Morrow - Quality and Trustworthiness PDF
Morrow - Quality and Trustworthiness PDF
Morrow - Quality and Trustworthiness PDF
This article examines concepts of the trustworthiness, or credibility, of qualitative research. Following a
“researcher-as-instrument,” or self-reflective, statement, the paradigmatic underpinnings of various
criteria for judging the quality of qualitative research are explored, setting the stage for a discussion of
more transcendent standards (those not associated with specific paradigms) for conducting quality
research: social validity, subjectivity and reflexivity, adequacy of data, and adequacy of interpretation.
Finally, current guidelines for writing and publishing qualitative research are reviewed, and strategies for
conducting and writing qualitative research reports are suggested.
Qualitative research, ensuing from a variety of disciplines, par- mentored by two qualitative methodologists and researchers in the
adigms, and epistemologies, embraces multiple standards of qual- College of Education, Mary Lee Smith and Carole Edelsky. Both
ity, known variously as validity, credibility, rigor, or trustworthi- served on the committee for my dissertation on survival and
ness. In addition to some standards that may be thought of as coping of women survivors of childhood sexual abuse (Morrow,
somewhat universal across disciplines and paradigms, the “good- 1992; Morrow & Smith, 1995), and I took extensive qualitative
ness” (Morrow & Smith, 2000) of qualitative inquiry is assessed coursework under their tutelage. During my tenure at the Univer-
on the basis of the paradigmatic underpinnings of the research and sity of Utah, I have conducted qualitative research on feminist
the standards of the discipline. Thus, a grounded theory study or a therapy; on the career development of lesbian, gay, and bisexual
consensual qualitative research investigation in counseling psy- individuals and women with HIV disease; and on the academic
chology that is rooted in a postpositivist or constructivist/interpre- climate for graduate women of color. In addition, I have super-
tivist paradigm will look quite different from a critical ethnogra- vised numerous qualitative theses and dissertations and coauthored
phy in education; and the standards appropriate for evaluating two chapters on qualitative methodology in the field (Morrow,
these studies will vary accordingly. Rakhsha, & Castañeda, 2001; Morrow & Smith, 2000).
I begin this article by addressing the paradigmatic underpin- Throughout my work as a qualitative methodologist and re-
nings of trustworthiness or rigor in qualitative research. Next, I searcher, I have embraced the tensions between my radical femi-
discuss central topics related to trustworthiness or validity that nist activist roots and my commitments to counseling psychology.
span paradigms and may be thought of as relevant across most Feminist qualitative research has provided a frame within which I
research designs. I then provide an overview of guidelines that am able to contribute to the discipline’s emerging social-justice
have been suggested for evaluating qualitative research, particu- agenda (e.g., Goodman et al., 2004; Vera & Speight, 2003); yet,
larly in psychology. Finally, I offer recommendations for enhanc- integrating a feminist critical perspective into a field that has been
ing the quality of qualitative research in counseling psychology largely postpositivist has been no easy task. I continue to wrestle
and suggest strategies for writing and publishing. First, however, with my own latent postpositivist tendencies as well as my desire
in keeping with the standard of reflexivity as a way for researchers for credibility in my profession, at the same time yearning to throw
to inform their audiences about their perspectives as well as to caution to the winds and explore new venues with such outrageous
manage their subjectivities, I describe my own assumptions about names as “ethnographic fiction” (Tierney, 1993). I am planted
qualitative research methodology and quality. rather firmly in a constructivist/interpretivist paradigm ontologi-
cally, with a powerfully critical feminist ideological axiology.
Horizons of Understanding I see quality or validity in qualitative research as paradigm
bound to a certain extent; that is, there are particular standards of
I borrow David Rennie’s (1994) term horizons of understanding
trustworthiness that emerge from and are most congruent with
to frame my background, experience, and assumptions. I received
particular paradigms. However, I also view certain qualities as
my in-depth education in qualitative research methods as a
indispensable regardless of the research paradigm, such as suffi-
doctoral-level student in the Counseling Psychology Program at
ciency of and immersion in the data, attention to subjectivity and
Arizona State University, where I had the good fortune to be
reflexivity, adequacy of data, and issues related to interpretation
and presentation. Thus, my recommendation to qualitative re-
searchers is that we ground our research not only in the substantive
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Susan L. theory base leading to the questions guiding the research but also
Morrow, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah, 1705 firmly in the paradigm that is most appropriate to that research as
East Campus Center Drive, Room 327, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255. well as in more transcendent criteria for trustworthiness (see
E-mail: Figure 1). Although it is beyond the scope of this article to address
effective ways to ground the research in theory, to formulate the positivist, constructivist/interpretivist, and postmodern/critical/
guiding questions, and to identify the appropriate paradigm, I refer ideological standards of trustworthiness here.
the reader to Denzin and Lincoln (2000a), Marshall and Rossman
(1999), Patton (2002), and Rossman and Rallis (2003) for more Criteria for Trustworthiness in Postpositivist Qualitative
in-depth guidance. In the following sections, I first address para- Research
digmatic criteria for trustworthiness and then those criteria that A postpositivist qualitative study logically attaches itself to
transcend paradigms. standards of inquiry framed in conventional terms: “internal va-
lidity (isomorphism of findings with reality), external validity
Paradigmatic Underpinnings of Goodness or (generalizability), reliability (in the sense of stability), and objec-
Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research tivity (distanced and neutral observer)” (Guba & Lincoln, 1994, p.
