Danois - Grammaire
Danois - Grammaire
Danois - Grammaire
9.Danish pronunciation
Danish, the official language of Denmark, is spoken by over 5 million people. It is a germanic
tongue, which means it is closely related to English and German. It becomes obvious when one
gets to know some Danish vocabulary, eg. come (Eng.) = komme (Dan.) = kommen (Ger.),
bring (Eng.) = bringe (Dan.) = bringen (Ger.). As a nordic language, it is very similar to
Swedish and Norwegian. The knowledge of any of the above mentioned languages is a big
help in learning Danish, and in the case of the two latter mutual understanding without prior
learning is often possible.
The Danish alphabet differs slightly from the Latin one. There are three additional letters (found
at the end of alphabet -- remember about it browsing a dictionary or a phone directory!) They
Before the spelling reform in 1948 the sound was written as "aa". Such spelling is preserved in
some names, eg. Aalborg = Ålborg
The Danish grammar is not difficult, especially for a speaker of a Germanic language, who is
already familiar with the concept of articles, sequence of tences, etc. The most difficult thing
about the language is its pronunciation -- at the beginning, even if you can understand written
texts, it is virtually impossible to understand a native speaker! It comes with time, however.
Substantiver / navneord
Genders and articles (køn og artikler/kendeord)
They have to be remembered along with the words. A hint: about 75% of nouns are en-words.
There are two indefinite articles: et and en and three definite articles: det, den, and plural de.
They are used in the form of suffixes -en, -et, -(e)ne. That means they are attached to words
(they don't preceed them like in English or German). The following table illustrates the use of
singular plural
indefinite et-word
et hus a house
et træ a tree
huse houses
træer trees
definite et-word huset the house
træet the tree
husene the houses
træerne the trees
For the explanation of adjective forms in the above table see the chapter on adjectives.
Plurals (flertal)
Plurals can be formed in four ways:
1. by adding -er, eg. en kage - kager (a cake - cakes)
2. by adding -e, eg. et hus - huse (a house - houses)
3. no change, eg. en ting - ting (a thing - things)
4. irregularly, eg. en mand - mænd (a man - men)
In a very few cases forming a plural is accompanied by a vovel mutation in the noun stem, eg.
en bog - bøger (a book - books). Certain words, though not many, retained their original plural
forms (eg. Latin visum - visa or English point - points). Some words are found only in the
singular (eg. død, håb (death, hope)) or only in the plurar (eg. briller, bukser (glasses,
Joined nouns (sammensatte substantiver)
Danish words (N, V, Adj, Adv) are often joined together (one observes a similar phenomenon
in the German language) by putting s, e, or nothing between them. In such cases the last word
decides about the article, and takes the plural form. Examples:
* et eksamensbevis - eksamensbeviser
* et handelsskib - handelsskibe (a trade ship)
* en flyvemaskine - flyvemaskiner (a plane)
Genitive (ejefald)
Genitive is formed just like in English - we add an s at the end of the word (after all other
possible suffixes). The only difference is that in Danish one does not use an apostrophe. If a
noun ends with s (or z), we add es, 's or '. In case of a group of nouns (eg. Adam and Eve) s
can be attached to both nouns, or only to the last one. Examples:
* min mors bog - my mother's book
* missens mad - the cat's food
* Søren og Jespers plader - Søren and Jesper's records
* Lises venner - Lise's (or Lis') friends
* Lis's venner - Lis' friends (informal)
Before the spelling reform in 1948 all nouns were spelled with a capital letter (as in German):
Derude paa Himlen havde blaagraa Farver vundet Magten, og enkelte Regndraaber slog mod
Ruderne. It is not the case anymore.
Verber / udsagnsord
Danish verbs do not conjugate (change their ending) in the different persons.
singular plural
spise (manger) Jeg er (spiser) Vi er (spiser)
Jeg er træt Du er (spiser) I er (spiser)
Han er (spiser) (il)
Hun er (spiser) (elle)
Den/det er (spiser) (cet/cette) De er (spiser) (vous/ils/elles)
The infinitive in most cases ends in -e, eg.: at skrive (to write), at læse (to read), at glemme (to
forget). In some cases, however, it has a different ending, eg.: at gå (to go), at dø (to die), at bo
(to live).
