M. M. Agarwal
M. M. Agarwal
M. M. Agarwal
M. M. Agarwal
Former Chief Engineer, Northern Railway.
K. K. Miglani
Deputy Chief Engineer (TP), Northern Railway.
The phrase ‘Heavy Haul Operation’ came The authors have examined the problems
into prominence with the first Heavy Haul faced by some of the important heavy haul
Conference held in Perth in Western systems in the world railways, in
Australia in 1978. A large number of Heavy construction and operation, with special
Haul Trains are being operated in America, reference to Indian Railways. The main
Australia, Africa, Europe, Brazil, problems which require to be addressed
Scandinavia and UK for the last 3 to 4 have been highlighted in the Paper along
decades. Fortescue Railway in Western with possible remedial measures. The
Australia is possibly the world’s latest experience gained from these railways
heavy haul line which opened in 2008. can be useful during the induction of heavy
haul trains on Indian Railways.
- Editor
The phrase “Heavy Haul” (HH) operation probably came into prominence with
the first Heavy Haul Conference, held in Perth, Western Australia in 1978. Heavy Haul
(HH) trains operate in some of the world’s most difficult conditions of terrain and
climate, with rail temperatures up to 75oC in North West Australia, down to minus 50
degrees C in Canada, and with annual ranges of up to 80oC. Trains can be of 250
vehicles giving a trailing weight of some 30,000 tonnes and train lengths of more than
3 kms., with track curvature of 220m and grades of 2%.
phenomenal since then and in most of the developed nations, these Heavy Haul
Trains are running as an economic necessity.
It is proposed to take case studies of a few typical railways and discuss the
various problems faced by them as well as remedial measures in construction as well
as in operation and maintenance.
It may be brought out that some studies of Heavy Haul trains relate to earlier
years. Though there have been many technical developments since then, yet some of
the problems brought out in earlier days are still relevant in the present day context.
The case studies discussed in this Paper for running of Heavy Haul trains in
different countries of the world not only relate to construction and maintenance of the
track but also of some specific issues concerning the track. The case studies
discussed in the paper are:
(iv) Economics of running Heavy axle load and longer trains in Sweden
(vi) Track Transition solutions for Heavy axle load service – American Rail
(viii) Heavy Haul operation on Narrow Gauge in Australia, Brazil & South
Africa- 9th International Heavy Haul Conference.
The various case studies are discussed in subsequent paras along with the
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.3
Burlington Railway of North America is one of the oldest Heavy Haul operated
railway, constructed in the decade 1970-1980. The traffic carried on the railway was
mostly coal and mixed traffic with an axle load of 30 tonnes and a maximum speed of
75 km per hour. The annual tonnage was 50 HGT. The gauge adopted was standard
gauge of 1435mm.
Track Structure
The track consisted of 68 Kg per metre rail & with mostly wooden sleepers
with cut spikes and also mono block concrete sleepers with special clips; maximum
curvature was 220 metres radius.
Problems Faced
A study carried out indicated the following problems with the track on account
of Heavy Axle loads :
(i) Rails
Rapid rail wear, Rail end batter and dipped joints, Cracked rails,
Corrugation of rails.
(ii) Sleepers
(a) Wooden Sleepers - By far the most common wooden sleeper fastener
used was cut spike and rail anchor. The problem faced was sleeper
degradation causing deformation of track geometry and lesser sleeper
(b) Concrete Sleeper – The concrete sleeper fasteners were embedded
in housing forming an integral part of the sleeper, with a self-tensioning
spring clip located in the housing. In case of concrete sleeper there
was no problem of any type except for the fastenings.
Hamersley Railway of North Western Australia used to transport iron ore over
a standard gauge (1435 mm), single track of 388 kms, joining mines at Tom Price and
Paraburdoo with two ship-loading points.
Problems Faced
Remedial Measures
The up gradation of the track technology and better track management system
gave dramatic improvement in wear rates, lesser input for maintenance, lesser use of
man hours, lesser rail failures and improvement in track geometry.
There were four key design objectives for the new railway:
Track Structure
(i) Formation was mostly on embankments using local earth duly treated.
(ii) Rails of 68 kg per meter were imported from China with a tensile strength
of 1100 Mpa.
19.6 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
(iii) Turnouts – Two types of turnouts are installed on the railway: 1:20 swing-
nose tangential mainline turnouts designed for 70km/h operation, and
1:12 rail cast manganese tangential 40km/h turnouts for use in yards
and sidings.
