Evaluation of Insecticide Molecules Against Turmeric Shoot Borer, Conogethes Punctiferalis Gueene (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Evaluation of Insecticide Molecules Against Turmeric Shoot Borer, Conogethes Punctiferalis Gueene (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Evaluation of Insecticide Molecules Against Turmeric Shoot Borer, Conogethes Punctiferalis Gueene (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
All the tested insecticides were effective in suppressing the incidence of C. Punctiferalis. Larval population was
significantly less, in all the treated plots than untreated check. At three days after application, carbofuron and lamda
cyhalothrin recorded higher larval mortality, over check of 54.79 percent, carbofuron application recorded better result,
by controlling 72.60 percent larval mortality over check, within seven days followed by lamda cyhalothrin and
chloropyripos (64.38%). At fifteen days, after application of lamda cyhalothrin 58.75 percent control of larval mortality,
over untreated check was observed. The botanical pesticide nimbicidine was also effective, in reducing the pest and
recorded significantly lower larval mortality over control. The higher mean larval mortality was observed in lamda
Original Article
cyhalothrin (59.30 percent), followed by carbofuron (56.63 percent) and chloropyripos (53.19 percent).
Received: Aug 20, 2017; Accepted: Sep 14, 2017; Published: Nov 16, 2017; Paper Id.: IJASRDEC201731
India is considered as ‘The land of spices’. Turmeric is an important commercial spice crop, grown in
India and it is named as “Indian saffron”. Indian turmeric is considered the best in the world, due to presence of
high curcumin content. Botanically, it is named as Curcuma longa L. and belongs to family Zingiberaceae. India
accounts for 80 percent of the world output of turmeric and considered as the largest producer, consumer and
exporter of turmeric in the Globe. Andhra Pradesh (57%), Tamil Nadu (23%), Karnataka (6%) and Orissa (4%) are
some of the important states cultivate turmeric (Anon, 2009). During 2010-2011 India produced 9, 92,900 tons of
turmeric from an area of 1, 95,100 hectares (Anon, 2011a). The provisional estimates of area and production of
turmeric in Karnataka, during 2010-2011 was 90,448 tons from 18,035 hectares (Anon, 2011b). More than 30
species of insects have been reported to infest the crop in India, including under storage, among which, shoot borer
(Conogethes punctiferalis Guen.) is the most serious pest (Devasahayam and Koya, 2004). Yield losses of 25
percent have also been reported, when 23 to 24 percent of a plant’s pseudo stems are infested (Nybe, 2001). The
use of insecticide has become an inevitable method, in the management of shoot borer of turmeric, in the absence
of availability of resistant varieties for shoot borer. Keeping these points in view, the present investigation was
The investigation on the evaluation of insecticides against shoot borer C. punctiferalis was conducted
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232 Chethan K.S, Hanumanthaswamy B.C & Nagaraja, R
during 2013- 14 at College of Agriculture UAHS, Shimoga is presented below. A local turmeric variety was sown in 2 m x
5 m in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with three replications, by following package of practices except
plant protection measures. Sowing was done on 24th may, 2013 with a spacing of 45 cm X 30 cm between the row and
plants, respectively. The observation was recorded on the number of larvae per shoot, from selected five plants in each plot
and plants were tagged with wax labels. Spray and whorl application of insecticides were applied on turmeric crop, after
noticing the incidence of shoot borer. Pretreatment count was taken one day before application, while post treatment counts
were taken at three, seven and 15 days after application. The total number of larvae per five plants was also recorded. The
details of treatments and dosages are given in table 1. The number of larva per shoot was recorded by destructive sampling
of five randomly selected plants, in each plot. The stems were split open to count the number of larvae per shoot and also
the percent larval mortality, over untreated check was calculated by using below mentioned formula.
. .
Percent larval mortality = × 100
The evaluation of different insecticides on the mortality of C. punctiferalis larvae, at 3, 7 and 15 days after
spraying are presented in the table 2. The mean number of larvae at three days after spraying was varied significantly
among treatments, ranged from 0.33 to 0.73 larva per shoot, while number of larval count was less in lamda cyhalothrin,
carbofuran (0.33) and which, was on par with phorate, chlorantronilprole, chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid and fipronil (0.40).
