Digital PID Controller Design For DC-DC Buck Converter: Master of Technology
Digital PID Controller Design For DC-DC Buck Converter: Master of Technology
Digital PID Controller Design For DC-DC Buck Converter: Master of Technology
Master of Technology
Electrical Engineering
(Specialization: Control & Automation)
Ashis Mondal
Digital PID Controller Design for DC-DC Buck Converter
Master of Technology
Electrical Engineering
(Specialization: Control & Automation)
Ashis Mondal
Department of of Electrical
Electric Engineering
al Engineering
National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela
This is to certify that the report entitled, “Digital PID controller Design for DC-DC Buck
Converter” submitted by Ashis Mondal to the Department of Electrical Engineering, National
Institute Of Technology, Rourkela, India, during the academic session 2013-2014 for the award of
the degree of Master of Technology in “Control & Automation” specialization, is a bona-fide
record of work carried by him under my supervision and guidance. The thesis has fulfilled all the
requirements as per the regulations of this institute and in my opinion reached the standard for
Dr. Susovon Samanta
Department of Electrical Engineering,
NIT,Rourkela -769008 (India)
Place : Rourkela, India
Date: May, 2014
First of all I like to thanks from deep of my heart to my supervisor Dr. Susovon Samanta
for the confidence that he accorded to me by accepting to supervise this thesis. I express my warm
gratitude for his precious support, valuable guidance and consistent encouragement throughout the
course of my M. Tech.
My heartiest thanks to Dr. Bidyadhar Subudhi, an inspiring faculty and Dr. A. K. Panda, Head of
Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Rourkela.
Special thanks to Green, Gour, Gaurav for their support, care and love. I would like to extend
special gratitude to my friends in NIT Rourkela, without whom, this journey would not have
been this enjoyable.
Finally, I dedicate this thesis to my family: my dear father, my dearest mother who supported me
morally despite the distance that separates us. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their
motivation, inspiration, love they always give me. Without their support nothing would have been
possible. I am greatly indebted to them for everything that I am.
DC-DC converters with computerized digital control methods picked up ubiquity because of their
high productivity, low power utilization, higher resistance to natural changes, for example,
temperature and maturing of parts, capacity to interface effortlessly, of programmability and to
actualize advanced control plans. Their requisitions incorporate compact electronic gadgets, for
example, computer and smart phones others.
Various techniques have been developed to meet the requirement of output voltage and at the
same time it is also necessary to get more resolution to increase precision. The other is to develop
new control methods that can utilize the advantages of the digital controller so as to improve the
dynamic performance of the switching power converters.
The objective of this thesis is to study current techniques of DPWM generation and to develop
new techniques using 8052 for low cost implementation and PID controller implementation. Usage
of computerized PID controllers for DC-DC converters is talked about in this thesis. The essential
preferences of digital control over analog control are higher invulnerability to ecological changes,
for example, temperature and maturing of parts, expanded adaptability by changing the product,
more praiseworthy control procedures and lessened number of segments. Simple PID controller
was initially planned utilizing frequency response techniques, and then changed over into digital
Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................1
Introduction ................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................1
1.1.1. Linear Regulators .............................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Switching Regulators .........................................................................................................................2
1.2 Digital Controllers ................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objective...................................................................................................................................................5
1.7 Thesis Structure ........................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................6
Synchronous Buck Converter design ..........................................................6
2.1 Synchronous Buck converter ....................................................................................................................6
2.2 Inductor selection .....................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Selecting the Capacitor .............................................................................................................................9
2.4 Selecting the MOSFET ...........................................................................................................................10
2.5 Driving of the MOSFET .........................................................................................................................11
2.6 Simulation Result ...................................................................................................................................14
2.7 Shoot through effect of MOSFET ..........................................................................................................16
2.8 Hardware model .....................................................................................................................................17
2.8 Hardware result ......................................................................................................................................18
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................20
Pulse Width Modulation Techniques ..........................................................20
3.2 Microcontroller based technique: ...........................................................................................................21
3.2.1 Microcontroller ................................................................................................................................21
3.2.2 Sequential approach technique ........................................................................................................22
3.2.3 Time multiplexed approach .............................................................................................................23
3.3 NI MULTISIM Simulation diagram closed loop buck converter using sequential approach technique 25
3.4 Simulation result.....................................................................................................................................26
PID controller design ................................................................................27
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................27
4.1 Small Signal Analysis of Buck Converter ..............................................................................................27
4.2 State Space Description for Each Interval ..............................................................................................28
4.3 State Space Averaging ............................................................................................................................30
4.4 Linearization ...........................................................................................................................................32
4.5 Exact Tuning of the PID Controller .......................................................................................................36
4.5.1 Motivation .......................................................................................................................................36
4.5.2 Objective .............................................................................................................................................36
