Ansys Forte Brochure New PDF
Ansys Forte Brochure New PDF
Ansys Forte Brochure New PDF
ANSYS Forte is the only CFD simulation package Key benefits of the FORTÉ CFD Package include:
for internal combustion engines that incorporates • Automatic mesh generation that eliminates
proven ANSYS Chemkin-Pro solver technology – weeks of effort typically spent on manual mesh
the gold standard for modeling and simulating preparation
gas phase and surface chemistry. Forte includes • Embedded Chemkin-Pro solver technology that
state-of-the-art Automatic Mesh Generation (AMG), provides the computational speed required for
including Solution Adaptive Mesh Refinement (SAM) predictive engine simulations
ANSYS Forte automatically and geometry-based adaptive mesh refinement • True multicomponent fuel-vaporization models
generates the moving (AMR). While legacy engine-combustion CFD that enable a self-consistent representation of
volume mesh on-the-fly,
simulations utilize chemistry solvers that are too the physical spray and the kinetics for accurate
during the simulation
slow to handle the chemistry details required for prediction of fuel effects
accurate predictions of ignition and emissions, • Advanced spray models that dramatically reduce
Forte enables the use of multicomponent fuel grid and time-step dependency when compared to
models to combine with comprehensive spray existing approaches
dynamics – without sacrificing simulation time-to- • The ability to track soot particle formation, growth,
solution. Forte robustly and accurately simulates agglomeration and oxidation without a compute-
IC engine combustion performance with nearly time penalty to predict particle size and number
any fuel, helping engineers rapidly design cleaner
burning, high-efficiency, fuel-flexible engines. Simulate combustion more quickly,
Coupling Forte’s robust, accurate combustion easily and accurately
modeling capabilities with automated mesh To efficiently create novel, fuel-flexible engines
generation enables engine designers to quickly with improved fuel economy and lower pollutant
analyze designs without the mesh generation emissions, while simultaneously reducing
headache. development costs and schedules, effective
combustion simulation is a must. Other combustion
Supported Engine Simulation applications include: CFD packages cannot model realistic fuels needed
• Spark Ignition – Natural Gas, Gasoline for timely and realistic predictions of combustion
Direct Injection & Port Injection performance. To meet development schedules, vital
• Diesel – Heavy Duty, Passenger, Power chemistry information, including the fuel surrogate,
Generation and Marine is often sacrificed and replaced with empirical or
• Dual Fuel (any fuel combination, multiple severely reduced models. This approach requires
injections) the constant “calibration” of models, reliance on
• Four-Stroke and Two-Stroke hardware experimentation, and the expertise of
• Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition users to achieve acceptable results. Forte eliminates
ANSYS Forte results using Modern Fuel Library (blue line)
closely approximate actual measurements. Compare to
conventional, single-component fuel model (red line).
the “accuracy versus compute time” compromise and a multicomponent fuel-vaporization model.
and enables more innovation and wider exploration These models capture both primary and secondary
of new designs. atomization effects for diesel and gasoline direct
injections. Forte’s simulation models provide more
Real fuel chemistry, without the wait accurate spray representation without the need for
Forte’s embedded Chemkin-Pro solver technology drastic mesh refinement. Increased model accuracy
gets the right answer, right on time. Now you can reduces the time and effort you spend calibrating.
incorporate larger, more accurate fuel models into
your simulation and achieve compute times similar Modeling soot emissions and engine knock
to those with severely reduced, less accurate Advanced chemistry models are proven to predict
models. The Chemkin-Pro solver technology is the the effects of operating conditions and fuel
gold standard for use in chemical kinetic simulation variations on engine knock, soot emissions and
and it employs a number of innovative and particulate matter (PM) size, yet they are too
proprietary techniques to achieve unprecedented complex to run in conventional CFD software.
calculation speeds:
Forte uses Chemkin-Pro solver technology to
Dynamic Cell Clustering leverages an advanced enable the use of accurate soot chemical models
algorithm to group those cells that have similar that track the formation, growth and agglomeration
kinetic conditions at each time-step, eliminating of soot particles. The particle-tracking model
duplicate calculations. built into the Forte CFD Package provides local, Adaptive meshing bal-
dynamic predictions of mean particle size and ances mesh size, resolu-
Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry automatically reduces number density to support intelligent virtual tion and accuracy
the kinetics on the fly at every time-step; using prototyping. Forte software’s exceptional ability
only the necessary chemistry at a given time leads to handle complex chemical models without a
to huge savings in solution time, with no loss in time-to-solution penalty allows the calculation of
accuracy. knock intensity with variations in conditions such
as engine boost, spark timing, EGR and fuel. Virtual
The world’s best spray models pressure sensors can capture pressure fluctuations
Industry-leading spray modeling options in from auto-ignition that lead to engine knock
Forte maintain consistency between the physical
properties of the spray and the chemical model of
the fuel. Spray model components include a nozzle
flow model with cavitation effects; droplet breakup
models; a gas-jet model; a droplet collision model;
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