Paes 203
Paes 203
Paes 203
The formulation of this standard PAES 203:2000, Agricultural Machinery: Moisture Content
Determination for Rice and Corn was initiated by Agricultural Machinery Testing and
Evaluation Center (AMTEC) through the project “Standardization of Postharvest Machinery
Testing and Evaluation” funded by the Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension
(BPRE) of the Department of Agriculture (DA).
This formulated standard was reviewed by the Study Team for the Formulation of Standards
for Grain Dryer and by the Technical Committee on Postharvest Machinery and was
circulated to various private and government agencies/organizations concerned for their
comments and reactions. This standard was presented to the Philippine Society of
Agricultural Engineers (PSAE) and subjected to a public hearing organized by the National
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (NAFC).
This standard has been technically drafted in accordance with PNS 01: Part 4:1998 – Rules
for the Structure and Drafting of Philippine National Standards.
Part 16 and 17 of the regional Network for Agricultural Machinery Test Codes and
Procedures for Continuous Flow and Batch Rice Dryers
NFA Standard Calibration Procedure – Grains Meter Calibration for Standard Laboratory
1 Scope
This standard specifies the methods for determining the moisture content of rice and corn for
mechanical grain dryer testing. Specifically, this shall be used for the following:
1.1 calibration of the moisture meter to be used during dryer tests in reference with the
primary method (oven method);
2 Definition
moisture content
amount of moisture in the grain expressed as percentage of the total weight of the sample,
wet basis
Mo - M1
Moisture Content, % w.b. = x 100
Mo = initial mass in grams of the test portion
M1 = mass in grams of the dry test portion
primary method
method of grain moisture determination based on actual extraction of water either by
convection heating (oven method) or distillation
secondary method
method of grain moisture determination based on some characteristics of the grain sample
such as electrical resistance and capacitance which are related to moisture content and must
be periodically calibrated against an official primary method
PAES 203:2000
3 Apparatus
3.2 desiccator
clean, heavy glass with ground-on cover with knob, and should contain standard desiccant
(i.e. silica gel)
3.3.3 enabling grinding to be carried out rapidly and uniformly, without appreciable
development of heat and as far as possible without contact with the outside air.
3.5 oven
ventilated drying oven with temperature range that can be regulated
3.6 secondary moisture meters (e.g. capacitance type, resistance type etc.)
4 Calibration
The moisture meter shall be calibrated every six (6) months. The calibration procedures to be
followed are given in Annex A.
This device consists of a hopper mounted over a cone, which has a number of small
collecting bins around its base. In operation, the divider is set on a level surface. The bulk
sample is poured into the hopper with its bottom outlet closed by a disc or platen gate. When
the disc or plate is pulled out sideways the grain will flow evenly around the cone and get
caught in the collecting bins. Every other collecting bin is discarded and the remaining grains
mixed again to form a sub-bulk sample. The process is repeated until the desired size of the
sample is obtained.
PAES 203:2000
In order to get a more accurate information of the test lot, there shall be as many samples as
possible. However, in most cases the size of sample collected is large, making it difficult to
manage. A method that may be used to reduce these samples to a manageable level and yet
still possess the same characteristic elements present in the whole population is called coning
and quartering. This method can be performed by the following:
5.2.1 Thoroughly mix all specific samples where a reduced quantity is required as to
contain heavy and light materials, dust and other impurities in the same proportion.
5.2.3 Using a rectangular or sharp-edge stick, level the upper portion of the cone.
5.2.4 Divide the sample into four equal parts by cutting vertically using the same sharp-
edge stick.
5.2.5 Discard the two opposite parts and retain the other two parts.
5.2.6 If the resulting sample size is still unmanageable, repeat the whole procedure until a
manageable quantity is obtained.
Approximately divide the grain bulk into 4 lots. From each lot, take 50 samples of not less
than 100 g each and bulk to provide one sample of about 5 kg. Reduce the sample from 5-kg
bulk sample to 2-kg sample.
Test samples shall be taken from different parts of the bag (for example, top, middle and
bottom) by means of a sack-type spear from the number of bags specified in Table 1.
Obtain 100g sample from each sample points and bulk. Reduce the size of the sample.
PAES 203:2000
To determine the average condition of the output grain, sampling should be done after any
device in the grain handling line, which mixes the grain, e.g., screw conveyor. If grain is
discharged in batches from the dryer or from a hopper, e.g., in bags or sacks, care should be
taken that samples taken are representative of the batch, as the properties of the first, middle
and last grain in the batch may vary significantly. Samples may be taken from the dryer itself
to determine the properties inside the machine.
For each sample at least 50 g of grain shall be taken from one-liter volume of grain taken
from the grain stream.
The frequency of sampling from the outgoing grain stream(s) shall be such that a minimum
of 12 samples is obtained, spaced evenly over a test period. The timing and frequency of
sampling of the outgoing grain stream shall be such that (a) the grain sampled corresponds
with that which will leave the dryer during the test period, and (b) a minimum of 12 sampling
At least 12 samples from the batch of grain to be dried shall be taken, spaced evenly over the
loading period. Samples shall be taken from different portions of the dryer (bottom, middle
and top). At least 50 samples randomly taken from the batch of dried grain shall be taken
during unloading.
Moisture content measurements should be measured when the grain has cooled to ambient
temperature. Moisture meters, which operate on the principle of changes in capacitance or
resistance with the moisture content of the grain sample, can be used during dryer test.
Manufacturer’s instructions should be followed to obtain accuracy and precision.
PAES 203:2000
Annex A
Grains Moisture Meter Calibration
For Standard Laboratory Procedure
A.1 Apparatus
A.2.2 Pass the entire grain sample through a grain sieve (aspirator) to make sure that the
grain samples are pure and free from impurities.
A.2.3 Weigh 10 samples of approximately 250 g and place in airtight plastic film bags or
test sample bottles. The quantity of each sample in the test sample container should exceed
the quantity that will be taken by the moisture meter to be calibrated.
A.3.1 Grinding – adjust the grinding mill. Grind a small quantity of the laboratory sample
and discard it. Then quickly grind a quantity of the laboratory sample approximately 15g to
allow for a duplicate analysis. For rough rice, grind for 30 seconds; 25 seconds for milled
A.3.2 Rapidly weigh 5g of ground material into each dishes (previously pre-heated and
tared, together with its lid to the nearest 0.001g.The weighed dishes are placed in the
desiccator until all the weighings have been carried out on the rest of the samples.
A.3.3 Drying – Place all 30 dishes (3 for each samples) containing the test portion together
with the lid, in the oven which has been pre-heated to 130oC and leave for 120 minutes + 5
minutes for rice and 240 minutes + 5 minutes for corn.
A.3.4 Rapidly take the dish out of the oven, cover it and place it in the desiccator. When the
dish has cooled to laboratory temperature (between 40 minutes and 45 minutes) after it has
been placed in the desiccator, weigh it to the nearest 0.001g.
A.3.5 Calculate the moisture content of each sample, expressed as percentage by weight,
wet basis, as follows:
Mo - M 1
Moisture Content, % w.b. = x 100
Mo = initial mass in grams of the test portion
M1 = mass in grams of the dry test portion
PAES 203:2000
A.3.6 Test each sample (portion of sample remaining in the container) with the moisture
meter to be calibrated and repeat the test three to five times to ensure reliable results.
A.3.7 Calculate the average values of the obtained moisture content for both oven and given
meter. Use the results of the oven tests as reference points to evaluate the grain moisture