happened,” he explains.
A massive amount of accurate detail was generated (from information The biggest 9/11 study carried out to date was led by Hirst and
given to the police as well as the researchers) with the most detailed Phelps (2001). In this seven-city investigation, 3,000 adults answered
accounts being given to the researchers. This is probably because survey questions about their memories of learning about the attacks
the police asked questions which related only to the crime itself at three points in time: one week, 11 months and 35 months later.
rather than to other details (such as the colour of a car nearby) Hirst and his team looked at how people’s flashbulb recollections,
Interestingly it was the witnesses who had been closest to the event such as where and from whom they learned of the attacks, compared
who gave the most detailed accounts and who were the most accurate with their factual recollections, such as which airlines and how
witnesses. What directly contradicts Loftus and Palmer (1974) is many airplanes were involved.
that the leading questions had no effect on the accuracy of the It turned out that the rate of forgetting for both types of memory
memory – in this case memory was shown to be very reliable. The slowed and stabilized after a year. But overall flashbulb recollections
witnesses who had been most affected by the event, showing deeper declined more than factual recollections, possibly because nonstop
levels of distress than others, also gave the most accurate accounts media coverage bolstered people’s factual memories.
of the event.
So, what’s the best way to encourage reliable memory for an event?
Exam Hint: It is important to point out the differences in the
methods used by Yuille and Cutshall compared to the studies
carried out by Loftus. A good answer should focus on the ways
in which reliability and validity differ for studies carried out in
the field as opposed to the controlled conditions of a lab An increasing number of police forces
experiment. The fact that this study relies on witness self-reports are using the cognitive interview as a
means that it may be subject to lying or social desirability. The means of obtaining reliable witness
consistency of the accuracy of the witness reports should,
statements. The cognitive interview is
however encourage you to consider that reliability might be
structured as follows:
higher in this study than in other pieces of research based on
real events. · Reinstating the context – the context of the event is recreated
during the interview (surroundings, temperature, sights, smells,
What does this tell us about the nature of memory? sounds, feelings) first
This study points to the idea that emotional memories may elicit a · Reporting the event – the witness is asked to report absolutely
better version of an event than when the event is neutral or lacking everything no matter how irrelevant or unimportant it might
in dramatic value. It may be that the participants in the Yuille and seem. They will then be asked to do this in several orders (ie
Cutshall study formed a flashbulb memory (FBM) of the event, reverse, from middle of account, just after etc.)
thus cementing the event and peripheral details firmly in their minds.
Brown & Kulik (1977) introduced the idea of FBM as a memory · Reporting the event from multiple perspectives – the witness is
which is vivid, detailed and which may contain highly personal, asked to recall the event from the perspective of others involved
in the crime eg the store owner who was held up at gunpoint.
Studies into the effectiveness of the cognitive interview (Geisleman 1985; Fisher and Geisleman 1988) highlight that the cognitive interview
produces more information than the standard police interview and it is less susceptible to producing misinformation from leading questions.
Exam Hint: When discussing to what extent memory is reliable it is important to consider the conditions under which memory has
been found to be either reliable or unreliable. Choose your research evidence carefully so that you really are backing up the points
you make using studies that directly measure the issue of reliability in memory. An essay which simply concludes that memory is
unreliable is not addressing the studies which have shown otherwise. It is easier for a researcher to demonstrate unreliable memory
under lab conditions as there are fewer extraneous variables to contend with as opposed to a study which takes place in the field
or which asks for participants’ personal recall of events.
After-the-fact information – information about an event which is received after the event has taken place and which may affect memory
of that event.
Cognitive approach – a way of investigating behaviour which focuses on the way that the mind processes information in the form of
memory, perception, language etc.
Cognitive interview – this method encourages witnesses to recreate the original context in which the information of the event was
originally encoded.
Encoding – the manner in which sensory information is picked up by the senses as the first part of the memory-formation process.
Extraneous variables – any variable in a study which is not part of the study and which may confound the results if not controlled for (eg
noise, temperature, time of day, mood of pps).
Flashbulb memories – a memory which is highly vivid and detailed which may relate to a personal event in someone’s life (eg being
involved in a car crash) or to a worldwide event which is dramatic or shocking (eg the twin towers attack of 9/11).
Independent variable – the variable that is manipulated by the researchers to test for an effect on the dependent variable.
Laboratory experiments – a way of investigating behaviour which involves using controlled conditions in which a manipulated variable
(the IV) is tested to look for an effect on the dependent variable.
Leading question – a question which suggests what the response should be due to the choice of words (eg ‘tell me about your excessive
alcohol intake’).
Long-term memory – this memory store is thought to hold long-lasting memories and to have an infinite capacity.
Mean – a measure of central tendency in which all scores/values are taken into account and an average score/value is generated.
Reconstructive memory – a memory that has been changed possibly due to the activation of schemas or to after-event information.
Rehearsal – information that has been repeated or has been encountered several times.
Reliability – the extent to which a study can be replicated, showing the same results each time; the consistency of the method used.
Retrieval – the process by which memories are located and recalled in the mind.
Schemas – an organised structure of knowledge in the form of a mental representation of something eg a school schema may involve
knowledge of what happens in a school (eg lessons) alongside a collection of more personal experiences (eg being excluded).
Self-Report – a way of investigating behaviour which takes the form of asking participants for their opinions, attitudes, ratings on a topic
either via a questionnaire or an interview.
Serial Reproduction – the telling and re-telling of the same story by different people in turn in which the story may alter over the course
of the process.
Short-term memory – a temporary memory store which holds information briefly and has a capacity to hold 5-9 items at a time.
Storage – the way in which the mind stores memories.
Validity – the confidence that a researcher may have that their study is measuring what it set out to measure.
Verbatim – an account of an event word-for-word as the witness experienced it first-hand.
Weapon focus effect - this is what happens when a witness focuses their attention on the weapon carried by a criminal at a crime scene
rather than on the facial features of the criminal.
Acknowledgements: This Psychology Factsheet was researched and written by Claire Neeson.
The Curriculum Press, Bank House, 105 King Street, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 1NU.
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Psychology Factsheet
167 - Reliability of memory - revisited for exams
2. Bartlett’s War of the Ghosts study was carried out in 1932 with a sample of male Cambridge University students.
· How have attitudes towards other cultures changed since 1932?
· How might a more enlightened attitude to other cultures affect the outcome of this study?
· Do you think this study is lacking in reliability or validity or both?
3. Loftus and Palmer (1974) suggest that a leading question can alter the memory of an event. How might their results have been
different if:
a) The sample was a mixed age range (eg a sample ranging from 18 – 50?)
b) The study had involved an actual staged, live car crash?
c) The participants had been exposed to all conditions?
5. Try conducting your own cognitive interview; work with a friend and take it in turns to recreate an event using the CI procedure.
Make sure that the event you choose is not distressing but it should be one that you are able to recreate in your mind and that
involves sufficient detail.