Osprey - The Fall of France - Act With Daring PDF
Osprey - The Fall of France - Act With Daring PDF
Osprey - The Fall of France - Act With Daring PDF
For their help in making some inroads in my ignorance of what happened where memoir of the action at Amiens and has also provided a sketch of his battalion's
in Belgium I must thank Michael Baert of the Belgian Tourist Office, Brussels dispositions. I am indebted to the Hon. Caroline Ponsonby for being allowed to
and Ardennes, in London, Pierre Gosset, former secretary to C.R.I.B.A. in quote from the papers of her father, Major Lord Sysonby. I have also had the
Belgium and Guy Blockmans in Brussels and Patrice Legros in Liege. Mr H. good fortune to be given a first-hand account of his experiences as an anti-aircraft
Lardinois of the Institut Geographique National in Brussels directed me to gunner by Albert Smith. At the time of going to press the owners of certain copy-
contemporary mapping. I thank Andrew Saunders for his help in introducing me rights have not been traced and I would be grateful for information as to their
to Robert Gils of Simon Stevinstchting, and to Mr Gils for his help in giving me identity and whereabouts.
what modest understanding of the Belgian fortresses I now possess as well as The maps used are mostly those published in Berlin by the army in preparation
guiding me to appropriate maps. Captain David Horn of the Guards Museum for the invasion of France and the Low Countries or German maps made later in
in London, Richard Callaghan of the Royal Sussex Regiment Museum and the war showing useful detail of important locations. Some come from my own
Alan Readman of the West Sussex Record Office gave valuable advice and collection while the rest are from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and carry the
introductions. Mrs P. James and Roy Harding of the Queen's Royal Surrey annotation 'BL' and the appropriate shelf number. Permission to reproduce maps
Regiment Museum were very helpful to me. David Fletcher and his colleagues at from the Bodleian Library is gratefully acknowledged and, even more important
the Tank Museum, Bovington, were unfailing in their kindness. Peter Liddle and to me, the patience and helpfulness of the staff of the Map Room deserves high
Claire Harder of the Second World War Experience Centre produced some praise. The British maps are from a private collection and I am grateful for the
fascinating material for me, in spite of having been operational for only a grant of access. Ordnance Survey maps are Crown Copyright.
matter of weeks. In the Netherlands Wybo Boersma gave me guidance and my The photographs from the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz are annotated with the letter B
sister, Amina Marix Evans, undertook research for me and discovered valuable and the reference number of the image, while those from the Imperial War Museum
information about the events of May 1940. are marked IWM and those from the Tank Museum TM, with their reference
I have relied to a considerable extent on the memoirs of Heinz Guderian and numbers. I am grateful for permission to reproduce these pictures and for the assistance
Erwin Rommel as published in English translations in the preparation of this given to me in my research at these archives. I am also grateful for being allowed to
book. Those sources, and the sources of many other quotations by individuals are use illustrations from private collections, some of which were taken by the owners
from their published works, listed in detail in the bibliography. I am extremely themselves. In the Netherlands Mr Wybo Boersma of the Airborne Museum,
grateful to the Second World War Experience Centre for the information on the Hartenstein, Mr G. Koenen, Mr A. C. Duijvestijn and the Dutch Marines have been
experience of T. G. P. Crick and the quotations from C. N. Barker and W most kind in this respect. Bart van Bulck, Franck Vernier and David Playne have
Marett. The Queens Royal Surrey Regimental Museum is the source of the contributed photographs of installations in Belgium. Amina Marix Evans has
memoirs of Stanley Rayner, John Redfern and John Naylor. I am particularly contributed to the modern colour photographs, most of which are my own.
grateful to Douglas Swift who has allowed me to quote from his unpublished Attributions are included in the captions.
12/28 Waterways, Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France, 92 The Panzer Arras situation map
Berlin, 1939. 93 Geology of north-eastern France, near Dunkirk, Berlin,
29 Eastern Netherlands, road map, Berlin, October 1939. February 1940.
32 Central Rotterdam, Berlin, 1939. 99 Calais, GM.
33 Southern approaches to Rotterdam, Berlin, October 1939. 101 Canal d'Aire (La Bassee canal), Cuinchy to La Bassee,
40 Belgian defences around Maastricht, Berlin, November 1939. GM.
44 Plan D, copy of marked up G H Q maps, London, 1937. 104 Dunkirk enclave, situation on afternoon of 28 May.
48 North-east France, Gewasserabschnitte, Berlin, February 1940. 109 Dunkirk enclave, situation on morning of 30 May.
55 Meuse crossing places at Sedan, GM. 114 Shore from West Bastion, Dunkirk, to Zuydcoote, GM.
56 Meuse crossing places at Dinant and Houx, Brussels, 1940. 124 Somme crossing place, Conde-Folie to Hangest, GM.
58 Meuse crossing place at Montherme, GM. 132 The Seine from Les Andelys to Rouen and beyond,
60 South and west from Sedan, Gewasserabschnitte, Berlin, Strassenkarte, Berlin 1940.
February 1940. 133 Andelle crossing place near Argeuil, Strassenkarte, Berlin
68 Routes from the Meuse to the English Channel, 1940.
Gewasserabschnitte, Berlin, February 1940. 144 Surroundings of Rethel, Gewasserabschnitte, Berlin,
69 West from Dinant, Brussels, 1940. February 1940.
74 Crecy-sur-Serre, GM. 145 Langres to Besancon, Gewasserabschnitte, Berlin, February
84 The Escaut south of Audenarde, Brussels, 1939/1949. 1940.
86 Surroundings of Arras, GM. 152 The Cotentin Peninsula, Strassenkarte, Berlin 1938.
hen Britain finally went to war alongside when the time came. As far as air power was
France against Germany on 3 September concerned, it was calculated the Allies had about 850
1939, it was with the confidence that her each of fighters and bombers and some 950
own lack of sufficient, trained troops would be reconnaissance and army co-operation aircraft against
compensated for by the might of the French army. T h e 1,000 fighters, nearly twice as many bombers and
five divisions available for the British Expeditionary about 800 reconnaissance and army co-operation
Force (BEF) would be followed by a further five and aircraft. There appears to have been little, if any,
take their place in the line with a much greater discussion of armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) -
number of French divisions. As Winston Churchill tanks, armoured cars and armoured troop carriers.
was to remark, 'Thank God for the French army!' The battlefield, it was assumed, would be on the
BELOW Deneys Reitz, South
T h e serious preparations for war had begun only French borders. T h e east, facing Germany, was already
Africa's Deputy Prime some six months earlier. It was then thought that equipped with the most sophisticated and secure
Minister and Minister of France would be able to mobilise 72 divisions to complex of fortresses Europe had ever seen, the
Native Affairs (centre) is add to the fortress troops which numbered some 12 Maginot Line. Within a steel and concrete carapace,
shown around the front by divisions. The Germans, it was estimated, would be in for the most part buried underground and with
British Foreign Minister a position to put 116 divisions in the field, but because artillery-bearing turrets commanding the approaches,
Anthony Eden, 12 November they would have to conquer Poland before attacking hundreds of men could eat, sleep, relax, exercise and
1 9 3 9 . (IWM 0212) France, that number would be somewhat depleted stand guard to preserve the integrity of French soil.
the threatened ground all along our north-eastern In November 1939 the South African High British Expeditionary Force,
frontiers and found Government after Government Commissioner to London, Deneys Reitz, visited with General Maurice
willing to give them the necessary millions ... The English France. Reitz had fought his first war 40 years earlier, Gamelin, who had just
never wearied of poring over the annotated photographs, against the British in the Second Anglo-Boer War. His bestowed the Legion of
the firing-maps, the drawings and the diagrams which second had been not for, but, as he explained, with the Honour on his British allies,
mean that on a single telephone call of three or four British against the Germans, when he rose to the and General Joseph Georges.
figures, a storm of shells will rain on such and such a command of the 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers. Now, the (IWM F2083)
segment of wood B17, or such and such a section of representative of his country, he toured familiar
territory 243. They were fascinated by the perfection of territory making ready for yet another war. He was not
much impressed. He reports a conversation with
Between these strongholds, to avoid their being Gamelin who complained bitterly of the lack of
outflanked and by-passed as they had been in the First Belgian co-operation in making the Maginot Line
World War, mobile interval troops supported the static complete and their continued obstinacy in refusing
works. This impressive, expensive and ultimately futile staff liaison in the face of the German threat. H e
defence ran from the Swiss border to La Ferte, 24km viewed the line under construction by the British east
(15 miles) south-east of Sedan. T h e 35 divisions of of Lille.
General G. Pretelat's Army Group 2, a third of the 'We shook our heads at what we saw. The new line,
French army, held that line. To the west of the last under hurried construction, seemed an amateurish affair.
fort a string of strongpoints, concrete bunkers and The trenches were shallow, the concrete domes the French
pill-boxes, straggled along the Meuse and across had built at intervals of eight hundred yards [730m.]
northern France towards Lille where it petered out, contained only a single anti-tank rifle apiece and the
partly because of insufficient funds, partly to avoid loopholes faced sideways with no frontal view...'
disrupting a region of immense industrial and H e visited the Maginot Line at M o n t de Welshe
commercial importance and partly to avoid excluding and found the fortifications impressive, proof against
the Belgians, allies in the last war and probable allies in frontal assault, but what of its being incomplete? O n
the next. his return to London Reitz was grudgingly granted an
command in the previous European war. O n the of the Somme. This was followed by the British attack Spain and still constituted a
Allies' part, the French, who as the largest contributors at Arras in April 1917 and the French assault at Berry- substantial proportion of
of manpower had the upper h a n d in strategic au-Bac later the same month and, the outstanding German AFVs in 1940. (Terry
planning, were set on defence, preferably in someone demonstration of the weapon's potential, Cambrai in Hadier and Peter Sarson, German Light
else's country, and the Germans had learned to fear the November. After the war such thinkers as J. F. C. Panzers 1932-1942, New Vanguard 26)
tenacity of the French soldier. Neither group had given Fuller, Basil Liddell Hart, E. D . Swinton and G. Le Q.
sufficient attention to new ideas. Martel in Britain had kept both the technical
BOTTOM The first version of
In September 1916 a practical indication of the development and the tactical use of armoured fighting
vehicles alive as a subject of military interest. In France the Panzer IV, used in Poland
way war was evolving had been given. The British used
tanks to attack German positions at Flers in the Battle an officer attached to the Secretariat General de la in 1939. The white cross
Defence Nationale, an advisory body to the Prime proved to offer too good an
Minister, offered his views in 1934 on a professional, aiming mark and was soon
mechanised force in a book entitled Vers l'armee de painted Over. (Bruce Culver,
metier, translated into English in 1940 under the title Panzerkampfwagen IV Medium Tank
The Army of the Future. Its author, Charles de Gaulle, 1936-1945, New Vanguard 28)
was given much the same respectful attention as his formations, being driven to conclude that, alone, they
contemporaries over the English Channel; that is, were useless, but with artillery, engineers and tanks,
virtually none. the combination would be immensely powerful.
In Germany equal thought was being given to the Whether it was his background or his military genius
subject, and in 1937 Major-general Heinz Guderian, that led Guderian to this vision of integrated
commander of the 2nd Panzer Division, published his operations involving tanks, artillery, engineers and
book Achtung! Panzer! It did not appear in English mobile infantry is a moot point; what is important is
until 1992. Guderian served much of the First World that Guderian's views were to mould the strategy and
War in signals and became a radio specialist before tactics of the Panzer divisions. He specified three
becoming a staff officer. He then joined the staff of tactical requirements: surprise, deployment en masse
General E. Tschischwitz, head of Motor Transport and suitable terrain.
Troops, and studied the use of motorised troop Of surprise he said:
'The rapid execution of the armoured attack is of
decisive importance for the outcome of the battle;
the supporting arms that are destined for permanent
co-operation with the tanks must accordingly be just as
fast-moving as the tanks themselves, and they must also be
united with the tanks in an all-arms formation in
T h e principle of deployment en masse is, he
stated, valid for all arms and as to terrain,
'the tank forces should be committed only where there
are no obstacles that exceed the capacity of their machines;
otherwise the armoured attack will break on the terrain.'
This was a truism that the strategists of the
previous war had little difficulty in flouting,
subsequently to assert that the tanks were useless. T h e
only element missing from the array of forces
Guderian discusses is the dive-bomber which is
capable of fulfilling the function of artillery. T h e
aircraft was seen, at the time of publication, as a
reconnaissance tool and as a weapon to interdict
reinforcement of the tanks' objectives.
THE MANSTEIN PLAN of likely German plans was clear from their troop
In October 1939 Colonel-general Gerd von movements after the Mechelen incident, and
Rundstedt, in command of Army Group A, had as his Manstein, with characteristic arrogance, renewed his
Chief-of-Staff Erich von Manstein, to w h o m he arguments for his plan. He was promptly posted to a
deferred in strategic planning. Neither of them were new command as general of an infantry corps. Before
taken with the Fall Gelb proposals and they sought an he went a war game undertaken on 7 February tested
alternative. the plan. It stood up well. A day or so later Colonel I.
T h e Manstein plan - to cut the best mobile French G. Schmundt, Hitler's chief adjutant, happened to
and British troops off from their support and reserves visit Rundstedt's headquarters and Manstein had a
by thrusting through to their south, and then to chance to outline the plan to him. It was the first
destroy them - was submitted to O K H in a Hitler's staff had heard of it and the concept matched
memorandum countersigned by Rundstedt and dated the Fuhrer's own, but with added precision given by a
31 October 1939. It did not mention Sedan or the trained military mind. A meeting between Hitler and
Ardennes, but did offer the destruction of the enemy. Manstein was contrived, ostensibly to mark the
It was not welcome. O K H wanted time to increase the occasion of his taking up his new command, and the
strength of the army and was mainly concerned with m o r n i n g of 17 February was spent in detailed
restraining Hitler. T h e meetings and arguments discussion. Hitler then summoned the Commander-
continued. In November Manstein s u m m o n e d in-Chief of the army, Colonel-general Walter von
Guderian, now in command of XIX Panzer Corps, to Brauchitsch and Chief-of-Staff General Franz Haider
discuss the possibility of passing a suitable force to hear the astounding plan the Fuhrer had devised. It
through the Ardennes to cross the river Meuse at could not, of course, be undertaken before late spring
Sedan and strike for Amiens. After careful and an early summer campaign would follow. This
consideration and study, Guderian assured Manstein suited O K H much better, and the army's recovery
that it was possible, provided the Panzers were present from the Polish campaign would also be nearly
in sufficient strength; preferably the entire complete. A combination of chance and insight had
complement of Panzers in the German army. given Germany a strategy that was to prove decisive.
T h e next m e m o r a n d u m , of early December,
suggested that the principal use of the Germans', SICHELSCHNITT
Panzer force should be on the Meuse. Shortly after this In Haider's hands Manstein's plan was taken to its
the errant aircraft with Major Reinberger blundered logical conclusion. T h e operations of Army Group B
BELOW An infantry tank Mark into Belgium, renewed foul weather delayed Gelb under Colonel-general Fedor von Bock were to be a
I Of 4 t h RTR (Peter Sarson, Matilda again and Hitler, appraised of the hornet's nest stirred lure to draw the French and British north into
Infantry Tank 1938-1945, New Vanguard up in Belgium and the Netherlands, cancelled Gelb for Belgium. T h e action would have to be vigorous to be
8) good. A new plan was demanded. The Allies' concept effective, but only three Panzer divisions, of which two
would be transferred to Rundstedt as soon as possible, PzKpfW IVs, 106 35(t)s and 288 38(t)s. Some two-
ABOVE The Dewoitine 520 of
were left to him and his force was, overall, reduced by thirds of the force of 2,499 tanks were the light,
Pierre Le Gloan GC HI/6, June
a third to 29 divisions. In the east, opposite the vulnerable and trivially-armed Is and IIs.
1 9 4 0 . (Mark Rolfe, French Aces of
Maginot Line, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb's Army Group T h e French AFVs were present in greater numbers
World War 2, Osprey Aircraft of the
C with 19 divisions was to make much of itself to keep with 3,285 tanks available. A third of these were
Aces 28)
the French there in force. Meanwhile the 45 divisions scattered about as infantry support while the rest were
of Army Group A, which included seven Panzer divided between the DLMs and the new armoured
divisions, would deliver the major blow. T h e 'sickle- divisions, the Divisions Cuirassees (DCRs). Two
cut', sichelschnitt, would slice the Allies in two. D C R s had been formed in January 1940 and the third
in March. T h e 4th French Armoured was not in
THE TANKS existence until the German invasion was already under
The Treaty of Versailles ending the First World War way. T h e DLMs had Somua S35s, medium tanks with
had forbidden Germany to have tanks, so they were 4 0 m m of armour and armed with a 4 7 m m gun and a
obviously much to be desired. T h e Germans therefore machine gun. Their Hotchkiss H35s had only 18mm
worked with the Russians and the Swedes in laying the of armour and a 3 7 m m gun. The DCRs also had
foundations of what was to become a legendary force. Hotchkiss tanks, but their chief weapon was the
By 1939 they had Panzer divisions equipped mainly massive Renault Blbis, the Char B, with 8 0 m m of
with Panzerkampfwagen (PzKpfw) Is and IIs, the armour, a 4 7 m m gun in the turret on top and,
training and the reconnaissance AFVs. T h e former had mounted in the hull, an impressive 7 5 m m gun. T h e
a crew of two and was armed with twin 7.29mm great drawback of French tank design was that the
machine-guns, was thinly armoured at 15mm, but was turrets were small and the commander of the AFV had
light and quick. The latter was even faster, had an not only to control the tank, but also to serve and fire
additional crew member, heavier armour and the gun. T h e hull-mounted weapon of the Char B
substituted a 2 0 m m cannon for one of the machine- could be elevated and depressed, but not traversed; the
guns. Neither could be considered formidable. To whole tank had to be turned. W h a t is more, it
these had been added, after Hitler renounced the was served by the driver. A final, fatal flaw was the
interdiction on tanks in 1935, the PzKpfw III, a positioning of the radiator grille on the flank of the
serious improvement with a 5 0 m m gun, two machine- tank. It might as well have been labelled 'I am
guns, 3 0 m m of armour and a crew of five and the vulnerable here, please shoot.' T h e Char B was, none
PzKpfw IV which carried a 7 5 m m gun and 4 3 m m of the less, formidable.
armour. These were, however, much longer in the T h e British contribution included 4th and 7th
building than anticipated and were thus in short Battalions, Royal Tank Regiment, each with 50
supply at the outbreak of war. T h e shortfall was filled Infantry Tanks Mark I, known as Matildas. These two-
to some extent by Czech designs taken over after the man tanks were heavily armoured, 6 0 m m , and
Germans had seized the country that developed them. equipped with a machine gun. They were horribly
The PzKpkw 35(t) and 38(t) had 3 7 m m guns and slow, really no more than a shell-proof crawling
four man crews. They were slightly more lightly machine-gun emplacement, and were introduced in
armoured than the PzKpfw II and slower, but the February 1939. The prototype Mark I had stimulated
additional crew gave them an advantage in fighting the demand for a gun-carrying, faster version with a
ability. three-man crew. Only 23 of the 2-pounder (40mm)
In May 1940 German tank strength stood at 523 gunned Mark IIs had reached the army in May 1940.