The imperative is formed by substracting the final -e from the infinitive form: spis! (eat!), skriv!
1. Present tense
It is formed by adding -r to the infinitive form of a verb.
Note, that the modal verbs break this -r rule.
* Jeg spiser. (I eat, I am eating.)
* Vi sover. (We sleep, We are sleeping.)
* Jeg har spist det. (I have eaten it.)
* Jeg havde spist det. (I had eaten it.)
* Jeg har været her. (I've been here.)
* Jeg havde været der. (I'd been there.)
* Jeg er rejst/gået. (I've travelled/walked.)
* Jeg var rejst/gået. (I'd travelled/walked.)
3. Past tense
* Jeg købte øl. (I bought beer.)
* Ringede du til mig ? (Did you call me ?)
4. Future tense
* Jeg vil rejse til Polen. (I will traver to Poland.)
* Du skal få det i morgen. (You shall get it tomorrow.)
can kunne : Jeg kan ikke huske det. I cannot remember that.
shall / should skulle Det skulle være forbudt! It should be forbidden!
will / want to ville Jeg vil fortælle dig noget. I want to tell you something.
may / must måtte Du må ikke gøre det. You mustn't do this.
ought to burdeDu bør læse denne avis. You ought to read this paper.
dare turde Tør du prøve det? Dare you try it?
feel like gide Hun gider ikke lave sine lektier. She doesn't feel like doing her homework.
Unlike English, Danish modal verbs conjugate in all the tenses: Jeg har kunnet spise 10 kager.
The present participle is formed by adding -ende to the infinitive form, eg.
* stå - stående (stand - standing)
* løb - løbende (run - running)
* drille - drillende (tease - teasing)
The present participle, as in English, can be used as an adjective: eg. de følgende sider (the
following pages).
Forms of adjectives
Comparison (gradbøjning)
1: -ere, -est 2: mere, mest 3: irregular
positive høj high
populær popular
god, dårlig, lille, gammel good, bad, little, old
Forming adverbs
Adverbs are formed by adding -t to the basic form of an adjective, eg. smuk (beautiful) - smukt
(beautifully). Do not add -t to the adjectives already ending in -t stolt (proud) - stolt (proudly).
The long form is used when an action taking place in one place is described:
* hjemme - Jeg er hjemme.
* ude - Børnene leger ude.
* oppe - Højttaleren står oppe på skabet.
Personal pronouns: The second person (singular and plural) has two forms: familiar du/I and
polite De. A similar distinction exsists eg. in German (du/Sie), French (tu/vous) or Polish (ty/
Pan[i]). However, most Danes will chose the form du in 99% of cases.
Possessive pronouns: in the third person singular one uses sin with relation to the subject of the
sentence. Eg. the sentence Han elsker sin kone. means that "he" loves his own wife, whereas
Han elsker hans kone. means that the woman in question is a wife of some other man. A
similar distinction is observed in Polish/Russian: jego/swój.
Demonstrative pronouns
singular this denne / dette, den her / det her that den (der) / det (der)
plural thesedisse those
de (der)
Examples: De indspillede den her sang for en evighed. Vi burde nok have anmeldt dette
svineri. Hvilket af disse er bedst?
Interrogative pronouns
what hvad
who hvem
when hvornår
where hvor
why hvorfor
how hvordan
whose hvis
which hvilken / hvilket / hvilke
Indefinite pronouns
something noget
somebody nogen
nothing ikke noget / ingenting / intet
nobody ikke nogen / ingen
many mange
few få
Examples: Der må gøres noget. Er der nogen her? Mange af mine venner...
