Ninja On Fleek - Fern Charts MT1
Ninja On Fleek - Fern Charts MT1
Ninja On Fleek - Fern Charts MT1
Intro To ANS
Muscarinic Receptors: Exhibit PNS effects; found on autonomic effector tissues, NOT ganglia
Adrenergic Receptors: Responsible for “fight or flight”; Found on autonomic ganglia, skeletal NMJ and the adrenal gland
M2 3
M1 Found on heart & M3 1 2
1 2 Equal
Found in CNS presynaptic nerve Found on glands, bladder, and Equal affinity for Epi
Higher affinity for Epi affinity for
and ENS terminals inhibit smooth muscle of the eye & NE
Epi & NE
NE and Ach release
Gq IP3/DAG, Gi cAMP,
Gi cAMP Gq IP3/DAG, Ca2+, PKC Gq IP3/DAG, Ca2+. PKC Gs cAMP, Ca2+ Gs cAMP, PKA Gs cAMP
Ca2+ , PKC IP3/DAG
M3 on endothelial cells Ca2
Ganglia release cGMP Vasodilation K + channels NE
Vascular and genitourinary Relaxation of smooth mm.
(depolarization and ACh release @
) smooth mm. contraction
If endothelial cells are damaged presynaptic sites Cardiac Output
(as in atherosclerosis), M3 HR at the SA node
receptor will be on arterial smooth Ca2+ channels
K + channels opening venous capacitance and glycogenolysis
muscle vasoconstriction contractility of the
venous return= K + uptake in skeletal mm.
insulin atria
HR at the SA node venoconstriction lipolysis
GI gland secretion lipolysis
FA release
Bronchial secretion FA release conduction velocity lipolysis in
conduction gluconeogenesis
Bronchoconstriction aqueous humor at the AV node adipocytes
velocity at the AV glycogenolysis insulin by pancreatic
salivation/sweat production
node TPR=vasoconstriction cells hypokalemia
micturition renin
pupillary dilation (mydriasis)
pupillary constriction (miosis) GI wall relaxation vasoconstriction
contractility of the urethral sphincter contraction glucagon secretion by
erection Platelet aggregation blood volume
atria ejaculation pancreatic cells
ciliary mm contraction adapt for Vascular smooth mm. lipolysis
prostatic smooth mm. aqueous humor
near vision (visual contraction d/t Ca2+
contraction production
Choline acetyl
Release depends on
extracellular Ca2+
Via Tyrosine
Dopa decarboxylase
Dopamine B-
Direct Acting Cholinergic Agonists
Drug Name Chemical Receptor Effects Uses PK Adverse Effects
Muscarinic Effects:
N and M CVS:
-M3 vasodilation , HR (M2),
Binding to M conduction at the SA/AV nodes
receptor (M2), contractility (M2)
Parasympathetic -@ small doses BP reflex
& sympathetic Acetate- Rapid Muscarinic Syndrome:
activity; sweat hydrolysis by AChE and generalized cholinergic
-@ high doses hypotension (M3)
Used to obtain rapid miosis after cataract stimulation sweating,
Acetylcholine glands and bradycardia (M2) pseudo-cholinesterase
surgery miosis, flushing, salivation,
Nicotinic effects Short t½ bradycardia, hypotension,
Nicotinic Effects: stimulate all
once M bronchospasm
Esters of autonomic ganglia, secretion of Epi
Choline receptors are from adrenal medulla, skeletal mm.,
blocked by high DUMBBELLSS
BP, vasoconstriction etc.
doses of Diarrhea
Atropine Urination
Ammonium LOOK AT Previous chart for all the
Compound effects of M and N receptors
(QAC) poorly Post-op and post-partum urinary retention
absorbed into
Carbamate- not Emesis
CNS Hypotonic, myogenic, neurogenic atony of the
Bethanechol M Beth activates bowel and bladder hydrolyzed by Lacrimation
AChE longer t½ Lethargy
Ileus, gastroparesis, congenital megacolon
Miosis during surgery
Carbamate- not
Miosis and contraction of ciliary hydrolyzed by
Carbachol M and N intraocular pressure after cataract surgery
mm. AChE longer t½
External use only
Glaucoma (use Pilocarpine first)
Slow hydrolysis by AChE-
Diagnosis of bronchial airway hyperreactivity
Methacholine M (little N) resistant to other
in pts w/o clinically apparent asthma
Muscarine M
No clinical use
Arecoline M and N
2 agent for open angle glaucoma after Timolol
Natural Partial M Contraction of ciliary mm.
Alkaloids Mgmt. of acute close angle glaucoma (along CNS disturbances
Pilocarpine with Timolol, apraclonidine, acetazolamide) Sweating
Tertiary amine Secretions from sweat, salivary,
(Can cross BBB) lacrimal, and bronchial glands
TXT of sxs of dry mouth d/t radiotherapy or
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Low dose: sympathetic and
parasympathetic ganglion Acute Nicotinic Poisoning:
depolarization Highly liposoluble nausea, salivation,
CVS: Sympathomimetic d/t abdominal pain, vomit,
Nn>Nm catecholamine release ( HR, BP) Fast absorption via oral diarrhea, cold sweats,
Ganglion GI and UG: Parasympathomimetic mucosa, lungs, GI mental confusion, weakness
Nicotine Smoking cessation therapy
Stimulant Tertiary amine nausea, diarrhea, vomit, voiding & mucosa, and skin Hypotension with weak,
(Can cross BBB) salivary/bronchial secretions rapid, irregular pulse
High doses: ganglion blockade d/t Crosses placenta and is Can lead to respiratory
prolonged depolarization secreted in breast milk arrest (central or
(desensitization) or neuromuscular peripheral) death
Indirect Acting Cholinergic Agonists: AChE Inhibitors endogenous ACh
These drugs have less of an effect on BP and vascular smooth mm than direct acting cholinergic agonists b/c most of the vasculature is not directly innervated
Large toxic doses of these drugs cause more marked bradycardia (sometimes tachycardia) and hypotension
Drug Name Chemical MOA Effects Uses PK Adverse Effects
Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis (rapid mm. strength after Enzyme-
Reversible binding to CNS: convulsions, coma, dose) inhibitor
Simple Alcohol
active site of AChE respiratory arrest complex has
Edrophonium (QAC) poorly
and Reverses the neuromuscular blockade caused by non- no covalent
absorbed into CNS
butyrylcholinesterase PNS action in the eye, depolarizing muscular blockers (Can be used for recovery bond
respiratory tract, GI tract, after surgery) Lasts 2-20 min
and urinary tracts High dose CNS effects
CVS: PNS and SNS bradycardia, skeletal
activation, but PNS action mm. paralysis
Carbamates- TXT for anticholinergic overdose
predominate (-)ve
Physostigmine Tertiary Amine
chronotropic, Contraindicated in
crosses BBB
dromotropic, and atropine over dose suspected TCA
inotropic effects CO & Spontaneous overdose aggravates
Form covalent bond
hypotension hydrolysis w/i depression of cardiac
with AChE
30min-6hrs conduction
NMJ: low doses Reverses the neuromuscular blockade caused by non- Salivation
contraction in mm. depolarizing muscular blockers (tubocurarine) Flushing
Carbamates- weakened by curare-like BP (hypotension)
QAC does not NM blocking agents/MG; 2nd line TXT for myasthenia gravis nausea