4.5.3 Method of tune ................................................................................................................................37
4.5.4 Validation of above described method ............................................................................................38
4.6 Hardware model .....................................................................................................................................41
4.7 Hardware result of different reference voltage .......................................................................................42
Conclusion ................................................................................................43
5.1 Suggested Future work ...........................................................................................................................43
References ............................................................................................................................................44
List of figure
Figure 1 Synchronous buck converter ................................................................................................................3
Figure 2 block diagram of closed loop synchronous buck converter .................................................................4
Figure 3 Synchronous buck converter with driver .............................................................................................6
Figure 4 inductor current vs. time(t) in CCM .....................................................................................................8
Figure 5 Buck converter ..................................................................................................................................11
Figure 6 IR2110 IC with bootstrap capacitor ...................................................................................................12
Figure 7 Simulation model of the synchronous Buck converter ......................................................................13
Figure 8 Simulation model of the synchronous Buck converter ......................................................................14
Figure 9 Waveform of inductor current(Y axis) vs. time(X axis) ....................................................................14
Figure 10 Waveform of high side MOSFET gate voltage(Y axis) vs. time(X axis) ........................................15
Figure 11 Waveform of low side MOSFET gate voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis) ........................................15
Figure 12 Delay between two PWM signals ....................................................................................................16
Figure 13 Hardware model ...............................................................................................................................17
Figure 14 waveform of high side MOSFET gate voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis) ........................................18
Figure 15 waveform of low side MOSFET gate voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis) .........................................18
Figure 16 Waveform of output voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis) ....................................................................19
Figure 17 Flowchart for sequential approach ...................................................................................................23
Figure 18 Flowchart for time multiplexed approach ........................................................................................24
Figure 19 NI MULTISIM Simulation diagram closed loop SBC using 8052 ..................................................25
Figure 20 simulation result with load disturbance............................................................................................26
Figure 21 reference voltage tracking ................................................................................................................26
Figure 22 ON time circuit.................................................................................................................................34
Figure 23 Off time circuit .................................................................................................................................34
Figure 24 Bode plot of uncompensated system ................................................................................................38
Figure 25 Bode plot of compensated system ....................................................................................................39
Figure 26 flow chart of digital PID controller ..................................................................................................40
Figure 27 hardware circuit................................................................................................................................41
Figure 28 Hardware output voltage when reference voltage is 3V .................................................................42
Figure 29 Startup transient responses when reference voltage is 3V ...............................................................42
Figure 30 flow chart of adaptive PID controller............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 31 Hardware output voltage when reference voltage is 2V .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 1 1
1.1 Introduction
The electronics industry, the fastest growing industry in this planet and would be remain
so due to advancement and revolution in VLSI technology. This digital technology makes life of
people very comfort and easy, and because of this Digital technology become most popular
among all. Nowadays without electronics gadget like computer, cell phone, digital sound system,
home appliances our life become like hell. That is why the electronics generating maximum
revenue and growing faster with the new technological advancement. As the application of
different devices is different, the power supply, current and voltage rating would be different as
per as their specification. For that for that we need fixed regulated power supply. There is two
Linear Regulator
Switching Regulator
resistor series with the load resistor and the change in the value of resistance is done as per as the
load. The advantage of this type of regulator is that it is simple and less costly but it is less
efficient due power dissipation in the resistor has made unpopular. The regulation can also be
1.1.2 Switching Regulators
The switching regulator is become very popular nowadays because of its high power
conversion efficiency. The efficiency can be achieved by the use of switching regulator up to
90%. This type of regulator also has great design flexibility. A switching regulator generally use
a power switch by turning on & off it transfer energy partly from source to the load. This switch
is controlled by controller and that is responsible for desire output. As it is using the controlled
The loss of energy in this scheme is very less because of absence of resistor .this reason
lead the switching regulator more efficient as compared to linear regulator. Also the output
There is various type of switching regulator but our discussion is limited to Buck
Regulator. The schematic diagram of buck converter is shown in Fig. 1.3.As this converter uses
two power switch an operated synchronously after another it is called synchronous Buck
regulator. Buck converter, one type of step down chopper where output voltage is less than the
input voltage. Here the regulation is done by using simple switches (with ideally no on resistance
or very low on resistance). These switches goes ON and OFF at a fixed rate called as switching
Where, D is duty ratio is defined by the ratio of on time of the switch (𝑇𝑂𝑁 ) to the operating time
period (T)
Figure 1 Synchronous buck converter
From the equation no. 1.1 we can say that the output voltage is the function of 𝑇𝑂𝑁 when the
switching period T is fixed ,Thus by controlling the switch by controlled PWM signal we can control
Various type of controller is used to control the switch such as analog, digital, fuzzy etc.
