Meri-Liisa Airo
A mineral deposit, as an anomalous unit of metal- 2. Form of an ore deposit (e.g., size, shape, orien-
liferous minerals, contains minerals with quite tation, depth; ore mineral distribution and tex-
different physical properties to those of country ture).
rocks. Pyrite, pyrrhotite or magnetite are common • The size, orientation and depth extent of a
minerals in ore deposits, all of which have distinc- mineral deposit are the main factors with re-
tive physical properties and may greatly affect the gard to geophysical expressions.
geophysical response. In addition to petrophysi- • A great depth suppresses geophysical signa-
cally relevant ore minerals, other geological or tures.
geometrical factors or environmental conditions • Gravity and magnetic methods only detect
influence the geophysical expressions of ore de- lateral contrasts in density or magnetization,
posits or mineralized systems. The main factors are but in contrast, electrical and seismic meth-
gathered below. This list is inspired by a summary ods can detect vertical, as well as lateral, con-
of the geochemical expressions of ore deposit types trasts of resistivity and velocity or reflectivity.
presented by McQueen (2005): • In the case of sulphide mineralization, the
shape of the deposit may affect the magnet-
1. Composition of the ore deposit and the con- ic signature by strengthening the remanent
tained elements. magnetization in the direction of the long
• Density depends on the elementary compo- axis of the deposit.
sition of minerals; many metals have high • The electrical conductivity of a rock is a
specific densities. function of many factors, among which the
• Magnetically, the most distinctive are the mineral texture (galvanic structure) and po-
ferrimagnetic minerals magnetite and the rosity (with contained water) have a signifi-
monoclinic form of pyrrhotite. cant role.
• All metals are electrically conductive in a
broad sense, but the conductivity of an ore 3. Associated geological structures.
deposit primarily lies with sulphides or • Most of the mineral deposits are structurally
graphite. controlled; mineral occurrences are often re-
• The radioactivity of rocks is based on radio- stricted to structural elements such as faults,
active elements, mainly potassium (K), ura- shear zones and lithological unconformities;
nium (U) and thorium (Th). some deposits form stratiform bodies, while
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Airborne geophysical data sets provide full cov- borne geophysical concept of GTK has been de-
erage of Finland and form the basic material for scribed in detail by Hautaniemi et al. (2005).
regional investigations, particularly greenfield ex-
ploration. The use of regional data sets in an auto- Airborne magnetics
mated approach to characterizing areas containing
known deposits and seeking similar areas else- The magnetic method utilizes small variations
where, or similarity analysis of certain geophysi- in magnetic mineralogy among rocks (magnetic
cal key signatures, benefits from high-resolution, iron and iron-titanium oxide minerals, including
multivariate geophysical datasets. Concerning magnetite, titanomagnetite, titanomaghemite and
more detailed investigations, airborne geophysi- titanohematite, and some iron sulphide minerals,
cal data also can motivate applications that require including pyrrhotite and greigite). Magnetic rocks
improved spatial resolution and accurate position- contain various combinations of induced and re-
ing. The integration of different geophysical data manent magnetization, depending on the Earth’s
sets is a current theme in geophysical and geologi- primary field. The magnitudes of both induced and
cal interpretation, and there are now more soft- remanent magnetization depend on the quantity,
ware tools available to facilitate this. However, as composition and size of magnetic-mineral grains.
stated by Thomson et al. (2007), although image The magnetic method gives a coherent picture of
analysis may often seem intuitive, simple image- the distribution of magnetization of the crust and
based assessments of data are not a substitute for is not disturbed by lakes, waterways or soils that
proper geologically supported interpretation. may cover the bedrock. In Finland, exposed bed-
Specifications and general uses of geophysical rock hardly makes up more than 3% of the sur-
methods are outlined in the following. The air- face. The aim of the magnetic method is to detect
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
magnetically anomalous source bodies, but also to the use of airborne radiometric data as a uranium
determine structural trends. Detailed magnetic in- exploration tool in southern Lapland.
vestigations on magnetic mineralogy complement
the regional picture of magnetic anomaly source Airborne electromagnetics
rocks. Studies on remanent magnetization and the
anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) are Airborne electromagnetic (EM) methods are used
gaining increasing interest as a mineral explora- to screen large areas and provide information for
tion tool (Willliams 2009). Palaeomagnetic studies targeting ground surveys. They are capable of di-
may be important for the timing of the mineraliz- rectly detecting conductive base-metal deposits.
ing fluids or the alteration. Discussion of the mag- The traditional application of EM methods in
netic mineralogy responsible for magnetization mineral exploration has been in the search for
effects is presented in this Special Paper volume in low-resistivity (high-conductivity) massive sul-
the chapter on Au deposits in southern Finland by phide deposits. The wide whole-country cover-
Mertanen & Karell (p. 89). age of frequency-domain EM data in Finland is
unique in the world and allows mapping of the
Airborne radiometrics regional distribution of bedrock conductivity,
also supporting structural interpretation. GTK
Gamma-ray methods identify the presence of the used a fixed-wing multi-frequency survey system
natural radioelements potassium (K), uranium that is better suited to relatively near surface ap-
(U), and thorium (Th) in rocks. Gamma ray plications than deeper investigations (down to 100
penetration is only of the order of half a metre, m). Electromagnetic survey data are vulnerable
so that in regions with poor exposure due to gla- to non-geological noise, but also to conductivity
cial, largely transported overburden, the meas- anomalies due to soil properties and moisture. The
urement of natural radioactivity due to K, U and noise is worth filtering out in the case of mineral
Th may not be very useful. In Finland, the use exploration. The interpretation of electromagnetic
of radiometrics is frequently limited by the wide data may be demanding, and 3D interpretation
coverage of glacial soil, with a thickness vary- methods would greatly strengthen the use of the
ing from 0 to 100 m and an average of <10 m. airborne electromagnetic method. An example of
In southern Finland, cultivated land dominates 3D EM modelling by Suppala (p. 71) utilizes the
the variation in radiation observed on radiomet- effectiveness of frequency-domain electromagnet-
ric maps. Locally, however, gamma-ray spectro- ic data to discriminate magnetite-bearing source
metry can be effective in geological mapping and rocks and to evaluate the type of magnetism asso-
targeting mineralization. The results depend on ciated with an ultramafic intrusion (Kellojärvi in
several factors, including whether (1) there are eastern Finland).
measurable differences in the radioactive ele-
ment distributions that can be related to differ- Regional ground gravity data
ences in host rock lithologies, (2) the K content
of the rock has been modified by alteration pro- A high density is the most anomalous physical
cesses, and (3) mineralization and alteration have property of almost every ore mineral. Regional
affected surface rocks. Mobilization of individual gravity data reveal the density contrasts and can
radioelements in response to specific geochemi- be used to outline geological structures controlling
cal conditions makes radioelement ratios sensi- mineralization. Qualitative interpretation of struc-
tive in locating areas of mineralization (Thomas tural features from gravity data is benefitted by
et al. 2000, cited in Morgan 2012). An example the same types of processing methods as used for
of this is the elevated potassium radiation asso- magnetic data, e.g. horizontal gradients, vertical or
ciated with ultramafic rocks in Finnish Lapland tilt derivatives, filtering or upward continuation.
(in Insert 12). In uranium exploration, gamma- Exploration has for long been the primary target of
ray methods may provide a means of direct de- regional gravity measurements in Finland. Gravity
tection. Good results from the use of airborne surveys have been focused on the most important
radiometric data for targeting promising areas mineral provinces, such as the Central Finnish
for U-Au and U occurrences are reviewed in this Lapland gold province, the Raahe-Ladoga zone
volume by Lauri & Turunen (p. 107), who discuss and parts of the Häme belt in southern Finland.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Major tectonic provinces, crustal weakness zones • EO-1 satellite regional hyperspectral Hyperion
and province boundaries have been described us- data (VIS, NIR, SWIR)
ing these data (Elo 1997, Elo 2003). A country- • HyMap and AISA airborne local hyperspectral
wide Bouguer anomaly map has been prepared data (VIS, NIR, SWIR)
based on gravity data, provided by the Finnish • SisuROCK hyperspectral close-range imaging
Geodetic Institute (Kääriäinen & Mäkinen 1997). workstation data (VIS, NIR, SWIR, LWIR)
• Portable FieldSpecFR for close-range spectral
Airborne gravity gradiometry single measurements (VIS, NIR, SWIR)
(Abbreviations: VIS = visual, NIR = near infrared,
Airborne gravity surveys for GTK have been con- SWIR = short-wave infrared, LWIR = long-wave
ducted in three areas: Hammaslahti and Pori (in infrared)
2009) and Savukoski (in 2011). In principle, gravity
gradiometer systems are more sensitive to shorter Several published or archived spectral reflectance
spatial wavelengths than sensors that attempt to and emittance libraries are available for training the
measure the total gravitational acceleration. For interpretation of these remote sensing data sets in
comparable sensitivities to that of an airborne mineral exploration and mining. LWIR close-range
gravity system, this system on a fixed wing aircraft reflectance spectrometry, used in the characteriza-
can be used to map features typified by half-wave tion of selected mineral deposits, is reviewed in this
distances of 200 m. This corresponds to an order of volume by Kuosmanen et al. (p. 117).
magnitude better spatial resolution than achieved
from total field systems at short wavelengths. Petrophysical database and detailed studies
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Table 1. Applicability of different geophysical methods in the exploration of various mineral systems (modified from Ford et
al. 2007).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Geophysical responses
Geophysical anomalies are primarily affected by • Measurement techniques: for example, the
the source mineralogy and secondly by source measurement frequency in frequency-domain
geometry and various factors determined by the electromagnetic measurements affects the
geological conditions of the source body. The pe- response.
trophysical properties of ore minerals and com- • Wavelength of the observed potential field. Geo-
mon associated host rocks provide information physical responses for deeply buried sources
that makes it easier to understand the geophysical decrease in amplitude and increase in spatial
signatures of a certain deposit type (King 2007). wavelength until they disappear into geological
The likelihood of locating an ore deposit or its noise.
host rock by means of a geophysical anomaly de- – Effect of the observation level on the mag-
pends on many factors, including the petrophys- netic and gravity anomaly of a small and a
ics of the ore minerals and their host rock, and large source body.
the thickness and physical properties of the over- – Short wavelength anomalies: shallow sources.
burden cover. The size of the ore occurrence and
its outcrop and the distance of its top from the Modelling examples of gravity and magnetic
ground surface are geometrical factors. The geol- anomalies at increasing depths for source bodies
ogy in the area and the anomalies caused by the of different sizes and varying petrophysical para-
country rocks, and the mode of occurrence of the meters are collected in Insert 1. Magnetic or grav-
ore deposit in relation to the anomalous rocks are ity methods are sensitive to completely different
geological factors (Ketola 1982). physical rock properties and they have very differ-
ent roles in geological interpretation. The gravity
Geophysical anomalies are described by their method reveals information on the distribution
amplitude and form. The main factors influencing of density and is routinely used for the identifica-
the amplitude and shape of geophysical anomalies tion of lithologies, structures and ore bodies them-
include: selves. The magnetic method is sensitive to the dis-
• Source mineralogy and dimensions: geophysi- tribution of magnetic minerals and it is the main
cally anomalous minerals contained in the method for the interpretation of bedrock lithology
source, their physical properties and texture and structure. Magnetic anomalies sometimes co-
(fabrics); size, geometry, depth of mineraliza- incide with gravity anomalies, and rock alteration
tion and its orientation relative to magnetic can cause a change in bulk density as well as mag-
north, and the inclination of the Earth’s mag- netization. If the distributions of density or mag-
netic field at its location. netization reflect geologically significant features,
• Depth of investigation of the method in ques- the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data
tion: depends on many factors, including sys- can give 3D information on the distribution and
tem characteristics (Table 2). structure of these features. The sources of gravity
• Survey resolution: the terrain clearance and anomalies can be modelled from >1 km depth if
flight line separation will affect the resolution the density difference between the source forma-
of the detected geophysical anomalies. tion and the surroundings is great enough.
