To Improve Data Storage Security Levels in The Cloud
To Improve Data Storage Security Levels in The Cloud
To Improve Data Storage Security Levels in The Cloud
Volume: 5 Issue: 10 59 – 63
Abstract: Now-a-Days Cloud Computing is an emerging technology, that works on the principle of pay-per-use. It offers services like Software-
as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Storage as a Service and many more. Cloud computing
used for database and software applications to centralize the data. All the cloud users openly store their data on the cloud service provider’s
service centers. Here, the management of data and services are not fully confidential. So that the security of the cloud stored data becomes an
open challenging task in the field of Cloud Computing. To increase the levels of data security in the cloud, this paper deals with some techniques
like public auditability, Homomorphism Linear Authenticator (HLA).
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Data Security, public auditability, Homomorphism Linear Authenticator (HLA)
Cloud computing is a recent trending in IT that computing basis. This is a general cloud available to public
where computing and data storage is done in data centers over Internet.
rather than personal portable PC’s. It refers to applications
delivered as services over the internet as well as to the cloud B. Private Cloud:
infrastructure – namely the hardware and system software in A private cloud is one in which the services and
data centers that provide this service. The sharing of infrastructure are maintained on a private network. These
resources reduces the cost to individuals. The best definition clouds offer the greatest level of security and control, but
for Cloud is defined in as large pool of easily accessible and they require the company to still purchase and maintain all
virtualized resources which can be dynamically the software and infrastructure, which reduces the cost
reconfigured to adjust a variable load, allowing also for savings.
optimum scale utilization. The key driving forces behind
cloud computing is the ubiquity of broadband and wireless C. Hybrid Cloud:
networking, falling storage costs, and progressive A hybrid cloud environment consisting of multiple internal
improvements in Internet computing software. The main and/or external providers "will be typical for most
technical supporting of cloud computing infrastructures and enterprises". By integrating multiple cloud services users
services include virtualization, service-oriented software, may be able to ease the transition to public cloud services
grid computing technologies, management of large facilities, while avoiding issues such as PCI compliance.
and power efficiency. The key features of the cloud are Cloud computing is the provision of dynamically
agility, cost, device and location independence, multi scalable and often virtualized resources as services over the
tenancy, reliability, scalability, maintenance etc. internet. Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or
The cloud can be deployed in three models. They control over the technology infrastructure in the cloud that
are described in different ways. In generalized it is described supports them. Cloud computing represents a major change
as below: in how we store information and run applications. Instead of
A. Public Cloud: placing applications and data on an individual desktop
Public cloud describes cloud computing in the traditional computer, everything is hosted in the cloud, through which a
mainstream sense, whereby resources are dynamically collection of computers and servers accessed via the
provisioned on a fine-grained, self-service basis over the Internet.
Internet, via web applications/web services, from an off-site The services offered by the cloud computing include:
third-party provider who bills on a fine-grained utility 1. Software as a Service(SaaS)
2. Platform as a Service(PaaS)
IJRITCC | October 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 10 59 – 63
3. Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) To fully ensure the data integrity and save the cloud users’
4. Storage as a Service computation resources as well as online burden, it is of
critical importance to enable public auditing service for
Among all these services, this paper mainly focuses on cloud data storage, so that users may resort to an
Storage as a Service, and the techniques for providing independent third party auditor (TPA) to audit the
security to the cloud stored data by the clients. outsourced data when needed. To address these problems,
this work utilizes the technique of public key based
1) Public auditability: To allow TPA to verify the
homomorphic linear authenticator (HLA), which enables
correctness of the cloud data on demand without
TPA to perform the auditing without demanding the local
retrieving a copy of the whole data or introducing
copy of data and thus drastically reduces the communication
additional online burden to the cloud users.
and computation overhead as compared to the
2) Storage correctness: To ensure that there exists no
straightforward data auditing approaches. By integrating the
cheating cloud server that can pass the TPA’s audit
HLA with random masking, our protocol guarantees that the
without indeed storing users’ data intact.
TPA could not learn any knowledge about the data content
stored in the cloud server during the efficient auditing
process. The aggregation and algebraic properties of the
authenticator further benefit this design for the batch
IJRITCC | October 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 10 59 – 63
3.1 Protocols for default Integrity Verification block. The difference is that HLAs can be aggregated. It is
possible to compute an aggregated HLA which authenticates
a linear combination of the individual data blocks.
1.Protocols for Default Integrity Verification: At a high level, HLA-based proof of storage system works
as follows. The user still authenticates each element of
F = (m1, · · ·, mn) by a set of HLA. The cloud server stores
1.Generate a random set
{F, φ}. The TPA verifies the cloud storage by sending a
challenge request chal
random set of challenge {k}. (More precisely, F and {k} are
data blocks all vectors, so {k} is an ordered set or {k, kn} should be
3.compute sent). The cloud server then returns μ = Pi to mi and an
signature block aggregated authenticator, that is supposed to authenticate μ.
Integrity Proof P Though allowing efficient data auditing and consuming only
4.Compute Root constant bandwidth, the direct adoption of these HLA-based
5.Verify the signature and output FALSE if fail techniques is still not suitable for our purposes. This is
6.Verify data block because the linear combination of blocks, μ = Pk to mk, may
potentially reveal user data information to TPA, and violates
the privacy preserving guarantee. Specifically, if an enough
number of the linear combinations of the same blocks are
collected, the TPA can simply derive the user’s data content
3.2 Protocol for Data Update by solving a system of linear equations.
2.The protocol for Provable Data Update:
Client CSS
1.Generate new signature
update request update
2.Update file
and compute R’
update proof P_update
3.Compute Root
It is a way to assure an auditor that a linear combination of
data blocks is correctly computed by verifying only the
aggregated authenticator. It is a form of encryption which
allows specific types of computations to be carried out on
cipher text and generate an encrypted result which when
decrypted, matches the result of operations performed on the
plain text.
HLA-based Solution:
The HLA technique is used to effectively support
public auditability without having to retrieve the data blocks
themselves. HLAs, like MACs, are unforgivable
verification metadata that authenticate the integrity of a data
IJRITCC | October 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 10 59 – 63
process not only removes the heavy load of users of the
cloud. But also the user’s fear of their diminish outsourced
leakage of data. In this the TPA may use multiple audit
sessions from various users for their outstanding data files.
In a right and better way we extended our privacy-
preserving public auditing protocol into multiple auditing
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