PzKpfW Is, 955 PzKpfw IIs, 349 PzKpfW IIIs, 278 These battalions also had a small number of the
three-man light Mark VIs, with only 14mm of armour experienced in radio, was well aware of the
ABOVE The driver position of
and two machine-guns, the AFV used by the seven developments of the early 1930s, and in Achtung!
the Char B with the 75mm
British cavalry battalions with the BEF which had 28 Panzer! wrote:
gun alongside, (TM 253.20/23)
of them each. The 1st Armoured Division started to 'Radio ... is the principal medium of control between
arrive in France at Le Havre in May 1940, with one tank units and the other forces, and radios are the main
brigade in Mark VIs and a second with Cruiser tanks, equipment of the signals elements which provide
lightly armoured but carrying a 2-pounder gun. Both communication for the tank units and their supporting
these British tanks had top speeds equal to the best of arms... Basically the signals elements maintain the
the German AFVs at 30mph (50kmph). communications between commanders and their sub-
Although attempts had been made to use wireless units, between commanders and their own superiors, and
communication with tanks and aircraft in the First with whatever neighbouring forces, aircraft and other
World War, the first practical wireless sets did not units are engaged in the common task. The signallers must
appear until 1926 when the British introduced radio- remain in the closest contact with the commanders to
telephony (R/T) which carried voice messages over whom they are assigned. In combat these commanders
short ranges, morse code signals carried by wireless- will be right up in front with their tanks, which means
telegraphy (W/T) being well-established and that armoured radio vehicles with full cross-country
operating over quite long distances. The No.2 radio set capability are essential for the panzer signals elements.'
of 1932 had a range, from a stationary tank, of 12 The Germans used VHF (very high frequency)
miles (19km). By the outbreak of the war the British radios in tanks, as did the RAF in its aircraft. The
were on the point of introducing the HF (high French placed less emphasis on communication. At
frequency) No. 19 set, vastly improved, which had the the outbreak of war only 20% of their tanks were
added advantage of giving not only external fitted with radio sets.
communication with other tanks, but also internal However, it was still a fact that the Allied tank
communication with the crew. Guderian, already strength outnumbered the German by almost 1,000
units in May 1940. It was to be a case of the size of the Messerschmitt Bf109 and Bf110 had speeds of
weapon being less important than how it was used. 357mph (575kph) and 336mph respectively. T h e
British Hawker Hurricane, the backbone of the RAF,
THE AIRCRAFT was capable of only 322mph (518kph), much the
In the air the Germans had numerical superiority, but same as the Dewoitine, while the Spitfire, which was
not by a very large margin. T h e predictions of early flown only from England, was the fastest at 362mph
1939 proved to be inaccurate and where the Allies (582kph), although other factors influence the
expected to have about 850 bombers available, France superiority of one machine over another. Over France,
could produce about 175 and Britain some 220. T h e however, the Germans clearly had the edge.
German strength was about three-quarters of the German Dornier 17Zs were used for high altitude
forecast 2,000 machines. In fighters the numbers were photo-reconnaissance as well as bombing and the
much as predicted; 1,000 German against 700 French Heinkel He 111H formed half of the force that went
and, in France, 130 British. As in the case of the into action on 10 May. T h e dive-bombers included
bombers, Britain could fly additional sorties from the older Henschel Hs 123A but the Junkers Ju87B,
home soil. In reconnaissance aircraft the Allies had the Stuka had the greatest impact on Allied troops. It
something less than half the forecast at 400 or so was actually fairly slow with a top speed of 242mph
against a German total of 500 but it was in the dive- (390kph) so that it depended on being unopposed in
bomber category, not even considered in the planning, the air, as so often it was, or well protected by
that the Germans were generously equipped. They Messerschmitts. Thus while numerical superiority
could put 342 such craft in the air, while the French existed, it was more in the field of technical excellence
had a mere 54 and the British had none at all. that the German advantage lay in air warfare.
T h e age and quality of the types being flown was
of yet greater significance. T h e French fighters were THE PHONEY WAR
relatively modern, the Morane 406, Bloch 152, the As both sides built their strength, one for defence and
American Curtiss H - 7 5 and, the jewel in the one for attack, troop inactivity appeared to be the
crown, the Dewoitine D 5 2 0 , of which only 36 had outstanding characteristic of the war — hence the wry
been delivered on 10 May 1940. T h e French bom American adjective. The French had made a feeble
bers were not modern at all. Nor, in truth, were the foray into the Saarland in September 1939, but had
British bombers. T h e Fairey Battle had a crew of hustled home as the Polish resistance failed. N o
three and a top speed of 257mph (4l0kph) while attempt was made to take the battle to the Germans,
the Bristol Blenheim IV was a little faster with much to the relief of the O K H . T h e BEF under the
266mph. T h e German fighters, the single-engined command of Lord Gort was kept entertained with the
construction of defences and vigorous training which heavily wired, situated close to the very edge of the wood
ABOVE An inspection of the
was to stand it in good stead later. facing the Germans. The relief was quickly carried out
RAF Air Component of the
For all the apparent inaction, people were still in and the French departed leaving us in a very lonely spot.
BEF. (IWM F2344C)
danger of getting killed. C. N . Barker, a Second By day it was quiet we patrolled our wood regularly to
OPPOSITE RIGHT The Grenadier Lieutenant in the 1st Gordon Highlanders went from ensure there was no infiltration. At night it was quite
Guards digging breastworks digging trenches on the Belgian frontier to join the different our sentries listened intently for enemy patrols,
near Hem, just east of Lille, in 51st (Highland) Division when his battalion, regular owls hooted, an animal moved in the undergrowth and a
December 1939. (IWM 02288) soldiers, was sent to stiffen the territorials of the 51st tin filled with pebbles to give warning of movement
on the Saar front. He wrote explaining that the alerted us, our antenna was at full stretch. During one
interval defences of the Maginot Line were organised night after a long vigil L distinctly remember the Queen
into the Ligne de Contact, the forward position, and Mary sailing by. Strange things happen to one in such
the Ligne de Receuil, to which one fell back. circumstances. Another night a patrol approached our
'The Ligne de Contact consisted of a number of position and up went an SOS flare but down came a
dispersed platoon positions in the woods on the frontier. curtain of protective artillery fire from the French
Having previously reconnoitred the position in daylight soixante-quinze battery. We were not unduly upset, but
we moved forward in the dark with a French guide. My we were relieved at this outpost and withdrawn to the
platoon position was in the very isolated position in a Ligne de Receuil. A few days later the German offensive
wood separated from the rest of the company called Le began, the outpost was overrun and its occupants either
Petit Wolscher. We moved silently forward trying to make killed or taken prisoner, such are the fortunes of war.'
no sound and eventually arrived at what appeared Where there was no danger during the winter of
Western style stockades known as froggeries! Most of the 1939-1940, there was the cold. It was one of the worst
structure was above ground, it was constructed of logs, winters in living memory and ice and snow prevented
undertaken. In March 1940, for example, the late 'Price and Fisher had an excellent time with a Bren
Major-general F. H . N . Davidson had been sent in gun and a rifle, their bag of the enemy was put down as
civilian clothes and with a civilian passport to Brussels, 44 in an afternoon. It was all storm-troopers in that
ostensibly to deliver a diplomatic bag. He then spent action, but the Black Watch was more than a match for
some days being driven about, peering out of a car them, they proved nothing better than good target practice
window, determining the actual state of the alleged as some of the boys said.'
anti-tank defences (woeful) and checking the accuracy T h e 4th Cameron Highlanders had become aware
of their maps (deficient). Much was gained by such of German line-tapping jeopardising the security of
visits but it was deeply unsatisfactory to be constrained their telephone communications. They responded by
to behave thus when one's troops were likely to be speaking in Gaelic.
asked to put their lives at risk. Far to the west Despatch Rider Stanley Rayner of
While the war may have been phoney, it was not 2/6th East Surrey Regiment, a native of Selby in
safe. British regiments were sent on tours of duty as Yorkshire, had arrived in Le Havre early in May 1940.
interval troops on the Maginot Line. T h e 51st His battalion was billeted at Rouelles, just north of the
(Highland) Division set off for the Saar front in late town, at a chateau. In fact most of the men were in bell
April. The action was a series of petty but lethal tents in the grounds. Rayner and friends decided to
encounters as Army Group C fulfilled its mission of investigate the local scene.
keeping the attention of the French fixed on this front. '... the 'lads' were talking of going down to see Le
The 51st were not inclined to tolerate too much peace Havre — what for? well they had heard about the Red
and adopted an aggressive patrol style. O n 7 May 4th Light District there... Quite a number of us ambled
Black Watch were attacked and surrounded in the along though Rouelles to find some sort of bus to explore
village of Betting but were relieved. The next day their this novelty, out of curiosity of course... Rue de Galleon BELOW 28 October 1939:
whole brigade was the object of German attention, ... Having viewed all the establishments from the outside British Bren gun carriers
artillery followed by sustained infantry attacks. Private J. where some old crone who looked old enough to have been moving up to the front.
McCready of 1st Black Watch wrote with some relish: in the French Revolution ... was calling out in English (TM 1417/C/5)
... "pretty girls inside, Tommy, pretty girls inside." A FINAL HANDICAP
We went in to buy a drink... Anything drinkable, T h e British came under General Georges's North-East
or perhaps not, was there for the buying at the price, as Front command which had its headquarters at La
I found to my cost, of about three times dearer than Ferte-sous-Jouarre, 40 miles (65km) east of Paris.
the cafes in Rouelles. As we sat there drinking a beer, From 6 January 1940 Georges himself reported to
one of these smashing looking young things came and General Gamelin, whose H Q was at Vincennes on the
sat on my knee. Heck I wasn't used to this so I pushed eastern edge of the capital, but at the same time a new
her onto the man alongside where she sat and had entity was created, G H Q Land Forces under General
a chinwag. Apparently they would go on the 'Game Aime Doumenc halfway between the two at Montry,
for about five years then retire with enough to buy a and interposed in the command structure as well.
milliners shop in a provincial town ... and marry Various key functions of the Staff were likewise
someone or other.' scattered about between the three headquarters.
Number 1 Army Group, responsible for the front with General Giraud who observed to him:
ABOVE Preparations for an
from the North Sea to the start of the Maginot Line 'Its a most regrettable fact, but we're short of
earlier war, the neatly-dug
east of Sedan, was commanded by General Gaston everything ... aircraft! Do you know how many
trenches well-suited to
Billotte. T h e Group consisted, from west to east, of aeroplanes I, the Commander of an Army, have at my
1914-18, are inspected by
the French 7th Army under General Henri Giraud, disposal? Eight. Just eight. I know of course that there's the
the BEF, the French 1st Army under General Georges Royal Air Force and that its excellent, but if I want to the British Leader of the
Blanchard, the French 9th Army under General Andre make a reconnaissance I have to ask General Georges who Opposition, Clement Attlee, in
Corap and the French 2nd Army under General asks General Gamelin, who asks Marshal Barratt, who the winter snow, (IWM F2055)
Charles Huntziger. The BEF included an RAF Air asks Vice-Marshal Blount, who has a reconnaissance
C o m p o n e n t consisting of two squadrons of made for me, but more often than not long after it would
Hurricanes, two of Gloster Gladiator biplane fighters, have been of any real use.'
four of Blenheims, five of Lysander artillery spotting The French Air Force was not under Gamelin's
aircraft and one of Dragon Rapides for liaison. This control at all, but was commanded by an officer
was under the command of Air Vice-Marshal C. H . B. responsible to the Minister of Defence. T h e
Blount who reported to Air Marshal A. S. Barratt, Commander-in-Chief of l'Armee de l'Air was General
commanding British Air Forces in France, to whom Joseph Vuillemin to whom, fortunately, Barratt had
Air Vice-Marshal P. H . L. Playfair, the commander of been liaison officer before his new appointment.
another unit, RAF Advanced Air Striking Force, also Barratt wisely established his headquarters next to
reported. T h e latter formation consisted of eight Battle Vuillemin's and made an admirable job of reconciling
squadrons, two of Blenheims and two of Hurricanes. the vague and confusing directives and command
While operational control remained with Gort, structures imposed upon him.
command stretched back to the RAF in Britain. T h e confusion was compounded by the primitive
Andre Maurois reported a conversation he had means of communication. T h e high command rushed
about in large motor cars to meet and eat lunch, a surprise. T h e Royal Navy sank the German destroyers
procedure that would become less convenient when protecting the Narvik landings between 10 and 13
under attack. Written messages were carried by April, but it was not until 15 April that the first
despatch rider and resort was made to the telephone. British land troops arrived there. T h e first French
Vincennes, Gamelins headquarters from which the troops arrived in Norway on 19 April. T h e Allied
overall control of the Allied land forces emanated, was response further south was feeble and the Germans
innocent of any sort of radio transmitter/receiver. had soon ferried in enough troops by air to have
Should land lines be compromised by enemy advance, secured central and southern Norway, though at the
alternative lines had to be used. Eventually Paris would cost of 10 of their 20 destroyers and three of their
be forced to communicate with Dunkirk by means of eight cruisers, a body blow to the German navy. But
a link through London. worse damage had been done to the Allies. T h e British
Upon this shaky, ill-defined and poorly-equipped had been out-manoeuvred in a maritime campaign, to
chain of command the Allied war effort depended. At the scarcely-concealed amusement of the French,
its summit was the French Cabinet, a nest of unrest and while the position of Gamelin in France became
intrigue, which communicated fitfully with the British extremely insecure and he only escaped the sack
Cabinet, an organ that operated in sad ignorance of the because Prime Minister Paul Reynaud, stricken with
actual state of affairs beyond their shores. influenza, was unable to out-manoeuvre Defence
Minister Edouard Daladier. In Britain on 9 May
NORWAY Parliament debated the failure in Norway and Prime
Attention was deflected from France and the Low Minister Neville Chamberlain was forced to resign.
BELOW The Indian Countries on 9 April 1940 when Germany overran O n 10 May Winston Churchill replaced him. T h e first
Expeditionary Force landing Denmark and landed in Norway. T h e Norwegians news to reach the new leader was of the German
at Marseille. (IWM F2005) fought bravely, but the Allies had been taken by invasion of the Netherlands and Belgium.
Rotterdam to the long dyke that encloses the north as the Valley position west of Wageningen to the Bridge. The picture is said to
IJsselmeer (Zuider Zee). At the heart of the country IJsselmeer at Naarden. These lines were chosen to date from 10 May 1940, but
Vesting Holland, Fortress Holland, embraced follow rivers or canals, or to be supplemented by may be from a subsequent
Amsterdam, the Hague and Rotterdam. It was flooding the land, but the need to withdraw meant re-enactment made for a
defended on a line from Muiden, east of Amsterdam, preserving bridges until the latest possible moment. propaganda film. (Boersma)
THE AIRBORNE ASSAULT that had been ignited by their own bombs. T h e airlift
While the attack on their borders was expected and was hampered by Dutch anti-aircraft fire as, at 7.00
was dealt with, with greater or less success, as planned, a.m., they started to bring in the infantry and Student
the Dutch were surprised and shaken by the attack with his staff. Harassing fire from artillery north of the
from the air. They had, naturally, placed the greater river continued through the day and Dutch and
part of their forces on the principal defence lines, and British air-raids went on into the following night.
Rotterdam, for example, was no more than a supply T h e most remarkable landing at Rotterdam took
depot. It was into the lightly manned heartland of place on the river. A dozen Heinkel He 59 sea-planes
Fortress Holland that the German airborne strike was brought 120 men of the 16th Infantry into the centre
BELOW Detail from the
directed. Under General-leutnant Kurt Student, 3,500 of the city, four landing downstream of the bridges
German Generalstab des
paratroops of 7th Airborne Division were the and making for the northern end of the bridges while
Heeres Belgian military
vanguard to 12,000 men from 22nd Infantry Division some of those landing upstream actually put their men
geography road map,
airlifted into the area. ashore at the quay in front of the railway station. A
published in Berlin in October
T h e southern front was attacked by a drop of 700 Dutch policeman, Ben Raes, who attempted to arrest
some of the Germans, was killed. T h e rest of the 1939. The railway line runs
men both north and south of the Moerdijk bridges
which were taken without significant resistance. T h e upstream arrivals taxied into Koningshaven and took across the lower part of the
detonators to the demolition charges were not even in the bridges south of the island before joining their map, south of Gennep
place despite the hour, 6.40 a.m. T h e principal comrades coming from the north. These troops were towards Uden. The Peel line
waterway defence of the southern flank was already in reinforced by another 50 who landed at a sports came south from Grave along
German hands. T h e drops in Dordrecht, south of the stadium in Feyenoord and commandeered a tram to the Raam. The railway halt to
town and on the bridges, were equally successful. T h e carry them up to the bridges. O n the northern bank which the Germans advance
attack on Rotterdam was carried out with similar the Dutch reaction was immediate. A company of the by train is shown by a square
efficiency with 700 paratroops taking Waalhaven, 39th Infantry pushed the north-western development south of Zeeland. (BL C28ei, MME
although some men fell into the burning buildings of the German bridgehead back towards the river WW2Maps/3/23)
3rd Battalion, 4th Infantry returned to the attack and Germans to defend themselves as best they could at
ABOVE Detail from the 1939
3rd Brigade, 2nd Artillery shelled Valkenburg field. Ockenrode.