• Method footprint – depends on the sampling
density and the speed of aircraft.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Insert 1.
Modelling examples of gravity and magnetic anomalies for source bodies of different sizes and
petrophysical parameters at increasing depths (in Kukkonen & Airo 2012, presentation at the GTK
Academy, Espoo, Finland 12.12. 2011).
Modelling parameters:
Case 1: 1Mton (small sized)
Density of ore body 4000 kg/m3 and country rock 2750 kg/m3
susceptibility of ore body 30000 x 10-6 ( Q=3), and of country
rock 1000 x 10-6 (Q=0).
Outcropping source:
Magnetic anomaly 400 nT and 200 m wide, gravimetric
anomaly 0.9 mGal.
Modelling parameters:
Case 2: 27Mton (“Outokumpu-size”)
Density of ore body 4000 kg/m3 and country rock
2750 kg/m3
susceptibility of ore body 30000 x 10-6 ( Q=3), and of
country rock 1000 x 10-6 (Q=0).
Outcropping source:
Magnetic anomaly 200 nT and 500 m wide, gravimetric
anomaly 2.5 mGal.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
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Insert 1. (cont)
Modelling parameters:
Case 3: 135 Mton (“world class”)
Density of ore body 4000 kg/m3 and country rock
2750 kg/m3
susceptibility of ore body 30000 x 10-6 ( Q=3), and of
country rock 1000 x 10-6 (Q=0).
Outcropping source:
Magnetic anomaly 250 nT and 600 m wide, gravimetric
anomaly 4 mGal, 600 m wide.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
The physical properties of minerals that are for density and magnetic susceptibility in Figure
relevant for the physical properties of rocks and 1 (from Airo & Säävuori 2013). This reflects the
ores are reviewed in the following. These proper- iron content, bound either in rock-forming min-
ties include density, magnetic properties, electrical erals or in ore minerals. Density depends on the
properties, radioactivity and seismic velocity. proportional content of Fe and Mg-bearing miner-
Different rock types often have distinctive and als in the rock’s main mineral composition, so that
characteristic physical properties, as illustrated in each rock class the mean densities increase due
Fig. 1. Ranges of density and magnetic susceptibility of rock classes from GTK’s petrophysical database. The densities of quartz-
ites (yellow) and granites (red) are mainly below 2700 kg/m3 and the densities above 2800 kg/m3 characterize mica schists
(blue), metavolcanic rocks (green), gabbros (brown) and ultramafic rocks (black). The susceptibility distribution is bimodal,
with a lower susceptibility mode caused by the paramagnetism of rock-forming silicates, and a higher mode that is due to
ferrimagnetic minerals.
Table 3. Ore mineral and host rock densities (g/cm3) and magnetic susceptibilities (10-6 SI) (after King 2007 and Morgan 2012).
Typical susceptibility and density values for country rocks in Finland from Airo & Säävuori 2013.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
to an increase in the proportion of mafic minerals. Table 4 compares the magnetization type and sus-
Similarly, magnetic susceptibility depends on the ceptibility of various magnetic or rock-forming
proportional content of mafic / felsic rock-form- minerals. Fe,Mg-bearing silicates are generally
ing minerals, but in addition on the iron bound in paramagnetic and only reach a maximum suscep-
magnetic minerals. Iron sulphides and iron oxides tibility level of 0.001–0.002 x 10-6 . The same level
(mainly magnetite) are the principal ore minerals, is, however, reached by a magnetite concentration
and have distinctive physical properties. Of the as low as 0.01% (Hrouda et al. 2009). Thus, even
other geophysically distinctive minerals that may a minor concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals
be related to ore mineralization, graphite in meta- has a dominant effect on the magnetic susceptibil-
morphosed graphitic shales (black schists) might, ity of rock.
for example, also have a strong impression for geo- Of the two types of magnetization that exist,
physics. The clustering of rocks into specific ranges induced magnetization is proportional to the sus-
of density and magnetic susceptibility is typical for ceptibility of the material being magnetized and
Precambrian, metamorphic and highly deformed can be in the same direction as the Earth’s field.
terrains (also Reeves 2005). Remanent (permanent) magnetization can have
any direction and it is carried by ferrimagnetic
Density of ore minerals minerals. In certain cases, remanent magnetiza-
tion can be orders of magnitude greater that the
The densities of common ore minerals are all induced.
above 4.0 g/cm3, so that their presence increases
the bulk density of rock. Of the common ore min- The ferrimagnetic susceptibility of rocks depends
erals, magnetite, pyrrhotite and pyrite all have on:
densities ~5 g/cm3, and cannot be separated by the • the magnetic mineral type and content (seldom
gravimetric method, but their magnetic properties >10%)
deviate characteristically. The density and suscep- • the measuring field and temperature
tibility ranges for common ore minerals and some • the grain size of ferrimagnetic minerals
typical host rocks are shown in Table 3. • the content of iron in rock (principally, but in a
complex way).
Magnetic minerals
The amplitude and shape of a magnetic anomaly
Minerals that can cause a significant magnetic can be strongly affected by remanent magnetiza-
response are magnetite, pyrrhotite, hematite, il- tion, which may be useful to take into account
menite/titanohematite and maghemite. Pyrite in magnetic modelling. The ratio of remanent to
is non-magnetic, but can be metamorphosed to induced magnetization (Königsberger ratio, Q-
pyrrhotite at upper greenschist-lower amphibo- value) can be used to predict the magnetic min-
lites grades. Pyrrhotite can be metamorphosed to eralogy in the anomaly source simply by using the
magnetite (Clark 1997, Gunn & Dentith 1997). information based on petrophysical laboratory
Table 4. Magnetization type and susceptibility (from Reeves 2005, Clark 1997 and Schön 2004).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Table 5. Magnetic susceptibilities for selected diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals (modified from Clark 1997 and Schön
2004). The susceptibilities are in 10-6 SI-units.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
in the time domain or the frequency domain; their phides (Ford et al. 2007). Sulphide deposits can be
units are respectively milliseconds (msec) and the either disseminated or massive. In disseminated
percentage frequency effect. In general, dissemi- sulphides, the mineral occurs as fine particles dis-
nated sulphides have very good induced polariza- persed throughout the matrix, and they may be
tion responses. resistive or conductive. In massive sulphides, the
Although metallic minerals (particularly sul- mineral occurs in a more homogeneous form, and
phides) may be conductive, there are at least two they are likely to be conductive. Chemical and/or
reasons why ore-grade deposits of these miner- thermal alteration can convert metallic minerals
als may not be as conductive as expected (Palacky into oxides or other forms that are not as conduc-
1987). In theory, massive sulphides should have tive as the original minerals. The selection of the
lower responses, but in practice they may have electromagnetic method may have a crucial effect
very good responses. This is due to the miner- on the success of the operation, depending on the
alization halo generally surrounding massive sul- target.
• Pyrrhotite (FeS) is a consistently highly con- increase the resistivity by six orders of mag-
ductive mineral. nitude to 10 Ωm.
• Graphite (C) is a true conductor, like a metal • Galena (PbS) and magnetite (Fe3O4) are
(i.e. not a semiconductor like ore minerals), conductive as minerals, but much less con-
and it is very conductive, even at very low ductive as ore because of their loose crystal
concentrations. It is also chargeable, and it structures.
is notoriously difficult to distinguish from • Other conductive minerals include bornite
metallic ore minerals. Graphite is a metallic (CuFeS4), chalcocite (Cu2S), covellite (CuS),
conductor with a resistivity of 10-4 to 5 x 10-3 ilmenite (FeTiO3), molybdenite (MoS2), and
Ωm and is found in many crustal rocks. the manganese minerals holandite and pyro-
Graphite occurs in metamorphic rocks and lusite.
is difficult to distinguish from metallic ore • Hematite and zincblende (sphalerite) are
minerals. The substitution of impurity ions usually nearly insulators.
into the lattice of a particular metallic min- • Gold (Au) has among the most anomalous
eral may have a significant effect on the physical properties: its density is 19 300 kg/
resistivity. m3 and electrical conductivity 5 x 107 S/m.
• Pyrite (FeS2) is the most common me- The conductivity of an iron formation may
tallic sulphide and has the most variable reach very high values: min 0.05 to max
conductivity. Its conductivity is general- 3300 mS/m.
ly higher than that of porous rocks. Pure (based on Oldenburg &
pyrite has a resistivity of about 3 x 10-5 Ωm, Jones 2007 and Palacky 1987)
but mixing in minor amounts of copper can
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Fig. 2. Resistivities (conductivities) of rocks and earth materials (after Oldenburg & Jones 2007).
Table 6. Resistivities and conductivities of selected metals and minerals (modified from King 2007 and Peltoniemi 1988).
Resistivity of selected ore minerals (King 2007) Electrical conductivity of selected metals and
minerals (Peltoniemi 1988)
Minerals Resistivity (Ohm-m) Material Typical conductivity, S/m
Gold 50 · 106
Copper 3 – 80 · 106
Graphite 102 - 106
Chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 1.2 x 10-5 – 0.3 Chalcopyrite 10 - 104
Pyrite, FeS2 3.0 x 10-5 – 1.5 Pyrite 1 - 105
Magnetite, Fe3O4 5.0 x 10-4 – 5.0 x 104 Magnetite 10-4 - 105
Mica 10-3 – 10-14
Quartz 10-10 – 10-14
Hematite, Fe2O3 3.5 x 10-3 - 107
Galena, PbS 3.0 x 10-5 – 3.0 x 102
Table 7. Relative IP chargeability for common ore minerals and rocks (after King 2007 and Oldenburg & Jones 2007).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
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Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
rate them only on the basis of magnetic properties. pyrrhotite-dominant and pyrite-dominant sub-
Thermomagnetic tests to identify the monoclinic categories). The anomalies selected for sampling
/hexagonal type of pyrrhotite have been carried and analysis consisted of plutonic, metasedimen-
out for mineralized black schists from several loca- tary and metavolcanic rocks, of which about one-
tions in eastern Finland, and the monoclinic type third comprised mica gneisses and one sample was
of pyrrhotite appears to be more prevalent (Airo & composed of graphitic black schist. In almost 100
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi 2004). sulphide-bearing samples, the relative proportions
Säävuori et al. (1991) correlated magnetic of different iron-bearing sulphides and magnetite
and electrical conductivity anomalies and pe- were distinguished. The results demonstrate that
trophysical properties of sulphide-bearing rocks sulphides may be a considerable source of conduc-
from 7 targets in Finland. The samples could be tivity anomalies, and that magnetite, when present
divided into two main categories on the basis of with pyrite, may also be related to conductivity
their susceptibilities and Q-ratios: 1) a magnetite anomalies.
