The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of The 125-Year Anniversary of The JPE and of Chicago Economics
The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of The 125-Year Anniversary of The JPE and of Chicago Economics
The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of The 125-Year Anniversary of The JPE and of Chicago Economics
John List
Chairperson, Department of Economics
Harald Uhlig
Head Editor, Journal of Political Economy
In the early 1950s, with substantial time together at the University of Chi-
cago, Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu (1954) provided a first mathe-
matically rigorous proof of the existence of equilibrium in a general Wal-
rasian model.1 Before that time, aside from some specialized modeling,
the equality between the number of equations and unknowns in the Wal-
rasian model was taken to be the basis for believing that every Walrasian
system contains at least one equilibrium.2
With the result of Arrow and Debreu (1954), we learn that the Walra-
sian model is fully able to determine the prices of all commodities as a
function of tastes, technologies, and the distribution of wealth. Their find-
ings made rigorous the interdependencies that are essential to the deter-
mination of prices. We have, for the first time, an adequate general equi-
librium theory of value. Their result is a cornerstone of the foundation of
multimarket price theory. It demonstrates that in every well-specified Wal-
rasian economy there is always at least one set of relative prices that bal-
ance supply and demand in all markets.
The Arrow-Debreu existence theorem is noteworthy in other important
dimensions. First, it provides a first modern statement of the Walrasian
model. It also promoted a standard in economics for precision of formu-
lation and mathematical rigor. In addition, the approach can be seen to
explicitly unite the issue of the existence of equilibrium for situations of
imperfect competition, as in the Cournot model, with the issue of the ex-
istence of Walrasian equilibrium and perfect competition. Finally, with
the benefit of hindsight, the approach has had a remarkable ability to an-
ticipate and facilitate several important advances in the existence theory.
The perspective on the Debreu and Arrow-Debreu contributions presented here was de-
veloped in joint work with Wayne Shafer. A central point of this note is communicated in
Duffie and Sonnenschein (1989). Philip Liang provided most helpful research assistance.
The article “a” is carefully chosen. Lionel McKenzie (1954) presented a general proof
of the existence theorem at precisely the same time.
Wald’s contributions (1935, 1936a, 1936b) do more than count equations and un-
knowns. They are a milestone in the development of a satisfactory general existence the-
orem but have features that make his analysis quite specialized by contemporary standards.
From the point of view of this presentation, it is the work of Debreu (1952)
that is most central to the Arrow-Debreu existence theorem. In terms of
the mathematics, the essence of Arrow-Debreu is an application of De-
breu (1952), who did this work as a member of the Cowles Commission
at the University of Chicago. However, there is apparently no good record
of the origin of the idea for Debreu’s study. It is clear that the existence
problem was much in the air at Cowles in Chicago in the early 1950s and
that the Kakutani fixed-point theorem (1941) was well understood and
available to play a role. Arrow and Debreu were in close communication,
and each had made definitive contributions to the modern framing of
the Walrasian model that are essential to establishing a general equilib-
rium existence theorem.3
Most textbook treatments of modern general equilibrium theory follow
Debreu (1959) and approach the existence of equilibrium via the con-
struction of excess demand functions. The Arrow-Debreu approach is fun-
damentally different and comes with a number of advantages. As I have al-
ready suggested, Debreu (1952) provides a mathematical treatment that
applies to both the problem of equilibrium existence in the Walrasian
model and the problem of existence in Cournot markets in which agents
have the power to influence prices. Furthermore, Debreu’s theorem pro-
For a particularly important example, see Arrow (1951a), where the treatment of the
second welfare theorem reveals boundary issues that must be dealt with in equilibrium ex-
istence. Arrow’s first appointment as assistant professor was at the University of Chicago,
but he was a “time-splitter,” notably with responsibilities at Rand and Columbia, where
he was a graduate student. In 1949, he left Chicago to accept a position as acting assistant
professor at Stanford. Arrow (1951a) was reprinted as a Cowles Commission paper, and it is
reasonable to assume that the Chicago environment, and in particular the collaboration
with Debreu, were of substantial importance. But a mystery remains: who saw Debreu
(1952) as a key to the Arrow-Debreu existence theorem? Yes, it is a natural extension of
Nash (1950), but who had the idea of framing it and using it for Walrasian existence? I
am unable to find the answer to this question in the writings of Arrow and Debreu.
Debreu (1959, 1982) and Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green (1995) are particularly use-
ful starting points.
The “market player” is not to be thought of as an actual agent. It is added in the same
spirit as one adds a fictitious player to adjust prices in Walrasian tatonnement.
I now demonstrate that the Arrow-Debreu approach, minimally extended,
sheds light on a beautiful contribution of Mas-Colell (1974), which gener-
alized in a fundamental manner the demand side of equilibrium theory.
Rather than defining preferences as a binary relation, usually transitive
and complete, Mas-Colell demonstrated that what is really essential to
the equilibrium existence theory is the assumption that each consumer
knows what he prefers to each possible consumption, with the obvious re-
quirement that he does not prefer any bundle to itself! To understand
why this development was very surprising, consider the case of finite-choice
spaces with no room for convexity and various other topological require-
ments that are essential in virtually all approaches to equilibrium theory.
For constraint sets with three elements x, y, and z, with x preferred to y, y
preferred to z, and z preferred to x, it is not coherent for any choice to be
made. Similarly, with a two-element constraint set composed of x and y,
with x in the set of bundles preferred to y and y in the set of bundles pre-
ferred to x, there can be no coherent choice. But there turns out to be
“magic” in the continuity and convexity that are essential to general equi-
librium existence, and Mas-Colell employed these to redo the equilibrium
existence theorems so that “better than sets” rather than transitive and
complete preferences are all that is required for the existence of equilib-
rium prices.7
So how does the Arrow-Debreu method, minimally extended, apply to
the existence of equilibrium in these behavioral worlds without ordered
preferences? When utility functions are state-dependent and depend on
the consumption state of an agent, the preferred sets of each agent play
much the same role as the preference correspondences of Mas-Colell: the
There is some important literature that is designed to accommodate such government
activities (see, e.g., Sontheimer 1971; Shoven 1974); however, with the benefit of hindsight
these efforts demonstrate the benefits of approaches that are not excess demand based.
See Gale and Mas-Colell (1975) and Shafer and Sonnenschein (1975, 1976).
In the mid-1960s, I circulated a manuscript that proved that equilibrium existence
could be established in the Debreu (1959) model without the requirement of preference
transitivity, and this manuscript was widely circulated and discussed with Arrow, Debreu,
and McKenzie. I am fortunate that the lengthy delay in the publication of the volume Pref-
erences, Utility, and Demand (Chipman et al. 1971) did not have any bad effects on my career.
It should also be pointed out that the Mas-Colell advance, which has one replace prefer-
ence relations with preferred set correspondences, is not only a deep substantive and con-
ceptual breakthrough but unlike my analysis also requires one to abandon the excess de-
mand approach to equilibrium existence. To understand this point, see the appendix of
Mas-Colell (1974).
I have written about one of those moments when the giants who walked
the halls of my university were particularly productive. It is the story of
Chicago’s role in the origins of general equilibrium. The particular mo-
ment that I chose, and the subsequent applications that I cited, closely
follow my particular interests. But general equilibrium is a very large area,
even when one pays particular attention to the existence literature. The
work of the early 1950s has been followed by fundamental contributions
by Aumann, Scarf, and a long list of others. Chicago and the JPE have
played their part in these subsequent developments, and I want to cite
four papers from the JPE in general equilibrium, welfare economics,
and consumer choice applicable to general equilibrium that have influ-
enced my own thinking and teaching.
Kenneth J. Arrow, “A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare”
(1950). The timing suggests a substantial Cowles-Chicago influence, and
this predates the publication of his monumental Social Choice and Individ-
ual Values (1951b).
Kelvin Lancaster, “A New Approach to Consumer Theory” (1966). This
is among the most-cited JPE contributions, and perhaps the most cited in
general equilibrium broadly interpreted.
David Cass and Menahem Yaari, “A Re-examination of the Pure Con-
sumption Loans Model” (1966). This is a basic work for opening a discus-
This point is made in Duffie and Sonnenschein (1989).
One should note that Mas-Colell’s continuity assumption on the preference corre-
spondence is an open graph condition. This is less demanding than the assumption that
the state-dependent utility functions Ui are continuous. Shafer and Sonnenschein (1975),
motivated by Mas-Colell’s work, showed that Debreu (1952) can be strengthened to allow
for preference correspondences with open graphs as opposed to continuous utility func-
tions, but the proof is more than emendation of Debreu’s arguments. With their result
in hand, one can use the Arrow-Debreu method to prove equilibrium existence theorems
of the Mas-Colell type. This further supports the argument that Debreu (1952) and Arrow
and Debreu (1954) did more than provide rigorous foundations for the theory of value. It
also provides a mathematical approach to the existence theorem that is adequate for deal-
ing with a variety of important generalizations. And again, much of this work was done at
the University of Chicago.
For a summary of “anything goes,” see Shafer and Sonnenschein (1982).
I would like to thank my colleagues and current and former students for very valuable
feedback and discussions. The paper reflects solely my own views.
The Past
In this section, I discuss some of the past seminal contributions to the field
of economic growth. The papers will be grouped under the following sub-
topics: (i) capital accumulation, (ii) innovation, (iii) technology adoption,
and (iv) human capital and fertility.
Yt 5 AK at Lt12a , (1)
where Yt is aggregate output at time t, K t is the capital stock, Lt is the
labor, A is the level of productivity, and a ∈ ð0, 1Þ.1 A major implication
of the neoclassical and the Solow-Swan models is that capital accumulation
can serve as a source of short-run economic growth but cannot be a driver
of long-run growth because of decreasing returns through a < 1. These
models predict “convergence in per capita income,” whereby poorer coun-
tries grow faster until they catch up with richer countries.
The JPE featured many influential empirical and theoretical works on
economic growth. On the empirical side, Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992)
tested the convergence result of neoclassical theory. In this work, Barro
and Sala-i-Martin studied the growth rates of 48 US states between 1840
and 1963 as a function of their initial per capita income and found signif-
icant empirical evidence for convergence at the state level. Barro and Sala-i-
This is the particular specification used to facilitate the discussion in this paper. This
production function can be written in a more general constant returns form.
At 5 gKt :
In this model, just like the neoclassical model, markets are perfectly com-
petitive and knowledge creation is simply a by-product of capital accumu-
lation. Therefore, one can also interpret productivity formation as com-
ing from learning by doing. Stokey (1988) was another great JPE paper
that showed how economywide learning by doing could lead to sustained
long-run growth. It was not until Romer’s later work, which I will describe
below, that agents in the economy had explicit incentives to create new
ideas. While Romer (1986) introduced productivity spillovers through cap-
ital accumulation, Lucas (1988) introduced similar spillovers through hu-
man capital externalities. In their interesting JPE paper, Glaeser et al.
(1992) empirically study the existence of knowledge spillovers within
and across industries.
On the theory side, Rebelo (1991) is one of the well-known JPE papers
that generated endogenous long-run growth by eliminating the decreas-
ing returns from the neoclassical production function (1). This paper con-
sidered the so-called “AK model,” in which the production technology does
not feature labor and is linear in capital with a 5 1:
Yt 5 AK t :
In this model, the linear structure prevents capital accumulation from run-
ning into decreasing returns and can generate long-run growth. This trac-
table framework allowed Rebelo to also study the impact of public policy on
economic growth, which was not possible in the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans
or Solow-Swan models since they did not generate long-run endogenous
It is now widely accepted in the literature that the world economy has
experienced persistent technological progress over the past 200 years and
Innovation-Based Growth
New technologies emerge as a result of costly R&D efforts by individ-
uals and companies. The new technologies eventually introduce into the
market a new product variety as in Romer (1990) or a better version of an
existing product or technology that makes the earlier version obsolete
through Schumpeterian creative destruction as in Aghion and Howitt
(1992) and Grossman and Helpman (1991). An entrepreneur’s or firm’s
incentive to undertake these costly R&D efforts is to gain market power.
These explicit efforts and market incentives were missing in the endoge-
nous growth models based on a neoclassical framework.
The new ingredient in the innovation-based endogenous growth mod-
els is the production function for ideas. The number of new ideas—the
change in productivity A—is assumed to be a function of the existing knowl-
edge stock At and the number of researchers R who spent time producing
A_ t 5 dAt R, (2)
where d > 0 captures the research productivity. In these models, agents face
an occupational choice. Individuals can work either as production work-
ers (L) and earn the production wage (wt) or as research workers (R) who
produce new ideas and receive the return to their innovation (Vt). The
key equation is the free-entry condition into research, which determines
the allocation of the work force to the production and research sectors:
wt 5 Vt dAt :
This equilibrium split of the workforce determines the current level of pro-
duction through L and the rate of growth of knowledge (and hence per
capita income) through R.
Romer’s model views each innovation as the introduction of a new prod-
uct variety that becomes a permanent part of the economy and the inven-
tor of which becomes its permanent producer. Thus, the model abstracts
from competition, firm exit, and firm turnover. Schumpeterian models,
on the other hand, prioritized the industrial organization aspect of eco-
nomic growth. Through the notion of creative destruction, Schumpeterian
A_ 5 dAf R l ,
where f, l ∈ ð0, 1Þ. This modification removed the impact of the popu-
lation level and led to the following long-run growth rate: g 5 ln=ð1 2 fÞ,
where n is simply the rate of population growth. A strong prediction of
Jones’s specification is that long-run growth is affected only by the exoge-
nous population growth rate n and is invariant to any government policy.