enter CNS High doses mm. abdominal pain
fibrillation Prevention/TXT of post-op distention and urinary retention diarrhea
Pyridostigmine TXT of myasthenia gravis (most common) bronchospasm
Chronic open-angle glaucoma NOT
Phosphorylate the liposoluble
active Subacute/chronic closed-angle glaucoma after iridectomy does not enter
site extremely or when surgery is refused/contraindicated CNS
Organophosphates stable covalent bond Thiosulfate insecticides (farmer spraying his field…) Organophosphate
Malathion Synthetic Activated in the body by overdose txted w/
Parathion compounds Ageing: conversion to O2 analogs Parathion more dangerous as it is not detoxified Pralidoxime or Atropine
Can cross the
strengthening of the effectively in humans BEFORE ageing has
Tabun bond making it more Nerve agents most occurred
Sarin difficult to split potent synthetic toxic Terrorism
Soman agents known CNS toxicity
Donepezil Centrally acting AChE
Alzheimer’s Disease Orally active
Rivastigmine inhibitor
Indirect Acting Cholinergic Agonists: Reactivator of AChE
Drug Name Chemical Effects Uses Other
Synthetic Reactivate inhibited AChE after organophosphate Not used for carbamate intoxication Positively charged does not enter the CNS not effective in
Compound poisoning (before ageing) short lived and spontaneously reversible reversing central effects
Cholinergic Antagonists: Muscarinic Antagonists
Little or no action at NMJ or autonomic ganglia
These drugs bind competitively to muscarinic receptors both centrally and peripherally
Drug Name Chemical Effects Uses PK Adverse Effects
Eye: mydriasis, unresponsive to light, cycloplegia Antisialogogue before surgery to
(paralysis of ciliary mm. loss of accommodation and secretions of resp. tract
HR or AV block in pts with Readily absorbed Atropine flush: cutaneous vasodilation,
GI: antispasmodic effect motility with NORMAL HCl bradycardia or AV block d/t esp. in upper body
production does not promote healing of ulcer excessive vagal tone Partial metabolism
Atropine by liver Anti-PS: dry mouth, blurry
Belladonna UG: hypermobility of bladder OD of cholinergic drugs vision(cycloplegia/mydriasis), sandy eyes,
Alkaloids Excreted in urine tachycardia, constipation, urinary
CSV: low dose initial bradycardia (presynaptic M2); Death cap mushroom poisoning retention, flushing, fever, agitation, ileus
Tertiary mod-high dose tachycardia (atrial M2) T½= 4hrs
Amine can Alleviate muscarinic side effects CNS: restless, confusion, hallucinations,
cross BBB Secretions: salivary, sweating, lacrimation (inhibition of AChE inhibitors delirium, depression shock and death
of sweat may cause high body temp)
Greater action on CNS than Atropine Contraindicated in the elderly with angle-
Longer duration of closure glaucoma IOP may
DOC for motion sickness action in CNS than exacerbate glaucoma
Blocks short term memory
Scopolamine Atropine
Mydriasis and cycloplegia Caution in pts w/ BPH detrusor
Sedation, but at high doses excitement
Transdermal contraction and urinary retention
Ipratropium TXT of COPD and adjuvant therapy
Bronchodilation (M3) Inhalational drugs Low doses Bradycardia and sedation
Tiotropium for asthma
QAC Orally to Inhibit GI motility High doses tachycardia and CNS
Glycopyrrolate Oral or parenteral hyperexcitation (delirium, seizures,
Parenterally to prevent hallucinations)
bradycardia during surgery
Homatropine Shorter duration of Elderly= sensitive to cholinergic blockade
Cyclopentolate Mydriasis and cycloplegia action (preferred (d/y cholinergic hypofxn/dysfxn in ageing
Tropicamide over atropine) and dementia) acute encephalopathy,
Tertiary Parkinsonism falls, exacerbation and decomposition of
amine can underlying cognitive, fxnal, and behavioral
Benztropine Restores balance of input after loss of dopaminergic
cross BBB Extrapyramidal effects of deficits
Trihexyphenidyl neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway
antipsychotics (Drug induced
movement disorders of D2 drugs)
Tolterodine Relaxes smooth mm. TXT of overactive bladder
Cholinergic Antagonists: Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists
Ganglion Blockers
Block ACh at the nicotinic receptors of both PNS and SNS autonomic ganglia; may also block the ion channel that’s gated by the nicotinic cholinoreceptor
Mechanism is one of two ways: (1) prolonged depolarization as done by nicotine which can block ganglia after initial stimulation (2) antagonism of nicotinic receptors
Effects can be predicted by knowledge of which division of the autonomic nervous system is dominant in each organ
Drug Name Receptor/MOA Effects Adverse Effects Other
Arterioles and veins are under predominant sympathetic control
(Adrenergic) dilation, blood flow, hypotension, peripheral pooling of Vasodilation
blood, venous return, CO Venodilation
Historically used to TXT HTN, but
Hexamethonium Antagonize nicotinic receptors have been replaced d/t many
Block parasympathetic (muscarinic) control in heart (tachycardia), Tachycardia
Mecamylamine in both PNS and SNS autonomic undesirable effects
iris(mydriasis), ciliary mm(cycloplegia), GI tract ( tone & motility, Mydriasis
Trimethaphan ganglia
constipation, gastric/pancreatic secretions), UG tract (urinary retention), GI/urinary motility
Dirty drugs
salivary glands (xerostomia) xerostomia
Sweat glands lose sympathetic control anhydrosis
Neuromuscular Blockers
Block cholinergic transmission b/w motor nerve endings and the nicotinic receptors on the neuromuscular end-plate of skeletal mm.
Used during surgery to produce complete muscle relaxation
All are structural analogs of ACh
Drug Name Receptor/MOA Uses/Effects PK Adverse Effects
Adjunct in Anesthesia muscle weakness and flaccid paralysis
“Non-depolarizing” IV oral absorption in minimal Block M receptors
Tubocurarine Competitive antagonist binds Poor membrane penetration
Action can be overcome by ACh in the synaptic cleft (i.e.
to Nm prevents depolarization DOES NOT cross the BBB Histamine release
AChE-I like neostigmine/Edrophonium)
Malignant hyperthermia AD disorder
Continuous IV infusion
d/t XS release of Ca2+ from SR (usually
when combined with a halogenated
Binds to Nm depolarization When rapid endotracheal intubation is needed Rapid hydrolysis by plasma
Succinylcholine transient disorganized cholinesterase
contraction desensitization Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
*TXT w/ Dantrolene block Ca2+ release
flaccid paralysis Brief duration 5-10 min
from SR heat production and tone
Rapid onset 1-1.5 min
of mm.