Higher number of larva noticed in untreated check (0.73), which differed significantly from other treatments, followed by
nimbicidine (0.53). The percent larval mortality over untreated check ranged from 27.39 to 54.79 percent. The higher
larval mortality of 54.79 percent was recorded, in carbofuran 3G. The larval mortality was 27.39 percent, recorded in
Nimbicidine treated plot and differed significantly, from untreated check (0.00 %) (Table 2).
At seven days after spraying the mean number of larva observed was varied significantly, among treatments
which was ranged from 0.20 to 0.73 larva per shoot, with lowest number of larval count noticed in carbofuran (0.20) and
which was on par with lamda cyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos (0.26), phorate, chlorantronilprole, fipronil (0.33) and imidacloprid
(0.40), and Higher number of larva was noticed in untreated check (0.73), which differed significantly from other
treatments followed by nimbicidine (0.53). The percent larval mortality in treated plots over untreated check, ranged from
36.98 to 72.60 percent. The higher larval mortality of 72.60 percent was recorded in carbofuran 3G. The lower larval
mortality of 36.98 percent was recorded with nimbicidine and differed significantly, from untreated check (0.00 %) (Table
The significant variation among treatments with respect to mean number of larva was observed at 15 days after
sowing. It was ranged from 0.33 to 0.80 larvas per shoot, with lower number of larva was noticed in lamda cyhalothrin
(0.33) and which was on par with chlorpyrifos, chlorantronilprole (0.40), carbofuran, phorate, fipronil and imidacloprid
(0.46). Higher number of larva was noticed in untreated check (0.73), which differed significantly from other treatments
followed by nimbicidine (0.53). The percent larval mortality over untreated check ranged from 25 to 58.75 percent.
The higher larval mortality of 58.75 percent was recorded with lamda cyhalothrin. The lower larval mortality of 25 percent
was recorded with nimbicidine and differed significantly, from untreated check (0.00 %) (Table 2).
The mean per cent larval mortality over untreated check, ranged from 29.79 to 59.30 percent. The higher larval
mortality of 59.30 percent recorded with lamda cyhalothrin, followed by carbofuron (56.63 %) and chlorpyrifos (53.19 %).
Higher larval mortality was recorded in carbofuron treated plot; this could be due to the fact that, young larvae
before gaining entry into the shoot get exposed to the carbofuron. Present results of lamda cyhalothrin are in conformity,
with the reports of Evangelista (1995) who reported that, significant reduction of C. punctiferalis (8.09%). This was due to
quick knockdown effect of lamda cyhalothrin.
Present finding on chlorpyriphos against C. punctiferalis, is in accordance with the reports of Patel et al. (1987)
they reported that, lowest infestation was in plots sprayed with 1.5% chlorpyriphos dust. Similarly, Gopakumar et al.
(2006) reported that, C. punctiferlis on cardmom was effectively controlled by spraying of chloropyriphos 50 EC. Present
reports on effectiveness of Nimbicidine against C. punctiferalis, are in line with the reports of Virendra and Kesar (2003)
and Anon, (2004) they reported that, Neem oil was least effective.
On the whole study, on the evaluation of insecticide molecules revealed that, the higher mortality was observed at
seven days after spraying whereas, lesser mortality at 15 days after spraying and this is due to the efficacy of insecticides.
The number of day’s increases the insecticide loses its efficacy due to rain and sun light.
The higher benefit cost ratio was obtained in lamda cyhalothrin 2.5% EC, followed by chlorpyrifos 20 EC,
carbofuran 3G, phorate 10G and chlorontronilprole 0.4% G with B: C ratio of 2.38, 2.07, 2.04, 1.89 and 1.87, respectively.
Minimum B: C ratio of 1.15 was observed in untreated check and it was 1.27 and 1.44 in nimbicidine and imidacloprid
17.8 % SL respectively then comes fipronoil 5% SC with 1.64 (table 2).
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DAS= days after spraying; DBS= day before spraying, NS=non significant