This paper started the “scale effect” debate in the literature.
During the 1990s, the JPE was the stage for the “scale effect” debate.
Soon after Jones’s influential paper, the JPE published two other interest-
ing articles by Alwyn Young (1998) and Peter Howitt (1999), who proposed
“product proliferation” as a remedy to the “scale effect” problem. Howitt’s
solution, which builds on Young’s proliferation idea, is to propose a mech-
anism whereby, as the number of product varieties in an economy grows,
the effectiveness of research effort on each variety decreases as the popula-
tion gets spread more thinly over a larger number of varieties. This makes
the expected growth rate in each variety independent of the overall pop-
ulation level while preserving the role of policy for economic growth.
A notable exception is the recent work by Akcigit, Hanley, and Serrano-Velarde (2016),
which shows that even after controlling for firm size, firms that operate in more industries
are more likely to invest in basic research. This finding provides empirical support for Nel-
son’s “fingers in many pies” hypothesis of basic research.
The Present
The early models of endogenous growth set the stage for a fruitful litera-
ture to come, and the JPE was their leading outlet. What was missing in
the early literature was firm- or individual-level heterogeneity that would
provide a better connection between growth theory and micro-level data.
Providing solid micro-level foundations would lead to stronger macro-
growth models that generate more accurate positive predictions and rel-
evant normative implications.
A major step in that direction was another important JPE paper by
Klette and Kortum (2004), which built a novel Schumpeterian growth model.
The earlier endogenous growth models predict that innovations come
only from new entrants, new entrants and young firms are the largest firms
in the economy, and exit rates would be uncorrelated with firm age or size.
While these predictions are at odds with the firm-level data, the Klette-
Kortum model fixed these problems by defining a firm as a collection of
production units. In this framework, firms could grow by introducing better-
The Future
The future of the field of economic growth is more exciting than ever. Com-
puters are becoming more powerful. Many countries are making their
Acemoglu, D. 2008. Introduction to Modern Economic Growth. Princeton, NJ: Prince-
ton Univ. Press.
Acemoglu, D., U. Akcigit, D. Hanley, and W. Kerr. 2016. “Transition to Clean
Technology.” J.P.E. 124 (1): 52–104.
Acemoglu, D., J. Robinson, and T. Verdier. 2017. “Asymmetric Growth and Insti-
tutions in an Interdependent World.” J.P.E. 125 (5): 1245–1305.
Aghion, P., A. Dechezleprêtre, D. Hémous, R. Martin, and J. Van Reenen. 2016.
“Carbon Taxes, Path Dependency, and Directed Technical Change: Evidence
from the Auto Industry.” J.P.E. 124 (1): 1–51.
Aghion, P., and P. Howitt. 1992. “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruc-
tion.” Econometrica 60 (2): 323–51.
Akcigit, U., J. Grigsby, and T. Nicholas. 2017. “The Rise of American Ingenuity:
Innovation and Inventors of the Golden Age.” Working Paper no. 23047, NBER,
Cambridge, MA.
Akcigit, U., D. Hanley, and N. Serrano-Velarde. 2016. “Back to Basics: Basic Re-
search Spillovers, Innovation Policy and Growth.” Discussion Paper no. 11707,
Centre Econ. Policy Res., London.
Akcigit, U., and W. R. Kerr. Forthcoming. “Growth through Heterogeneous In-
novations.” J.P.E.
Alvarez, F. E., F. J. Buera, and R. E. Lucas Jr. 2008. “Models of Idea Flows.” Work-
ing Paper no. 14135, NBER, Cambridge, MA.
For instance, the digitized historical patent files matched to census records by Akcigit,
Grigsby, and Nicholas (2017) could provide a unique opportunity for researchers to shed
light on Golden Age innovators, inventions, and economic growth more broadly.
Economic History
David W. Galenson
University of Chicago and Universidad del CEMA
The field of economic history was largely transformed during the 1960s,
when scholars trained in economics departments began to apply economic
theory and econometrics to historical questions. The resulting quantitative
research, often called the new economic history or cliometrics, has now
produced significant revisions of some issues that had previously been stud-
ied primarily by historians, as well as novel results on long-run relationships
of interest to economists. Much of this research has been based on com-
puter analysis of micro-level data sets collected from historical archives.
The first major debate within the new field was initiated by a 1958 ar-
ticle by Alfred Conrad and John Meyer, “The Economics of Slavery in the
Antebellum South.” The authors’ conclusion that slavery was profitable in
the nineteenth century directly contradicted the contention of some his-
torians that the Civil War was not necessary to eliminate slavery, because
the institution would have disappeared even in the absence of legal inter-
vention. Few issues in American history are as contentious as slavery, and
this initial paper prompted dozens of empirical investigations of the de-
Acemoglu, Daron, and James Robinson. 2012. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of
Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. New York: Crown Bus.
Arrow, Kenneth. 1962. “Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for
Innovation.” In The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social
Factors, edited by Richard Nelson, 609–25. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
Bogue, Allan. 1963. From Prairie to Cornbelt: Farming on the Illinois and Iowa Prairies
in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
Conrad, Alfred, and John Meyer. 1958. “The Economics of Slavery in the Ante-
bellum South.” J.P.E. 66 (2): 95–130.
Curti, Merle. 1959. The Making of an American Community: A Case Study of Democracy in
a Frontier County. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press.
Engerman, Stanley, and Kenneth Sokoloff. 2012. Economic Development in the
Americas since 1500: Endowments and Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Fogel, Robert, and Stanley Engerman. 1974. Time on the Cross: The Economics of
American Negro Slavery. 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown.
———. 1977. “Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Slave Agriculture in the An-
tebellum South.” A.E.R. 67 (3): 275–96.
Galenson, David. 1981. “The Market Evaluation of Human Capital: The Case of
Indentured Servitude.” J.P.E. 89 (3): 446–67.
———. 1996. “The Settlement and Growth of the Colonies: Population, Labor,
and Economic Development.” In The Cambridge Economic History of the United States,
vol. 1, edited by Stanley Engerman and Robert Gallman, 135–207. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press.
———. 2006. Old Masters and Young Geniuses: The Two Life Cycles of Artistic Creativ-
ity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
Kuznets, Simon. 1962. “Inventive Activity: Problems of Definition and Measure-
ment.” In The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors,
edited by Richard Nelson, 19–51. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
Menard, Russell. 1977. “From Servants to Slaves: The Transformation of the
Chesapeake Labor System.” Southern Studies 16 (4): 355–90.
Pope, Clayne. 1989. “Households on the American Frontier: The Distribution of
Income and Wealth in Utah, 1850–1900.” In Markets in History, edited by David
Galenson, 148–89. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
When the Journal of Political Economy was founded, the term “political
economy” was commonly used to denote the academic field that we
now call “economics,” where most scholars focus more on the study of
markets than on the study of politics and government. But the JPE has
published important papers that apply the theoretical and empirical
methodologies of modern economics to the study of politics and politi-
cal institutions, a subfield which may be called “political economics.”
Duncan Black’s 1948 JPE paper “On the Rationale of Group Decision-
Making” was written with the explicit goal of providing a basis for the de-
velopment of a pure science of politics. Black analyzed the fundamental
problems of public decision making by considering the problems of vot-
ing in a committee that must choose among some given set of alterna-
tives. He found that, if the alternatives are points on a line and each voter
prefers alternatives that are closer to his or her ideal point, then the me-
dian of the voters’ ideal points can be identified as the choice that is pre-
ferred by a majority over any other alternative. In other cases in which this
one-dimensional structure is lacking, however, Black recognized that the
committee’s decision could depend on the order in which the alterna-
tives are considered. That is, in the general case, the outcome of social
decision making can depend on details about who gets to set the agenda.
These fundamental problems of social choice theory were revisited in
Kenneth Arrow’s 1950 JPE paper on “A Difficulty in the Concept of Social
Welfare,” which proved an early version of Arrow’s famous possibility the-
orem. In this paper, Arrow listed some basic consistency conditions for
how a social preference ordering should depend on individual prefer-
ences, and he showed that if there are three or more alternatives for so-
Acemoglu, Daron, and Simon Johnson. 2005. “Unbundling Institutions.” J.P.E.
113 (5): 949–95.
Arrow, Kenneth. 1950. “A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare.” J.P.E. 58
(4): 328–46.
Black, Duncan. 1948. “On the Rationale of Group Decision-Making.” J.P.E. 56
(1): 23–34.
Sen, Amartya. 1970. “The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal.” J.P.E. 78 (1): 152–
Weingast, Barry R., and William J. Marshall. 1988. “The Industrial Organization
of Congress; Or, Why Legislatures, like Firms, Are Not Organized as Markets.”
J.P.E. 96 (1): 132–63.
Weingast, Barry R., Kenneth A. Shepsle, and Christopher Johnsen. 1981. “The
Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distrib-
utive Politics.” J.P.E. 89 (4): 642–64.
I. Introduction
There is some truth in the old adage that in economics the questions
never change, only the answers. This note looks at three questions in ag-
Can government policies that seem attractive in the short run be detri-
mental in the long run? Can policy ever be improved by taking options
away from a benevolent government?
Soon after the adoption of the American Constitution, the new Trea-
sury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, argued in his First Report on Public
Credit (1790) for assumption and repayment by the federal government
of all outstanding debt that the states had issued during the Revolution-
ary War, asserting that full repayment would establish the nation’s rep-
utation with credit markets and allow it to borrow in the future at af-
fordable interest rates. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison took the
opposite side of the debate, arguing that much of the debt had been
bought up by speculators at less than face value and that those creditors
should be paid less. In the end Hamilton prevailed, and all of the debt
was repaid.
In “Rules Rather than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans”
(1977), Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott identified a fundamental lim-
itation in using the tools of dynamic optimization to formulate govern-
V. Conclusion
Are the formal models of modern economics only an embellishment of
older ideas? They are more than that, for two reasons. First, they clarify
exactly what is being asserted, providing a more solid base from which
further theoretical arguments can proceed. In addition, they provide a
guide for empirical work, suggesting what kinds of data should be gath-
ered and how they should be used to examine the competing hypotheses.
The old adage is only partly correct: the questions get sharper and clearer,
even if entirely satisfactory answers remain elusive. Unsurprisingly, re-
search on these three questions has continued: all of these papers are
among the most highly cited in the JPE over its 125 years.
My essay will examine two rather separate topics, though there is a bit of
a connection. One concerns business cycles. The other concerns inter-
national trade and exchange rates. With all due apologies and very few
exceptions, I shall focus on the most highly cited papers published in
the Journal of Political Economy.
Business Cycles
The 1970s and early 1980s saw a revolution in our thinking about mac-
roeconomics generally and business cycles specifically. Central to this de-
Antràs, Pol, and Elhanan Helpman. 2004. “Global Sourcing.” J.P.E. 112 (3): 552–
Backus, David K., Patrick J. Kehoe, and Finn E. Kydland. 1992. “International Real
Business Cycles.” J.P.E. 100 (August): 745–75.
Balassa, Bela. 1964. “The Purchasing-Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal.”
J.P.E. 72 (December): 584 –96.
Basu, Susanto, and John G. Fernald. 1997. “Returns to Scale in U.S. Production:
Estimates and Implications.” J.P.E. 105 (April): 249–83.
Christiano, Lawrence J., Martin Eichenbaum, and Charles L. Evans. 2005. “Nom-
inal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy.” J.P.E.
113 (February): 1–45.
Aiyagari, S. Rao. 1994. “Uninsured Idiosyncratic Risk and Aggregate Savings.”
Q. J.E. 109 (3): 659–84.
Attanasio, Orazio P., and Guglielmo Weber. 1995. “Is Consumption Growth Con-
sistent with Intertemporal Optimization? Evidence from the Consumer Ex-
penditure Survey.” J.P.E. 103 (6): 1121–57.
Favilukis, Jack, Sydney C. Ludvigson, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. 2017. “The
Macroeconomic Effects of Housing Wealth, Housing Finance, and Limited
Risk Sharing in General Equilibrium.” J.P.E. 125 (1): 140–223.
Hubbard, R. Glenn, Jonathan Skinner, and Stephen P. Zeldes. 1995. “Precaution-
ary Saving and Social Insurance.” J.P.E. 103 (2): 360–99.
I. Introduction
Ninety years ago, Slutsky (1927) and Yule (1927) opened the door to the
use of probability models in the analysis of economic time series. Their
vision was to view economic time series as linear responses to current and
past independent and identically distributed impulses or shocks. In dis-
tinct contributions, they showed how to generate approximate cycles with
such models. Each had a unique background and perspective. Yule was an
eminent statistician who, in the words of Stigler (1986), among his many
contributions, managed “effectively to invent modern time series analysis”
(361). Yule constructed and estimated what we call a second-order model
and applied it to study the time-series behavior of sunspots. Slutsky wrote
his paper in Russia in the 1920s motivated by the study of business cycles.
