WIND Pressure-875!3!1987 Code Old

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For K2 Refer Table 2 of IS:875-3

Category 1 No obstructions available to the building ex : Sea
coasts and flat tree less Plains where other structure if
any have heights less than 1.5 m

Category 2 : Open terrain with well scattered obstructions of 1.5 m to 10 m height

Category 3 : Refer to area of closely spaced buildings of heights upto 10 m
Category 4 : Refer to area with highly closed buildings of large heights

Factor K2 also depends on the dimensions of the building under consideration.

The structures are classified as

Class A : max l,b,h : <20 m

Class B : max l,b,h : 20 to 50 m
Class C : max l,b,h : > 20 m

For K3 Wind motion depends on topography of the area

if upward wind slope Theta <=3 : K3=1 Refer code

Theta > 3 : K3=1.0 to 1.36

Step 1 : Design Wind Speed (Vz) :

Vz = Vb X K1 X K2 X K3
Where Vb = Basic Wind Speed
K1 = Risk Coefficient
K2 = Terrain height and structure size factor
K3 = Topography Factor

Step 2 : Design Wind Pressure pz' (6.2.1)

The Design wind pressure at any height above mean Ground level shall be obtained by the

pz = 0.6 Vz2

Where pz = Design wind Pressure in N/m2 at height Z

Vz = Design wind speed in m/sec

Wind Loads on Buildings :

Wind Load : Net pressure acting on the surface and the surface area.

Net Pressure : Algebraic sum of external and internal wind pressure acting on the surface.

external pressure coefficient,depends on the dimensions,roof angels and

Cpe : shape of the building.

Cpi : internal pressure or internal suction.

F= (Cpe-Cpi)A X pd

Where Cpe : External presure Coefficient

Cpi : Internal pressure Co-efficient
A : Surface area of the structural element or cladding unit
pd : Design Wind Pressure.

Note :
For Symmetrical Buildings : Wind Loads are calculated in X & Y Directions.

It may be necessary to investigate the

forces due to wind from all directions.
For Unsymmetrical Buildings :

Page 1
Wind Analysis
Wind Pressure


Wind zone = -
Basic Wind speed , Vb = 50 m/sec (33 to 55 m/sec)
Terrain category = 1
Class of Structure = A
Life of structure = 50 Years
All general buildings &
structures = 1
Design Wind Speed

Vz = Vb X K1 X K2 X K3

Elevation Vb K1 K2 K3 Vz pd or pz
0 50 1 0 1 0 0
2.5 50 1 0 1 0 0
6.5 50 1 0.682 1 34.1 0.698
10 50 1 1.05 1 52.5 1.654
13.5 50 1 1.078 1 53.9 1.743
17 50 1 1.102 1 55.1 1.822
20.5 50 1 1.121 1 56.05 1.885

Page 1
Seismic Coefficient
Height of the Building = 18
Location = Vishakha Patnam
Seismic Zone = II
Zone Factor = 0.1
Soil Type = Medium Soil
Response Reduction Factor,R = 5
Structure Type = RC Frame Building
Importance Factor = 1.5
Damping 5
Time Period
Fundamental Natural Period,Ta = 0.66
Sa/g = 2.5

Note :
1 Table 8 Percentage of Imposed Load to be Considered in Seismic Weight Calculation
Live Load
Upto and including 3.0 = 25
Above 3.0 = 50

2 Fundamental Natural Period

The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (T, ), in seconds, of a moment-resisting frame building
without brick in fill panels may be estimated by the empirical expression:

for RC frame building = Ta = 0.075 h0.75

for steel frame building = Ta = 0.085 h0.75

h = Height of building, in m. This excludes the basement storeys, where basement walls are connected with the
ground floor deck or fitted between the building columns. But it includes the basement storeys, when they are not
so connected.

The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta, ), in seconds, of all other buildings, including
moment-resisting fimne buildings with brick infil panels, may be estimated by the empirical expression:

Ta = 0.09/Sqrt(d)
d = Base dimension of the building at the plinth level, in m, along the considered direction of the lateral force.

Dynamic Analysis
Regular buildings — a) Those
greater than 40 m in height in Zones IV and ~ and those greater than 90 m in height in Zones II and III.
Modelling as per can be used.
3 b) irregular buildings ( as defined in 7.1 ) — All framed buildings higher than12m in Zones IV and V~and
those greater than 40m in height in Zones II and III.

4 Damping The value of damping for buildings may be takenas 2 and 5 percent of the critical, for the purposes of
dynamic analysis of steel and reinforced concrete buildings, respectively.

7.3.1 For various loading classes as specified in IS 875( Part 2 ), the earthquake force shall be calculatcxl
for the full dead load plus the percentage of imposed load as given in Table 8.
7.3.2 For calculating the design seismic forces of the structure, the imposed load on roof need not be
considered. 7.3.3
The percentage of imposed loads given in 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 shall also be used for ‘Whole frame loaded’
5 condition in the load combinations specified in 6.3. 1.1 AND and where the gravity loads are combined with
the earthquake loads [ that is, in load combinations (3) in, and (2) in ]. No further reduction
in the imposed load will be used as envisaged in IS 875( Part 2 ) for number of storeys above the one
under consideration or for large spans of beams or floors. Partial safety factors for limit state design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete
structures In the limit state design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, the following load
combinations shall be accounted for:
1) 1.5( DL+lL)
6 2) 1.2( DL+ZL+EL)
3) 1.5( DL+EL)
4) 0.9DL* 1.5EL

Ductile detailing is a must for structures in Zone IV & V. However it should also be followed in zone III, when
Importance factor is > 1.0 OR Structure is > 5.0 Storey high OR the structure is industrial in nature.

Table -7,Page-23

Table -4,Page-19

Weight Calculation


oment-resisting frame building

nt walls are connected with the

ment storeys, when they are not

other buildings, including

empirical expression:

direction of the lateral force.

a) Those
n height in Zones II and III.

n12m in Zones IV and V~and

critical, for the purposes of

force shall be calculatcxl

on roof need not be

Whole frame loaded’
e gravity loads are combined with
2 ]. No further reduction
oreys above the one

ressed concrete
es, the following load

e followed in zone III, when

industrial in nature.
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
Node L/C Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN
1 11 (DL+0.5LL) 2.325 8.613 -7.217 2.325
2 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.448 8.613 -3.971 0.448
3 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.435 8.613 -4.196 0.435
4 11 (DL+0.5LL) -2.301 8.613 -7.238 2.301
5 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.703 8.613 5.895 1.703
6 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.176 8.613 -3.158 1.176
7 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.454 8.613 3.822 0.454
8 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.099 8.613 6.143 0.099
9 11 (DL+0.5LL) 3.155 8.613 -0.771 3.155
10 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.888 8.613 6.891 0.888
11 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.173 8.613 -0.362 0.173
12 11 (DL+0.5LL) -2.086 8.613 0.354 2.086
13 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.594 53.042 5.891 1.594
14 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.698 56.935 4.614 0.698
15 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.668 57.228 4.766 0.668
16 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.643 53.05 5.929 1.643
17 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.17 47.085 -7.957 1.17
18 11 (DL+0.5LL) 3.31 95.012 -1.645 3.31
19 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.1 46.202 -5.026 1.1
20 11 (DL+0.5LL) -3.889 53.299 -5.611 3.889
21 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.878 35.481 8.072 0.878
22 11 (DL+0.5LL) 2.041 99.347 -1.315 2.041
23 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.189 50.913 1.872 0.189
24 11 (DL+0.5LL) -2.253 41.475 1.004 2.253
25 11 (DL+0.5LL) 4.22 67.105 -8.144 4.22
26 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.407 104.256 -15.081 0.407
27 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.421 104.396 -15.09 0.421
28 11 (DL+0.5LL) -4.241 66.774 -8.122 4.241
29 11 (DL+0.5LL) -2.241 33.012 -0.872 2.241
30 11 (DL+0.5LL) 2.141 148.574 13.141 2.141
31 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.452 136.112 12.091 0.452
32 11 (DL+0.5LL) -6.833 85.754 6.329 6.833
33 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.35 27.278 -1.608 0.35
34 11 (DL+0.5LL) 2.286 119.947 -0.113 2.286
35 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.297 109.884 0.852 0.297
36 11 (DL+0.5LL) -3.646 71.855 0.488 3.646
37 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.647 113.507 -11.509 0.647
38 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.121 174.89 -16.814 1.121
39 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.102 175.179 -16.924 1.102
40 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.619 113.392 -11.416 0.619
41 11 (DL+0.5LL) -4.434 95.008 -12.43 4.434
42 11 (DL+0.5LL) -2.043 231.757 14.405 2.043
43 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.669 220.757 15.07 1.669
44 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.79 142.509 10.057 0.79
45 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.411 26.512 -3.453 1.411
46 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.378 111.695 -0.989 0.378
47 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.022 100.982 -1.378 0.022
48 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.553 65.936 -0.901 0.553
49 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 42.493 0 0
50 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 70.031 0 0
51 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 69.693 0 0
52 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 43.735 0 0
53 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 49.501 0 0
54 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 58.279 0 0
55 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 60.49 0 0
56 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 39.499 0 0
57 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 62.122 0 0
58 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 58.533 0 0
59 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 61.158 0 0
60 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 57.68 0 0
61 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 61.159 0 0
62 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 57.68 0 0
63 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 62.116 0 0
64 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0 58.529 0 0
65 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.047 113.901 4.675 1.047
66 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.48 175.101 7.353 0.48
67 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.484 175.377 7.438 0.484
68 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.064 113.377 5.044 1.064
69 11 (DL+0.5LL) -3.51 94.371 -6.143 3.51
70 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.279 230.733 -5.137 0.279
71 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.577 219.816 -5.435 0.577
72 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.354 141.597 -3.643 1.354
73 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.474 26.478 -3.734 1.474
74 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.09 112.667 0.525 0.09
75 11 (DL+0.5LL) -0.142 102.184 0.821 0.142
76 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.675 66.522 0.522 0.675
77 11 (DL+0.5LL) 4.58 114.632 -11.539 4.58
78 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.118 175.131 -17.758 1.118
79 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.143 175.371 -17.954 1.143
80 11 (DL+0.5LL) -4.643 113.854 -12.055 4.643
81 11 (DL+0.5LL) -4.616 93.945 -7.998 4.616
82 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.541 229.653 11.967 0.541
83 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.146 218.102 12.714 1.146
84 11 (DL+0.5LL) -5.99 141.207 8.403 5.99
85 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.952 26.53 -3.498 1.952
86 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.008 113.664 0.127 1.008
87 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.597 102.632 -0.849 0.597
88 11 (DL+0.5LL) -3.939 67.403 -0.419 3.939
89 11 (DL+0.5LL) -12.319 99.173 27.844 12.319
90 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.917 163.065 41.657 1.917
91 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.949 163.478 41.96 1.949
92 11 (DL+0.5LL) 12.384 99.454 27.857 12.384
93 11 (DL+0.5LL) -15.418 100.867 -28.296 15.418
94 11 (DL+0.5LL) -3.052 218.423 -29.573 3.052
95 11 (DL+0.5LL) -2.043 215.867 -33.236 2.043
96 11 (DL+0.5LL) 16.247 131.937 -21.678 16.247
97 11 (DL+0.5LL) -6.395 21.459 -10.054 6.395
98 11 (DL+0.5LL) -3.977 89.053 -5.125 3.977
99 11 (DL+0.5LL) -1.092 86.888 -0.955 1.092
100 11 (DL+0.5LL) 10.696 50.055 -1.047 10.696
101 11 (DL+0.5LL) 4.57 69.876 -7.18 4.57
102 11 (DL+0.5LL) 0.556 70.361 -0.027 0.556
103 11 (DL+0.5LL) 7.008 67.871 31.693 7.008
104 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.262 69.548 3.795 1.262
105 11 (DL+0.5LL) 3.515 67.063 6.529 3.515
106 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.435 70.355 3.717 1.435
107 11 (DL+0.5LL) 3.753 67.049 6.07 3.753
108 11 (DL+0.5LL) 1.62 70.37 3.687 1.62
109 11 (DL+0.5LL) 10.84 67.615 20.691 10.84
110 11 (DL+0.5LL) 4.434 71.656 3.874 4.434
8.613 7.217 1 WEIGHT 18.155
8.613 3.971 2 WEIGHT 13.032
8.613 4.196 3 WEIGHT 13.244
8.613 7.238 4 WEIGHT 18.152
8.613 5.895 5 WEIGHT 16.211
8.613 3.158 6 WEIGHT 12.947
8.613 3.822 7 WEIGHT 12.889
8.613 6.143 8 WEIGHT 14.855
8.613 0.771 9 WEIGHT 12.539
8.613 6.891 10 WEIGHT 16.392
8.613 0.362 11 WEIGHT 9.148
8.613 0.354 12 WEIGHT 11.053
53.042 5.891 13 WEIGHT 60.527
56.935 4.614 14 WEIGHT 62.247
57.228 4.766 15 WEIGHT 62.662
53.05 5.929 16 WEIGHT 60.622
47.085 7.957 17 WEIGHT 56.212
95.012 1.645 18 WEIGHT 99.967
46.202 5.026 19 WEIGHT 52.328
53.299 5.611 20 WEIGHT 62.799
35.481 8.072 21 WEIGHT 44.431
99.347 1.315 22 WEIGHT 102.703
50.913 1.872 23 WEIGHT 52.974
41.475 1.004 24 WEIGHT 44.732
67.105 8.144 25 WEIGHT 79.469
104.256 15.081 26 WEIGHT 119.744
104.396 15.09 27 WEIGHT 119.907
66.774 8.122 28 WEIGHT 79.137
33.012 0.872 29 WEIGHT 36.125
148.574 13.141 30 WEIGHT 163.856
136.112 12.091 31 WEIGHT 148.655
85.754 6.329 32 WEIGHT 98.916
27.278 1.608 33 WEIGHT 29.236
119.947 0.113 34 WEIGHT 122.346
109.884 0.852 35 WEIGHT 111.033
71.855 0.488 36 WEIGHT 75.989
113.507 11.509 37 WEIGHT 125.663
174.89 16.814 38 WEIGHT 192.825
175.179 16.924 39 WEIGHT 193.205
113.392 11.416 40 WEIGHT 125.427
95.008 12.43 41 WEIGHT 111.872
231.757 14.405 42 WEIGHT 248.205
220.757 15.07 43 WEIGHT 237.496
142.509 10.057 44 WEIGHT 153.356
26.512 3.453 45 WEIGHT 31.376
111.695 0.989 46 WEIGHT 113.062
100.982 1.378 47 WEIGHT 102.382
65.936 0.901 48 WEIGHT 67.39
42.493 0 49 WEIGHT 42.493
70.031 0 50 WEIGHT 70.031
69.693 0 51 WEIGHT 69.693
43.735 0 52 WEIGHT 43.735
49.501 0 53 WEIGHT 49.501
58.279 0 54 WEIGHT 58.279
60.49 0 55 WEIGHT 60.49
39.499 0 56 WEIGHT 39.499
62.122 0 57 WEIGHT 62.122
58.533 0 58 WEIGHT 58.533
61.158 0 59 WEIGHT 61.158
57.68 0 60 WEIGHT 57.68
61.159 0 61 WEIGHT 61.159
57.68 0 62 WEIGHT 57.68
62.116 0 63 WEIGHT 62.116
58.529 0 64 WEIGHT 58.529
113.901 4.675 65 WEIGHT 119.623
175.101 7.353 66 WEIGHT 182.934
175.377 7.438 67 WEIGHT 183.299
113.377 5.044 68 WEIGHT 119.485
94.371 6.143 69 WEIGHT 104.024
230.733 5.137 70 WEIGHT 236.149
219.816 5.435 71 WEIGHT 225.828
141.597 3.643 72 WEIGHT 146.594
26.478 3.734 73 WEIGHT 31.686
112.667 0.525 74 WEIGHT 113.282
102.184 0.821 75 WEIGHT 103.147
66.522 0.522 76 WEIGHT 67.719
114.632 11.539 77 WEIGHT 130.751
175.131 17.758 78 WEIGHT 194.007
175.371 17.954 79 WEIGHT 194.468
113.854 12.055 80 WEIGHT 130.552
93.945 7.998 81 WEIGHT 106.559
229.653 11.967 82 WEIGHT 242.161
218.102 12.714 83 WEIGHT 231.962
141.207 8.403 84 WEIGHT 155.6
26.53 3.498 85 WEIGHT 31.98
113.664 0.127 86 WEIGHT 114.799
102.632 0.849 87 WEIGHT 104.078
67.403 0.419 88 WEIGHT 71.761
99.173 27.844 89 WEIGHT 139.336
163.065 41.657 90 WEIGHT 206.639
163.478 41.96 91 WEIGHT 207.387
99.454 27.857 92 WEIGHT 139.695
100.867 28.296 93 WEIGHT 144.581
218.423 29.573 94 WEIGHT 251.048
215.867 33.236 95 WEIGHT 251.146
131.937 21.678 96 WEIGHT 169.862
21.459 10.054 97 WEIGHT 37.908
89.053 5.125 98 WEIGHT 98.155
86.888 0.955 99 WEIGHT 88.935
50.055 1.047 100 WEIGHT 61.798
69.876 7.18 101 WEIGHT 81.626
70.361 0.027 102 WEIGHT 70.944
67.871 31.693 103 WEIGHT 106.572
69.548 3.795 104 WEIGHT 74.605
67.063 6.529 105 WEIGHT 77.107
70.355 3.717 106 WEIGHT 75.507
67.049 6.07 107 WEIGHT 76.872
70.37 3.687 108 WEIGHT 75.677
67.615 20.691 109 WEIGHT 99.146
71.656 3.874 110 WEIGHT 79.964
IS 1893-2002 CODE

Part 1 (2002) for building structures

Part 4 (2005) for industrial and stack-like structures are available

The design base shear is computed by STAAD for building structures as per IS: 1893 (Part 1) 2002 equa
V = Ah.W
Ah =

When site specific spectra is used per IS 1893 (Part 4) 2005, then:

Ah =

For stack-like structures, the design base shear is computed as per IS 1893 (Part 4) 2005 as:

V = CvAh.W·Dv

All symbols and notations in the above equation are as per IS: 1893(Part 1) 2002 and IS: 1893 (Part 4) 2 Particulara 1893-spec-part -1

1 f1 Seismic Zone Refer Table 2
2 Seismic Intensity Low/moderate/severe/very severe
3 f2 Response reduction factor Refer Table 7
4 f3 Importance factor Refer Table 6

5 f4 Refer Clause 6.4.5

Rock or soil sites factor.
6 f5 Natural Period Clause 7.6

8 optional

9 f6 Refer Table 3

Damping ratio

10 f7 optional
Period of structure (in sec) in X direction
11 f8 optional
Period of structure (in sec) in Z direction

12 f9

Depth of foundation below ground level

13 f10
Ground Level Clause 6.4.4.
14 f11 Average response spectral acceleration coefficient
15 f12 DF 1

16 f13

17 f14
18 f15 Modulus of elasticity of material of stack-like structures ,Es
19 f16 Coefficient of shear force
20 f17 Distribution factor for shear force
Magnification factor

v1, v2, v3 = Used when specifying a uniformly distributed load with a value of v 1 starting at a distance
of v2 from the start of the member and ending at a distance of v 3 from the start of the member. If
v2and v 3 are omitted, the load is assumed to cover the entire length of the member.

v4, v5 = Used when specifying a concentrated force with a value of v 4 applied at a distance of v5 from
the start of the member. If v5 is omitted, the load is assumed to act at the center of the member.

The ACC option along with accidental eccentricity factor (generally 0.05 as per IS 1893 code) needs
to be provided in the 1893 seismic primary load case (i.e., 1893 LOAD X / Z f1 ACC f3 ). f2 can be

To consider horizontal torsion in cases where a floor diaphragm is present in the model, the
ACCIDENTAL option should not be specified. Instead, dynamic eccentricity along with accidental
eccentricity should be provided in the 1893 seismic primary load case (i.e.,
1893 LOAD X / Z f1 DEC f2 ACC f3).
For equivalent seismic analysis, f2
is 1.5 and f3 is 0.05 as per IS 1893 code. f1 is
always positive or zero, however f2 can be negative.
If f2 is 0.0, only accidental torsion will be considered for this particular load case.
By default STAAD calculates natural periods of the structure in both X and Z directions respectively
which are used in calculation for base shear. If PX and PZ are included, the program will consider
these values for calculation of average response acceleration coefficient. If ST is used instead of PX
and PZ values, then the program will calculate natural period depending upon the empirical
expression given in IS: 1893 (Part 1)-2002 or IS: 1893 (Part 4)-2005.

1893-spec-part1 1893-spec-part4
f1 Seismic zone coefficient Z Seismic zone coefficient
f2 Response reduction factor RF Response reduction factor
f3 Importance factor I Importance factor
f4 Rock or soil sites factor SS Rock or soil sites factor
f5 Type of Structure ST Type of Structure
f6 Damping Ratio DM Damping Ratio
f7 Period in x Direction PX Period in x Direction
f8 Period in z Direction PZ Period in z Direction
f9 Depth of Foundation DT Depth of Foundation
f10 Ground level GL Ground level
f11 Spectral Accelaration SA Spectral Accelaration
f12 Multiplying Factor for SA DF Multiplying Factor for SA
f13 CS Coefficient
f14 AX Area of cross-section
f15 ES Modulus of elasticity of material
f16 CV Coefficient of shear force
f17 DV Distribution factor for shear force

1893-spec-part1 = RF f2 I f3 { SS f4 | SA f11 } (ST f5) ( { DM f6 | DF f12 } ) (PX f7) (PZ f8) ( { DT f9 |

GL f10 } )

1893-spec-part4 = RF f2 I f3 { SS f4 | SA f11 } ST f5 ( { DM f6 | DF f12 } ) (PX f7) (PZ f8) ( { DT f9 | GL f10 } )

( CS f13 ) ( AX f14 ) ( ES f15 ) CV f16 DV f17
1893 (Part 1) 2002 equation 7.5.3 or for industrial structures as per (Part 4) 2005:

Z I Sa
2 R g

I Sa
R g

art 4) 2005 as:

02 and IS: 1893 (Part 4) 2005.

1893-spec-part -4
Refer Table 3
Refer Table 2
conditions. If both parameters are specified, SS is ignored.
Depending on type of soil, average response accelera
Clause 8.3.2 calculated corresponding to 5% damping.
Clause 14.1 for stack-like structures
For Category 1 Industrial Structures base shear is
calculated as twice the base shear of other structures
as per Clause 8.3
1 = RC frame building (Part 1) or category 1 industrial
structure (Part 4)
2 = Steel frame building
3 = all other buildings This parameter is optional for Part 1, but is requ
5 = stack-like structures (Part 4 only)

Damping ratio to obtain multiplying factor for calculating Sa

If no damping is specified 5% damping (default value 0
corresponding to which multiplying factor is 1.0.
Use either DM or
both parameters are specified, DM is ignored.

If this is defined this value will be used to calculate Sa/g

load along X direction.
If this is defined this value will be used to calculate Sa/g
load along Z direction.

Depth of foundation below ground level. It should be defin

depth of foundation is 30 m or more, the value of Ah is
obtained. If the foundation is placed between the ground le
value is linearly interpolated between Ah and 0.5Ah.
Use either DT or GL to specify foundation depth. If both p
DT is ignored.
Y coordinate of ground level (or global Z coordinate for
lateral force is applied to levels below this height,
corresponding to site specific spectra
Multiplying factor for calculating Sa/g.
Valid only for stack-like structures for calculating fundam
Table 6 & per Cl. 14.1. 14.1.
Area of cross-section at the base of stack-like str

AS per Cl. 14.1 fundamental time period

As per Cl. 14.1 for calculating fundamental time period
Table 6 Required for stack-like structures (ST 5).
Table 11 Required for stack-like structures (ST 5).
Default is 1.0. required for reference loads
Identification number of a previously defined reference load case

joint weight associated with joint list

starting at a distance
of the member. If

a distance of v5 from
of the member.

IS 1893 code) needs

ACC f3 ). f2 can be

e model, the
ng with accidental

f1 is

directions respectively
program will consider
is used instead of PX
g upon the empirical
SOIL , 3 SOFT SOIL [Use either SS or SA to specify site
ers are specified, SS is ignored.
oil, average response acceleration coefficient Sa/g is
o 5% damping.

s optional for Part 1, but is required for Part 4.

ultiplying factor for calculating Sa/g for different damping.

d 5% damping (default value 0.05) will be considered
ltiplying factor is 1.0.
Use either DM or DF to specify damping. If
ied, DM is ignored.

will be used to calculate Sa/g for generation of seismic

will be used to calculate Sa/g for generation of seismic

ground level. It should be defined in current units. If the

m or more, the value of Ah is taken as half the value
is placed between the ground level and 30 m depth, this
d between Ah and 0.5Ah.
ecify foundation depth. If both parameters are specified,

vel (or global Z coordinate for SET Z UP). A reduced

vels below this height,
fic spectra

ructures for calculating fundamental time period per Cl.

t the base of stack-like structures for calculating

time period
ctures (ST 5).
ctures (ST 5).
Seismic Coefficient
Height of the Building = 18 m
Location = Vishakha Patnam
Seismic Zone = II
Zone Factor = 0.1
Soil Type = Medium Soil
Response Reduction Factor,R = 5 Table -7,Page-23
Structure Type = RC Frame Building
Importance Factor = 1.5 Table -4,Page-19
Damping 5
Time Period
Fundamental Natural Period,Ta = 0.66
Sa/g = 2.5

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