114). Patton (2002) referred to these criteria as “traditional scien-
Criteria for trustworthiness in qualitative research are closely tific research criteria” (p. 544) and included “objectivity of the
tied to the paradigmatic underpinnings of the particular discipline inquirer (attempts to minimize bias), validity of the data, system-
in which a particular investigation is conducted. Although research atic rigor of fieldwork procedures, triangulation (consistency of
in counseling psychology has in the past adhered to more post- findings across methods and data sources), reliability of codings
positivist standards of rigor, given its evolving constructivist and and pattern analyses, correspondence of findings to reality, gener-
social-justice foci, it is important to consider the full range of alizability (external validity), strength of evidence supporting
paradigmatic underpinnings of rigor or trustworthiness that may be causal hypotheses, [and] contributions to theory” (p. 544).
appropriate for investigations in the field. In his review of 49 Lincoln and Guba (2000) elaborated these benchmarks of rigor
qualitative studies that appeared in the Journal of Counseling framed in conventional quantitative terms as “parallel criteria”—
Psychology from 1989 through 2003, Ponterotto (2005) found that criteria that run parallel to validity and reliability criteria stemming
9 were based in postpositivism, 21 in constructivism, and 19 in a from postpositivist quantitative methods of rigor. Lincoln (1995)
hybrid of the two paradigms. On the basis of the four paradigms referred to these as extrinsic criteria (having emerged from outside
identified by Ponterotto (2005), in this section I review standards the qualitative genre). These parallel criteria are intended to very
of goodness (Morrow & Smith, 2000) or trustworthiness (Lincoln loosely achieve the same purposes as internal validity, external
& Guba, 2000) that correspond with various paradigms underpin- validity, reliability, and objectivity in quantitative research.
ning qualitative research. Because positivism is associated primar- Thus, credibility in qualitative research is said to correspond to
ily with quantitative approaches to research, I address only post- internal validity in quantitative approaches, transferability to ex-
ternal validity or generalizability, dependability to reliability, and Finally, confirmability (vs. objectivity) is based on the acknowl-
confirmability to objectivity. These correspondences, however, edgment that research is never objective. It addresses the core issue
should not be taken to mean that these parallel criteria accomplish that “findings should represent, as far as is (humanly) possible, the
exactly the same goals as their corresponding standards of rigor in situation being researched rather than the beliefs, pet theories, or
quantitative research. Qualitative research leads to different kinds biases of the researcher” (Gasson, 2004, p. 93). It is based on the
of knowledge claims than those resulting from the use of quanti- perspective that the integrity of findings lies in the data and that the
tative methods. For example, qualitative research is idiographic researcher must adequately tie together the data, analytic pro-
and emic (focusing on one or a very few individuals, finding cesses, and findings in such a way that the reader is able to confirm
categories of meaning from the individuals studied) as opposed to the adequacy of the findings. Many of the procedures used to
nomothetic and etic (focusing on standardized methods of obtain- accomplish the goal of dependability are also applicable here,
ing knowledge from large samples of individuals, using categories particularly accountability through an audit trail, and the manage-
taken from existing theory and operationalized by the researcher) ment of subjectivity is essential.
(Morrow & Smith, 2000). It is important to note that although I Despite the long tradition of using parallel criteria, in particular
categorize parallel criteria within a postpositivist paradigm, they to make qualitative research more acceptable to conventional au-
have also been associated with constructivism. diences, this approach has been widely criticized. In particular, the
According to parallel criteria (Lincoln & Guba, 2000), credibil- application of parallel criteria outside the postpositivist frame
ity (vs. internal validity) refers to the idea of internal consistency, creates logical inconsistencies. If we acknowledge multiple reali-
where the core issue is “how we ensure rigor in the research ties, how can we assure that those involved in the research are the
process and how we communicate to others that we have done so” “true” knowers? Sparkes (1998) suggested that member or partic-
(Gasson, 2004, p. 95). Credibility can be achieved by prolonged ipant checking should not be treated as validation or verification;
engagement with participants; persistent observation in the field; rather, it should be viewed as an elaboration on the emerging
the use of peer debriefers or peer researchers; negative case anal- findings and treated as additional data. Further, if the researcher is
ysis; researcher reflexivity; and participant checks, validation, or the instrument of the investigation, how is it possible to conceive
coanalysis. It is also enhanced by a thorough description of source of confirmability? Nevertheless, these criteria may be useful in
data and a fit between the data and the emerging analysis as well communicating with postpositivist institutional review boards,
as by “thick descriptions” (Geertz, 1973, 1983). Thick descrip- grantors, and journal editors and reviewers who are not fully
tions, transcending research paradigms, involve detailed, rich de- conversant with qualitative approaches. As counseling psychology
scriptions not only of participants’ experiences of phenomena but continues to elaborate and develop its qualitative methods, I rec-
also of the contexts in which those experiences occur. The “thick- ommend simultaneously moving away from extrinsic parallel cri-
ness” of the descriptions relates to the multiple layers of culture teria and adopting intrinsic standards of trustworthiness that have
and context in which the experiences are embedded. In addition, emerged more directly from the qualitative endeavor. As long as
one must explain how sufficiency of data was assessed (e.g., data qualitative researchers are apologetic for our unique frames of
saturation, explained below). reference and standards of goodness, we perpetuate an attitude on
The parallel criterion transferability (vs. external validity or the part of postpositivist researchers that we are not quite rigorous
generalizability) refers to the extent to which the reader is able to enough and that what we do is not “real science.” Thus, criteria
generalize the findings of a study to her or his own context and emerging from constructivist/interpretivist and critical/ideological
addresses the core issue of “how far a researcher may make claims paradigms, as well as standards emerging directly from the qual-
for a general application of their [sic] theory” (Gasson, 2004, p. itative paradigm and including issues of social validity, should
98). This is achieved when the researcher provides sufficient gain greater credibility.