Much later, his paper was published in Econometrica, but it was already on
the radar screen of economists, such as Frisch. Indeed Frisch was keenly
aware of both Slutsky (1927) and Yule (1927) and acknowledged both in
Sims (1980) and others advanced this idea by developing tractable multivariate time-
series methods and engaging in the identification of interpretable shocks in the multivar-
iate setting.
See Hansen (2014) for more discussions of modeling challenges for econometricians
and economic agents inside the models that they build.
Becker and Murphy (1988), also published in the JPE, used a similar formulation in a
microeconomic analysis of “rational addiction.”
VI. Conclusion
Journal of Political Economy publications have played a prominent role in
the study of macroeconomics and finance using time-series methods.
The research disseminated by this journal delivered on Frisch’s (1933)
and others’ ambition to use economic dynamic models to interpret time-
series evidence. The published research characterized empirical challenges
and explored implications of new models designed to confront these chal-
Bansal, Ravi, and Amir Yaron. 2004. “Risks for the Long Run: A Potential Reso-
lution of Asset Pricing Puzzles.” J. Finance 59 (4): 1481–1509.
Becker, Gary S., and Kevin M. Murphy. 1988. “A Theory of Rational Addiction.”
J.P.E. 96 (4): 675–700.
Breeden, Douglas T. 1979. “An Intertemporal Asset Pricing Model with Stochastic
Consumption and Investment Opportunities.” J. Financial Econ. 7 (3): 265–96.
Campbell, John Y. 1996. “Understanding Risk and Return.” J.P.E. 104 (2): 298–
Campbell, John Y., and John H. Cochrane. 1999. “By Force of Habit: A
Consumption-Based Explanation of Aggregate Stock Market Behavior.” J.P.E.
107 (2): 205–51.
Constantinides, George M. 1990. “Habit Formation: A Resolution of the Equity
Premium Puzzle.” J.P.E. 98 (3): 519–43.
Constantinides, George M., and Darrell Duffie. 1996. “Asset Pricing with Hetero-
geneous Consumers.” J.P.E. 104 (2): 219–40.
Epstein, Larry G., and Stanley E. Zin. 1989. “Substitution, Risk Aversion and the
Temporal Behavior of Consumption and Asset Returns: A Theoretical Frame-
work.” Econometrica 57 (4): 937–69.
Hansen and Singleton (1982, 1983), Shiller (1982), Mehra and Prescott
(1985), and Weil (1989) pose a major challenge in economics in the con-
text of a Lucas (1978) exchange economy. Hansen and Singleton (1982)
reject the Euler equations of per capita consumption at any level of rel-
ative risk aversion (RRA). Mehra and Prescott (1985) show that the aver-
age premium of the stock market over the risk-free rate cannot be ratio-
nalized in a calibrated standard economy and coin the “equity premium
puzzle.” Mehra and Prescott (1985) and Weil (1989) further show that
the puzzle is a dual one: as the assumed RRA is increased to rationalize
the equity premium, the implied risk-free rate becomes too high. More
generally, the challenge is to simultaneously explain the moments of ag-
gregate consumption and dividend growth, risk-free rate, market return,
market price-dividend ratio, and the term structure of interest rates in
the context of an economy with rational economic agents. The volumi-
nous research effort to address this challenge continues to this day and
includes explorations of preferences for early resolution of uncertainty,
absence of complete consumption insurance, uncertainty about the state
of the economy, habit persistence, macroeconomic crises resulting in a ca-
tastrophic drop in consumption, uncertainty about the economic model
and its parameters, borrowing constraints, and deviations from rational-
ity. In this essay I describe some of these explorations without providing
an exhaustive review of the literature. My apologies to authors who are not
being cited here.
Attanasio, Orazio P., and Steven J. Davis. 1996. “Relative Wage Movements and
the Distribution of Consumption.” J.P.E. 104:1227–62.
Backus, David, Mikhail Chernov, and Ian Martin. 2011. “Disasters Implied by Eq-
uity Index Options.” J. Finance 66:1967–2009.
Bansal, Ravi, and Amir Yaron. 2004. “Risks for the Long Run: A Potential Reso-
lution of Asset Pricing Puzzles.” J. Finance 59:1481–1509.
Barro, Robert J. 2006. “Rare Disasters and Asset Markets in the 20th Century.”
Q. J.E. 121:823–66.
Barro, Robert J., and José F. Ursùa. 2008. “Macroeconomic Crises since 1870.”
Brookings Papers Econ. Activity (Spring): 255–335.
Beeler, Jason, and John Y. Campbell. 2012. “The Long-Run Risks Model and Ag-
gregate Asset Prices: An Empirical Assessment.” Critical Finance Rev. 1:141–82.
Blundell, Richard, Luigi Pistaferri, and Ian Preston. 2008. “Consumption In-
equality and Partial Insurance.” A.E.R. 98:1887–1921.
Brav, Alon, George M. Constantinides, and Christopher C. Geczy. 2002. “Asset
Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers and Limited Participation: Empirical
Evidence.” J.P.E. 110:793–824.
Campbell, John Y., and John H. Cochrane. 1999. “By Force of Habit: A
Consumption-Based Explanation of Aggregate Stock Market Behavior.” J.P.E.
Chen, Xiaohong, and Sydney C. Ludvigson. 2009. “Land of Addicts? An Empir-
ical Investigation of Habit-Based Asset Pricing Models.” J. Appl. Econometrics
Cochrane, John H. 1991. “A Simple Test of Consumption Insurance.” J.P.E. 99:
Constantinides, George M. 1982. “Intertemporal Asset Pricing with Heteroge-
neous Consumers and without Demand Aggregation.” J. Bus. 55:253–67.
———. 1990. “Habit Formation: A Resolution of the Equity Premium Puzzle.”
J.P.E. 98:519–43.
———. 2008. “Comment on Barro and Ursùa.” Brookings Papers Econ. Activity
(Spring): 341–50.
Constantinides, George M., John B. Donaldson, and Rajnish Mehra. 2002. “Ju-
nior Can’t Borrow: A New Perspective on the Equity Premium Puzzle.” Q.J.E.
Research in finance has two main areas: (i) corporate—theory and em-
pirical work on optimal investment and financing decisions by firms (the
demand side of capital formation)—and (ii) asset pricing—portfolio the-
ory and related models of risk and expected return (the supply side of
capital formation). The University of Chicago Booth School (formerly the
Graduate School of Business) has long been front and center in corpo-
rate finance, and it is joined by the Chicago Economics Department as
an asset pricing ringleader.
Corporate finance was kick-started by the “irrelevance of capital struc-
ture” theorems of Franco Modigliani and my longtime Chicago Booth
mentor, colleague, and friend, Merton Miller (Modigliani and Miller
1958; Miller and Modigliani 1961; the latter published, like many semi-
nal papers in finance, in the now defunct Journal of Business). I have
The comments of George Constantinides and many years of interaction on the topics of
this paper with Kenneth French and John Cochrane are gratefully acknowledged
Market Efficiency
Research on the behavior of commodity prices and prices of financial as-
sets has a long history going back at least to Bachelier (1900), but the
coming of computers in the late 1950s produced an explosion of work,
primarily on the behavior of stock prices and stock returns. Interest was
concentrated at the University of Chicago’s Booth School and the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology Economics Department and Sloan
School. At Chicago, the early players were Larry Fisher (creator of the
now-ubiquitous Center for Research in Security Prices [CRSP] data files),
Merton Miller, Harry Roberts, and Lester Telser, with Benoit Mandelbrot
as an occasional visitor. At MIT, Sydney Alexander, Paul Cootner, Franco
Modigliani (Merton Miller’s longtime coauthor), and Paul Samuelson
carried the ball.
When I finished PhD prelims and it came time to write a thesis in 1962,
I was twice a father and anxious to finish quickly. A PhD student could get
faculty attention with a thesis on the behavior of stock prices, which ex-
plains Fama (1964), published in the Journal of Business. More of my thesis
tests Mandelbrot’s hypothesis that stock returns conform better to the
nonnormal (fat-tailed) class of symmetric stable distributions than to the
normal distribution, but about a third of it is on what I later dub market
Equation (2) implies that R t11 2 EðR t jft,m Þ, the deviation of the return
from the equilibrium expected return, EðR t jft,m Þ, is unpredictable from
information available at t. But (1) and (2) hold only when ft,m 5 ft , that
is, when the information embedded in the price pt is all available infor-
mation. If some information is missed in setting prices at t, then R t11 2
EðR t jft,m Þ is predictable from the broader information set ft.
Implicit in the submartingale models of Samuelson (1965) and Man-
delbrot (1966) is what I call the joint hypothesis problem: tests of market
efficiency are conditional on an assumed model for equilibrium prices
and expected returns, which means that tests of efficiency are joint tests
of efficiency and the assumed asset pricing model (Fama [1970], spelled
out better in chap. 5 of Fama [1976]). Though not commonly acknowl-
edged, the reverse is also true: asset pricing models based on rational be-
havior implicitly or explicitly assume a strong form of market efficiency:
investors agree on the joint distributions of future asset payoffs and they
get them right, which means that prices reflect all available information.
In short, market efficiency and models of market equilibrium are the Si-
amese twins of asset pricing (Fama 2014).
The early work (1950s and 1960s) on market efficiency focuses on the
time-series properties of stock returns. Worried that the newly minted
CRSP data would not find their way into academic research, James Lorie,
the founder of CRSP, suggested I do a study of the adjustment of stock
prices to stock splits. The resulting paper, Fama et al. (1969) coauthored
with Lawrence Fisher and two of the all-time best Chicago finance PhD
students, Michael Jensen and Richard Roll, is the first event study. Event
Asset Pricing
Finance as an area of scientific research had its birth at the University of
Chicago. The parting shot is Harry Markowitz’s Economics Department
PhD thesis on portfolio theory, subsequently published as a journal arti-
cle (Markowitz 1952) and then as a magnificent Cowles Foundation mono-
graph (Markowitz 1959). When I started teaching investments in 1963, the
textbooks of the day focused on the futile task of teaching students to pick
stocks. In my early teaching years, Markowitz (1959) was the main reading
in my investments course.
The mean-variance-efficient set of Markowitz’s portfolio model is the
foundation of the first formal asset pricing model, the CAPM of Sharpe
(1964) and Lintner (1965). The CAPM provides the first rigorous anal-
ysis of asset risk and the equilibrium relation between risk and expected
return. The CAPM is a one-period model. It gets a tour de force multi-
period extension in Robert Merton’s (1973a) intertemporal CAPM, the
ICAPM, which offers a theoretical framework for recent multifactor mod-
els, for example, the three-factor model of Fama and French (1993).
The CAPM predicts that market b, the slope in the regression of an
asset’s return on the market return, suffices to describe the cross section
of expected asset returns. The initial tests of the model are cross-section
regressions of average asset returns on estimates of their b’s and other
variables. The model predicts that the slopes for other variables are in-
distinguishable from zero. Black, Jensen, and Scholes (1972) argue that
ordinary least squares standard errors for slope estimates from such re-
gressions are too low because they do not adjust for cross-correlation of
the regression residuals (return correlation beyond that associated with
regression explanatory variables).
Fama and MacBeth (1973) provide a simple cure. Instead of cross-
section regressions of average monthly returns on b estimates and other
variables, the regressions are run month by month. Averages of monthly
slopes and t-statistics for the averages are used to test the CAPM predic-
tion that b suffices to describe expected asset returns. This approach is in
effect repeated sampling in which the time-series variation in month-by-
month regression slopes picks up the effects of cross-correlation of resid-
uals without requiring an estimate of the residual covariance matrix. The
approach has been used so much and so long in tests of asset pricing
Bachelier, L. J. B. A. 1900. Theorie de la speculation. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. Reprinted
in The Random Character of Stock Market Prices, edited by Paul H. Cootner. Cam-
bridge, MA: MIT Press, 1964.
Black, Fischer, Michael C. Jensen, and Myron S. Scholes. 1972. “The Capital Asset
Pricing Model: Some Empirical Tests.” In Studies in the Theory of Capital Markets,
edited by Michael C. Jensen. New York: Praeger.
Black, Fischer, and Myron S. Scholes. 1973. “The Pricing of Options and Corpo-
rate Liabilities.” J.P.E. 81 (3): 637–54.
Breeden, Douglas T. 1979. “An Intertemporal Asset Pricing Model with Stochas-
tic Consumption and Investment Opportunities.” J. Financial Econ. 7 (3): 265–
Campbell, John Y., and John H. Cochrane. 1999. “By Force of Habit: A
Consumption-Based Explanation of Aggregate Stock Market Behavior.” J.P.E.
Carhart, Mark M. 1997. “On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.” J. Finance
Cochrane, John H. 2011. “Discount Rates: American Finance Association Presi-
dential Address.” J. Finance 66:1047–1108.
Epstein, Larry G., and Stanley Zin. 1991. “Substitution, Risk Aversion, and the
Temporal Behavior of Consumption and Asset Returns: An Empirical Analy-
sis.” J.P.E. 99:263–86.
Fama, Eugene F. 1964. “The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices.” J. Bus. 38:34 –105.
———. 1970. “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical
Work.” J. Finance 25:383–417.
———. 1975. “Short-Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation.” A.E.R.
———. 1976. Foundations of Finance. New York: Basic Books.
