Assignment Awp II
Assignment Awp II
Assignment Awp II
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1. Explain
(a) Maximum Usable Frequency (b) Virtual Height (c) Skip Distance and Skip Zone
2. (a) A television transmitter antenna has a height of 169 meters and the receiving antenna has a
height of 16 meters. What is the maximum distance through which the TV signal could be received
by space wave propagation?
(b) A receiving antenna is located at 80km from the transmitting antenna. The height of the
transmitting antenna is 100m. What is the required height of the receiving antenna?
3. Consider an array of 16 elements spaced one wavelength apart with currents that are equal in
amplitude and 180out-of-phase. Determine
(a) Total length of the array (b) BWFN (c) HPBW (d) Directivity (e) Effective aperture
4. Design an Array of n elements with equal magnitude and currents equal in magnitude End-fire
Array. Derive (a) Directivity (b) Direction of Principle maxima (c) Direction of Maxima of side
lobes (d) Direction of Principle minima (e) Direction of Minima of side lobes
5. A broadside array consists 4 identical half wave dipoles spaced50cm apart. If the wavelength is
0.1m and each element carries RF current of equal magnitude of 0.25A and same phase, calculate
total length, directivity, power radiated, Beamwidth and Half Power Beamwidth of the major lobe.