Tenable Tools For Security Compliance - The Antivirus Challenge
Tenable Tools For Security Compliance - The Antivirus Challenge
Tenable Tools For Security Compliance - The Antivirus Challenge
Worms and viruses, devastating in the 90’s, have gained momentum in the last few years
and are arguably the largest risk to many companies. As such, antivirus products are a
staple part of any Corporate Security policy. The antivirus client has become as common on
the desktop as the web browser; however, the story does not end there. What does a
company do after the antivirus deployment is complete? How does a company ensure that
the antivirus client is actually running and protecting as advertised? When is the right time
to update? Where are updates coming from? How does a company protect its network from
roving computers, remote access connections? Etc. This paper will address some of the
flaws with current antivirus management policies and show how these flaws can be
addressed with Tenable's products: Security Center, Nessus Vulnerability Scanner and
Passive Vulnerability Scanner.
Antivirus is typically deployed in a layered architecture. That is, a typical company will scan
for viruses at:
In addition, the typical antivirus “Enterprise” solution will utilize central servers which
maintain the latest antivirus signatures. In the typical setup, the clients come on line and
locate their Enterprise antivirus server. The client will check for updates and, if required,
install updates and possibly reboot. The Security Administrators can monitor these central
servers for statistics and reports. In most instances, the Central Enterprise server can also
remotely administer and install software on the remote clients.
• Rogue clients. A rogue client is one that is either not running antivirus software,
running non-standard antivirus software, or is not enrolled with the central antivirus
servers. Such rogue clients introduce a risk to the computing environment. Any large
network will have rogue clients. Some common rogue clients are:
o Visitors.
o Servers. Sadly, many administrators still view Antivirus technologies as
immature and do not want to risk performance degradation on critical
servers. In addition, many administrators think that they are risk-free if they
are not browsing the web or receiving email on the server. Of course, with
more sophisticated viruses and multiple attack vectors, these critical servers
often fall prone to malcode attacks.
o Remote access Users. These users dial or VPN into the corporate network. If
they were previously infected with a virus, suddenly they are propagating the
virus inside the corporate network.
• Single points of failure. Many architectures rely on a central antivirus server
managing many clients. If the architecture does not allow for multiple points of
graceful fail over (i.e.: If the client cannot reach server “A”, there should be a
Tenable Network Security, Inc. is the author and manager of the Nessus Security Scanner
which is available from http://www.nessus.org/. In addition to constantly improving the
Nessus engine, Tenable is in charge of writing most of the plugins available to the scanner.
Nessus is available for Unix, Windows and OS X operation systems. The Passive
Vulnerability Scanner, also offered by Tenable Network Security, Inc., is a scanner which
detects vulnerabilities without having to actively generate any network traffic.
The Nessus Vulnerability Scanner performs many security checks for the hosts it tests and
these checks are written predominantly in a language named NASL. This stands for the
Nessus Attack Scripting Language. The checks are often referred to as “plugins” or Nessus
modules. Security Center is a central console for the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner and the
Passive Vulnerability Scanner which handles plugin updates, event storage, correlation, and
much more.
How do Tenable’s Security Center, Nessus Vulnerability Scanner and Passive Vulnerability
Scanner deal with these problems?
• Network Blind Spot. Deploying the Passive Vulnerability Scanner on critical network
junctions ensures that you maintain an up-to-date map of your network. With the
Passive Vulnerability Scanner, new hosts or networks can be discovered in real time.
These new hosts or networks can then be passed to the Nessus Vulnerability
Scanner for an Antivirus compliance check.
• Multiple Console Apathy. Tenable’s Nessus Vulnerability Scanner ships with a generic
Antivirus check which looks for some of the top Antivirus solutions. In addition, a
company can easily extend the checks to include any antivirus solution. See the
example below for a more detailed example.
Each of the following plugins is dedicated to finding and reporting on Antivirus configuration
on remote systems. A plugin denoted as “GPL” means that it is available to the general
public. A plugin denoted as “non-GPL” means that the plugin is not available to the general
To conduct a Nessus scan for an Antivirus compliance scan, perform the following steps:
• Perform an update of the Nessus plugins to make sure you have the latest version of
the plugins denoted above.
• Configure a new scan by selecting all plugins denoted above.
• Enable a port scan for ports 139 and 445.
• Make sure that “Enable Dependencies at Runtime” is ENABLED. (***)
• Ensure that you have given the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner credentials in order to
read the registry on the remote system.
• Run the scan.
For those who are using the Security Center to manage their scans, you would simply create
a “Template” scan with the settings from above. This scan would then be available to
authorized users.
*** CAVEAT: Nessus version 2.2.3/2.4 includes a feature called “silent dependencies”.
Versions of Nessus prior to 2.2.3 will report on all the enabled dependencies. With newer
versions of the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner, this verbosity can be turned off. That is,
enabling a closed group of X plugins will only result in, at most, X report items.
While Tenable’s Nessus Vulnerability Scanner ships with the four plugins above, an
organization may wish to extend this functionality for some other Antivirus products or to
check for permutations of the existing checks. With NASL this is trivial. Because of the
Nessus KB, companies can write custom plugins which only query the KB during a scan.
For example, if a company wanted to only check a certain domain for a certain Antivirus
product, the check would be as simple as:
name["english"] = "ABCVirus Client/Console check";
summary["english"] = "Checks that the remote host has the ABCVirus Agent
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2004 ABC Inc.");
family["english"] = "Windows";
script_dependencies("netbios_name_get.nasl", "smb_login.nasl",
"smb_registry_full_access.nasl", "smb_enum_services.nasl",
script_require_keys("SMB/name", "SMB/login", "SMB/password",
script_require_ports(139, 445);
port = kb_smb_transport();
port = 139;
if (! abc)
The plugin above simply queries the KB for two values. First, the script looks to ensure that
the antivirus client is installed. If it is not installed, the script generates a report. If the
antivirus client is installed, the check goes on to check for the existence of the antivirus
manager software. If the antivirus manager software is not present, the script generates a
By customizing their own plugin, ABC Company is able to very quickly scan, report and
begin remediation on Enterprise systems which are not running their corporate policy for
Tenable, headquartered in Columbia, Md., USA, is the world leader in Unified Security
Monitoring. Tenable provides agent-less solutions for continuous monitoring of
vulnerabilities, configurations, data leakage, log analysis and compromise detection. For
more information, please visit us at http://www.tenablesecurity.com.