German map of Rotterdam,
T h e Dutch brought raw recruits up from 2nd Infantry T h e third drop was to the east of T h e Hague at
showing how the waterways
D e p o t at Leiden, but, not surprisingly, they Ypenburg. Anti-aircraft fire broke up the approaching
restrict movement around the contributed little against crack German units. T h e formation and the paratroops were scattered far from
b r i d g e s . (BL C29:25 Rotterdam [1],
battle was further confused by civilian interventions. the airfield, with the result that the transport
WW2Maps3/19) T h e Blue Tram came stridently on the scene on its way aeroplanes were shot down on their attempting to land
from Katwijk, ringing its bell furiously, its passengers by armoured cars stationed there. Subsequent waves of
eagerly viewing the fight and loath to miss a moment transports ran into similar trouble. O n e of them was
of this 'fresh, jolly war.' A little later a farm girl came hit and crashed in the city where documents retrieved
stolidly along on her bicycle. Both sides ceased fire to from it revealed plans to capture the Dutch Royal
allow her to pass. In the midst of the conflict local Family and other dignitaries. T h e paratroops
farmers testily asked the Dutch commander when he regrouped and managed to capture part of Ypenburg
would be finished as they wanted to milk the cows. By airport, but they were attacked by 2nd and 3rd
5.30 p.m. the airfield had been regained and the Battalions, Brigade of Grenadiers and were pushed out
Germans had taken up defensive positions near again. Ignorant of the fact, Hurricanes of 32 Squadron
Wassenaar and in Valkenburg village. RAF attacked at 5 p.m. and reported that they had
T h e drop at Ockenburg, south-west of T h e destroyed the Ju 52s there, actually the wrecks of
Hague, went yet worse for the Germans. T h e aircraft shot up earlier by the Dutch.
paratroops were widely dispersed, some so isolated At 7.30 p.m. the Germans signalled to their
that they were forced to hide for days until the Dutch headquarters that the landings at Katwijk, Kijduin and
eventually surrendered. Others managed to reach the Ypenburg had largely failed due to strong ground and
airfield, but once more the runway was soon blocked air defences. Valkenburg was in German hands. T h e
by incoming aircraft. By 1.30 p.m. 1st Battalion, fate of a number of units was unknown. T h e German
Brigade of Grenadiers had retaken the position, taking forces north of Rotterdam were in desperate state,
some 130 prisoners and forcing the remaining while those south of the city and on the bridges were
holding their own, but not without hardship. A Belgium, Plan D was in force, and so the French 7th
German soldier reported: Army under General Giraud was hurrying towards the
At 19.00 the 12th company covers us in a smoke Netherlands and their motorised troops would cross
screen... Yet another is lying there on a stretcher, our the border with Belgium early the next day. The 6th
young lieutenant, shot in the stomach. "Commandant, it's Cuirassiers had to beg fuel from the Belgians and clear
going really badly, no-one can get through that," he said the obstacles the Belgians had erected on the Dutch
with his last strength, then fell back. But still, we attack border in order to maintain their pace.
again. We have to keep control of this bridgehead... On
the opposite side the bank is brightly lit. It is dark already. THE SECOND AND FINAL DAYS
By 22.00 it gets quieter. Over there everything is ablaze.' The relief of Rotterdam went badly. The French were
Meanwhile, to the east, the German advance was bombed away from the Hollands Diep, across which
proceeding. O n the right, in the north of the country, the Moerdijk bridges pass, and the Dutch Light
progress was swift until the Germans found themselves Division was halted on the River Noord at
up against the Kornwerderzand blockhouse at the Alblasserdam, north of Dordrecht. Meanwhile the
eastern end of the great dyke on the IJsselmeer, beyond reinforcement of the German forces at Rotterdam
which they failed to make any advance. South of that continued for, although the Waalhaven airport was
BELOW The southern
wide body of water they were pushing west, and, useless, German pilots managed to put down on the
approaches to Rotterdam
further south again, the Dutch Light Division and the car park area of Feyenoord and on the Dordrecht to
from from the German
3rd Army Corps had been ordered back to Fortress Moerdijk road. The Dutch fronts to the north round
Generalstab des Heeres
Holland. T h e Dutch Commander-in-Chief, General the IJsselmeer were holding, and the German troops
Henri G. Winkelman, needed them to dislodge the around The Hague were reduced to defending the Belgian military geography
Germans at Waalhaven and on the bridges to the little enclaves to which the Dutch had reduced them. road map, published in Berlin
south. This meant the area to the rear of the Raam- In Valkenburg the citizens took what shelter they in October 1939. The Moerdijk
Peel Line would be undefended, and that the Light could find from their countrymen's bombardment of bridges are between
Division had to make its way north from Tilburg the German occupiers. Mr de Wilde, the mayor, Dordrecht and Breda, (BL C28e1,
across the Maas and the Waal before turning west. In telephoned Lieutenant-colonel Buurman, commander MME WW2Maps/3/20)
ourselves if we will ever see our fatherland again! If we headquarters at 147 Statenweg. T h e opportunity to
don't get reinforcements its all over! At least we still have capitulate expired at 2.10 p.m. At that time the
a couple of machine guns. We have lost... all anti-tank Germans were operating on their own time, that is,
weapons... W, with his pack tied to his foot, crawled over Greenwich Mean Time plus two hours. Britain, France
the bridge on his stomach and bandaged the wounded... and Belgium were all on G M T plus one hour, but the
'13 May — During the night volunteers of the 16th Dutch were still operating on G M T plus 20 minutes,
Regiment) made their way across the bridge ... Rope so in their perception the ultimatum was to expire at
under the bridge, along which ammunition and 12.30 p.m., but it is not clear to what extent anyone
provisions, with help of pulleys. Constant firing from really knew what the timing was meant to be.
enemy artillery ... When are our tanks coming?' Scharroo telephoned Winkelman who demanded that
O n Tuesday 14 May, on the southern edge of
Rotterdam, the Germans were preparing for a decisive
attack. They organised themselves in three groups, the
first, Group A, consisted of tanks from Panzer
Regiment 33 and the 3rd Battalion of Infantry
Regiment 16, supported by artillery and engineers.
They were to make a dash across the bridges to
develop the bridgehead on the northern bank and
advance towards Amsterdam. They would be followed
by Group C, consisting of more tanks from Panzer
Regiment 33 and the larger part of Leibstandarte
SS-Adolf Hitler' ordered to push north-west to relieve
the paratroops beset by the Dutch at Oveschie on the
Delft road. Group B, infantry from Regiment 33 and
engineers, were to cross the Maas in barges near the
confluence with the IJssel east of the bridges and push
up into Kralingen, where the autoroute bridge now
spans the river. As overtures for a Dutch surrender
began, they were poised to move.
The message demanding surrender and
threatening an air raid was sent to Colonel P. Scharroo,
the officer commanding; in Rotterdam, at his
the Colonel seek clarification of the provenance of the 900 people. Colonel Scharroo went immediately to see
ABOVE The bombed heart of
message, so Captain Jan Backer was sent off under a Schmidt at Prins Hendrikkade and sign the surrender,
Rotterdam. The Laurenskerk
flag of truce to the ice-cream parlour at 66 Prins protesting at the same time the needless loss of civilian
is on the left and the bridge
Hendrikkade where Generalleutnant Rudolf Schmidt, lives.
to the right carries the
commander of XXXIX Army Corps, had just arrived. At 3.30 in the afternoon surgeon C. van Staveren
r a i l w a y . (Photo A. C. Duijvestijn)
He countersigned the offer and extended the time was dealing with a flood of civilian casualties at the
limit to 6 p.m. (4.20 p.m.), and simply required Bergweg hospital when he was interrupted by one of
Dutch surrender and access to north Rotterdam by his his staff. Here, he said, was General Student. Staveren
troops. N o mention was made in this document of turned to see a figure on a stretcher, covered in bloody
bombing, for Schmidt had come to the conclusion his head smashed and brain tissue exposed, but still
that a cessation of hostilities was in negotiation and conscious. He had been hit on the head, so the
had sent a order to call off the raid. T h e bombers, surgeon was told, by a falling beam when the
however, were already airborne and observing radio command post on Statenweg was hit by a shell.
silence. Supervised by armed German medical orderlies,
The Heinkel He I I I s were given the triangle of Staveren operated. T h e temptation to make a fatal
the city centre north of the bridges as their target, but mistake was almost overwhelming, but his integrity as
were also instructed to look out for red flares which a surgeon won over his human desire for revenge on
were to mark the positions of their own troops. Flares the man who had reduced his city to ashes. Student's
in the target area were to cancel the operation. T h e recovery was slow but complete and when visited by
formation approaching from the south-east, 36 the surgeon he repeatedly mumbled 'You saved my
aircraft, saw the flares and most turned away, but the life, you saved my life.' To Staveren it was a rebuke.
56 machines coming from the east did not see any In Student's absence the final surrender of all
signal and dropped their full load. Some 97 tons Dutch forces was signed on 15 May by General
of bombs fell on central Rotterdam, killing about Winkelman and General von Kuchler at Student's
headquarters, a school in Rijsoord, south-east of started the Maginot Line in 1930, interest in building
Rotterdam. similar forts in Belgium was aroused, but the strategic
Many of the Dutch commanders were angry and concept for their organisation was ill-defined. Some
incredulous. They had not, they felt, been defeated, wished to preserve the integrity of Belgian soil, others
but they were ill-informed about the situation as a were for sacrificing immediate control of some
whole. Many naval units escaped for England, and the territory in order to present the invader with a decisive
forces in Zeeland held on, together with the French, mass of soldiery. C o m m o n to both approaches was the
for some days. T h e Breda variation on Plan D was, idea of the 'organised battlefield' - a space in which
however, over and the French were given orders to the enemy could be corralled and destroyed.
withdraw in support of Brussels. T h e Germans had Unfortunately it demanded a degree of co-operation
expected only token resistance in the Netherlands and from an adversary that was not forthcoming.
found instead that they had a real fight on their hands. In the early 20th century great forts protected
None the less, in only five days it was over. T h e Dutch major cities such as Liege and Namur. These were
army had suffered 2,157 men killed while the Air overcome by the unexpected power of German artillery
Force had lost 75 and the Navy 125 men. Civilian in 1914. Four yet more powerful forts were constructed
deaths numbered 2,559 men, women and children. and 15 old ones refurbished to create the Position
T h e figures seem small compared to those recorded for Fortifiee de Liege (PFL) and the Position Fortifiee de
other countries later in the war, but the sacrifice of the Namur (PFN), while the PFA was arranged around
slain was none the less just because they were few. Antwerp by transforming 27 forts into infantry strong-
points. Lines of pillboxes and anti-tank ditches ran
THE STRIKE INTO BELGIUM along the Albert Canal (which had been dug with the
T h e Belgian defences had, since 1936 when King spoil piled on the southern side in the 1930s) from
Leopold declared neutrality, developed without liaison Antwerp south-eastwards in front of Maastricht to
with their French or Dutch neighbours. W h e n France the PFL at Liege and then along the Maas (Meuse)
The seizure of the Albert Canal crossings was a task
given to a special detachment under the command of
Hauptmann W. Koch made up of men of Fallschirm-
jager Regiment 1 and a platoon of engineers under
Oberleutnant Rudolf Witzig. They had been given
detailed and intensive training, isolated from family
and comrades, for an attack on an unnamed objective.
As evening approached on 9 May they learnt what it
was. They were organised in four groups, to be carried
by glider to swoop on their targets early the next
day. Sturmgruppe Stahl (Steel) was to take the
bridge over the canal near Veldwezelt, west-
north-west of Maastricht, Group Concrete the bridge
45(1),Men-at-Arms 315)
tanks and infantry attacking and counter-attacking. completely stunned at the news that we were not
But now it was becoming clear to the Allies that the advancing or even holding our ground... these wretched
major stroke was falling elsewhere. T h e crossings of the people had to leave, carrying everything in one suitcase
Meuse to the south of the 1st Army, at Sedan on 13 and leaving their life's work and possessions behind them.
May and Dinant on 14 May, threatened to outflank All that day, all the next day and all last night the traffic
the Allies' Belgian positions. General Billotte ordered a never ceased pouring through.'
retreat, first to a line on Waterloo and Charleroi, and From the Dyle to the Senne, from the Senne to the
then, on Thursday 16 May, to the river Escault from Dendre and from the Dendre to the Escault the
which they had started only six days earlier. British fell back. The bridges were blown as they went.
To the troops of the BEF, who had seen some T h e artillery was in a constant state of redeployment
shelling but little else, the orders came as a shock and to as they, too, withdrew and took up positions to cover
the Belgians it was a thunderbolt. Sysonby, who was in their comrades' withdrawal before moving to the rear
reserve on the Escault near Audenarde, said in a letter: again themselves. By Tuesday, May 21 the British had
'The day before yesterday [Friday, 17 May] I was told taken position on the Escault between Audenarde in
at quarter to six p. m. to start a traffic control post at a the north, through Tournai to Maulde, halfway
cross-roads five miles [8km] away ...By the time I got between Tournai and Valenciennes, there to stand
there portions of the Army had started pouring through. I against the Germans with the French First Army to BELOW 14 May 1940. As the
can never describe to you the amazing scenes which took their right and the Belgians to the north. Events British withdraw from
place. The inhabitants of the small village we were in elsewhere had already undermined this plan, as Lord Louvain the railway bridge is
were quite unprepared for this withdrawal and were Gort was becoming only too well aware. blOWn. (IWM F4452)
asked for another four divisions to work on the undertaken by the French Air Force were, they
defences. He was refused. T h e history is thus not one claimed, limited by their losses from enemy action and
of ignorance but of negligence. by the bad weather, the Deuxieme Bureau provided
From the high hills of the Eifel and Moselberg on French commanders with detailed information on the
the Belgian-German-Luxembourg borders, the land build-up of German troops, and the Swiss were
slopes away westwards, rolling country, wooded at first aware of German bridge construction between Bonn
but opening up into broad, high fields. It is drained by and Bingen, as were the French. O n 30 April the
the River Ourthe which runs north to join the Meuse French Military Attache in Berne reported that the
at Liege, by the Lesse, heading north-west to Dinant, Germans were to attack between 8 and 10 May with
and the Semois which goes north-west almost parallel Sedan as the principal axis of the movement. These
to the Meuse to its confluence with the larger river at reports were, it must be remembered, a few amongst
Montherme. T h e Meuse itself has cut deep into the many that suggested the blow would fall elsewhere,
landscape and the tributaries do the same. T h e but the facts of troop concentrations and bridge
impression is, indeed, of country difficult of access, construction were not given proper weight against
surely wonderfully daunting for armoured divisions, reports of mere plans.
but this is a superficial view. T h e eastern approaches to
these valleys are relatively easy and the Meuse itself east ARMY GROUP A ADVANCES
of Charleville-Mezieres runs through broad, T h e cutting edge of the German sickle was formed of
welcoming country. the Panzer Corps of Rundstedt's Army Group A. O n
T h e handicaps the French imposed upon the right, in the Fourth Army heading for Dinant, was
themselves on the ground were twofold. First, the XV Panzer Corps under General Hermann Hoth, to
Meuse itself was insufficiently fortified and, second, w h o m Generalleutnant Max von Hartlieb (5th
the Ardennes were left open in order to permit the Panzer) and Generalmajor Erwin Rommel (7th
French cavalry to advance. T h e impossibility of liaison Panzer) reported. Further south the Panzers of the
with the Belgians contributed, for this was country Twelfth and Sixteenth armies were under the MAP OPPOSITE Detail from the
they planned to abandon, but the lines of defence command of General Ewald von Kleist in a formation February 1940 Generalstab
available above the Semois and along the Meuse were known as Gruppe von Kleist. The XLI Panzer Corps, des Heeres map
ignored with fatal results. c o m m a n d e d by General Georg-Hans Reinhardt, Gewasserabschnitte Nordost-
A further problem arose from the handling consisted of 6th and 8th Panzer, while XIX Panzer Frankreich which shows
of intelligence. While the reconnaissance flights Corps, commanded by General Heinz Guderian, waterways and their crossing
places. Dinant is top left, the
Semois is shown flowing
between high cliffs to join
the Meuse at Montherme in
square 14 and Bouillon,
hard to read, is top centre
of square 24. Bertrix,
Neufchateau and Martelange
are above square 24. The
shading shows that a good
deal of the country is fairly
f l a t . (MME WW2Maps/2/3)
congratulate Lieutenant-colonel Hermann Balck on 'In view of the very short time at our disposal, we
the taking of the town by his 1st Rifle Regiment at were forced to take the orders used in the war games at
about 8 a.m. After checking the progress of 10th Koblenz from our files and, after changing dates and
Panzer further east where they had crossed the Semois time, issue these as orders for the attack. They were
between Cugnon and Herbeumont, he returned to the perfectly fitted to the situation... 1st and 10th Panzer
headquarters his Chief of Staff, Colonel Nehring, had copied this procedure ...'
set up on the Hotel Panorama. They were just getting
down to work when: OVER THE MEUSE: SEDAN
'Suddenly there was a series of explosions in rapid O n the morning of Monday, 13 May, General Pierre
succession; another air attack... the fine window in front Grandsard, commander of X Corps, the left wing of
of which I was seated was smashed to smithereens and Huntzinger's 2nd Army, asserted that nothing new
splinters of glass whistled about my ears.' would happen for a few days while the Germans
They decided to move and eventually settled north brought up their heavy artillery and ammunition
of Noirefontaine. This time the Battles of the AASF supplies. At 11 a.m. the Luftwaffe started an immense
had attacked and returned unscathed, although the air raid, pounding French fortifications with Stukas,
bridge-building at Bouillon continued undisturbed; in Dorniers and Heinkels. Some 500 sorties were flown.
the afternoon half of the 12 aircraft attacking the Cowering under this torrent were the reservists of the
German column further north were lost. 55th Infantry Division, one of France's weaker
Guderian's adventures were not over for the day. A formations. The other division that made up X Corps,
Fieseler Storch aircraft was sent to take him to Kleist's the 71st, had been ordered forward during the night
headquarters, where he learned that the crossing of the but was not yet in position. French artillery fire was
Meuse was scheduled for 4 p.m. the next day and that limited as there was a fear of running out of
a mass bombing rather than the close support attacks ammunition. The Germans were able to push tanks
of the Stukas was planned. Guderian argued against forward to the river and fire on the French pillboxes,
this, but was over-ruled. Then, for the second time in many of them unfinished and not even equipped with
a day, he was in danger. O n the return trip the pilot doors. T h e 8 8 m m anti-aircraft gun was also able to do
got lost. To his alarm the General discovered that they substantial harm to French installations. Men crept
were flying along, in an unarmed aircraft, on the forward with rubber boats, ready to attempt the
southern side of the Meuse. An immediate order to crossing. T h e aerial bombardment culminated in
turn north was issued! Once more in his headquarters, precisely the concentrated dive-bomber attack
Guderian considered the task of drawing up orders for Guderian wanted - General Lorzer had contrived to
the next day. leave the original plan for 4 p.m. in place.
