Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity

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Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 1

345 N. Charles Street • Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410-347-3118 • 410-347-3119 Fax Website
Revised August 2002

and By-Laws
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 2
II ............................................................................................................................ 5
ARTICLE I - NAME ..............5
PURPOSE ......................................................................................................5
Membership ........................................................................................................... 5
Sec. 1. Composition ...........5
Sec. 2. Eligibility ................5
Sec. 3. Election and
Initiation ..........................................................................................................................5
Sec. 4. Dual Membership ...6
Sec. 5. Termination of
Membership ..................................................................................................................6
Sec. 6. Suspension of
Membership ...................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER .................................................................................... 7
Sec. 1. Composition ...........7
Sec. 2. Conventions ...........7
Sec. 3. Emergency
Conventions ........................................................................................................................7
Sec. 4. Delegates ................7
Sec. 5. Rules ......................8
Sec. 6. Officers ...................8
BOARD ........................................................................ 8
Sec. 1. Composition ...........8
Sec. 2. Meetings .................8
Sec. 3. Attendance at
Meetings .........................................................................................................................8
Sec. 4. Minutes of
Meetings ..............................................................................................................................8
ARTICLE VI - International
Tribunal ....................................................................................... 9
Sec. 1. Composition ...........9
Sec. 2. Meetings .................9
POWERS ........................................................................................... 9
Sec. 1. Vesting of Supreme
Sec. 2. Exercise of Supreme
Powers .................................................................................................................9
Sec. 3. Judicial Decisions and
Review .............................................................................................................9
Sec. 4. District Powers ......9
Sec. 5. Chapter
Operations ...............................................................................................................................9
OFFICERS ................................................................................ 10
Sec. 1. Composition .........10
Sec. 2. How Elected .........10
Sec. 3. Vacancies .............10
Sec. 4. Voting Procedure .10
BOARD ....................................................................... 11
Sec. 1. Composition .........11
Sec. 2. Duties ...................11
Sec. 3. Chairperson .........11
JUSTICES ...................................................................... 11
Sec. 1. Districts .................11
Sec. 2. District Justice .....11
Sec. 3. Replacement ..........11
CHAPTERS ...................................................................................... 11
Sec. 1. How Formed .........11
CHAPTERS ............................................................................................. 12
Sec. 1. Formation and
Charter ........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTERS .......................................................................................... 12
Sec. 1. Formation and
Charter ........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER .................................................................... 12
Sec. 1. Establishment ......12
Sec. 2. Eligibility of
Membership ....................................................................................................................12
Sec. 3. Membership..........12
International Constitution and Bylaws
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 3
CHARTER ........................................ 13
Sec. 1. Suspension of
Charter .........................................................................................................................13
Sec. 2. Revocation of
Charter ..........................................................................................................................13
Sec. 3. Cause for Suspension or Revocation of
Charter .................................................................................13
OFFICERS ........................................................................ 13
RITUAL ............................................................................................................. 13
Sec. 1. Ceremonies ..........13
Sec. 2. Amendments ........13
DISSOLUTION .................................................................................................. 14
AMENDMENTS .................................................................................................... 14
Sec. 1. By Whom
Proposed ..............................................................................................................................14
Sec. 2. Procedures ...........14
Sec. 3. Adoption of
Amendment ......................................................................................................................14
International Bylaws
MEMBERSHIP ....................................................................................................... 15
Sec. 1. Certificates of
Membership ..................................................................................................................15
Sec. 2. Transfer of
Membership ......................................................................................................................15
Sec. 3. Dual Membership .15
Sec. 4. Association
Provisions ........................................................................................................................15
PROCEDURES ................................................................................... 15
Sec. 1. Violations and Unworthy
Conduct .....................................................................................................15
Sec. 2. Failure to Pay Financial
Obligations ..................................................................................................16
Sec. 3. Failure to Repay Endowment Fund
Loan ...........................................................................................17
Sec. 4. Appeals .................17
COUNCIL .............................................................................................. 17
Sec. 1. Law School Chapters - How
Formed ...................................................................................................17
Sec. 2. Law School Chapter - Investigation and Name ..................................................................................17
Sec. 3. Law School Chapter Petitions - How Submitted ................................................................................18
Sec. 4. Initiation Fees ......18
Sec. 5. Alumni Chapter - Formed in Community, City or County .................................................................18
Sec. 6. Alumni Chapter - Formed in
State ......................................................................................................18
Sec. 7. Multiple Alumni Chapter
Membership ...............................................................................................18
Sec. 8. Alumni Chapter -
Charters ..................................................................................................................18
Sec. 9. Alumni Chapter Charter
Fee ...............................................................................................................18
Sec. 10. Alumni Chapter Annual
Fee .............................................................................................................18
Sec. 11. Alumni Dues ......18
Sec. 12. Official Action ....19
Sec. 13. Uniformity ..........19
Sec. 14. Duties and
Responsibilities ..............................................................................................................19
Sec. 15. Chapter Officers 19
Sec. 16. Duties of Law School Chapter and Alumni Chapter Officers ..........................................................19
Sec. 17. Duties of Alumni Chapter
Officers ...................................................................................................20
Sec. 18. Chapter Funds ...20
Sec. 19. Official Reports ..20
Sec. 20. Books and
Papers ..............................................................................................................................21
Sec. 21. Placement
Committee ........................................................................................................................21
Sec. 22. Chapter
Advisors ...............................................................................................................................21
Sec. 23. Duties of Alumni Advisor and Faculty Advisor ................................................................................21
Sec. 24. Payment of
Funds ..............................................................................................................................21
Sec. 25. Alumni Advisory
Council ..................................................................................................................21
COUNCIL .................................................... 22
Sec. 1. Pre-Law Chapter Charter, Fees and Procedures ................................................................................22
Sec. 2. Chapter Officers ..22
Sec. 3. Pre-Law Advisory
Council ...................................................................................................................22
OFFICERS ........................................................ 22
Sec. 1. The International
Justice ...................................................................................................................22
Sec. 2. The International Vice
Justice ...........................................................................................................22
Sec. 3. The International
Advocate .................................................................................................................22
Sec. 4. The International
Secretary ................................................................................................................23
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 4
Sec. 5. The International
Treasurer ...............................................................................................................23
Sec. 6. Board Member-at-
Large ........................................................................................................................23
Sec. 7. The Chief
Tribune ...............................................................................................................................23
Sec. 8. The Associate
Tribunes .......................................................................................................................23
Sec. 9. Other Duties ........23
Sec. 10. Elimination of
Conflicts .....................................................................................................................23
Sec.11. Minutes of International Executive Board Meeting. ..........................................................................23
CONVENTIONS.................................................................................................... 24
Sec. 1. Delegate Selection 24
Sec. 2. Selection of At-Large Alumni
Delegates ..............................................................................................24
Sec. 3. Seating of
Delegates .............................................................................................................................24
Sec. 4. Delegate’s
Expenses ............................................................................................................................24
Sec. 5. Convention Standing
Committees .......................................................................................................25
Sec. 6. At-Large Delegates Appointed For Only One Convention ..................................................................25
Sec. 7. Information Furnished
Committees ....................................................................................................25
Sec. 8. Reports of Credentials
Committees .....................................................................................................25
MATTERS ............................................................................................. 25
Sec. 1. Executive Director and
Employees .....................................................................................................25
Sec. 2. Budget ..................25
Sec. 3. Expenses ..............25
Sec. 4. Fiscal Year ...........26
OFFICERS....................................................................................... 26
Sec. 1. How Instituted .....26
Sec. 2. Procedures ...........26
Sec. 3. Appeal ..................27
PROCEDURES ............................ 28
Sec. 1. Original
Jurisdiction ...........................................................................................................................28
Sec. 2. Appellate
Jurisdiction .........................................................................................................................28
Sec. 3. Procedures ...........28
FUND ................................................................... 28
Sec. 1. Administration of the International Endowment Fund .....................................................................28
Sec. 2. Sources of the International Endowment Fund .................................................................................29
Sec. 3. Use of the International Endowment Fund........................................................................................29
FUND ....................................................................... 29
Sec. 1. Administration of the International Building Fund ...........................................................................29
Sec. 2. Sources of the International Building
Fund .......................................................................................29
Sec. 3. Disposition of International Building Fund .......................................................................................30
CONFERENCES ................................................................................... 30
Sec. 1. District
Conferences ............................................................................................................................30
Sec. 2. District Justice to
Supervise ...............................................................................................................30
Sec. 3. Financial Aid for District Conferences ...............................................................................................30
Sec. 4. Special District Conference
Fund .......................................................................................................30
Sec. 5. Joint District
Conferences ..................................................................................................................30
INSIGNIA ...................................................................................... 31
Sec. 1. Coat-of-Arms .........31
Sec. 2. Seal .......................31
Sec. 3. Color .....................31
Sec. 4. Jewelry .................31
Sec. 5. Flower ..................31
Sec. 6. Song......................31
Sec. 7. Flag .......................31
Sec. 8. Design ..................31
PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................. 32
Sec. 1. Publications .........32
Sec. 2. Publication of Constitutional and By-Law Amendments ...................................................................32
MEMBERS ............................................................. 32
LAWS ............................................................................... 32
Sec. 1. By Whom
Proposed ..............................................................................................................................32
Sec. 2. Submittal
Procedures ...........................................................................................................................32
Sec. 3. Convention
Action ...............................................................................................................................33
Sec. 4. Mail Ballot ............33
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 5

The name of this Fraternity shall be
The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to form a strong bond uniting students and
of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to
the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship;
to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional
competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral,
intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of
honorable professional and public service.
