Lab 3
Lab 3
Lab 3
1. To determine the relationship between the absorbance and the concentration of apples
The biuret assay use biuret reagent to detect the presence of peptide bonds. When the peptide
bonds are confirmed present in the solution, the coordination complexes associated with a
copper ion are violet in colour. The intensity of the colour is affected by the protein intensity
so the higher the intensity, the higher the protein.
10 mg/ml stock solution of Bovive Serum Albumin (BSA), deionized water, test tubes, stand,
pipette, biuret reagent, spectrophotometer, red apple, green apple
300ml 10% NaOH was added and stirred to 500 ml of solution containing 0.3% copper
sulphate pentahydrate and 1.2 % sodium potassium tartarate, then diluted to 1 liter.
1 0 1.0 0
2 1 0.9 0.1
3 2 0.8 0.1
4 3 0.7 0.3
5 4 0.6 0.4
6 5 0.5 0.5
7 6 0.4 0.6
2. Duplicate test tubes for the red and green apples were prepared and 1 ml of each of
them were carefully pipetted into each tubes.
3. 2 ml of biuret reagent was added to every tube, which were the 14 tubes for the stand
curve and duplicate tubes for the red and green apples.
4. The tubes were covered with parafilm and briefly vortexed to ensure that the protein
standards and the biuret reagent were thoroughly mixed.
5. The tubes were allowed to stand for 15 minutes.
6. The spectrophotometer was switched on and the wavelength was adjusted to 550 nm.
(c) Determine protein concentration
1. 1 ml of solution was transferred from tube 1 into a cuvette and it was gently wiped
with a paper towel to remove any sign fingerprints and dust.
2. The absorbance was set to ‘zero’. This tube will be served as ‘blank’.
3. The absorbance of the other standards and samples were measured.
4. The absorbance of each standards and samples were recorded.
5. A graph of standard curve using the absorbance value of protein standards was plotted
and the absorbance values of the protein samples were interpolated.
1 0 1.0 0 0.000 -
Errors were made during this experiment, especially on the part of determining the
absorbance of the test tubes. However, a linear graph was successfully made. This graph was
made as a base for determining the value of the ceoncentration of both apples due to the fact
that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration of solute.
From the results above, it can be seen that green apple has a higher amount of protein value
than the red apple hence the higher concentration of the sample. This in turns cause the graph
with red apple as a sample has a higher absorbance than the one with the green apple as the
Using spectropohotometry, it is discovered that the higher the absorbance, the higher the
concentration of the sample. This experiment has also proven that green apple has a higher
absorbance value than red apple. It means that the green apple has a higher protein value than
red apple ever has.
1. Allen, D., Cooksey, C., & Tsai, B. (2010, October 5). Spectrophotometry. Retrieved