population and 2) a pyrrhotite population (with
Blue samples:
Magnetite-bearing dolerites and
iron ore samples
Red samples:
Pyrrhotite-bearing black schists
and VMS samples
Q = Jr/Ji
Ji = Induced magnetization
Jr = Remanent magnetization
Q ~1-2 Equal contribution of remanent and induced magnetization on magnetic anomaly intensity
Q <1 Coarse-grained magnetite, remanence has irrelevant effect on magnetic anomaly
Q >>1 Fine-grained magnetite or monoclinic pyrrhotite (Q ~10 and susc. > 10 000 µSI); remanence has strong
effect on magnetic anomaly intensity and shape
Fig. 3. Comparison of susceptibilities and Königsberger ratios of typical magnetite- or pyrrhotite-bearing rocks and their
importance to the magnetic anomaly intensity and shape. Sampled from the Finnish National Petrophysical Database.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
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For the purpose of introducing geophysical sig- Insert 4 describes how the electromagnetic re-
natures related to different mineral systems, the sponse can be used in distinguishing rocks with
magnetic total intensity image may in itself be very magnetite or pyrrhotite as their main magnetic
expressive, particularly so as a grey-scale presenta- mineral. Remanence affects the style of magnetic
tion. These images are sensitive to delicate mag- anomalies (magnetic anomaly intensity and shape).
netic patterns and signatures that may be related In the lower part of the aeromagnetic map “A”,
to mineralization. However, additional informa- magnetic anomalies are due to magnetite, where-
tion may be obtained by using some mathemati- as in the upper part they are due to monoclinic
cal tools to enhance certain geophysical signatures pyrrhotite. This is verified by conductivity catego-
or suppressed geological features. These common ries in map “B”, in which pyrrhotite-caused anoma-
tools include potential field derivatives, frequency lies are associated with electromagnetic anomalies
filters, upward continuation or spatial derivatives. indicating conductivity. In the case of coarse-
To analyse shallow geological structures, short grained magnetite, with Q-values below unity, the
frequencies are enhanced, and to extract deep fea- magnetic anomaly depends almost entirely on the
tures, the regional, long-wavelength structures are induced magnetization, and in this case the anoma-
enhanced. The following inserts illustrate ways of ly signatures are smooth. Along with decreasing
processing data sets and their combinations, and magnetic grain sizes, the remanent magnetization
these are applied throughout this report in outlin- becomes more dominant. This brings sharp gra-
ing the geophysical footprints of mineralization dients and variation in anomaly intensities due to
styles. alternating directions of remanence. This is why
the magnetic anomalies due to pyrrhotite or due
Insert 2 is an example of the integrated use of air- to fine-grained magnetite are very similar.
borne magnetic and electromagnetic data sets
in the visualization of an ultramafic intrusion in The GTK frequency-domain airborne electromag-
northern Finland (Airo & Kurimo 1999). The abil- netic system provides a possibility for classifying
ity of GTK’s electromagnetic data to be used in cal- electromagnetic anomalies as conductive or non-
culating the apparent susceptibility is useful when conductive. Map “C” shows the classification of
in situ petrophysical measurements are lacking. anomalies on the basis of the ratio of the real (Re)
The remanent magnetization was suspected to af- to the imaginary (Im) component of electromag-
fect the magnetic anomaly related to the intrusion. netic data (Re/Im). The phenomenon is based on
Field checking verified that the magnetite-bearing the negative response in the real component at low
part of the anomaly could be outlined by using the conductivity and with high magnetic permeability
magnetite effect. The effect of remanence was ex- (the so-called magnetite effect, diagram “D”) (Sup-
cluded by calculation of the apparent susceptibility pala et al. 2005, Leväniemi et al. 2009). Although
on the basis of the electromagnetic data. magnetite has intrinsically high conductivity, mag-
netite grains are rarely well electrically connected
Insert 3 shows a collection of composite maps with in unaltered intrusive rock. Even nearly massive
mineral deposits, in which techniques for enhanc- magnetite can be relatively resistive, despite its
ing surface features in airborne geophysical data high intrinsic conductivity.
have been applied. This collection displays vari-
ous thematic and integrated maps produced from Insert 5 displays techniques for the detection of
GTK’s airborne magnetic, electromagnetic and ra- magnetic anomalies of a certain type: extremely
diometric datasets. These may be useful in analys- high amplitudes + expected remanent magnetiza-
ing geophysical surface anomalies and comparing tion (Airo et al. 2014). This type of classification
geophysical information with observed geology. is constantly used in this report (Insert 9 for the
Classified electrical conductivity anomalies are whole of Finland and, for example, Fig. 4a). The
also widely used in this report (e.g., Fig. 4b). highly magnetic anomaly source rocks may be,
for instance, serpentinite bodies, ultramafic intru-
sions with abundant magnetite, or iron-bearing
formations (iron ore, BIF, magnetite type IOCG).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Insert 2.
Palaeoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusion Suukisjoki, Finnish Lapland (from Airo & Kurimo 1999).
Airborne electromagnetic in-phase (real) component shows Location of the example anomaly in
negative response over the magnetite-bearing ultramafic intru- northern Finland.
sion (K). It corresponds to the high susceptibility parts of the
intrusion. The conductivity anomaly (R) is based on pyrrhotite
in country rocks.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 3.
Detailed airborne geophysical signatures denote close-to-surface features of ground. Special tech-
niques may be used for enhancing subtle signatures. The map layers for whole of Finland have been
prepared by E. Hyvönen, GTK. Map area is 25 km x 30 km.
A. Aeromagnetic grey-scale image (dark = high intensity anomaly). Notice the ring-like magnetic anomaly in the
right upper corner; it will be discussed in more detail in Insert 13.
B. Classification of magnetic anomalies. Red = high amplitude (techniques and colour categories are explained in
Insert 5).
C. Electromagnetic classified real component (red/brown = good conductivity: green = low conductivity).
Low-amplitude noise has been removed.
D. Electromagnetic ratio map (Real/Imaginary components). Red = good conductivity; blue = low (no) conduc-
E. Aeroradiometric image: uranium (cut-off).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Insert 4.
Magnetite or pyrrhotite? How to use the electromagnetic response to distinguish rocks with mag-
netite or pyrrhotite content.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 5.
Method for magnetic anomaly detection by classifying magnetic anomalies (H. Leväniemi, GTK
in Airo et al. 2014). Upper right: schist belts surrounding the Central Lapland granitoid area. Three
more detailed example maps: Hannukainen (upper left), Vähäjoki (lower left) and Misi (lower
Thematic classification of magnetic total field intensity. TMI = Total Magnetic Intensity in 5 categories. Red and
pink indicate the highest magnetic anomaly intensity.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Insert 5 (cont)
Ore deposits can be classified on the basis of the In the following, the discussion of geophysical
metals they contain, the form of the deposit (i.e. properties is focused on these five main groups,
mineral distribution), ore associations (associated with critical minerals discussed in the sixth group:
host rocks or geological structures), or the genesis 1. Magmatic Ni-Cu, PGE
of the deposit (processes or controls) (McQueen 2. Intrusion-hosted V-Fe-Ti, Cr
2005). For the overview of the geophysical signa- 3. Orogenic gold
tures of mineral deposit types, the genetic classifi- 4. Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides (VMS)
cation works better than classification based only (Cu, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag)
on metals, because most metals have quite compa- 5. Banded iron formations and IOCG-style
rable physical properties and are not therefore al- Fe±Cu, Au
ways distinguishable. The genetic classification of 6. Porphyry Cu-Au
ore deposits presented in Eilu & Lahtinen (2013) 7. High-tech metals and uranium
is applied in this review for the geophysical char-
acterization (Table 8). Genetic classification schemes incorporate ele-
More than 30 different genetic types of metal ments of composition, forms and association.
deposits have been encountered in Finland (Eilu et From these, it is possible to construct predictive
al. 2012, FODD 2013). The most significant types models that can be used to search geological envi-
of these, on the basis of past production and pre- ronments in which appropriate ore-forming pro-
sent resources, are classified into five main groups. cesses have probably operated (McQueen 2005).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
The major metallogenic epochs can be related to In this Special Paper volume, the review of phys-
global geodynamic processes, including major pe- ical properties of ore deposit types or mineraliza-
riods of crustal break-up and convergence. Accord- tion styles is mainly based on published informa-
ingly, in Fennoscandia, the metallogenic events and tion, in particular on the key note speeches and
diagnostic mineralization systems can be related to presentations that were given at two geosciences
specific plate tectonic settings (Lahtinen et al. 2012, conferences: Exploration07 held in Toronto in
Eilu & Lahtinen 2013, Weihed et al. 2008). Con- 2007 (proceedings by Milkereit (ed.) 2007), and
cerning geophysics, the recognition and outlining the SGA meeting held in Uppsala in 2013 (pro-
of tectonic plates and major structural zones con- ceedings by Johnsson et al. (eds.) 2013).
trolling mineralization requires analysis of regional
geophysical data suites covering vast areas.
Table 8. Genetic classification of the main ore deposit types (mineralization styles) in Finland and selected example deposits.
The classification is inspired by metallogenic areas by Eilu et al. (2012) (see indices in the first column). The examples include
both metallogenic belts and individual deposits.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
themselves do not possess properties that are de- ity anomalies, but so also may dense host rocks
tectable, or their concentration may be too low such as mafic/ultramafic rocks.
to have a geophysical influence, but there may be • Magnetism readily distinguishes deposits
some properties of altered host rock that may indi- bearing magnetite (Fe-Ti-V ores, iron oxides)
rectly be used in targeting mineralization. or ferrimagnetic pyrrhotite (massive sulphide
Magnetite and pyrrhotite, or other ferrimag- deposits). Remanent magnetization may have
netic minerals, tend to accumulate in ore deposits a prevalent role.
(including the non-iron ones) or in their environ- • Remanent magnetism can cause great difficul-
ments. Because these minerals often accompany ties in modelling, especially with automated
economic mineralization in various ways, their methods. Disseminated pyrrhotite with rela-
magnetic properties can be important in the tively low susceptibilities can have Q-values (Q
search for ore deposits, even though they do not = the ratio of remanent to induced magnetism)
often represent the economic minerals (Hrouda et over 10, producing significant local anomalies.
al. 2009). • Electrical conductivity can usually be used
Sulphide deposits occur in rock complexes that to discriminate between base metal sulphides
were metamorphosed from zeolite to granulite fa- and Fe oxides. Some ore-related minerals may
cies and underwent regional metamorphism to- also have high conductivities. In general, iron
gether with surrounding rocks. During the process oxides or certain rock types such as mafic or
of metamorphism, the ores may have recrystal- ultramafic rocks are not highly conductive.
lized and partially mobilized together with quartz, • Radioactivity may have some role in limited
carbonates and barite (Hrouda et al. 2009). New cases. Generally, felsic or intermediate rocks
minerals may have formed, for example, pyrite, may have high radioactivity, whereas mafic
pyrrhotite, magnetite, and Mg- and Fe-carbonates. and ultramafic rocks and Fe and base-metal
The most commonly documented ore mineral- sulphides have little or no natural radioactiv-
related reaction in metamorphosed deposits is ity. Thorium (Th) tends to enrich in alkaline
an increase in the pyrrhotite/pyrite ratio with in- rocks. It forms complex ions with, for example,
creasing metamorphic grade. The transformation sulphides, carbonates and phosphates. Chemi-
can often also be reversed, mostly in the terminal cal alteration may produce some identifiable
phase of regional metamorphism when new py- change. Uranium (U) is generally highly mo-
rite is created. The reaction of pyrite to produce bile, leaving thorium behind. Carbonatization
pyrrhotite in metamorphosed massive sulphide may result in enrichment of U and Th, together
deposits is considered unlikely, and much of the with Au. Potassic alteration produces increased
data indicate that the pyrite-pyrrhotite conversion potassium radiation values, even for mafic and
is equivocal. Pyrrhotite can also occur in the form ultramafic rocks.