among these controllers Digital controller is very popular nowadays. There is plenty advantage
digital control has over analog controller such as it is less sensitive to environmental changes,
like change in temperature, humidity is more robust than analog controller as it is less
sudden small short time change in the system. Another most important advantage is that if there
is any change specification we don’t need to change the component like analog controller, just
we need to change the program so, flexibility is greater than analog controller. It is also very
compact and requires less area and mostly it is not very costly. But nothing is perfect in the
world the digital controller has many advantage too. Such as there is always a delay incorporated
with the system due to sampling process that makes the system nonlinear. Fig 1.4 shows the
block diagram of digitally controlled synchronous buck converter operating in Voltage Mode
1.3 Objective
In this thesis various DPWM technique using different microcontroller are studied and various controlling
method of DPWM signal is implemented experimentally. the main aim of this project is to design low
cost ,efficient and convenient controlled DPWM technique using various type of microcontroller such as
8052, Audrino etc. This thesis is also meant to compare the designed method with the existed
DC-DC converter the proper design of power stage parameters of DC-DC buck converter
Chapter 3 presents the principle of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). It also discusses
present techniques of PWM generation in analog as well as digital domain. In this chapter
the basics of microcontroller and its way of exploitation for PWM generation also
Chapter 4 presents the PID controller design for controlling the voltage of the SBC and its
hardware implementation.
At last Chapter 5 contains conclusion to the thesis. Scope of future work extending the
Chapter 2
Synchronous Buck Converter design
This chapter deals with the design of synchronous buck converter. By this chapter we are
able to describe how to select the inductor and capacitor, various problems for designing Buck
switches which is nothing but a MOSFET or we can use IGBT .In this thesis we use MOSFET
to design the Buck converter. In some buck converter the low side MOSFET Q2 is replaced by
schottkey diode or any general purpose diode such type of converter is called asynchronous
Buck convereter
To determine the proper value of inductor and capacitor following parameter information are
From fig 2.1 it can be conclude that it works like LC filter like that receives a voltage
square wave at its input which is producing by controlled switching action of two MOSFET and
current passing through it. In buck converter the switching action of MOSFET is done at very high
speed. Hence switch produces discontinuous output current, but it is the inductor, which
overcome this problem. During the ON state of MOSFET an electric current flows in the circuit
and energy is stored in the inductor (charging). As soon as the switch is turned off, there are no
current flows to the circuit. At this time inductor released the entire energy which is stored in
ON time. At steady state condition, the average inductor current 𝐼𝐿 is equal to the output current
Figure 2.2 shows the inductor current vs. time in CCM where the inductor current
never reached to its zero value. It can be seen from the figure, the inductor current is not
constant, but varies around 𝐼𝑎𝑣𝑔 between a maximum value 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 and a minimum value 𝐼𝑚𝑖𝑛
Figure 4 inductor current vs. time(t) in CCM
For choosing the value of inductor key factor need to be concern that the peak to peak ripple
current 𝛥 𝐼𝐿 of inductor should not cross the permissible value there is a thumb rule that the peak to
peak inductor ripple current 𝛥 𝐼𝐿 should be around 30% to 40% of average inductor current 𝐼𝑎𝑣𝑔 or
output current.
When selecting a value of inductor three is another parameter need to be consider , that is the
saturation current 𝐼𝑆𝐴𝑇 of the inductor, which should never be exceeded in the operation.
Operating the inductor above 𝐼𝑆𝐴𝑇 would cause a significant inductance loss and a steep increase
The main function of capacitor is to maintain constant output makes the output voltage
ripple free. As ideal capacitor is almost practically impossible to construct there always an ESR
incorporated with it and this ESR affects the output voltage. The best practice is to use low-ESR
For a certain peak-to-peak output voltage ripple (𝛥𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇,𝑅𝐼𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐸 ), the required maximum ESR
of the output capacitor can be calculated by using the following equation [5]
𝐿 𝐼𝐿,𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝐶= 2 (2.3)
𝛥𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇,𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐻𝑂𝑂𝑇 : Peak overshoots voltage allowed on the output.
𝐼𝐿,𝑚𝑎𝑥 : Peak inductor current.
Because of this ESR in the capacitor the loss of power takes place and due to this the
capacitor gets heated up. This temperature rise negatively affects the lifetime & reliability of the
capacitor. Since excessive temperature negatively affects the reliability and the lifetime of a
In order to achieve better output voltage regulation, low-ESR capacitors are required.
MOSFET, Q2 is the Low Side MOSFET. Basically both MOSFETs have to withstand the input
voltage. The MOSFETs also have to have a capability to handle additional voltage spikes caused
by parasitic inductances. The maximum current seen by both MOSFETs is the output current
plus 50 % of the ripple current. Since both MOSFETs are switched dynamically their power
dissipation results partly out of the static losses contributed by the on resistance and the current
and partly out of the switching losses [6]. The MOSFET should be chosen which satisfy above
criteria the voltage and power rating of MOSFETs can be obtained from its datasheet.
Once the power and voltage rating criteria is satisfied and 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡, load current , switching frequency
etc. determine the operating condition. The selection of the MOSFET is as follows:
Lower value of the RDS (on) have less power dissipation better converter will
The rise and fall time for MOSFET. By the thumb rule, the time required to on &
off a MOSFET, should be 100 times less than the switching period of the
One of the most crucial parts of the designing buck converter is to driving the
MOSFET. From Fig 2.1 it is easily seen that the source of low side MOSFET Q2 is the grounded
but the source of high side MOSFET Q2 is connected with the inductor or it can be said that the
source Q2 is floating in this case because of this the gate voltage of high side MOSFET is required
By using KVL ,
Hence an extra driver circuitry is need to provide this 𝑉𝐺 to high side of the most
MOSFET Q2, the low side MOSFET is on, the bootstrap capacitor gets charged. During the on time
of high side MOSFET Q2, the low side MOSFET is off. The bootstrap capacitor discharged through
For proper driving of the MOSFET the value and the type of the bootstrap capacitor
2.5 Simulation of the synchronous Buck Converter
The PSICE simulation model of synchronous buck converter and the corresponding result is
2.6 Simulation Result
Figure 10 Waveform of high side MOSFET gate voltage(Y axis) vs. time(X axis)
Figure 11 Waveform of low side MOSFET gate voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis)
2.7 Shoot through effect of MOSFET
The lower value of the Qgd/Qgs ratio of the low-side MOSFET, the better the synchronous buck
will be to dV/dt shoot-through. To resolve this purpose the ratio should be <1. Ideal MOSFET is
hardly feasible in buck converter uses two MOSFET at any instant of time one
MOSFET get turn on another get turn off. The MOSFET usually takes some time to get turn on
and off may be in the order of ns but it takes. Hence there should have enough time delay between
turning on of one MOSFET and turning off one MOSFET .Otherwise two MOSFET get turn off in
a single time and the shoot through effect is take place which is not desire.
2.8 Hardware model
2.8 Hardware result
Figure 14 waveform of high side MOSFET gate voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis)
Figure 15 waveform of low side MOSFET gate voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis)
Figure 16 Waveform of output voltage (Y axis) vs. time(X axis)
Chapter 3
Pulse Width Modulation Techniques
In recent time it is seen that digital controller is far more advantageous over analog
controller. For switching action of the MOSFET of the converter, high resolution digital pulse-
width modulator (DPWM) is required in order to achieve appreciable output voltage regulation
and to eliminate errors due to the quantization effects of the ADC and the DPWM. In recent
years, several methods are proposed for PWM generation as explained in [1].
power to electric devices .For PWM voltage or current, supplied to the load can be varied
according to switch “ON” or “OFF” state. For a higher “ON” state of the switched corresponds
to high voltage or current which transfer a high power to the load. Duty cycle of a PWM signal
is the measure of “ON” time of the signal so duty cycle is proportion of “ON” time to its period.
In general duty cycle is expressed in the term of percentage so 100% denotes fully “ON” state.
The crucial point of PWM is that power dissipation in the switch in devices is very small
during the “off” time there is practically no current flows through the switching device hence
there is no voltage drop. And during its on time voltage drop across the switch is zero. As we
know power loss is the product of voltage and current so in both cases power dissipation is zero.
Because of its on-off nature it works very well in digital control. By using this PWM technique
The average value is given as-
1 𝑇
𝑌𝑎𝑣𝑔 = ∫ 𝑓(𝑡) dt
𝑇 0
Assuming the pulse waveform has low value 𝑌𝑚𝑖𝑛 and high value 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥
1 𝐷.𝑇 𝑇
𝑌𝑎𝑣𝑔 = (∫ 𝑓(𝑡)
𝑇 0
dt + ∫𝐷.𝑇 𝑓(𝑡) dt ) (3.1)
There is two type of methods by which we can generate PWM signal one is analog method
another is digital method. In this project only digital method of PWM generation with
microcontroller is discussed.
Microcontroller used microprocessor as its CPU, in addition with fixed amount of RAM .ROM,
input output port, Timer, Serial port, Interrupt and clock circuit embedded on a single chip.
Microcontroller is the device that is usually dedicated to a particular application. For example TV
remote control, mobile phone. Since microcontroller is powerful digital processor the degree of
control and programmability they provide significantly enhance the effectiveness of the application.
The 8051 is the first microcontroller of MCS-51 family introduce by Intel Corporation at the end of
1970.8051 is an 8 bit processor with 64 kb ROM and 128 byte RAM along with two timer, one
serial port, Six interrupt sources. The 8051 become widely popular after Intel allowed the other
manufacturer to make a market any flavors of 8051.They please with the condition that they remain
There are mainly two general programming approaches for generating PWM signal popularly used
that are explained below.
In this approach microcontroller core processor monitors the timing generation for “ON”
and “OFF” status. The algorithm and flowchart for this approach is explained below. Flowchart
given below shows the algorithm used in this approach. The program flow is sequential and
processor of 8051 is engaged in the time slot generation for PWM signal. The input to this
program is the digitized error signal generated from the plant. Digital version of the error signal
The program can be explained as the input in the form of 8 bits is obtained from the plant
and then Ton, Toff timing values are calculated depending on the error. These timing values
are fed to timer of the 8051 controller and the processor of the 8051 monitors these values and
make the PWM output from the 8051 high and low representing “ON” and ”OFF” status of the
pin. The algorithm for this method is in flowchart of fig 3.5. Drawbacks of this method are the
processor is engaged in the time slot generation which can be done on other way and hence this
Figure 17 Flowchart for sequential approach
The time multiplexed approach is the proposed approach in for PWM generation in this
thesis. This approach uses timer and external interrupt of 8051. These interrupts will produce an
interfere to current process and make the processor to respond it. To respond the interrupt the
microcontroller executes an interrupt handler program which is also called as Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR). At this location the respective instructions are saved which will be executed when
the processor transfers the program control here.
Here at the ISR of timer 0, instructions for toggling the status of PWM output
depending on Ton and Toff are saved and at the ISR of external interrupts a small program
is written to update the Ton and Toff. The flowchart which is given below will explain the
algorithm in detail.
3.3 NI MULTISIM Simulation diagram closed loop buck converter using
sequential approach technique
The closed loop model of SBC using above listed DPWM technique is shown below.
3.4 Simulation result
The simulation result of closed loop synchronous buck converter with 5V applied voltage
and 50% duty cycle is shown below.
Chapter 4
Usage of computerized PID controllers for DC-DC converters is talked about in this chapter. The
essential preferences of digital control over analog control are higher invulnerability to ecological
changes, for example, temperature and maturing of parts, expanded adaptability by changing the
product, more praiseworthy control procedures and lessened number of segments. Simple PID and
PI controllers were initially planned utilizing frequency response techniques, and then changed
Small signal analysis is carried out to know the dynamics of the system and configuration the
compensators for the switching converters. The small signal models incorporate different transfer
functions, for example, control to o/p, o/p impedance and so forth. In this way we can design the
compensator as per our desire with respect to any of these normal for transfer function. The
principle reason for doing small signal analysis is to see the real behavior of the switching converter
There are various methods that model these time variant systems into linear time invariant systems.
State space averaging, Circuit averaging, Current injected approach are some of them. For our
analysis we will take into account only state space averaging technique.
4.2 State Space Description for Each Interval
Here it is assumed that the buck converter is in continuous conduction mode. Therefore two circuits
are considered, one for the on time and other for the off time of the converter. During 𝑇𝑜𝑛 the switch
So for on time our equation for inductor voltage and capacitor current are,
L v g ( t ) vc ( t ) (4.3)
dil v g (t ) vc (t )
dt L
C il t io (t ) (4.5)
dvc il (t ) vc (t )
dt C RC
dt 0 1/ L il 1/ L
v 0 vg (4.7)
dv 1/ C 1/ RC c
y 0 1 l (4.8)
Here, Don =0
During off time the switch is open and the load current is supplied by the inductor stored energy.
vl t vc (t ) (4.11)
dil v (t )
c (4.12)
dt L
ic (t ) il (t ) io (t ) (4.13)
dvc il (t ) vc (t )
dt C RC
These can also be written as,
dt 0 1 il (t ) 0
vg (4.15)
dvc 1/ C 1/ RC vc (t ) 0
i (t )
y 0 1 l (4.16)
vc (t )
Here Doff 0
From above equations we can see that Aon Aoff and Boff 0
Let the converter switch be on for the time d nT i.e. 𝑡𝑜𝑛 and d n' T is the interval for which switch is
OFF: x t Aoff x t Boff u (t ) for time t nT d nT ,(n 1)T n=1, 2,3… (4.20)
The solutions to the above equations can be found by taking the integration over each interval of
x n 1 T e x nT dnT Aoff
Aoff dn' T 1 Aoff dn' T
(e I ) Boff u (4.22)
x n 1 T e Aoff dn' T
e Aon d nt
x nT Aon1 (e Aon dnt I ) Bonu Aoff
(e Aoff d n' T
I ) Boff u
Then we get
x n 1 T e
0 n d n Aoff x nT A1 e A
d n' T
on off d n' T
e Aon dnt e
Aoff d n' T
B u
Aoff d n' T
I Boff (4.24)
x n 1 T x nT Aon dn Aoff d n' Tx nT d nTBonu d n' TBoff u (4.25)
Expanding through Euler’s approximation we can approximate derivatives as follows,
x nT T x(nT )
x Aon dn Aoff dn' x ( Bon dn Boff dn' )u (4.26)
y Con dn Coff dn' x ( Eon dn Eoff dn' )u (4.27)
Intrinsically the d is a discrete quantity with single value over a cycle. Therefore 𝑑𝑛 (𝑡) can be
replaced by d(t) assuming a very small variations occur that can be neglected.
x Aon d (t ) Aoff d ' (t ) x ( Bon d (t ) Boff d ' (t ))u (4.28)
y Con d (t ) Coff d ' (t ) x ( Eon d (t ) Eoff d ' (t )) (4.29)
4.4 Linearization
The equations derived above are non-linear and we have to linearize them. To linearize and obtain
small signal model we have to perturb them around an operating point (D, X, U).
d D dˆ , x X xˆ,u U uˆ
(12)For small signal model we consider only first order terms and we obtain,
The steady state value of duty ratio and state variables are obtained by considering the constant
AX BU 0 (4.31)
Y CX EU (4.32)
Y CA1BU EU (4.33)
Applying Laplace transform to the equation and considering initial conditions to zero we get,
By solving for above equation we get control to output transfer function we get,
v0 RVg
Gvd 2 (4.37)
dˆ ( s RLC sL R)
If all the non-ideal case is considered, then during on time the converter circuit will be like this.
1 Rrc 1 R 1 rc R
˙ (rL rdson 0 vg
R rc L ( R rc ) iL L
L( R rc )
iL L iload (4.38)
˙ R 1 vc R
vc 0 vd
C ( R rc ) C ( R rc ) 0
C ( R rc )
Rrc R rc R v
v0 iL 0 0 g
i R rc R rc
R rc i
L 1 0 c 0 0 vd
Rrc R rc R v
v0 iL 0 0 g
i R rc R rc
R rc i
L 1 0 c 0 0 vd
By using state space averaging as done in above ideal case and after linearizing the equation it can
be write that,
Rrc R
V0 IL Vc (4.42)
R rc R rc
So, for a given output voltage and input voltage the duty ratio with parasitics is derived as,
V0 R roff Vd R
Dp (4.45)
V0 roff ron R(Vg Vd )
After obtaining steady state values of 𝐷𝑃 , 𝐼𝐿 and 𝑉𝑐 , all the transfer function arising out of the state
space model can be derived for open loop power stage. Assume that the state of the incremental
s s 2 LC R rc s L RC rc roff Dp ron roff rcC Dp ron roff roff R Dp ron Dp roff
By putting all the value of parameter in equation no. the transfer function can be re written as,
6.014 e5 s 62
Gvd s (4.48)
5.066 e7 s 2 5.734 e4 s 10.04
of the phase margin with bandwidth and gain margin with phase margin. It likewise serves to fuse
the steady state performance. This technique likewise has the focal point of figuring the parameters
by utilization of pen, paper and the might be connected to the systems where the plants
careful model is not known however a little learning of the plants bode response will bail us out of
the issue..
4.5.2 Objective
To plan a controller that fulfills our requirements of desired frequency response characteristics in
programming (MATLAB) and likewise in equipment additionally with a little blunder and
4.5.3 Method of tune
The loop transfer function should satisfy two main condition:
1. The transfer function should be proper and it should not contain any right pole.
2. The polar plot of the L(𝑗𝜔) for ω≥0 intersects the unit circle and negative semi-real axis only
CPID K P 1 Td s (4.49)
Ti s
G j | G( j ) | e jG ( j ) (4.51)
K P M g cos g (4.53)
tan g tan 2 g 4
Ti (4.54)
Td Ti (4.55)
Here M g M g
g PM G( j )
𝜎 = degree of freedom= this ratio affects the position of zeroes of PID
Inductor (L) =.0.522mH, 𝑟𝐿 = 0.02 Ω, Capacitor(C) =94µF, 𝑟𝐶 = 0.01 Ω load resistance (R) = 5𝛺, Switching
Frequency=10 kHz
We choose PM=60° , steady state gain = 30 dB ,𝑓𝑐 = 1𝑘𝐻𝑧 and we get controller parameters as follows,
Figure 25 Bode plot of compensated system
Flowchart of PID algorithm in digital domain
Set 𝐾𝑃 , 𝐾𝐼 , 𝐾𝐷
𝑒(𝑘) = 𝑉𝑟 − 𝑉𝑜 (𝑘)
𝑃 = 𝐾𝑃 𝑒[𝑘]
I= 𝐾𝐼 T ∑ki=0 e[i]
D = T𝐷 {e[k] − e[k − 1]}
Update PWM
duty cycle No change in
PWM duty cycle
PID = P + I + D
If PID = 0
The transfer function of an integrator can be obtain by using backward difference method
M z E z (4.56)
z 1
Tz z 1
Gc z K P K I KD (4.57)
z 1 Tz
To calculate the duty cycle required difference equation for digital PID controller is,
u k K P e k K I T e[i ] {e k e[k 1]} (4.58)
i 0 T
4.7 Hardware result of different reference voltage
Chapter 5
DC-DC converters proselyte unregulated DC data voltage into controlled DC output voltage.
Advanced digital control of DC-DC converters has a few preferences over simple analog control.
adaptability by changing the software, more developed control methods, integration of power
buck converter and trial results were exhibited. Exploratory results show that the digital PID and
PI controllers could attain quick transient reaction without overshoot and great dismissal to load
The digital adaptive PID is model free since the gain factor β(k) is only on the normalized error
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