Behavioral Economics
Richard H. Thaler
University of Chicago
Exactly 100 years ago, the JPE was poised to be at the forefront of the field
that would eventually come to be called behavioral economics. John
Maurice Clark, a JPE editor, University of Chicago faculty member, and
son of John Bates Clark, authored the lead article of the January 1918 is-
sue titled “Economics and Modern Psychology: I.” (Part II appeared in
the next issue.) His message was a simple one: “The economist may at-
tempt to ignore psychology, but it is a sheer impossibility for him to ig-
nore human nature. . . . If the economist borrows his conception of
man from the psychologist, his constructive work may have some chance
of remaining purely economic in character. But if he does not he will not
thereby avoid psychology. Rather he will force himself to make his own,
and it will be bad psychology” (4).
A few years later Clark left Chicago to take the position his father had
once held at Columbia, and it seems fair to say that the subsequent edi-
tors of the JPE did not take up his call to arms. Behavioral economics pa-
pers have made only scattered appearances in the journal in the subse-
quent century.1
Thanks to Alex Imas, Emir Kamenica, and Jesse Shapiro for helpful comments.
To put a tiny bit of data behind this assertion, I counted the number of papers pub-
lished in a few top journals that are cited in Stefano DellaVigna’s recent survey paper in
the Journal of Economic Literature. The tally is Q JE 32, AER 21, Journal of Finance 16, and
JPE 10. And my informal sense is that the 10 JPE papers contain a greater proportion that
is not behavioral, as compared to those in the Q JE or AER.
I cite one earlier paper below. This is a good time to acknowledge that I have likely
missed some important behavioral papers both before and after 1981. My apologies to
the authors of the papers I have missed. Blame it on bounded memory and attention.
The self-control paper also involved quite a bit of back and forth with the editor Sam
Peltzman, who somewhat reluctantly agreed to accept it rather than continue to exchange
letters. Both papers were published as the last paper in the issue, which I took as a signal
that they were considered the paper the editors were most ashamed to publish. It is grat-
ifying that both papers were ranked highly on the list of most-cited papers compiled by the
editors for this issue. Perhaps people read the JPE from back to front.
A recent theoretical paper in the broad theme of biased beliefs by Bordalo, Gennaioli,
and Shleifer (2013) studies cases in which “salient” features of the environment are given
excessive weight.
Becker, Gary S. 1993. “Nobel Lecture: The Economic Way of Looking at Behav-
ior.” J.P.E. 101 ( June): 385–409.
Bordalo, Pedro, Nicola Gennaioli, and Andrei Shleifer. 2013. “Salience and Con-
sumer Choice.” J.P.E. 121 (October): 803–43.
Camerer, Colin, George Loewenstein, and Martin Weber. 1989. “The Curse of
Knowledge in Economic Settings: An Experimental Analysis.” J.P.E. 97 (Octo-
ber): 1232–54.
Clark, John Maurice. 1918. “Economics and Modern Psychology: I.” J.P.E. 26 (1):
DellaVigna, Stefano. 2009. “Psychology and Economics: Evidence from the
Field.” J. Econ. Literature 47 (2): 315–72.
De Long, J. Bradford, Andrei Shleifer, Lawrence H. Summers, and Robert J.
Waldmann. 1990. “Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets.” J.P.E. 98 (August):
A special case of the curse of knowledge is “hindsight bias” (Fischhoff 1975). Once peo-
ple know that something happened, they remember thinking that they knew it all along.
Corporate Finance
Robert Vishny
University of Chicago
Luigi Zingales
University of Chicago
The Journal of Political Economy and Chicago economists have played a ma-
jor role in the development of the modern field of corporate finance,
Early Work
One of the fundamental assumptions behind the Modigliani-Miller irrel-
evance proposition is tax neutrality. Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963)
immediately recognized that in the United States (and most of the world)
debt is tax favored at the corporate level. Thus, firm value increases when
debt replaces equity. Modigliani and Miller’s irrelevance proposition and
its tax implications have been incredibly influential in the practice of fi-
nance. The fundamental valuation techniques (from the weighted aver-
age cost of capital to the adjusted present value approach) are based on
the Modigliani-Miller proposition: they start from the cash flow available
for investors (regardless of whether they are debt or equity holders), and
then they adjust for the effect of taxes and possibly the cost of financial
Even in a world in which debt is tax advantaged at the corporate level,
capital structure can still be irrelevant for firm value if debt is tax disadvan-
taged from the perspective of personal taxes, as is the case in the United
States (and particularly so before the 1986 tax reform). As Miller (1977)
points out, if there is an interior equilibrium, it will have the characteris-
tic that one dollar of pretax profits paid as interest should deliver inves-
tors the same value as a dollar of pretax profits paid as dividends or capi-
tal gains. Thus, the structure of taxes affects the average leverage in the
economy, but any single company is still indifferent between issuing debt
and equity.
International Dimension
Corporate finance theory was developed in the United States, inspired
by US stylized facts, and for the first 30 years mostly tested on US data.
Chicago economists have played a significant role in internationalizing
the field. Rajan and Zingales (1995) confronted US-based capital struc-
ture theories with international evidence. They document that corporate
leverage is fairly similar across developed countries. The differences in le-
verage reflect the way bankruptcy is designed rather than the divide be-
tween bank-centered and market-based economies. Where bankruptcy
favors liquidation, firms appear more hesitant to lever up.
In corporate finance, it is often difficult to determine the direction of
causality: does the law drive the behavior or does the behavior drive the
law? La Porta et al. (1998) show that long-standing differences between
legal systems can explain much of the variation in key investor protec-
tion laws across countries. These differences between legal systems can
be traced to their families of origin, which in turn resulted from “a com-
bination of conquest, imperialism, outright borrowing, and more subtle
imitation” (1115). The authors document that the laws of common law
countries (originating in English law) are more protective of outside in-
vestors than those of civil law countries (originating in Roman law) and
that this difference can explain a significant fraction of the variation in
financial development around the world. Their methods of coding inves-
New Directions
Chicago economists have also helped to broaden finance research be-
yond its traditional focus on large corporations. Entrepreneurial finance
and household finance are two important new research areas. The field
of entrepreneurial finance has grown along with the growth of private
equity as an asset class and its increased role in driving innovation. In an
early paper, Kaplan and Strömberg (2003) use the agency cost perspec-
tive to understand the allocation of cash flows and control rights in a
large cross section of venture capital contracts. They find a strong corre-
spondence between the predictions of agency theory and the structure of
real-world venture capital contracts.
Household finance is increasingly recognized as perhaps the key link
between finance and macroeconomics. Amit Seru and his coauthors have
shown how securitization has led to lax lending standards as well as diffi-
culty renegotiating bad loans (Keys et al. 2010; Piskorski, Seru, and Vig
2010). Atif Mian and Amir Sufi have established the close association be-
tween household debt and economic fluctuations using an array of data
sets including detailed zip code–level data in the United States and a
Alchian, Armen, and Harold Demsetz. 1972. “Production, Information Costs
and Economic Organization.” A.E.R. 62:777–95.
Baumol, William. 1959. Business Behavior, Value and Growth. New York: Macmillan.
Coase, Ronald. 1960. “The Problem of Social Cost.” J. Law and Econ. 3:1– 44.
Demsetz, Harold, and Kenneth Lehn. 1985. “The Structure of Corporate Own-
ership: Causes and Consequences.” J.P.E. 93:1155–77.
Fama, Eugene. 1980. “Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.” J.P.E. 88:
Fama, Eugene, and Michael Jensen. 1983. “Separation of Ownership and Con-
trol.” J. Law and Econ. 26:301–25.
Grossman, Sanford, and Oliver Hart. 1980. “Takeover Bids, the Free Rider Prob-
lem, and the Theory of the Corporation.” Bell J. Econ. 11:42–64.
———. 1986. “Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral
Integration.” J.P.E. 94:691–719.
Jensen, Michael. 1986. “Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance and
Takeovers.” A.E.R. 76:323–29.
Jensen, Michael, and William Meckling. 1976. “Theory of the Firm: Managerial
Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure.” J. Financial Econ. 3:305–60.
Jensen, Michael, and Kevin J. Murphy. 1990. “Performance Pay and Top Manage-
ment Incentives.” J.P.E. 98:225–64.
Kaplan, Steven. 1989. “The Effects of Management Buyouts on Operating Per-
formance and Value.” J. Financial Econ. 24:217–54.
Kaplan, Steven, and Per Strömberg. 2003. “Financial Contracting Theory Meets
the Real World: An Empirical Analysis of Venture Capital Contracts.” Rev.
Econ. Studies 70:281–315.
Keys, Benjamin, Tanmoy Mukherjee, Amit Seru, and Vikrant Vig. 2010. “Did Se-
curitization Lead to Lax Screening? Evidence from Subprime Loans.” Q.J.E.
La Porta, Rafael, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny.
1998. “Law and Finance.” J.P.E. 106:1113–55.
Manne, Henry. 1965. “Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control.” J.P.E.
Marris, Robin. 1964. The Economic Theory of “Managerial” Capitalism. Glencoe, IL:
Free Press.
Mian, Atif, and Amir Sufi. 2014. House of Debt: How They (and You) Caused the Great
Recession and How We Can Prevent It from Happening Again. Chicago: Univ. Chi-
cago Press.
Mian, Atif, Amir Sufi, and Emil Verner. 2017. “Household Debt and Business Cy-
cles Worldwide.” Q.J.E. Electronically published May 26.
Miller, Merton. 1977. “Debt and Taxes.” J. Finance 32:261–75.
Modigliani, Franco, and Merton Miller. 1958. “The Cost of Capital, Corporate Fi-
nance and the Theory of Investment.” A.E.R. 48:261–97.
———. 1963. “Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital: A Correction.”
A.E.R. 53:433 – 43.
Morck, Randall, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny. 1988. “Management Owner-
ship and Market Valuation: An Empirical Analysis.” J. Financial Econ. 20:293 –
Anil K. Kashyap
University of Chicago
Raghuram G. Rajan
University of Chicago
Views on the role played by banks in the economy have evolved greatly
over the last 125 years, as have arguments on the need, as well as the best
way, to regulate them. Some of the key insights in the debate have been
published in the Journal of Political Economy. In what follows, we will out-
line the main contributions to the debate in recent years, with an empha-
sis on work done at the University of Chicago or published in the JPE. We
These views are those of the authors only and are not necessarily shared by the Bank of
England or any other institutions with which we are affiliated.
Theoretical Overview
We define banks as financial institutions with a substantial fraction of il-
liquid assets financed with demandable liabilities payable at par. Bank-
ing theories typically have focused on one side of the bank’s balance sheet
as critical to its economic role and then argued why the other side of the
bank’s balance sheet has to take the form it does. In general, therefore,
theories tend to emphasize the criticality of both sides of the balance sheet.
Observing that bank-issued certificates of deposit pay market interest rates
and that banks must hold central bank–issued reserves against them that
pay a below-market rate, Fama (1985) argues that banks must provide
some valuable services in order to bear this implicit tax. What might these
services be? Let us start with various forms of liquidity provision.
Liquidity Provision
In environments in which the government does not issue sufficient pay-
ment media, banks could issue short-term demandable paper payable at
par to fill the gap. An argument against privately issued bank money is
that a bank will be tempted to overissue bank notes at par to unsuspect-
ing clients and then default. Such “wildcat banking,” critics argue, justi-
fies a role for government-provided fiat money. Gorton (1996) analyzes
the prices of private bank notes issued in the American Free Banking Era
(1838–63) and finds that the risk of failure was priced into the bank
note; for example, notes of new banks are discounted far more, and the dis-
count declines as banks make payments over time (as predicted by Dia-
mond [1989]; see later). Market discipline was a deterrent against over-
issue, though an open question is whether it sufficiently accounted for
the risks of default.
Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgenson (2012) show that even in mod-
ern times, the private sector supplies more short-term debt when govern-
The literature on runs has explored many other possibilities. In Bryant (1980) runs are
based on depositor information and occur when the bank will be insolvent for any level of
withdrawals. These information-based runs (in contrast to the liquidity or panic-based runs
in Diamond and Dybvig [1983]) are also studied in Jacklin and Bhattacharya (1988). Post-
lewaite and Vives (1987) consider runs based on noisy information about when a depositor
and other depositors will need their deposits. Diamond and Rajan (2005) and Goldstein
and Pauzner (2005) examine runs in which depositors consider both information about
solvency and its implications for bank losses due to illiquidity.
Banks as Monitors
We have already reviewed papers that emphasize the role of banks in
monitoring or managing assets to enhance liquidity provision. Other
work emphasizes how monitoring can alter the availability of funding to
Diamond (1984) argues that costly monitoring by banks can resolve
moral hazard or adverse selection problems at firms. But then who mon-
itors the monitor? Does this not simply push the problem one step back:
will investors in the bank not have to engage in costly monitoring to en-
sure the bank monitors? Diamond argues that when the bank is diversi-
fied across a large number of loans, bank asset values will be less sensitive
to the private information in each loan. If investors in the bank hold
debt claims, they will not need to have information about the bank’s
portfolio value to enforce those claims and, if the claims are sufficiently
safe, will not have to individually monitor the bank to see that it is doing
its job. Furthermore, the need to service the debt claims forces the bank
to monitor the loans and to repay the depositors. Banks are special be-
cause diversification reduces the importance of private information at-
tached to each loan the bank makes and makes the bank’s overall bal-
ance sheet more transparent. Banks in Diamond (1984) are thus the
original form of pooling (diversification) and tranching (issuing senior
claims to outside depositors and retaining junior claims inside the bank)
structures that have proliferated in securitization vehicles.
