Greco 2015
Greco 2015
Greco 2015
well as become productive researchers. We investigated the one can use citations to find previous work in the area as well as
various models for teaching information literacy skills and related work, and how to use the citation manager RefWorks.
decided on a dedicated 1-credit course that would be required Much chemical information is now found in databases, so
for the chemistry major and taken by students during the spring students explore the SciFinder, PubMed, PubChem, and
semester of their sophomore year. Students who complete this ChemSpider23 databases, with an eye for which database
200-level course will go on and take another 1-credit 300 level would be most appropriate for finding specific pieces of
course entitled “Chemical Communication” in which they information. They are given several exercises in which they have
utilize the skills learned in this course to prepare a review the opportunity to carry out various types of searches such as
article, poster, and oral presentation on a topic of their choice. topic, author, chemical substance, and chemical structure. For
The college’s Curriculum Committee enthusiastically approved many students, this is their first exposure to a structure drawing
the creation of both courses, citing the importance of the program. We discuss older indexing methods such as the
development of student skills. Beilstein and Gmelin databases, and their shortcomings. Finally,
We decided to offer a stand-alone course in order to allow within this unit they learn a little bit about SMILES and InChI
students to explore topics within chemistry that interest them, in order to appreciate how modern search engines transform a
rather than only become exposed to the literature of a particular chemical structure into a searchable string.
subdiscipline. Furthermore, there was really no room in our Students are also exposed to databases in which they can find
content-rich existing courses to incorporate the level of data directly as opposed to finding references. Students use the
treatment of chemical information that would truly be useful Cambridge Structure Database24 to examine the crystal
to students. Many of our students begin independent research structures of small molecules, and two other databases (the
in the summer after the sophomore year, and we wanted this Japanese Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS)25
course to be in place before they begin a research project. and the NIST Chemistry WebBook26) to search for spectra.
Finally, we wanted this course to be a small group experience Given that almost half of the students in the spring 2015 class
for our sophomores that will begin the process of creating a were biochemistry majors, I was sure to include protein
community of chemistry majors. All of the chemistry courses sequence and structure databases (Uniprot27 and the RCSB
that they take up to this point (General and Organic Protein Data Bank28). Students learned how to carry out a
Chemistry) are relatively large classes, with the majority of sequence alignment query and how to use the Jmol viewer29 to
the enrolled students not being chemistry majors, and we manipulate three-dimensional structures.
wanted to focus instruction about chemical information on Patents 30 are another important source of chemical
students who will continue taking chemistry courses. information. Students become familiar with the patent literature
We do not have a dedicated science librarian at Goucher, so by considering questions such as What kind of information can
we decided that a faculty member within the department would you find in a patent? Why should we care about information in
offer the course. In this article, I discuss the structure of the patents? How are patents structured? How is it the same as
course I developed, as well as some of the specific topics we journal articles? How is it different from journal articles? Where
cover and assignments that students complete.
within a patent would you look for a specific piece of
information? We also consider the people and organizations
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE involved in the patent process, both within the United States
The major topics covered in the course can be found in Table and worldwide.
1. The unit on “current events” was a favorite among students
The course begins with a general overview of the scientific in the spring 2015 class. Students are asked to go through the
literature including a discussion of the types of papers found in table of contents of the most recent issue of the Journal of the
journals, the difference between primary and secondary sources, American Chemical Society. For each Communication and
and a survey of print resources available at a small liberal arts Article, they are asked to determine what area of chemistry is
college. Students are taught the importance of citations, how best represented by the articleeither one of the five
traditional subdisciplines within chemistry or an emerging
Table 1. Major Topics in Chemical Information Literacy interdisciplinary area. Then, they are asked to vote for at least
Course two articles that they would like to study in more detail. From
their votes, I chose one Communication and one Article to
Topic Title study in depth. This year, one article was about gold nanorods,
1 Introduction. Why this course? Structure of Chemical Information and the other was an organic methodology paper. I think it is
2 Primary Literature Overview; Types of Journals; Types of Articles important to include one paper describing the synthesis of
3 Citations: Why and How? Using RefWorks citation manager compounds (usually organic) and one paper describing
4 Secondary/Tertiary Literature. Review Articles, Compiled Data, measurements of chemical or biochemical properties. Through
Handbooks, Encyclopedias, Methods this exercise, students realize that they do not need to read
5 Abstracting and Indexing resources: Chemical Abstracts/SciFinder, every word of a paper in order to be able to extract the most
PubMed, PubChem, ChemSpider
important results.31 For example, the abstract, the last
6 Formulating an Effective Search Strategy: Searching by text, structure,
and citations paragraph of the introduction, and the figures/tables/schemes
7 Patents are where they should focus their effort. They will undoubtedly
8 Current Events. What kind of papers do we find in a current journal, come across some unfamiliar terminology, and they need to
and how do we go about reading them? decide if they need to look up the meanings of unfamiliar words
9 Structure and Sequence databases: Uniprot, Cambridge Structure or whether they can pass over those words without losing too
Database, Protein Data Bank much of the overall idea of the paper.