ARTICLE III - Membership
Sec. 1. Composition
There shall be four categories of membership in this Fraternity; Law School, Alumni,
Honorary and Pre-Law.
Sec. 2. Eligibility
Eligibility for membership shall be as follows:
a. Law School Member
Any person who is in attendance and in good standing at any law school where a
chapter of this Fraternity is chartered. Membership in the William McKinley Chapter of Phi
Alpha Delta Law Fraternity is open to all students currently enrolled, and in good standing at The
Ohio State University--Moritz College of Law. Discrimination on the basis of age, color,
disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual preference, or veteran status will not
be tolerated.
b. Alumni Member
Any person who has been licensed to practice law in, and is in good standing with, any
jurisdiction recognized by the International Chapter or by the International Executive
Board; any duly initiated law school member upon graduation from law school who is
not the subject of any disciplinary proceedings resulting in temporary or permanent
cessation of his or her license to practice law; any law graduate who is a member of
the faculty of any law school; and any judge who qualified in any of the preceding
categories prior to becoming a judge.
c. Honorary Member
Any person who has attained unusual distinction in the legal profession or in the
field of law at least a statewide basis shall be eligible for honorary membership. The
term “field of law” shall embrace any person elected or appointed to a legislature or
engaged in the execution, administration, or enforcement of the law, whether or not
such person is a member of the legal profession.
d. Pre-Law Member
Any member of the administration, faculty or any student in good standing at any
institution of higher learning where a pre-law chapter of this Fraternity is chartered.
Sec. 3. Election and Initiation
a. Law School members shall be elected and initiated only by law school chapters, and
alumni and honorary members shall be elected and initiated by either law school or
alumni chapters, except however citizens of countries other than the United States
of America who are also residents of that country may be elected to membership by
the International Executive Board and initiated thereafter by the International
Executive Board or its authorized representative. Eligible persons shall be elected to
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 6
membership upon approval by the majority vote of all members present and voting at
a lawful meeting. All persons so elected shall be promptly initiated in accordance with
the Ritual of the Fraternity. Election of honorary members shall be subject to
c. of this Section.
b. Persons elected to law school chapter membership, pursuant to this Sec. 3, shall be
“associates” until their initiation and enrollment as law school chapter members,
with such obligations and privileges as may be specified in chapter By-Laws, consistent
with this Constitution and International By-Laws. Associate status shall be conferred
in accordance with Article XVII except that any law school chapter may upon twothirds
(2/3) vote of all members present and voting at a lawful meeting waive such
formality. No persons shall be an associate for more than three (3) months after the
law school chapter is regularly in session except that upon petition approved by two
thirds (2/3) vote of all law school chapter members present and voting at a lawful
meeting. The International Executive Board may waive this limitation. Such petition
shall first be submitted to and reviewed by the District Justice who shall commend
approval or disapproval. Unless an extension of associate status is granted for a good
cause shown, any associate who is not initiated within three (3) months while the
law school of the chapter is regularly in session following election to membership
shall be disassociated and shall not again be considered for membership until after
the expiration of twelve (12) months after the following date of such association. The
election to membership of any associate may be, and, upon the petition of at least five
(5) chapter members in good standing, shall be, reconsidered at any time prior to the
initiation. Upon such reconsideration, an associate shall be disassociated unless his
election to membership is approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present
and voting at a lawful chapter meeting.
c. Persons eligible for honorary membership under Sec. 2 (c) of this Article, shall be
elected pursuant to this Sec. 3, provided, however, that such election shall be subject
to ratification by the International Executive Board. Ratification shall be based on a
petition for honorary membership submitted by a chapter through the District Justice
who shall recommend approval or disapproval. No person shall be invited to become an
honorary member unless the election is ratified by the International Executive Board.
For the purpose of this subsection the term “chapter” shall be deemed to include a
group of qualified petitioners for a chapter charter.
d. Pre-Law members shall be inducted only by pre-law chapters. Eligible persons shall
elected to pre-law membership upon approval of a majority vote of all members present
and voting at a lawful meeting of the pre-law chapter.
Sec. 4. Dual Membership
No member of any other law fraternity may become a member of this Fraternity unless
such person first terminates such other membership. Any member of this Fraternity
who accepts membership in any category in any other law fraternity shall, after such
notice as the International Executive Board may prescribe, automatically forfeit
membership in this Fraternity provided that membership in such other law fraternity
has not been terminated within sixty (60) days after such notice.
Sec. 5. Termination of Membership
Membership in this Fraternity shall be terminated as follows:
a. Automatic Forfeiture
Any member whose license to practice law has been finally revoked by any legally
constituted body having the power of revocation over the member, or who has ceased
to be licensed to practice law by reason of misconduct, shall automatically forfeit
membership in this Fraternity, which forfeiture of membership shall remain in effect
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 7
for as long as the disciplinary action shall remain in effect.
b. Expulsion
Any member charged with (1) violating the Membership Oath, Constitution,
International By-Laws, or the By-Laws of any District or Chapter; or (2) otherwise
engaging in unworthy conduct tending to bring disrepute on the Fraternity shall be
subject to expulsion from this Fraternity.
c. Resignation
Any member may resign from this Fraternity by submitting his resignation to the
Executive Director, and the resignation shall become effective sixty (60) days after
such notification.
Sec. 6. Suspension of Membership
Any pre-law member of this Fraternity no longer in attendance at an institution of
learning or upon graduation from such institution shall be automatically suspended
membership unless and until they return to an institution of higher learning or shall be
duly elected and initiated as a law school, alumnus or honorary member.
Sec. 1. Composition
The International Chapter of this Fraternity shall be composed of all duly seated
in Convention assembled.
Sec. 2. Conventions
The Convention shall be held every two (2) years at such time and place as shall be
determined by the International Executive Board. Should the International Executive
Board refuse or fail, without good cause, to take such action within eighteen (18)
after the adjournment of the last Convention, then the International Tribunal shall fix
the time and place.
Sec. 3. Emergency Conventions
The International Executive Board shall have the power to call a special Convention and
fix the time and place thereof.
Sec. 4. Delegates
a. Each law school and alumni chapter in good standing shall be entitled to two (2)
and two (2) alternate delegates at such Conventions, and any law school and alumni
chapter shall have two (2) votes upon every question arising in Convention, to be cast
only by its delegate or delegates present.
b. Each delegate shall be a member of the chapter such delegate represents.
c. Each District of the Fraternity shall be entitled to two (2) Alumni members, appointed
Large from each such District, by the District Justice of such District, provided that
such at large delegate shall be responsible for paying their own expenses to attend the
convention, in addition to normal registration fees, pursuant to the International By-
Each such at large delegate shall have one (1) vote. In the event there is no District
Justice, then the International Justice, with the consent of the International Executive
Board, pursuant to the International ByLaws, shall make appointment of the two (2)
d. Each District Justice shall be a qualified delegate and have one (1) vote. Such
shall not be eligible to vote in any other capacity.
e. Each member of the International Executive Board shall be a qualified delegate and
one (1) vote, In the event the Chairperson of the International Advisory Board cannot
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 8
attend for any reason, the next immediate Past International Justice able to attend
be such non-voting delegate.
(i) The Chairperson of the International Advisory Board shall be a qualified nonvoting
delegate, provided that such delegate shall be responsible for paying their own expenses
to attend the convention, in addition to normal registration fees.
(ii) In the event the Chairperson of the International Advisory Board cannot attend for
any reason, the next immediate Past International Justice able to attend shall be
responsible for paying their own expenses to attend the convention, in addition to
normal registration fees.
Sec. 5. Rules
Each Convention shall make the rules and regulations for the transaction of its
Until it has adopted such rules and regulations, the previous Convention rules shall
govern. “Roberts Rules newly revised 1990 edition” shall govern all other matters not
defined therein.
Sec. 6. Officers
The International Justice shall serve as Convention Chairperson; the International
Secretary shall serve as Convention Secretary; and the Convention Chairperson shall
select a Board Member-At-Large to serve as Convention Marshal.
Sec. 1. Composition
The International Justice, The International Vice Justice, the International Advocate,
the International Secretary, the International Treasurer, and four Board Members-at-
Large shall constitute the International Executive Board of this Fraternity.
Sec. 2. Meetings
The International Justice shall call at least one (1) meeting of the International
Board each year. Any five (5) International Officers shall constitute a quorum to do
All members shall be notified two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. Any five (5) members of
the International Executive Board may call a meeting of the International Executive
if the International Justice is unable or unwilling to do so.
Sec. 3. Attendance at Meetings
When practical, every meeting of the International Executive Board shall be open to
member of the fraternity in good standing. This is a privilege of attendance and does not
include the privilege to address the Board.
Sec. 4. Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of all meetings of the International Executive Board, except executive sessions,
shall be available upon request to any member of the fraternity at the requester’s
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 9

ARTICLE VI - International
Sec. 1. Composition
The International Tribunal shall be composed of the Chief Tribune and two (2) Associate
Tribunes elected and holding office as in this Constitution provided.
Sec. 2. Meetings
Meetings of the International Tribunal may be called at any time by the Chief Tribune
and shall be called on the written request of the Associate Tribunes. All Tribunes shall
notified at least two (2) weeks prior to such meetings. The presence of two (2) Tribunes
shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 1. Vesting of Supreme Powers
The supreme legislative and executive power of this Fraternity shall be vested in the
International Chapter in Convention assembled and in the International Executive
ad interim. The International judicial power of this Fraternity shall be vested in the
International Tribunal.