Subsequent work in the JPE contributes to the characterization of the
borrowers who would benefit most from monitoring and be most depen-
Financial Regulation
The evolution of financial regulation was dramatically overhauled dur-
ing the Great Depression. The chaos associated with runs and massive
number of bank closures and failures spurred a number of policy propos-
als to prevent that from occurring again. For example, Freidman and
Schwartz (1963) emphasized the critical role of the central bank in not al-
lowing sharp money supply contractions. Other regulations were aimed
more at the financial system itself, imposing constraints on different insti-
tutions or agents and their ability to set interest rates or capital structures.
Simons describes the plan briefly as an example of how to implement the ideas in his
classic 1936 JPE paper on rules vs. discretion.
Allen, Franklin, and Douglas Gale. 1994. “Limited Market Participation and Vol-
atility of Asset Prices.” A.E.R. 84 (4): 933–55.
———. 1997. “Intermediaries and Intertemporal Smoothing.” J.P.E. 105 (3):
———. 2000. “Financial Contagion.” J.P.E. 108 (1): 1–33.
Bolton, Patrick, and Xavier Freixas. 2000. “Equity, Bonds, and Bank Debt: Cap-
ital Structure and Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Informa-
tion.” J.P.E. 108 (2): 324–51.
Bryant, John. 1980. “A Model of Reserves, Bank Runs and Deposit Insurance.”
J. Banking and Finance 4 (4): 335–44.
Calomiris, Charles W., and Charles M. Kahn. 1991. “The Role of Demandable
Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements.” A.E.R. 81 (3): 497–513.
Carlson, Mark, Burcu Duygan-Bump, Fabio Natalucci, et al. 2016. “The Demand
for Short-Term, Safe Assets and Financial Stability: Some Evidence and Impli-
cations for Central Bank Policies.” Internat. J. Central Banking 12 (4): 307–33.
Monetary Economics
Fernando Alvarez
University of Chicago and National Bureau of Economic Research
In this paper I will review contributions to monetary economics, notwith-
standing Lucas’s essay on Chicago developments of monetary theory by
Friedman and Patinkin. I will discuss the most highly cited papers on mon-
etary economics published in the Journal of Political Economy, together with
related work not necessarily published in the JPE to place them in con-
text. I will organize the discussion of these contributions using Jevons’s
functions of money: store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of ac-
Store of Value
I interpret the function of store of value as best captured by the mone-
tary equilibrium of the overlapping generations model. The seminal pa-
per on this topic is the JPE piece by Samuelson (1958), a ground-breaking
contribution. This model, either on the version worked out by Samuel-
son or in subsequent ones, is useful to address several important issues,
Medium of Exchange
There is a long tradition of work on monetary economics to understand
the role of money as a medium of exchange. Earlier seminal contributions
are Baumol (1952) and Tobin (1956) on inventory theoretical models of
cash holdings. During the postwar period there were theoretical and em-
pirical advances on the study of money demand and quantitative theory
led by Friedman and students of his; see Lucas’s paper and the references
therein for details. Later on there were related dynamic versions such as,
for example, those in the work by Sidrauski (1967a, 1967b) with money
in the utility function. Even later, that is, post–rational expectations rev-
olutions, there are new analysis and conceptualizations, such as the cash-
credit model of Lucas and Stokey (1987). All these models give closely
related frameworks to properly define money demand and quantify its ef-
fects. A recent important development is the one in Kiyotaki and Wright
(1989) and follow-up work by Lagos and Wright (2005), both published
in the JPE. These models provide microfoundations for fiat or commod-
ity money as a medium of exchange, based on search and information fric-
tions. Their later versions build a bridge with traditional money demand
theory, as well as provide insights of transactions of other assets beyond
fiat or commodity money.
Barro, Robert J. 1978. “Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the
United States.” J.P.E. 86 (4): 549–80.
Baumol, William J. 1952. “The Transactions Demand for Cash: An Inventory
Theoretic Model.” Q. J.E. 66 (4): 545–56.
Bils, Mark, and Peter J. Klenow. 2004. “Some Evidence on the Importance of
Sticky Prices.” J.P.E. 112 (5): 947–85.
Blanchard, Olivier J. 1985. “Debt, Deficits, and Finite Horizons.” J.P.E. 93 (2):
Calvo, Guillermo A. 1983. “Staggered Prices in a Utility-Maximizing Framework.”
J. Monetary Econ. 12 (3): 383–98.
Chari, V. V., Patrick J. Kehoe, and Ellen R. McGrattan. 2000. “Sticky Price Mod-
els of the Business Cycle: Can the Contract Multiplier Solve the Persistence Prob-
lem?” Econometrica 68 (5): 1151–79.
Christiano, Lawrence J., Martin Eichenbaum, and Charles L. Evans. 2005. “Nom-
inal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy.” J.P.E.
113 (1): 1–45.
Smets and Wouters (2007) is an important complementary, and largely confirmatory,
study of a very closely related model using a different econometric methodology.
During the period between the two world wars the University of Chicago
produced an extraordinary group of monetary economists. For these
notes, I will concentrate on two of them: Milton Friedman and Don Pa-
tinkin. I knew them both well, and both were important to my own eco-
nomic growth. Both of them are remembered more for their books than
for their journal articles, but the Journal of Political Economy published
them both, including the interesting exchanges that I will discuss here.
Both Friedman and Patinkin did graduate work at Chicago, Friedman
in the 1930s and Patinkin in the 1940s. Patinkin got his Chicago PhD in
1947, working under Oscar Lange. Friedman got his degree from Co-
lumbia in 1940, supervised by Simon Kuznets. The two did not overlap
at Chicago, but both of them recalled classes on monetary economics
with Henry Simons and Lloyd Mints and, less directly, Jacob Viner and
Frank Knight.
In 1956 Friedman published Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money—a
Restatement, a book consisting of a long introduction by Friedman himself,
followed by the dissertations of four of his students: Phillip Cagan, John
Klein, Eugene Lerner, and Richard Selden. These four dissertations—the
first fruit of the Chicago Money and Banking Workshop—are stunning ex-
amples of economics at its best. I will come back to them, but first I want to
review Friedman’s introduction, which was focused almost entirely on clar-
ifying and reviving a version of the quantity theory of money.
Friedman began with the concern that it “is clear that the general ap-
proach (the quantity theory) fell into disrepute after the crash of 1929
and the subsequent Great Depression and only recently has been slowly
re-emerging into professional respectability” (3). One source of this dis-
repute was “the proponents of the new income-expenditure approach” who
described versions of the quantity theory that were “an atrophied and rigid
charicature.” Friedman argued that Chicago economists—mainly Simons,
Mints, and Knight—had formulated a more sophisticated and useful ver-
This was his first attack on the economics of Keynes. Later attacks came
in his 1970 JPE paper “A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis”
This Chicago version of the quantity theory has been discussed in much more detail by
many authors. See in particular Laidler (2010), Nelson (2017), and Tavlas (2017).
I thank William Barnett and Stephen Williamson for information on the role of the
St. Louis Fed. It is a fascinating story just touched on here.
Brunner, Karl, and Allan H. Meltzer. 1972. “Friedman’s Monetary Theory.” J.P.E.
80 (September/October): 837– 51.
Davidson, Paul. 1972. “A Keynesian View of Friedman’s Theoretical Framework
for Monetary Analysis.” J.P.E. 80 (September/October): 864 –82.
Friedman, Milton, ed. 1956. Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money—a Restatement.
Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
———. 1970. “A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis.” J.P.E. 78 (March/
April): 193 –238.
———. 1971. “A Monetary Theory of Nominal Income.” J.P.E. 79 (March/April):
———. 1972. “Comments on the Critics.” J.P.E. 80 (September/October): 906–50.
Laidler, David. 2010. “Chicago Monetary Traditions.” In The Elgar Companion to
the Chicago School of Economics, edited by Ross B. Emmett. Northampton, MA:
Lerner, Eugene. 1954. “The Monetary and Fiscal Programs of the Confederate
Government.” J.P.E. 62 (December): 506–22
Nelson, Edward. 2017. “Milton Friedman and Economic Debate in the United
States.” Manuscript, Board Governors, Fed. Reserve System.
Patinkin, Don. 1972. “Friedman on the Quantity Theory and Keynesian Econom-
ics.” J.P.E. 80 (September/October): 883 – 905.
Tavlas, George S. 2017. “The Group: The Making of the Chicago Monetary Tra-
dition, 1927–36.” Manuscript, Bank of Greece.
Tobin, James. 1972. “Friedman’s Theoretical Framework.” J.P.E. 80 (September/
October): 852– 63.
Labor Markets
Robert Shimer
University of Chicago
The Journal of Political Economy has been a crucial outlet for pathbreaking
articles on the determination of employment, wages, and inflation. The
JPE published what was arguably the key paper forecasting the demise of
Other important JPE papers have followed up on other implications of Becker’s and
Gronau’s work. For example, Aguiar and Hurst (2005) showed that time allocation and
home production, rather than myopia, are important for understanding the drop in ex-
penditures on consumption goods at retirement.
Aguiar, Mark, and Erik Hurst. 2005. “Consumption versus Expenditure.” J.P.E.
113 (5): 919–48.
Altonji, Joseph G. 1986. “Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Supply: Evidence
from Micro Data.” J.P.E. 94, no. 3, pt. 2 ( June): S176–S215.
Azariadis, Costas. 1975. “Implicit Contracts and Underemployment Equilibria.”
J.P.E. 83 (6): 1183–1202.
Becker, Gary S. 1965. “A Theory of the Allocation of Time.” Econ. J. 75 (299):
Benhabib, Jess, Richard Rogerson, and Randall Wright. 1991. “Homework in Mac-
roeconomics: Household and Aggregate Fluctuations.” J.P.E. 99 (6): 1166–87.
Brown, Charles, and James Medoff. 1989. “The Employer Size–Wage Effect.”
J.P.E. 97 (5): 1027–59.
Diamond, Peter A. 1982. “Aggregate Demand Management in Search Equilib-
rium.” J.P.E. 90 (5): 881–94.
Friedman, Milton. 1968. “The Role of Monetary Policy.” A.E.R. 58 (1): 1–17.
———. 1977. “Nobel Lecture: Inflation and Unemployment.” J.P.E. 85 (3): 451–
Gronau, Reuben. 1977. “Leisure, Home Production, and Work—the Theory of
the Allocation of Time Revisited.” J.P.E. 85 (6): 1099–1123.
Jovanovic, Boyan. 1979. “Job Matching and the Theory of Turnover.” J.P.E. 87,
no. 5, pt. 1 (October): 972–90.
Kydland, Finn E., and Edward C. Prescott. 1982. “Time to Build and Aggregate
Fluctuations.” Econometrica 50 (6): 1345–70.
Lazear, Edward P. 1979. “Why Is There Mandatory Retirement?” J.P.E. 87 (6):
———. 1989. “Pay Equality and Industrial Politics.” J.P.E. 97 (3): 561–80.
For a comprehensive history of Chicago labor economics, see Kaufman (2010).
This paper provoked numerous responses. See, e.g., Machlup (1947) and Friedman
Friedman made basic contributions to labor economics. Friedman and Kuznets (1945)
pioneered the study of panel data income dynamics and introduced the notion of firm-specific
human capital. Friedman (1951) studied the impact of unionism. Prior to the 1950s, Chi-
cago economist Paul Douglas studied production functions, labor supply, and unionism.
Frank Knight and Henry Simons wrote polemical essays on monopoly unionism.
He later expanded on this essay in his well-known essay “The Methodology of Positive
Economics” (Friedman 1953).
Douglas (1934) and Schoenberg and Douglas (1937) were pioneering empirical papers
on relations of wages (or earnings) to measures of labor supply. See Pencavel (1986) for a
survey of labor supply.
His neglected and densely written book defined and estimated economically grounded
counterfactual union “effects” for a variety of market scenarios, including partial and general
equilibrium. Lewis’s (1963) framework is far richer than just the framework he used to mea-
sure union gaps that he estimated in his later work (Lewis 1986).
See Heckman (2015) for a discussion of the evolution of Becker’s thought.
Mincer (1962, 1963) played a seminal role in this activity.
See Hamermesh (1993) for a survey.
See Lewis (1969), Welch (1969), and Rosen (1974) for early work.
Becker, Gary S. 1962. “Irrational Behavior and Economic Theory.” J.P.E. 70:1–13.
———. 1964. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Ref-
erence to Education. New York: NBER.
———. 1991. A Treatise on the Family. Enl. ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ.
Becker, Gary S., and H. Gregg Lewis. 1973. “On the Interaction between the
Quantity and Quality of Children.” J.P.E. 81, no. 2, pt. 2 (April): S279–S288.
Becker, Gary S., and Nigel Tomes. 1979. “An Equilibrium Theory of the Distribu-
tion of Income and Intergenerational Mobility.” J.P.E. 87 (6): 1153–89.
