ECE 424FL - Feedback and Control Systems Laboratory - Revised
ECE 424FL - Feedback and Control Systems Laboratory - Revised
ECE 424FL - Feedback and Control Systems Laboratory - Revised
AY 2009-2010 Curriculum
7. School’s Vision and Mission Saint Louis University, School of Engineering and Architecture graduates should be able to:
VM 1: Apply the Christian tenets of honesty, service, dedication and deep sense of moral responsibility.
(Christian Spirit)
VM 2: Demonstrate technical competence and ingenuity maximizing their talents and full potentials in the
practice of the engineering profession. (Competence)
VM 3: Adopt engineering technology and research skills that will foster innovativeness vital to national
progress and development (Creativity)
VM 4: Use human, physical and intellectual resources for community-related extension projects (Social
8. Program Educational The BSECE Program shall produce graduates who are able to:
Objectives (PEO)
PEO 1: Employ an open mind but critical approach to the analysis of problems and design of systems,
keeping in mind the technical, professional, societal, environmental, economic and ethical
dimensions of any solution.
Saint Louis University
Department of Electronics Engineering
PEO 2: Apply their talents and full potentials in the practice of their profession guided by the Christian
tenets of honesty, service, dedication and a deep sense of moral responsibility.
PEO 3: Pursue advance education, research and development, and other creative efforts in science and
PEO 4: Participate actively to address social, technical and business challenges vital to national progress
and development.
9. Program Outcomes By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall be able to:
apply a wide range of skills in mathematics, physical sciences, engineering sciences to the
PO 1
practice of Engineering;
PO 2 design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data;
design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constrains such
PO 3 as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
sustainability in accordance with standards;
communicate effectively in written and oral forms using both English and Filipino as well as in
PO 8
graphical forms;
practice life-long learning and exhibit the willingness and capability to be current and relevant
PO 9
with the developments in the field of Engineering;
PO 10 apply current trends and developments in the field of Engineering;
PO 11 use appropriate techniques, skills and modern engineering tools for Engineering practice;
Saint Louis University
Department of Electronics Engineering
demonstrate a keen awareness of contemporary issues and their impact on the practice of
PO 12
Engineering profession;
PO 13 participate in the generation of new knowledge and developmental projects;
preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” by showing a deep and
PO 14 principled understanding of how Engineering is related to a larger historical, social, cultural,
and political processes;
practice Christian values in their personal and professional endeavors as Louisians in the
PO 15
service of the CICM mission.
10. Course- Level Outcomes By the end of the semester, the student can:
CLO 1: Represent electrical/electronic systems by using the method of modeling systems through
Laplace transforms.
CLO 2: Analyze the fundamental characteristics and properties of linear time invariant (LTI) systems
represented by transfer functions.
CLO 3: Evaluate the stability of a system using the different techniques of stability testing.
CLO 4: Apply the principles of feedback and control system to analyze and design solutions to various
control systems engineering problems.
Topic-Level Outcomes
By the end of the topic, the Assessment Outcomes-based
Main Topics Time Allotment
student should be able to: Strategies Evidence
1. Class Orientation and 18 hours Individual Reports At least 70% of the
Familiarization of the students in the class
SCILAB/MATLAB software Group Reports get 50% of the total
environment. score of `the
2. Time Plots and Pole-Zero TLO 1: Apply the methodology Research Work assessment strategy
Saint Louis University
Department of Electronics Engineering
6. Impulse and Step 18 hours TLO 2: Explain the behavior of Individual Reports At least 70% of the
Response of systems. the response of a system to students in the class
step and impulse inputs. Group Reports get 50% of the total
score of the
7. Time Response Analysis TLO 3: Determine the time Research Work assessment strategy
response specifications of a
given system. Midterm Exam
(Practical and/or
8. Stability Testing: Pole-Zero TLO 4: Illustrate the stability of written exam)
Mapping, Root-Locus a system represented by a
9. Stability Testing: Bode Plot Transfer Function.
10. Adjustable Systems 18 hours TLO 5: Demonstrate the Individual Reports At least 70% of the
effects of adjusting the students in the class
parameter values of a system. Group Reports get 50% of the total
score of the
11. Compensation Techniques TLO 6: Simulate the result of Research Work assessment strategy
using compensators to the
performance specifications of a Project
given system.
Final Exam
12. Analysis and Design of TLO 7: Demonstrate the (Practical and/or
different control systems solution to the design of a
Saint Louis University
Department of Electronics Engineering
Program School’s
Program Outcomes Educational Vision and
Objectives Mission
Course- Level Outcomes (CLO)
PO 10
PO 11
PO 12
PO 13
PO 14
PO 15
PE0 1
VM 1
VM 2
VM 3
VM 4
PO 1
PO 2
PO 3
PO 4
PO 5
PO 6
PO 7
PO 8
PO 9
CLO 1 Represent electrical/electronic D D D E D D D E I
systems by using the method of
modeling systems through
Laplace transforms.
CLO 2 Analyze the fundamental D D D D E D D D E I
characteristics and properties of
linear time invariant (LTI) systems
represented by transfer functions.
Saint Louis University
Department of Electronics Engineering
17. References
A. Main Reference/s
B. Books
Saint Louis University
Department of Electronics Engineering
C. Journals
D. Electronic Sources