1 en / et første 11 elleveelvte
2 to anden 12 tolv tolvte
3 tre tredje 13 tretten trettende
4 fire fjerde 14 fjorten fjortende
5 fem femte 15 femten femtende
6 seks sjette 16 seksten sekstende
7 syv syvende 17 sytten syttende
8 otte ottende 18 atten attende
9 ni niende 19 nitten nittende
10 ti tiende 20 tyve tyvende
21 enogtyve enogtyvende
22 toogtyve toogtyvende
30 tredive tredvte 100 (et) hundrede
40 fyrre fyrre-tyvende 101 (et) hundrede og en
50 halvtreds halvtreds-sinds-tyvende 200 to hundrede
60 tres tre-sinds-tyvende 1,000 (et) tusind tusinde
70 halvfjerds halvfjerd-sinds-tyvende 1,000,000 (en) milion milionte
80 firs fir-sinds-tyvende 1.5 halvanden
90 halvfems halvfem-sinds-tyvende 0.5 en halv
1. januar
2. februar
3. marts
4. april
5. maj
6. juni
7. juli
8. august
9. september
10. oktober
11. november
12. december
Forholdsord og bindeord
•Prepositions (forholdsord)
The use of prepositions differs among languages. Therefore I provide only a list of prepositions
here. Consult a dictionary.
ad :
af :
bag :
efter :
for :
foran :
forbi :
fra :
før :
gennem :
hos :
imod :
inden :
langs :
med :
mellem :
mod :
om :
omkring :
over :
på :
til :
uden :
under :
ved :
Conjunctions (bindeord)
eller : te eller kaffe ? tea or caffee ?
fordi : Jeg købte det ikke, fordi det var dyrt. I didn't buy it, because it was expensive.
men : gammel men sund old but healthy
mens : Mens jeg spiste, snakede du. While I was eating you were talking.
når : Når jeg kommer fra skole, spiser jeg. When I come from school, I eat.
og : Nina og Peter Nina and Peter
om : Jeg ved ikke, om vi får regn i morgen. I don't know if/whether we'll get rain
Syntax: the structure of Danish sentences
Du kender mig.
subject verb object
You know me.
In subordinate clauses the central adverb (ikke, aldrig, etc) is moved to the front of the verb,
eg. Jeg ved, at du ikke har læst den. Jeg har hørt, at hun alligevel beståede.
Kender du mig ?
verb subject object
Know you me ? (Do you know me?)
Udtale Vowels
Danish has 9 vowels (in its writing system): i, e, æ, y, ø, u, å, o, and a. All of them have long
and short variants (affecting the meaning of words).
Danish has 15 consonants (in its writing system): p, t, k, b, d, g, m, n, f, s, h, v, l, j, and r
(additionally in older written text and in load words letters c, w, x and z can appear). Some
contonants are mute:
* d is not pronounced after ld (guld), nd (mund), rd (gård) and before dt (midt), ds (plads).
(cf. norwegian gull, munn, plass)
* g is hardly/not pronounced after i (pige), y (syg), u (sluge).