Cholinergic Antagonists: Drugs Acting Presynaptically
Drug Name Receptor/MOA Uses/Effects
Blocks choline transporter (CHT1) prevent
Hemicholinium-3 Research
uptake and synthesis of ACh
Blocks vesicular ACh-H+ antiporter (VAChT) Vesamicol
prevent storage of ACh
Research -
Local injection
Neurotoxin produced by C. botulinum that
TXTs conditions w/ XS mm.
prevents synaptic fusion of the vesicle with the
Botulinum Toxin tone torticollis, achalasia, strabismus,
axon terminal (via synaptobrevin) inhibit ACh
blepharospasm, and more
Wrinkles, headache and pain
Direct Acting Adrenergic Agonists: Endogenous Catecholamines and D1 Agonists
Drug Name Receptor Uses/effect PK Adverse effects Other
High doses=potent vasopressor: ↑ BP [systolic>diastolic] → +ve
chronotropic and inotropic effects [β1] and vasoconstriction [α1] Synthesized from tyrosine in the
→ ↑CO [& ↑ O2 demand from heart] adrenal medulla
CNS disturbances:
Low doses → ↓ PVR [β2], rise in systolic and drop in diastolic BP
Restlessness, fear,
with the MAP staying the same [no reflex, β1]; tachycardia [β1] Rapid onset Polar molecule: does not enter
apprehension, headache
α & β2 Brief Duration CNS in therapeutic doses
and tremor [may be
Bronchodilation [β2]
secondary to effects
Low dose: β Relaxed GI smooth muscle with contracted sphincters Administered through IV in Metabolized by COMT and MAO
outside of CNS]
effects Relaxed detrusor [β2] and contracted sphincter [α1] can lead emergencies → VMA and metanephrine
[vasodilation] to urinary retention
Epinephrine Intracranial hemorrhage
Prostatic smooth mm. contraction Other routes include SC, ET Hyperthyroidism may enhance
due to increased BP
High dose: α tube, inhalation, and CV actions due to upregulation of
effects Metabolic: hyperglycemia due to ↑ glycogenolysis and glucagon topically in the eye receptors
Cardiac arrhythmias –
[vasoconstriction] release [β2]; net inhibition of insulin secretion [α2 inhibits while
especially in patients on
β2 enhances secretion] Do not give orally due to Cocaine prevents re-uptake
↑ Lipolysis through β3 activation [↑ cAMP and HSL] inactivation by intestinal
enzymes Β-blockers cause predominate α
Pulmonary edema
DOC for patients in anaphylactic shock; cardiac arrest; asthma effects such as ↑ TPR and BP
attacks combined with local anesthetics to increase duration;
glaucoma [decreased production of aqueous humor]
Vasoconstriction [α1] → increased PVR → ↑ SBP/DBP & MAP
Little effect on Displaces catechol from storage vesicle Central stimulatory action:
Fatigue and depression following
Amphetamine post synaptic Weak inhibitor of MAO Alertness insomnia
α and β Blocks catecholamine reuptake ↓fatigue & appetite
prophylaxis for migraines Glaucoma [open angle]
Management of HTN in pts with impaired pulmonary
Atenolol function or IDDM Less likely to induce bronchospasm contraindicated in
Metoprolol asthmatics
Long term mgmt. of pts w/ angina pectoris/acute MI
Useful in controlling arrhythmia [supraventricular or
Cardioselective PK: Ultra short acting: t1/2 is about 10
Esmolol Associated with hepatic injury
Administered IV
Perioperative HTN
Safer in critically ill patients
MI in acutely ill pts
α-methyltyrosine Blocks NE [& Epi] synthesis through competitive Used in adjuvant therapy with phenoxybenzamine in treatment of malignant
(metyrosine) inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase pheochromocytoma [when surgery is not possible]
Unable to concentrate and store NE and dopamine in the vesicle→ continuous breakdown Slow onset and Historical TXT of
Reserpine Irreversible damage to VMAT→ ↓NE and dopamine
by MAO long duration HTN
[Obsolete] availability→ sympatholytic response
↓BP and ↓HR
Reversible inhibitor of VMAT ↓catecholamines
Tetrabenzine Chorea associated with Huntington’s Disease
Autacoids: Histamine Agonists
Autacoids have diverse physiological and pharmacological activities; have brief lifetime and act near their site of synthesis
Formed by decarboxylation of L-histidine
Exists in bound form in granules of mast cells or basophils and in enterochromaffin-like cells in the fundus of the stomach release histamine to activate parietal cells
Drug Name Receptor Mechanism Indication/Effects Storage and Release
CVS: Immunologic release: Type I HSN
-Vasodilation with H1 and H2 receptors -Ag binds to IgE on mast cells/ basophils Ca2+ mediated
H1 receptors: higher affinity but rapid and short lived; degranulation release histamine, ATP and other mediators
-linked to G-proteins stimulation leads to release of NO
-constitutive activity active even in the absence of histamine (anti-histamines H2 receptors: develops slowly and is more sustained Chemical/Mechanical release:
are thus inverse agonists) -Amines (morphine and tubocurarine) displace bound histamine from
Heart: heparin complex; no energy required
- H2mediated contractility and conduction velocity -mast cell injury causes degranulation and histamine release
- H1 mediated contractility and capillary permeability edema Adverse Effects
-Located on postsynaptic membranes in brain -Triple response: intradermal injection causes a localized red
-present in endothelium, smooth mm., nerve endings spot(vasodilation), brighter red flush/flare (stimulation of axon Histamine Toxicity: dose related
Histamine H1 -Gq: PLC IP3/DAG Ca2+ reflexes) and a wheal (reflects capacity to cause edema) -Flushing
GI Tract: H1 mediated contraction -Reflex tachycardia d/t vasodilation
-Located on postsynaptic membranes in brain
H2 -present in gastric mucosa, cardiac muscle cells & immune cells
Bronchioles: H1 mediated bronchoconstriction -GI upset
-Gs Adenylyl cyclase cAMP
Reduces transmitter release from histaminergic and other neurons
H3 CNS: H1 mediated sensory never stimulation (esp. pain/itching) -wheals
-Found on leukocytes in the BM and blood
Secretory Tissue: H2 mediated activation of gastric parietal cells -Urticaria (hives) d/t capillary permeability
-Chemotactic on eosinophils and mast cells
HCl secretion, pepsin/IF production -Anaphylaxis: txt with Epinephrine
H4 -Role in inflammation and allergies
Clinical Uses: Pulmonary Function Testing provokes bronchial DO NOT give to asthmatics or patients with PUD/GI bleed
Autacoids: Histamine Antagonists
Drug Name Class/Description Mechanism/Effects Uses Adverse Effects
Physiological Antagonist DOC for Anaphylaxis and other
Epinephrine Acts at a separate receptor conditions that involve massive
Actions on smooth mm. cells opposite to histamine histamine release
Cromolyn Mast cell stabilizer Reduce mast cell degranulation via unknown
Nedocromil (release inhibitor) mechanism ( -2 agonists may have same effect)
-Sedation (caution with other drugs that cause sedation