information about the self (the researcher as instrument) and the
research context, processes, participants, and researcher–
participant relationships to enable the reader to decide how the Criteria for Trustworthiness in Constructivist/
findings may transfer. Given the usually small sample sizes and Constructionist/Interpretivist Research
absence of statistical analyses, qualitative data cannot be said to be
generalizable in the conventional sense; thus it is important in the The vast majority of qualitative studies in the Journal of Coun-
presentation of the research not to imply that the findings can be seling Psychology have been either constructivist or a synthesis of
generalized to other populations or settings. constructivism and postpositivism. A range of criteria have been
The parallel criterion dependability (vs. reliability) deals with suggested to provide trustworthiness in constructivist research.
the core issue that “the way in which a study is conducted should Although parallel criteria have also been suggested as relevant to
be consistent across time, researchers, and analysis techniques” constructivist research (Guba & Lincoln, 1994), authenticity cri-
(Gasson, 2004, p. 94). Thus, the process through which findings teria (Guba & Lincoln, 1989), referred to by Lincoln (1995) as
are derived should be explicit and repeatable as much as possible. intrinsic criteria, appear to be more relevant. Authenticity criteria
This is accomplished through carefully tracking the emerging include fairness, ontological authenticity, educative authenticity,
research design and through keeping an audit trail, that is, a catalytic authenticity, and tactical authenticity, some of which
detailed chronology of research activities and processes; influ- overlap with critical paradigms. Fairness demands that different
ences on the data collection and analysis; emerging themes, cate- constructions be solicited and honored. In ontological authenticity,
gories, or models; and analytic memos. The audit trail may then be participants’ individual constructions are improved, matured, ex-
examined by peer researchers, a student’s advisor, or colleagues in panded, and elaborated. Educative authenticity requires that par-
the field. ticipants’ understandings of and appreciation for the constructions
of others be enhanced. Catalytic authenticity speaks to the extent Criteria for Trustworthiness in Postmodern, Ideological,
to which action is stimulated. and Critical Research
Patton (2002) integrated constructivism and social construction-
ism, identifying standards of quality and credibility as acknowl- In addition to the authenticity criteria and praxis described
edging—and even embracing—subjectivity. Building on trustwor- above, consequential validity assesses the success with which
thiness and authenticity criteria suggested by Lincoln and Guba research achieves its goals of social and political change (Patton,
(1986), Patton (2002) also identified dependability (“a systematic 2002). Postmodern, ideological, and critical research focus on the
process systematically followed,” p. 546) and triangulation (“cap- historical situatedness of the research, the importance of the re-
turing and respecting multiple perspectives,” p. 546) as important search in increasing consciousness about issues of power and
components of quality. Further, researcher reflexivity provides an oppression, and—for the ideological and critical perspectives in
opportunity for the researcher to understand how her or his own particular—the potential of the research to create change (Guba &
experiences and understandings of the world affect the research Lincoln, 1994). Increasing consciousness involves identifying
process. Patton also emphasized the importance of praxis (the sources of inequality and representing the perspectives of those
integration of theory and practice); verstehen, which implies en- who have been silenced or disempowered. It also explores and
hanced and deep understanding; and particularity (“doing justice makes visible who benefits from power and how power is exer-
to the integrity of unique cases,” p. 546). Finally, he stressed the cised. Research participants are collaborators in the action/inves-
importance of dialogue among various perspectives. Because con- tigation, and researchers attend to the power issues and relation-
structivist/interpretivist paradigms share certain worldviews with ships between and among researcher and researched. Related to
postmodern, ideological, and critical theories, there is considerable catalytic authenticity, ideological research “builds the capacity of
overlap in standards of trustworthiness across paradigms. those involved to take action” and “identifies potential change-
Guba and Lincoln (1994) noted that “the issue of quality criteria making strategies” (Patton, 2002, p. 545).