* h is not pronounced before v (hvis) and j (hjælp). It is pronounced in other combinations,
3. grad superlative
gradbøjning comparison udsangsord verb
handleform active lideform passive
bydeform imperative navneform infinitive
nutid present tense datid past tense
før nutid perfect før datid pluperfect
fremtid future fortids fremtid future in the past
før fremtid future perfect lang (tillægsform) present participle
kort (tillægsform) past participle uregelmæssig irregular
forstavelse prefix bøjning conjugation
stammen stem mådes-udsangsord modal verb
hjælpe-udsangsord auxiliary verb medlyd consonant
selvlyd vowel biord adverb
bindeord conjunction forholdsord preposition
talord numeral led-stilling syntax
ordstilling syntax hoved-sætning main clause
led-sætning subordinate clause genstandsled object
hensynsled indirect object
omsagnsled til grundled subject complement
omsagnsled til gendstandsled object complement
dictionnaire danois-anglais
Pronunciation guide
[a] underlined vowel means stress
[:] means a long vowel
( ) sound can be omitted
[è]open e as in let or as in French è, in the end and in a a diphthong spise [sbi:sè] (eat)
s jette [s yè:dè] (6th), halvfjers [halfyèrs ]
[a]open as in far (without r) before g and j jeg [yai] (I), meget [maièz] (very), vej
[u] as in soon inside or in the end of a word brag [bra’u] (bang), drage [dra:uè] (kite)
[ng] as ng in sing synge [sîngè] (sing), sang [sang’]
[i] as in live, after a wovel jeg [yai] (I), nøgle [nöilè] (key)
[ ] sometines silent inside a word tag [ta’] (roof), tage [ta:è] (roofs, take)
h [h]
[h] as in English, in the beginning of a word
mute in hv-words and before j hat [had] (hat)
hvem [vèm’] (who), hvad [va(z)] (what)
i [i]
as in feel
closed e as in inn or as French é
Note: i is never pronounced [ai] liv [liu’] (life), ville [vilè] (would)
vil [vel] (will (present tense))
as in English I am
j [y]
[i] as in yes
after a vowel ja [ya] (yes), jeg [yai] (I)
vej [vai’] (way/road)
n [n]
[ng] as in English name
in ng in song, before k/g ni [ni’] (nine)
sang [sang’] (song), anker [angka] (anchor)
o [ô]
[o] closed almost as in november
sometimes open almost as in open skole [skô:l(è)] (school)
bold [bol’d] (ball)
p [p]
[b] aspirated p as in British English Peter
inaspirated p as in American, after s Peter [Pe’da]
spise [sbi:sè] (eat)
r [r]
[a] almost as French r in rue:
1. in the beginning of a word
2. after a consonant
vocalic r in the end of a word rejse [raisè] (travel)
krise [kri:sè] (crisis)
går [gö’a] (goes), løber [lö’ba] (runs)
t [t]
[d] asperated t as in British English
unaspirated t as in American, after s tage [ta:è] (take)
stor [sdô’a] (big)
u [u]
[o] as in soon, inside a word
open o almost as in open, before n gul [gu’l] (yellow), guld [gul] (gold)
ung [ong’] (young), Ungarn [onga:n]
v [v]
[u] always as in English very
a fast u-sound, in the end of a word vi [vi’] (we), avis [avi’s] (newspaper)
blev [bleu’] (became), hav [hau] (sea)
y [î]
[u] pronounced as [i] with rounded lips,
1. as German ¸ or
2. as French u in sur
specially in the beginning of a word lyve [lî:vè] (lie), lys [lî’s] (light),
lyst [lî'sd] (lightned)
æ [è]
[a] open e as in let
open a as in far (without r), after r mælk [mèlk] (milk)
græde [gra:zè] (cry)
ø [ö]
[ö] pronounced as [e] with rounded lips:
1. as German ö or
2. as in French heureux
more open than œ, as in french cæur øl [öl] (beer), møde [mö:z(è)] (meet, meeting)
Glottal stop
The glottal stop is very important and something special for Danish, as it is a sound not found
in many languages. It is a phoneme that can give some words quite another meaning. It is not
an unknown sound in English and is sometimes heard in energetic speech and particularly in
"not" [no’t] in London English. For foreigners the glottal stop may be difficult to use correctly,
but never mind even Danes cannot always use it correctly particularly not if they are speaking
one of our dialects.
The glottal stop only hits the stressed (accented) syllable of a word.
Both vowels and consonants can be hit but never a long vowel.