MME WW2Maps/3/30)
General Reinhardt's XLI Panzer Corps had the most
difficult approach to the Meuse given the combination
of distance travelled and the narrow roads. T h e 6th
Panzer Division was to cross at Montherme while 8th
Panzer went for Nouzonville to the south. T h e bridge
at M o n t h e r m e was down and barbed wire and
pillboxes could be seen on the far bank. Here, on
Monday 13 May, the machine-gunners of the 42nd
Demi-Brigade of Colonial Infantry, part of the 102nd
Fortress Division, awaited them. Three companies of but it was not until Wednesday, 15 May, that, with the
German infantry in rubber boats attempted the help of pressure from the flanks, 6th Panzer broke
crossing. O n e was thrown back, but two managed to through the stubborn French resistance.
gain a foothold and fought stubbornly all day to secure
a small bridgehead, wiping out the 5th Company of GUDERIAN'S RIGHT WHEEL
the 42nd Demi-Brigade in doing so. The French O n the morning of Tuesday, 14 May, Guderian's 1st
withdrew to their prepared positions at the foot of the Panzer had advanced as far as Chehery, some four
peninsula. T h e Germans then managed to get men miles (7km) south of the Meuse, overlooking the River
over the river on the ruins of the bridge to reinforce Bar and the Canal des Ardennes to the west. This
their position while a pontoon bridge was constructed waterway joins the Meuse a little over four miles west
south bank seemed undiminished. T h e French 35 of their number and the Blenheims five, while the
ABOVE A Blenheim IV of 139
Air Force put in their first attack at 9 a.m., on returning aircraft were badly shot up. Two of the
Squadron, Plivot, France, April
10th Panzer's sector at Douzy and Bazeilles, with eight pontoon bridges were sunk (though they were quickly
1 9 4 0 . (Chris Davy, Blenheim
Breguet 693s protected by 15 RAF Hurricanes and 15 replaced) and bridges at Mouzon and Sedan were hit.
Squadrons of World War 2, Osprey
Bloch 152s. Later in the morning five LeO 451s and a As evening approached 28 Blenheims of 2 Group
Combat Aircraft 5)
dozen obsolescent Amiot 143 night bombers were sent attacked and a quarter of them were lost. Guderian
against the bridges and troops at Sedan. Of those that remarked:
survived the mission none were airworthy. T h a t 'There was now a most violent air attack by the
exhausted the French resources and the attacks were enemy. The extremely brave French and English pilots did
taken up by the AASF Air Vice-Marshal Playfair had not succeed in knocking out the bridges, despite the heavy
62 Battles and eight Blenheims left and committed casualties that they suffered. Our anti-aircraft gunners
them all. It spelt the end of his force. T h e Battles lost themselves on this day, and shot superbly. By
evening they calculated [over optimistically] that they had the whole division should be turned west or if a south- the river. Detail from
accounted for 150 enemy aeroplanes.' facing flank guard should remain on the east side of Gewasserabschnitte Nordost-
T h e German ability swiftly to get the anti-aircraft the canal. A staff officer, Major Wenck, immediately Frankreich, Berlin, February
guns established to defend their river crossings was remarked: 'Klotzen, nicht Kleckern - Bash, don't tap. 1940. Bridges are clearly
demonstrated here as it was in Belgium. It was an expression Guderian himself used, meaning S h o w n . (MME WW2Maps/2/30)
Stonne, and would be insecure unless those heights an inferno. The 10th Panzer attacked at dawn and
were also in German hands. It was decided that 10th lost a tank to 6th Recce at the Sugar Loaf (Pain
Panzer and the Grossdeutschland Regiment would take de Sucre) hair-pin bend east of the village. T h e
care of that. T h e infantry regiment was in Maisoncelle Grossdeutschland Regiment pressed and took Stonne,
that afternoon and moved on to Artaise, but were but the French 49th Tank Battalion advanced at about
unable to make further progress against unexpected 7.30 a.m. with ten Renault B1bis under the command
fire from the French 6th Reconnaissance Group and of Lieutenant Caraveo in the Toulal. They withdrew
51st, 67th and 91st Infantry. From Wednesday, 15 after the Germans had made themselves scarce, after
May and for the next three days the ridge would be which, at about 10 a.m., the Germans reoccupied
(Men-at-Arms 311)
Stonne. Caraveo returned to the attack and ran into they were united with the 45th Tank Battalion and the
OPPOSITE BOTTOM The wide- heavy anti-tank fire, losing three of his company's 67th Infantry to launch another counter-attack. To
open country west of the vehicles, the Hautvillers which caught fire, the Gaillac their left 51st Infantry attacked from the woods,
Canal des Ardennes. The view which exploded and the Chinon which burnt out. supported by Hotchkiss H 3 9 s . T h e village was
north-east of Rumigny. These last two involved the loss of their crews as well. retaken, but could not be held that night when the
(MME WW2/7/27) Three other tanks were damaged and the company supporting tanks had to withdraw. T h e Germans
withdrew to the southern edge of the village. Here regained it. T h e village of Stonne was being reduced to
T h e morning of 16 May saw French artillery
smash the rubble of Stonne into yet smaller fragments.
Two companies of Renault B1bis of 41st Tank
Battalion went in at 5 a.m. Captain Pierre Billotte in
the tank Eure saw, as he reached the centre of the
village, a column of panzers approaching. H e
immobilised the first of them, then,
'The panzers following it were spaced at regular
intervals on a 200-metre climb, each of them being
shielded by those in front. On the other hand, I was uphill
and I could fire at them from above... In ten minutes, the
panzers at the head of the column were all silenced, one
after the other, and I could see the ones in the rear hastily
Billotte then destroyed an anti-tank gun with the
75mm. T h e 41st had retaken the wreckage of Stonne.
O n Friday 17 May the Germans relieved 10th Panzer
and the Grossdeutschland Regiment and threw their
2nd Infantry against the French. They suffered at the
hands of the 49th Tank Battalion, but prevailed.
T h e French tanks were back the next day and, with
the 51st Infantry, managed to get back into Stonne
once more, only to be shelled out by the end of the
day. The German infantry was catching up with
Kleist's Panzer Group and the attackers now had three
ieutenant Patrick Turnbull was serving with
G H Q at Arras. On Monday 13 May, he was
sent to inspect the damage resulting from an
attack by the Luftwaffe on the railway station.
'I found there had been a number ofdirect hits on the
station which was burning fiercely. One bomb had
evidently fallen in the place [square] just outside the
entrance near a group of children either returning from
school or about to be put on a train to carry them further
west to imagined safety Six or seven mangled little bodies
lay messily on the cobbles, blood spattering the gutters.
Two nights later the Hotel Univers in turn suffered a
direct hit. I arrived on the scene just in time to see the
remains of an officer with whom I had been dining the
previous evening being dragged from the rubble...
Evidence that all was far from well was accumulating,
but even by the 16th there was no impact of crisis.
Perhaps it was that after so long a spell of wearisome
phoney war, the increasing chaos seemed equally phoney.'
The lack of urgency infected the French High
Command. General Georges had told Gamelin of a FLAVION TO LE CATEAU
serious pin-prick at Sedan, but then reported that the General Marie-Germain Bruneau, in command of 1st
Germans had been held. It was entirely false, though Armoured Division, had some 160 to 180 tanks at his
Georges evidently believed it. While Panzer Group disposal; records are vague. Of these about 70 were
Kleist launched itself westwards, the French 3rd Renault B1bis, with 28th and 37th Tank Battalions,
Armoured Division was being destroyed piecemeal on and some 90 were Hotchkiss H39s with 25th and
the heights around Stonne. In the north the 1st 26th Tanks. The division had originally been intended
Armoured had suffered a similar fate. for the support of Plan D and on 11 May was sent to
Charleroi in southern Belgium, ordered to travel by were seen in Anthee, on the main road south-east of
night to avoid air attack and allowed four nights to do Flavion, at about 8.30 a.m. and fired on by the 28th.
it. Orders then changed, they had to go faster, use Rommel wrote of this day:
fewer nights, and they got there late on Sunday 12 'My intention for the 15th May was to thrust straight
May. O n Monday they did nothing, in spite of the through in one stride to our objective, with the 25th
furore on the Meuse. General Corap then decided that Panzer Regiment in the lead and with artillery and, if
he had to abandon the Meuse line and create a new possible, dive-bomber support. The infantry was to follow
defence further west, on a line through Philippeville. up the tank attack, partly on foot and partly lorry-borne.
T h e confusion following on this decision was to make The essential thing, to my mind, was that the artillery
progress much easier for the Germans. should curtain off both flanks of our attack ../
O n Tuesday 14 May, as Rommel was attacking
Onhaye, 1st Armoured was ordered to Florennes, 12
miles (20km) west of Dinant, and arrived there late that
night, in some disorder and with the fuel trucks following
at the very end of the column. Rommel had, by this
time, taken Onhaye against the resistance of units of
the 4th North African Division, Zouaves and Algerians.
The Algerians fought alone, without co-ordination
with their armoured troops, against 7th Panzer while the
similarly isolated 39th and 66th Infantry, facing the
Germans of 5th Panzer west of Houx, were mopped up
as well, in spite of gallant resistance.
O n the morning of Wednesday 15 May, the
Renaults of 28th Tanks were at Flavion, just north of
the main Dinant-Philippeville road and about nine
miles (14km) from Dinant, with the Hotchkiss H39s
of the 25th to their rear in Corenne. T h e rest of the
Hotchkiss, with 26th, were to the north-east and
beyond them, close to Ermeton-sur-Biert, were the
other Chars B of the 37th. Leading tanks of 7th Panzer
ABOVE The routes to the English Channel suitable for AFVs and mechanised infantry support become evident on the German February 1939 Gewasserabschnitte
map of North-west France. Rommel's path from Dinant (above square 15) was by Cambrai (square 13) and left around Arras (7) and up to Lille (5). Guderian went
by Moncornet (23), St Quentin (22, top), Peronne (13) and Amiens (12) to the coast. The map gave considerable detail of the nature of the waterways and the
bridges and fords over them, as well as showing doubtful ground. The hatched areas are below sea-level. (MME ww2Maps MF2/3)
hedgehogs. T h e border was thus defended, but troublesome artillery battery west of Clairfayts and, in
ABOVE The advance west
scarcely to the standard of the Maginot Line itself. Rommel's words,
from the Canal des Ardennes.
Having been warned that the road through Clairfayts 'The way to the west was now open. The moon was
XIX Panzer Corps approach
was mined, Rommel's column took to the fields and as up and for the time being we could expect no real
they approached the village, he recounts, Omont, 15 May, 6 p.m.
darkness. I had already given orders ... for the leading
'Suddenly we saw the angular outlines of a French tanks to scatter the road and verges with machine and
fortification about 100 yards [90m] ahead. Close beside anti-tank gunfire at intervals during the drive to Avesnes
it were a number of fully-armed French troops who, at the ... The mass of the division had instructions to follow up
first sight of the tanks, at once made as if to surrender. We the Panzer Regiment lorry-borne.'
were just beginning to think that we would be able to take They rushed forward through the moonlight, now
it without fighting, when one of our tanks opened fire on on the main road to Avesnes, clattering and roaring
the enemy elsewhere, with the result that the enemy along. A burst of fire from a secondary defence line
garrison promptly vanished into their concrete pill-box. In was answered with a fresh burst of fire and speed.
a few moments the leading tanks came under heavy anti- Startled civilians and exhausted troops could only jerk
tank gunfire from the left and French machine-gun fire from sleep to wonder at their passage.
opened over the whole area.' 'We drove through the villages of Sars Poteries and
T h e Germans responded with artillery fire and Beugnies with guns blazing. Enemy confusion was
smoke, while the French artillery also plastered the complete. Military vehicles, tanks, artillery and refugee
area. German engineers crawled up and thrust a charge carts packed high with belongings blocked part of the road
through the firing slit in the pillbox while sappers of and had to be pushed unceremoniously to the side. All
37th Reconnaissance Regiment blew up hedgehogs. around were French troops lying flat on the ground, and
W i t h the coming of darkness Rommel, far from farms everywhere were jammed tight with guns, tanks
withdrawing to wait for the new day, pushed forward and other military vehicles. Progress towards Avesnes
with renewed vigour, ordering a thrust as far as became slow.'
possible towards Avesnes. T h e Panzers silenced a Still in the dark they pushed on to curl west of
T h e 345th Tank Company (Renault D2s) reached was firing on us. Our own was far from being in position.
Soissons on the way to the rendezvous near Laon on All the afternoon the Stukas, swooping out of the sky and
the morning of 16 May and 24th (Renault 35s) and returning ceaselessly, attacked our tanks and lorries. We had
46th (Chars B) Tank Battalions arrived in the evening nothing with which to reply. Finally, German mechanised
together with one company from the 2nd Battalion. detachments, more and more numerous and active, began
T h e rest of his division, two tank battalions, four tank skirmishing in our rear. We were lost children thirty
companies, the artillery and the regiments of infantry kilometres in advance of the Aisne, we had got to put an
and cavalry, did not turn up. De Gaulle had to use end to a situation that was, to say the least, risky.'
what was to hand. T h e French withdrew with losses of 12 Chars B,
7 threw them forward as soon as daylight appeared. 20 Renault 35s and some of the D2s, but it had
Sweeping away on their path the enemy units which were inflicted loss on the Germans. Guderian, presumably
already invading that piece of country, they reached distracted by his skirmish with his superiors, makes
Montcornet. Till evening they fought on the outskirts of little mention of the fight, and apparently did not
the place and within it...' report it, perhaps lest it add fuel to the uneasiness of
The Renault 35s of l/24th Tank Battalion entered the German High Command.
Montcornet at noon, but immediately lost four tanks. That evening the Panzers had reached the river
T h e Renault B1bis of the 46th, having destroyed a and canal barriers of the Oise and the Sambre to Oise
German motorised column near Chivres-en-Laonnois, Canal in their broad valley overlooked by gentle hills.
advanced between Clermont-les-Fermes, south-west, The defence consisted of scattered armoured units,
and Dizy-le-Gros, south of Montcornet. They were many positioned one tank per bridge in place of
pushing on to the north, when their commander, Jean artillery and, what is more, without support of any
Bescond, was forced to abandon his broken-down kind. N o matter how heroic their men, these isolated
vehicle and take over Sampiero-Corso to continue his machines could not stand and they were plucked one
attack. All its occupants died when, shortly thereafter, by one. At 9 a.m. on Saturday 18 May 2nd Panzer had
it was hit and exploded. T h e 4th Chasseurs joined de reached St Quentin.
Gaulle that afternoon and were immediately sent into De Gaulle's 4th Armoured had, by Saturday
action against a German force that popped up at evening, been refreshed by the addition of various
Chivres, behind the French advance. But the 4th companies of armoured units to the tune of having
Armoured lacked air, artillery or infantry support. De 155 tanks. At 4 a.m. on Sunday 19 May they attacked
Gaulle wrote: once more, this time heading north of Laon towards
'... From the north of the Serre the German artillery Crecy-sur-Serre. T h e Renualt 35s of 2 n d Tank
Renault 35s as well as a dozen armoured cars; half its Franco-Prussian War are
In early 1939 the 21-year-old Doug Swift, a gardener, BELOW A Panzer unit, 1
got a job with Eastbourne Corporation. Within a year and infantry, advancing
his employment was to be interrupted and Eastbourne across a Somme cornfield.
was almost empty, the inhabitants evacuated as it was (B73/2/12)
war. "And as this was our first taste of it, I thought "Well,
Tm not looking forward to this very much.'"
T h e Sussex moved away from the station to a
nearby wood.
O n Sunday 19 May 1st Panzer reached Peronne
and forced a bridgehead over the canal, the last water
obstacle before the Channel. T h e protection of the left
flank was secured by bringing up 10th Panzer and 1st
Panzer pushed on over the familiar ground of the First
World War battlefield of the Somme, heading for
Amiens. T h e 7th Royal West Kents were at Albert
where 2nd Panzer were going. O n the morning of
Monday 20 May, Guderian set out in good time to see
what would happen at Amiens, driving round Albert
because it was still held by the British.
O n Sunday the 7th Royal Sussex had moved out of their heads. French artillery practising, they were told.
ABOVE Doug Swift's sketch of
town and up the hill to the south-west where a wood Then some figures appeared in the valley to their east.
the battle of Monday 20 May.
surrounded a chateau on the Amiens to Poix road. It Jerries, someone said. An old man was pushing his
He says that C and D
was a busy road. Swift reports: handcart across the field. A lone French soldier came
Companies may have been
'Refugees were going by endlessly All those that had along with his rifle and lay down beside them. Sharing
the other way round. The road
cars had put mattresses on their tops as a bit of protection no language they nodded and smiled. A French light
in the foreground is the N29 tank was persuaded to stay with them. They waited.
against machine gunning from the air. There were cars,
from Amiens to Poix and the lorries and horses and carts loaded with belongings, hand Swift takes up the tale:
road in the distance is the N1 carts, bicycles, wheel barrows, anything that would carry 7 never did fill in the will form in the back of my
to Dury. a few possessions. People walking carrying suitcases, Pay Book. Seemed too final, somehow ... The weather
bundles in hands and on heads, streamed down the road was quiet, warm, sunny and dry... Without any
OPPOSITE TOP Refuelling at past us away from the advancing German army. warning, a hail of machine gun bullets came sweeping
the expense of the French; 'Amiens was a garrison town and out of it came down amongst us from German tanks on the top road.