in constructivism is . . . not well resolved, and further critique is Within a feminist poststructural paradigm, Lather (1994) has
needed” (p. 114). I would propose additional constructivist criteria criticized what she refers to as the “formulaic” approaches to
as an attempt to expand our notion of interpretivist/constructivist validity characterized by postpositivism and even by many quali-
criteria. These include (a) the extent to which participant meanings tative methodologists. She proposes, instead, “transgressive valid-
are understood deeply (verstehen; Ponterotto, 2005; Schwandt, ity,” in which the criteria for trustworthiness lie in the ability of the
2000) and (b) the extent to which there is a mutual construction of research to incite discourse and contribute to a more critical social
meaning (and that construction is explicated) between and among science. She asks what validity might look like if it were truly
researcher and participants, or coresearchers. Although the first open-ended and context sensitive. The criteria for trustworthiness
has some relation to Guba and Lincoln’s (1989) ontological au- in critical and related paradigms are considerably different from
thenticity and Patton’s notion of verstehen, and the latter to Guba those that are more familiar in other paradigms. Although it is not
and Lincoln’s educative authenticity and Patton’s dialogue, I be- likely that these criteria will stand alone in counseling psychology
lieve these two criteria go deeper and should be considered on their research, they are important considerations in multicultural, fem-
own. inist, and social-justice-oriented research, which have become
Understanding participant constructions of meaning depends on more and more central to our discipline. Qualitative researchers in
a number of factors, including context, culture, and rapport. Con- counseling psychology whose work is based on a critical/ideolog-
textual grounding is essential for understanding the meanings that ical paradigm may well make use of a number of criteria across
participants make of their experience. There is some danger in paradigms to achieve congruence with the traditions of the disci-
psychological research of focusing on intrapsychic and interper- pline while attending to the crucial standards that characterize
sonal variables to the exclusion of context. Thus, qualitative re- critical/ideological research in other disciplines.
searchers can “recontextualize” their interview-based data by ex-
amining contextual issues that may impact the data. For example, Criteria for Trustworthiness Across Research Paradigms
I supplemented interview, focus-group, and art and journal data and Designs
from participants (Morrow, 1992) with an examination of popular
magazines to better understand the context and cultures in which In addition to identifying paradigm-based strategies to ensure
the eldest and youngest participants in my study were sexually the trustworthiness of an investigation, the qualitative investigator
abused. Qualitative methods are particularly suited to examining considers a number of particular concerns that emerge from the
individuals within their cultural frameworks (Morrow et al., 2001); qualitative endeavor itself. Many of these concerns tend to span
however, this attention to culture does not happen automatically paradigms and exemplify more general areas of concern to qual-
and must be clearly defined as a primary lens through which the itative researchers. Given the constraints of this forum, only a few
researcher conducts her or his investigation. To a certain extent, are addressed, including social validity, subjectivity and reflexivity
rapport building is a natural process for counseling psychologists, in qualitative research, adequacy of data, and adequacy of
who have been trained in active listening skills; the challenge for interpretation.
most qualitative interviewers who are also counselors or psychol-
ogists is to manage the slippery slope on which boundaries be- Social Validity as a Standard of Trustworthiness
tween research and therapy may be confused (Haverkamp, 2005).
In addition, cross-cultural research or research with a population or Wolf (1978) grappled with the issue of subjectivity in applied
an issue to which the investigator is an “outsider” demands prep- behavioral analysis over two decades ago when he applied social
aration to enter the field in a credible manner. value criteria to his own behavioral research. In his tongue-in-
cheek account of his own process of coming to grips with “fuzzy tion and that a greater grounding in the literature militates against
subjective criteria,” he wrote, “If you publish a measure of ‘nat- bias by expanding the researcher’s understanding of multiple ways
uralness’ today, why tomorrow we will begin seeing manuscripts of viewing the phenomenon.
about happiness, creativity, affection, trust, beauty, concern, sat- Fine (1992) wrote of the importance of “positioning researchers
isfaction, fairness, joy, love, freedom, and dignity. Who knows as self-conscious, critical, and participatory analysts, engaged with
where it will end?” (pp. 205–206). Not surprisingly, because of the but still distinct from our informants” (p. 220)—a daunting task
principles underlying our discipline (e.g., prevention, psychology (see also Haverkamp, 2005). In order to deal with biases and
of work, diversity), counseling psychologists have been leaders in assumptions that come from their own life experiences or in
the field of positive psychology (e.g., Walsh, 2003) and social interactions with research participants, which are often emotion-
justice, lending further support to Wolf’s notion of social validity. laden, qualitative researchers attempt to approach their endeavor
reflexively. Rennie (2004) defined reflexivity as “self-awareness
Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative Research and agency within that self-awareness” (p. 183). Reflexivity, or
self-reflection, is carried out in a number of ways. One of the most
In direct contrast to quantitative research traditions, which view valuable is for the researcher to keep a self-reflective journal from
objectivity as a goal or, at a minimum, as an aspiration, qualitative the inception to the completion of the investigation. In it, the
researchers acknowledge that the very nature of the data we gather investigator keeps an ongoing record of her or his experiences,
and the analytic processes in which we engage are grounded in reactions, and emerging awareness of any assumptions or biases
subjectivity. Depending on the underlying paradigm, we may work that come to the fore. These emerging self-understandings can then
to limit, control, or manage subjectivity— or we may embrace it be examined and set aside to a certain extent or consciously
and use it as data. It is, however, a mistake to equate qualitative incorporated into the analysis, depending on the frame of the
research with subjectivity and quantitative approaches with objec- researcher. Another reflexive strategy is consulting with a research
tivity (Scriven, 1972). All research is subject to researcher bias; team or peer debriefers (Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, &
qualitative and quantitative perspectives have their own ways of Williams, 1997; Morrow & Smith, 2000), who serve as a mirror,
approaching subjectivity and are very much influenced by the reflecting the investigator’s responses to the research process.
