Dichotomous Key Lab Yoked
Dichotomous Key Lab Yoked
Dichotomous Key Lab Yoked
1. Cotyledon singled
2. Stem habit, suffrutescent
3. Leaf attachment, petiolate. Flower cluster arrangement, spike……………………………….……… Pandanus tectorius
3. Leaf attachment, sessile. Flower cluster arrangement, panicle……………………………………….. Adonidia merrillii
2. Stem habit, caulescent ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. Tradescantia spathacea
1. Cotyledon doubled
4. Plant habit, tree
5. Arrangement of leaf, opposite. Axillary bud type present
6. Apex of leaf, retuse. Type of fruit capsule ………………………………………………………..… Moringa oleifera
6. Apex of leaf, accuminate. Type of fruit achene …………………………………………..…….… Toona calantas
5. Arrangement of leaf, non-opposite. Axillary bud type absent
7. Base of leaf, acute. Leaf shape, elliptic ……………….……………………………..……….………. Chrysophyllum caimito
7. Base of leaf, alternate. Leaf shape, oblong……………………….……………………………....... Plumeria acuminata
4. Plant habit, non-tree
8. Herbaceous stem present
9. Venation of leaf, reticulate. Leaf base rounded……………………………………….…………… Ocimum basilicum
9. Venation of leaf, pinnate. Leaf base cuneate …………………………………………………….…. Cichorium intybus
8. Herbaceous stem absent
10. Root type fibrous
11. Type of leaf, simple
12. Perianth type, coronate ………………………………………………………...… Zinnia elegans
12. Perianth type, non-coronate
13. Position of ovary hypogynous ….……………………………..…. Pachystachys lutea
13. Position of ovary epigynous …………………………………...…. Mussaenda philippica
11. Type of leaf, compound
14. Fruit present…………………………………………………………………….……… Carica papaya
14. Fruit absent
15. Floral symmetry, radial………………………………………………. Bougainvillea glabra
15. Floral symmetry, bilateral …………………………………….…... Ixora coccinea
10. Root type taproot
16. Adventitious root, present…………………………………………………………….………. Allamanda cathartica
16. Adventitious root, absent
17. Shape of leaf, ovate
18. Inflorescence, solitary. Leaf apex, acute…………………….... Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
18. Inflorescence, uniparous cyme. Leaf apex, apiculate……. Rosa spp.
17. Shape of leaf, non-ovate
19. Fruit type, succulent ……………………………………………..…….. Lantana camara
19. Fruit type, dry
20. Corolla calyx arrangement, bracteate…………..…. Caesalpinia pulcherrima
20. Corolla calyx arrangement, unguiculate ………….. Jatropha integerrima