Sec. 2. Exercise of Supreme Powers
All powers described in Sec. 1 of this Article shall be exercised in accordance with the
provisions of the Constitution and International By-Laws of this Fraternity.
Sec. 3. Judicial Decisions and Review
Cases and controversies involving or arising out of: (1) the interpretation of the
of the Constitution and International By-Laws of this Fraternity; (2) the exercise of
Executive and Legislative powers; and (3) the exercise of District and Chapter powers
be subject to either decision or review as appropriate by the International Tribunal
to procedures prescribed in the International By-Laws. The decision of the International
Tribunal in these cases and controversies shall be final.
Sec. 4. District Powers
Each Fraternity District shall operate under the supervision of a District Justice as
in Article X of this Constitution, subject to such rules, regulations, and procedures as
from time to time, be promulgated by the International Executive Board.
Sec. 5. Chapter Operations
Each pre-law chapter, law school chapter and alumni chapter shall adopt and operate
under its respective by-laws, provided that they are consistent with the Constitution,
International By-Laws, and the actions of the International Chapter, International
Executive Board and International Tribunal of this Fraternity.
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Sec. 1. Composition
The International Officers shall consist of members of the International Executive Board
and of the International Tribunal, as follows:
• The International Justice • The International Vice Justice
• The International Advocate • The International Secretary
• The International Treasurer • Four Board Members-at-Large
• The Chief Tribune • Two Associate Tribunes
Sec. 2. How Elected
a. The positions of Justice, Vice Justice, Advocate, Secretary and Treasurer shall be
from among the members of the Fraternity, by majority vote of the seated delegates
present and voting, at a duly constituted meeting of the International Chapter of the
Fraternity, each to hold office for two (2) years or until successor officer is elected and
installed in office.
b. Following the elections set forth above, the International Chapter, by a majority vote
the seated delegates present and voting at a duly constituted meeting, shall elect from
the members of the Fraternity, four (4) members to serve as Members-at-Large of the
International Executive Board, each to hold office for two (2) years or until successor is
elected and installed. The election for Board Members-at-Large shall be conducted as
election pursuant to the provisions of the International By-Laws and Rules of
In the event that one candidate receives a majority vote by the seated delegates present
and voting for the position of Board Members-at-Large on any ballot, such candidate
be declared elected and all of the remaining candidates shall continue to stand for
until the re maining Board Members-at-Large shall have been elected by a majority vote
of the seated delegates present and voting.
c. The positions of Chief Tribune and two (2) Associate Tribunes shall be elected from
among the members of the Fraternity, by majority vote of the seated delegates present
and voting, at a duly constituted meeting of the International Chapter of the Fraternity,
each to hold office for two (2) years or until successor is elected and installed in office.
d. Following the elections set forth above, the International Chapter, by a majority vote
the seated delegates present and voting at a duly constituted meeting, shall elect from
among the members of the Fraternity two (2) Associate Tribunes, each to hold office for
two (2) years or until successor is elected and installed in office. The election for
Tribunes shall be conducted as one election pursuant to the provisions of the
International By-Laws and Rules of Convention. In the event that one candidate
a majority vote by the seated delegates present and voting for the position of Associate
Tribune on any ballot, such candidate shall be declared elected and all of the remaining
candidates shall continue to stand for election until the remaining Associate Tribune
shall have been elected by a majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.
Sec. 3. Vacancies
a. Should a vacancy occur in the office of International Justice, the International Vice
Justice shall succeed to the office, and the International Advocate shall become
International Vice Justice.
b. Should a vacancy occur in any other office of the International Officers, the
Executive Board may elect a member of the Fraternity to said office.
c. Should there be simultaneous vacancies in all offices constituting the International
Executive Board, such offices shall be filled automatically, in the order listed in Sec. 1
this Article, by members of the International Advisory Board, beginning with the most
Sec. 4. Voting Procedure
In determining whether to fill a vacancy, as provided in Sec. 3, of this Article, or in
persons to fill vacancies, the action taken shall be by majority vote of those voting by
mail or
present and voting at a duly convened meeting of the International Executive Board.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 11


Sec. 1. Composition
Every International Justice of this Fraternity and every International President of Phi
Delta Delta Law Fraternity shall, upon honorable retirement from office, become a
of the International Advisory Board.
Sec. 2. Duties
The duties of the International Advisory Board shall be to advise the International
in relation to the traditions, ideals, policies, and practices of this Fraternity.
Sec. 3. Chairperson
The Immediate Past International Justice shall be the Chairperson of the International
Advisory Board. A vacancy caused by death, resignation, or otherwise shall be filled by
next immediate Past International Justice.
Sec. 1. Districts
The International Executive Board shall from time to time organize the Fraternity into
geographical districts. The Board shall report to each Convention all changes made and
shall cause such to be published in the official publication of the Fraternity.
Sec. 2. District Justice
The International Justice, with the advice and consent of the International Executive
Board, shall appoint a member as District Justice for each Fraternity District, to hold
office at the pleasure of the International Executive Board.
Sec. 3. Replacement
Upon the vacancy of the office of District Justice, the International Justice
appoint a new District Justice within ten (10) weeks. If no replacement can
be obtained
within this time frame, then the International Justice shall appoint any
member of
the Fraternity located nearest to this District to act as a liaison between
the District
and the International Executive Board and International Office, until such
time as a
District Justice is appointed.
Sec. 1. How Formed
a. Law school chapters in this Fraternity may be formed upon petition of qualified law
students in accordance with the International By-Laws of this Fraternity.
b. Charters for law school chapters may be granted by the International Chapter or the
International Executive Board subject to such requirements as may be provided by
the Constitution and International By-Laws.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 12


Sec. 1. Formation and Charter
a. An alumni chapter may be formed in any state, community, city or county, upon
petition of alumni members in accordance with the International By-Laws of the
b. Charters for alumni chapters may be granted by the International Executive Board
the International Chapter, which shall determine the geographical boundaries of such
Sec. 1. Formation and Charter
a. A pre-law chapter of this Fraternity may be formed in any institution of higher
upon petition of students of that institution in accordance with the International By-
Laws of this Fraternity and in accordance with the rules, requirements and procedures
promulgated by the International Executive Board.
b. Charters for pre-law chapters may be granted by the International Executive Board
the International Chapter, subject to such requirements as may be provided by the
Constitution and International By-Laws.
Sec. 1. Establishment
There shall be a Distinguished Service Chapter composed of Fraternity members
in recognition of unusual and outstanding service to this Fraternity.
Sec. 2. Eligibility of Membership
Any member of this Fraternity shall be eligible for membership in the Distinguished
Service Chapter, except that no International Officer shall be eligible until a period of
(2) years has elapsed since completion of his term of office as International Officer.
Sec. 3. Membership
Membership in this Chapter shall be conferred pursuant to unanimous election by the
International Executive Board.
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Sec. 1. Suspension of Charter
The International Executive Board or International Chapter may for good cause
any pre-law, law school or alumni chapter charter of this Fraternity and such power of
suspension shall not be delegated.
Sec. 2. Revocation of Charter
The International Chapter in Convention assembled may revoke the charter of any
of this Fraternity by majority of the ballots cast by delegates present and voting in
Sec. 3. Cause for Suspension or Revocation of Charter
Grounds for suspension or revocation of a chapter charter shall include any failure to
render necessary reports or to liquidate indebtedness due the Fraternity; willful
or violation of the Constitution or International By-Laws of the Fraternity; failure or
inability of a chapter to operate in accordance with essential principles of democracy
respect for human rights; any action of a chapter or its members tending to discredit
Any member holding an elective office in this Fraternity shall be subject to removal from
office, for good and sufficient cause, pursuant to procedures prescribed in the
By-Laws. Violation of the oath of office, including malfeasance, misfeasance, or
nonfeasance, shall constitute good and sufficient cause for removal from office of any
such officer.
Sec. 1. Ceremonies
The affiliation of associates, initiation of law school, alumni, and honorary members,
installation of law school and alumni chapters and officers, and other ritualistic
ceremonies of this Fraternity shall be conducted under the rules and solemnities of the
Book of the Ritual.
Sec. 2. Amendments
All amendments to the Book of the Ritual shall be approved by the International
or the International Executive Board.
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Upon the dissolution of the Fraternity, the Fraternity shall either (a) transfer all of the
and liabilities of the Fraternity to such successor organization or organizations as the
shall designate which shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or
under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of
future United States Internal Revenue law) organized and operated exclusively for
educational, charitable, scientific, literary, social and recreational purposes which are
substantially identical to those of the Fraternity, or (b) after paying or making provision
the payment of all liabilities of the Fraternity, dispose of the assets of the Fraternity
for the purposes of the Fraternity in such manner to such organization or organizations
organized and operated exclusively for educational, charitable, scientific, or literary
as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section
of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United
Internal Revenue law), as the Fraternity shall determine and for such fraternal purposes
may qualify as an appropriate exempt organization function under said Section 501(c)
of the
Internal Revenue Code and which shall be found by the Fraternity to be permitted
appropriate rulings or regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. Nothing in this
shall be construed so as to permit any Endowment Fund of this Fraternity as may be
in the By-Laws of the Fraternity or any other funds created by the Fraternity which are
qualified as exempt organizations or funds operated exclusively for education,
scientific, or literary purposes or other purposes as qualify it under Section 501(c)(3) of
Internal Revenue Code or as qualify to receive charitable contributions for deduction
Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding or successor
provision of
any future United States Internal Revenue law to such sections), to be transferred to
fund or organization except an organization or fund which is qualified as an exempt
of fund under Section 501(c)(3) or to receive a charitable contribution under 170(c) of
Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding or successor provisions), and the
shall cause any such qualified fund or organization to be transferred to a similarly
fund or organization. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a
court of
competent jurisdiction of the county or political equivalent in which the principal office
of the
Fraternity is or was located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or
organizations, as such court shall determine, which are organized and operated
for such purposes as set forth above.