paradigms guiding the research. Thus, postpositivist qualitative
They may also serve as devil’s advocates, proposing alternative
researchers may use strategies that are familiar to quantitative
interpretations to those of the investigator. In addition, Rossman
researchers, such as external auditors or frequency tallies, in order
and Rallis (2003) recommended using the “community of prac-
to minimize the bias of the researcher. Alternatively, interpretiv-
tice” made up of knowledgeable colleagues to engage in “critical
ists/constructivists and ideological/critical theorists are more likely
and sustained discussion” (p. 69).
to embrace the positioning of the researcher as co-constructor of
Embedded in the conversation about subjectivity is the concept
meaning, as integral to the interpretation of the data, and as
of representation. Referring to the “crisis of representation,” Den-
unapologetically political in purpose. Approaches to subjectivity
zin and Lincoln (2000b) described a growing concern with reflex-
have been referred to as “bracketing,” “monitoring of self” (Pesh-
ivity beginning in the mid-1980s. In particular, the crisis of rep-
kin, 1988, p. 20), or being “rigorously subjective” (Jackson, 1990,
resentation deals with questions about whose reality is represented
p. 154). In the absence of an articulated perspective on subjectiv-
ity, researchers leave themselves open to questions regarding in the research. This “crisis” was of particular importance in that
whose perceptions are really being described in the findings. it addressed the impossibility of a dichotomous separation between
Qualitative researchers address a number of important issues to researcher and researched and instead led to a greater comprehen-
accomplish the goal of managing subjectivity, including making sion of the complexities of fairly representing the experiences of
their implicit assumptions and biases overt to themselves and participants and of seeing participants, rather than researchers, as
others, reflexivity, and representation. the authorities on participants’ lives. This concern continues to the
One tradition that has become a standard in qualitative research present time and is particularly central in the perspectives of
is that of making one’s implicit assumptions and biases overt to interpretivist/constructivist and critical/ideological scholars. Qual-
self and others. Phenomenologists have coined the term bracketing itative researchers use a number of strategies as they strive to fairly
to describe the process of becoming aware of one’s implicit represent participants’ realities, including, within the data-
assumptions and predispositions and setting them aside to avoid gathering process, asking for clarification and delving ever more
having them unduly influence the research (Husserl, 1931). This deeply into the meanings of participants, taking the stance of naı̈ve
process assumes that it is possible to fully know oneself and one’s inquirer. This is particularly important when the interviewer is an
presuppositions, which some would argue is impossible. However, “insider” with respect to the culture being investigated or when she
qualitative researchers use particular strategies to unearth their or he is very familiar with the phenomenon of inquiry. Another
previously unacknowledged assumptions. It is important to note approach is to engage in participant checks. By this, I do not refer
that many factors may interfere with a fair collection and inter- merely to sending transcripts to participants after the interview to
pretation of data, including the researcher’s emotional involvement check for accuracy (an impossible task at best, as memory has a
with the topic of interest, presuppositions formed from reading the way of changing over time, in part because the original interview
literature, and various aspects of interaction with research partic- served as a catalyst for change). Instead, the researcher has the
ipants. Although it has been asserted that the researcher is least responsibility to learn from the interviewee how well the research-
biased by avoiding an in-depth foray into the literature prior to er’s interpretations reflect the interviewee’s meanings. Focus
investigating (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), I would argue that inves- groups can be a forum for researchers to present emerging data and
tigators always believe something about the phenomenon in ques- receive correction, direction, and feedback.
These strategies for managing subjectivity can assist the inves- ately selected to provide the most information-rich data possible. It
tigator in achieving the goal of fairness, that is, representing is also always criterion-based—that is, one always uses specific
participant viewpoints equitably and avoiding lopsided interpreta- criteria (people who have experienced a particular phenomenon,
tions that represent the biases of the researcher or only a few age, demographics) based on the questions guiding the research.
participants. However, Heshusius (1994) rejected the subjectivity– Beyond purposeful and criterion-based sampling, the specific sam-
objectivity dichotomy as representing an “alienated mode of con- pling strategies depend on the purpose of the study as well as on
sciousness” (p. 15) that separates the knower from the known, and the depth and breadth of information one wishes to obtain. Patton
she questioned the logic of managing subjectivity and of a “meth- (1990) described numerous purposeful sampling strategies (and
odology of subjectivity” (p. 16). Instead, she encouraged partici- provided an excellent discussion of sampling and sample size) to
patory consciousness—“the awareness of a deeper level of kinship use depending on whether the purpose of the study is to achieve
between the knower and the known” (p. 16). In this kind of maximum variation, homogeneity, or extreme cases (such as elite
“connected knowing” (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, & Tarule, athletes or political figures), among others. Snowball or chain
1986), emotion is seen as an integral part of the human relationship sampling is also a legitimate strategy as long as the strategy is
between the knower and the known, and “being with” the partic- purposeful and designed to identify good exemplars of the phe-
ipant replaces mere observation. This type of full attention has nomenon under study. Random sampling has two potential uses in
been referred to as merging, being present, empathic relating, or “a qualitative research. The first, which is virtually irrelevant to the
holistic apprehension of reality as mutually evolving” (Heshusius, quality of the investigation itself, is to achieve credibility with
1994, p. 20). postpositivist audiences. Random purposeful sampling may also
be used to reduce an unnecessarily large potential sample to one
Adequacy of Data that is more manageable in a way that will promote fairness as
described above. Overall, purposeful sampling is used to produce
Frequently in counseling psychology research, concerns about information-rich cases, and a combination of sampling strategies
adequacy of data have centered primarily on numbers of interview may be used to achieve this purpose.