Amiens, 11.45 a.m., 20 May. pouring lorry-loads of French troops — the garrison was We commenced firing back, the light French tank opened
(B71/86/68) shoving off. I thought "This is a bit odd, the French up and immediately became a target for heavy mortars.
garrison pushing off while we from another country wait They came whistling over ... finally knocking it out.
OPPOSITE BOTTOM The for whatever was out there somewhere!"' They were also hitting the chateau with heavy mortars,
morning after. Dead of the 7th There the Sussex stayed all day, deployed in the causing considerable damage and the farm buildings on
Sussex photographed at 9 field and in the wood, watching the German bombers our right front were on fire... I noticed that the speeds
a.m., 21 May. (B89/122/12A) pound Amiens into ruins. T h e next morning they and the sounds of the bullets varied, some went by with
were still there, the French Commandant of the town a terrific zip, others whined by. Some were high pitched
having no orders for them. Doug Swift and his and urgent ... while others droned by and one or two
comrades asked why the big shells were whizzing over seemed spent.'
ABOVE The forts around
General Rommel was in a precarious position on the
Maubeuge resisted but were
morning of Friday 17 May, but, luckily for him, the
ill-equipped and eventually
French did not know it. Their 2nd Armoured Division
fell. Fort de Leveau is being
had been cut in two by Guderian's galloping progress,
restored and preserved.
with part of it south of the Aisne and involved in
(MME WW2/4/22)
General de Lattre de Tassigny's stubborn defence of
Rethel, while the rest had been scattered across the
front in an attempt to bar the Oise crossings. Rommel LEFT Memorial to the 87th
himself was annoyed that the rest of his division had Regiment and to an
failed to match his cracking pace and turned back to individual, Ernest Delalain, at
gather them up. W i t h a Panzer III accompanying his Fort de Leveau. (MME ww/2/4/23)
signals vehicle, off he went, back the way he had come,
through Landrecies, where they got lost, past a burnt-
out German tank on the Avesnes road and onwards.
The escorting tank fell out with mechanical trouble, so
on went Rommel in his lone, unarmoured vehicle.
Spitta Battalion of 2nd Panzer reached the sea near East of Marolles they came upon a Panzer IV.
Noyelles. T h e Allies were cut in two. T h e next day Rommel was relieved! O n e or two other German
there were no orders about which way they should go units were turning up and, comforted that he was not
next, so Guderian entirely alone, Rommel pushed on. French troops
'... spent the day visiting Abbeville and our crossings were encountered and ordered to have their vehicles
and bridgeheads over the Somme. On the way I asked the fall in behind the signals vehicle. By the time he got to
men how they had enjoyed the operations up to date. "Not Avesnes, Rommel was being followed by about 40
bad," said an Austrian of the 2nd Panzer Division, "but French trucks which were then marshalled in a field so
we wasted two whole days." Unfortunately, he was right.' that their occupants could be disarmed. By 4 p.m.
Rommel's staff had caught up with him and the area possible. Led by its few tanks and two troops of self-
overrun was in the process of being consolidated. propelled AA guns, the battalion advanced over a broad
O n Saturday 18 May the objective was Cambrai, front and in great depth straight across the fields to the
scene of the great tank battle of the First World War. north-west, throwing up a great cloud of dust as they
However, the 25th Panzer Regiment in front of Le went.'
Cateau was low on fuel and ammunition and had to So impressive was the demonstration that no one
be resupplied. Moreover, elements of the French 2nd guessed these were mostly thin-skinned vehicles. They
Armoured Division with Renault B1s had inserted scattered fire into the northern outskirts of Cambrai as
themselves between Rommel and the forward unit. He they went. N o resistance was offered.
wrote: Most of the next day, Sunday, was devoted to rest
7 later caught up with the Panzer Battalion in the and resupply. But for the evening a further advance
wood half a mile east of Pommereuille, and found them was planned. General Hoth, the Corps commander,
in violent action against French tanks which were barring thought this was asking too much of the men,
the road. Violent fighting developed on the road and there but Rommel persuaded him otherwise. Early in the
was no chance of outflanking the enemy position on either morning of Monday, 20 May, they were off again, but
side. Our guns seemed to be completely ineffective against without the same luck. T h e over-extended line of
the heavy armour of the French tanks.' advance was penetrated by the French and it took
Rommel decided to leave them to it and get on to some time to bring up an infantry regiment to secure
the 25th, by way of Ors to the south where there was the line of communication. To the north the German
a bridge. The supply column failed to follow, so all he armour formerly engaged in the Gembloux gap
could do was try to cheer up the commander of the had pushed southward to take the forts around
stymied Panzer regiment and call up enough force to Maubeuge. Here, on Rommel's front, it was decided to
free the road through Pommereuille. By 3 p.m. this consolidate south of Arras, for the news had come that
was done and the advance towards Cambrai became the Allies were pulling out of Belgium and the
possible. opposition before them was hardening. It would have
BELOW French troops 7 now gave orders for the reinforced Battalion Paris to, for the Allies in the north were now in the embrace
surrender in the Bois de [the name of the commander] to secure the roads leading of a German presence from the mouth of the Somme
I'Eveque. (IWMRML63) from Cambrai to the north-east and north as quickly as to the Belgian coast.
ord Gort was not a flamboyant soldier. His remarkable took place to prevent it, the French High
courage was undoubted. He had won the V.C. C o m m a n d was cracking up. Gort had, on 17 May, in
in September 1918 leading the Grenadier order to secure the BEF against the collapse of their
Guards to take Premy Ridge near Graincourt, an southern flank, created a special task force, Macforce,
action in which he was twice wounded. He was loyal under Major-general Mason-Macfarlane, his Director
and dutiful, and saw his task as to obey the orders of Military Intelligence. Quite why this was the
received from his superior officer, General Billotte. H e time to dispense with the services of the Director of
had one overriding order, to the effect that if he Military Intelligence is unclear. Now, on 19 May,
thought the security of the BEF was compromised, he in spite of the fact that General Georges had just
had a right of appeal to London. Gort's staff got on removed Arras from the BEF's zone, Gort established
well with the French staff. In these circumstances it Petreforce under General R. L. Petrie to defend the
was disturbing to him that Billotte communicated town. Further, the Englishman's thoughts were
with him so little. It was even more disturbing when, turning to what might be done if the French effort to
a week after the German attack, he did. close the great gap through which the Germans were
O n the night of 18-19 May Billotte went to Gort's pouring should fail. That he was examining the
headquarters at Wahagnies. T h e orders, counter-orders possibility of a withdrawal on Dunkirk became known
and changes of plan of the previous few days were now to London at 4.30 p.m. that Sunday and, because the
summed up in Billotte's remark: 'Je suis creve de Cabinet favoured falling back on the lines of
fatigue, et contre ces Panzers je ne peux rien faire.' (I'm communication south of the Somme, Field Marshal
worn out and against these panzers I can do nothing.) Lord Ironside was sent out to put Gort right.
Churchill's flying visit to Paris on 16 May had In Paris the return of General Weygand was
discovered no coherent fighting policy either, but he awaited. He had been summoned from Syria by Prime
still did everything possible to keep their spirits up, Minister Reynaud. Meanwhile General Gamelin was
including persuading the British Cabinet to agree to taking a personal interest in events. O n Sunday he went
more fighter squadrons being sent to France. It was to General Georges's headquarters where he drafted
becoming increasingly clear that, unless something 'Personal and Secret Instruction No. 12', which began:
'Without wishing to interfere in the conduct of the all-out effort in the air. Certainly the pinching out of
battle now being waged, which is in the hands of the the salient created by the Panzers was a sound, not to
Commander-in-Chief of the North-East Front...' say a classic, plan, but it was all too languid and all too
and went on to suggest, rather vaguely, that the late. At 3.30 p.m. Weygand called on Gamelin and
advanced Panzer divisions should be stopped on the asked to be brought up to date on events, then for
Somme and also attacked in their rear where there permission to call on Georges. Just five hours later
appeared to be, he said, a vacuum at that time. In Gamelin received a letter from Weygand informing
addition there should be an attack on Mezieres and an him that the writer was replacing him.
[30kph]. We then proceeded on our course for about a Sysonby reformed the men into ' Z ' Company, a
ABOVE Arras: (pages 88-91) a makeshift unit of which its members appeared
mile and a half [2.5km] into the enemy's lines shooting all
composite of German curiously proud. In the afternoon the shelling began
and sundry we saw.'
1:25,000 maps made after the again in good earnest and all they could do was huddle
They turned and started back to the village, now
occupation. Road taking the Germans in the rear. A carrier had been hit down in their trenches. Sysonby reported to the
improvements and new and immobilised, its driver, Corporal Peters, stuck in Colonel commanding the Sussex and as they talked a
buildings have obscured it with a smashed thigh and trapped foot, and two shell entered the dug-out.
some of the ground, of its crew made prisoner. Sysonby's return journey 'The man standing next to me had his head cut clean
particularly south-east and scared off their captors and gave Sergeant Wynn the off but neither the Colonel or I were touched although
east of Arras and the N25 to chance to rescue Peters, a deed for which he received considerably shaken. My orders were to take the carrier
the south-west has been the D C M . platoon up on the ridge and to try and save the situation
upgraded. The ridge north- That afternoon the Germans shelled Petegem into by frightening the Germans as they are reputed to be
west of Wailly (village bottom dust and the Queens were forced to fall back. Sysonby afraid of armoured fighting vehicles. I had a look round
left) is little altered except for was ordered to remain with the 5th Royal Sussex at the position which was hard to see owing to the incessant
Huttegem, east of Vichte, six miles (10km) west of flashes and clouds of cordite smoke but quickly realised
the abandonment of the light
Petegem. He wrote: were I to obey this order the carrier platoon would be
railway, the bed of which
'We got about two hours sleep and then took up our wiped out to a man.'
remains. Given the excellence
positions on a ridge facing the enemy. We had only one Instead they made a brief demonstration and fell
of the sight-lines, it is
spade between us, the others having been smashed in the back before the Germans could respond. Passing
remarkable that Rommel
action the day before, so we had to dig little holes for through the burning village they were asked to stay
exaggerated the British
ourselves ...' and stiffen the Sussex's line, which they did.
strength so greatly.
As they dug the shelling started but did little more 'We fixed bayonets and got ready. The Germans came
(BL C21 (15) sheets XXIV-6/5-6 and 7-8)
than scare them stiff. Stragglers were coming in and on steadily and we gave them as good as they gave us. The
discovered that the only way to speak to Billotte was to Paris. Nothing was settled. It is astounding that
through an unreliable telephone link via London. He Weygand embarked on such a journey without
decided to go visiting. London was informed and sent adequate planning and equally astonishing that Gort
Gort a message to say Weygand was coming the next should leave his headquarters without making sure he
day. Unfortunately the message, dictated on Monday could be contacted. T h e day was wasted while the
20 May, was not dispatched until early the next Germans progressed. The generals dispersed in the
morning. It therefore bore the date of 21 May and still growing darkness. O n the way to Douai Billotte's car
said 'tomorrow'. crashed. T h e French general was fatally injured and
At 9 a.m. on Tuesday 21 May, Weygand took off died two days later. T h e co-ordination of the Allies was
from Le Bourget and flew north, over the battlefield of yet further compromised.
the Somme where the Panzers' progress was clear to
see, and landed at Norrent-Fontes, midway between St THE COUNTER-ATTACK AT ARRAS
Omer and Bethune. Apparently there was no one At the last minute Altmayer's contribution to the
there. A man with an old truck was found who gave attack to the south was cancelled. It is said that a
them a lift into the village to make a telephone call at messenger found him sitting on his bed, weeping. T h e
the post office. Contact once made with 1st Army British went ahead. Major-general Harold Franklyn
Group Headquarters, they flew on to St-Inglevert, headed another of the ad-hoc formations, Frankforce.
south-west of Calais, and Weygand met General Pierre T h e force was small. Instead of two divisions he had
Champon, head of the French Military Mission at the three infantry battalions, 6th, 7th and 8th Durham
Belgian headquarters. Together they drove off for Light Infantry and two tank battalions, 4th and
Ypres. T h e inter-Allied conference consisted of King 7th Royal Tank Regiment. Only one of the Tank
Leopold and General van Overstraeten for the battalions, the 7th, had any of the more modern Mark
Belgians, the two recently arrived Frenchmen and IIs, the Matildas, of which there were 16, so out of
Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, the British representative to those seven were attached to the 4th. There were 58
King Leopold, to be joined later that afternoon by Mark Is altogether. These tanks were badly in need of
Generals Billotte and Falgade. But no Gort. Weygand's servicing and renewals of parts, especially tracks. T h e
plan for an attack from both north and south trains that had been intended to bring them back from
demanded a retreat by the Belgians to protect the the Dyle line had failed through lack of drivers, so the
British flank. T h e Belgians argued against it. Keyes was AFVs had been driven to France with consequent wear
sent to look for Gort, but by the time he had located and tear on their tracks. Two field artillery batteries,
him and brought him back to Ypres, Weygand had left two anti-tank batteries and a motor-cycle battalion for
to take ship from Dunkirk for Cherbourg and return reconnaissance completed the force. O n their right the
undaunted General Prioux of the French Cavalry Totenkopf on its left along the route intended for
Corps put his 3rd Light Mechanised Division, with Martel's right column, while 5th Panzer was heading
about 70 tanks, into the field, worn though it was towards the east of the town on a collision course with
from the fighting in the Gembloux Gap. the left column. Rommel had been chasing up laggard
The command of the operation was given to Rifle Regiments when he came under fire from a point
Major-general G. le Q. Martel, commander of 50th to the north of Ficheux and Wailly. At the northern
Division. The tanks were to advance in two columns exit from Wailly he found one of his howitzer batteries
west of Arras, the stated objective being to secure the firing on tanks approaching from the north. T h e
town which Petreforce was preparing to defend. The British had already overcome Germans in Duisans and
intelligence was that some Panzers were present to the Warlus, but missed the 25th Panzer Regiment which
south of Arras, but their numbers were not believed to was pushing north, and to the west the French had
be great. Frankforce assembled, having made its way cleared Agnes and Simoncourt and were approaching
over roads crowded with refugees and straying soldiers, the Arras-Doulens road. Rommel was confident his
at Vimy. Maps were in short supply, most of the radios howitzers could hold their own and turned his
were out of action and there was no equipment attention to the situation in Wailly.
for communication between the tanks and the infantry. 'The enemy [British and French] tank fire had
Nor was liaison with their artillery any more organised. created chaos and confusion among our troops in the
Of air support there was none. In this sorry state village and they were jamming up the roads and yards
Frankforce went into battle, leaving Vimy at 11 a.m. on with their vehicles, instead of going into action with every
Tuesday 21 May and crossing their start line at 2 p.m. available weapon to fight off the oncoming enemy... We
With the 12th Lancers perched up on Mont St drove off to a hill 1,000 yards west of the village ... About
Eloi on the west, the right column (7th Royal Tank 1,200 yards west of our position, the leading enemy tanks
Regiment and 8th Durham Light Infantry) was to pass [of 7th RTR], among them one heavy, had already crossed
below the hill through Maroeuil, Warlus and Wailly, the Arras-Beaumetz railway and shot up one of our
while the left column (4th R T R and 6th DLI) Panzer Ills. At the same time several enemy tanks were
wrapped itself closer to Arras through Achicourt and advancing down the road from Bac du Nord [on the
Beaurins. True to form, Rommel had decided to Arras-Doullens road] and across the railway line to
respond to the resistance offered by the British in Arras Wailly. It was an extremely tight spot...'
by going round them, so 7th Panzer was coming W h a t Rommel did not know was the 7th RTR
round the south of Arras with the SS Division had lost cohesion through radio failure and casualties
and were no longer acting in concert. W h a t he did see whole number of German anti-tank guns in the area of
ABOVE A Matilda Mark II
was the potato clamp and crews were running about.'
knocked out at Arras. A
'The crew of a howitzer battery, some distance away, Vaux also realised that field-gun fire was coming
jubilant soldier points out the
now left their guns, swept along by the retreating infantry. down from the wooded areas and from the crest line
shell hole, (BI27/399/16A)
With [Oberleutnant Joachim] Most's help, I brought beyond. He drove on through the still tanks of his
every available gun into action at top speed against the comrades,
tanks ... I personally gave each gun its target... We ran '...I thought it very odd that they weren't moving
from gun to gun... We now directed our fire against the and they weren't shooting, and I noticed that there was
other group of tanks attacking from the direction of Bac something even odder about them — because their guns
du Nord, and succeeded in keeping the tanks off, setting were pointing at all angles; a lot of them had their turret
fire to some, halting others and forcing the rest to hatches open and some of their crews were half in and half
retreat... The worst seemed to be over and the attack out of the tanks, lying wounded and dead — and I realised
beaten off, when suddenly Most sank to the ground ...' then, suddenly, with a shock, that all these twenty tanks
Martel's left column had made better progress, but had been knocked out, and that they had been knocked
eventually ran into heavy shellfire between Tilloy and out by these big guns and they were, in fact, dead — all
Beaurins. Peter Vaux was with 4th Tanks that day and these tanks... At any rate, I went forward as I had been
tells of the impact with the Germans on and around told to do, and joined the Adjutant among those German
Telegraph Hill, between Beaurins and Tilloy. anti-tank guns.'