———. 1986. “Human Capital and the Rise and Fall of Families.” J. Labor Econ. 4,
no. 3, pt. 2:S1–S39.
Chiappori, Pierre-André. 2017. Matching with Transfers: The Economics of Love and
Marriage. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
Douglas, Paul H. 1934. Theory of Wages. New York: Macmillan.
Friedman, Milton. 1950. “Wesley C. Mitchell as an Economic Theorist.” J.P.E. 58
(6): 465–93.
———. 1951. “Some Comments on the Significance of Labor Unions for Eco-
nomic Policy.” In The Impact of the Union: Eight Economic Theorists Evaluate the
Labor Union, edited by David McCord Wright, 204 –34. New York: Kelley &
———. 1953. “The Methodology of Positive Economics.” In Essays in Positive Eco-
nomics, edited by Milton Friedman. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
Friedman, Milton, and Simon Smith Kuznets. 1945. Income from Independent Pro-
fessional Practice. New York: NBER.
Hamermesh, Daniel S. 1993. Labor Demand. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
Heckman, James J. 2015. “Introduction to a Theory of the Allocation of Time by
Gary Becker.” Econ. J. 125 (583): 403–9.
Kaufman, Bruce. 2010. “Chicago and the Development of Twentieth Century
Labor Economics.” In The Elgar Companion to the Chicago School of Economics, ed-
ited by Ross B. Emmett, 128–51. Northampton, MA: Elgar.
Azeem M. Shaikh
University of Chicago
While the title echoes Leamer’s (1983) “taking the con out of econometrics,” the expres-
sion “keeping the econ” was previously used by Ehrlich and Liu (1999) in a paper that ap-
peared in the Journal of Law and Economics, also published at the University of Chicago.
To add to the irony of that note, Eldridge (2014) points out that Siegfried’s formula is
wrong because of a matrix algebra mistake.
For example, the JPE is mentioned only in passing in Christ’s (1994) historical account
of the Cowles Commission between 1939 and 1955, during which it was hosted at the Uni-
versity of Chicago.
The reader may wonder about the unusual ordering of the authors’ names. The initial
footnote informs us that it was “selected by a random device.”
In this brief and partial review of microeconometrics in the JPE, we have
highlighted the journal’s focus on econometric frameworks that propose
novel ways of taking fundamental economic theories to the data. Influen-
tial examples that we have not discussed include hedonic models (Rosen
1974; Ekeland, Heckman, and Nesheim 2004) and collective models (Chiap-
pori 1992; Browning et al. 1994). In addition to this focus on the interplay
between economic models and empirical analysis, we note that the JPE has
also published several key contributions to traditional areas of economet-
Adda, J., C. Dustmann, and K. Stevens. 2017. “The Career Costs of Children.”
J.P.E. 125 (2): 293–337.
Altonji, J. G., T. E. Elder, and C. R. Taber. 2005. “Selection on Observed and Un-
observed Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools.” J.P.E. 113
(1): 151–84.
Becker, G. S. 1973. “A Theory of Marriage: Part I.” J.P.E. 81 (4): 813–46.
———. 1974. “A Theory of Marriage: Part II.” J.P.E. 82, no. 2, pt. 2 (April): S11–
Browning, M., F. Bourguignon, P.-A. Chiappori, and V. Lechene. 1994. “Income
and Outcomes: A Structural Model of Intrahousehold Allocation.” J.P.E. 102
(6): 1067–96.
Cameron, S. V., and J. J. Heckman. 1998. “Life Cycle Schooling and Dynamic Se-
lection Bias: Models and Evidence for Five Cohorts of American Males.” J.P.E.
106 (2): 262–333.
———. 2001. “The Dynamics of Educational Attainment for Black, Hispanic,
and White Males.” J.P.E. 109 (3): 455–99.
Chiappori, P.-A. 1992. “Collective Labor Supply and Welfare.” J.P.E. 100 (3): 437–
Chiappori, P.-A., M. Costa Dias, and C. Meghir. Forthcoming. “The Marriage
Market, Labor Supply, and Education Choice.” J.P.E.
Chiappori, P.-A., and S. Oreffice. 2008. “Birth Control and Female Empower-
ment: An Equilibrium Analysis.” J.P.E. 116 (1): 113–39.
Chiappori, P.-A., S. Oreffice, and C. Quintana-Domeque. 2012. “Fatter Attrac-
tion: Anthropometric and Socioeconomic Characteristics in the Marriage
Market.” J.P.E. 120:659–95.
Choo, E., and A. Siow. 2006. “Who Marries Whom and Why.” J.P.E. 114 (1): 175–201.
Christ, C. F. 1994. “The Cowles Commission’s Contributions to Econometrics at
Chicago, 1939–1955.” J. Econ. Literature 32 (1): 30–59.
Dupuy, A., and A. Galichon. 2014. “Personality Traits and the Marriage Market.”
J.P.E. 122:1271–1319.
Ehrlich, I., and Z. Liu. 1999. “Sensitivity Analyses of the Deterrence Hypothesis:
Let’s Keep the Econ in Econometrics.” J. Law and Econ. 42 (S1): 455–88.
Ekeland, I., J. J. Heckman, and L. Nesheim. 2004. “Identification and Estimation
of Hedonic Models.” J.P.E. 112 (S1): S60–S109.
Eldridge, D. S. 2014. “A Comment on Siegfried’s First Lesson in Econometrics.”
Econ. Inquiry 52 (1): 503–4.
Erickson, T., and T. M. Whited. 2000. “Measurement Error and the Relationship
between Investment and q.” J.P.E. 108 (5): 1027–57.
Fox, J. T., C. Yang, and D. H. Hsu. Forthcoming. “Unobserved Heterogeneity in
Matching Games.” J.P.E.
The Journal of Political Economy has published a number of seminal papers
on individual investments in human capital and how these investments
vary with ability, preferences, age, and other individual characteristics.1
I thank Stephane Bonhomme, Ronni Pavan, Canice Prendergast, and Christopher Taber
for useful comments.
Examples include Mincer (1958), Becker (1962), Ben-Porath (1967), Heckman (1976),
and Rosen (1976).
Models of life cycle investment in general human capital are powerful
tools for explaining how the average earnings of particular types of work-
ers evolve, rather smoothly, over the life cycle. However, individual wage
and earnings histories are quite jagged. They often contain large increases
or decreases, and these changes are usually coincident with promotions,
changes of employer, or career changes.
Thus, researchers cannot explain individual wage histories without
formulating models that treat both individual wage growth and individ-
ual mobility decisions as endogenous life cycle outcomes. Even in a set-
ting in which demands for various types of workers are stationary, a worker
must discover what type she is and what forms of employment allow her
type to be most productive. In addition, a worker must constantly weigh
the returns from investing in her current match against the possible gains
from searching for better.
These search and investment activities often create ex post rents, that
is, wedges between current productivity and outside options, but the im-
Keane and Wolpin (1997) structurally estimate a dynamic model that allows young
men to choose dynamically working in either the blue-collar or white-collar sector. This
model includes sector-specific skill growth and shocks to individual skill stocks, but firms
play no role. All firms pay the same prices for both skills.
Pavan (2010) defines careers using industry and occupation codes. Neal (1995) and
Poletaev and Robinson (2008) produce similar results using data on wage changes among
displaced workers.
Acemoglu, Daron, and Jörn-Steffen Pischke. 1999. “The Structure of Wages and
Investment in General Training.” J.P.E. 107 (3): 539 –72.
Altonji, Joseph G., and Robert A. Shakotko. 1987. “Do Wages Rise with Job Se-
niority?” Rev. Econ. Studies 54 (3): 437–59.
Becker, Gary S. 1962. “Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis.”
J.P.E. 70, no. 5, pt. 2 (October): 9 –49.
Ben-Porath, Yoram. 1967. “The Production of Human Capital and the Life Cycle
of Earnings.” J.P.E. 75 (4): 352–65.
Farber, Henry S. 1994. “The Analysis of Interfirm Worker Mobility.” J. Labor Econ.
12 (4): 554 – 93.
Gathmann, Christina, and Uta Schoenberg. 2010. “How General Is Human Cap-
ital? A Task-Based Approach.” J. Labor Econ. 28 (1): 1– 49.
Gibbons, Robert, Lawrence F. Katz, Thomas Lemieux, and Daniel Parent. 2005.
“Comparative Advantage, Learning, and Sectoral Wage Determination.” J. La-
bor Econ. 23 (4): 681–724.
Gibbons, Robert, and Michael Waldman. 1999. “A Theory of Wage and Promo-
tion Dynamics Inside Firms.” Q. J.E. 114 (4): 1321– 58.
Heckman, James. 1976. “A Life-Cycle Model of Earnings, Learning, and Con-
sumption.” J.P.E. 84, no. 4, pt. 2 (August): S11– S44.
Jovanovic, Boyan. 1979a. “Job Matching and the Theory of Turnover.” J.P.E. 87
(5): 972– 90.
———. 1979b. “Firm-Specific Capital and Turnover.” J.P.E. 87 (6): 1246 – 60.
Kambourov, Gueorgui, and Iourii Manovskii. 2009. “Occupational Specificity of
Human Capital.” Internat. Econ. Rev. 50 (1): 63 –115.
Keane, Michael, and Kenneth Wolpin. 1997. “The Career Decisions of Young
Men.” J.P.E. 105 (4): 473–522.
However, these ex post rents may create inefficiency. See Sanders and Taber (2012).
In two closely related papers, Becker and Tomes (1979, 1986) develop a
model of the transmission of earnings, assets, and consumption from par-
ents to children. The model is based on utility maximization of parents
concerned about the income or welfare of their children, in contrast to
Thanks to Jorge Luis García, Jim Heckman, John Eric Humphries, Jack Mountjoy, and
Alessandra Voena for helpful comments and suggestions.
Goldberger (1989) famously critiqued the Becker-Tomes model for having little added
value relative to statistical, “nonoptimizing” models of intergenerational transmission. Becker
(1989) replies to the criticism, while Mulligan (1999) and Solon (2004) clarify and discuss the
predictions of the Becker-Tomes model.
An early example is Behrman, Pollak, and Taubman (1982). While contemporaneous
work on intergenerational mobility appealed to stylized facts in an attempt to rationalize or
test the theories, Behrman et al. estimate a general preference model for analyzing paren-
tal allocations of resources among their children.
For a recent review of the literature, see Heckman and Mosso (2014).
Xt11 ≥ 0, (3)
where wt11 is the return to human capital in period t 1 1, f() is the hu-
man capital production function, r is the return on financial assets, and
Ut11 is the idiosyncratic component of children’s income (market luck).
There are two distinct versions of the Becker-Tomes model. In both ver-
sions, the parent can affect the consumption allocation of the family by
investing in children’s human capital and by leaving bequests. A key dif-
ference between the models is the possibility that credit constraints may
influence parental investment decisions and thereby alter the nature of
intergenerational mobility as compared to a situation without credit con-
In the 1979 version of the model, the constraint (3) is not imposed, and
intergenerational mobility is driven by persistence in ability and the vari-
ance of labor market shocks. Because this version of the model places
no restrictions on the ability of parents to borrow against the earnings po-
tential of their children, there is no role for parental income (or the mag-
nitude of parental altruism) in determining the optimal level of invest-
ment. No matter their income, parents can borrow freely in the market
to finance the optimal investment level. All parents will therefore choose
to invest the privately efficient amount in children’s human capital so that
the marginal return is driven down to the opportunity cost of investments,
which is the forgone interest on financial investments. As a consequence,
equally able children will receive equal investments independent of their
parent’s income or human capital, and parental influence on intergener-
ational mobility is limited to the heritability of ability. This does not, how-
ever, mean that all children receive the same level of investments. In the
Becker-Tomes model, the specification of f() assumes that the marginal
return from investment in a child’s human capital is positively related to
the endowment he inherits. This assumption implies that children with
greater endowments will receive larger investments, contributing to earn-
ings inequality across families within a generation.
In the 1986 version of the model, the constraint (3) is invoked, restrict-
ing parents from borrowing against the earnings potential of their chil-
dren. This constraint captures the idea that children cannot credibly
commit to repay the loans parents would take on their behalf. If a parent
is credit constrained, the child acquires less human capital, and so the re-
Multiple Periods
Given the assumption that investments at any stage of childhood are
equally effective, Becker and Tomes can model parental choices of in-
vestment in children through a simple lifetime budget. Therefore, what
matters for parental investments is the lifetime or permanent income,
and not the timing of receipt (or uncertainty) of income over the life cy-
cle. In models with multiple periods of childhood and adulthood, how-
Multiple Skills
An active body of research measures various types of traits or skills and ex-
amines how well they predict or explain various socioeconomic outcomes
(see Borghans et al. [2008] and the references therein). Recently, impor-
tant progress has been made in accounting for measurement error and in
trying to establish causal rather than merely predictive effects. The evi-
dence points to the importance of including sufficiently broad and nu-
anced measures of skills in studies of intergenerational mobility. Both cog-
nitive and noncognitive skills predict adult outcomes, but they have
different relative importance in explaining different outcomes. For exam-
ple, schooling seems to depend more strongly on cognitive skills, whereas
earnings are equally predicted by noncognitive abilities. Importantly for
models of intergenerational mobility, both cognitive and noncognitive
skills can be affected by parental investment (Cunha and Heckman
2007). However, sensitive periods in which investments have particularly
high returns appear to come earlier for cognitive as compared to noncog-
nitive skills.