participants, as if sheer numbers are an assurance of the quality of It would be impossible to adequately cover in this article the
the findings. In fact, numbers alone have little to do with the issue of the quality, length, and depth of interview data. However,
quality or adequacy of qualitative data. Erickson (1986) proposed some basic principles are important to consider here. First, the
five major types of evidentiary adequacy: (a) adequate amounts of interview strategy should be articulated. Will the format resemble
evidence, (b) adequate variety in kinds of evidence, (c) interpretive a “conversation with a purpose” (Dexter, 1970, p. 136)? Will the
status of evidence, (d) adequate disconfirming evidence, and (e) interview be open-ended and flexible or standardized and struc-
adequate discrepant case analysis. tured? Allowing for changes in the interview schedule over time
Adequate amounts of evidence are not achieved by mere num- ensures an emergent design sensitive to the growing body of data.
bers, though sufficient numbers of research participants are im- Kvale (1996) identified quality criteria for interviewing, including
portant. The numbers considered in the literature vary dramati- using short interview questions that glean correspondingly long
cally, from Pollio, Henley, and Thompson’s (1997) answers; the importance of interpreting, verifying, and clarifying
recommendation—“Although not a formal methodological rule, answers during the interview itself; and the resulting responses
the situational diversity necessary for identifying thematic patterns being spontaneous and rich. I find that very few open-ended
is often provided by three to five interview transcripts” (p. 51)—to questions are much more effective than a list of 20 questions.
hundreds. Ultimately, however, in an interview-based study, num- Basically, the more questions one asks, the more answers one will
bers mean little. Patton (1990) recommended that “validity, mean- get; the fewer questions one asks, the more likely one is to elicit
ingfulness, and insights generated from qualitative inquiry have stories and deeper meanings from participants. Finally, Polking-
more to do with the information-richness of the cases selected and horne (2005) recommended multiple interviews with each partic-
the observational/analytical capabilities of the researcher than with ipant to achieve depth and richness. Although this may not always
sample size” (p. 185). Playing the “numbers game” is often either be feasible, the principle of adequate data should prevail.
an attempt to manage discomfort associated with the inevitable In order to achieve adequate variety in kinds of evidence, it is
ambiguity of conducting qualitative research or the need to “fit” important to consider the full range of possibilities for types of
one’s research into the traditional postpositivist standards of insti- evidence (Morrow & Smith, 2000) along with the use of multiple
tutional review boards, doctoral committees, or journal review data sources. Many published studies in counseling psychology are
boards. I have found that, when necessary to predict sample size, based on only a single 45–90-minute interview. Even if one were
the “magic number 12” is as good as any, though in my own to interview a sufficient number of participants to achieve satura-
research I tend toward a larger sample size—as many as 20 or 30 tion or redundancy, a single data source has its limitations. Thus,
participants—for reasons described below. Typically, data are I recommend the use of multiple data sources—participant obser-
gathered to the point of redundancy, which means that no new vation, field notes, interviews, focus groups, participant checks,
information is forthcoming from new data (Lincoln & Guba, site documents, artifacts, journals, electronic data—to achieve the
1985). Ultimately, what is far more important than sample size are goal of adequate variety. Some authors refer to multiple data
sampling procedures; quality, length, and depth of interview data; sources as “triangulation,” borrowing terminology from the quan-
and variety of evidence. titative genre. Although the purposes are similar across quantita-
Sampling procedures in qualitative research serve an entirely tive and qualitative paradigms, the procedures are somewhat dif-
different purpose from those in quantitative studies. Qualitative ferent; thus the term triangulation can be confusing. I also find that
sampling is always purposeful—that is, participants are deliber- the term triangulation inevitably brings to mind the number 3,
which is irrelevant to the consideration of variety of data. The are an indispensable tool to enhance the analytic process. These
more variety in the data sources one is able to obtain, the greater memos are a collection of hunches, interpretations, queries, and
will be the richness, breadth, and depth of the data gathered. notes made by the researcher from the beginning to the end of the
Another reason to seek multiple data sources is to enhance the investigation that become part of the data corpus and are reviewed
interpretive status of the evidence. This criterion is met in part by frequently for incorporation into the analysis.