The glottal stop is indicated by a [’]
Notice: Danish vowels can be open or closed and they can be long or short
1. Indefinite Articles:
Common Neuter
Singular en et
2. Definite Articles:
Common Neuter
Singular den, -n/-en det, -t/-et
Plural de, -ne/-ene de, -ne/-ene
Note: a consonant is doubled after a short vowel: bus, bussen; hotel, hotellet
Usage: 1. The definite articles are normally added to a singular or plural noun:
bilen (the car) huset (the house)
bilerne (the cars) husene (the houses)
bilen er rød (the car is red)
bilerne er røde (the cars are red)
husene er hvide (the houses are white)
2. Plural: are formed by adding suffixes to the singular form of the noun:
1. -e (some words ending in a consonant): dag/dage (day/days)
2. -r (words ending in -e): uge/uger (week/weeks)
3. -er (other words ending in a consonant): måned/måneder (month/months)
4. the same: år (year/years)
5. irregular: barn/børn (child/children)
1. Word Order: an attributive adjective is placed before the noun as in English (see also
en rød bil (a red car)
2. Inflection: A. Attributive adjectives must agree in gender with the noun they modify:
a. indef. article -. adjective + t - noun (t-word):
et stort hus (a big house)
et rødt tag (a red roof)
b. indef. article - adjective (base form) - noun (n-word):
en stor mand (a big man)
en rød bog (a red book)
c. def. article - adjective + e - noun (sing./plural):
det store hus (the big house)
den røde bil (the red car)
de store huse (the big houses)
de røde biler the red cars)
B. Predicative adjectives must agree in gender with the noun they modify:
a. indef. article - noun (t-word) - verb - adjective + t:
et hus er stort (a house is big)
et tag er rødt (a roof is red)
b. indef. article - noun (n-word) - verb - adjective (base form):
en bil er rød (a car is red)
en mand er stor (a man is big)
c. noun (t-word)+ def.article - verb - adjective + t:
huset er stort (the house is big)
taget er rødt (the roof is red)
d. noun (n-word)+ def.article - verb - adjective (base form):
bilen er rød (the car is red)
manden er stor (the man is big)
e. noun (plural) (+ def.article) - verb - adjective + e:
husene er store (the houses are big)
bilerne er røde (the cars are red)
huse og biler er dyre (houses and cars are expensive)
C. Irregular:
lille (small/little, singular):
the same in all forms in singular:
et/det lille hus (a/the small house)
en/den lille bil (a/the small car)
små (small/little, plural):
the same in all forms in plural:
små huse (small houses)
de små huse (the small houses)
de små biler (the small cars)
Note: 1. If -e is added to an adjective ending in -en or -el the first -e- dissapears:
gammel (old):
han er gammel (he is old)
den gamle mand (the old man)
de er gamle (they are old)
sulten (hungry):
han er sulten (he is hungry)
det sultne barn (the hungry child)
de er sultne (they are hungry)
2. Adjectives ending in -e never change:
et lille barn (a small child)
det stille barn (the quiet child)
3. Adjectives ending in -sk never add -t:
en rask dreng (a healthy boy)
et rask barn (a healthy child)
de raske børn (the healthy children)
4. An adjective can also be used as a noun (without a supporting word):
en hvid hest og 2 sorte (a white horse and 2 black ones)
1. Cardinal Numbers :
Numbers from 1 to 20
1 en, et 11 elleve
2 to 12 tolv
3 tre 13 tretten
4 fire 14 fjorten
5 fem 15 femten
6 seks 16 seksten
7 syv 17 sytten
8 otte 18 atten
9 ni 19 nitten
10 ti 20 tyve
2. Ordinal Numbers
1st første
2nd anden
3rd tredie
4th fjerde
5th femte
6th sjette
7th syvende
8th ottende
9th niende
10th tiende
1. Personal Pronouns
persons subject forms object forms
1. sing jeg (I) mig (me)
2. sing du (you) dig (you)
3. sing han (he) ham (him)
3. sing hun (she) hende (her)
3. sing den/det (it) den/det (it)
3. sing De (you, polite) Dem (you, polite)
1. pl. vi (we) os (us)
2. pl. I (you) jer (you)
3. sing de (they) dem (them)
3. sing De (you, polite) Dem (you, polite)
Usage: The object forms are used both as direct and indirect objects.