Sec. 1. By Whom Proposed
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed (1) by any law school or alumni
chapter, or
by the International Executive Board upon a majority vote of members present and
and (2) by any law school, alumni, or honorary member of this Fraternity in good
Sec. 2. Procedures
Every proposed amendment shall be received by the International Executive Board or
to the
Executive Director not later than One Hundred Fifty (150) days prior to the date of the
Convention. Not later than One Hundred Twenty (120) days before the Convention, the
Executive Director shall submit such proposed amendment to every law school and
chapter of the Fraternity and to the International Executive Board, provided that in case
extreme emergency or extraordinary circumstances, the time requirements may be
by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the International Executive Board.
Sec. 3. Adoption of Amendment
The International Chapter in Convention assembled may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of
cast by delegates present and voting, approve any amendments submitted in
with Sec. 2 of this Article. When so approved, such amendment shall be effective as
soon as
adopted, unless otherwise provided by the amendment.
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International Bylaws - CHAPTER I -

Sec. 1. Certificates of Membership
Upon being inducted into the Fraternity and upon payment of all fees and other
incident thereto, the International Chapter shall issue to the member a membership
certificate which shall be countersigned by any two members of the International
Sec. 2. Transfer of Membership
A student member who transfers from one school to another and becomes a regularly
enrolled student in the latter school may transfer membership upon application
Sec. 3. Dual Membership
Upon receiving information that a member of this Fraternity is also a member of any
other law fraternity, the Executive Director shall notify the International Secretary who
shall give written notice to such member and such other law fraternity of the provisions
of Sec. 4 of Article III of the Constitution. The notice shall request confirmation of
such member is also a member of such other law fraternity. In the case of such
notice shall be sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt. If a response to such
notice is received that such member is not also a member of such other fraternity no
further action shall be taken. Otherwise, the International Secretary shall remove the
name of such member from the membership rolls of this Fraternity on the 61st day
actual receipt of the written notice by such member, as evidenced by the return receipt,
unless a declaration of resignation from the other law fraternity has been received by
Fraternity. If the first notice is returned undelivered, the International Secretary shall
send such notice by regular mail, but shall not drop such member from the
rolls of this Fraternity until the International Secretary has certified that such member
has had actual knowledge of the contents of such notice for a period of not less than 60
Sec. 4. Association Provisions
Associates are subject to the following provisions:
a. At the option of the law school chapter, associates may participate in chapter
Associates shall not exercise voting rights or be appointed or elected to any chapter
b. Associates shall incur and be liable for payment to the chapter Treasurer of any
associate fee established by the chapter, but shall not be liable for any dues levied on
members only.
c. Associates may be disassociated for violation or disregard of, the Constitution of this
Fraternity or the International By-Laws, or of the By-Laws of the law school chapter
with which they are associated.
d. No person who is a pledge or associate of any other law fraternity may become an
associate in a chapter of this Fraternity, unless the person first terminates such
other pledgeship or association. Any associate of a chapter of this Fraternity who
becomes a pledge or associate of another Fraternity shall forfeit his or her association
in this Fraternity.
Sec. 1. Violations and Unworthy Conduct
Any chapter may expel any member charged with (1) violating the Membership Oath,
Constitution, International By-Laws, or the By-Laws of any District or Chapter; or (2)
otherwise engaging in unworthy conduct tending to bring disrepute upon the Fraternity;
provided the following procedures are followed:
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 16
a. The member knowing of such violation or unworthy conduct shall immediately file
written information concerning such matter with the Justice of the law school or alumni
chapter or with the President of the pre-law chapter, in which the charged member
holds membership, or with the International Justice of the Fraternity, if such accused
member is not affiliated with any chapter. The Chapter Justice, International Justice
or Chapter President, as appropriate, shall immediately cause a copy of pertinent
information to be personally delivered or sent by registered mail to the accused
together with a notice of the accused member’s right to file an answer.
b. The Justice of the law school chapter or alumni chapter or the President of the pre-
chapter, as appropriate, shall read the information and any answer thereto to the
at a regular or specially called meeting within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such
written information. In the case where the accused member is not affiliated with any
chapter, the International Justice shall within thirty (30) days, forward to each member
of the International Board a copy of the written information and any answer thereto.
c. Upon the affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at such
meeting, or upon the affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of the International Executive
Board, a hearing on the charges shall be scheduled. The pre-law Chapter President,
Chapter Justice or the International Justice, as applicable, shall designate a member
to present the evidence respecting the alleged violation or the alleged unworthy conduct.
d. A letter shall be delivered personally or sent by registered mail to the accused,
the accused to appear at the time and place of the hearing.
e. At the hearing scheduled by the vote of the chapter, the Justice or President or an
officer appointed by the Justice shall preside. The accused may represent him or
or may select another member as his or her representative, or may file a written
answer to the charges. If the accused fails to appear, to be represented, or to file a
written answer to the charges, the hearing shall proceed. Depending upon the place of
hearing, evidence shall be submitted and received in accordance with the rules of
evidence applicable to United States District Courts, or comparable courts in other
countries, sitting without a jury.
f. Upon completion of the hearing, the accused, or a legal representative, shall be
from the chapter or meeting room, escorted by the Marshal or Vice President, as
appropriate. A secret ballot shall then be taken. No member shall be expelled except by
a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting; provided, however, that
the total vote for expulsion must equal two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership.
g. In case of an accused member not affiliated with any chapter, the International
Board shall set a time and a place for a hearing or designate an alumni chapter to do
The accused shall be notified of such hearing in person or by registered mail by the
International Justice or by an official designated by the International Justice.
h. The hearing for an accused member not affiliated with any chapter shall be
in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 1 (e) and (f) of this Chapter. Where the hearing
is conducted by the International Executive Board, no order of expulsion shall be
except upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of its membership.
i. A full written report of the proceeding shall be transmitted to the Executive Director
the chapter or by the International Secretary for the International Executive Board, as
applicable. The Executive Director shall distribute copies of all reports of expulsion
proceedings to members of the International Executive Board, retaining the original for
the permanent files of the Fraternity.
Sec. 2. Failure to Pay Financial Obligations
When any member shall become delinquent in the payment of any financial obligations
the member’s pre-law or law school chapter for a period of three (3) months, or shall
have left
school without satisfying an indebtedness to a pre-law or law school chapter, the
procedures shall be followed:
a. Upon the two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter members present and voting, the
Treasurer shall certify the amount of chapter indebtedness to the International
b. The chapter Clerk or pre-law chapter Secretary, as appropriate, shall notify the
in person or by registered mail that such certification has been made to the
Secretary, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter II, Sec. 2 of these By-Laws.
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c. Upon receipt of such certification, the International Secretary shall send a notice by
registered mail to the member’s last known address to the effect that an order of
will be entered on the records of this Fraternity if arrangements are not made to settle
this indebtedness within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such notice.
d. If the International Secretary determines that an obligation exists but a member has
failed to settle it within the time period specified in Sec. 2 (c) of this Chapter, the order
expulsion shall be duly entered by the International Secretary, subject to the final
of the International Executive Board.
e. Upon final approval, notice shall be given to the member of such order by the
Secretary, and any indicia of membership shall be surrendered by the member. The
International Secretary shall cause to be kept a permanent record of all expulsions and
shall promptly submit a report of each expulsion to the International Executive Board.
Sec. 3. Failure to Repay Endowment Fund Loan
When any member who has been granted an Endowment Fund loan shall have been
delinquent for three (3) months in repayment thereof, without good cause approved by
International Executive Board, the member may be suspended and/or expelled as a
of this Fraternity, such suspension or expulsion to be in addition to any other
remedial action. Upon certification of such delinquency, further procedures shall be in
accordance with sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of Sec. 2 of this Chapter.
Sec. 4. Appeals
a. Decisions made by the chapters under Sec. 2 of these By-Laws may be appealed in
writing to the International Tribunal, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter
IX of these By-Laws, provided that such appeals are taken within thirty (30) days of
the receipt of the notice of such decision.
b. Orders of expulsion approved by the International Executive Board under Sec. 2 and
Sec. 3 of these By-Laws shall not be subject to appeal.
Sec. 1. Law School Chapters - How Formed
Upon the petition of fifteen (15) law students and instructors, law school chapters may
formed at any United States college of law on the approved list of the American Bar
Association or the Association of American Law Schools; or at any college of law located
any other country which is approved by the International Executive Board as a suitable
location for a law school chapter of this Fraternity.
Sec. 2. Law School Chapter - Investigation and Name
a. A personal investigation shall be made and written report submitted to the
International Executive Board.
b. A name for a petitioning chapter must be submitted along with the petition, such
name to be selected from among eminent deceased members of the legal profession.
The petitioning chapter may submit more than one name, and all such names must
be approved by the International Executive Board.
c. Once the chapter name has been duly approved by the International Executive
it may be changed only pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the
International Executive Board.