Inverse Agonist constitutive activity contraindicated while operating machinery)
Cyclizine 1st generation alone: motion
First Generation H1 Antagonists -Dry mouth d/t anticholinergic effects
Dimenhydrinate sickness and nausea;
Also block cholinergic, -adrenergic, serotonin -Autonomic blocking actions are additive with those of muscarinic
Diphenhydramine somnifacient insomnia
Cross the BBB Sedative effects and local anesthetic receptor sites (unrelated to antagonists and -antagonists
More likely to block autonomic receptors their blocking of H1 receptors) -Acute poisoning: common in young children; hallucinations,
Meclizine Allergic conditions:
excitement, ataxia, convulsions; untxted coma and collapse of
Promethazine -allergies caused by antigens acting
cardiorespiratory system
of IgE-antibody sensitized mast
Cardiac toxicity: involves blockade of HERG K+ channels in heart
prolongation of the action potential by blocking cardiac K+ channels
Second generation H1 Antagonist
Fexofenadine -Astemizole and Terfenadine withdrawn from US torsades de
DOC in controlling sxs of allergic
Loratadine pointes (potentially fatal)
Less sedating b/c they are less able to cross the BBB less Inverse Agonist constitutive activity rhinitis and urticaria
Cetirizine -Combo with ketoconazole, itraconazole, macrolide antibiotics
Astemizole (erythromycin) or grapefruit juice toxicity by inhibiting CYP3A4
actively pumped out of brain by P-glycoprotein Ineffective in txt of bronchial
Terfenadine antihistamine concentration in blood
transporter asthma
**Fexofenadine lacks cardiac toxicity effects
Peptic ulcers (promotes healing) -Extremely safe and usually don’t occur: HA, dizzy, diarrhea,
constipation, muscular pain
Competitively and reversible H2 inhibitors Acute stress ulcers associated with - IV confusion, hallucination, agitation (more common w/
cAMP gastric acid secretion induced by major trauma in ICU pts. cimetidine)
histamine or gastrin NOT secretion induced by - Rapid IV infusion bradycardia and hypotension (give over 30min)
H2 Antagonist muscarinic agonists GERD prevention and txt (may not -blood dyscrasias and reversible liver abnormalities (Rare)
work for at least 45min)
Can cross placenta but have not shown harmful Cimetidine:
effects give only when necessary - inhibits CYP450 slow metabolism of other drugs
-binds to androgen receptors gynecomastia, sperm count,
Autacoids: Serotonin Agonists and Antagonists
Formed from L-tryptophan via hydroxylation followed by decarboxylation
Stored or rapidly inactivated by MAO mediated oxidation
Found in enterochromaffin cells in the GI tract, platelets, and raphe nuclei of the brain stem (where the cell bodies of serotonergic neurons are found)
Precursor of melatonin in the pineal gland
Brain serotonergic neurons involved in mood, sleep, appetite, temperature regulation, perception of pain, blood pressure regulation and vomiting
Drug Name Class/Description Mechanism/Effect Uses Adverse Effects
Seven families of
GI tract:
5-HT receptor
-5-HT2 mediated GI motility
-5-HT4 mediated ACh release mediates
prokinetic effects of serotonin agonists
Serotonin (5-HT) -5-HT3 is the only No clinical applications as a drug overproduction of 5-HT severe diarrhea
CVS: 5-HT2 mediated constriction of veins/arteries
ligand-gated ion
Platelets: 5-HT2A mediated platelet aggregation
channel, all
CNS: 5-HT3 mediated vomiting reflex and pain/itch
others are G-
protein coupled
DOC for acute severe migraines (not
-Reduce both sensory activation in the periphery prophylaxis)
5-HT 1D/1B
Sumatriptan and nociceptive transmission in the brainstem
(prototype) trigeminal nucleus diminish central sensitization Migraines are d/t calcitonin gene-related
-cause vasoconstriction peptide, substance P and neurokinin A
Prokinetic Agent promote and organize gut
motility Somnolence, Nervousness, & Dystonic rxns
-facilitates ACh release from enteric neurons Extrapyramidal effects & tardive dyskinesia (Rare)
Galactorrhea (infrequent)
Metoclopramide Central anti-dopaminergic actions antinauseant,
5-HT4 Agonist Emesis
Cisapride antiemetic Cisapride no longer available in US d/t cardiac effects
action potential QT prolongation v-tach, v-fib,
Peripheral anti-dopaminergic actions enhance torsades de pointes (esp. with other drugs that inhibit
prokinetic activity by counteracting the inhibitory CYP3A4)
effect of D2 receptors
Allergic/ Vasomotor rhinitis
Allergic conjunctivitis
Potent H1 blocking actions
Cold urticaria
Cyproheptadine 5-HT2 Antagonist Blocks smooth mm. effects of serotonin and
Carcinoid Tumor effects on smooth mm.
histamine, but has no effect on gastric acid
Serotonin Syndrome ( 5-HT1A and 5-HT2
stimulation hyperthermia, mm. rigidity,
myoclonus can be fatal)
Zileuton Inhibits 5-lypoxygenase Moderate-severe asthma in pts. who are poorly controlled by
Zafirlukast Leukotriene inhibitors conventional therapy or experience adverse effects with
Antagonists Inhibits binding of LTD4 to its receptor on target tissues
Montelukast corticoids
NSAIDs Inhibit COX 1 and COX 2 Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity
Block specific transport fxns of the renal tubules rate of urine flow & excretion of Na+ and Cl- (H2O will follow)
blood volume venous pressure preload CO arterial pressure
venous pressure capillary hydrostatic pressure capillary fluid filtration & capillary fluid reabsorption edema if present
Long term use systemic vascular resistance
Major clinical uses: management of edema or TXT of HTN
Drug Name Class/Receptor Effects MOA Uses PK Adverse Effects
Ototoxicity (hearing issues, vertigo,
Most Effective → tinnitus, sense of fullness in ears)
DOC for mgmt. of edema
produces a lot of Hyperuricemia gout
associated with heart ↑ Ca2+,
urine Hypomagnesemia
Loop failure or renal/hepatic ↑Na+, ↑K+,
InhibitsNa+/K+/2Cl- Hypocalcemia
“High Ceiling” disease ↑Mg2+ Oral &
Furosemide ↑ renal blood flow cotransporter in the HSN for sulfa-based drugs
Torsemide via decreased ascending loop of Henle Acute hypovolemia d/t depleted
Acute pulm edema Increased t1/2 = 2L4h
NKCC2 resistance
HTN (moderate-severe) Volume
Na+ hyponatremia or hypotension
Hypokalemia hypochloremic alkalosis
↑ PG synthesis & cardiac arrhythmias
[COX2] Contraindicated in post-menopausal
osteopenic women d/t Mg and Ca
HTN Oral only t1/2 =
Mild heart failure 40h
Premenstrual edema
↑Na+, ↑K+, 1-3 weeks for
Thiazides ↓ PVR and BP Hyponatremia
Hypercalciuria (useful for ↑Cl-, ↑Mg2+ stable effects
[Sulfa even after volume Hyperuricemia
derivatives] kidney stones) ↓ Ca2+ Most potent
recovery Block Na/Cl cotransporter Volume Depletion
Na excretion in
Metolazone in DCT Hyperglycemia