Problems in Construction
(ii) Ballast: The quality of ballast also faced problems. The ballast had to
be work hardened and the depth increased from 150mm to 250mm.
(iii) Rails & Turnouts: Special rails had to be imported from China with 68 kg
per meter weight. Modern turnouts were used so that speed could go
upto 70 km/h
(iv) General: A key factor in designing the railway was to minimize operating
and maintenance costs. Driver-only operation is the norm with train control
situated in Perth, 1600km from the Pilbara.
that they look at the costs and benefits associated with heavier axle loads and see if
the benefits experienced elsewhere can also be realized in the European environment.
a) A study was undertaken to increase axle load from the then 25 tonnes to
30 tonnes and also increase the length (size) of the train.
a) Operation of 68-wagon trains with 100 tonne load capacity (30 tonne
axle load) produced a reduction of approximately 30% in direct operating
costs over the base case (52 wagons of 80 tonne capacity), taking into
account the expected increase in track maintenance costs as a
consequence of the increase in axle loads.
c) The increase to 30 tonne axle loads reduces costs by about 50% more
than simply increasing train length, without increasing axle loads.
d.) The increase in axle loads also reduces the number of trains that must
be operated to carry the current and future volumes of iron ore, freeing up
line capacity for other traffic and allowing more efficient scheduling of
maintenance work.
19.8 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
The weight of these Heavy Haul trains have been increasing year by year and
in the year 2003, there were about 35 Heavy Axle Load (HAL) trains and each train
was carrying about 15,000 tonnes.
Track Structure consisted of (i) 141# Rail Section (ii) Concrete Ties (iii) 12”
Ballast under Concrete Ties (iv) 18” Shoulder Ballast (v) Concrete Bridges (vi) Concrete
Crossings (vii) Concrete Turnouts (viii) Moveable Point Frogs.
Track Maintenance
(i) The track was being maintained mechanically with the help of Heavy
Track Machines consisting of Tamper, Track Finishing Machine, Primary
Surfacing Unit, Undercutter, Rail Grinder, Switch Grinder.
(ii) The rail joints were mostly welded by Flash Butt Welder and only at few
locations the welding at site was done by Thermit Welding.
(iii) Ultrasonic inspection of Track was done with the help of Mobile Rail
Testing Trolley.
(iv) Rail detection was done with the help of Rail Testing Cars.
(v) Trench Drains – Special Ballast filled Trench Drains were provided as
shown in Fig.1.
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.9
Fig. 1
The benefits of the Trench Drains were (i) Removes Water From Subgrade (ii)
Opportunity to Observe Subgrade (iii) Minimal Interruptions to Train Operation.
(i) Failure of Glued Bonded Joint : The problem arises because either the
insulation gets broken or there is failure of glue which bonds the joint.
(ii) Failure of Concrete Tie Plate: The tie plate gets damaged or broken
particularly on receiving end. This happens because of the heavier loading
conditions. The solution lies in providing second generation TIE, which
gives about 25% less stress on the plates (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
19.10 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
(iii) Failure of Concrete Ties on Bridges : The concrete ties got damaged due
to Heavy Axle Loads. Cracks developed on the Ties particularly on bridges
as seen in the picture. (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3
The remedial measure lies on providing the following:
• 100-ft. Long, 8” Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Underlayment
• 100-ft. Long, 8” Geocell Subballast Reinforcement.
• Cement Stabilized Backfill, 6.75 ft. Deep, 10 ft. Long with a 2:1 Taper,
• Standard Track Construction (12” ballast on compacted
(iv) Failure of rubber pads (Fig. 4) : There is also the possibility of rubber
pads failure as shown in the picture.
Damage of
Rubber Pads
Fig. 4
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.11
The solution lies in providing ‘New Three Part Pad’ (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5
(v) Spalling on Rails: The spalling on rails takes place particularly on curves
(Fig. 6).
• Spalling
- Low Rail on Curves
• Rail
- Premium Quality Steel
- Superior Wear
Fig. 6
The solution lies in providing premium quality steel for rails having superior
wear characteristics.
19.12 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
Track transition areas such as bridge approaches, level crossings, and special
track work can give significant maintenance problems under heavy axle load traffic
and can generate impacts that contribute to accelerated degradation and shortened
component life.
(ii) Track stiffness case : The track stiffness case is the abrupt stiffness
change that occurs in the track transition.
One typical case is of a concrete span ballasted deck bridge with concrete
ties and can have a very high track modulus compared with the
surrounding track. The abrupt stiffness change by itself does not contribute
to higher dynamic loads, but coupled with a running surface deviation,
can induce high impact loads.