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Sec. 3. Law School Chapter Petitions - How Submitted
A charter petition for a law school chapter shall be submitted to the Executive Director
the Fraternity upon forms prescribed by the International Executive Board. The
Director shall forward copies to each member of the International Executive Board for
action thereon. The Executive Director may cast an affirmative vote for any member of
the Board failing to vote on a petition within fifteen (15) days after mailing of the
from the Executive Office.
Sec. 4. Initiation Fees
a. Except as hereinafter provided, every law school initiate shall pay an International
initiation fee of Seventy United States Dollars ($70.00), to the initiating chapter before
initiation, provided that said fee shall become Seventy Dollars ($70.00) effective with
initiations after December 1, 1996; and further provided that for any chapter at a law
school which has a written policy that restricts legal fraternities from recruiting first
year law students until the beginning of the second semester by written policy said
fee shall become Seventy Dollars ($70.00) effective with initiations after February 15,
1997. The initiating chapter shall transmit such fee to the Executive Office within
ten (10) days after the date of initiation. The local chapter may require an additional
initiation fee in an amount being retained for use by the chapter. No initiation fee
shall be paid by initiates into honorary membership or by initiates into alumni
membership who are law school faculty members.
b. The law school initiation fee for persons who are Pre-Law members shall be reduced
by Ten Dollars ($10.00).
c. The alumni initiation fee shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
Sec. 5. Alumni Chapter - Formed in Community, City or County
An alumni chapter may be formed in any community, city or county, upon petition
of not less than ten (10) alumni members of the Fraternity, residing or doing business
or near the community, city or county for which a charter is desired.
Sec. 6. Alumni Chapter - Formed in State
An alumni chapter may be formed statewide upon petition of at least twenty-five
(25) alumni members of the Fraternity provided that not more than one (1) statewide
alumni chapter shall be established in that state.
Sec. 7. Multiple Alumni Chapter Membership
Where the opportunity exists to maintain more than one alumni chapter membership in
the same or different districts, such membership shall be allowed; however, one
may not serve as a delegate for two or more chapters at the same Convention.
Sec. 8. Alumni Chapter - Charters
Petitions for charters for alumni chapters shall be presented to the International
Board for approval in the manner provided in the International By-Laws for obtaining
approval for charters of law school chapters.
Sec. 9. Alumni Chapter Charter Fee
The charter fee for alumni chapters shall be Thirty Five Dollars ($35.00) which shall be
paid at the time the petition therefore is submitted.
Sec. 10. Alumni Chapter Annual Fee
Each alumni chapter of this Fraternity shall pay an annual Chapter Tax of
One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00). Each alumni chapter of this fraternity shall pay its annual
tax for that fiscal year on the first day of the fiscal year. The International
Office shall send reminder notices to each and every active alumni chapter (attn:
Treasurer and Justice), not later than January 15th of each year, advising them that
Chapter Tax is either due and owing or paid in full for that year.
Sec. 11. Alumni Dues
a. Alumni dues are payable on each January 1, following the school term in which the
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 19
member was graduated or left school as follows:
1. For the first three years thereafter, the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per year;
2. Thereafter, the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year.
b. Every alumnus who pays a life membership fee in the amount of ten times the
of dues specified in Sec. 11 (a) (2) of this chapter shall not be required to pay the
annual alumni dues as set forth in Sec. 10 (a) hereof provided, however, that the
provisions of this subsection shall not apply to present law school members until
January 1st following graduation and that the amount of Two Hundred Dollars
be payable prior to the first January 1 following graduation; or six months following
graduation, which ever comes later. Twelve and one-half percent (12.5%) of each life
membership fee shall be added to the Endowment Fund.
c. The amount of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) of such annual payment shall be
added to the Endowment Fund.
d. The payment of International alumni dues provided in this section shall entitle the
member to a subscription to the official publication of the Fraternity, to a membership
card, and to other services as the Fraternity may render from time to time.
e. All alumni members who have been members of the Fraternity for more than 50
years and upon approval of the International Executive Board can be known as Senior
Members and annual alumni dues of such persons are waived. Senior PAD’s shall
receive a Senior PAD certificate and shall receive all benefits prescribed in subsection
d of this section.
Sec. 12. Official Action
Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and International By-Laws, any official
action of a chapter may be expressed by no less than the majority vote of the
members of
the chapter in good standing present and voting at a lawful chapter meeting, or voting
mail when authorized by the chapter By-Laws.
Sec. 13. Uniformity
Systems of chapter accounting and/or reporting, as prescribed by the International
Executive Board, shall be uniform throughout this Fraternity.
Sec. 14. Duties and Responsibilities
Each law school chapter and alumni chapter shall subscribe to the Declaration of
of the Fraternity and shall conduct its affairs in furtherance of those purposes.
Sec. 15. Chapter Officers
a. Each law school and alumni chapter shall annually elect from among its duly
members the following officers:
Justice, Vice Justice, Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal
b. Each chapter officer shall perform such duties as are prescribed by the International
By-Laws and the chapter By-Laws.
c. A chapter may elect such other officers as are deemed necessary by the chapter,
provided that such officers and their duties are not inconsistent with the above chapter
officers and their duties as provided by the International By-Laws.
Sec. 16. Duties of Law School Chapter and Alumni Chapter
The officers of the law school chapters and alumni chapters shall have the following
a. Justice
The Justice shall: (1) be the chief executive and administrative officer of the chapter;
(2) preside at all meetings of the chapter and decide all questions of law and order in
the chapter; (3) be the principal ritualistic officer and shall cause the Ritual of the
Fraternity to be properly exemplified on all appropriate occasions; (4) insure that all
other chapter officers perform the duties of their respective offices; (5) be responsible
for the welfare and dignity of the chapter during the term of office.
b. Vice Justice
The Vice Justice shall: (1) assist the Justice in the performance of such chapter
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duties as may be requested by the Justice. In event of the absence, death, resignation,
disqualification, or removal from office of the Justice, the Vice Justice shall perform
the duties of the Justice; (2) be the public relations and historical officer of the chapter,
provided, however, that chapter By-Laws may assign such public relations and
duties to another officer; (3) submit written articles of chapter and Fraternity interest
to the Executive Director for publication; (4) perform such other duties relating to
publicity as the chapter Justice or the Executive Director may request; (5) furnish
the International Historian with such historical information as may be requested.
c. Clerk
The Clerk shall: (1) be the chief recorder and correspondent of the chapter; (2) keep a
true and complete record of all matters pertaining to the chapter and shall certify
when be the custodian of the chapter By-Laws, minutes, administrative records, and
shall certify thereto when necessary (3) be the custodian of the chapter By-Laws,
minutes, administrative records and reports of the chapter; (4) maintain a record of all
law school chapter, alumni, and honorary members, together with their current
addresses, and shall dispatch notices of meetings to members as appropriate; (5)
maintain close liaison with the Clerk of the local alumni chapter, the Alumni Advisor,
and the Faculty Advisor; (6) be responsible for submitting the official reports required of
the chapter by the International By-Laws; and (7) furnish the International Secretary,
Executive Director, and the Chapter Justice with such information as each may
d. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall: (1) be the chief financial officer of the chapter; (2) have charge of
all chapter funds and of the collection and disbursement thereof; (3) keep initiation
fees and other chapter funds in separate accounts under trust and operating accounts,
respectively as required by the International By-Laws, and shall certify prior to
initiation that all financial obligations of the initiates have been paid; (4) pay out
money on itemized vouchers countersigned by the Justice or the Vice Justice, when
acting for the Justice; and (5) keep a complete chronological record of moneys as the
Constitution and International By-Laws of this Fraternity prescribe and such reports
and other information as the International Treasurer or the Executive Director shall
e. Marshal
The Marshal shall: (1) have the custody of the Ritual paraphernalia and other physical
property of the chapter and shall preserve the same in good order; (2) guard the chapter
meeting rooms, admitting only those known to be members or associates; (3) be
responsible for the proper instruction and preparation of associates and shall be in
charge of them before and during their initiation; (4) see that the other chapter
members, appointed by the Justice or by the Marshal, are properly prepared and
rehearsed in discharging their assigned roles in Ritual ceremonies; and (5) perform
such other duties as may be requested by the Executive Director or the Chapter
Sec. 17. Duties of Alumni Chapter Officers
Alumni Chapter officers shall perform duties substantially similar to those prescribed
law school chapter officers except for such modifications as may be occasioned by
in the two types of chapters.
Sec. 18. Chapter Funds
Officers of each chapter shall keep accurate records and make such reports as required
by the International Executive Board or the Executive Director regarding membership,
chapter funds, and all other financial matters.
Sec. 19. Official Reports
It shall be the duty of the Clerk of each chapter to submit reports as required by the
Office or the Executive Director, and to submit the forms as hereinafter set forth.
a. An Application for Membership for each prospective member shall be submitted to
Executive Office prior to initiation. The chapter shall not initiate any person until the
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 21
original Application for Membership has been processed by the Executive Office and
returned to the chapter.
b. The Initiation Remittance Sheet shall be transmitted to the Executive Office, together
with initiation fees, within ten (10) days after an initiation has taken place.
c. The Annual Fall Report for each chapter shall be submitted to the Executive Office
later than October 15th of each year.
d. The Roll of Membership for each chapter shall be submitted to the Executive Office
not later than April 15th of each year.
