Starlette Plus: The Small Range of Refrigeration Dryers
Starlette Plus: The Small Range of Refrigeration Dryers
Starlette Plus: The Small Range of Refrigeration Dryers
Short Discripton
The application of high-quality air
ensures continuity and reliability of in-
dustrial applications, the highest qual-
ity standards for finished products and
the optimisation of production costs.
Parker Hiross offers a range of re-
frigerated air drying solutions using
advanced refrigeration technology.
Starlette Plus is Parker Hiross’ answer
to the specific needs of the industrial
user. Starlette Plus safeguards con-
tinuous performance and superior effi-
ciency in every industrial compressed
air application. It can easily be adapt-
ed to suit all working conditions, main-
taining reliable dewpoint control and
the lowest possible pressure drops
and operating costs.
With its state-of-the-art PlusPack heat
exchangers (patent pending) and the
most compact dimensions of any sys-
PlusPack 3-in-1 heat exchangers
(patent pending), in solid alu-
minium with air-to-air freecooler
exchanger, evaporator and ‘slow
flow’ demister separator and inte-
grated air connections.
• Reliable air-tight piston com- • Large adjustable condenser and • Simple disassembly, with easy
pressors which do not require fan compartments to guarantee access to the internal compo-
preheating. optimum performance even in nents for efficient maintenance.
• Simple and secure refrigeration extreme conditions. • Drain positioned in a niche, al-
circuits which do not require • Security protection in the refrig- lowing easy access without the
adjustment during operation and eration circuit, increasing reli- need to remove the top panel.
undergo vigorous quality testing ability and safeguarding the air
in production. dryer.
Technical data
technical data dimensions (mm) weight
Pre Post
Model air flow abs. power air width height depth
filter filter
m3/h m3/min kW connec. A B C (kg)
SPL004 24 0,4 0,13 1/2" 450 430 210 19 HFN005Q HFN005P
SPL006 36 0,6 0,17 1/2" 450 430 210 19 HFN010Q HFN010P
SPL009 54 0,9 0,25 1/2" 500 505 210 23,5 HFN010Q HFN010P
SPL012 72 1,2 0,25 1/2" 500 505 210 23,5 HFN018Q HFN018P
SPL018 108 1,8 0,49 3/4" 520 565 225 26,5 HFN022Q HFN022P
SPL024 144 2,4 0,57 3/4" 520 565 225 31 HFN030Q HFN030P
SPL030 180 3,0 0,78 3/4" 520 565 225 35 HFN030Q HFN030P
SPL040 240 4,0 0,71 1 ½” 555 600 425 52 HFN045Q HFN045P
SPL050 300 5,0 0,85 1 ½” 555 600 425 58 HFN062Q HFN062P
SPL060 360 6,0 1,05 1 ½” 555 600 425 60 HFN062Q HFN062P
Performances refer to air at FAD 20°C / 1 bar A, and at the following working conditions: air suction 25°C / 60%RH, 7 barg working pressure, pressure dew
point in accordance with DIN ISO8573-1, 25°C cooling air temperature, 35°C compressed air inlet temperature. All indicated data refers toDIN ISO 7183. All
models supplied with refrigerant R134a and for operation up to 16 barg. Starlette Plus can operate up to ambient temperatures of 50°C and inlet temperatures
of 65°C.
B) Ambient temperature °C 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
correction factors 1,05 1 0,94 0,88 0,81 0,75 0,68
SPL004-030 SPL040-060
Parker Worldwide