File Serve
File Serve
File Serve
ISSN: 2321-9653
Abstract/Most of the time people using internet for online transactions from one place to another place. The security in this case
should be very high and should not be easily traceable to attacker. Attacker may attack on system online or offline. In this types of
various attacks, phishing (meaning is- knowing users details through fake sites) is identified as a major security threat and each
second new ideas comes into place to attack users account online, soprevention mechanism should be very strong. In Phishing process
individual or a group of thefts used to steal person’s confidential information such as passwords, credit card information, banking
details etc.for making frauds. In this project, new approach is defined named as "A Novel Anti-phishing framework based on visual
cryptography" to solve phishing based problems. In project, an image based authentication using Visual Cryptography (VC) is used.
The privacy of image captcha is preserve by the use of visual cryptography by extracting the original image captcha into two shares
that are stored in separate database servers such that the original image captcha can be identified only when both are simultaneously
Page 115 Vol. 2 Issue IV, April 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
Page 116 Vol. 2 Issue IV, April 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
Go to Wrong Phishin
home page Captch g Site
Page 117 Vol. 2 Issue IV, April 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
Case 3:
Enter string which Phishing
is produce in image Website
Page 118 Vol. 2 Issue IV, April 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
Our methodology “Antiphishing framework based on
visual cryptography” preserves secure information of users
using three layers of security. First layer verifies whether
website is secure website or not. In second layer check
validated image captcha .Only human user acquire the
website can read image Captcha. In third layer of security
to prevent attacks from unauthorized user in user account.
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Page 119