Sec. 20. Books and Papers
Every officer of every chapter shall, at the expiration of their terms, turn over to his or
successor all books, papers, documents, and paraphernalia belonging to the chapter
may be in the custody or under the control of the officers and shall render a true, just,
faithful account of their official trust, and the Treasurer shall, in addition, forthwith pay
the successor such balances of chapter moneys as shall be chargeable to the Treasurer.
Sec. 21. Placement Committee
Every alumni chapter shall endeavor to assist in the placement of graduate members by
counseling with them or creating a placement committee to ascertain available positions
which can be filled by graduate members.
Sec. 22. Chapter Advisors
The District Justice shall appoint an Alumni Advisor and a Faculty Advisor with the
advice and consent of the law school chapter to aid and advise the chapter in its
such persons to serve for a one (1) year term.
Sec. 23. Duties of Alumni Advisor and Faculty Advisor
a. Alumni Advisor
The Alumni Advisor shall: (1) encourage and sponsor activities of the Fraternity; (2)
be available to advise chapter officers; (3) assist and report to the District Justice; (4)
encourage chapter participation in District Conferences and Biennial Conventions;
and (5) provide liaison with local alumni. Such Advisor shall perform such additional
duties as the International Justice, the International Executive Board or the District
Justice shall direct.
b. Faculty Advisor
The Faculty Advisor shall: (1) provide liaison between the chapter and the law school
administration; (2) encourage and promote scholastic attainment by the chapter
members. Such advisor shall cooperate with the Alumni Advisor in the performance
of such Alumni Advisor’s duties. Additionally, such Faculty Advisor shall be available
to advise the chapter officers and perform such additional duties as the International
Justice, International Executive Board or the District Justice shall direct.
Sec. 24. Payment of Funds
All funds to be paid under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid in United States
Dollars or their equivalent.
Sec. 25. Alumni Advisory Council
The International Justice shall appoint, within one hundred twenty [120] days of
adjournment of each convention with the advice and consent of the International
Executive Board, an Alumni Advisory Council consisting of a chairperson, and at least
four other members. One member of such council shall be a law student member.
of the Alumni Advisory Council shall serve at the pleasure of and during the term of
of the International Justice. The Alumni Advisory Council shall meet or consult as
by the International Justice or the International Executive Board, to advise the
International Justice and the International Executive Board in relation to the tradition,
ideals, policies, and practices of the Fraternity.
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Sec. 1. Pre-Law Chapter Charter, Fees and Procedures
The International Executive Board shall promulgate such rules, requirements, and
procedures as may be necessary to effect the provisions of the Constitution and these
Laws of this Fraternity governing pre-law chapters including, but not limited to, chapter
formation, charter petition, membership applications and fees, dues, chapter officers,
and chapter insignia.
Sec. 2. Chapter Officers
Each pre-law chapter shall annually elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer, and such other officers as may be required by the International Executive
Board in accordance with Sec. 1, of this chapter.
Sec. 3. Pre-Law Advisory Council
The International Justice shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the International
Executive Board, a Pre-Law Advisory Council, consisting of a chairperson and four
members. One member of such Council shall be a Pre-Law Chapter Member at the time
of appointment and one member of such Council shall be a Pre-Law Chapter Advisor.
Members of the Pre-Law Advisory Council shall serve at the pleasure of and during the
term of office of the International Justice. The Pre-Law Advisory Council shall meet or
consult as directed by the International Justice or the International Executive Board to
advise the International Justice and the International Executive Board in relation to the
tradition, ideals, policies and practices of the Fraternity.
The International Officers of this Fraternity shall have the
following duties:
Sec. 1. The International Justice
The International Justice shall: (1) be the chief executive officer of this Fraternity and
shall at times represent and act for the Fraternity in all matters, by and with the advice
and consent of the International Executive Board; (2) shall have authority to delegate
such of his or her powers as shall be deemed necessary and expedient; and (3) be the
Chairperson of the International Executive Board.
Sec. 2. The International Vice Justice
The International Vice Justice shall: (1) perform such duties as may be assigned from
time to time by the International Justice or by the International Executive Board; (2) in
the event of the absence, inability, or refusal of the International Justice to discharge
the duties of the office, perform such duties; and (3) be the Vice Chairperson of the
International Executive Board.
Sec. 3. The International Advocate
The International Advocate shall: (1) be the legal officer of the Fraternity; (2) be in
of all legal matters in which the Fraternity may become involved and shall represent the
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 23
International Executive Board before the International Tribunal; and (3) be the
parliamentarian at all International Conventions and at all meetings of the International
Executive Board. The International Advocate shall render non-binding advisory opinions
at the request of the International Chapter, the International Executive Board, or the
International Justice.
Sec. 4. The International Secretary
The International Secretary shall: (1) keep such records as the International Executive
Board may decide; (2) be the keeper of the Constitution, International By-Laws, and the
Official Seal of this Fraternity.
Sec. 5. The International Treasurer
The International Treasurer shall: (1) have charge of all Fraternity funds, other than
those maintained at District, alumni and law school chapter levels; (2) be responsible
the International Endowment Fund which shall be kept and recorded in a separate
and (3) in cooperation with the Executive Director, shall keep accurate financial
prepare annual and such other financial reports as may be requested by the
Executive Board, arrange for the audit of all financial records at least once every two (2)
years, and pay out moneys only on itemized vouchers. The International Treasurer shall
be bonded in such amount as directed by the International Executive Board. Upon
request, delivered to International Headquarters at least seventy-two hours in advance,
all financial records, other than those of the Endowment Fund, of Phi Alpha Delta Law
Fraternity, International, may be inspected by any member in good standing, of the
Fraternity, at the International Headquarters during normal business hours.
Sec. 6. Board Member-at-Large
The Board Member-at-Large, of which there shall be four (4) shall: (1) perform such
as may be assigned from time to time by the International Justice or by the
Executive Board, and (2) perform other specified duties pertaining to record-keeping,
maintaining order and preparing the physical arrangement at each meeting of the
International Executive Board, as requested by the International Justice.
Sec. 7. The Chief Tribune
The Chief Tribune shall: (1) preside at all meetings of the International Tribunal; (2) be
the custodian of all its files, documents, and decisions; and (3) participate with the two
Associate Tribunes in the writing of decisions on all cases and controversies as specified
in Article VII. The Chief Tribune shall transmit a certified copy of each decision of the
Tribunal for retention in the files of the Fraternity.
Sec. 8. The Associate Tribunes
The Associate Tribunes shall participate with the Chief Tribune in the work of the
International Tribunal by the writing of decisions on all cases and controversies as
in Article VII. Upon assignment by the Chief Tribune, the Associate Tribunes shall
and circulate to the other Tribunes written opinions on each case and controversy.
Sec. 9. Other Duties
The International Chapter, International Executive Board, or International Justice may
assign other duties from time to time to the International Officers, except that any
duties assigned to the Chief Tribune or Associate Tribunes shall not be inconsistent
with their judicial duties or responsibilities.
Sec. 10. Elimination of Conflicts
No persons serving in any of the offices delineated in this chapter shall serve
in any other elective office within either the International Chapter or those offices
specified in Chapter III, Sec. 15 of these By-Laws or as a District Justice.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 24
Sec.11. Minutes of International Executive Board Meeting.
The minutes of each International Executive Board Meeting, except Executive Sessions,
shall contain an accurate reflection of the votes of each member of the International
Executive Board on each motion voted upon.
Sec. 1. Delegate Selection
The two (2) delegates and the two (2) alternate delegates to which each law school and
alumni chapter is entitled shall either be elected at an official chapter meeting, or
as otherwise provided In the chapter By-Laws at least ninety (90) days prior to the date
the Convention. All delegates and alternate delegates, other than alumni, shall have at
least one (1) semester, or its equivalent, of additional law school work after a regularly
called Convention terminates; provided, however, that the above provisions may be
by the International Executive Board for emergency Conventions. Each delegate and
alternate delegate shall present to the Convention credentials, signed by both the
and Clerk of the chapter he or she represents and duly certified by the International
Sec. 2. Selection of At-Large Alumni Delegates
Not later than sixty (60) days before the first date for commencement of the Convention,
the District Justice, or in the absence thereof, the International Justice, shall notify in
writing the Executive Office of the appointment of the dues-paying alumni member or
members in good standing from that District as the At-Large alumni delegate or
to the next Convention.
Sec. 3. Seating of Delegates
No chapter which is delinquent in the payment of its financial obligations or in filing
required reports with the Executive Office shall be entitled to have its first, second, or
alternate delegates seated at any Convention.
a. No appointed At-Large delegate who has failed to pay dues to the Fraternity for a
minimum of the two (2) years prior to the Convention may be seated as a delegate at
the subject Convention. For the purposes of this subsection, retroactive payment of
dues shall not redeem the credentials for any such delegate.
b. In addition to the above, alumni chapters must be in good standing in order to be
seated. For the purposes of this section, an alumni chapter shall be considered in
good standing if all of the following conditions have been met:
1 The chapter has been chartered or reactivated at least six (6) months prior to the
beginning of the biennial convention to which they could be seated;
2. Hold not less than one (1) official meeting in each year of the biennium immediately
preceding the convention. In order to qualify as an "official meeting" each chapter
meeting must be attended by not less than five (5) of the chapter's alumni
3. Such "official meeting" must be published by the alumni chapter not less than
thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting by advising its members,
the International Executive Office, and to the appropriate District Justice; and
4. Hold yearly elections.
Sec. 4. Delegate’s Expenses
With the exception of the at-large alumni delegates pursuant to Article IV, Section 4 (c),
and Chapter VI, Section 2 above, the International Treasurer shall pay the necessary
traveling expenses and hotel expense of one (1) delegate from each law school and
chapter. The actual cost of the least expensive commercial air fare to be fixed at a set
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 25
amount as of a certain date established by the Executive Director, and departing at a
reasonable time and hotel accommodations shall be paid not later than the last day of
Convention, in accordance with rules and regulations established by the International
Executive Board. The necessary travel and hotel expenses of the International Advisory
Board delegate also shall be paid by the International Treasurer, as established by the
International Executive Board.
a. All At-Large alumni delegates to the Convention from each District shall be
for his/her own Convention registration, travel and subsistence expenses.
