Safety and Standards
Safety and Standards
Safety and Standards
Although most people do not realize it, standards drives modern day economy, they are essential components of
our nation's technology infrastructure—vital to industry and commerce, crucial to the health and safety and basic
to the nation's economic performance. Standards can:
1. IS 1641 `Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Buildings (General):General Principles of Fire Grading and
Classification’. This Indian Standard covers general principles of fire grading and classification, which
has been adopted in various Indian standards in respect to fire safety aspects.
2. IS 1642 ‘Fire Safety of Buildings (General): Details of Construction − Code of Practice’. The provisions
given in this standard are those which are necessary at the time of construction of building new or
addition or alterations for adopting fire safety measures. The provisions are applicable for all types of
buildings including high rise buildings (above 15 m in height).
3. IS 1643 ‘Fire Safety of Buildings (General): Exposure Hazard - Code of Practice’ . A series of Indian
Standards covering the fire safety of buildings in general, principles of fire grading, details of
construction, exit requirements and exposure hazard have been formulated. This Indian Standard,
covering the last aspect, includes the values in respect of floor area ratio, and open space to provide
adequate safety against exposure hazard.
1. IS 1644 ‘Fire Safety of Buildings (General) : Exit Requirements and Personal Hazard - Code of Practice’.
This standard covers requirements regarding fire safety of buildings with respect to exit requirements and
personal hazard.
2. IS 2189 ‘Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System – Code
of Practice’.This standard covers the planning, design, selection, installation and maintenance of fire
detection and alarm systems.
As a major development, BIS has published NBC (Part 4) Fire Protection which includes comprehensive
recommendation of minimum standards of fire protection. It specifies the demarcation of fire zones, restrictions
on construction of buildings in each fire zone, classification of buildings based on occupancy, types of building
construction according to fire resistance of the structural and non-structural components and other restrictions and
requirements necessary to minimize danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes or panic before the building can be
Additional Fire Protection Requirements for High Rise Buildings – 15 Metre in height or above. In addition to the
general provisions given in this part, the Authority may insist on suitable protection measures should be provided
in a building 15 m in height or above.
The specific requirements for Construction, lifts, fire lifts, basement, service shaft, refuse area, electrical service,
gas supply, transformer, air conditioning, fire alarm system, material used etc. are covered in the code.
BIS has formulated an number of Product standards concerning equipment safety e.g IS 302 (Part 2) Section (1 to
30) :1992, for Safety of household and similar electrical appliances.
IS 3521 : 1999 - Industrial safety belts and harnesses – Specification
IS 4501 : 1981- Specification for aprons, rubberized, acid and alkali resistant
IS 6153 : 1971- Specification for protective leather clothing
IS 7352 : 1974- Specification for X-ray lead rubber protective aprons
IS 8519 : 1977- Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for body protection
IS 8990 : 1978 - Code of practice for maintenance and care of industrial safety clothing
IS 9167 : 1979- Specification for ear protectors
IS 2573 : 1986 - Specification for leather gauntlets and mittens
IS 4770 : 1991- Rubber Gloves – electrical purposes – specification
IS 6994 : 1973 Part 1 - Specification for safety gloves – leather and cotton gloves
IS 8807 : 1978 - Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for protection of arms and hands