Matriks SWOT
Matriks SWOT
Matriks SWOT
Matriks SWOT
Tabel 1. Matriks SWOT
Strength (S) Weakness (W)
1. Production house is self-owned so the cost of rent 1. In labor recruitment, there’s no selection on the
is not there just pay taxes and building first place, so that it will has a possibility of less-
retribution.Lokasi pabrik strategis yaitu dekat experienced labor
dengan kota malang 2. The used raw material could be rare
2. The products sold have got BPOM permit 3. Less of human resources management because
3. Has a good company image in the society only use 25 labors for production process.
EFE environment
4. The production is done by giving the priotiry to