Sec. 5. Convention Standing Committees
At every Convention there shall be the following Standing Committees with such
as may be prescribed by the International Chapter or by the International Executive
Audit and Finance Constitution and International By-Laws
Credentials Nominations
Pre-Law Professional Responsibility
Publications Rules and Resolutions
Alumni Committee International Relations
Sec. 6. At-Large Delegates Appointed For Only One Convention
Alumni At-Large Convention delegates appointed and seated pursuant to this
and these foregoing By-Laws procedures shall serve at only the Convention immediately
following their appointment, following which they may be reappointed, using the same
procedures for any subsequent biennial Conventions.
Sec. 7. Information Furnished Committees
At each convention, prior to the consideration of any matters by a committee, the
committee shall be furnished with a written report of matters considered by the
at the previous convention. The report shall include, but not be limited to:
a. A summary of every matter reported by the committee to said previous convention,
and the action taken by the convention.
b. Any consideration by the International Executive Board of any matter included in “a”
above, including any action taken and the meeting at which the matter was considered.
Sec. 8. Reports of Credentials Committees
The Credentials Committee shall present a full report at the convening of each business
meeting during the convention. The report shall include the number of active chapters,
and the number of alumni chapters currently registered as in attendance at the
convention. The report shall also include the total of valid outstanding voting cards. All
reports of the credentials committee shall be posted on the convention bulletin board.
Sec. 1. Executive Director and Employees
The International Executive Board shall, from time to time, employ an Executive
authorize the employment of a Pre-Law Director and clerical assistance and shall fix the
duties and compensations of such employees.
Sec. 2. Budget
The International Executive Board shall authorize, from time to time, the payment of
such administrative expenses as it shall deem proper and adopt an annual budget.
Sec. 3. Expenses
The International Executive Board or the International Justice may authorize the
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 26
International Treasurer to reimburse International Officers, District Justices, and other
designated persons, for expenses in attending meetings, District Leadership
or Conventions, in performing special acts or services, and in making chapter
inspections, or investigations of petitioning groups.
Sec. 4. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this Fraternity shall be such annual period as may be determined by
the International Executive Board. The Executive Director shall distribute to the
in Convention assembled a certified audit of the books of the Fraternity covering the
fiscal periods since the previous Convention.
Sec. 1. How Instituted
Procedures for removal from elective office, pursuant to Article XVI of the Constitution,
shall be instituted through the filing of a verified recall petition.
a. As to International Officers, by any five (5) chapters, law school or alumni, or by any
four (4) members of the International Executive Board;
b. As to District Conference Officers, by any two (2) law school chapters within the
or by a majority of the elected District Conference Officers of the District; and
c. As to law school, pre-law and alumni chapter officers, by one third (1/3) vote of the
chapter members in good standing or by a majority of the elected officers of such
Sec. 2. Procedures
a. Administration
The administering officer of removal procedures shall be (1) the International Justice
with respect to the removal of an International Officer, or the International Vice
Justice if the International Justice is the subject of removal; (2) the District Conference
Justice with respect to the removal of a District Conference Officer, or the District
Conference Vice Justice if the District Conference Justice is the subject of removal;
and (3) the chapter Justice with respect to the removal of a law school or alumni
chapter officer, or the chapter Vice Justice if the chapter Justice is the subject of
removal; and (4) the chapter President with respect to the removal of a pre-law chapter
Officer, or the chapter Vice President if the chapter President is the subject of removal.
b. Petition of Removal
As to each officer whose removal is sought, the verified recall petition specified by
Sec. 1, shall be transmitted in triplicate to the appropriate Administering Officer. The
recall petition shall contain a clear and concise factual statement of the acts or
practices alleged to constitute “good and sufficient cause” for removal from office. The
Administering Officer shall immediately furnish to the cited officer a copy of the petition
in person or by registered mail. In the latter case, the post office receipt showing
delivery to the officer’s residence, or place of business, shall constitute proof of service.
c. Answer
Within fifteen (15) days after the receipt of the petition for removal, the cited officer
shall transmit a verified answer in triplicate to the Administering Officer. Such answer
shall contain (1) a concise statement of the facts constituting each ground of defense,
and (2) specific admission, denial, or explanation of each fact alleged in the petition;
or, if the cited officer is without knowledge thereof, a statement to that effect. Failure
of any cited officer to file an answer in the time specified shall authorize the
Administering Officer, without further procedures, to declare the office vacant and to
require the cited officer to surrender all Fraternity property.
d. Submission for Vote
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 27
Upon receipt of the answer of the cited officer, the Administering Officer shall cause
copies of the petition to be submitted to the chapter, or chapters, for a vote in
with the provisions of Sec. 2 (e). As to International Officers or District Conference
Officers, however, no recall petition shall be submitted to the chapter for vote during
the period from April 1 to October 1. The same restriction shall be applicable to recall
petitions involving chapter officers, unless chapter By-Laws otherwise prescribe.
e. Voting
Upon receipt of the recall petition and answer, each chapter shall vote pursuant to
the procedures herein prescribed;
1. Voting shall take place only at a chapter meeting as to which members h a v e
been given advance notice of not less than one week and such notice shall specify
the time, place, and purpose.
2. At such meeting, the petition and answer shall be read aloud to the membership
before the vote is taken, except that this procedure may be waived if copies have
been furnished to all members.
3. No proxy voting shall be permitted.
4. In the case of International Officers and District Conference Officers, failure of a
chapter to return a ballot within thirty (30) days after receipt of the petition and
answer shall be deemed a vote against removal.
5. For the removal of International Officers and District Conference Officers, a twothirds
(2/3) vote of all law school and alumni chapters in good standing shall be
required. In such voting, each chapter shall have one vote, determined by a twothirds
(2/3) vote of all members in good standing present and voting at the chapter
6. For the removal of chapter officers, a two- thirds (2/3) vote of all members in good
f. Certification of Vote
In the case of International Officers and District Conference Officers, the Administering
Officer, shall, within forty-five (45) days after mailing of all ballots, certify the results
to (1) the cited officer, (2) all chapters eligible to vote, (3) the Executive Director, and
(4) all District Justices, or, the District Conference Officers, the District Justice of
the District affected. Within fifteen (15) days after a chapter ballot as to a chapter
officer, the Administering Officer shall certify the results to (1) all chapter members
in good standing, (2) the District Justice, and (3) the Executive Director.
g. Disposition of Property and Records
If removal is voted and is affirmed upon appeal taken under Sec. 3, or if no appeal is
taken by the accused officer, the Administering Officer shall require the cited officer
to surrender all Fraternity property and records. The Administering Officer shall also
cause a permanent file of such proceedings to be transmitted to the Executive Director.
Sec. 3. Appeal
Any officer removed hereunder may appeal such decision to the International Tribunal,
pursuant to the procedures prescribed in Chapter IX of the International By-Laws, such
appeal to be limited to (1) the question whether “good and sufficient cause” has been
shown within the meaning of Article XVI of the Constitution, and (2) the question of
compliance with the procedures prescribed herein.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 28


Sec. 1. Original Jurisdiction
a. The International Tribunal shall have original jurisdiction in cases and controversies
involving, or arising out of, the interpretation of the Constitution and International
By-Laws of this Fraternity.
b. Any party to such a case of controversy may petition the International Tribunal for a
final determination thereof. Such petition shall be prepared in quadruplicate and
shall be presented to the Chief Tribune in person or by registered mail.
Sec. 2. Appellate Jurisdiction
a. Subject to the provisions of the International By-Laws, the International Tribunal
shall have appellate jurisdiction in cases arising from expulsion of members or removal
of officers from office.
b. The subject of expulsion or recall proceedings may file a petition for review thereof
within thirty (30) days after notice of the vote thereon. Such petition shall be prepared
in quadruplicate and shall be presented to the Chief Tribune in person or by registered
Sec. 3. Procedures
In the exercise of either original jurisdiction or appellate jurisdiction, the International
Tribunal and the parties before it shall be governed by procedural rules promulgated by
the International Tribunal.
Sec. 1. Administration of the International Endowment Fund
a. The International Endowment Fund shall be administered by all the International
Executive Board.
b. All investments of the Fund shall be made by the International Executive Board,
exercising reasonable judgment, care, and discretion, not in regard to speculation,
but in regard to the permanent disposition of the Fund, considering the probable
as well as the probable safety of the Fund.
c. The International Treasurer shall submit annual reports to the International
Board consisting of an accounting of all funds, receipts and disbursements during the
fiscal year then ended, and the Assets and Liabilities of the Fund.
d. The International Treasurer shall submit an audited report at every meeting of the
International Chapter in convention assembled, describing the status of the Fund,
including a description of the investments maintained therein and such further
information as may be requested.
e. The International Treasurer shall submit to the International Justice such other
reports as may be requested.
f. The International Treasurer shall permit an inspection of all books, accounts, and
other records of the Fund by any member of the International Executive Board upon
g. Administrative costs charged against the International Endowment Fund shall not
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 29
exceed the maximum current percentage range commonly charged by banks for
administrating similar funds or six percent of the assets of the fund, whichever is
Sec. 2. Sources of the International Endowment Fund
a. The Fund shall include such assets and liabilities as are reflected therein on August
1, 1964.
b. The Fund shall include such other sums of money as may be appropriated from time
to time by the International Executive Board from the General Funds of the Fraternity,
or received as contributions, gifts, grants, legacies, or from any other source.
c. The International Executive Board shall encourage the expansion of the Fund by all
reasonable means, including the preparation and submission to alumni of legacy
clause forms for use in wills, and the maintenance not only of the Fund in tax-exempt
status, but also of the deductibility of contributions for Federal and State tax purposes.
