Lesson Plan For m2
Lesson Plan For m2
Lesson Plan For m2
Classroom/Lesson Context
Central Focus: The students will identify the seven continents, oceans, and the
topographical features of the Earth’s surface.
Content Standard:
SS1G3: The student will locate major topographical features of the earth’s
a. Locate all of the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe,
Asia, Antarctica, and Australia.
b. Locate the major oceans: Artic, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian.
Student Learning Goal(s)/ Objective(s): After guided practice, the students will be
able to identify the continents and oceans with 72% accuracy. The students will be able
to locate the different contents and oceans.
Skills/procedures I will show a globe to the class. Allow time for the students to come
up in their small table groups to look at the globe. After the groups have spent 5 minutes
each at the globe, they will go back to their seats. I will pull up an empty world map and
use that to teach the students where each of the continents and oceans are located.
Then as groups, we will play a game to see if the students know where the continents
are. I will ask questions and they will use their dry erase marker and white boards at
each table to answer the question. They will get to come write the answer on the Smart
Board. They will then complete 2 worksheets. One individually to test their knowledge
and one together as a class.
Launch: 5 minutes
I will begin by turning off the lights, which informs the students to stop talking and put
their heads down. Turn on lights when quiet to begin the lesson. Then I will tell the
students that we are going to continue to go over the 7 continents today and 4 oceans. I
will tell them that while I am talking or the video is on, then are expected to have open
ears and closed mouths. They will come to the carpet for them to listen to the song.
Then I will play a song for the students involving the 7 continents and 5 oceans.
Continent & Ocean song.
As the students return to their seats, I will call the students up to my desk by groups
(Table 1, 2, 3) to look at the globe. On the way back to their seats, they will grab a dry
erase board and marker. I will go over the continents and oceans on a blank map on the
Smart Board. Then I will ask them questions referring to the world map. They will refer
to the blank world map on the Smart Board. They will use their dry erase board and
markers to answer questions. When a group raises their board with the correct answer
first, they will come to the board and write in the answer on the Smart Board.
Questions include:
Each student will be given their own worksheets. The first one will be used as guided
practice. The second will be used as independent practice. I will pull the first worksheet
up on the Smart Board that will be used as the guided practice. I will call students by
name up the Smart Board to answer each question. They will write it in themselves.
They will color it on their own. The independent practice will involve students using their
glue and scissors. They will cut and paste the items where they need to go.
Closure: 10 Minutes
Bring the students back to the carpet and we will go over the map again. Each student
can come up with 1 question to ask another student. They can use the blank map on
the Smart Board as reference.
If students are still confused or unsure about where items are on the map or simply not
understanding any locations, I will be able to pull them aside to reteach if needed. I can
pair them with a student that understands the newsletter information as well if
Student Interactions
Students are expected to follow the classroom rules at all times. They are allowed to
interact with those in the group using an inside voice.
Smart Board, 3 Dry erase markers, 3 whiteboards, worksheets, pencil, scissors, and
Worksheet over
continents and Worksheet will be given
Students with hearing
oceans requiring to evaluate if the
impairment can sit close
Informal them to answer understand the world map
to me while giving
multiple choice and the location of
questions and also continents and oceans.
Independent Practice:
Guided Practice:
Point 1 2 3 4 Total
Scale Did not Mastered
Master Assignment