of a hexagonal phase, which is antiferromagnetic • Seismicity has an important role in structural
and displays only relatively low susceptibility. This and lithological mapping. Seismic methods
pyrrhotite can occur in the deeper parts of mas- are able to produce high-resolution images of
sive sulphide ores, whereas a mixture of hexagonal the geological structure and to define sharp
and monoclinic pyrrhotite is typical of the near- boundaries in the subsurface. Seismic imag-
surface parts. ing techniques require the input of information
Petrophyscial properties determine which geo- regarding propagation velocities of the media.
physical techniques can best be used to investigate This information is usually recovered from
a mineral system. A comprehensive collection of seismic data by interactive velocity analysis, or
geophysical properties for different mineraliza- such information can be obtained from bore-
tion styles is available in literature and has been hole acoustic logs. The interpreted boundaries
presented by several authors in the proceedings can be used as constraints in the inversion of
of Exploration 07 (Milkereit (ed.) 2007). They are other methods such as magnetics and gravity,
summarized below to act as background for the which can be used to fill volumes with physi-
following sections: cal property values but have poor resolution at
• Densities are largely controlled by the iron depth.
content in most rocks and minerals. Iron ox- • Anomalous in most physical properties are
ides and sulphides may be identified as grav- sulphide deposits. These typically include
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite, which of the properties. To complement the ore sample
may be the reason for electrical conductivity, database, new measurements were carried out for
chargeability, density, magnetic susceptibility, this study. The new samples were selected from
natural radioactivity and acoustic velocity. This GTK’s rock museum archives to cover different
combination of physical properties makes the de- types of ore deposit, and they represent selected
tection of significant concentrations of sulphides ore types from old Finnish mining areas. The new
fairly straightforward. Sulphides easily deform measurements are compiled in Table 10, and in
plastically so that their hosting structures may be addition to density and magnetic properties, they
easily identified by geophysical methods. also include electrical properties.
The petrophysical database of GTK contains labo- Insert 6 compares the petrophysical properties of
ratory measurement results for various ore de- various ore deposit types in GTK’s petrophysical
posit types. These are summarized in Table 9. The database and the new measurements for this study
number of samples is annually increasing as new (H. Säävuori, GTK), and they display great varia-
measurements are performed to serve the needs of tion in properties, of course depending on the ore
different GTK projects. The naming of the old da- mineral content and type. The overall impression
tabase samples is quite generalized and sketchy, but is that remanence is important, as indicated by
nevertheless the measurement values give an idea Q-ratios of >1 for most of the samples.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
the Fe deposits associated with IOCGs. Some dis- on the west coast (B), Kuusamo schist belt (C) and
tinctive magnetic anomalies in Finland that stand the Kellojärvi ultramafic body in the southern part
out are outlined: the Sulkavanniemi-Kitee anoma- of the Kuhmo greenstone belt.
lies in southeastern Finland (A), the Vittinki zones
Insert 6.
Comparison of various ore deposit types in the petrophysical database and the new measurements
of rock museum archives made for this study (H. Säävuori, GTK). Sampling sites are shown the
Samples from database
Individual information of petrophysical parameters in Table 9. The group “Ores (not specified)” is petrophysically quite
homogeneous and probably is composed of the same type having distinctive magnetic properties.
Petrophysical diagrams:
1. Susceptibility versus density; sulphide ores have here generally lower densities than e.g., banded iron ores.
2. Susceptibility versus Q-ratio; line Q = 1 is shown. Q >1 denotes the overall fine magnetic grain size for all except
banded iron ores.
3. Remanent versus induced magnetization; line Q = 1 is shown. Remanent magnetization predominates over the
induced (Q >1) for all other samples except banded iron ores.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 6 (cont)
Samples from rock museum
Individual information of petrophysical parameters in Table 10. The metallogenic areas by Eilu et al. (2012) are indicated
for comparison.
Petrophysical diagrams:
1. Susceptibility versus density quite scattered.
2. Remanent versus induced magnetization; on both sides of line Q =1.
3. Susceptibility versus resistivity: quite scattered and 6 samples have resistivity out of the measurement range.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Table 9. Petrophysical data from ore samples measured at GTK. Averages of petrophysical properties. Density g/cm3, suscepti-
bility ·10-6, remanent magnetization Am·10-3, Q-value (Königsberger ratio), magnetite content calculated.
Ore deposit type Density Magnetic Remanent Q-value Magnetite N
susc. magn. content
BANDED IRONORE 3244 238668 56153 41 8 125
COMPACT ORE 3499 735880 34212 2 2 8
HEMATITE (BANDED IRONORE) 4163 1740 60 1 0 1
JASPIS 3371 710350 332375 8 29 2
MAGNETITE ORE 3877 1166924 391160 33 21 11
ORES (not specified) 3860 1145132 647151 43 34 40
PYRITE ORE 4168 15360 8810 15 1 1
SKARN ORE 3269 29440 1 2
SULPHIDE ORE 3032 8300 3816 17 0 25
Total 3386 448774 187277 36 12 215
Table 10. Petrophysical data for ore samples from rock museum archives of GTK. Averages of petrophysical properties. D =
density g/cm3, K = magnetic susceptibility ·10-6, J = the intensity of remanent magnetization Am·10-3, Q-value (Königsberger
ratio), R = resistivity Ohms, and б = conductivity (S/m).
Ore type Metal Sampling D(kg/m3) K(10-6SI) J(mA/m) R(ohmm) σ (S/m) Q-ratio
ANTIMONY ORE Sb KALLIOSALO 2903 -5 25 136 0,007
HEMATITE Fe TAPOROVA 3984 698953 119279 44 0,023 4,16
CHROME ORE Cr AKANVAARA 3747 4781 35 0,18
GOLD ORE Au SAATTOPORA 3236 4972 558 186 0,005 2,74
GOLD ORE Au ORIVESI 4489 19 17 21,14
GOLD ORE Au JOKISIVU 2833 274 9 0,83
COPPER ORE Cu ORIJÄRVI 3774 119185 57592 37 0,027 11,79
COPPER ORE Cu ORIJÄRVI 3079 7147 4583 155 0,006 15,65
COPPER ORE Cu KERETTI 3761 202 29 326 0,003 3,45
COPPER ORE Cu TYNYSNIEMI 3142 197 18 116 0,009 2,25
COPPER ORE Cu HAMMAS- 2978 449 13 12909 0,000 0,70
COPPER ORE Cu OUTOKUMPU 4566 190384 232736 1 1,471 29,83
LEAD ORE Pb PAKILA 3052 8792 63578 194 0,005 176,44
LEAD ORE Pb METSÄ- 3761 784 93 2,90
LEAD ORE Pb KORSNÄS 6118 1 6 202 0,005 255,58
LEAD ORE Pb KORSNÄS 5869 20 13 249 0,004 15,85
Ni-Cu-ORE Ni-Cu KOTALAHTI 3836 88891 129846 2 0,658 35,64
Ni-Cu-ORE Ni-Cu PETOLAHTI 3319 161175 26507 27 0,03651 4,01
Ni-Cu-ORE Ni-Cu HITURA 2677 125950 3697 426 0,00235 0,72
NICKEL ORE Ni LAUKUN- 4411 37944 27116 3 0,32680 17,44
NICKEL ORE Ni HÄLVÄLÄ 3213 14162 2873 4,95
IRON ORE Fe BÖLE 3128 379479 1932 65 0,01530 0,12
IRON ORE Fe SUSIMÄKI 3901 540796 38739 45 0,02208 1,75
IRON ORE Fe SUUOJA 3687 142900 18198 2445 0,00041 3,11
PYRITE ORE FeS PYHÄSALMI 4758 2027 63 0,76
ZINK ORE Zn HAMMAS- 3625 5307 3357 27 0,03729 15,44
ZINK ORE Zn PAKILA 3588 1553 353 5153 0,00019 5,54
ZINK ORE Zn VIHANTI 4247 135891 19110 82 0,01216 3,43
ZINK ORE Zn VIHANTI 3059 81476 9835 103 0,00968 2,95
ZINK ORE Zn ORIJÄRVI 3805 13619 9828 17,61
TIN ORE Sn PERÄLÄ DIKE 2739 0 3 1836,10
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 7.
Structural lineaments inferred from potential field data (Airo, M.-L., GTK 2013). Three main ori-
entations are indicated by green, blue and purple lines. Ore deposits (FODD 2013) are spatially
related to the structural zones.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Insert 8.
Bouguer anomaly map of Finland and adjacent areas. The main interpreted structural zones (as in
Insert 7) follow crustal scale lineaments in gravity data. Mineral deposits (FODD 2013) are spa-
tially related to the structural zones.Bouguer anomaly map of Fennoscandia based on Korhonen
et al. 2002.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 9.
Aeromagnetic anomaly map with classified magnetic anomalies. The techniques and colour catego-
ries are explained in Insert 5.The outlined regions with prominent magnetic anomaly intensities are
discussed in the text. Magnetic anomaly map of the Fennoscandian Shield based on Korhonen et al.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Ni-Cu sulphides are frequently magnetic but not 3) Ni-Cu-PGE deposits associated with Palaeo-
always, and they may produce a wide variety of proterozoic (~2.45 Ga) mafic-ultramafic lay-
geophysical signatures. Despite the association of ered intrusions in northern Finland.
magnetic anomalies with many nickel sulphide ore
bodies, magnetic data alone are unreliable for lo- The two large nickel deposits, Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE
cating ore bodies, and the use of other geophysical deposit and Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co deposit, rep-
methods, particularly electromagnetic, is essential resent rare Ni deposit types, and are not included
for target selection (Gunn & Dentith 1997). The into the classes above.
physical properties of PGE (platinum group ele- Most of the important nickel deposits world-
ment) minerals are not usually apparent because wide are located along craton margins, which are
of their low concentrations. Common character- commonly associated with prominent gravity and
istics of Ni-Cu sulphides, including magmatic or also magnetic signatures. Good examples are Ko-
sulphidic mineralization, can include magnetic talahti-Sulkavanniemi occurrences located on the
high signatures, density and gravity highs, and/or eastern side of the regional gravity low indicating
either electrical conductivity (due to the presence the Raahe-Laatokka zone (Insert 10). Magmatic
of massive sulphides) or chargeability (due to dis- Ni-Cu and Ni-Cu-PGM deposits are associated
seminated sulphides), magnetic susceptibility, nat- with mafic-ultramafic rocks, which themselves
ural radioactivity, and acoustic velocity (Lightfoot produce strong magnetic and gravity anomalies.