the complementarity of interviewing and other data sources such Finally, the writing or other presentation of the findings should
as observation. It is also important to ensure that one has sufficient exemplify a balance between the investigator’s interpretations and
time and intensity in the setting to warrant the interpretations that supporting quotations from participants. An overemphasis on the
one will ultimately make. Even when an investigation is primarily researcher’s interpretations at the cost of participant quotes will
interview based, preliminary immersion in the setting may help to leave the reader in doubt as to just where the interpretations came
ground the study in the culture and context of the participants. The from; an excess of quotes will cause the reader to become lost in
“truth value” of the evidence is most critical and involves building the morass of stories. Just as numbers contribute to the persuasive
sufficient trust and rapport with the participants that one is assured “power” of a quantitative investigation, the actual words of par-
that the participants are telling the truth as they know it. Without ticipants are essential to persuade the reader that the interpretations
adequate integration of data sources, a thorough understanding of of the researcher are in fact grounded in the lived experiences of
the context and culture, and a high-quality relationship with the the participants. Although there are exceptions to the
participants, the final interpretation of the evidence may be in interpretation– quotation balance (such as ethnographic fiction and
doubt. other postmodern presentations), this general guideline will con-
Two additional criteria leading to an assurance of adequate data tribute to the credibility of writing in qualitative research in coun-
are adequate disconfirming evidence and adequate discrepant case seling psychology. The writing should also be characterized by
analysis. Each involves a deliberate and articulated search for thick description and by clarity of presentation, and subheadings,
disconfirmation and helps to combat the investigator’s natural tables, and figures should be used as needed to assist the reader in
tendency to seek confirmation of her or his preliminary or emerg- following the interpretation.
ing findings. Finding adequate disconfirming evidence consists of
searching for potentially disconfirming data while in the setting, Guidelines for Writing and Publishing Qualitative
whereas providing adequate discrepant case analysis involves find- Research
ing disconfirming instances of a phenomenon and comparing them
with confirming instances in order to understand the complexities The literature is replete with guidelines for writing and publish-
of the phenomenon. Through repeated comparisons, the investiga- ing qualitative research. Underlying all of them is the common
tor is able to revise key assertions or categories until they accu- assumption that certain characteristics of quality span the
rately reflect the experiences of participants. quantitative– qualitative continuum, such as “explicit scientific
context and purpose, appropriate methods, respect for participants,
Adequacy of Interpretation specification of methods, appropriate discussion, clarity of presen-
tation, and contribution of knowledge” (Elliott, Fischer, & Rennie,
In addition to adequacy of data, the adequacy of interpretation 1999, p. 220). Other characteristics include an up-to-date and
during the process of data analysis, interpretation, and presentation accurate literature review, a conceptual framework and rationale
is essential to round out the criteria for trustworthiness. Data for the study (Choudhuri, Glauser, & Peregoy, 2004; Ponterotto,
analysis, interpretation, and writing are a continuous and interac- 1994), as well as clear and well-articulated research questions. In
tive process, often leading the investigator back into the field for this final section, I explore some of those guidelines, concluding
additional data. Thus, though I make recommendations for various with my own recommendations for writing and publishing quali-
stages in the interpretive process, separating them for clarity, they tative research.
rightly should be seen as an integrated whole. In the data analysis
phase, immersion in the data is essential. As with many aspects of Current Guidelines for Writing and Publishing
qualitative methodology, it is difficult to define immersion pre- Qualitative Research
cisely. Immersion in the data begins to take place during data
gathering and transcription of interviews. It continues with re- In addition to recommendations that cross qualitative and quan-
peated readings of transcripts, listening to tapes, and review of titative approaches, specific emerging criteria for evaluating qual-
field notes and other data. These repeated forays into the data itative research have appeared both across disciplines as well as
ultimately lead the investigator to a deep understanding of all that within psychology. Lincoln (1995) cautioned that scholars in fields
comprises the data corpus (body of data) and how its parts that have accepted qualitative inquiry for a much longer period of
interrelate. time than we have in education (and more recently in psychology)
Next, an analytic framework should be articulated that will have “moved beyond firm and fixed criteria” (p. 2), whereas fields
enable the investigator to systematically make meaning of or that have more recently emerged from reliance on an exclusively
interpret the data. This framework should spring from the overall postpositivist paradigm still adhere more closely to these tradi-
research design that has been selected at the beginning of the study tional criteria. In a sense, the current article leaves me open to the
(e.g., ethnography, grounded theory, consensual qualitative re- accusation of “methodolatry” (Reicher, 2000). However, I see my
search, phenomenology, case study). It may involve the emergence stance in this article as representing more of a bridge—in the
of themes or a theoretical model or conceptual framework process of transformation even as I write—than a fixed position. It
grounded in the data. Analytic memos (Strauss & Corbin, 1990) is telling that scholars writing about quality in conducting and
publishing qualitative research refer to these standards as “emerg- through a research team or auditor, and by including verification
ing criteria” (Lincoln, 1995) and “evolving guidelines” (Elliott et (as well as disconfirmation) steps in the analysis. Coherence is
al., 1999). achieved by illustrating—through text or models—not only themes
Recent guidelines for publishing qualitative research in psychol- or categories that emerged from the data but also the complex
ogy (Gold, 1994) have identified some underlying problems in this relationships among categories, including various levels of ab-
endeavor. For example, the typical journal editor does not allot straction. Addressing limitations to generalization in a qualitative
additional pages to a qualitative manuscript despite requirements study can contribute to distinguishing between general versus
within the qualitative genre that we prioritize thick description and specific research tasks. Finally, the investigator is able to resonate
illustrate our interpretation of findings with exemplars from the with readers by presenting material in such a way that the reader’s
data. In addition, the field has not yet arrived at a state of common appreciation and understanding of the phenomenon under investi-
knowledge in which most readers will understand the research gation are clarified or expanded. These guidelines, along with the
design on the basis of a few words’ description—it takes a para- criteria for trustworthiness addressed throughout this article, are
graph or more to describe the basic principles of conducting a summarized in the Appendix.