2. Possessive Pronouns
min/mit/mine (my, mine)
din/dit/dine (your, yours)
hans (his)
hendes (her, hers)
Deres (your, yours, polite)
dens/dets (its)
vores (our, ours)
jeres (your, yours)
deres (their, theirs)
Deres (your, yours, polite)
Usage: All the forms are used both attributively and predicatively:
min bil er her (my car is here)
det er mit hus (it is my house)
det er mine biler/houses (they are my cars/houses)
det er min (bilen) (it is mine (the car))
det er mit (huset) (is is mine (the house))
det er mine (biler/huse) (they are mine (cars/houses))
3. Demonstrative Pronouns
Usage: The written forms can also be used in speech, but in daily speech
we normally use the spoken forms.
Note: The spoken forms consist of 2 words, which can be placed both before the noun
or the noun can be placed between the 2 words:
but: de huse der over er mine (those houses over there are mine)
4. Relative Pronouns
som (who/which/that) can be both subject and object:
manden som er her (the man who is here) som/who is the subject
manden som jeg så (the man who I saw) som/who is the object
Usage: som/der are the 2 most used pronouns in Danish and they are used mostly as in
But when a preposition is used together with a relative pronoun
the preposition is placed at the end of the sentence:
manden som jeg gav bogen til (the man to whom I gave the book)
5. Indefinite Pronouns
enhver (everybody):
enhver må gøre noget (everybody must do something)
man (one, you, we) is not found in English and can only be used as subject,
it is the same as on in French and man in German:
man må ikke ryge her (you must not smoke here/smoking not allowed)
6. Reflexive Pronouns
1. sing. mig (myself)
2. sing. dig (yourself)
3. sing. sig (himself/herself/itself)
1. pl. os (ourselves)
2. pl. jer (yourselves)
3. pl. sig (themselves)
hvilken/hvilket/hvilke (which):
hvilken bog tog han? (which book did he take?)
hvilke bøger tog han? (which books did he take?)
hvor (where): hvor bor han? (where does he live?)
hvornår (when): hvornår kommer han? (when will he come?)
hvordan (how): hvordan er det sket? (how did it happen)
Note: These pronouns cannot be the subject in a subordinate clause, der or det must be
a. det + a form of "være/blive/hedde"
b. der + another verb
a. jeg ved ikke, hvem det er (I do not know who it is)
b. jeg ved ikke, hvem der kommer (I do not know who is coming)
a1. jeg ved ikke, hvad det er/var (I do not know what it is/was)
a2. jeg ved ikke, hvad det bliver (I do not know what the price will be)
b1. jeg ved ikke, hvad der er sket (I do not know what has happened (the
verb is "sker"))
b2. jeg kan ikke høre, hvad der siges (passive voice (I cannot hear what they
are saying))
Usage: The present tense is used as in English, but it is also used as the future tense:
2. Past Tense
there are 2 regular conjugations (see also Present perfect):
c. Irregular conjugation:
var (was/were), så (saw), gik (went),
sagde (pronounced (sä·) (said),
3. Present Perfect
is formed with har or er before the past participle (see past participle):
Usage: The present tense is used with har or er and they are
the same in all persons.
and in the passive voice: maden er blevet spist (the food has been eaten)
4. Past perfect is formed with havde or var before the past participle (see past participle):
jeg/du/han/hun/vi/I/de bliver
jeg/du/han/hun/vi/I/de blev
jeg/du/han/hun/vi/I/de er blevet
The past participle can also be used as an adjective (and is inflected (see adjectives)):
den spiste kage (the eaten cake)
en spist kage (an eaten cake)
2. Present participle
The present participle is formed by adding -ende to the base form:
Usage: It can be used like the English -ing form only after kommer/kom, blive/blev:
han kom gående (he came walking)
hun blev stående (she kept standing)
Notice: The English -ing form (progressive form) is constructed in another way in Danish:
the girl is smiling = pigen smiler, pigen sidder/står/ligger og smiler
(subject (the girl) + verbal (is smiling))
Infinitive is the form that is found in a dictionary and ends normally in -e.