2007, King 2007). However, deposits of type 1 are hosted by weakly
Geophysically, the most relevant mineral among magnetic mafic-ultramafic intrusives. The komati-
Ni-Cu sulphides is pyrrhotite. It is dense, highly itic host rocks (type 2) in general are highly mag-
magnetic in its monoclinic form, and electrically netic on the basis of their magnetite content, as are
conductive. The hexagonal form of pyrrhotite is the mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions (type 3).
antiferromagnetic and may display only relatively On closer inspection, type 3 intrusions are associ-
low susceptibility. Pyrrhotite and magnetite are ated with variable magnetic signatures, depending
present in the Co, Ni and PGE deposits, and the on the alteration of magnetite-bearing units. The
measurement of magnetic susceptibility from drill PGE deposits in the Suhanko-Siikakämä and Koil-
cores is a good addition to susceptibility well log- lismaa areas are related to the weakly magnetic
ging. The susceptibility measurement of cores also parts of layered intrusions. Zientek (2012) reviews
helps in searching for the relationship between fer- the geophysical characteristics of contact-type Cu-
rimagnetic minerals and economic ore minerals Ni-PGE and Reef-type PGE deposits. The main is-
and/or footwall rocks. The magnetic susceptibil- sue is that geophysical methods do not map PGE
ity can also be used in the selection of samples for minerals directly, but they indicate physical prop-
more detailed laboratory study. erty contrasts of primarily sulphide minerals and
The known Finnish magmatic nickel deposits magnetite that may be associated with mineraliza-
have been classified into three types (Rasilainen et tion.
al. 2012): • Detailed aeromagnetic surveys may be used
1) Ni-Cu deposits associated with synorogenic to establish a geologic framework of an area,
Palaeoproterozoic (~1.89–1.87 Ga) mafic- but do not generally give a direct indication of
ultramafic intrusions in central and southern mineralized rock. High-resolution surveys can
Finland, be used to map igneous layering and tectonic
2) Ni-Cu deposits associated with Archaean (~2.8 structures, particularly if the data are enhanced
Ga) komatiitic rocks in eastern and northern to distinguish subtle features.
Finland and Palaeoproterozoic (~2.05 Ga) • Gravity studies may be used to determine the
komatiitic rocks in northern Finland, and subsurface extent of rocks with variable densi-
ty, and they are particularly well suited to map-
ping and modelling the extent and volume of
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 10.
The Sulkavanniemi-Savonlinna belt in southeastern Finland is associated with intensive magnetic
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks. However, Three examples, in Figures 4–5 and Insert 10,
gravity measurements are not used to directly show how magnetite-bearing komatiitic rocks can
locate mineralized rocks. be distinguished by the classification of airborne
• Electrical methods work best on rocks that are magnetic and electromagnetic (frequency-do-
conductive. For contact-type deposits, airborne main) data.
and ground electromagnetics and induced po- A negative AEM response meaning non-con-
larization surveys can be used to identify and ductivity characterizes the host rocks of Lomalam-
delineate rocks that contain conductive and in- pi, Kevitsa and Sakatti Cu-Ni-PGE occurrences in
terconnected net-textured or massive sulphide northern Finland (Fig. 4). However, on closer in-
ores. For reef-type ores, with low sulphide min- spection, in Kevitsa the major part of the intrusion
eral contents, electrical responses are subtle. is recognized as conductive due to pyrrhotite as
• Once a rock layer that contains reef-type min- the main magnetic mineral. The magnetic anom-
eralization has been identified, seismic studies aly classification enhances magnetic signatures
can be used to map the subsurface extent of the associated with relevant remanence. The Sakatti
rocks. Three-dimensional seismic surveys have anomaly stands out locally in the detailed image.
been used to identify structural features such as Petrophysical properties for the komatiite-host-
faults, depressions and cavities. ed Lomalampi PGE-Ni-Cu-Au deposit in northern
Fig. 4. Airborne geophysical integrated maps from northern Finland covering the Koitelainen gabbro and adjacent areas. The
upper images are 50 km wide. Rounded circles below show detail of the Sakatti occurrence.
Upper left: Aeromagnetic anomaly classification map. This classification points out magnetic anomalies of very high intensity
and short wavelength (red circles; see more detailed explanation and colour categories in Insert 5). Sakatti and some other
similar targets can be noticed.
Upper right: Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) classification; background magnetic derivative map. AEM categories are ex-
plained in Insert 4; good conductivity is indicated in red and poor/no conductivity in green. The magnetite-bearing komati-
itic rocks stand out as resistive. The electrical conductors are related to greenstones with a graphite-bearing interlayer or the
sheeted dyke complex.
Circles below: The Sakatti formation is associated with a magnetic anomaly (left), but not with electrical resistivity or conduc-
tivity (right).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Fig. 5. Petrophysical properties from Lomalampi (Salmirinne 2010). Diverse rock types are clustered into
typical density/susceptibility ranges. Serpentinites and peridotites have the highest susceptibilities. The
Fig. 5. Petrophysical properties from Lomalampi (Salmirinne 2010). Diverse rock types are clustered into typical den-
mineralized peridotites
sity/susceptibility ranges.(orange circles)
Serpentinites cannot be have
and peridotites distinguished
the highest from other peridotites
susceptibilities. by theirperidotites
The mineralized density/ (or-
circles) distributions.
cannot be Black
distinguished schists
Fig. 5. Petrophysical properties from Lomalampi
ange from and
other sulphide schists are clustered into one group
(Salmirinne 2010). Diverse rock types are clustered
peridotites by their density/ susceptibility with
distributions. pyrrhotite
Black into
and sulphide and
are < 2800
clustered kg/m
into one , but
with schists
pyrrhotite also form
and cluster
density <
typical density/susceptibility ranges. Serpentinites and peridotites have the highest susceptibilities. The with
2800 a
, but density
schists also form
mineralized another (orange
peridotites cluster with a higher
circles) density
cannot be range.
distinguished from other peridotites by their density/
susceptibility distributions. Black schists and sulphidevalues
representing petrophysical properties: Median schistsof petrophysical
are clustered intoin-situ loggings
one group withfor the main
rock representing
types reported petrophysical
from drill properties:
holes in 3 Median
the values area
Lomalampi of petrophysical
(8 drill in-situ
holes, loggings
2004). forthe
Note the low
rock oftypes re-
ported from
2800 kg/marea , but
holes, 2004).
also form
Note the
low level of
cluster with of
a higher
range. of ultramafic rocks.
Table representing petrophysical properties: Median values of petrophysical in-situ loggings for the main
rock types reported from drill holes in the Lomalampi area (8 drill holes, 2004). Note the low level of
radioactivity of ultramafic rocks.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Ketola (1982) evaluated the applicability of ex- use geochemical surveys for classifying geophysi-
ploration methods in the search for Ni-Cu ores cal anomalies. The detectability of an ore-potential
in Finland, the emphasis being on those methods mafic intrusion depends not only on its dimen-
that contributed to the discovery of known ore sions and attitude, but also on its grade of serpen-
deposits. The report describes the geology, geo- tinization, which is reflected in the variation of the
physics and petrophysics of most of the Ni-Cu ore petrophysical properties. The main point is how
deposits found at that time in Finland. Geophysi- well an anomaly produced by a certain method
cal surveys play a key role in the search for Ni-Cu can be distinguished from the environment.
ores associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks. The summary of geophysical key properties in
The large number of magnetic and electromag- the following fact sheet is mainly after King (2007)
netic anomalies in areas with pyrrhotite-bearing and Lightfoot (2007).
black schists has made it increasingly necessary to
Magmatic rocks containing economic concentra- domain magnetite (Charlier et al. 2015). Charac-
tions of iron, titanium, vanadium and phospho- terization of the rock magnetic properties in the
rous are commonly associated with massif-type Rogaland Anorthosite Province led McEnroe et al.
anorthosites and related rocks. Aeromagnetic (2001) to distinguish between two groups of Fe–Ti
surveying is an essential geophysical tool for the mineralization types that produce large and con-
exploration of Fe–Ti–V–P ore bodies, because trasting anomalies on aeromagnetic maps, a clas-
these deposits contain ferrimagnetic Fe-Ti oxides. sification that can be extended to Fe–Ti oxide de-
The gravity method is also utilized, because of the posits worldwide. Bolle et al. (2014) also suggested
high density minerals. The magnetic properties of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) anal-
Fe–Ti ore deposits present contrasting signatures, ysis for studying the structural details of folding
depending whether the natural remanent magnet- and stretching of a layered intrusion.
ization is dominated by hemo-ilmenite or multi-
The first group of Fe–Ti occurrences encom- The second group of Fe–Ti deposits, with a
passes noritic rocks with relatively abundant magnetic signature drastically different from
coarse (multi-domain) magnetite and homoge- the former group, includes hemo-ilmenite rich
neous (near-end-member) ilmenite. Ores from noritic rocks and massive hemo-ilmenite ores,
this group have high values of natural remanent containing no or minor multi-domain magnet-
magnetization (NRM) and magnetic suscepti- ite. Rocks from this group have high NRM and
bility (K), coupled with low values of coercivity Q values, and moderate to high coercivities and
and Koenigsberger ratios (Q, the ratio of NRM susceptibilities. They produce remanence-in-
to induced magnetization, i.e. K multiplied by fluenced to remanence-dominated anomalies,
the ambient magnetic field). They produce an and are thus strongly dependent on the orienta-
induced-current magnetic response parallel tion of the Earth’s magnetic field at the time of
to the Earth’s present-day magnetic field, giv- emplacement and cooling. The strong and sta-
ing rise to positive anomalies on aeromagnetic ble NRM of this group primarily results from
maps. The magnetic properties of these rocks hemo-ilmenite; however, oxide exsolutions in
are dominated by magnetite; in particular, the silicates, chiefly exsolved blades and rods of
viscous NRM behaviour is “more or less as pre- hemo-ilmenite and/or magnetite with ilmenite
dicted from the common behavior of multi-do- oxy-exsolution in pyroxenes, may contribute
main magnetite”. significantly to NRM in some cases.
from McEnroe et al. 2001
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Intrusion-hosted Fe mineralization types in Fin- tite (hematite), the effective magnetic grain size
land include mafic intrusion-hosted (Mustavaara) of magnetite decreases, resulting in an increased
and alkaline intrusion-hosted (Otanmäki) V-Fe- intensity of remanent magnetization, and this in
Ti ore deposits. These are associated with strong turn is reflected in the magnetic anomaly signa-
magnetic responses. The Koivusaarenneva metal- ture. The magnetite destruction associated with
logenic zone contains ilmenite-rich gabbro intru- magnetite oxidation and deep weathering to hem-
sions and magnetite-bearing gabbros: magnetic atite is directly measurable as decreased magnetic
and gravity anomalies have been used in their susceptibility, and finally it may be that the iron
definition. The Koitelainen Cr, V, PGE deposits, ore deposits form clear magnetic lows.
associated with a mafic to ultramafic weakly mag-
netic layered intrusion, include two sulphide-free, The example Otanmäki V-Fe-Ti area (metallogen-
PGE-enriched chromite reefs and a V-rich gabbro ic zone F031 in Eilu et al. 2012) is characterized as
(Mutanen 1997). follows (Fig. 6):
The Misi Fe-deposits contain martitizied mag- • magmatic vanadium-rich magnetite-ilmenite
netite (Saltikoff et al. 2006, Niiranen et al. 2003). deposits in deformed and metamorphosed
When magnetite is gradually replaced with mar- gabbros;
Fig. 6. The Otanmäki V-Fe-Ti area comprises local magnetic anomalies located along a regional gravity gradient zone (lower
right). The outline of detailed maps is 40 km wide. Upper left: aeromagnetic map; lower left: magnetic anomaly classification
with the magnetic derivative map as background. Mineral deposits from FODD (2013).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
• in addition to ferrous metals, a potential source • introduce a local gravity anomaly north of the
of REE, Zr and Nb in gneissic alkaline grani- regional gravity gradient zone;
toids; • magnetite-bearing units are distinguished by
• Proterozoic rocks inside Archaean gneisses; electromagnetic data.