7 could see ... upwards of twenty tanks, down in the They began firing at the Germans and Vaux says
valley, just short of the potato clamp. The Colonels tank he owed his life to the marksmanship of the Adjutant.
was down there, a little in front of them — I could see it T h e angle of Vaux's tank on the potato clamp, an
quite clearly, it was stationary and I could see the flag earthen storage heap, prevented the gunner bringing
flying from it. The Adjutant's tank was quite close to the his weapon to bear. Vaux was standing half out of the
Colonels, but from where I was I wasn't quite sure what turret shouting instructions to gunner and driver while
to do, so I called up the Colonel ...I called and I called behind him a German was taking careful aim with his
and I called, but got no answer, and the Adjutant came rifle on the back of the young man's head. T h e
on the air and he just said, "Come over and join me." So Adjutant shot the German with his revolver - another
I motored down the valley ...I saw that there were a fluky shot! They silenced the anti-tank guns and
sprayed the woods with machine-gun fire before Royal Armoured Corps, in the field reporting to
retiring, field-gun shells falling all around them. General Staff and in control of all armoured forces.
As we drove back though the Matildas my heart sank 'We must model ourselves on German lines in this
because I realised what had happened: there were all those connection. You will be staggered to learn that 1st Army
tanks I knew so well ... there were the faces of those Tank Brigade marched and counter-marched the better
men with whom I had played games, swum, lived with part of 300 miles [480km] to fight one action. PRATT
for years — lying there dead ...In that valley, the best will tell you details. Similarly 3rd RTR has been thrown
of crews, our tanks, our soldiers, our officers were left away'
behind.' He went on to say that better armour and a bigger
As darkness approached the Allies were scattered gun were needed.
in little parcels about the field, as were the Germans. 'The 2-pdr. is good enough now, but only just. We
W i t h night falling both sides withdrew towards their must mount something better and put it behind 40 to
original positions. T h e British positions in Arras 80mm of armour.'
itself had been consolidated, but German attacks T h e other points made were that 7 5 % of casualties
continued the next day, Wednesday 22 May, when had been due to mechanical failure, road speeds were
5th Panzer swept around the south-west and headed too slow, movement by rail was not to be relied on and
north while the German 12th Infantry Division was that the Armoured Reconnaissance Brigade was a
hurried up to attack on the river Scarpe north-east wash-out, unable to fight a delaying action but
of Arras. They were stoutly opposed by 4th Green acceptable for reconnaissance alone. He concluded:
Howards and 2nd Wiltshire, but managed to cross 7 do hope the Powers that be realise that the Boche
the river. O n 23 May at 7 p.m. the order was given has succeeded solely because of his mass of tanks supported
to abandon Arras and defend the line of the Canal by air attack. Man for man we can beat him any day and
d'Aire through Bethune, some 15 miles (25km) to twice a day, but dive-bombing followed by tank attack is
the north. too much on our very extended fronts. If only 1st
The use of the tanks was the subject of a note that Armoured Division had been out here in time, it might
Brigadier Vyvyan Pope, Gort's adviser on AFVs, wrote have made all the difference.'
on 26 May and, lest he be killed or captured, gave to T h e misuse of 1st Armoured by Weygand was yet
Brigadier D . H . Pratt, commander of 1st Army Tank to come.
Brigade to take back to the War Office. In it he said Ironside had reported to Churchill on Sunday 19
that there were essential facts learned as a result of May, and it was at last understood that only two
bitter experience. First, there had to be a Commander, courses were open to Gort, either to batter his way
southwards, very unlikely to be successful, or prepare form of a sortie, on Friday. He repeated to Churchill
ABOVE Rommel's version of
to fall back to Dunkirk and attempt a sea evacuation. that the key lay in the attack from the south as he did
the battle at Arras. He shows
Churchill was travelling again, and on that Wednesday not have the ammunition to mount a grand offensive.
five divisions acting against
was in Paris. H e was encouraged, doubtless eager to be Perhaps, in Paris, they believed the false report of
him; a considerable
encouraged, by Weygand's obvious vigour and heartily British retreat, but in any case the bickering between
exaggeration. (Holmes, Army
approved of his plan to cut off the head of the German the Allies was increasing.
Battlefield Guide, HMSO, 1995)
advance with combined attacks by General Frere's new T h e great attack from the north was a plan that
French 7th Army in the south and the eight divisions died on Saturday 25 May. T h e Belgian line broke at
assumed to be available from the Allies in the north. It Courtrai, 15 miles (25km) north-east of Lille, the
was a plan almost identical to Gamelin's which Germans were over the River Lys and the British
Weygand had so precipitately cancelled when there acquired a major piece of intelligence that revealed
might yet have been time to make it work. It was a Bock's plan to hurl two corps of Army Group B
plan now so far removed from reality that it is evident towards Ypres. T h e troops intended for the
that neither Weygand or his staff knew what was going southwards stroke, the 5th and 50th Divisions, were
on. Nor did Churchill. He signalled to Gort the same immediately switched north to deal with the crisis.
day, saying the Belgians were to fall back on the Yser Gort gave the order at 6.30 p.m. and General
(which they had already declined to do), and that the Blanchard, Billotte's successor, had no option but
notional eight divisions would join hands with the formally to cancel the Weygand scheme.
equally notional new army on the Somme in the
south. W h e n Gort pulled his men back to the Canal THE GERMAN UNCERTAINTY
d'Aire on Thursday, the French declared that they had All was not sweetness and light amongst the Germans
been abandoned in what was becoming a salient east either. Rommel had excused his force's performance
of Lille by a British retreat 25-mile (40km) towards against the British tanks by claiming that five divisions
the sea! T h e Weygand plan was thus impossible to had attacked. This confirmed German fears about
perform, though Gort was still preparing for it, in the their vulnerable flanks. Guderian remarks:
'On 21st of May a noteworthy event occurred to the their efforts Guderian's 2 n d Panzer entered the
ABOVE The German army
north of us: English tanks attempted to break through in outskirts of Boulogne that evening. Guderian now
geological map, published in
the direction of Paris... The English did not succeed in regained command of 10th Panzer and made fresh
Berlin 29 February 1940. The
breaking through, but they did make a considerable dispositions.
description of terrain around
impression on the staff of Panzer Group von Kleist, which 7 decided to move 1st Panzer Division, which was
Dunkirk given in the text
suddenly became remarkably nervous.' already close to Calais, on to Dunkirk at once, while the
(page 95) applies to the
O n Wednesday 22 May Guderian was on the 10th Panzer Division, advancing from Doullens through
move again, to the north. Samer, replaced it in front of Calais. There was no purple area. The blue areas
'In the afternoon ... there was fierce fighting at particular urgency about capturing this port.' inland of that are similar to
Desvres, Samer and to the south of Boulogne. Our T h e danger of Guderian getting up along the the terrain north-east of
opponents were mostly Frenchmen, but included a Channel coast behind Gort was now severe. Ypres in front of the ridge
number of English and Belgian units and even an crowned by Passchendaele. A
occasional Dutchman. Their resistance was broken. But THE CANAL D'AIRE firm ridge runs from Guines,
the enemy airforce was very active, bombing us and firing O n Monday 20 May the 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers, the just south of Calais, through
their guns at us too, while we saw little of our Luftwaffe. Faughs as they called themselves, were ordered to hold Ardres, branching south-east
The bases from which our planes were operating were now a length of the Canal d'Aire at Bethune and eastwards towards St Omer and north-
a long way away ...' through Gorre and Guinchy to La Bassee, which east through Watten towards
T h e British were also, from the other side of the was held by 7th Queens Royal Regiment. It was Bergues. (MME ww2Maps MF2/5)
Channel, flying within the outer area of their radar an immense length to allocate to a single battalion.
cover and out of secure airfields in England. In spite of They had been in tough action at Ninove, east of
which was the centre of the western flank. T h e Sunday began badly. T h e shelling was intense and
withdrawal brought the 60th Rifles back from Bastion the dive-bombing even more fierce. At 8 a.m. a white
9 in the west and Bastion 7 in the south (Bastion 8 no flag was seen above French positions near Fort Risban,
longer existed in 1940) towards the Hotel de Ville. west of the harbour. Capitaine de Fregate Carlos de
T h e Q V R were pulled in from their positions on the Lambertye, commander of French naval forces in
Gravelines road. Snipers within the town hampered Calais, went and persuaded them to take it down, but
British movement. By midnight most of the defenders renewed shelling made them raise it once more. Later
were getting what rest they could in position for the that morning, making his way to Fort Risban, de
expected onslaught on Sunday 26 May. Bastion 11 to Lambertye collapsed and died of a heart attack. By
the north-west was held and a line along the mid-morning the Germans had occupied Bastion 2 at
waterways embraced the Citadel, passed north of the the extreme north-east and were firing on the Rifle
Hotel de Ville and swung round towards the Gare Brigade. Neave had been wounded and treated at the
Maritime and Bastion 1 at the harbour mouth. Hopital Militaire near the Citadel. He left to find
uring the two days the halt order was in little ships were already becoming available. His early
force, events were also unfolding away from plans were based on the use of Boulogne, Calais and
the Channel coast. Lord Gort and General Dunkirk, but by the time the meeting of Wednesday
Pownall visited Blanchard on Sunday 26 May to find 22 May took place, only four days into the task, it was
the plan was now to defend the salient based on evident that only Dunkirk, and that with luck, would
the Channel coast 'with no thought of retreat'. O n be spared. Operation Dynamo, as it was called, was
returning to his headquarters Gort found a message turning out to be more complicated than anticipated.
from London saying that should the planned attack Ramsay had originally been given three dozen cross-
from the south fail to materialise, the safety of the BEF channel steamers for the task which was to begin with
would become the predominant consideration and lifting the useless mouths, support troops. Now the
a withdrawal to the coast east of Gravelines for intensity was increasing exponentially, the need for
embarkation should be planned. He was further additional staff had to be met to handle the operation
instructed not to discuss the matter with the Belgians and many, many more ships were going to be needed.
or the French. Churchill, when evacuation became inevitable,
O n 14 May a call had been broadcast, nothing to thought that, perhaps, 30,000 men could be saved.
do with a possible evacuation of the BEF, for small Ramsay was more optimistic, maybe 45,000 could be
boats to supplement the Royal Navy's Small Vessels brought home. T h e difficulties were enormous, not
Pool, little ships useful for harbour work. W h e n Vice- the least in the nature of the coast. East of the
Admiral Bertram Ramsay was appointed on 19 May to Margate-Dover coast the Goodwin Sands run from
make plans for a possible evacuation, some of those north to south, forcing ships to sail in the direction of
Calais or head due east from Ramsgate. Off the French manoeuvre them in a canal cluttered with sunken
BELOW A Panzer II makes its
and Belgian coast the sand-banks run almost parallel barges they had built the little 8-ton pontoons.
way over the makeshift
to the land with a few gaps so that ships have to turn Rommel ordered the building of a bridge, a 16-tonner,
bridging of the Canal d'Aire
back south-west to run in towards the land. The capable of taking his tanks. Meanwhile the British
on 27 May. (IWMRML149)
control of the land over a significant distance is thus were making things very unpleasant with sniper fire,
required lest shelling sink the vessels, and Calais and so the houses and cover on the canalside were
eventually Gravelines would provide the Germans saturated with shell and small-arms fire. An attack,
with artillery emplacements. incorrectly believed to be by heavy tanks, threatened
from La Bassee, and the makeshift bridge was used to
THE PANZERS ON THE MOVE AGAIN get a Panzer III over while a Panzer IV opened fire
Rommel, for one, appreciated the rest the halt order from the southern bank to counter the threat. By noon
gave. He wrote: the bridgehead was being developed and in the
'A day or two without action has done us a lot of afternoon, as it started to rain, 5th Panzer came up and
good. The division has lost up to date 27 officers killed started crossing. La Bassee was enfolded by an advance
and 33 wounded, and 1,500 men dead and wounded. round its northern side and the few remaining of the
That's about 12 per cent casualties. Very little compared defending 1st Camerons and 7th Worcestershires,
with what's been achieved. The worst is now well over.' having given an excellent account of themselves,
His cheerfulness was a little misplaced. O n Sunday escaped when ten tanks of the RTR attacked the
26 May the halt order was lifted and 7th Panzer Germans near Violaines, losing seven of their number.
addressed itself to the task of crossing the Canal d'Aire. T h e Germans were now pouring over the canal. T h e
T h e 7th Rifle Regiment managed to get over at 2nd Dorsetshires found themselves facing west. T h e
Cuinchy, halfway between Bethune and La Bassee, and fight to delay Rommel was fierce and lasted all day,
on M o n d a y Rommel found his engineers had keeping open the corridor west from Lille. North of
constructed pontoons in a small harbour. To be able to Bethune the SS-Totenkopf Division was over the canal
and heading for Merville when it ran into 2nd T h e also taken prisoner at the same time. They were herded
Royal Norfolk Regiment. By the afternoon the into a barn and machine-gunned. Four are known to
remaining Norfolks, about 100 of them, were have survived.
surrounded in a farm near Le Paradis and decided to Early in the morning of Tuesday, Rommel received
surrender. After searching them, the Germans shot the signal from Oberst K. Rothenburg of 25th Panzer
them down. Two men survived. As a result of their Regiment that he had reached Lomme, north-west of
evidence the commander of the 3rd Company, Fritz Lille, effectively completing the encirclement of the
Knochlein, was executed for war crimes on 28 January city. Rommel hastened to join him, and was worried
1949. by driving through an empty landscape; whom would
At the same time Guderian's forces were also on he meet first? Friend or foe?
the move. T h e towns of Bourbourg, south-east of 'At last we found the first of our tanks. Rothenburg
Gravelines, and Wormhoudt, between Cassel and was delighted at the increase in his strength in front of
Bergues, were the objectives. Guderian writes of an Lille, and even more over the arrival of the ammunition
incident that took place on Tuesday 28 May, that and petrol. He reported briefly on the night's fighting. The
caused his staff some amusement. attack had first driven straight up the Fournes-Lille road.
'The commander of the Leibstandarte [SS-Adolf
Hitler], Sepp Dietrich, while driving from the front came
under machine-gun fire from a party of Englishmen who
were still holding out in a solitary house behind our lines.
They set his car on fire and compelled him and his
companions to take shelter in the ditch. Dietrich and his
adjutant crawled into a large drain pipe, where the ditch
ran under a cross road, and in order to protect himself
from the burning petrol of his car covered his face and
hands with damp mud.'
Guderian had to send in part of 2nd Panzer to get
Hitler's protege out of trouble, and everyone had a
merry time making fun of the m u d d y fellow.
Meanwhile, unknown to Guderian and, probably,
Dietrich, something deeply serious was afoot. T h e
Englishmen were soon captured. Those concerned
were men of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and
the Cheshire Regiment, and some Royal Artillery were
doing so they came under heavy shelling from their of the situation as known in
own troops and Major Erdman, commander of the the afternoon of Tuesday, 28
37th Reconnaissance Battalion, was killed. Rommel May. The withdrawal from the
himself survived untouched. Canal d'Aire is shown. (Private
T h e defenders of Lille were now surrounded. collection. MME WW2Maps MF1/8)
kills, the true total appears to be closer to a dozen. a pile of straw when I was woken and given a message. It
Flying at something close to the limits of their was then 10 o'clock p.m. and the message said that we
operational range and even assisted, as they were, by were to withdraw at once and leave all transport behind
radar in England, the British aircraft were simply us. This was a very bitter blow as for one thing we were
outnumbered by the covering German fighters when all convinced that we had given the Germans a really
the weather was clear. W h a t was needed was fog. good hiding... We marched through the lines and had an
Inland the Allies were still trying to cling on to uneventful march of about seven miles [11km] ... the
positions of vantage. T h e M o n t des Cats was the road was choked with transport... When we had climbed
destination to which l / 5 t h Queen's were ordered on the hill we were bound for we just fell down where we
the evening of Tuesday 28 May. T h e y were stood and went to sleep in the open and in the rain.'
disappointed, for they felt they had given their T h e 2nd Royal Horse Artillery were ordered to the
enemies a bloody nose in hard fighting near Strazeele, same place and by the early hours of Tuesday 29 May,
between Hazebrouck and Bailleul that day, and Seton-Watson writes,
Sysonby wrote: '... we started our move northwards, interweaving
'I had only just gone to sleep from sheer exhaustion on with every kind of British and French vehicle and many
loose horses. After two miles we found our road blocked by
ditched and abandoned vehicles. With great difficulty we
constructed a detour through cut wire and hedges and
across two fields: this took about an hour. At 0300
[3.a.m.] in the small village of Berth em, close under
Mont des Cats, we came to a final standstill... Orders
were given to destroy wireless sets and sights, remove
breech blocks and puncture all tyres. It was impossible to
destroy the guns themselves without danger to the crowds
passing by on foot.'
W h e n Sysonby awoke at 3.30 a.m. a French officer
told him, as a matter of apparently mild interest, that
everyone else had gone. l / 5 t h Queen's awaited orders,
shelled, dive-bombed and defenceless against such
attack. At 9.45 a.m. they were told to pull out and
make for Dunkirk by way of Poperinge. Sysonby said:
'... the place was in the most appalling shambles.
Whole streets were completely choked with masonry and
la Basse Colme east of the walled town of Bergues, the commemorated close to the
final line of defence. Over that and onwards they Fort des Dunes at
plodded to a final halt and blessed sleep at Uxen, five Leffrinckoucke. (MME ww/2/2/32)
miles (8km) east of Dunkirk. It was a journey typical
of thousands.
queue... Its length was so enormous, and the pace of . The din was infernal. The batteries shelled
lifting troops into the boats was so slow, it would be ages ceaselessly and brilliantly. To the whistle of shells overhead
before those at the rear end were embarked.' was added the scream of falling bombs. Even the sky was
They were moved on to Zuydcoote on Wednesday full of noise — anti-aircraft shells, machine-gun fire, the
and there settled down once more to wait for the order snarl of falling planes, the angry hornet noise of dive
to join a queue. A holiday spirit prevailed, water was bombers. One could not speak normally at any time
found, a little food was foraged and songs were sung. against the roar of it and the noise of our own engines.'