If infinitive does not end in -e then the infinitive and the base form are the same:
bo (live, lives)
gå (go, goes)
stå (stand, stands)
a. after a preposition: han kom for at besøge mig (he came to see me)
1. s-passive:
The present tense has -s (instead of -r in active form): sælges (active: sælger)
The past tense adds -s to the active form: solgtes (active: solgte)
2. blive-passive:
Two-form adverbs:
General: Prepositions are always used with a regimen (noun, pronoun or infinitive).
If they have no regimen (standing alone) they are adverbs:
han tog hatten på hovedet (he put his hat on his head): preposition
han tog hatten på (he put his hat on): adverb
i (in/at/to/for)
c. special expressions:
på (on/upon/in/at/of)
til (to/until)
a. place:
b. time:
c. dative:
af (of/by)
efter (after)
for....siden (ago)
fra (from)
med (with)
hun har en halskæde om halsen (she has a necklace round her neck)
jeg kommer om en time (I shall come in an hour) when?
over (over/past/cross)
under (under/below/during)
2. Subordinating Conjunctions:
at (that)
han sagde, at han var syg (he said that he was ill)
om (if/whether)
når (when)
present tense: han kommer, når han kan (he comes when he can)
future tense: jeg går, når det er tiden (I shall go when it's time)
past tense (every time): han spiste, når han var sulten (he always ate when he was
da (when)
past tense (once): han spiste, da han var sulten (he ate when/because he was
The first subject (det/der) in a clause always refers to the real subject
1. "det" (it):
det er godt, at han kan gøre det (it is good that he can do so)
c. As an impersonal subject:
det regner/sner/blæser (it is raining/snowing/windy)
d. when the complement is a noun, or possessive pronoun in plural::
det er mine venner (they are my friends)
det er også dine (they are also yours)
but: de er store (they are big) (the complement is an adjective)
e. The personal pronoun can also be used if the complement is a noun in singular:
det/han er min ven (it/he is my friend)
2. "der" (there):
der sås mange folk på gaden (many people were seen in the street)
(=man så mange folk på gaden)
Yes = ja/jo.
When you ask with a negative question, the positive answer is "jo"
Note: The finite verb can be repeated in the answer if it is a modal verb or an auxiliary verb
otherwise the answer is followed by a form of "gøre" as in English:
kender du ham? ja, jeg gør (do you know him? yes, I do)
kendte du ham? ja, jeg gjorde (did you know him? yes, I did)
kan du kende ham? ja, jeg kan (can you recognize him? yes, I can)
har du kendt ham? ja, jeg har (have you known him? yes, I have)
har du kunnet kende ham? ja, jeg har (have you been able to recognize him? yes, I
vil du kunne kende ham? ja, jeg vil (vil you be able to recognize him? yes, I will)
Main rule: If the subject is not the first word in a main clause,
there will be an inversion
a. In questions:
kommer du i morgen? (will you come tomorrow?)
A. The position of the small adverbs in subordinate clauses is always after the subject
SAV (subject+adverb+finite verb):
han siger, at han ikke kommer (he says that he does not come)
han siger, at han ikke vil komme (he says that he will not come)
han har en bog, som han aldrig har læst (he has a book that he has never read)
a. if there is no object
or the object is a substantive (phrase)
or the verb consists of 2 words:
jeg kender ikke manden (I do not know the man) (the object is a noun)
jeg har ikke kendt manden (I have not known the man) (the verb is 2 words: har--
jeg har ikke kendt ham (I have not known him) (the verb is 2 words: har--
S V1 A V2
2. Inversion:
VSA (verb+subject+adverb) or
V1 S A V2(finite verb+subject+adverb+infinite verb)
1. ...at han ikke kan komme idag (...that he cannot come today)
2. ...som jeg aldrig har set før (...who I have never seen before)
3. ...der ikke er gået endnu (...who has not gone yet)
4. ...om hun kender ham mere (...whether she knows him anymore)
5. ...hvis jeg ikke møder hende igen (...if I do not meet her again)
6. ...hvorår jeg ser dig igen (...when I shall see you again)