Concluding Remarks
The human capital approach considers how the productivity of people
in market and nonmarket situations is changed by investments in educa-
tion, skills, and knowledge. The approach was pioneered by scholars as-
sociated with the University of Chicago in the late 1950s and early 1960s,
and many of the seminal contributions were published in the JPE. In
1962, for example, the JPE published a special issue on human capital
with several landmark papers. Nearly two decades later, Becker and
Tomes (1979, 1986) developed the human capital approach into a gen-
eral theory for income inequality, both across families within a genera-
tion and between different generations of the same family. Much of
the progress since, however, has focused on improving measurements,
uncovering new facts, or identifying causal impacts of various determi-
nants of mobility. With some notable exceptions, the JPE and the Univer-
sity of Chicago played a smaller role in this endeavor, possibly because of
preferences for empirical work with tighter links to theory. Recently,
however, important progress has been made by combining theory and
empirics. In particular, Heckman and coauthors have adjusted the theo-
ries of intergenerational mobility in light of new evidence and then taken
those theories to new data sets, getting us closer to fulfilling the goal of
Becker and Tomes (1986, 3) of an “analysis that is adequate to cope with
the many aspects of the rise and fall of families.”
Becker, Gary S. 1989. “On the Economics of the Family: Reply to a Skeptic.”
A.E.R. 79 ( June): 514 –18.
Becker, Gary S., and Nigel Tomes. 1979. “An Equilibrium Theory of the Distribu-
tion of Income and Intergenerational Mobility.” J.P.E. 87 (December): 1153 –
———. 1986. “Human Capital and the Rise and Fall of Families.” J. Labor Econ.
4 ( July): 1–39.
Behrman, Jere R., Robert A. Pollak, and Paul Taubman. 1982. “Parental Prefer-
ences and Provision for Progeny.” J.P.E. 90 (February): 52–73.
Only a small fraction of my own work can be categorized as health eco-
nomics (HE), so the reader might consider my views on the field as those
of a modestly informed outsider who participates on occasion. My taxon-
An unscientific review of PhD reading lists in health economics indicates that other
general-interest journals also publish more HE papers, broadly defined. This suggests that
the JPE ’s human capital “slant” is greater than simple shares would suggest.
Back in graduate school one of my professors explained that there are only two fields
in economics: labor and industrial organization. My taxonomy might be an application of
his more general principle.
She cites Schultz (1961), but JPE papers by Schultz (1960) and Mincer (1958) are
equally relevant.
“A lengthening of life expectancy through improved health reduces the rate of depre-
ciation of investment in education and increases the return to it. . . . Improved education,
on the other hand, increases the return on a lifesaving investment in health. . . . Educational
levels determine to a large extent the seeking out of health services and the selection of ap-
propriate kinds of services” (131).
The literature is reviewed by Viscusi and Aldy (2003).
See, e.g., Ben-Porath (1976), Cropper (1977), Rosenzweig and Schultz (1983), Wolfe
(1985), Ehrlich and Chuma (1990), Ehrlich and Lui (1991), Kenkel (1991), Sah (1991),
Philipson and Becker (1998), and Acemoglu and Johnson (2007).
See Murphy and Topel (2006) for details.
Cutler and Kadiyala (2003) and Cutler, Rosen, and Vijan (2006) provide overviews of
later literature. Chandra and Staiger (2007) study productivity in the treatment of heart at-
tacks, explaining geographic differences in the use of intensive medical care.
Even here, the attribution of costs and benefits to a particular research program is
problematic. Weisbrod points out that Watson and Crick’s work on DNA was partially sup-
ported by grants to study polio, so spillovers are important. And who knows what other
grants polio researchers received.
Health and social insurance were not his only topics. His JPE contributions also cov-
ered unemployment (1917) and even retail coupons and discounting (1905).
Much of the health insurance literature seems to ebb and flow with public policy in-
terests in creating national health insurance, perhaps driven by the supply of research
funds. Several papers in the 1970s came out of the RAND health insurance project; see
Mitchell and Phelps (1976).
Acemoglu, Daron, and Simon Johnson. 2007. “Disease and Development: The
Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth.” J.P.E. 115 (6): 925–85.
Arrow, Kenneth. 1963. “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical
Care.” A.E.R . 53 (5): 941–73.
Becker, Gary S. 1964. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Spe-
cial Reference to Education. New York: NBER.
———. 2007. “Health as Human Capital: Synthesis and Extensions.” Oxford Econ.
Papers 59:379–410.
Becker, Gary S., Tomas J. Philipson, and Rodrigo R. Soares. 2005. “The Quan-
tity and Quality of Life and the Evolution of World Inequality.” A.E.R . 95:
Agency Issues
Canice Prendergast
University of Chicago
Modern agency theory begins with Mirrlees (1976) and Holmstrom (1979)
with a general prescription for how compensation can be used to alleviate
agency issues. It proposes that an agent’s pay should vary whenever there
is information about her effort and that all information on performance
should be used. Furthermore, the ability to resolve agency problems is
limited only by risk-sharing considerations associated with random varia-
tion in performance measures. With some parametric restrictions, this also
has the implication that greater randomness (uncertainty) reduces the in-
tensity between pay and performance measures.
This work has been appropriately feted as the root from which modern
agency theory derives. It does, however, suffer from one important prob-
lem: most people do not get paid this way. Instead, the current pay of
most workers is insensitive to pretty much anything, relevant information
is consciously not used, and the relationship between uncertainty and the
Information Economics
Emir Kamenica
University of Chicago
I. Information Acquisition
One early strand of the literature developed search models in which individ-
uals incur costs to acquire information for private use. Stigler’s (1961)
model, in which agents decide ex ante on the number of alternatives to
sample, was replaced by a sequential search formulation (McCall 1970).
This formulation provided sharp and lasting intuitions about individual
motives for acquiring additional information given the distribution of op-
tions but was not well suited to explain how such distributions arise in the
first place (Diamond 1971). This line of research eventually grew into the
matching-and-bargaining and directed-search models that are now widely
used in labor macroeconomics but have little direct contact with the rest
of information economics.
In other parts of macroeconomics, agents’ information is now often en-
dogenized through rational inattention models (Sims 2003) that postulate
that the cost of information acquisition is proportional to the reduction
in Shannon entropy.2 While the rational inattention approach may seem
Of course, one can almost always push intellectual origins of any field further into the
past. Hayek (1945) is an important early reference in information economics. It is likely
responsible for the 1-year blip in use of the phrases in 1946 visible in fig. 1.
Matejka and McKay (2015) show that rational inattention can also be used to provide a
microfoundation for the multinomial logit model of choice often used in empirical indus-
trial organization.
F IG . 1.—Information economics over time. Data from Google Books Ngram Viewer (Michel et
al. 2011). The y -axis depicts the share of “information economics” among all 2-grams plus
the share of “economics of information” among all 3-grams divided by the share of “eco-
nomics” among all 1-grams (all phrases case insensitive) in books published that year.
The dots indicate raw data by year while the solid line depicts a 5-year moving average.
Smith and Sorensen (2000) and Eyster and Rabin (2014) discuss some generalizations
and limitations of this result.
III. Communication
The fact that asymmetric information can have stark consequences—and
is often detrimental to social welfare—poses the question of whether eco-
nomic agents will share their private information so as to eliminate the
informational asymmetry. The 1980s saw the development of two widely
used frameworks for studying information exchange. Crawford and Sobel
As an aside, one might argue that all technology is a form of information, but information-
theoretic concepts have so far not been widely applied to the study of technological change.
One important exception is Vickrey’s (1961) analysis of auctions.
It is possible to construct a cheap talk game with an equilibrium that gives the sender a
lower payoff than he would get under no communication, but such examples tend to be
somewhat contrived.
This result requires that the receiver is certain of what information the sender has (Dye
Akerlof, George. 1970. “The Market for ‘Lemons’: Quality Uncertainty and the
Market Mechanism.” Q. J.E. 84 (3): 488–500.
Banerjee, Abhijit. 1992. “A Simple Model of Herd Behavior.” Q. J.E. 107 (3): 797–
Bergemann, Dirk, and Stephen Morris. 2013. “Robust Predictions in Games with
Incomplete Information.” Econometrica 81 (4): 1251–1308.
———. 2016. “Information Design, Bayesian Persuasion, and Bayes Correlated
Equilibrium.” A.E.R. Papers and Proc. 106 (5): 586–91.
Bernheim, B. Douglas. 1994. “A Theory of Conformity.” J.P.E. 102 (5): 841–77.
Bikhchandani, Sushil, David Hirshleifer, and Ivo Welch. 1992. “A Theory of Fads,
Fashion, Custom, and Cultural Change as Informational Cascades.” J.P.E. 100
(5): 992–1026.
Blume, Andreas, Oliver Board, and Kohei Kawamura. 2007. “Noisy Talk.” Theoret-
ical Econ. 2 (4): 395– 440.
Cover, Thomas, and Joy Thomas. 2006. Elements of Information. 2nd ed. Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley.
Crawford, Vincent, and Joel Sobel. 1982. “Strategic Information Transmission.”
Econometrica 50 (6): 1431–51.
Diamond, Peter. 1971. “A Model of Price Adjustment.” J. Econ. Theory 3 (2): 156–
Dye, Ronald. 1985. “Disclosure of Nonproprietary Information.” J. Accounting
Res. 23 (1): 123–45.
Ely, Jeffrey, Alexander Frankel, and Emir Kamenica. 2015. “Suspense and Sur-
prise.” J.P.E. 123 (1): 215–60.
Eyster, Erik, and Matthew Rabin. 2014. “Extensive Imitation Is Irrational and
Harmful.” Q. J.E. 129 (4): 1861–98.
Grossman, Sanford. 1981. “The Informational Role of Warranties and Private
Disclosure about Product Quality.” J. Law and Econ. 24 (3): 461–83.
Contributions to information design published in the J PE include Rayo and Segal
(2010), Kremer, Mansour, and Perry (2014), and Ely, Frankel, and Kamenica (2015).
I thank Lucas Davis for sage advice and criticisms and Michael Galperin for outstanding
research assistance.
u 5 u ðX , CÞ: (2)
The budget constraint is expressed as I 2 P 2 X 5 0, where I is income.
Maximization of (2) with respect to the budget constraint reveals that in-
dividuals choose levels of each of the characteristics to satisfy ð∂U =∂cj Þ=
ð∂U =∂xÞ 5 ∂P =∂cj . Thus, the marginal willingness to pay for cj (e.g., air
quality) must equal the marginal cost of an extra unit of cj in the market.
It is convenient to substitute the budget constraint into (2), which
gives u 5 uðI 2 P , c1 , c2 ,:::, cn Þ. Inverting this equation and holding all
characteristics but j constant results in an expression for willingness to
pay for cj :
Bj 5 Bj ðI 2 P , cj ; C*2j , u * Þ: (3)
Here, u* is the highest level of utility attainable given the budget con-
straint and C*2j is the vector of the optimal quantities of other character-
F IG . 1.—Bid curves, offer curves, and the equilibrium HPS in a hedonic market for air
An analogous procedure delivers suppliers’ offer functions.
(panel A) and 1980 (panel B) and by first-differencing the 1970 and 1980
data (panel C) to remove the influence of time-invariant unobservables.
Across columns 1–4, an increasing number of covariates are used to adjust
the effect of TSPs on housing values.
The instability of the estimates across specifications and within a spec-
ification across panels is striking and suggests that the conventional ap-
proach to estimating the HPS is prone to misspecification. The column 2
results illustrate this point powerfully, because they use a specification typ-
ical of the three decades of research following the publication of Rosen’s
paper. With this specification, the 1970 data suggest that a one-unit de-
cline in TSPs is associated with a 0.06 percent increase in housing values,
the 1980 data suggest that it is associated with a 0.10 percent decrease, and
This paper’s contribution goes beyond credible estimation of the HPS. It provides
great insight into the relationship between estimates of willingness to pay from hedonic
price regressions vs. those from random utility model discrete choice approaches to de-
mand estimation.
III. Conclusions
Sherwin Rosen’s hedonic method is a great achievement of economic
theory. Taking as its starting point an observable relationship that by it-
self does not shed any light on the economic behavior underlying it, the
paper outlines a model of buyer and seller optimizing behavior to ex-
plain the process that generates what is observed in the data. In outlin-
ing this framework, Rosen fundamentally altered how we understand the
On the applied side, the application of quasi-experimental techniques
to the estimation of the HPS has reinstated the hedonic method as a work-
horse in environmental, labor, public, urban, and other parts of econom-
ics. Although consistent estimation of the HPS cannot be used for counter-
factual policy analysis of nonmarginal changes, the decades of empirical
research that have been guided by Rosen’s paper demonstrate that there
are many marginal changes worth analyzing, and the last 10–15 years illus-
trate that it is possible to produce credible evidence on their welfare con-
With respect to nonmarginal changes, the picture is not quite as bright
when it comes to using the Rosen method. However, there are already
some promising approaches that merit greater investigation, application,
and exploration. If history is any guide, the coming years will see the
development of new methods that build on Rosen’s method to recover
bid functions as the questions that can be answered remain vital and
Although consistent estimation of the HPS does not recover the un-
derlying bid functions, it can be used to estimate the welfare impacts of
nonmarginal changes of past changes in amenities. Specifically, Green-
stone and Gallagher (2008) demonstrate that knowledge of the HPS can
be used to infer the historical welfare consequences of a nonmarginal
Heckman, Matzkin, and Nesheim (2005, 2010) examine identification and estimation
of nonadditive hedonic models and the performance of estimation techniques for additive
and nonadditive models.