Diabetes Insipidus Increased advanced kidney
NCCT All have equal
hyperosmolar urine volume failure
maximum effects HSN
Long duration of
Chlorthalidone HTN (given once daily) action
t1/2 = 40-60hrs
Competitively inhibit 1° hyperaldosteronism
GI upset & peptic ulcers
aldosterone at cytoplasmic Edema
K+ sparing Oral & strongly Endocrine → irregular menstrual cycles
Spironolactone receptors [preventing HTN
protein bound gynecomastia, impotence
Spironolactone active metabolite translocation] Liver cirrhosis
T1/2= 2-3 days Hyperkalemia (monitor levels closely)
Eplerenone Aldosterone canrenone Acts at collecting duct Nephrotic syndrome ↑ Na+
antagonist Adjunct to prevent cardiac ↓ K+
Induces CYP450 Lethargy
Used in combination with remodeling in HF and in
Mental confusion
other diuretics acne/hirsutism increase urine
glucose tolerance volume
1° hyperaldosteronism Hyperkalemia
K+ sparing induce Blocks Na+ transport
Heart failure Hyponatremia
Amiloride photosensitization, channels
Hypokalemia (prevent K+ Leg cramps
Triamterene interstitial → ↓Na/K exchange Acts at
ENaC nephritis and renal collecting duct
loss associated with GI upset
thiazides and loop) Dizziness, pruritus, HA, visual changes
Diuretics Continued
Drug Name Class/Receptor Effects MOA Uses PK Adverse Effects
Glaucoma [↓ production Metabolic acidosis
of aqueous humor] Oral Hyponatremia
Acts mainly in IV for glaucoma Hypokalemia
↑Na+, ↑K+,
Carbonic the PT Prevents formation of H+ Mountain sickness T1/2= 3-6hrs Crystalluria Renal stones
Acetazolamide Anhydrase needed for Na+ prophylaxis Malaise, fatigue, depression, HA, GI
(CA) inhibitor Less efficacious reabsorption in the PT ↑ urine pH → upset, drowsiness and paresthesia
than others Epilepsy alters solubility
of other drugs Contraindicated in hepatic cirrhosis due
Metabolic Alkalosis to ↓ NH4+ excretion
↑urine flow in pts w/ Nearly all Extracellular H2O expansion→
Does not affect
Filtered into glomerulus and acute renal failure electrolytes: hyponatremia
Na+ excretion
act everywhere ↑Na+, ↑K+, Tissue dehydration
Mannitol Osmotic ↓ICP & cerebral edema ↑HCO3-, IV only Oral → osmotic diarrhea
↑Osmotic pressure draws ↑Ca2+,
Only drug to truly
H2O into tubular fluid promote excretion of toxic ↑Mg2+, Contraindicated in CHF, pulm edema &
↑urine volume
substances ↑phosphate pts w/ active chronic bleeding
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
IV only Infusion site rxns
ADH SIADH ↑ Plasma
Inhibits ADH Thirst
antagonist Euvolemic hyponatremia Na+
Renders CT ↓aquaporins in the Metabolized by Atrial fibrillation
Conivaptan Hypervolemic ↓ H2O
impermeable to collecting duct and potent GI and electrolyte disturbances
hyponatremia reabsorption
V1 & V2 H2O
HF (only if benefits>risk) → dilute urine
inhibitor of
CYP3A4 Contraindicated in Renal failure &
hypovolemic hyponatremia
Antihypertensive Drugs
Results from peripheral vascular smooth mm. tone arteriolar resistance & venous Anti-HTN goal CO and PVR. This can be done through action at the resistance arterioles,
capacitance (most cases the cause is unknown) capacitance venules, output of the heart or volume retention by the kidneys
Normal: <120/<80; PreHTN: 120-139/80-89; Stage 1 HTN: 140-159/90-99; Stage 2 HTN: >160/>100 Stage 1 HTN controlled w/ single drug: ACE-I, ARBs, Ca2+ channel blocker or a thiazide [all first
Arterial BP CO and PVR which are controlled by baroreflexes mediated by SNS and renin- line agents]
angiotensin-aldosterone system Stage 2 HTN controlled w/ multiple drugs→ add a drug to minimize adverse effects; if still not
under control, add a vasodilator
Drug Name Class/Receptor Description MOA Uses PK Adverse Effects
HTN– most effective in young
No reflex tachycardia, etc. white pts [black and elderly Hyperkalemia, dry hacking cough, rash, fever, altered taste,
↓ PVR → ↓ BP [indirect, 2° mechanisms] usually have low renin add a and hypotension
First line agents Inhibit ACE ↓Na+ and H2O Angioedema [supervise 1st dose]
Captopril ACE Inhibitors
particularly for diabetics retention Chronic HF Acute renal failure in pts w/ bilateral renal aa. stenosis
and patients with CKD: ↓vasoconstriction on efferent → ↓GFR → elevated creatinine
Lisinopril 1st line agents
↓ diabetic nephropathy ↑renin & ↑Angiotensin I DOC for Post-MI HTN
↓ albuminuria Contraindicated in pts w/ bilateral renal aa. stenosis and
↑bradykinin [potent vasodilator] Preserve renal fxn in pts w/ Pregnancy →congenital malformation; fetal hypotension,
diabetic or non-diabetic renal failure, anuria
Angiotensin Very similar to ACE-I’s Same as ACE-I’s
receptor Alternative to ACE-I ↓ PVR → ↓ BP Similar to ACE-Is excepts that angioedema risk is much lower
Losartan blockers ↓aldosterone ↓Na+ and H2O Losartan will ↓uric acid by [related to bradykinin] and NO dry cough
Valsartan [ARB’s] Blocks the ATII type 1 retention inhibiting URAT1
receptor ↓ diabetic nephrotoxicity transporter helps pts w/
1st line agents No effect on bradykinin gout
Inhibits renin prevent
Renin New alternative agent in conversion of angiotensinogen to Similar to ACE-Is excepts that angioedema risk is much lower
Inhibitor treatment of HTN ATI production of both ATII & [related to bradykinin] and NO dry cough
Non Dihydropyridine Bind to L-type Ca2+ channels in the Constipation
Least selective heart and muscle of the Contraindicated in pts on -blockers,
Verapamil SVT tachyarrhythmia Oral
Cardiac and vascular peripheral vasculature→ 2n/3rd AV block or severe LV systolic
HTN (black and/or elderly pts)
smooth muscle effects ↓calcium entry → relaxation of dysfxn
muscle → -ve inotropism and/or
Non Dihydropyridine Cerebral vasospasm
vasodilation Oral
A little more selective for Contraindicated in pts on -blockers,
Diltiazem Calcium the vasculature than Useful in pts with asthma, 2n/3rd AV block or severe LV systolic
Intrinsic natriuretic effect no Good side effect
Channel verapamil but still affects diabetes, and peripheral dysfxn
need for diuretic profile
Blockers heart vascular resistance
1st line agents HTN (black and/or elderly pts)
2nd gen has little
Greater affinity for vasculature Ca Angina Oral High Hypotension
interaction with digoxin
Nifedipine [1st gen] channels No ↓CO dose risk of MI so Peripheral edema
and warfarin
Useful in pts with asthma, sustained release Dizzy, HA, fatigue, flushing
Amlodipine [2nd gen] Intrinsic natriuretic effect no diabetes, and peripheral preparations are Gingival hyperplasia
DOESN’T treat cardiac
need for diuretic vascular resistance preferred Reflex tachycardia
Antihypertensive Drugs Continued
Drug Name Class/Receptor Description MOA Uses PK Adverse Effects
Counteract Na+ & H2O
retention caused by other
↑Na+ & H2O excretion → Hyperuricemia
