Unit 1 Business Activity
Unit 1 Business Activity
Unit 1 Business Activity
This assignment can be used to assess the students’ performance in this unit.
The topics will require access to a suitable textbook.
For this purpose, IGCSE Business Studies Second Edition by Karen Borrington
and Peter Stimpson is recommended. Chapters relating to this unit are chapters
1 and 2. There are also suitable class activities and worksheets on the
accompanying CD-ROM.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Business Activity as a means of adding value and helping to satisfy
customers needs
1.3 Classification of local and national firms into primary, secondary and
tertiary sectors
1.4 Business objectives and their importance
1.5 Stakeholders and their differing objectives
1.6 Aims of private and public sector organisations
1.7 Business growth and measurement of size
1.8 Revision
Unit 1 Business Activity
Explain the 1 Discover extent of public Visit the website of the national Public sector
purposes of sector in government. See resource list for Private sector
business students’ own country some ideas Privatisation
activity in terms Profit
of the ** This could be covered
objects of non- under 1.5 business
profit making objectives below.
activity, private
enterprise and
public enterprise
Unit 1 Business Activity
1.3 Classification of Describe and 2 Class investigation to Visit Government websites and De-industrialisation
local and classify business identify nature and explore National Government Primary, Secondary
national firms activity in terms importance of each sector Statistics e.g. Tertiary.
into primary, of primary, in own country. May be www.economy.gov.eg (Egypt)
secondary and secondary and useful to do comparison www.ipa.gov.pg (Papua New
tertiary sectors. tertiary sectors. with another country. Guinea)
Graph the different sectors www.gov.bw (Botswana)
Demonstrate an in selected countries and http://www.bccthai.com/ (Thailand)
awareness of the compare them. www.mop.gov.kw (Kuwait),
changes that Also explain how these www.saudinf.com (Saudi Arabia)
have taken place sectors change as a www.investinspain.org (Spain)
in these sectors country develops. www.statistics.gov.uk (UK)
within own www.pak.gov.pk , (Pakistan)
country. Worksheet on IGCSE CD- www.commonwealth.org.uk
ROM. IGCSE Business Studies CD-ROM
1.4 Business Describe and 2 Teacher lead discussion www.thetimes100.co.uk and follow Strategic decisions
objectives and explain the and case study (Amway). links to Amway via companies. The Tactical decisions.
their private and Coca-Cola case study would also
importance. public sectors as Compare with a public be useful to look at.
a way of sector organisation (e.g. a
organising hospital).
business activity.
Include - Why
businesses grow
and expand,
connected with
this and how this
might be
1.5 Stakeholders 1 Student group activity – www.thetimes100.co.uk Stakeholder.
and their identify stakeholders in a Choose a large business in the
differing business by identifying country and access its accounts on
objectives them in a case study or an the net, or find a multi-national that
annual report. operates in the country.
Unit 1 Business Activity