10 Spectral and Property databases: NIST Chemistry WebBook, SDBS Having explored what chemical information is, and how to
11 The Publication Process find it, we also consider the publication processin other
B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00422
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education
words, how discoveries become chemical information. Topics HOW CLASSES WERE RUN
discussed include journal-specific requirements as articulated in The class met for 50 min once a week for 14 weeks. I created a
the Instructions for Authors, what happens to a paper after it is student handout for each major topic. Copies of the handouts
submitted, and the open access model of publishing. are included in the Supporting Information. I would
demonstrate the use of each electronic resource covered during
STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS the class, and I asked students to bring a laptop to each class
meeting so that they could follow along. During some of the
The major project for the semester was for students to create classes, the students would work on some of the assignments
an annotated bibliography on a subject of interest to them. described above. Some topics (open access vs traditional
They were asked to choose either: subscriptions) lent themselves to lively discussions, while others
• The work of a particular chemist working in academia were more straightforward presentations of the material.
• A specific research topic Discussions sometimes explored worthwhile tangents such as
how to choose a graduate school and research advisor. In the
• A specific molecule or class of molecules (including future, handouts will be posted in advance so that students can
drugs) read them before coming to class. This will free up more class
They were required to have at least 20 total references in their time for discussion and for students to be able to do more
hands-on work.
bibliographies with at least 4 references coming from the past 3
years, and 12 of the 20 coming from the primary literature. For
each reference, students wrote a short summary of the paper in EXAM AND GRADING
their own words. Three students chose to study the work of a There was one exam, administered during the final exam
single chemist (Dale Boger, Sarah Reisman, and David period. The exam was 35 points written, and 65 points
Nichols), two students chose single molecules (Methylpheni- practical. On the written part, students had to demonstrate
date and Nicotine), and the remaining six students chose more mastery of the terminology of the course and know which
general topics (Advances in Drug Delivery, Copper Contam- resource they would use to find what kind of information. For
ination of Natural Waters, Anticancer Drugs, Methods of the practical portion, students were given five tasks. They had
Detection for Cancer, Artificial Photosynthesis, and Gold to do an author search, a subject search on a drug using the
Nanorods). The breadth of topics chosen by students spans the patent literature, a structure search to find a synthesis, a protein
chemical subdisciplines and provides support to the approach sequence search, and a spectral search. Students received and
of a freestanding course rather than just integrating chemical submitted the practical portion electronically carrying it out on
information exercises into the organic chemistry course. their laptop. The specific questions asked students to copy
Students completed six other assignments over the course of specific pieces of information that they found onto the
the semester. As an introduction to the primary literature, they electronic copy of the exam.
were asked to choose 8 ACS journals and find out information The grade was broken down as follows:
such as the scope of the journal, what kinds of articles are Class Participation and classwork: 20%
published, and the impact factor. To gain skills with using a Homework Assignments: 25%
citation manager, they were asked to import a list of articles Major Project (Annotated Bibliography): 25%
written by a particular author in 2014 into RefWorks, then Final Exam: 30%
output a bibliography in two different journal styles (Organic Most students who handed in all of their assignments received
Letters and Biochemistry). most of the points for those assignments, so the final exam was
After learning how to execute searches using SciFinder, most critical in differentiating A students from B students.
students completed several tasks. They prepared a complete list
of papers written by an assigned author in 2014, then they
chose a topic of interest from a list of hot topics in chemistry,
This course is now required of all chemistry majors, and it will
found a review article, and identified a leading researcher in the ordinarily be taken during the sophomore year. While we had
field. In addition, they carried out a topic search to find out only three sophomore chemistry majors this year, there were 11
information about a new drug that was approved in 2014, and students in the class this past semester including three senior
they carried out a structure search to locate a preparation of a chemistry majors, one junior chemistry major, one junior
small organic molecule. The ability for all students to use biology major, and three sophomore biochemistry/molecular
SciFinder together in class is only possible as a result of the biology majors. Clearly, the idea of this course appealed to a
recent decision by CAS to no longer restrict the number of wide range of students at a variety of different points in their
college careers.
SciFinder seats included in our subscription plan. Students then
The course definitely met its objective of introducing
used PubMed to search for information about a class of cancer
students to the chemical literature and methods of searching,
drugs. and encouraged them to begin reading the literature. The
A textbook entitled Chemical Information for Chemists: A number of papers downloaded from ACS journals increased by
Primer by Judith Currano and Dana Roth has recently been 59%, and the number of SciFinder searches increased by nearly
published.32 There is a lot of good material in this textbook, 600% from between January and April of 2014, before this class
and I used it extensively when preparing course materials, but I existed, to January and April of 2015.
decided to make it optional for students, because the The longer-term outcome of this course would be for
sophomore students for whom this course is targeted would students to be able to perform effective literature searches
struggle to extract the useful information out of the long related to their research projects. Since most of the enrolled
chapters with lots of facts in them. students have not yet begun a research project, we are not yet
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00422
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article
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(24) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center Cambridge Structure
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(1) American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training (25) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
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acsorg/about/governance/committees/training/acsapproved/ pounds, SDBS.
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D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00422
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E DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00422
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