grounded theory study to the average journal subscriber, whereas
those same principles underlying a meta-analysis can be commu- Guidelines for Enhancing Trustworthiness or Quality in
nicated with a phrase. Less familiar qualitative designs require Qualitative Research
even more description. Often the qualitative researcher is called
upon to give a rationale for conducting a qualitative study and to Like the criteria and guidelines described in this article, my own
educate the reader about its underpinnings. If all this were not interpretation of what is essential in conducting and publishing
enough, in this Special Issue of the Journal of Counseling Psy- quality qualitative research is clearly emergent and in a state of
chology, authors have been encouraged to declare the paradigmatic flux. In the Appendix I have attempted to draw together the major
underpinnings of their research (Ponterotto, 2005) and to include a components of trustworthiness as I see them into a format that can
researcher-as-instrument statement. Thus, the student writing a be used as a systematic reference for beginning qualitative re-
qualitative thesis or dissertation has a unique opportunity to fully searchers as well as evaluators of qualitative investigations. I have
describe the study without undue concern about length. However, done so with some trepidation, as I am aware of the necessity of
unless one decides to write up one’s qualitative study as a book, reducing the data of trustworthiness, that is, of restricting the full
careful pruning is required to produce a journal article that remains range of paradigms available to the qualitative researcher to pro-
congruent with qualitative traditions while fitting the traditional vide the most useful information for scholars in psychology. My
journal format. recommendations are brief and intended to supplement, not to
Choudhuri et al. (2004) proposed guidelines for writing a qual- replace, the criteria described in this article. That said, my recom-
itative manuscript that included establishing the background for mendations are arranged in the Appendix according to the sections
the study and providing information about how the approach of a journal manuscript or a four-chapter dissertation. In addition
provides for an emic (local and individual) perspective. They also to those recommendations, paradigm-specific as well as transcen-
suggested that the presentation describe the inductive approach dent criteria (e.g., authenticity criteria, social validity, transgres-
used in the investigation and explain the recursive nature of the sive validity), where appropriate, should be used in the research
analysis. Although they advised that qualitative reports not follow and reflected in the research report. An audit trail should also be
the traditional journal article format of introduction, method, re- kept, an abbreviated version of which may be included as an
sults, and discussion, I have found that adherence to the traditional appendix to a thesis or dissertation.
format, with recommendations for modifications that I suggest in
the Appendix, contributes to the intelligibility of the report, espe- Summary and Conclusions
cially for those new to the genre.
After an exhaustive review of the literature on quality standards, In this overview of quality and trustworthiness in qualitative
Elliott et al. (1999) presented evolving guidelines for publishing research, I have attempted to provide helpful guidelines to begin-
qualitative research in psychology. In addition to general qualities ning qualitative researchers as well as continue a dialogue in the
for both quantitative and qualitative research, they identified pub- field concerning the criteria that experienced qualitative research-
lishability guidelines especially pertinent to qualitative research, ers in counseling psychology might agree are important to guide
including “(a) owning one’s perspective, (b) situating the sample, our work. I hope that journal editors, manuscript evaluators, and
(c) grounding in examples, (d) providing credibility checks, (e) research committee members will find this synopsis a useful tool
coherence, (f) accomplishing general versus specific research in their work. Above all, I view this article as a snapshot repre-
tasks, and (g) resonating with readers” (p. 220). Their article is sentative of a moment in time for qualitative researchers, for
particularly helpful in that they provide examples of good and bad counseling psychology researchers, and in my own thinking.
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(Appendix continues)
d. A search for discrepant findings or disconfirming evidence is 3. Strive for “thick descriptions”— descriptions that are both in-depth
essential to combat confirmatory bias and to avoid an overly and contextually based.
simplistic interpretation of the data. 4. Strive for complexity beyond a mere listing of themes or categories.
A conceptual model or narrative should capture the relationships between
e. Describe the process of using peer researchers or debriefers and and among parts of the analysis.
how this process influenced the investigation.
7. Address standards of trustworthiness or rigor that have not been
described elsewhere in the Method section but that will lend credibility to This section should resemble the Discussion section of a quantitative
the study. study in many respects. Its differences from a quantitative Discussion
section may be delineated in part by distinguishing what not to include. For
Results example, the limitations of the study should not include characteristics of
the qualitative method used, such as smaller sample size, unless the data
The Results section should contain only the products of the analysis. I were insufficient according to qualitative standards. A discussion of study
recommend not combining Results and Discussion sections because of the limitations should not be an apology for characteristics of qualitative
potential for confusing data-based interpretations, which have been subject research that differ from quantitative approaches. In addition, a discussion
to intensive scrutiny by the researcher and others, with the researcher’s of the implications of the findings for future research should reflect on both
own conclusions about the findings. further qualitative investigations as well as how the findings might be used
1. A rigorous analysis will lead easily to writing the results. There should in a quantitative study to provide generalizable results.
be a continual interplay of data gathering, analysis and interpretation, and
2. Strive for an appropriate balance between the investigator’s interpre- Received October 20, 2004
tive commentary and supporting evidence in the form of quotes from Revision received December 13, 2004
participants. Accepted December 16, 2004 䡲