Orogenic gold
Most of the gold in Fennoscandia is produced The physical properties of gold (Au), with a den-
from orogenic gold deposits with gold as the main sity of 19 300 kg/m3 and an electrical conductiv-
product. Orogenic gold deposits occur through- ity of 5·107 S/m, are one of the most anomalous
out the Palaeoproterozoic of southern and central of all elements. However, gold occurs in such low
Finland. However, a number of gold deposits may concentrations that it does not give any direct
alternatively be classified as volcanogenic mas- geophysical response, although the influences of
sive sulphides (VMS) or iron oxide-copper-gold geological processes that result in gold deposition
(IOCG) or porphyry copper deposits, where gold is may be detectable. A key element is to understand
the by-product. These categories will be discussed and detect the different types of gold deposits and
separately later in this article. The undiscovered re- their favourable geologic settings and controls at
sources in orogenic gold deposits in Finland have regional to local scales, especially in covered ter-
recently been assessed by Eilu et al. (2015). rains (Robert et al. 2007, Hoover et al. 1995).
Geophysically relevant minerals in gold deposits tions or culminations of anticlines, high-angle re-
are pyrite, pyrrhotite and magnetite. The dominant verse faults or cross-structures. EM methods can
sulphide mineral in metamorphic rocks is com- also be used to map alteration, lithological contacts
monly pyrite at greenschist grade and pyrrhotite at and faults. Regional potassium highs in radiomet-
amphibolite grade. At a regional scale, the major- ric data may indicate felsic magmatism, and local
ity of deposits are spatially associated with regional potassium highs with low Th/K may be associated
shear zones and commonly occur in greenschist to with potassic alteration. For Au-quartz vein depos-
lower-amphibolite grade rocks, consistent with the its, IP methods and gamma-ray spectrometry may
overall brittle-ductile nature of their host struc- be applied to map massive quartz veins (resistivity
tures. Alteration characteristics for orogenic gold highs) and potassic alteration (potassium highs,
deposits include Fe-Mg-carbonate alteration asso- respectively). Regional gravity lows over thick vol-
ciated with magnetite destruction. The structural canic sequences or local gravity highs associated
control of mineralization is characterized by fault with felsic intrusions may indicate alteration.
or shear zones, especially with bends and intersec-
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
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Meri-Liisa Airo
Archaean greenstone belts hosting orogenic gold nificant difference in chargeability between gold-
in Finland are Tuntsa, Oijärvi, Suomussalmi, bearing and other rocks. Another clear difference
Kuhmo, Tipasjärvi and Hattu belt (Eilu et al. 2015, was in gamma radiation. Although the logged
Airo 2007, Airo & Mertanen 2008). The magnetic chargeability appears to be a very good parameter,
anomalies of greenstones are generally of low in- the presence of black schists makes its use difficult
tensity because of the deficiency of magnetite in in practice. There is incompatibility between the
greenstone grade mafic rocks. The effect of hydro- histograms of apparent resistivity and chargeabil-
thermal alteration on the petrophysical properties ity. It is not clear how the gold mineralization is
of ultramafic units in the Kittilä greenstone belt related to black schists and sulphides, which can
are described in Insert 11. be detected with electrical methods regardless of
the gold content. The chargeability works in much
The Palaeoproterozoic Kittilä greenstones host sev- the same way, but is affected by polarization ef-
eral orogenic gold deposits (Eilu et al. 2015). The fects. For some reason, possibly mineralogical or
Kittilä and Salla greenstone belts, and Kuusamo structural, mineralized rocks polarize more than
and Peräpohja schist belts are all characterized barren rocks. The overall result is that the induced
by weakly magnetic host rocks. Petrophysical polarization may be effective as a ground survey
properties have been widely used in selecting the method, and gamma radiation in the logging en-
best methods for ground surveys in gold pros- vironment.
pects of the Kittilä greenstone belt. For example,
Salmirinne and Turunen (2006) reported detailed The Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Häme and
petrophysical investigations from Kaaresselkä and Pirkkala belts in southern Finland are highly
Loukinen. Results based on 24 drill hole sections prospective for gold (metallogenic zones F004,
below the ground water table displayed the differ- F007, F009 by Eilu et al. 2012). Insert 12 provides
ence between gold-bearing mylonites and other a regional overview of the geophysical data for this
rocks. In the apparent resistivity and gamma ra- area, which is characterized by magnetic anoma-
diation results, there were satisfactory differences lies coinciding with conductivity anomalies. The
between the two classes, but in the density, suscep- magnetic and electrical signature is due to mono-
tibility and chargeability measurements, the distri- clinic pyrrhotite, which is the main ferrimagnetic
butions of the parameter values overlap too much mineral in this area. It also carries high remanent
for practical use in field exploration. The use of magnetization, which is why these anomalies are
gamma radiation is insignificant in field mapping, distinguishable. A regional gravity high is associ-
as the radiation attenuates to zero within 30 cm ated with migmatites, indicating a high metamor-
of the source. However, in drill hole logging, the phic degree (also noted by Hölttä, unpublished
gamma radiation can be used to detect the potas- information on metamorphic zones in Finland).
sic alteration zones that are commonly related to Petrophysical properties produce mappable cri-
gold mineralization. Electrical and electromagnet- teria for separating mineralized source rocks and
ic methods were best suited to gold exploration in barren intrusions (Mertanen & Karell, p. 89). Dif-
the Kaaresselkä area. Results from Loukinen were ferent rock types are clearly distinguished by their
based on 15 drillhole sections and showed a sig- petrophysical properties.
Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits netite and hematite may also be associated. This
are significant sources of Zn, Cu and Ag, Au and combination of geophysically relevant minerals
other metals. The most common sulphide mineral indicates that the VMS deposits are anomalous in
in VMS deposits is pyrite, which is often associat- most physical properties, including electrical con-
ed with other sulphides such as pyrrhotite, chalco- ductivity, chargeability, density, magnetic suscep-
pyrite, sphalerite and galena (Morgan 2012). Mag- tibility, natural radioactivity and acoustic velocity.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Insert 11.
Effect of hydrothermal alteration on gold-potential ultramafic rocks at Kettukuusikko site in northern
Finland (Airo 2007).
Aeromagnetic map showing highly magnetic ultramafic rocks at the Kettukuusikko site.
southern boundary of Kittilä greenstones. Known gold occurrences are
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Insert 12.
Southern Finland, Svecofennian volcanic and schist belts prospective for orogenic gold, VMS and
porphyry copper deposits. The geological map is based on the GTK in-house digital bedrock data-
base (Geological Survey of Finland 2010).
Classification of electromag-
netic real-component.
• red = conductivity
• blue = magnetite effect
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
VMS deposits
These occur in volcanic, volcaniclastic and sedi- spond to sheets, layers, lenses, mounds, pipes,
mentary rocks and are typically lenticular in and stockwork forms. In deformed areas, the
shape, and broadly stratiform. They form on sulphide bodies can be complexly folded and
and immediately below the seafloor, where dis- dismembered. The diverse range of deposit
charging high temperature hydrothermal fluids morphologies, sizes and also compositions re-
are cooled through mixing with seawater or flects the nature and duration of hydrothermal
porewater in near-seafloor lithologies. This pro- activity, the topography of the sea floor, footwall
cess occurs in association with synchronous vol- and host-rock lithology, temperature gradients,
canism and/or plutonism. The primary horizon- shearing, folding, and faulting, and the degree
tal extent of VMS deposits varies from tens of of erosional preservation. The VMS deposits are
thousands of square metres to giant dimensions commonly developed in extensional tectonic
of several square kilometres. The form of VMS environments, including both oceanic spread-
deposits depends on the original hydrothermal ing zones and arc terranes. The age range is
geometry and on different post-deformations from the Archaean to modern actively forming
such as folding, faulting, and shearing. In areas deposits. (Galley et al. 2007)
with minimal deformation, deposits can corre-
The marked contrasts between the physical prop- compositions, crustal structures, and the type and
erties of minerals associated with VMS minerali- degree of alteration. There is evidence that suffi-
zation and their host rocks make VMS deposits ciently massive sulphide ores might also be detect-
ideally suited to geophysical exploration (Gibson able as reflectors revealed in large-scale reflection
et al. 2007, Gunn & Dentith 1997). Because all seismics due to their high acoustic impedance, al-
ore minerals in VMS mineralization have high though the majority of reflectors are due to litho-
density values, ground gravity surveys have been logical contacts. Thus, seismic profiles may yet
successful in several cases for first detecting and prove useful in direct exploration.
then delineating the shape and size of unexposed Volcanogenic massive sulphides were the origi-
sulphide mineralization. Gravity surveys generally nal reason for the development of airborne elec-
accompany other geophysical (magnetic, electri- tromagnetic exploration in Finland. Highly con-
cal, or electromagnetic) and geochemical surveys. ductive sulphides in massive lenses and combined
They also help to delineate structural alignments with base metals (copper, lead, and zinc) may be
or faults and identify structures that potentially detectable at great depths with airborne EM. In
provide structural control on the localization of Finland, the known sulphide deposits are related
sulphide-bearing ore bodies. to steeply dipping or nearly vertical structures,
The electromagnetic method has been in a key close to the surface. GTK decided to develop its
role in VMS discoveries for decades. Electromag- own frequency-domain electromagnetic system
netic techniques can directly detect conductive with the idea of conducting similar surveys sys-
base metal deposits. Significant contrasts in con- tematically throughout the whole country. The
ductivity values commonly occur between the history of this development work is reviewed by
ore bodies and their resistive host rocks. Both air- Peltoniemi (2005). VMS deposits in Finland have
borne and ground electromagnetic techniques are been the most important source for zinc and the
effective in detecting massive sulphide mineraliza- second most important source for copper, after
tion, but only if the sulphide grains in the deposit the Outokumpu-type deposits. These two deposit
are electrically connected. When there is a lack of types have produced over 90% of the total cumula-
electrical connection, induced polarization can be tive production of zinc and copper in Finland (Ra-
successfully employed to detect the disseminated silainen et al. 2014).
sulphides. High-resolution magnetic data can be In Sweden, the Skellefte mining district includes
an excellent tool in identifying the broad geologi- over 85 VMS deposits that contain the commodi-
cal framework of an area and often show contrast- ties Zn, Cu, Au, Ag, and Pb, and whose geophysical
ing patterns that reflect differences in lithological characteristics have been thoroughly investigated.
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The deposits are generally characterized by higher petrophysics, seismic reflection data, magnetotel-
magnetic susceptibility, density, chargeability and luric (MT) and gravity and magnetic data. Seismic
conductivity than many other rocks (Tavakoli interpretations supported potential field methods
2012, Carranza & Sadeghi 2010). The VMS depos- for investigating the structure of the key geological
its are mainly hosted within a volcanic sequence contacts and lithological units. Shallow and deeper
consisting of felsic to intermediate juvenile volcan- 3D resistivity and IP investigations (down to ~2.2
iclastic rocks, lavas and subvolcanic intrusions. To km depth) were used for locating previously un-
create a 3D geological model extending to a depth known VMS deposits.
of 10 km, Tavakoli (2012) utilized known geology,
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
greatly depending on many factors (e.g. deposit is usually increased in the processes (Dickson
geometry, connectivity of electrical conductors and Scott 1997). Thus, a ratio of K/Th (or Th/K)
– partly dependant on ductility of the material, could be used in exploration to detect the al-
metamorphic history and tectonic events), so teration halos related to mineralization. The
that unlike density, for instance, the conductiv- origin of such anomalies can be ambiguous and
ity of the ore is not directly proportional to rel- needs to be cross-referenced with topographic
ative mineral concentrations. Under some con- and lithological data.
ditions, massive ores that should be conductive
may become resistive and vice versa, some de- Seismic techniques
posits with low sulphide content can be quite Velocities of the most common sulphide min-
conductive. Cu-bearing VMS ores are likely to erals are quite variable and range from 8.04
be more conductive than sphalerite-rich Zn km/s (kilometres per second) for pyrite to 4.68
ores. For non-conductive Zn-rich sphalerite km/s for pyrrhotite. In comparison, the meas-
deposits in general, IP has been the most suc- ured densities are 5.02 g/cm3 for pyrite to 4.63
cessful exploration technique, although EM g/cm3 for pyrrhotite. Ore minerals associated
might perform better, as other sulphides may with pyrite-dominated ores increase in veloc-
actually still produce an anomaly. The water ity with increasing density, whereas sphalerite-,
content greatly influences the conductivity of a chalcopyrite-, and pyrrhotite-dominated ores
unit. Saturated overburden may produce con- typically have velocity values that decrease with
ductivity values that effectively mask the EM of increasing density. Host rocks have a much
the VMS mineralization (Thomas et al. 2000). narrower and lower range of density values and
have a wide range of velocities. Seismic reflec-
Radiometric signature tivity is controlled by several factors, but one
Although no direct indication of VMS ore can dominant factor is the difference in impedance
be predicted in the natural gamma-ray radia- between lithologies (Salisbury et al. 1996). Im-
tion elements potassium (K), thorium (Th) and pedance is defined as the product of density
uranium (U), some evidence of hydrothermal and compressional wave velocity in a given
alteration related to mineralization process material. Measurements of the specific gravi-
(VMS or any other) may be present in the case ties and velocities of common silicate rocks
of shallow deposits (the gamma-ray radiation and ore minerals indicate that ore minerals
emits from the upper 0.5 to 1 m of the sur- have significantly higher density values and a
face). The processes related to hydrothermal broad range of velocities, and therefore tend to
alteration can result in changes in the respec- have higher impedances than their host rocks.
tive ratios of radiometric elements; K is most The difference in the impedance value between
often affected by the processes, whereas Th is the ore body and its host rock can be significant
less often affected and U only rarely. In the case enough to result in high amplitude reflections
of no weathering or very active mineralizing and identification of the ore body.
fluid (causing K depletion), the amount of K
In Finland, zinc deposits of possibly VMS cat- with the Bergslagen region in Sweden. If VMS de-
egory occur in three main geological settings: posits are classified into mafic, bimodal-mafic and
in Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian arcs, in Pal- felsic types (Rasilainen et al. 2014), Pyhäsalmi rep-
aeoproterozoic rifts and in Archaean greenstone resents the felsic type. VMS deposits do not neces-
belts. Vihanti, Pyhäsalmi and Rauhala belong to sarily produce any significant airborne geophysi-
the group of Svecofennian VMS deposits in cen- cal expression, as can be seen, for example, for the
tral Finland and resemble the Skellefte ore field in Rauhala deposit in Figure 7.
northern Sweden. Another group of this kind is Hammaslahti is an example of rift-related zinc
located in southwestern Finland, where Orijärvi, deposits in southeastern Finland. This sediment-
Aijala and Metsämonttu have many similarities hosted massive sulphide Cu-Zn-Au deposit has
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Fig. 7. The Rauhala VMS deposit is situated along a regional NW–SE-oriented fault (blue dashed line) and has weak magnetic
and conductivity signatures. Magnetic derivative with a background geological map, based on the GTK in-house digital bed-
rock database (Geological Survey of Finland 2010) and the electromagnetic ratio as an overlay (conductivity anomalies in red).
Fig. 8. The black schist-hosted Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co sulphide deposit in eastern Finland.
Left: Conductivity anomalies (in red) are enhanced on the basis of AEM classification.
Right: Magnetic anomaly classification (see colour scale in Insert 5).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
been regarded as either of the SEDEX or mafic magnetic anomalies. The migmatitic rocks form
VMS style. Two-phase pyrrhotite, a hexagonal a basin that is associated with a positive regional
form together with the monoclinic type, has been gravity anomaly (in red), also implying the high
reported by Airo & Karell (2001). metamorphic degree of the area. High amplitude
The Häme belt in southern Finland is consid- magnetic anomalies are found surrounding the
ered to be highly prospective for VMS deposits. gravity high, referring to more intense growth of
Leväniemi & Karell (2013) describe geophysical monoclinic pyrrhotite due to tectonic processes
indications of possible VMS targets in the Häme along the margins of the basin.
belt and give an appraisal of how regional datasets The graphitic shale-hosted Talvivaara Ni-Zn-
work in VMS exploration. They describe geophys- Cu-Co deposit in eastern Finland is one important
ical characteristics for several deposits and pre- resource of copper and zinc. It is hosted by Palaeo-
sent new petrophysical data measured from drill proterozoic (2.1–1.90 Ga) carbonaceous metasedi-
cores. Insert 12 presents a regional overview of the mentary rocks of the Kainuu schist belt (Loukola-
magnetic, gravity and electromagnetic data from Ruskeeniemi & Heino 1996, Loukola-Ruskeeniemi
the Häme-Pirkkala area. The folded, small-scale 1999). More than 20 occurrences and one operat-
magnetic anomalies in migmatitic rocks are due ing mine of Talvivaara-type metal-enriched black
to pyrrhotite, probably of metamorphic origin. schists (metamorphosed carbonaceous muds) oc-
Electrical conductivity anomalies coincide with cur in 2.0 ± 0.1 Ga sequences of metasedimentary
Fig. 9. Outokumpu-type Cu-Zn-Co deposits (green = Cu, blue = Zn). Upper left: Aeromagnetic map (Mineral deposits FODD
2013); lower left: conductivity anomalies (in red), enhanced on the basis of AEM classification; lower right: magnetic anomaly
classification (see colour scale in Insert 5).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
rocks in the Kainuu and North Karelia schist belts of uranium. Organic materials, clay minerals, Fe3+,
(brief description in Rasilainen et al. 2012). The Mn and Ti also have a role in the enrichment of U
highest and the most uniform concentrations of (Airo & Hyvönen 2008).
base metals in the Talvivaara-type deposits occur The Cu-Zn deposit types in Finland where cop-
in pyrrhotite-dominated parts. Geophysical sig- per, zinc or both occur as main commodities are
natures of Talvivaara include moderate magnetic VMS deposits, porphyry copper deposits and
anomalies due to monoclinic pyrrhotite, high- Outokumpu-type Cu-Zn-Co deposits (Fig. 9). All
intensity conductivity anomalies and U radiation the known Finnish Outokumpu-type deposits oc-
revealed by airborne radiometric data (Fig. 8). cur in a rather restricted area in eastern Finland.
U-radiation values are typically high along the re- Petrophysical properties of the Outokumpu Deep
gional crosscutting faults, referring to enrichment Drill Core have been reported by Airo et al. (2011).
The magnetic signature of iron deposits depends the markedly anisotropic nature of the magnetic
on whether the mineralization is in the form of properties of banded iron formations (BIF) may
magnetite or hematite. The presence of strong complicate the interpretation of magnetic surveys
remanent magnetization, demagnetization, and (Hagemann et al. 2007).
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Fig. 10. Magnetic anomaly classification of the Hattu belt. The map area is 50 km wide. Colour categories are explained in
Insert 5.
In Finland, the Huhus Fe area as part of the Hattu Misi area in Figure 11 (F039 by Eilu et al. 2012,
belt contains banded iron formations (BIF) of Ar- Niiranen et al. 2003). In southern Finland, Fe min-
chaean age (Sorjonen-Ward & Luukkonen 2005), eralizations of skarn and banded iron formation
where the Fe deposits have been delineated by types occur as part of the Orijärvi Zn-Cu-Pb+Fe
their geophysical indications. Magnetic anomaly zone (Saltikoff et al. 2006). They belong to the
classification (Fig. 10) shows the distribution of same type as the Zn-Cu-Pb and Fe deposits of the
the BIFs as high-amplitude anomalies. High-am- Bergslagen province in Central Sweden.
plitude magnetic anomalies also characterize the
Fig. 11. Misi area: magnetic anomaly classification (left), colour categories are explained in Insert 5; electromagnetic classifica-
tion (right), red = conductive, green = magnetite.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
IOCG deposits
have been successfully explored by mag- ments, and they are associated with extensive
netic, gravimetric, electrical and radiomet- prograde and retrograde alteration (Groves et
ric methods. However, the complex structure al. 2010). IOCG-related hydrothermal systems
and diverse materials complicate geophysical share certain distinguishing features, notably
interpretation. The IOCG districts are well including (1) extensive alkali-rich alteration,
controlled by structural and/or stratigraphic (2) voluminous low-Ti magnetite and/or he-
factors with ore occurrences typically confined matite, (3) a distinctive suite of minor elements
to fault bends, shear zones, rock contacts, brec- (REE, Co, Ag, ± U, P), and (4) prominent struc-
cia bodies, or as lithology-controlled replace- tural control.
Exploration methods presently utilized include re- totelluric survey has been successfully used to lo-
gional geology, detailed geological and alteration cate conductive bodies at greater depth. However,
studies, airborne and ground geophysics (gravity, even in ideal cases, geophysical interpretation can
magnetic, radiometrics, induced polarization and be complicated by the varied and complex origins
electromagnetic) and geochemistry (Smith 2002, and fates of Fe oxides, Cu-Fe sulphides and altera-
Barton & Johnson 2004). A Titan-24 array magne- tion minerals.
In Finland, well-known deposits include Hannu- Petrophysical properties of rock samples repre-
kainen and Rautuvaara in western Lapland, and senting various mineral deposit types, including
Vähäjoki in southwestern Lapland (Billström et al. magnetite-type IOCG mineralization, were inves-
2010). Magnetic anomaly classification in Insert 5 tigated for comparison of their associated airborne
indicates many of the known IOCG prospects that geophysical signatures (Airo & Säävuori 2013). A
are located around the granitoid massif in cen- dominant remanent magnetization component
tral Lapland. In northern Sweden, apatite-Fe ores, was verified for magnetite-type IOCG test samples
porphyry-Cu and Fe oxide Cu-Au deposits have as having high Q-ratio values. This knowledge was
been proposed to be related (Sandrin et al. 2007). used in the method for magnetic anomaly detec-
The famous Kirunavaara and Malmberget mines tion by classifying magnetic anomalies (Airo et al.
belong to the apatite-Fe subclass, and have been 2014).
producing around 31 Mt of ore per year during the
last 100 years.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Porphyry Cu-Au
Porphyry deposits are igneous in nature, and relatively well, and are best suited for this purpose.
may have a cylindrical or torus shape, thus in an While the main economic mineralization may
ideal case producing a near-circular geophysical only be moderately conductive, the pyrite halo and
response. The porphyry deposits are the largest secondary mineralization may be very conductive,
source of copper and molybdenum in the world and could be an excellent EM target. The large
and a significant storage of gold and silver. The size of the intrusives could make them excellent
porphyric systems have been formed from the targets for regional mapping. Radiometric and hy-
Archaean to the Quaternary in age. Large eco- perspectral surveys can be useful in arid climates
nomic deposits of Cu and Mo are associated with to aid in identifying the lithology and search for
these intrusives in South America, Asia and North characteristic alteration minerals. Interpretation
America, and the geophysical properties of this may require a solid understanding of the expected
type are well documented. In a general sense, mag- alteration patterns rather than the actual ore min-
netic field data delineate the geological structure eralization distribution.