anti HTN drugs [useful in
Chlorthalidone Thiazide Diuretic ↓ECF → ↓CO & renal blood Hyperglycemia
First line agents combination therapy]
Hydrochlorothiazide flow [in the long term, there Oral Hypomagnesemia
Lower BP 10-15 mmHg
Metolazone 1st line agents is normal plasma volume, but Hyperlipidemia
DOC for Blacks and elderly
↓ PVR]
[with normal renal and
Contraindicated in diabetics
cardiac fxn]
DOC for pts with poor
Furosemide Prompt action in pts with poor ↓ renal vascular resistance renal function or More potent and can cause more side
Loop Diuretics
Torsemide renal function or heart failure ↑ renal blood flow unresponsive to other effects
diuretics i.e. thiazides
Amiloride Used in combo with other
K+ sparing Decrease the K+ lost in urine caused by thiazide or loop diuretics
Triamterene diuretics
1st line in patients with
Spironolactone Aldosterone antagonists → inhibition of Na+ and H2O retention Reduced K+ excretion → risk of
HTN and severe LV
Eplerenone 2nd line agents → inhibition of vasoconstriction hyperkalemia
Atenolol β1 Selective
Bradycardia, CNS effects, hypotension,
Metoprolol Most widely used
↓CO, contractility & ↓libido, impotence, lipid disturbance
Propranolol Nonselective β1 & 2
Nonselective β1 & 2 partial More effective in
May take Abrupt withdrawal→ angina and MI in pts
Β-Blockers agonist young/white pts
↓CNS sympathetic output weeks to with heart disease
[especially with exercise] develop full
2nd line agents [Intrinsic sympathomimetic DOC only for patients with
Pindolol effects Propranolol is contraindicated in asthma &
activity] CAD, HF or post-MI
↓NE & renin (β1)→ ↓ ATII & COPD
Aldosterone secretion
Preferred β-Blocker in
Mask symptoms of hypoglycemia
↓PVR and MAP by relaxation Mild to moderate HTN in Reflex tachycardia and orthostatic hypotension may be
Competitive inhibition of α1 of arterial and venous smooth combination with seen with first dose, but not long term (α2 blocks
receptors muscle propranolol or a diuretic response by inhibiting NE) → add β-blocker
α-blockers [less common now due to
Na+ & H2O retention→ usually Minimal change in CO, renal adverse effects] Dizziness, drowsiness, HA, fatigue, nausea, palpitations
give with a diuretic blood flow & GFR → no long
term tachycardia BPH Doxazosin has been shown to ↑rate of CHF
Long term treatment of
NO reflex tachycardia or ↑CO HTN Orthostatic hypotension
Mixed α/β Oral
Labetalol [β1 effect is greater]
blocker Parenteral
Safe in pregnancy HTN emergencies: IV Contraindicated in pheochromocytoma
admin→ rapid drop in BP
Antihypertensive Drugs Continued
Drug Name Class/Receptor Description MOA Uses PK Adverse Effects
Sedation, dry mouth, dizziness, HA,
↓sympathetic outflow[NE] by
2nd line when HTN does sexual dysfunction common
acting on presynaptic auto-
Clonidine not respond to TXT with 2+ Oral; Well
receptors→ ↓PVR and CO→
drugs absorbed. Abrupt withdrawal Rebound HTN
Admin. w/ (avoid use w/ -blocker)
Central acting α2- Does NOT ↓ renal blood flow
diuretic [Na
agonist or GFR Same as Clonidine + nightmares, mental
DOC for pregnancy & H2O
Methyldopa → ↓ sympathetic outflow → ↓ depression, vertigo
induced HTN retention]
Methyldopamine PVR and BP
Methyl-NE [CO not affected] +ve coombs test can develop hemolytic
Renal Insufficiency
anemia, hepatitis & drug fever
DOC: pregnancy induced
Oral or IV
Hydralazine Never 1st line hypertensive emergencies
HA, tachycardia, nausea, sweating,
related to eclampsia
Direct acting smooth muscle
relaxants Opening of K+ channels in
Lupus like syndrome [NAT]
Direct Vasodilators smooth muscle → Arteriolar
[3rd line] Reflex tachycardia, dilation Severe malignant HTN
Minoxidil Reflex tachycardia and fluid retention
↑plasma renin → Na+ & H2O [NOT venous] Oral
[Rogaine] [coadminister with a diuretic & β-blocker]
retention Male pattern baldness
Volume overload → edema and CHF
Causes hypertrichosis
symptoms respond to nitroglycerin and Ca2+ channel
blockers [all types]; choice of drug based on the patient
Phase 0: Fast Upstroke Phase 3: Repolarization
Na+ channels open fast inward current L-type Ca2+ channels close
Upstroke ends as Na+ channels are inactivated K+ channels open outward(polarizing) current
Net result: gain of Na+ and loss of K+ (imbalance is
corrected by Na+/K+ ATPase
Phase 1: Partial Repolarization
Na+ channels inactivate
K+ channels rapidly open & close transient outward Phase 4: Forward current
current Increasing depolarization d/t gradual increase in
Na+ permeability cell is brought to threshold of
Phase 2: Plateau next action potential
L-type Ca2+ channels open slow inward
(depolarizing) current balances slow outward
(polarizing) movement of K+
All arrhythmias result from disturbances in impulse formation or disturbances in impulse conduction and can
be supraventricular (at or above the AV node) or ventricular
Sinus tachycardia/bradycardia (originates from the SA node)
Atrial fibrillation (most common cause)
Factors that precipitate arrhythmias: Ischemia, Hypoxia, Acidosis/alkalosis, Electrolyte abnormalities, Excessive
catecholamine exposure, Autonomic influences, Drug toxicity (Especially antiarrhythmics)
Use/Sate dependence: drugs bind more rapidly to open or inactivated Na+ channels, not channels that are at rest;
cells discharging at abnormally high frequency are preferentially blocked
Non-drug therapies:
Electrical Cardioversion: admin short acting anesthesia electric shock to synchronize heart
Pacemaker: sends small electrical impulses to heart to maintain HR prevents bradycardia
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD): TXTs V-tach & V-fib; monitors rhythm constantly & will
deliver energy to make heart rhythm normal when needed
Catheter Ablation: high-frequency electrical energy delivered via catheter to the tissue that’s causing
the abnormal rhythm. TXTs PSVTs, atrial flutter, atrial-fib & some atrial/ventricular tachycardia
Abnormal Automaticity Re-entrant circuits Afterdepolarization Accessory Tract Pathways
Areas other than the SA node generate Most common cause; unidirectional block Normal AP triggers extra depolarizations Arise in the bypass tract and
competing stimuli → abnormal conduction pathway Early → when they occur during phase 2 or 3 and re triggered by are faster than SA and AV
(Disturbance in impulse formation) (Disturbance in impulse conduction) drugs prolonging the AP [i.e. QT prolongation] node AP’s
Late → after complete repolarization during phase 4 i.e. Bundle of Kent
Goal of most antiarrhythmics is to block Na+ Prevention of re-entry by slowing conduction Prevented by slowing conduction and/or increasing the refractory
