Gathering Notes 20 August 2008 - Reading
Gathering Notes 20 August 2008 - Reading
Gathering Notes 20 August 2008 - Reading
Shaykh Muhammad went through Imam Ahmad Zarruq’s work on: Principles of the Tariqa- the
Shadhilli way.
People joining the tariqa have committed themselves to higher goals than other Muslims. They want
to taste the sweetness of Imaan; feel the love and attachment to Allah and the Prophet sallaAllahu
alayhi wasalam; they want to experience the khushoo in salah; understand tawakkul; want to face
the difficulties in this world. This is what Tassawuf is about.
In order to get closer to Him, we have to acquire the divine attributes- get rid of your own qualities
and take on the attributes of Allah.
The first step is purification of the heart- Tazkiyya, and the last step is Ihsan. In between there is
Muhjahida (struggle) and Hidaaya. Those who struggle for Allah’s sake, Allah will give guidance to
- Anyone who claims sufis are exempt from shariah are heretic.
- ‘Worship thy Lord until you die’
We need to be ready to leave this world at any time. You should have settled your accounts-
paid off your debts, made up your missed prayers, repented to Allah for your sins. Allah will
be happy to meet you.
Death for the believer is not calamity but treasure. Death brings him the best rewards- gets
rid of the calamities of this life.
There will be a lot of challenges and tests in life. We want to increase our imaan so when we
leave this world, we should be happy to leave. It’s calamity for the family, but relief for the
believer as he is leaving the perishing and entering the everlasting world.
3 . Turning away from people whether they are friendly or unfriendly, with or against you.
- Most of us have this challenge: people are causing harm, are evil to us etc. Who is your goal-
people or Allah?
- Why do you bother so much about people? Leave people to their Creator!
- No one should bother you when you are with Allah!
- Allah is the one who is moving the hearts of people. Instead, of busying yourself with people,
busy yourself with Allah.
- When people are treating you wrong, do not think what did you do wrong to that person,
instead think what have I done wrong to Allah? That is the correct attitude to have.
- Don’t bother with people, if you have this attitude, you will live in peace. The better you are,
the more people will envy you.
- Struggle and you get more.
- The best means is to come to Allah. Remove the veil of people between you and Allah. Allah
is your goal.
You have responsibilities towards your family and community. There is so much you can do, and your
work will be noticed.
It doesn’t matter if you are close to the shaykh or not, who drives the shaykh around in a car etc. If
you just sit at home and do dua for the shaykh, that will be enough! Even if you don’t get to attend
the shaykh’s gatherings, Allah will take you to the Shaykh.
We ran out of time, hence Shaykh Muhammad was unable to go into details about the 4 th and 5th
principles, but *might* continue at the Birmingham gathering on Saturday evening- Allahu ta’ala
Jaza ‘Llahu anna Sayyidina Muhammadan sallaAllahu alayhi wasalam ma huwa ahluhu
Jaza ‘Llahu anna Sayyidina Muhammadan sallaAllahu alayhi wasalam ma huwa ahluhu
Jaza ‘Llahu anna Sayyidina Muhammadan sallaAllahu alayhi wasalam ma huwa ahluhu
Subhana Rabbika Rabbi l’izzati amma yasifun, wa salamun ala l’mursalin, wal-humdulilahi Rabbi
(Please bear in mind that these are my notes and most likely not a good reflection of what
Shaykhuna said. Therefore, any mistakes, errors and misinterpretation of words are from me
alone, so please do forgive and correct them. Jazaka’llahu khayran.)