Porphyry deposits
are generally related to shallow located intrusive (especially like marble) or other fine-grained
complexes and underlying plutons and batho- and low-permeable rocks that may seal a por-
liths, where volcanic rocks typically have dior- phyry deposit all around. Lithological clusters,
itic to granitic compositions. Porphyry systems which are rich in ferrous iron, can also assist
are surrounded by different rock types such as in high-grade porphyry mineral accumula-
igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. tion. Porphyry districts are associated with the
The deposit grade can be raised by the presence subduction of submarine ridges and seamount
of a particular lithology of the hosted rocks. chains, and oceanic plateaus beneath continen-
For instance, the concentration of high-grade tal arcs. (Sillitoe 2010)
ore can be formed in carbonate successions
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
then interpret these data in terms of alteration in an advanced porphyry exploration project,
zones utilizing the porphyry model would be and may be of particular benefit for targeting
a significant advance for exploration targeting mineralized zones within or beneath lithocaps.
after Holliday & Cooke (2007)
Insert 13.
Example of a circular magnetic anomaly surrounded by magnetic and radiometric haloes (potassium
and uranium radiation data). This type of combination would be a typical geophysical signature for
porphyry systems or an impact crater.
Magnetic field (total intensity). Positive anomalies are dark. Bedrock (Digikp2015) + Magnetic field derivative.
The map area is 8 km wide. Brown = gabbro, green = volcanic rock.
Electromagnetic ratio Re/Im + Magnetic field derivative. K (potassium) + Magnetic field derivative. High K radiation
The magnetic ring is caused by magnetite. (in red) around the magnetic ring.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
The discussion here includes so-called high-tech investigated geological units. For example, indium
metals (Nb, Ta, In, REE), rare-element pegmatites (In) may occur with base metal sulphides so that
(Li) and uranium (U). Rare earth metals are char- conductivity might be observed. Intrusive carbon-
acteristically associated with carbonatitic and al- atites typically show concentric zoning of carbon-
kaline intrusions, pegmatites and intrusive dykes. ate and alkalic rocks. Variable concentrations of
The discovery of intrusion-related rare earth met- magnetite in these zones produce strong magnetic
als has been based on a variety of exploration anomalies dominated by remanence, such as Nb
techniques and occasionally by chance. Geophysi- and REE-bearing Sokli carbonatite in northern
cal methods are successful only if there is a suffi- Finland. Uranium prospects in northern Finland
ciently large contrast in the rock properties of the are discussed by Lauri & Turunen (p. 107).
Thomas et al. (2011) reviewed the rock properties EU; these include antimony, beryllium, cobalt, flu-
of 28 minerals that may contain rare earth ele- orite, gallium, germanium, graphite, indium, mag-
ments, and showed high densities of almost all of nesium, niobium, platinum group metals (PGM),
these minerals, with a general range of 3.26–5.90 rare earth elements (REE), tantalum and tungsten.
g/cm3. Many of these minerals are radioactive, and They reviewed the mine production (2013) of criti-
practically all are non-magnetic. The direct detec- cal commodities (including silver) and the most
tion of these minerals, however, depends on their important known platinum group element depos-
concentration and the size of the deposit. There- its in Finland, and predicted the mineral potential.
fore, their detection is generally based on the de- Rare element pegmatites can only be described
tection of promising host rocks. as geophysical non-responders. They are non-mag-
Kihlman et al. (2014) presented a list of 14 metals netic, they contain insufficient metallic minerals
and minerals that are considered as critical by the to be conductive and do not have a sufficient den-
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
Fig. 12. The LCT (Li, Cs, Ta) pegmatites at Kaustinen (metallogenic zone F024, Eilu et al. 2012) include several occurrences
from Emmes (red star) in the west to Länttä in the east. The pegmatitic dykes are 200–400 m long and 10–25 m wide and show
no geophysical expression. A regional structural overview of fracture network indicates that all the occurrences are located
along fracture zones of two certain directions. These directions also are related to the weakness structures of volcanic rocks
in the area and their brittle nature gives the idea that they were formed after the peak regional metamorphism. In particular,
in the Syväjärvi spodumene pegmatite area (local geology to the right, from Eilu et al. 2012), the geometry of the pegmatitic
dykes appears to be controlled by the structural details of the intermediate volcanic rock along the strike of bedding and along
the crosscutting axial weakness zone of regional folding.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
sity/mass to be differentiated from their host rock • association with deep-seated structures and
by gravity methods. Structural interpretation of fractures,
high-resolution geophysical data might, however, • host rock competency and metamorphic grade
be a non-direct way of locating favourable sites may have some importance.
for rare element pegmatites. The following general
structural characteristics are from Galeschuk & In the case of lithium occurrences at Kaustinen,
Vanstone (2007): western Finland, structurally favourable locations
• dyke-like geometries, for pegmatitic dykes were investigated by using
• propagation in horizontal and vertical direc- high-resolution aeromagnetic data (Fig. 12).
The direct use of geophysical surveys in mineral niques to interpret and visualize geophysical data.
exploration aims to locate and identify potential The data models have been visually integrated, but
targets having anomalous physical properties. not necessarily constrained. Such advances reach
Further uses are the delineating of the larger-scale their full impact through appropriate considera-
structures in the deposit they may be related to, tion of the physical properties of rocks in relation
or the investigation of finer scale detail within the to the key manifestations of the different deposit
deposit. However, direct targeting of new shallow- types and the key features of their host environ-
level mineral deposits is becoming increasingly ments.
rare. A key element for exploration is to under-
stand and detect different types of mineral sys- Exploration 07, Paine 2007:
tems, and their favourable geological settings and Inversion of all types of geophysical data has
controls at regional to local scales (Oldenburg & doubled its importance and use in the past dec-
Pratt 2007). In Finland, as early as in the 1980s, ade. There has been a general improvement in
Ketola (1982) summarized that since exploration the quality, density and variety of geophysical
is becoming more and more difficult, geological data collected. Airborne surveys now usually
knowledge must be increasingly supplemented by use GPS navigation and improved positional
the application of geophysics to indirect explora- accuracy. Improvements in data acquisition
tion. If ores are to be found, the most effective use devices also mean that the data measurements
must be made of the simultaneous application of are more accurate and more closely spaced.
geology, geophysics, geochemistry and drilling. Developments of sensor types such as gravity
An understanding of the physical properties of gradiometer, squid-based B-field sensors for
rocks and minerals provides a link between geo- collecting magnetic and EM data have been
physical interpretation and geology. The impor- reported. Increased data density has been ac-
tance of reliable physical property information is companied by improved processing techniques
enhanced as 3D interpretation, modelling and in- for improving data quality. Processor speed,
version of geophysical data are becoming common available memory and storage space have all
practice. Available geological knowledge must be increased significantly in the last ten years.
translated into physical property constraints to de-
rive models that are consistent with measured geo- Exploration 07, Oldenburg & Pratt 2007:
physical responses and the observed geology (Wil- Developments in instrumentation, data collec-
liams 2009). The non-uniqueness of geophysical tion, computer performance, and visualization
modelling solutions is both a mathematical prob- have been catalysts for significant advances in
lem and one related to the multiplicity of sources modelling and inversion of geophysical data.
that can cause geophysical anomalies. Forward modelling has progressed from simple
3D models to whole earth models using voxels
Looking back and discrete surfaces. Potential field, IP and
electromagnetic inversion methods have be-
In the last decade, significant advances have been come an essential part of most mineral explo-
made in proven geophysical methods and in tech- ration programs. The last decade has produced
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types – Synopsis
significant research advances in 3D modelling depths. The seismic methods have good poten-
and inversion for gravity, magnetic, DC resis- tial for mineral exploration, and these methods
tivity, induced polarization, audio magneto- are capable of imaging mineral deposits at vari-
telluric, frequency-domain EM and time do- ous depths (Tertyshnikov 2014). Recent interest
main EM methods. in finding deeper sources has led to the devel-
opment of deeper penetrating electromagnetic
Challenges systems: high-resolution and deep-penetrating
surveys, e.g., ZTEM, Megatem™, magnetotellu-
• Simultaneous analysis of multiple datasets, rics and the Titan array (Boivin 2007).
which contain information about different • Geologically realistic outputs: Petrophysical
physical properties. To maximize the efficiency data can, if available in sufficient quantity, con-
of exploration programmes, it is essential that stitute a basis for statistically characterizing and
multidisciplinary methods include all geo- constraining the property distribution in the
logical, geochemical and geophysical data and sub-surface. Although textbook physical prop-
knowledge in integrated models. The trend to- erty values are commonly used, ancient rocks
wards multi-sensor systems using multiple low- have complex histories and standard values may
cost sensors and receivers has been ongoing. not be representative. The ability to simultane-
Increasing computer power will make detailed ously model and interpret geophysical, geo-
3D imaging of most surveys possible, as well as logical, geochemical and geotechnical data will
joint and cooperative inversions. The challenge reduce geological uncertainty. The characteriza-
is to use physical properties more quantitatively tion of a mineralized target depends as much on
to link geological and geophysical models. data accuracy and coverage as it does on a good
• Joint and cooperative inversions will offer a representation of the subsurface. In this sense,
greater opportunity to integrate different types inversion approaches that fit the source geom-
of data into the interpretation procedure. Ap- etry and properties are constantly improving.
plications include the inversion of full tensor After inversion of pure property models, geol-
magnetic and gravity data, cross-gradient total ogy can be inferred from the rock properties
field surveys, DC resistivity and EM data, and (Fullagar & Pears 2007, Jessel 2001, McGaughey
many others (Oldenburg & Pratt 2007). The use 2007). Obtaining reliable images of subsurface
of optimized geophysical data, e.g. derivative geological structures is a great support for suc-
data that have been converted into forms, can cessful mineral exploration, and there are a
facilitate the inversion process. A vast increase number of further developments and improve-
in the size of problems that can be handled in- ments in seismic imaging that will allow their
cludes the introduction of practical voxel-based advanced applications in the mining industry.
3D magnetic, gravity and IP inversion programs
and the ability to include topography in 2D and Looking forward
3D inversion, as well as the capacity to include
drilling and geological information to constrain The enormous quantity of multiple geophysical
the inversion. Progress has also been made in in- sets that are nowadays available may require au-
cluding remanence and demagnetization effects tomated methods of analysing and evaluating the
into magnetic inversions (Paine 2007). data. Sophisticated inversion techniques are need-
• Geophysical techniques reaching greater depth ed, incorporating adaptive learning procedures
are gaining interest with the depletion of metal- to determine complex 3D geometries of source
lic mineral sources in surface or near-surface bodies. Greater volumes of petrophysical data
settings. Exploration must focus at much greater will allow more complete spatial characterization
depths, which requires sophisticated techniques. of rock properties, thereby expanding the role of
Whereas potential field geophysical techniques geostatistical techniques in property modelling.
or combined airborne electromagnetic and Mappable criteria to be applied in mineral system
magnetic surveys have been highly successful research are provided by wider knowledge of the
to depths of up to 300 m, high-resolution seis- petrophysical properties of mineralized or barren
mic reflection profiling can target much greater source rocks responsible for geophysical responses.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 58
Meri-Liisa Airo
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Meri-Liisa Airo