or Ca2+ channels → ↓ slope of phase 4 and/or and/or increasing the refractory period period (Disturbance in impulse
increase the threshold → ↓ frequency of The unidirectional block is converted into a formation)
discharge bidirectional block (Disturbance in impulse formation)
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Types of Arrhythmias:
Premature Atrial Contractions: extra early beats that originate in the atria harmless and do not require treatment
Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs): common; occur in pts with or w/o heart disease; skipped beats caused by stress, nicotine, exercise etc. usually harmless and do not require treatment
Atrial Fibrilation: very common irregular heat rhythm results in the atria contracting abnormally
Atrial Flutter: caused by one or more rapid circuits in the atrium; ocurrs in pts with heart disease and in the 1st week following heart surgery; converts to atrial fibrillation
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT): rapid HR w/ regular rhythm; begins and ends suddenly; two types accessory path tachycardias or AV nodal reentrant tachycardias
Ventricular Tachycardia (V-Tach): rapid heart rhythym orginiating from the ventricles; requires immediate treatment
Ventricular fibrillation: erratic, disorganized firing of impulses from the ventricles; ventricles are unable to contract/pump bloof; medical emergency
Sinus Node Dysfunction: slow HR d/t abnormal SA node; requires txt with a pacemaker
Classification Mechanism Effect
Inhibit phase 0 depolarizationby blocking Na+ channels
excitability and conduction velocity
Na+ Channel Blocker Block K+ channels refractory period in atria & ventricles
(phase 3) QT interval prolongation
(Fast channel blockers)
Class IA threshold for excitation & inhibition of ectopic pacemaker
Suppress Ventricular and activity myocardial excitability
Supraventricular arrhythmias
Intermediate speed of binding & dissociation
Little effect on AP
formation/action Neutropenia
of chemical Prophylactic txt of angina pectoris
cAMP inhibit
signals that
phosphodiesterase or blocks
promote Adjunct to warfarin in prevention of
uptake of adenosine (acts at A2 Little or no beneficial
Dipyridamole aggregation post-op thromboembolism
Phosphodiesterase receptors to activate platelet AC) effect by itself
Adjunct to aspirin 2 prophylaxis of
Coronary vasodilator
cerebrovascular disease
Promotes vasodilation and
Cilostazole Intermittent claudication
inhibition of platelet aggregation
chimeric mouse-human
Abciximab monoclonal Ab Prevent thrombotic events in pts with
Irreversible antagonist NSTE-ACS Parenteral IIb/IIIa receptor for fibrinogen and vitronectin mainly, but also for
GPIIb/IIIa receptor
Cyclic peptide fibronectin and vWF- patients lacking this receptor have a bleeding
Eptifibatide blockers
Reversible antagonist Adjunct to PCI for prevention of cardiac Abciximab t½=18-24hrs disorder called Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia
Non-peptide tyrosine analogue ischemic complications
Reversible antagonist
Anti-Coagulants Continued
Drugs Used to Reduce Clotting
Drug Name Class Description MOA Uses PK Adverse effects /Contraindications
Heterogeneous 5 carbohydrate residue sequence on heparin is critical Injectable, rapidly acting
mixture of straight for binding to Antithrombin III conformational
chain, sulfated change more rapid interaction with proteases Monitor heparin to maintain
Bleeding (reverse with Protamine), liver
Heparin mucopolysaccharides (thrombin, factor IXa and Xa) Adjunct to warfarin for txt of venous effect within therapeutic range
transaminases, osteoporosis, HSN rxns
Unfractionated thrombosis and pulm embolism until and prevent bleeding use aPTT
(standard) heparin Fxns as a cofactor for Antithrombin-protease rxn warfarin achieves full effects assay tests the intrinsic and -
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT):
(UFH) without being consumed common pathways
Type I=more common and less severe;
Anticoagulants Initial mgmt. of unstable angina or -Equal efficacy to UFH but higher
Type II=systemic hypercoagulable state in pts
2° Hemostasis inactivation of thrombin: heparin must bind acute MI bioavailability, longer half-life,
txt with UFH for a min of 7 days thrombosis
simultaneously to thrombin and Antithrombin and less frequent dosing
Low molecular weight and thrombocytopenia d/t platelet
Indirect ternary complex Prevent thrombosis during coronary requirements
heparins (LMWH) consumption DVT, pulm embolism, MI or
Enoxaparin thrombin and balloon angioplasty -Weight based dosing of
produced by chemical stroke
Dalteparin factor Xa inactivation of factor Xa: heparin must only bind to LMWH= no need to monitor
or enzymatic
Tinzaparin inhibitors Antithrombin DOC for anticoagulation during heparin levels except in pts with
depolymerization of TXT of HIT: stop drug use and give direct
pregnancy renal insufficiency, obesity, or
UFH thrombin inhibitor or Fondaparinux
LMWH have less of effect on thrombin b/c the cant pregnancy (potency can be
form the ternary complex, while UFH efficiently monitored with anti-factor Xa
inactivates both assays)
-Selective, indirect inhibitor of factor Xa, with
Synthetic Potency monitored with anti-Xa
Fondaparinux negligible Antithrombin activity Prophylaxis and TXT of DVT
pentasaccharide assay
-Contains the 5 carbohydrate sequence
Powerful and specific Excreted by
Actions are independent from Antithrombin III can
thrombin inhibitor Prevents further thromboembolic kidney Caution in patients with renal
Lepirudin each and inactivate both free and fibrin bound
(recombinant of complication in pts with HIT Monitored by the insufficiency no antidote exists
thrombin in clots
Hirudin found in leech) aPTT
Synthetic congener of Bivalent inhibitor of thrombin Pts undergoing percutaneous
Bivalirudin Parenteral
Anticoagulants Hirudin Inhibits platelet activation coronary intervention (PCI)
2° Hemostasis -Prophylaxis/TXT of thrombosis in pts Given IV
with HIT Monitored by the
Argatroban Direct Small molecule Thrombin inhibitor -Pts with/at risk for HIT undergoing aPTT
thrombin percutaneous coronary intervention
inhibitors (PCI)
Prodrug rapidly -Produces predictable response
Dabigatran -Prevention of thromboembolic
converted to Reversibly blocks the active site of thrombin so monitoring is not necessary No antidote but is dialyzable
Etexilate stroke in pts with non-valvular a-fib
dabigatran -Excreted in urine (not
metabolized by liver)
-Prophylaxis/TXT of DVT and pulm
Apixaban Anticoagulants Direct Factor Xa embolism
Direct Factor Xa inhibitors -Produces predictable response No antidote to reverse anticoagulant effect
Rivaroxaban 2° Hemostasis inhibitors
so monitoring is not necessary