(iii) Track damping case: The track damping case addresses energy
dissipation of high dynamic loads. Track damping differs between different
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.13
Research Studies
Research studies are being done for all the three Parameters viz. settlement,
stiffness, and dampening track transition cases mentioned earlier. Apart from
theoretical work, predictive tools are being developed to aid in designing effective
track transitions. Field evaluations are being conducted to monitor the effectiveness
of track transitions in place.
The research studies have been done under the following main topics (i)
Geotrack™ study (ii) NUCARS™ study (iii) Differential settlement model (iv) Laboratory
& field testing (v) Fast & revenue service testing for bridge approach transitions (vi)
Study for special track work transitions
(ii) The parametric study using Geotrack™ suggests the best method for
raising approach track stiffness is subgrade treatment. The study also
suggests the best method of reducing bridge track stiffness is to alter tie
to pad properties.
(iii) Field testing indicated that different tie materials can provide effective
ways to improve the track stiffness transition. Plastic ties installed on
bridges in concrete tie territory have been successful in eliminating the
stiffness differential for the first 240 MGT.
19.14 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
Fig. 8
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.15
While bonded Insulated Joints (IJ) are essential as an operational need they
also introduce weak points in the track which cause increased maintenance and
service disruptions. Bonded IJs are also a potential safety risk. These things get
further aggravated when Heavy Axle Loads pass on these joints.
It may be brought out that Bonded IJ performance on heavy haul coal routes
has significantly declined as the load environment has become more servere. Today,
bonded IJ service life may be as short as 200 MGT. This short service life is lower than
virtually all other running surface components including turnout frogs and switch points.
The research studies taken on specific projects brought out that the following
important factors adversely affect service life of these joints due to Heavy Axle Loads.
• Higher longitudinal forces from elimination of other rail joints and better
rail anchoring.
The effects of static load (axle load), dynamic load, and traffic rates are
interwoven in evaluating bonded IJ performance on HAL routes. As the railways have
19.16 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
increased car capacity, they have also increased traffic rates, raised train speeds,
increased track stiffness, increased tensile stress in the rail.
With these conditions in mind, it was perceived that the heavier loads and
higher speeds were generating more mechanical component defects. The effect of all
three factors (static load, dynamic load and traffic rates) have been significant in
raising the severity of the service environment experienced by track components
such as bonded IJs.
Some of the important results arrived after examination of the sample were :
(ii) There are several common modes that limit service life for bonded IJs in
HAL service. Some of these are related to quality control issues in
components and assembly.
There are also service life-reducing aspects related to the design and
capacity of the joint. These occur with structural aspects of the joint or
components within the joint. These situations begin with the joint becoming
a running surface discontinuity. This discontinuity generates dynamic
loads at the joint which damage the foundation. Due to lower stiffness of
joint, the deflection becomes significantly larger than deflections typically
found in surrounding track.
(iii) Cause of the poor foundation condition in this case is the dynamic loading
generated by the running surface discontinuity of the IJ. The combination
of high dynamic forces and larger deflections at the IJ cause the foundation
to fail here before it does in open track. The foundation condition causes
cracking in the glue or epoxy at the top-centre of the joint bar to rail
(iv) The weakened epoxy bond allows moisture intrusion and larger deflections.
Due to this, the situation becomes that of a disassembled bonded IJ with
glue debonding and water intrusion. As the glue debonds, the joints
become subjected to “pull-apart” because of the longitudinal forces in
the rails. “Pull-apart” damages insulating components such as thimbles
and end posts as well as mechanical joint components such as bars
and bolts. (Fig. 9)
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.17
Fig. 9
Heavy Haul Operation on Narrow Gauge in Australia, Brazil & South Africa
(9th International Heavy Haul Conference)
Study Conducted
A research study was conducted in Australia, Brazil & South Africa concerning
viability of using Narrow gauge for Heavy Haul Operation.
a) Queensland, Australia
• 26-tonne axle load just beats the heavy haul threshold. Locomotives
are relatively light and expensive.
• The short haul distance reduces turnaround time to offset a possibly
higher cost structure due to higher rolling stock prices.
b) Brazil
Its 25-tonne axle load is on the heavy haul threshold, but it has recognized
the challenge of increasing it, and looks set to lead this parameter in due
c) South Africa
South Africa will need to work on overall competitiveness in iron ore
(i) Narrow gauge heavy haul railways have lagged the crucial axle load
parameter: International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA) conference
proceedings suggest they have not yet tried to catch up.