Bajari, P., and C. Benkard. 2005. “Demand Estimation with Heterogeneous Con-
sumers and Unobserved Product Characteristics: A Hedonic Approach.” J.P.E.
113 (6): 1239–76.
Bartik, Alexander W., Janet Currie, Michael Greenstone, and Christopher R.
Knittel. 2018. “The Local Economic and Welfare Consequences of Hydrau-
lic Fracturing.” Manuscript, Soc. Sci. Res. Network.
Bartik, T. J. 1987. “The Estimation of Demand Parameters in Hedonic Price Mod-
els.” J.P.E. 95 (1): 81–88.
Bayer, P., F. Ferreira, and R. McMillan. 2007. “A Unified Framework for Measur-
ing Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods.” J.P.E. 115 (4): 588–638.
Black, D. A., and T. J. Kniesner. 2003. “On the Measurement of Job Risk in He-
donic Wage Models.” J. Risk and Uncertainty 27 (3): 205–20.
Black, S. E. 1999. “Do Better Schools Matter? Parental Valuation of Elementary
Education.” Q. J.E. 114 (2): 577– 99.
Brown, C. 1980. “Equalizing Differences in the Labor Market.” Q. J.E. 94 (1):
113 –34.
Brown, J. N., and H. S. Rosen. 1982. “On the Estimation of Structural Hedonic
Price Models.” Econometrica 50 (3): 765–68.
Chay, K., and M. Greenstone. 2005. “Does Air Quality Matter? Evidence from the
Housing Market.” J.P.E. 113 (2): 376 – 424.
Currie, J., L. Davis, M. Greenstone, and R. Walker. 2015. “Environmental Health
Risks and Housing Values: Evidence from 1,600 Toxic Plant Openings and
Closings.” A.E.R. 105 (2): 678 –709.
This is a key population in their own right. Further, the welfare impacts on them are
equal to the social welfare impacts with the admittedly strong assumption of zero moving
costs, as well as no change in the overall price level. See Roback (1982) and more recent
papers (e.g., Moretti 2011; Bartik et al. 2018) that consider the cases of nonzero moving
costs and elastic housing supply.
Assignment Problems
Philip J. Reny
University of Chicago
I. Introduction
An assignment problem is one in which a number of goods, each in some
fixed quantity, must be assigned to a number of individuals. The class of
assignment problems that will concern us here are those in which no mon-
etary transfers are possible.1 Assigning committee positions to members of
Congress or dormitories to students are but two of many such examples.
When the individuals’ tastes are known, it is not difficult in principle
to achieve an assignment of goods to individuals that is Pareto efficient.
But this becomes considerably more difficult when preferences are pri-
vate information because one must then ensure that no individual has
any incentive to misreport his or her preferences.
In a seminal J PE paper, Hylland and Zeckhauser (1979) consider as-
signment problems in which each individual can receive at most one good
and at most one unit of it (as in the two examples above). They showed
that if individuals are endowed with fiat money and participate in a mar-
ket that sets nominal prices for the probabilities with which goods can
be obtained, then competitive equilibrium prices (for probabilities) exist
and yield ex ante efficient lotteries that can be resolved to produce ex
post efficient outcomes.2 Consequently, when there are sufficiently many
individuals so that no single individual has any significant impact on
prices, each individual would be willing to report his preferences truth-
fully in a mechanism that computes and implements the competitive equi-
librium outcome for those preferences. Such is the mechanism proposed
by Hylland and Zeckhauser.
An even more challenging class of assignment problems are the so-
called combinatorial assignment problems. In such a problem, there are
I thank Eric Budish for helpful comments and the National Science Foundation (SES-
1227506 and SES-1724747) for financial support.
In contrast, e.g., to Koopmans and Beckman (1957).
That the difficulties created by indivisibilities might be circumvented by introducing
probabilities was first recognized by von Neumann (1953), whose work influenced Koop-
mans and Beckman (1957), who interpret probabilities as fractions of perfectly divisible sur-
rogate goods. Birkhoff ’s (1946) theorem, that doubly stochastic matrices are convex com-
binations of permutation matrices, is the central mathematical result that is at the heart of
this approach.
I am grateful to Eric Budish for pointing this out.
But see Budish et al. (2013) for particular conditions under which the lottery tech-
nique can be made to work.
Budish (2011) allows arbitrary preferences except for the assumption that no agent is
indifferent between any two bundles in his finite consumption set. Because divisible goods
are allowed here, my consumption sets can be uncountably infinite. Therefore, to accom-
modate continuous preferences, indifference must be permitted, and this is done whether con-
sumption sets are finite or infinite.
The proof technique employed here can also provide a generalization of the results of
Dierker (1971) to include both indivisible and divisible goods, while at the same time sim-
plifying his proof.
All the results can be derived under the slightly more general assumption that for each
consumer i there is a reflexive and transitive (but possibly incomplete) binary relation, ≿i,
on Xi that is continuous; i.e., for every xi ∈ Xi , the sets fyi ∈ Xi : yi ≿i xi g and fyi ∈ Xi : xi i yi g
are closed.
Let kk denote the Euclidean norm. For any ε > 0 and for any c1 , … , cI > 0,
let c 5 ðc1 , … , cI Þ and define
dε ðp, c Þ ≔ sup k xi 2 yi k,
where the supremum is over all agents i ∈ f1, … , I g and all xi , yi ∈
[ε ∈½0,ε Di ðp, ci 1 ε0 Þ.
b. k z * k ≤ dε ðp * , cÞ L =2, where c 5 ðc1 , … , cI Þ and where for each
l 5 1, … , L,
> xil* 2 ql , if pl* > 0
zl* ≔
: max oxil* 2 ql , 0 if pl* 5 0;
c. p * q ≤ oi ðci 1 εÞ.
The present result is not an exact replication of the result in Budish (2011)
pffiffiffiffi because
the bound on the market-clearing error here (specifically, the coefficient of L =2 in part b
of theorem 1) can be smaller or larger than the bound that he describes in his n. 15. How-
ever, the important feature of both bounds is that they are of the same order of magnitude
and, most importantly, that they are independent of the number of agents, I.
cause strictly better bundles that are unaffordable along the sequence
might become exactly affordable at the limit.
Remark 3. Endowing the agents with even slightly different amounts
of fiat money, instead of with real goods, and allowing the vector of goods
prices to be any nonnegative vector, including the zero vector, means that
differences in real incomes can be arbitrarily large and will be determined
by the goods prices in equilibrium.9 This can be advantageous since effi-
ciency might sometimes require such real income differences when pref-
erences are not strictly monotone (e.g., as in the problem of assigning
classes to students).
Budish (2011) introduces two fairness-related concepts that can be use-
fully applied to problems that include indivisible goods.10 The first of these
is an agent’s “maxmin utility.”11 Before defining this, first define, for
any positive integer n, agent i’s n-maxmin utility to be the utility number
max minðui ðy1 Þ, … , ui ðyn ÞÞ, where the maximum is over all y1 , … , yn ∈ Xi
such that onj51 yj ≤ q. Then, define agent i’s maxmin utility to be his I-
maxmin utility. Maxmin utility is one way to generalize the “I cut you
choose” method of fair division to many agents. Budish’s second fairness
concept presumes that X i contains only vectors with integer coordinates
and is as follows. An allocation x ∈ X is envy-free up to a single unit of a
single good iff for every pair of agents i and j, if ui ðxj Þ > ui ðxi Þ, that is, if i
envies j, then there is a commodity l such that either ui ðxi Þ ≥ ui ðxj 2 el Þ
or xj 2 el ∉ Xi .
Budish (2011) shows that the allocations that he obtains are envy-free
up to a single unit of a single good and that, while they might not yield
each agent his maxmin utility, they do yield each agent his (I 1 1)-maxmin
utility. Budish also shows that his allocations cannot be Pareto improved
on if the agents are allowed to trade among themselves after the assign-
ment is made. Budish does not rule out the possibility that if there is ex-
Relative incomes can be made arbitrarily similar. With c1 5 ⋯ 5 cI 5 1, the ratio of
any pair of the incomes b1* , … , bI* defined in the previous remark is between 1 and 1 1 ε.
Indivisibilities can lead to nonexistence of efficient and envy-free allocations. See
Budish (2011).
Budish (2011) uses the term maxmin share since he focuses on the bundle that
achieves the maxmin utility. I find it more convenient to define the utility level, even though
this number obviously depends on the particular utility representation.
Given h > 0, choose ε > 0 so that maxl pl > ε=h for every price vector p ∈ ½0, ∞ÞL such
that px j ≥ 1 for some consumer j and some xj ∈ X j . Such an ε exists by the compactness of
the consumption sets. With this choice of ε, suppose that ui ðxj* Þ > ui ðxi* Þ. Then p * xj* > 1,
and so there is l such that pl* h > ε. Hence, because also p * xj* ≤ 1 1 ε by part a(i), we have
p * ðxj* 2 hel Þ < 1. So any yi ≤ xj* 2 hel that is in Xi satisfies p * yi < 1 5 ci , and so ui ðxi* Þ ≥
ui ðyi Þ by part a(ii).
Otherwise, if y1 , … , yI 11 is a solution to the maxmin problem, then ui ðyj Þ > ui ðxi* Þ for
every j. But then by part a(ii), p * yj > 1 for every j, and so p * oIj51 yj > I 1 1 > ð1 1 εÞI ≥ p * q,
where the final inequality is by part c. But the outer strict inequality contradicts the feasi-
bility of y1 , … , yI 11 for the maxmin problem.
If such an x^ were to exist, then part a(ii) implies that p * x^i > p * xi* for every i ∈ S such
that x^i ≠ xi* . Since there is at least one i ∈ S such that x^i ≠ xi* , p * oi∈S x^i > p * oi∈S xi* . Hence,
there is an l such that pl* > 0 and oi∈S x^il > oi∈S xil* , contradicting the feasibility of x^ for the
coalition S.
by the compactness of X.
Remark 7 (Maxmin utility). If c1 5 ⋯ 5 cI 5 1,pifffiffiffiffiε < ε, and if the
bound in part b is weakened to k z * k ≤ h 1 dε ðp * , cÞ L =2, then we can
ensure that ui ðxi* Þ ≥ maxðminðui ðy1 Þ, ui ðy2 Þ, … , ui ðyI ÞÞ, where the maxi-
mum is over all y1 , … , yI ∈ Xi such that oIj51 yj ≤ q. That is, xi* yields agent
i at least his maxmin utility.15
Remark 8 (Weak Pareto efficiency). pffiffiffiffi If the bound in part b is weak-
ened to k z* k ≤ h 1 dε ðp * , cÞ L =2, then we can ensure that there does
not exist x^ ∈ X distinct from x* such that oIi51 x^il ≤ ql for every l, and
ui ð^xi Þ > ui ðxi* Þ for every i such that x^i ≠ xi* .16
Remark 9. The relevance of the efficiency and fairness results in the
previous remarks is called into question by the possibility that x* might
not be feasible. This difficulty can be mitigated as follows. Define dεp ðcÞ
ffiffiffiffi 5
sup dε ðp, cÞ, where the supremum is over all p ∈ ½0, ∞ÞL .17 If ql ≥ dε ðcÞ L =2
for every l, then an application pffiffiffiffi of theorem 1 using the endowment
vector q ~ 5 q 2 ðdε ðcÞ L =2Þ1 instead of q yields p* and x* satisfying
part a of ptheorem
ffiffiffiffi 1 and, by part b, satisfying oi xil* ≤ ql for every l and
ql 2 dε ðcÞ L p ≤ffiffiffio
ffi i xil ≤ ql for every l with pl > 0, and, by part c, satisfying
* *
p * ðq 2 ðdε ðcÞ L =2Þ1Þ ≤ oi ðci 1 εÞ. All of the efficiency and fairness re-
sults in the remarks above then go through, but with respect to the econ-
omy with aggregate endowment q ~ instead of q. In particular, x* is feasible,
h-envy-free, and weakly stable (because the h-envy-free and weak stabil-
ity properties do not depend on the aggregate endowment). However,
while x* is weakly Pareto efficient using only the aggregate endowment
~ , x* need not be Pareto efficient for the actual economy with aggregate
endowment q. A second way to handle infeasibility is to note that, except
for at most L agents, every agent i can actually receive his bundle xi* .18
The L exceptional agents can then be assigned any bundles that are fea-
Let y1 , … , yI 11 be a solution to the maxmin problem. Replace q with q 1 ðh= L Þ1 in
the statement of theorem 1. Now suppose, by way of contradiction, that ui ðyj Þ p >ffiffiffiuffi i ðxi* Þ for
every j. Then by part a(ii), p * yj > 1 for every j. