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TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... i
1.1 Background of the Research ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem of Study ............................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Objectives of Study ........................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Hypothesis ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Significant of the Study .................................................................................................. 2
1.6 Scope and Limitation of Study ....................................................................................... 2
1.7 Definition of Study ......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Reading Skill .................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Definition of Cooperative Learning ............................................................................... 4
2.3 Kind of Text ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 Narratie Text ................................................................................................................ 4
2.3.4 Recount Text................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Dscriptive Text ............................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Definition of Small Group Discussion ........................................................................... 5
2.6 Benefit of Small Group Discussion Method .................................................................. 6
2.7 Type of Develeop Reading Skill in Learning Process.................................................... 6
2.8 Previous Study ................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Time Allocation ........................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Population Sample .......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Research Instrument ....................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Observation .................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.2 Test (pre-test and post-test) ......................................................................................... 8 Try Out ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.3 Interview ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.4 Documentation............................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Research Variable ........................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Validity of Instrument .................................................................................................... 9
3.6 Realibility of Instrument ................................................................................................ 9
3.7 Data of Collection .......................................................................................................... 9
3.8 Data Analysis of The Test .............................................................................................. 9
4.1 Research Findings ........................................................................................................ 10
4.1.1 The Result of Pre-Test ............................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 The Result of Post-Test ............................................................................................. 10
4.1.3 The Result of Primarily Data ..................................................................................... 11
4.1.4 The Result T-Test of Pre-Test in Experimental and Control Group ......................... 11
4.1.5 The Result T-Test of Post-Test in Experimental and Control Group ........................ 11
4.2 Validity ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Realibility ..................................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Hypothesis Verification ................................................................................................ 11
4.5 Discussion..................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Suggestion .................................................................................................................... 13
REFFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 14
COMMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 15


1.1 Background of The Study

Language is the important because language is one of the ways yo communicate with other
people. The people are social huminity, so some people need language to communicate with
other people. Communication is way to transfer information especially for adapting science,
technology and developing internationalshilp with foreign country. English is international
language because based on international agreement, English become international language.
So, it is important for us to study English.
In Indonesia, study English start from elementary school until the higher education.
Morover, some lower levels such as kindergarten or play group have English lesson. Students
are expected to absorb and keep up with the development of science, technology and art. In
junior high school, English become the important thing because English lesson is one of the
study that is included in national examination.
Communication in English is very important, so students should to know basically of the
learning English. Actually, in basic of English there are four Skills such as reading, listening,
writing adn speaking. Reading is one of the basic which makes student to learn more. Reading
skills in English stadium is needed in the modern society.
The small group is one of method that help teacher to develop their creative strategy in
teaching learning by using small group discussion method can be helped teacher to know
problem of students in learning process. Beside that small group method helps students to be
active. It makes students confidence to give opinion or addition about analys reading text.
Morover, small group helps students to develop their reading and speaking skill. Small group
not only analys text material but they can learn team work, share opinion and discussion in
learning process.

1.2 Problem of The Study

Based on the statementof the problem there is question of follow :
“Is there any significant differences achievement between students who are taught by using
small group discussion method and who are without taught small group discussion method on
their reading skill?”

1.3 Objective of The Study
This study is intend to know how to the effectiveness of teaching English taught small
group discussion on students’ reading skills at the eighth grade students in Mts Negeri
Kepanjen. To know whether or not there is any significant difference between students who
are taught by using small group discussion method and who are without taught small discussion

1.4 Hyphothesis
In this case, there are hyphothesis to resolve of problem. In this study researcher make
some assumption problem in hyphothesis, that are H1 and H0.
H1 : There is any significant differences achievement between students’ who taught by
using small group discussion method and who are without taught small group discussion
method in teaching English learning process.
H0 : There is no significant differences achievement between students’ who taught by using
small group discussion method and who are without taught small group discussion method in
teaching English learning process.

1.5 Significance of The Study

• The students
It makes the student to understand meaning of text and they can analyst some of the
text students can improve their English skill and they can learn in cooperative group,
beside, it can build togetherness on themselves.
• The teacher
It can improve his capability in teaching English use that method to make students
easier in teaching learning process.
• The researcher
It can provide the knowledge experience of way to teaching English taught small group
discussion in order reder will has improvement in teaching English especially in
reading skills for the students. It can make students easier to learn English.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of The Study

The scope of the reseacher is in teaching English Reading lesson at the eight grade class
AG (Agama) and class SB (sepak bola) students in MTs Negeri Kepanjen.

1.7 Definition of Key Term
1. Reading
Reading skill in English stadium is needed in the modern society. Most of the society
now days begins to realize that they need English for several reasons. Reading is
important to students because it is one of them basically to learn English.
2. Small Group
Small group is one of them method to make easier students to analyst and it can helps
student more understand about the material such as analyst of the text or discussion of
the topic.
3. MTs Negeri Kepanjen
It is the name of public junior high school located in Kepanjen, Malang and ever been
cooperate with Kanjuruhan University in holding the PPL program.


2.1 Reading Skill

According Eksay in Amir (2004:6) states that “Reading comprehension in general is
viejwed in this research as the resulting from the four ways interaction between readers, text,
task, structured activity. Reading comprehension is ability to read text, process it and
understand its meaning.

2.2 Definition of Cooperative Learning

Baindbridge (2012) states that cooperative learning is a method of intruction that has
students working together in groups with the goal of completing a specific task. This method
can support their study and helps to develop ability to team work and togetherness.

2.3 Kind of Text

There are many kind of English text that should be learned by students in reading learning

2.3.1 Descriptive Text

A. Social Function
A descriptive text is written to give a description about a particular person and it also
describes a place or a thing.
B. Generic Structure or Structure Text
• Identification :
Identifies phenomenon to be described.
• Description :
Describes parts, qualities and characteristics.
C. Significant Lexcicogramatical Features
• Focus on spesific participant.
• Use of attributive and identifiying process.
• Use simple Present Tense.
2.3.2 Narrative Text
A. Social Function
The purpose of writing a narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers with actual
or imaginary or vicarious experience in different ways.

B. General Structure or Structure Text
• Orientation
• Complication
• Resolution
C. Significant Lexcicogramatical Features
• Focus on specific and usually individualized participant
• Use of material process (behavioural and verbal process)
• Use relational and mental process
• Use of temporal conjuction and temporal circumstances
• Use of Past Tense
2.3.3 Recount Text
A. Social Function
Recount is the text type whose purpose is to tell the readers about something happened
in the past time through a sequence of events or experiences.
B. General Structure or Structure Text
• Orientation
• Events
• Reorientation
C. Significant Lexcicogramatical Features
• Focus on specific participant
• Use of material process (behavioural and verbal process)
• Circumstances of time and place
• Use of Past Tense
• Use of temporal sequence

2.4 Descriptive Text

According Langan (2011) stated “to make the word picture as vivid and real as possible,
you must observe and record specific details that appeal to your readers’ sense (sight, hearing,
smell, and touch). So descriptive text mean how to describe someone or something using
identity of real object.

2.5 Definition of Small Group Discussion

According to Davis (1993) that is quoted from winter (2000:4) most researcher define a
small group needs as having at least three and no more than twelve of fifteen members. The
small group is the way of make some students are active and confidence to share different

opinion and look for good of opinion. Small group instruction typically refers to a teacher
working with a small group of students on a specific learning objective. This group consist of
2-4 students and provides these students with a reduce student-teacher ratio.

2.6 Benefit of Small Group Discussion Method

These are many benefits for process learning reading, the small group discussion is
effective method because it can helps students’ more knowledge about reading skill learning
process and togetherness of group. That method are many benefit to the students’, it can helps
students’ more get knowledge with that method in learning reading process. They can analyze
some texts, more confidence to speak in public and they can learn togetherness in group. The
important they can learn about leadership.

2.7 Type of Develop Reading Skill in Learning Process

Actually, there are many types for develop students’ reading skill in learning process. The
develop students’ reading skill needs some step. It can help student to improve and develop
student in learning process. According DeBoer and Dallman (1964 : 146-159) there are two
types of skill develop reading comprehension:
1. Finding the main idea
2. Selecting significant details

2.8 Pevious Study

The researcher reads some these to have review of previous research, they are: The first
one is Muhammad Dwi Farhan (2013) in his title “Improving Students’ Reading Skill by Using
Cooperative Model Teams Assisted Individualization at SMK PGRI Singosari Malang.” He
found out the implication of cooperative model teams assisted individualization was successful
because that was improvement in students score of KKM, active every process learning
method, and cooperative model teams assisted individualization and helped student’s reading
skill in learning process.



3.1 Research Design

In this study, the researcher used a quasi experimental research design in this study. Quasi
experimental research invoves random assignment of whole group to treatments (Lodico,
Spaulding, and Voegtle, 2006: 185). It is a kind of experimental research design that does not
include random assignment. The researcher choose that design because in educational research,
it is not possible for researcher to conduct experiment which need random to choose the control
group and experimental group.

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-teset

Experimental Group Z1 X Z2
Control Group Y1 - Y2

Note : X : Treatment Y1 : Pre-test of the control group

Y2 : Post-test of the control group

Z1 : Pre-test of the experimental group

Z2 : Post-test of the experimental group

3.1.1 Time Allocation of The Research

The researcher was held at MTsN Kepanjen Malang. It is located on Jl. Raya Sukoharjo
36 Kepanjen. The researcher conduct the research a week, the researcher did the research for
four meetings from 24st-30st May 2015. It is consisted of the pre-test on the first meeting, the
application of small group interaction and teaching class on the second until third meeting, and
the post-test in the fourth meeting.

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of the study, the researcher chose the eighth grade students in MTsN
Kepanjen Malang Jl. Raya Sukoharjo 36 Kepanjen in academic year of 2014/2015. There are
2 group consist of experimental group and control group, every group consist of 8 Agama 26
students and 8 sepakbola 18 students. So, the total of the students are 44 students.

3.3 Research Instrument
3.3.1 Observation

The observation in the form used to develop of the teaching reading and students’
reading skill in learning process. The observation guided in the form for used to observe the
development of teaching learning reading process and students became participants.

3.3.2 Test
The researcher conducted test in first meeting pre-test and fourth meeting post-test. The
type of test, researcher was used multiple choice on the reading descriptive text and the
researcher makes 25 item test.
The test in this study there are two kinds of test, there are:
1. Pre-test
2. Post-test Try Out

In this study, the Try-Out test is administrating to the students taken outside the sample
group that are experimental group and control group. It is Try-Out test is used to analyze the
test item wheather valid or not to administer to the sample. The researcher makes 25 item test
for try-out. It is analyzed by SPSS 22.

3.3.3 Interview
The interview was used to collect data from teacher. The data obtained through the data
interview were whether or not the teacher used small group discussion, teacher’s qualification.
The interview is used because it is very different to get some data.

3.3.4 Documentation
Documentation in this study includes small group method combination with reading
skill in real condition in the class. It’s to collect the real condition teacher teaching used small
group discussion method of English learning process in the classroom.

3.4 Research Variable

Based on the title of this thesis, the researcher use that method in two class and that method
for using on experimental group and control group. In this case, small group discussion method
is independent variable, because the method influences English Reading of the eighth grade
students of MTs Negeri Kepanjen.

3.5 Validity of Instrument
The test item in this study are in the form of multiple choice and the students were asked
to choose the best one. There are 25 multiple choice, if the experimental group get score above
75 the best is better, if the score less than 70 the test is low. All the best material take from the
reading descriptive text. Those above explanation of the content validity of the test, that test
was constructed and written in such as a way, so that it represents of fact validity.

3.6 Realibility of The Instrument

Realibility of the test is the requirement for a good test reability is the stability or
consistency of test in measuring what are measures. There are some steps of test. The same
individual with the same test, comparing the first result and second result, the test depends on
some factors such as (1) adequency of the sampling of task, (2) the condition class (3) the
student’s motivation.

3.7 Data Collection

The researcher used the steps to collect the data:
a. The first step was given pre-test
b. The second step was observation
c. The third step was interview
d. The fourth step was given treatment
e. The fifth step was given post-test

3.8 Data Analysis of The Test

The researcher collected data using formula of t-test is method to process the data of score.
The significant of the data collects to use pre-test and post-test. The differences significant
between experimental class and control class from the result of t-test by SPSS 22 version.


4.1 Findings
In this research, findings were the result of some test that was done during the research.
The test were gave in two classes, there were two part: pre-test and post-test. The function of
finding was to show the differences between experimental group adn control group. The
experimental group was 8 grade of AG class (Agama) and 8 grade SB class (sepak bola). Both
classes consisted of students of MTsN Kepanjen. The researcher was observe condition in
learning process in MTsN Kepanjen, especially at eight grade of junior high school of 8 Agama
and 8 Sepak Bola. Finally the researcher to determine 8 Agama class was experimental class,
at the class morover 26 students and Sepak Bola was control class, at that class morover 18
students. After researcher observes to determine 8 Agama was experimental group because
that class little to understand of English subject especially in reading and they are little
understands about look for main idea in each paragraph, the reason of condition, and main of
reading text.

4.1.1 The Result of Pre-Test

The researcher gave the pre-test for two classes, they were experimental group and control
group. The researcher conducted pre-test for 8 grade of AG class (agama) on May 24th , 2015
and pre-test for 8 grade of SB class on May 25th , 2015. The researcher gave pre-test in the first
meeting before researcher gave the treatment for experimental group.
The data showed the students’ pre-test score of the experimental group and control group.
The test was given in the first meeting before the researcher gave treatment to experimental
group. There were 26 students in experimental group, and there were 18 students in control
group. The minimum score of pre-test was 68 that got by experimental group, and 96 as the
maximum score. The mean score of experimental group was 89.69 and the control group was
89.11. The concusion was the pre-test score of the experimental group and the control group
seemeed to be equivalent.

4.1.2 The Result of Post-Test

The data showed the students’ pre-test score of the experimental group and control group.
The test was given in the first meeting before the researcher gave treatment to experimental
group. There were 26 students in experimental group, and there were 18 students in control
group. The minimum score of post-test was 56 and 100 as the maximum score. The mean score

of experimental group was 95.23 and the control group was 85.56. The concusion was the post-
test score of the experimental group and the control group seemeed to be equivalent.

4.1.3 The Result of Primary Data

The primary data in this research tests are pre-test and post-test. That was used to know the
significant, which were taught small group discussion and who were not taught small group in
learning process.

4.1.4 The Result T-Test of Pre-Test in Experimental Group and Control Group
The data of pre-test from t-test for equality of means, from the score of valid data Sig. (2-
tailed) who were taught SGD (Small Group Discussion) of equal variances assumed. 733 and
who were not taught SGD (Small Group Discussion) of equal variances not assumed. 696. The
mean difference of score of equal variances assumed and equal variances did not assume total
score .58120

4.1.5 The Result T-Test of Post-Test in Experimental Group and Control Group
The data of pre-test from t-test for equality of means, from the score of valid data Sig. (2-
tailed) who were taught SGD (Small Group Discussion) of equal variances assumed .000 and
who were not taught SGD (Small Group Discussion) of equal variances not assumed .000. The
mean difference of score of equal variances assumed and equal variances did not assume total
score 9.67521

4.2 Validity
This research determined whether the item of tests, those were proper or not to use. The
items will be analyzed using t-test, the calculation of correlation at 0.000 levels to measure the
coefficient to the significant of data value. It means the data will be valid if the significant
<0.05 level in this research, the researcher gave 25 items of test to the students. The researcher
calculated using SPSS 22 version. That calculations of those items showed that were valid.

4.3 Reliability
The data showed that significant was 0.733 from data above showed that data reliability
because score significant was >0.05. The researcher calculated the data by using SPSS 22

4.4 Hypothesis Verification

The result of statistical calculation value of group statistic above showed that data of means
post-test score of experimental group was better than control group (95.2308 > 85.5556). The

means of post-test score, the researcher found the score of the result showed after the researcher
gave some treatments in experiment group.

4.5 Discussion
Teaching reading using Small Group Discussion method was more effective than
traditional method. There were many advanages of teaching using Small Group Discussion
method. Teaching using Small Group Discussion method invited students to think more the
meaning of the text and it made the students to be active to share some opinion.



5.1 Conclusion
Related to the result of the researcher’s finding and hypothesis verification, those were
accepted. It can be concluded that was a significant difference between the students who are
taught Small Group Discussion and who are not taught Small Group Discussion. The result
that the students taught Small Group Discussion have better on analysis and doing some test
than who are not taught Small Group Discussion in learning process in MTs Negeri Kepanjen.
That method was effective and creative because SGD (Small Group Discussion) make student
more confidence to share opinions and they learned about togetherness. SGD is a method that
makes student more attention when teacher explains some materials because the students were
more interesting with a new method in learning process. They feel enjoy and fun, so this makes
students more spirit to study and teacher was easier to control classroom.

5.2 Suggestion
5.1.1 For Teacher
The result of the research, teaching reading skill taught by using Small Group
Discussion is more effective because this method makes the students learn from this method.
That can make the students active, share some different opinions and togetherness in learning

5.1.2 For Students

The result of the research, the teacher taught the student by using Small Group
Discussion enjoy and creative method. It makes the students expected to pay attention more
on teaching learning process. It can students improve their analysis reading texts.

5.1.3 For The Researcher

The result of the researcher, it can give motivation for researcher to be teacher and it is
researcher’s experience to learn how to be good teacher. The researcher gives suggestions to
other. The further researcher can make creative method and enjoyable for students in teaching
learning process.


Amir, in Eksay. (2004:6). Reading Definition. Retrived from

Davis, B. (1993). “Tools for Teaching”. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

De Boer, John J and Dallman M. (1964). The Teaching of Reading. New York: Rinehart and
Watson Inc.

Farhan, M.D. (2013). Improving The Students’ Reading Skill by Using Cooperative Model
Teams Assisted Individualization at SMK PGRI Singosari Malang. Malang:
Kanjuruhan University.

Langan, John. (2011). English Skill. New York. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle. (2006). Method in Educational Research. San Francisco:



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