Sec. 3. Use of the International Endowment Fund
a. The funds shall be used to provide a program of scholarship and awards to members
first year law school students as determined by the International Executive Board.
b. The Fund shall also be used to provide moneys to be loaned to members for
purposes, as determined by the International Executive Board.
c. In the event of dissolution or discontinuance of the Fund all assets remaining therein
shall be disposed of only as provided in Article XVIII of the Constitution.
Sec. 1. Administration of the International Building Fund
a. The International Building Fund shall be administered by the International
b. All investments of the International Building Fund shall be made by the
Executive Board, exercising reasonable judgment, care and discretion, not in regard
to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of the fund, considering the
probable income, as well as the probable safety of the fund.
c. The International Treasurer shall submit annual reports to the International
Board consisting of an accounting of all funds, receipts, and disbursements during
the fiscal year then ended, and the assets and liabilities of the fund.
d. The International Treasurer shall submit an audited report of the Fund to every
of the International Chapter in Convention assembled, describing the status of the
funds, including a description of the investments maintained therein and such
information as may be requested.
e. The International Treasurer shall submit to the International Justice such other
reports as may be requested.
f. The International Treasurer shall permit an inspection of all books, accounts and
other records of the fund by any member of the International Executive Board upon
Sec. 2. Sources of the International Building Fund
a. Two Dollars ($2.00) of each law school initiation fee for initiations which take place
after November 1, 1992, shall be set aside into the International Building Fund, and
shall be used for no other purpose.
b. Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) of each alumni initiation fee for initiations which take
place after November 1, 1992, shall be set aside into the International Building Fund,
and shall be used for no other purpose.
c. One-third (1/3) of each life membership fee shall be set aside for the International
Building Fund, and shall be used for no other purpose.
d. Three Dollars ($3.00) of each annual alumni dues payment shall be set aside into the
International Building Fund, and shall be used for no other purpose.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 30
Sec. 3. Disposition of International Building Fund
The use of all moneys arising for the International Building Fund, including but not
limited to principal payment, investment interest and stock dividends, shall be used
exclusively for the acquisition of a permanent or long term headquarters for Phi Alpha
Delta Law Fraternity, International.
Sec. 1. District Conferences
District Conferences shall be held annually by each District, except when excused by
International Executive Board for good cause shown.
Sec. 2. District Justice to Supervise
The District Justice shall have general supervision of the District Conference in his
District and shall cooperate with the host chapter in planning the program, securing
speakers, and sending invitations to International Officers invited to attend.
Sec. 3. Financial Aid for District Conferences
The International Executive Board may, upon the recommendation of the District
approve payment by the International Treasurer for authorized expenses supporting
District Conferences.
Sec. 4. Special District Conference Fund
Five Dollars and Fifty Cents ($5.50) of each initiation fee of each law school and alumni
initiation occurring after December 1, 1996, or February 15, 1997, as applicable, shall
placed in a special fund for financing District Conferences. Two Dollars ($2.00) of the
Dollars and Fifty Cents ($5.50) shall be placed in a discretionary fund to be
by the Executive Director with the advice and consent of the International Executive
Board to be used as necessary and following a request from a District Justice for
that need additional funding for the District budgets. All such funds shall be allocated
the District in which the person was initiated. If a law school chapter shall, at any time,
be re-assigned to a different District all funds attributable to its initiates for the
two years and not previously spent for District Conference purposes under this section
shall be transferred to the new District to which the law school chapter has been
Sec. 5. Joint District Conferences
Joint District Conferences between no more than two districts may be held at the
of the chapters involved and upon the approval of both District Justices. No more travel
money may be allocated by the International Executive Board for a joint District
than the maximum sum of money that would be allocated for the individual District
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 31


Sec. 1. Coat-of-Arms
The Official Coat-of-Arms of this Fraternity shall be a design approved by the
Executive Board with due regard for the history and traditions of the Fraternity.
Sec. 2. Seal
The Official Seal of this Fraternity shall be a design approved by the International
Sec. 3. Color
The Official Colors of this Fraternity shall be purple and gold.
Sec. 4. Jewelry
The Official Jewelry of this Fraternity shall consist of:
a. Associate Pin
b. Membership Badge
c. Monogram Recognition Pin
d. Coat-of-Arms Recognition Button
e. Official Key
f. Alumnus Key
g. Honorary Key
h. Past Justice Key
i. Past International Justice Key
j. Distinguished Service Insignia
Sec. 5. Flower
The Official Flower of the Fraternity shall be the Red Carnation.
Sec. 6. Song
The Official Song of the Fraternity shall be the “Phi Alpha Delta Song.”
Sec. 7. Flag
The Official Flag of the Fraternity shall have the official Coat-of-Arms in gold
on a purple field which is bordered with gold fringe; and shall be of such size, shape,
material as may be approved by the International Executive Board.
Sec. 8. Design
The International Executive Board shall approve the design, material and color of all
Fraternity insignia.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 32


Sec. 1. Publications
The Fraternity shall publish and distribute publications in such format, under such
conditions, and at such cost as the International Executive Board or the International
Chapter may determine.
Sec. 2. Publication of Constitutional and By-Law Amendments
a. Not more than 120 days following the conclusion of each convention at which any
amendment was adopted as provided under Article XIX, Section 3 of the Constitution
and Chapter XVI of the International By-Laws, the International Executive Board shall
cause to be published an action report based on the notes of the International
and subject to revision upon receipt of the official transcript. Said action report shall
incorporate each and every modification so adopted by the International Chapter.
b. Not less than 180 days prior to any biennial convention, a complete copy of the
Constitution and By-Laws, as amended by the previous convention, shall be published
and made available, at least in electronic and/or paper form, upon request by any
The International Justice shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the International
Executive Board, a Council of Distinguished Members consisting of not more than
members of this Fraternity to serve at the pleasure of and during the term of office of
the International Justice. Each member of the Council of Distinguished Members shall
be a person whose service in public, professional, or fraternal affairs shall qualify such
person to serve in an advising capacity to the International Justice and the
Executive Board. International Officers, District Justices and members of the
Advisory Board shall not be members of this Council of Distinguished Members during
their continuance in such office. The International Justice shall designate one member
of the Council of Distinguished Members as Chairperson.
Sec. 1. By Whom Proposed
Amendments to the International By-Laws may be proposed:
a. By any law school or alumni chapter or by the International Executive Board upon a
majority vote of members present and voting, and
b. By any law school, alumni, or honorary member of this Fraternity in good standing.
Sec. 2. Submittal Procedures
Every proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing and accompanied by a
specifying the purpose intended to be accomplished by the proposed amendment. Such
submittal shall be made:
a. To the Chairperson of the Convention, if occurring not later than twenty-four (24)
hours after the convening of the Convention, or thereafter to the Chairperson of the
Constitution and By-Laws Committees, or
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International • International Constitution & By-laws • page 33
b. To the Executive Director, if occurring during the period between Conventions.
Sec. 3. Convention Action
a. Unless a mail ballot is provided for pursuant to Sec. 4, all proposed amendments
be referred to the Standing Committee on Constitution and By-Laws of the Convention
for study and recommendation prior to Convention action. No proposed amendment
submitted otherwise than as herein provided shall receive Convention consideration,
except that the Standing Committee on Constitution and By-Laws may propose By-
Laws amendments at any time during a Convention.
b. The International Chapter may, by majority vote of all delegates present and voting,
adopt any proposed amendment submitted in accordance with this Section, such
amendment to become effective immediately, unless otherwise specified in the
Sec. 4. Mail Ballot
a. Pursuant to the majority vote of the International Executive Board, or upon the
of at least five (5) law school and/or alumni chapters in good standing, and proposed
amendment shall be submitted to all International Executive Board members, District
Justices, law school and alumni chapters in good standing for consideration and vote
by mail ballot.
b. Each proposed amendment so submitted for mail ballot shall be accompanied by the
statement of purpose required by Sec. 2, together with the recommendation, favorable
or unfavorable, of the International Executive Board. The ballot shall be returned to
the Executive Director within thirty (30) days of the date of such mailing.
c. No proposed amendment shall be submitted for vote under this Section within the
period of time commencing April 1 and ending October 1 in any calendar year.
d. Each law school and alumni chapter shall be entitled to two (2) votes. Members of
International Executive Board and District Justices shall be entitled to one (1) vote
c. Upon an affirmative vote of a majority of those voting provided, however, that at least
fifty (50%) percent of all law school chapters in good standing participate in the vote
any proposed amendment shall be adopted and, unless otherwise specified in the
amendment, shall be effective immediately upon certification of the vote by the
Executive Director to the International Board members, District Justices, law school
chapters, and alumni chapters.

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