Inhibits vitamin K epoxide reductase cant γ-
carboxylase Factors II, VII, IX, and X (Factor VII is the Prevents progression/recurrence of a Oral
first to go) previously formed clot (acute DVT or Peak effect seen at 72-96hours
pulm embolism) and secondary Duration of single dose= 2-5days
Anticoagulants -Cutaneous necrosis d/t protein C (Associated
Coumarin Inhibit metab: Cimetidine, chloramphenicol, thromboembolic complications Narrow therapeutic index w/
Warfarin 2° Hemostasis with venous thrombosis)
anticoagulant disulfiram, fluconazole, metronidazole, following initial course of heparin many drug interactions
-Contraindicated in pregnancy (Category
phenylbutazone, sulfinpyrazone, and TMP-SMX monitor every 2-4 weeks using
X) birth defects/abnormal bone formation
Effect overcome by vitamin K admin. PT(INR) tests extrinsic an
Stimulate metab: barbiturates, carbamazepine, (takes about 24hr) common pathways
phenytoin, rifampin
Acute MI Catalyzes the degradation of
Protein produced by - Convert zymogen plasminogen to active protease Acute pulm embolism fibrinogen and factors V and VII
Streptokinase Contraindicated in pts with healing wounds,
hemolytic strep plasmin digests fibrin Arterial thrombosis by forming complex with
pregnancy, hx of cerebrovascular accidents or
Occluded access shunts plasminogen
metastatic cancer
Human enzyme from
Urokinase neonatal kidney cells directly converts plasminogen plasmin Lysis of pulm emboli Found in urine
grown in culture
Mgmt. of acute MI and acute
Alteplase plasmin
Recombinant t-PA ischemic stroke (given w/i 4.5 hrs of t1/2= 3-6min
3° Hemostasis -Hemorrhage
Tissue plasminogen activators (t-PA)
Modified recombinant t1/2= 14-18min
Reteplase “fibrin selective” rapidly activates plasminogen -Contraindicated in pts with healing wounds,
human t-PA (less fibrin- Mgmt. of acute MI double bolus- 2 boluses 30 min
bound to fibrin in a thrombus or plug pregnancy, hx of cerebrovascular accidents or
specific) apart
metastatic cancer
mutant t-PA (more t1/2= 20-24min
Tenecteplase Mgmt. of acute MI
fibrin-specific) single IV bolus
Anti-Coagulants Continued
Drugs Used to Treat Bleeding
Adverse effects
Drug Name Class Description MOA Uses PK
Adjunct therapy in hemophilia Oral or IV
Aminocaproic Acid Synthetic inhibitors of Competitively inhibit plasminogen activation
t-PA inhibitors Intravascular thrombosis
Tranexamic Acid fibrinolysis
Therapy for bleeding from fibrinolytic therapy Excreted in urine
Chemical antagonist of heparin: positively charged Interfere in coagulation when
Low molecular weight Reverses the effects of heparin (most active against UFH,
protein interacts with negatively charged given in the absence of
Protamine Sulfate protein partially active against LMWHs and inactive against IV
heparin stable complex with no anticoagulation heparin HSN, dyspnea, flushing,
High in arginine Fondaparinux)
activity bradycardia and hypotension
Carboxylates clotting factors
Antidotes Stops bleeding induced by oral anticoagulants (Warfarin) Oral
Vitamin K Response is complete in 24 hours, onset in 6
Hypoprothrombinemia in babies parenteral
Fresh frozen plasma used for immediate hemostasis
Classic hemophilia or hemophilia A Factor VIII
Plasma Fractions Replace coagulation factors that are deficient in certain genetic disorders
Christmas disease or hemophilia B Factor IX
Aminocaproic Acid/
- Tranexamic Acid
Anemia: number of RBCs or Hb concentration
Macrocytic RBCs vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
Microcytic RBCs iron deficiency anemia: results from acute/chronic blood loss, insufficient intake or in heavily menstruating/pregnant women
Normocytic RBCs acute blood loss
Iron is stored as ferritin in intestinal mucosal cells
Phlebotomy → for chronic iron overload without anemia
Vitamin B12 cofactor for many rxns; deficiency microcytic megaloblastic anemia and neurologic abnormalities
o Ultimate source: microbial synthesis not synthesized by plants or animals (found in meat, eggs and dairy)
o stored in the liver; would take about 5 years to develop the anemia from depleting stores
o absorbed only after its formed a complex w/ intrinsic factor in the distal ileum via receptor-mediated transport system
o deficiency results from malabsorption d/t lack of IF (pernicious anemia) or defective transporter or d/t nutritional deficiency as seen in strict vegetarians, partial or total gastrectomy and any condition that affects the distal ileum
o deficiency prevents synthesis of purines required for DNA synthesis
o deficiency causes accumulation of homocysteine and methylmalonyl-CoA
o SXS include neurologic syndrome paresthesia in peripheral nerves, weakness and progresses to spasticity, ataxia and other CNS dysfxn
o admin of folic acid will NOT prevent neurologic SXS even though it will correct the anemia
Folic acid cofactor for many rxns; deficiency microcytic megaloblastic anemia
o Deficiency can develop within 1-6mon after intake has stopped
o deficiency prevents synthesis of purines required for DNA synthesis
o deficiency causes accumulation of homocysteine
o deficiency is often caused by inadequate dietary intake (alcoholics and liver disease), increased demand (pregnant women, pts with hemolytic anemia), malabsorption syndromes affecting the jejunum, or certain drugs (methotrexate,
trimethoprim and pyrimethamine or long term therapy with phenytoin) ** phenytoin does not cause megaloblastic changes
Drug Name Class Description Uses Pharmacodynamics Adverse effects
Ferrous Sulfate Iron deficiency anemia hypochromic microcytic anemia Epigastric discomfort
Ferrous gluconate Oral iron therapy Abdominal cramps
Ferrous iron is most
Ferrous fumarate TXT should continue 3-6mon after correction of the cause of the iron loss Constipation
Iron efficiently absorbed only
preparations ferrous salts should be
Iron deficiency anemia hypochromic microcytic anemia used
Iron dextran
Sodium ferric gluconate complex Parenteral iron therapy
Reserved for pts who can’t tolerate oral iron or in pts w/ chronic anemia who
Iron sucrose
can’t be maintained on oral iron alone
Acute Iron Toxicity: seen in young children who ingest iron pills necrotizing
Deferoxamine gastroenteritis with vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea followed
by shock, metabolic acidosis coma and death
Binds to iron which has
Chronic Iron Toxicity/Hemochromatosis: XS iron is deposited in the heart,
already been absorbed
Iron chelator Given parentally liver, pancreas, etc. organ failure and death; seen in pts with inherited
promotes excretion in
hemochromatosis or pts receiving many red cell transfusions (thalassemia
Deferasirox urine and feces
major pts)