CFD Analysis of Radiator
CFD Analysis of Radiator
CFD Analysis of Radiator
ISSN: 2455-3689 Volume 1 Issue 2 ǁ March. 2016 ǁ PP 06-10
Abstract:This paper deals with the thermal and CFD analysis of automobile radiator. The theoretical calculation has been done in
MAT Lab by varying the mass flow rate of coolant. Modeling has been done in Solidworks and exported to Ansys for CFD analysis.
The temperature distribution, heat transfer rate for different velocities of coolant to has been done for different tube materials such as
copper, aluminium and stainless steel. The numerical results were compared and found that copper has best heat transfer rate and has
better efficiency than the others.
1. Introduction
A lot of technology research work has been carried out on CFD Analysis of Automobile Radiator. In the year 2014,
ChavanDK[1] at all had done the work on CFD Analysis of an air cooled radiator for diesel engine. In this work they had considered
only one mass flow rate of coolant to find the temperature distribution of the coolant. M. Carl[2] at all had done on the theoretical and
experimental investigation of the heat transfer process of an automobile radiator. C. Oliet [3] at all different factors which influence
radiator performance. It includes air and coolant flow, fin density and air inlet temperature. The main purpose of this work is done for
various mass flow rate of coolant to find the temperature distribution.
2. Theoretical Analysis
The theoretical analysis is carried out with the help of MAT LAB, in which the input parameters are mass flow rate of
coolant, inlet temperature of air and coolant, properties of water at room temperature and dimensions and material properties of
radiator. A suitable program is coded and the following results are obtained.
3. Numerical Analysis
3.1 Modeling
The figure 1(a) shows the model of water domain in the Radiator. The water domain has been modelled in solid works as
per the dimensions. Like the figure 1(b) shows the tube material domain. This one also modeled in solidworks as per the dimensions.
After completion of the modeling the domain are save as in IGES file for further proceedings for CFD analysis in Ansys.
ANSYS ICEM CFD meshing technologies provide physics preferences that help to automate the meshing process. For an
initial design, a mesh (Tetrahedral) can often be generated in batch with an initial solution run to locate regions of interest. Further
refinement can then be made to the mesh to improve the accuracy of the solution. There are physics preferences for structural, fluid,
explicit simulations. By setting physics preferences, the software adapts to more logical defaults in the meshing.
Fig 2(a); ICEM CFD ofwater domain Fig 2(b)tube material domain
Initially, IGES files of air domain, water domain and tube material domain of radiator has been imported to Ansys. the
domain is meshed by using ICEMCFD with tetrahedral elements and the global element scale factor 1. In the mesh generation
1135922 nodes, 6015488 elements are generated. Near the wall of the radiator, the elements were created so as to capture the fine
boundary layers. Patch dependent method is used for meshing. After application of smoothing the mesh quality of 0.3 was obtained.
4. Boundary Conditions
In this mesh files of created models for radiator and then exported to CFX-Pre. In the CFX-Pre physic and boundary
equations are applied on the domain is explained to solve the continuity and momentum equation. The water domain and tube domain
are created. The water domain is obtained for liquid water and tube domain is obtained for solid with material properties of
aluminium, copper, and steel. Free slip boundary is gives to liquid domain and no slip boundary is given to the outer wall of the tube
material. Inlet mass flow rate is given to the inlet boundary and outlet static presser is given. The heat transfer model of isothermal is
Temperature of coolant in C
15 Copper
10 Stainless Steel
0.23 0.33 0.43 0.53 0.63
Mass flow rate of coolant in kg/s
The above figure 3 shows the overall heat transfer of coolant in the radiator for different mass flow rate of coolant for
different tube materials. The coolant heat is transferred from coolant to the air as the temperature of coolant decreases and temperature
of air increases.
Fig 4(a): velocity contour for radiator at 0.43 kg/sec mass flow rate
The figure 4(a) shows velocity of coolant in the tubes at the mass flow rate 0.43 m/s and temperature 359.5 k. The velocity
coolant is maximum at the inlet and goes on decreasing till the exit of the tube. The velocity of coolant at inlet is 0.7850 m/s
Fig 4(b): temperature contour for radiator at 0.43 kg/sec mass flow rate
The figure 4 (a) and (b) shows the temperature distribution in the radiator at mass flow rate of coolant is 0.43 m/s and inlet
temperature is 359.5 K. The temperature is maximum at the inlet and goes on decreasing till the outlet. The magnitude of temperature
at the outlet is 347.5 K.
6. Conclusion
In this work, the theoretical calculation has been done by the MATLAB software by coding. The theoretical calculation of
velocity of coolant, convective heat transfer of water and air, and the outlet temperature of water and air is found. The radiator
domains like water domain and material domain has been created in the SolidWorks which are imported into ICEMCFD. In the
ICEMCFD the domain are meshed with tetrahedral mesh. These mesh parts are imported into CFX 14.0. In CFX the interface and
boundary conditions are applied. By varying the inlet mass flow rate of coolant the temperature distribution was analyzed. It has
been founded that, when the coolant mass flow rate increases the outlet temperature of coolant increases.
The tube of different material is varied as copper, aluminium and steel for different mass flow rates of coolants. Finally
the results shows that copper has the highest and aluminium is better than stainless steel. Due to corrosion resistant copper is best
used for tube materials.
7. Nomenclature
Flow area=((π/4)*(Di)^2 m2
Velocity of water=(ma/ (ρwa*Fa)) m/s
Reynolds number for water=((ρwa*Vwa.*Di)/µ)
Nusselt number for water=0.023*((REwa).^0.8)*((PRwa)^0.3)
convective heat transfer coefficient of water=(NUwa.*Kwa)/(Di) watt/m2 K
Velocity of air=mair/(2*ƥair*(π /4)*Df) m/s
Maximum velocity of air=(St/(St-Do))*Vair m/s
Reynolds number air=(ρair*MaxVair*Df)/ µair
Nusselt number for air= 0.664*(REair)^0.5*(PRair)^0.333
convective heat transfer coefficient of air=(NUair*Kair/Do) watt/m2 K
corrected fin length Lc=Lf+(Hf/2) m
coefficient for calculating efficiency m=((2*h air)/(Kalu*Hf))^0.5
efficiency of fin ƞf=(tanh(m*Lc))/(m*Lc)
Surface area of fin Af=2*Wf*Lcm2