'Despite the slow process of lifting men into the boats, T h e British were getting off, but the French were
the queues moved steadily forward, and there was plenty less fortunate. T h e British, from the Commander-in-
of laughing and joking going on... I never actually Chief downwards, assumed that the evacuation of the
noticed the changing weather pattern and that the BEF was their priority and their orders from London
visibility had improved. One moment we were singing appeared to confirm this. Indeed, when the first troops
away ... the next moment all hell was let loose around us.' were leaving Dunkirk the French were expressly
T h e bombers dived and turned with relentless charged by Weygand to hold their ground preliminary
efficiency. Ward and his companions were relatively to a counter-attack and they were unaware that their
safe in the dunes, but still suffered casualties. That allies had already started to leave. W h e n Admiral
evening they were moved again, to Malo-les-Bains, Wake-Walker arrived he was under instructions from
where, two days later, they finally left from the mole. the First Sea Lord to refuse the French places on the
The experience of the mariners coming to the ships if there were British troops ready to depart but
rescue was equally memorable. A. D . Divine wrote: the next day Churchill was, at a meeting in Paris,
'The picture will always remain sharp-etched in my declaring that the Allies should leave arm-in-arm. Lord
memory — the lines of men wearily and sleepily staggering Gort was beset with the problem of whom should be
across the beach from the dunes to the shallows, falling left behind if now French and British were to be
into little boats; great columns of men thrust out into the shipped out in equal numbers, but the problem soon
water among bomb and shell splashes. The foremost ranks ceased to be his. O n Friday 31 May he handed over
were shoulder deep ...As the front ranks were dragged command to Major-general Harold Alexander and
aboard the boats, the rear ranks moved up, from ankle reluctantly obeyed his orders to return to England.
deep to knee deep, from knee deep to waist deep, until Alexander's orders from London specified withdrawal
they, too, came to shoulder depth and their turn ... And '50/50' with the French. Admiral Abrial had no choice
always down the dunes and across the beach came but to concur with his subordinate, the line would be
new hordes of men, new columns, new lines ... There held until midnight on 1 June and the last departures BELOW The memorial at Malo-
was always the red background, the red of Dunkirk would take place on Sunday 2 June. les-Bains. (MME WW2/2/33)
rders were given by Hitler on 28 May for the
formation of a Panzer Group under the
c o m m a n d of Guderian. O n 1 June he
established his headquarters at Signy-le-Petit, south-
west of Charleville where he had been only a short
while before, and set about assembling his new
command. O n Tuesday 4 June Rommel and 7th
Panzer were moving south towards the Somme to take
part in the next phase of the conquest of France, Fall
Rot, Operation Red. T h e orders for the destruction of
the Allies south of the Somme and the Aisne were
issued on Friday 31 May. T h e west, from the Channel
to Reims, would be taken by Army Group B while the
east, from Reims to the Maginot Line, was the sector
of Army Group A, leaving Army Group C in its
former position facing the Maginot Line from the
north. Only one fort of that line, at La Ferte, had been
attacked and taken by the Germans. T h e rest would be
left to surrender when all else had fallen.
General Weygand had 60 divisions with which to
face the 143 the Germans devoted to the operation.
These had, in part, come from a thinning of the
of the few days before, the Brigade was approaching Battalions and the 7th RDP, motorised Dragoons. In
exhaustion of its AFVs. T h e 3rd Armoured and the all he had 140 tanks in working order, although they
5th Light Cavalry were operating further west. They were the usual mish-mash of marques, with all the
managed to reach the high ground south of the repair and supply problems that implied. In addition
Somme and, at the extreme left, the outskirts of he had, with the arrival of the 22nd Colonial Infantry
St Valery-sur-Somme on the estuary itself, but Regiment and the 2nd Cavalry Division's artillery, six
supporting French infantry was slow in following up infantry battalions and six artillery groups. He arrived
the gains and they were forced to fall back. In all the on Tuesday 28 May to find the 10th Army shaken by
British lost 65 tanks that day and a further 50 were in the previous day's failure to reduce the bridgehead and
need of repair before coming back into service. the Germans moving fresh troops of the XXXVIII
Charles de Gaulle was promoted Brigadier-general Army Corps, 9th and 57th Infantry Divisions, into the
on 24 May and was ordered to hurry his 4th sector. In conference at the Chateau d'Oisemont at
Armoured Division to the Abbeville front during the noon on Tuesday de Gaulle decided to leave the
night of 26-27 May. He had recently been marked for British tanks in reserve and use his heavy armour
the great northward attack across the Somme, but then against the G e r m a n salient. T h e British 51st
that was cancelled. Then he was tapped for a drive (Highland) Division was also to be in reserve as it, too,
against Amiens which in turn was shelved. Now he had just arrived from the Maginot Line and was
was to subdue the bridgehead the Germans had unfamiliar with the terrain.
established based on the Monts de Caubert, high At 6 p.m. the attack went in. T h e more heavily-
BELOW An A13 Mark II of the above Abbeville. T h e journey from the east had lost de armoured Somuas and Chars B of the French were
10th Hussars knocked out at Gaulle some 30 tanks, but on his arrival he found his able to brush aside the German 3.7mm anti-tank fire
Huppy on 25 May. (TM 1326/A2) force augmented by the French 19th and 47th Tank in a way the thin-skinned British tanks could not. T h e
initial objectives were gained by nightfall, H u p p y was added to its strength, it had an on-paper complement
ABOVE Men of the 2nd
once more in French hands and over 300 prisoners of 50 Chars B, 35 Hotchkiss and 80 Renault Rs, but a
Seaforth Highlanders prepare
had been taken. At 4 a.m. the next morning the assault couple of dozen of these were, in fact, unserviceable.
to defend their ground.
resumed, at first putting the shaken German defenders Major-general Victor Fortune of the 51st (Highland)
(IWM F4626)
to flight. T h e battle lasted through the day and gave Division was in command of the armour, his own unit
the French control of all the ground except the Monts and the French 31st Infantry Division. T h e artillery
de Caubert themselves and the lower hills alongside opened up at 3.30 a.m. O n the left the French infantry
the Somme. T h e cost had been high and the Germans did poorly, confused and disorientated by friendly fire.
were reinforcing their positions during the hours of T h e tanks ran into an undetected minefield and the
darkness. De Gaulle wrote: advance petered out. Another minefield held up the
'Only Mont Caubert still held out. There were a great tanks in the centre although some got through to face
many dead from both sides on the field. Our tanks had fire from the artillery and 8 8 m m flak guns now
been sorely tried. Barely a hundred were still in working defending the Monts de Caubert. T h e 152nd Brigade's
order. But all the same, an atmosphere of victory hovered 2nd Seaforth Highlanders were with the first wave and
over the battlefield. Everyone held his head high. The the 4th Seaforths with the second, neither making
wounded were smiling. The guns fired gaily. Before us, in much progress and both suffering heavily. T h e Chars
a pitched battle, the Germans had retired.' B were refuelled where they were, under fire from the
T h e joy was short-lived. Although the French held Germans, but even this gallant act was not sufficient to
against a German counter-attack the following day, keep them moving forward. To the right of the main
their subsequent attempt to take the mount failed. In road from Blangy to Abbeville the 4th Queen's O w n
three days the 4th Armoured had lost over 100 tanks Cameron Highlanders met concentrated machine-gun
and 750 men killed in action. They could do no more. fire and could go no further. Further west, around
O n Tuesday 4 June the 10th Army tried again. T h e Cambron, 2nd Lieutenant Barker of the 1st Gordon
French 2nd Armoured Division, patched up after Highlanders, was preparing for action.
its mauling by Gruppe von Kleist, still had 17 On the 4th June at 3.30am we attacked the German
Renault B1bis and was reinforced with a further three bridgehead our objective being The Bois de Cambron.
companies with these machines. W i t h other units This was our first full-scale attack with plenty of artillery
ABOVE The bridges over the Canal de la Somme and the river itself were north-west of le OPPOSITE MIDDLE The two bridges now stand on the banks of
Breilloir, north of Hangest. Only the more northerly of the two survives. There is a German a lake. On the left, by the red car, the surviving railway line
cemetery at Bourdon. (BL C21 (15) sheet xxn-8/3-4. ww2Maps/3/34) and, beyond the footbridge, the framework of an iron bridge
marks the stump of the southern embankment. (MME WW2/9/3)
OPPOSITE TOP The bridge over the Somme Canal between Gouy and Petit Port, known OPPOSITE BOTTOM From the D3 north-west of Hangest the
to medieval historians as Blanchetaque. When this was a marsh, Edward III crossed barrier of the Somme can be appreciated. The track still runs
here before Crecy and here Henry V attempted to cross and failed on his long route to along the slope and beyond the trees that now obscure the
AginCOUrt. (MME Mon/Diep98/2/9) view to the right the railway can be seen. (MME WW2/8/35)
overcame the resistance and the tanks flowed round patrols encountered probing patrols of Germans from
the village. At Airaines itself the resistance lasted three time to time. Stanley Rayner, a despatch rider mounted on
full days as the 53rd Colonial Infantry refused to give a Norton motor-cycle, was on one such patrol early on.
in. Reprisals followed, few prisoners were taken. 'A patrol consisted of one light 15-cwt truck with a
By evening 7th Panzer was just short of Montagne- driver and an officer in the cab, whilst on the back
le-Fayel, seven miles (11km) from the Somme. (which was open) was mounted a Bren gun — a light
Rommel reports that strong attacks were made on his machine-gun - with also a Boys Anti-Tank Rifle,
right flank by tanks and coloured troops that evening, supposedly capable of stopping any known tank.
but they were fought off. O n Thursday 6 June they Hopefully this time we had the correct ammunition. Six
halted south of the Amiens-Rouen road, south-west of motorcycle Despatch Riders completed these patrols, four
Poix-de-Picardie and on Friday in front and two behind.'
'The advance went straight across country, over Rayner carried a short Lee Enfield with five rounds
roadless and trackless fields, uphill, downhill, through of a m m u n i t i o n . T h e y drove across a peaceful
hedges, fences and high cornfields. The route taken by the countryside for some distance before coming on an
tanks was so chosen that the less cross-country-worthy improvised road-block made of farm machines which
vehicles of the 37th Reconnaissance Battalion and the 6th left a narrow space through which they could pass, at
Rifle Regiment could follow in their track-prints. We met least the motorcycles could, for moments later the four
no enemy troops, apart from a few stragglers ...' leading riders found themselves alone. T h e trucks were
That day they reached Menerval, close to the Forges- still behind the road-block.
les-Eaux to Gournay-en-Bray road. The 51st Division, 'The leading despatch riders stopped ...We stayed put
on the Bresle, had been comprehensively outflanked. with our engines running. Now Mac could speak fluent
French and coming towards him was a lady on foot who
THE CLOSING TRAP must have been French. The next minute 'all hell' broke
General Evans went to see his superior, General loose. Bullets showered down the road at us like hailstones
Altmayer, on that Friday 7 June. He proposed the use of passing us as well as ricocheting off the roadstones... As
the remaining tanks, 37 Mark VIs and 41 cruisers, for an for Mac and the lady, they had completely disappeared. I BELOW The First World War
attack against the panzers' flank decisively to halt their never saw the going of them at all.' memorial in Hangest bears a
envelopment on the western half of the 10th Army. Rayner crawled back along the ditch to his patrol tribute to the civilian
That evening General Weygand arrived at 10th Army and the other despatch riders also made it back, one casualties of Rommel's
headquarters and ordered Evans to scatter his tanks along wounded. Of the lady there is no further report. assault. (MME WW2/8/36)
the line of the River Andelle in support of the infantry.
Evans protested that his force was entirely unsuitable for
such a static task, but Weygand was adamant and the 1st
Armoured was condemned to futile destruction.
The 2nd/6th Battalion East Surrey Regiment came
under Beauforce on 18 May (Commander,
Lieutenant-colonel Heseltine, D S C , MC) under 30
minutes notice to move, according to the abridged war
diary prepared by Captain H . H . Walker. They had
spent the previous fortnight working in the docks at
Le Havre and had just received orders to depart for the
Saar front when these new instructions were issued.
They were an infantry pioneer battalion and had only
four 2-inch mortars, but only one with sights, no 3-
inch mortars and no mortar ammunition. There were
only 11 anti-tank (Boys) rifles and 16 Bren guns, but
no tracer ammunition, no grenades, no revolvers, no
compasses and no field glasses. Their transport was
short by three 15-cwt trucks, a water cart, and an 8-
cwt truck. Evidently there was an emergency. At 8
p.m. they were put on 15 minutes notice to move. At
10 p.m. the notice to move was cancelled and they
were told to be ready at first light.
For the next two days the 2/6th East Surreys were on
the River Bresle near Gamache, ten miles (16km) from
the coast at Le Treport, but were then withdrawn to
Arques-la-Bataille on the river south of Dieppe. Their
The 2/6th East Surreys handed over to the 4th and started trying to work round their flanks. The Bren
Sherwood Foresters and were withdrawn to Bihorel, near guns stopped them and there was a stand-off until 7.30
Rouen, on 31 May to become part of 1st Support p.m., neither side having the advantage. Then refugees
Group, 1st Armoured Division. With 101st Light Anti- appeared, making their way along the road from Aumale
Aircraft and Anti-Tank Regiment's 44 2-pounder anti- and up the hill to the south. Redfern wrote:
tank guns, they were to defend the line between Aumale 'They were stopped by the Germans in the orchard [to
in the north and Forges-les-Eaux in the south. It was a his front] and as they moved up the road so did the
distance of 20 miles (32km) on the ground, a density of Germans move up behind them. They put the refugees on
about one gun every 800 yards (750m). The 4th Border the sky-line with some of the troops they had already
Regiment would be on their left, north of Aumale, captured and moved all their forces round to my right
further down the stream that was the start of the River flank. About ten minutes later some hand grenades were
Bresle. The East Surreys took up positions along the thrown at our defences one of which burst underneath the
road south of Aumale towards Abancourt, the guns anti-tank gun, wounding very seriously the crew and
overlooking the open country to the east. Tuesday 4 June disabling the gun. Firing then began on my right, left and
was spent improving their defences. O n Wednesday the rear. The enemy had apparently encircled our position.
bombing began. Aumale railway station was hit, but the After five minutes exchange of fire and hand grenades I
Surreys' positions escaped notice. Lieutenant John was called upon to surrender, this I refused to do. The
Redfern was sent to establish contact with the Borders,
but they were not there. They had been sent to hold the
route back to Le Havre, but no one told the Surreys and
no one took their place; the flank was open.
The bombing on Thursday 6 June was supported by
machine-gun fire, and now the Germans seemed to
know exactly where they were. It boded ill for the
morrow. John Redfern was in a position on the hillside
due south of Aumale and overlooking the hamlet of
Fleuzy through which the railway ran. O n Friday the
French 12th Light Cavalry Regiment arrived and
established themselves in Redfern's positions. It was
then, at 3 p.m., that the Englishman learned that the
Germans had already penetrated the Surreys' front to
the south and taken Abancourt in the direction of which
the French were attacking southwards along the railway.
At about 5 p.m. two German lorries full of infantry
came north, from Redfern's right, and were destroyed on
the road by the 2-pounder anti-tank gun. Infantry on
foot followed, took cover when the Surreys opened fire
the ridge around which the Seine swings in a huge Normanville south-west of,
'We had great difficulty in the darkness and with our von Nordostfrankreich, Blatt
inadequate maps in following the route. The noise of our 4, Berlin 1940. (BL C2iei. MME
passage as we drove through the villages wakened people WW2Maps/3/27)
from their sleep, and brought them rushing out into the
street to welcome us - as British... We turned south at Les LEFT The Andelle and the new
Athieux and reached the village of Sotteville at midnight bridge at Sigy-en-Bray.
— the first German troops to reach the Seine.' (MME WW2/9/26)
Reconnaissance Battalion reported that Captain von en-Caux. The Allies were surrounded.
Luck had found enemy lorry columns on the main road The 2nd/6th East Surreys were fighting and falling
and was rounding them up... Lt had every appearance of back to fight again against 5th Panzer. Stanley Rayner,
being a considerable formation... A quick interrogation like most others, was thoroughly confused. His second
revealed that it was the beginning of 31st French Norton cycle had been lost and, on Sunday 10 June,
Division, which was to have embarked at Fecamp that he was riding in a truck.
afternoon... With my signals section L drove on in 7 knew not anymore where we were heading, for
advance of the regiment through Les Petites Dalles and between the many French soldiers blocking our way and
down to the water.' the German forces, we went hither and thither... Each
Rommel was nine miles (15km) west of St Valery- stop we had to make, especially at night, we assumed
facing inland. Rommel had spent the previous evening Meanwhile, the 25th Panzer Regiment had thrust
ABOVE French and British
probing the British front near Fecamp with doubtful forward to the high ground immediately north-west of St
troops surrender on the high
usefulness, but now he turned his attention to the Valery and was using every gun to prevent embarkation
ground west of St Valery-en-
western flank of the St Valery enclave. of enemy troops.'
C a U X . (IWM RML 400)
'On the hills a mile east of Veulettes the enemy [2nd T h e coast both east and west of St Valery is one of
Seaforth Highlanders] met us with a heavy artillery and high, steep cliffs. T h e access to the sea is limited to a
BELOW The watermills still
anti-tank gunfire, and we bore off to the south-east. But slender opening at Veules-les-Roses and to the harbour
border the path down to the the enemy fire grew in violence and heavy batteries joined and slightly broader gap in the cliffs at St Valery itself.
sea at Veules-les-Roses. in, so that all movement was frequently pinned down... Only the latter could handle troops in significant
(MME Mon/Diep98/3/7) Near le Tot the British had built a fortified line and numbers, and the presence of the Germans on the
resistance was heavy. So tenacious was the enemy defence cliffs meant that any attempt to take the troops off
that hand-to-hand combat developed at many points. would have to be by night. T h e Germans were now
pressing on all sides. T h e German 8 8 m m guns on the
cliffs engaged the British destroyer offshore and two of
the anti-aircraft guns were lost to direct hits. To the
south the East Surreys fell back, fighting, to Neville
where about 150 men took up a defensive position,
and Veules-les-Roses where they had about 100 other
ranks and three officers. Captain Tannock reached
battalion headquarters from Veulles-les-Roses and was
ordered to bring the rest of them back to Neville, but
by the time he tried they were cut off. At 11.30 p.m.
orders came to move into St Valery itself for
embarkation. Rayner wrote:
'On we went through the night coming to woods on
the outskirts of St Valery where, on the far corner of the
road, was a farm building enclosed by a wall where we
were given a tin of McConnakies baked beans in tomato
sauce ... Tired and weary, turning to the right from our
original road, from the high ground we had travelled, we
were descending on a winding roadfor ...a small fishing
village in a cleft between high cliffs, not unlike the white
cliffs of Dover. On what must have been the main road
with large houses lining each side was a Bren Gun
hile Rommel was crossing the Somme,
Army G r o u p A and Panzer Gruppe
Guderian were gathering themselves for
their attack further east scheduled for Sunday 9 June.
O n the right, the west, of this front Army Group B's
Gruppe von Kleist with two corps were to thrust
forward from Amiens and Peronne on Wednesday 5
June, the same day as Rommel attacked the lower
Somme front.
The French had adopted the strong-point strategy
ordered by Weygand. As a method of disrupting and
slowing the German advance it worked well, but the
armoured, mobile strength to hit back once the
disruption had been achieved was lacking. Kleist's men
broke through relatively easily, but then had to subdue
village after village. Their advance on this day was
limited to some six to ten miles (10-15km) but the
problem was solved by the success of 7th and 5th
Panzers to the west who drove a great flanking cut into
the Allied defences and by the advance to Soissons of
the German 6th Army. The collapse of the front before
Paris was swift. By Monday 10 June the Germans were
ABOVE A private memorial to
across the Seine at Les Andelys and on the Marne at
Leutnant Jurgen Hoesch and
Chateau Thierry. That evening the French radio
Obergefreiter Robert Preis
broadcast the news that the Government was leaving
stands by the D167 Boives-
Paris. It moved to Tours and thence to Bordeaux.
Sains road, south of Amiens,
where their Panzer IV was
destroyed on 5 June.
Rethel stands on the River Aisne some 25 miles
(MME WW2/10/4)
(40km) north-east of Reims. T h e Canal des Ardennes
runs alongside the river and the valley of the Aisne
RIGHT An isolated memorial to
presented as much of an obstacle as it had in the
French resistance at Fleury, previous war. For the 40 miles (65km) that separates
east of Poix-de-Picardie. (MME Rethel from Chalons-sur-Marne the country is open,
WW2/8/20) almost heathland, offering immense scope to mobile
armour, if once the moat of the Aisne were overcome.
T h e front to be attacked was between Chateau-Porcien
in the west and Attigny in the east with Rethel in the
centre. Eight crossing points were to be taken and
Guderian thus released to seize the Plateau de Langres.
Guderian was not keen on letting others take the
crossings but Colonel-general Wilhelm List,
commanding 12th Army, was not willing to put the
panzers at unnecessary risk.
O n Sunday 9 June the operation began. In the
centre the German XXIII Corps was up against the
14th Infantry Division of General Jean de Lattre de
Tassigny. General Albrecht Schubert had to allow that
they fought in a manner reminiscent of the best
French troops at Verdun. To the east the 26th Infantry inconvenienced by the French artillery firing to the rear
similarly held firm. Only in two places, on either side from positions they still held on the Rethel font, broke
of Chateau-Porcien, had crossings been seized and a straight through to the [river] Retourne and crossed that
small bridge-head been made. Guderian proposed that swampy stream, which had been dammed, at Neuflize.
the entire Panzer Group be moved there by night to [Some seven miles (12km) south of Rethel.]'
cross the next day. T h e attack went ahead at 6.30 a.m. They then turned east with 1st Panzer south of the
on M o n d a y 10 June and made swift progress. river and Balck's Rifle Regiment north of it.
Guderian wrote: T h e power required to carry out the Weygand
'Once in the open the tanks met hardly any resistance, tactics was present on this front, in the shape of the
since the new French tactics concentrated on the defence of 2nd Armoured Group or Groupement Buisson. It was
woods and villages, while the open ground was made up mainly of the French 3rd Armoured
abandoned out of respect for our tanks. Consequently our Division, which had fought so determinedly at
infantry had to fight hard for the barricaded streets and Stonne, and was still a force to be reckoned with. T h e
houses of the villages, while then tanks, only slightly three operational battalions had between them some
30 Chars B, 50 Hotchkiss H-39s and 40 Renault R- 'Juniville was reached in the early afternoon, where
35s. Also available here was the 7th Light Mechanised the enemy counter-attacked with strong armoured forces.
Division a hastily-formed unit comprising troops who A tank battle developed to the south of Juniville, which
had survived the actions in Belgium and evacuation lasted for some two hours before being eventually decided
from Dunkirk. They could contribute 20 Hotchkiss in ourfavour. In the course of the afternoon Juniville itself
H-35s in worn state and the same n u m b e r of was taken. There Balck managed personally to capture the
new Hotchkiss H-39s, as well as a couple of dozen colours of a French regiment. The enemy withdrew to La
armoured cars. In the afternoon the 7th Light Neuville [south of Juniville]. While the tank battle was in
Mechanised punched into 1st Panzer and got as far as progress I attempted, in vain, to destroy a Char B with a
Menil-Lepinois while north of the river 3rd Armoured captured 47mm anti-tank gun; all the shells I fired at it
went for Perthes to help 127th Infantry withdraw. simply bounced harmlessly off its thick armour. Our
Guderian wrote of the day's events: 37mm and 20mm guns were equally ineffective against
this adversary... In the late afternoon another heavy
engagement with enemy tanks took place, this time to the
north of Juniville... but we managed to beat them off.'
That evening General Buisson was ordered to pull
his armoured group back and it was disbanded. T h e
two halves were sent off to different armies, each
depleted by the day's not unsuccessful efforts and now
condemned to soldier on alone. T h e larger scene was
depressing for the French. T h e Germans were now
outflanking this theatre on the west and General
Huntzinger ordered a withdrawal to a line from Reims
to the end of the Maginot line at Montmedy. As for
Guderian, he was exhausted. O n returning to his
group headquarters he cast himself down on a bale of
straw and fell asleep. His adjutant, Lieutenant-colonel
Riebel, had a tent erected over him and a guard posted
to ensure his undisturbed sleep.
O n Tuesday 11 June the drive south continued with
1st Panzer taking La Neuville and pushing on for
Betheniville, a village that was, Guderian remarks,
familiar to him from the previous war. There, on the that night and took the surrender of the garrison
little River Suippes, the French attacked again, the 7th of the fortress on Saturday morning, with 3,000
Light Mechanised's Hotchkisses acting by themselves prisoners. The pace did not slacken. By the evening 1st
and failing to slow German progress. O n Wednesday Panzer was at Gray-sur-Saone, another 30 miles
the Germans reached Chalons-sur-Marne and so keen (50km) south-east. By Monday 17 June, Guderian's
were they to advance that infantry and tankmen were birthday, 29th (Motorised) Infantry Division was on
almost falling over each other to press forward. The the Swiss border. It had taken them just over a week.
French were riven in two. Order and counter-order The Maginot Line was now surrounded.
from above sent the Gruppe Guderian swinging left and Orders were now given for Gruppe Guderian to
right, but he kept one of his corps firmly on the route swing east and north, which he was, in fact, already
south. O n the afternoon of Thursday 13 June 1st Panzer doing. In the morning of Tuesday 18 June he was in
reached the Rhine-Marne canal at Etrepy, between Belfort, the town which had stood against the Prussian
Vitry-le-Francois and Bar-le-Duc where General Rudolf invasion of 1870. Here the forts were still holding out.
Schmidt of XXXIX Corps ordered Balck to stop to let Guderian records:
the rest close up. When Guderian arrived he found 'The division organised an assault group for the
Balck curiously coy about his positions and reluctant to attack on the forts and on the citadel. The battle began
admit to having crossed the canal and established a about noon. The first fort to be captured was Basse-
bridgehead. O n discovering that Balck had disobeyed Perches, followed by Hautes-Perches, near where I was
orders in creeping forward Guderian countermanded standing, and the citadel itself The tactics employed were
the order and reiterated his firm policy of pressing on as extremely simple: first, a short bombardment by the
fast as possible. They reached St Dizier during the night. artillery of 1st Panzer Division; then Eckingers rifle
Friday 14 June saw the Germans enter the open battalion, in armoured troop-carrying vehicles, and an
city of Paris, armed with cameras and behaving like 88mm anti-aircraft gun drove right up to the fort, the
tourists. Guderian was still on his travels. latter taking up position immediately in front of the
'At midday ...I entered St Dizier. The first person I gorge; the riflemen thus reached the glacis [slope under the
saw was my friend, Balck, seated on a chair in the wall] without suffering any casualties, climbed up it,
market-place. He was looking forward to a few quiet clambered over the entrenchments and scaled the wall
hours after all the effort of the last few days and nights. I while the 88mm fired into the gorge at point-blank
had to disappoint him in this... Balck was ordered to set range. The fort was then summoned to surrender, which
off at once and to head straight for Langres.' under the impact of the rapid attack it did ...Our
H e got there, over 50 miles (85km) further south, casualties were very light.'
were to fall back on Rennes with a view to creating a South of the Seine a gap had opened between the
redoubt in Brittany, an idea which Weygand himself French 10th Army, to which the British were attached,
pronounced impractical. Brooke accepted the order but and the Army of Paris. T h e French 3rd Light Cavalry
immediately contacted London to say that he considered Division did what it could, but was unable to bridge
the position hopeless and that no more troops should be the widening breach. Through it the infantry divisions
sent. Sensing reluctance to accept his view, Brooke of Army Group B poured towards the Loire.
telephoned Churchill himself and found his advocacy Now the long quiescent Army Group C was
successful. He was released from French command and released from its enforced lethargy in front of the
ordered to bring out everything he could. Maginot Line. O n Friday 14 June, with the French
their guns and, as a result of a series of confusing Salon-de-Provence, about 25 miles (40km) north-west
messages, were already well on the way to completing of Marseille. They were taken, by train, in cattle-trucks
the loading of their weapons when the order not to do down the Rhone valley in the warm May sunshine,
so was confirmed. They lost their vehicles, but not the through the vineyard-clad hills. O n arrival they found,
guns. The last ship sailed on Monday 17 June and the to their delight, the cherries were ripe and ready for
last from St Nazaire the next day. W. Marett of the 1st borrowing. T h e squadron of Wellington bombers was
Ambulance Car Company found himself caught up in not there for long, but there the anti-aircraft gunners
the confusion at St Nazaire. stayed, apparently forgotten. As the rest of the BEF
'There were thousands of Frogs there, but our unit departed, they were told to get out in any way they
bypassed all of them (how or why we never found out) could. In Marseille they found the French, unwilling
and we boarded a collier. With a full-to-overflowing to antagonise the Germans, unhelpful. T h e dock
number of troops aboard we pulled away from the cranes were switched off and there was no hope of
dockside. The German fighters were overhead all the time: taking their vehicles or guns, so breech blocks were
it was a very anxious period. removed and trucks destroyed. Welsh colliers traded
As we got into more open water, we were suddenly with electricity-generating stations in the south of
aware that the sea around us was full of British soldiers France, and it was on one of these that, on 20 June
crying for help. This was a tragic sight but we could do 1940, Albert Smith and his comrades left for Gibraltar
nothing, and the ship kept sailing on. On reaching and thence for home. Possibly the last organised
England we landed at Falmouth, and found out what embarkation of a full unit from France. O n e battery of
had happened at St Nazaire. Just ahead of us the liner the 53rd City of London Regiment had been on board
Lancastria, a vessel of 20,000 tons with 5,000 men on the Lancastria.
BELOW The restored Clairiere board, had been bombed and sunk. Upwards of 3,000 T h e Battle of France was over. O n Friday June 21
de I'Armistice, dedicated to men perished.' Adolf Hitler had the satisfaction of seeing the defeated
the victory of 1918 rather Gunner Albert Smith was still in France. In May, French present themselves at the railway carriage at
than the defeat of 1940. in anticipation of air raids on Italy, the 159 (Lloyds) Compiegne to acknowledge their defeat. It appeared
(MME Hist/Somme 7/9) Battery, 53rd City of London, had been posted to that the triumph was his.
The list that follows includes those books the author May, 1940, London, George Allen & Unwin for Lord, Walter, The Miracle of Dunkirk, New York,
has consulted in the course of preparing this work and, the Netherlands Government Information Viking, 1982 and London, Allen Lane, 1983;
in some cases, has quoted from, notably in the cases of Bureau, 1944. London, Wordsworth, 1998.
the two outstanding German field commanders. The Ellis, L. E, The War in France and Flanders Maugham, W Somerset, France at War, London,
selection is personal and does not pretend to being a 1939-1940, London, H M S O , 1953; London, William Heinemann, 1940.
comprehensive review of the literature. Imperial War Museum and Nashville, The Battery Maurois, Andre, trans. F. R. Ludman, The Battle of
Press, 1996. France, London, John Lane The Bodley Head,
Anon., Bomber Command, The Air Ministry Fletcher, David, Mechanised Force: British Tanks 1940.
Account of Bomber Commands Offensive Against between the Wars, London, H M S O , 1991. Neave, Airey, The Flames of Calais, London, Hodder
the Axis, September 1939 - July 1941, London, Foss, Christopher F. and Peter McKenzie, The and Stoughton, 1972.
H M S O , 1941. Vickers Tanks: From Landships to Challenger, Pallud, Jean Paul, Blitzkrieg in the West, Then and
Anon., Militdrgeographische Beschreibung von Wellingborough, Patrick Stevens, 1988. Now, London, Battle of Britain Prints
Frankreich, Teil I, Nordost-Frankreich, Berlin, Gander, Terry, 'The explosive attack on Fort International, 1991.
Generalstab des Heeres Abteilung fur Eban-Emael', Fort Vol. 16, 1988. Perrett, Bryan, and Mike Badrocke,
Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen, 1940. Glover, Michael, The Fight for the Channel Ports, Panzerkampfwagen III Medium Tank 1936-1944,
Baudier, Michel and Jose Bouchez, Les Combats de London, Leo Cooper, 1985. Oxford, Osprey Publishing, 1999.
Stonne — Tannay — Oches — Sommauthe du 14 mai Goralski, Robert, World War II Almanac, London, Perrett, Bryan, and Jim Laurier,
au 11 juin 1940, Fieulaine, l'Association Hamish Hamilton, 1981. Panzerkampfwagen IV1936-1945, Oxford,
Ardennes 1940, 1997. Guderian, Heinz, trans. Christopher Duffy, Achtung Osprey Publishing, 1999.
Benoist-Mechin, J., trans. Peter Wiles, Sixty Days — Panzer!, London, Arms and Armour, 1992. Perrett, Bryan, Peter Sarson and Terry Hadler,
that Shook the West, London, Jonathan Cape, Guderian, Heinz, trans. Constantine Fitzgibbon, German Light Panzers 1932—1942, Oxford,
1963. Panzer Leader, London, Michael Joseph, 1952. Osprey Publishing, 1998.
Blatt, Joel, (Ed.), The French Defeat of 1940: Harman, Nicholas, Dunkirk: The Necessary Myth, Reitz, Deneys, No Outspan, 1943; Prescott, Wolfe
Reassessments, Providence and Oxford, Berghahn, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1980. Publishing, 1994.
1998. Hay, Ian, The Battle of Flanders 1940, London, Rommel, Erwin, ed. B.H. Liddell Hart, trans. Paul
Bond, Brian, Britain, France and Belgium H M S O , 1941. Findlay, The Rommel Papers, London, Collins,
1939-1940, 2nd Ed., London, Brasseys, 1990. Holmes, Richard, Army Battlefield Guide: Belgium 1953.
Cardigan, the Earl of, I Walked Alone, London, and Northern France, London, H M S O , 1995. Seton-Watson, Christopher, Dunkirk — Alamein —
Routledge & Keegan Paul, 1950. Home, Alistair, To Lose a Battle: France 1940, Bologna, London, Buckland, 1993.
Churchill, Winston S., The Second World War London, Macmillan, 1969 and 1990. Schulte, Addie, (Ed.), Oorlogs-reportages uit
Volume II: Their Finest Hour, London, Cassell, Horsfall, John, Say not the Struggle ..., Kineton, The Nederland & Nederlands Indie: de tweede
1949. Roundwood Press, 1977. wereldoorlog in ooggetuigen verslagen, Amsterdam,
Colville, J. R., Man of Valour: the Life of Field- Jackson, Robert, Air War over France 1939—40, Prometheus, 1995.
Marshal The Viscount Gort, London, Collins, London, Ian Allan, 1974. Snyder, Louis L., Encyclopedia of the Third Reich,
1972. Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf and Jurgen Rohwer, trans. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1976; London,
David, Saul, Churchill's Sacrifice of the Highland Edward Fitzgerald, Decisive Battles of World War Wordsworth, 1998.
Division, London, Brassey's, 1994. II: the German view, London, Andre Deutsch, Sumner, Ian, Francois Vauvillier and Mike Chappell,
Deighton, Len, Blitzkrieg, London, Jonathan Cape, 1965. The French Army 1939-1945 (1), London,
1979. Kaufmann, J.E., 'The Dutch and Belgium defences Osprey, 1998.
De Gaulle, Charles, trans. Jonathan Griffin, War in 1940', Fort Vol. 17, 1989. Time-Life Books, Editors of, lightning War,
Memoirs Volume One, The Call to Honour Keegan, John, (Ed.), Who's Who in World War II, Alexandria, Time-Life Books, 1989.
1940-1942, London, Collins, 1955. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1978; New Turnbull, Patrick, Dunkirk: Anatomy of a Disaster,
Delaforce, Patrick, Monty's Highlanders, Brighton, York, Oxford University Press, 1995. London, Batsford, 1978.
Tom Donovan, 1998. Lewin, Ronald, (Ed.), Freedoms Battle, Volume III: Ward, Alwyn, Dunkirk Inspiration, Sheffield, Alwyn
Divine, A. D., The Nine Days of Dunkirk, London, The War On Land 1939-45, London, Ward, 1990.
Faber&Faber, 1959. Hutchinson, 1969; Pimlico, 1994. Weinberg, Gerhard L., A World at Arms, Cambridge,
Doorman, P. L. G., trans. S. L. Salzedo, Military Linklater, Eric, The Highland Division, London, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Operations in the Netherlands from 10th—17th H M S O , 1942.
A wreath laid in memory of the Royal Scots at the CWGC
graveyard, Le Paradis. (MME WW2/4/2)
ISBN 1-85532-969-7