(ii) Narrow gauge heavy haul railways have lagged in the axle load contest.
To compensate, they have maximized train length. However, as long as
locomotive traction motors must fit between the wheels they drive, they
would trail standard gauge ratings.
19.20 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
(i) Formation
• Problems of settlement, slippage and even failure.
• Special problems in yielding formation & bad quality soil.
(ii) Rails
• Defects develop in rail; cracked Rails.
• Develops high contact stresses between rail & wheel causing wheel
burn, wheel scabbing.
• Rapid rail wear; excessive wear of rail on curves.
• Scabbing of rail is more prominent particularly on steep gradients.
(iii) Sleepers
• Wooden Sleepers: Fast deterioration causing poor track geometry;
lesser sleeper life.
• Concrete Sleepers: Generally satisfactory but get damaged, cracked
or even broken in special locations like bridge approaches, on bridges
and such other locations.
(iv) Ballast
• Ballast not of desirable quality; lesser ballast cushion.
• Pulverization of ballast & clogging of shoulder ballast on account of
heavier axle loads & droppings from the wagons.
(viii) Bridges
• Signs of distress on some of the bridges resulting in cracks &
deterioration of other bridge components. Sleepers get cracked on
bridges in some cases.
(ix) Track Transition areas (Bridge approaches, Level crossings & special
track works)
(i) General
• For Narrow Gauge, the running of heavier axle load beyond 30 Tonnes
has technical problems because of limitation of Gauge. Instead longer
trains are suggested for N.G. to meet the traffic demands.
19.22 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
(ii) Formation
• In case the soil is not good, soil treatment of top capping soil should
be done. Refer case of Fortescue Railway of North-West Australia
where 1% cement stabilization was done of top 200 mm soil and
with 97% compaction.
(iii) Rails
Axleload (t)
Fig. 10
(iv) Sleepers
(v) Ballast
• Better quality of ballast with full ballast cushion of 25 cm to 30 cm. If
necessary, work hardening of ballast to be done to improve quality of
• More frequent deep screening of ballast to be done by mechanized
• Develop better design of rail pads like ‘Three Point Pad’ as done
by Union Pacific Railway (See Fig. 5)
• Bonded Insulated Joints are worst effected & their design needs to
be further improved by looking after the problems in current design,
maintenance & operation. The bonded insulation joint should be
designed based on standard ‘Performance Requirement’ for HAL
Service and particularly ensuring reduced dynamic loads, lower
deflections & stronger insulator & other components.
(ix) Bridges
• Bridges should be designed for heavier loading. Quality of bridge
construction requires to be improved.
• As cracks sometimes develop in concrete ties on bridges, it is
19.24 Global Heavy Haul Experience and Indian Railways
• The studies suggest that proper damping devices on track can improve
track impact by 30%. Provide special damping devices like Rail seat
pads, Tie Plate pads, Ballast pads, etc., to improve track performance.
(See Fig. 7)
• Concrete Ties with rubber pads can help in lowering track stiffers &
damping issues and as such improve track performance.
Indian Railway took a bold decision in the year 2001-02 to run heavier axle
load than the existing axle load of 20.32 tonnes in an effort to enhance the traffic
capacity of Railways to handle the increased traffic as well as to increase its financial
A pilot project of (CC+8+2) with an axle load of 22.9 tonnes was implemented
on 20 routes initially and later on 14 more routes after a positive feed back from the
different railways. The major routes are on the South Eastern Railway, East Coast
Railway, SEC Railway and Eastern Railway. Presently CC+6+2T is in operation nearly
on 26000 route kms and CC+8+2T on 5000 kms.
M. M. Agarwal & K. K. Miglani 19.25
The remedial measures suggested to mitigate the effects of heavier axle load
based on experience gained by different Railways have been brought out earlier.
These remedial measures are quite detailed and some of them are very special and
these can be of immense use to Indian Railways for running of heavier axle loads.
Indian Railways have already nominated some lines for running of heavier axle load of
25 tonnes (called feeder lines). Dedicated freight corridors with an axle load of 30
tonnes have been planned on the golden quadrilateral out of which two corridors
(Mumbai & Howrah corridors) are already sanctioned. The work on these projects is
likely to start shortly.
Concluding Remarks
It is felt that the experience of more than three decades gained by different
railway systems of the world could be of considerable use to Indian Railways for
running of heavy axle loads.
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Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
– R. Buckminster Fuller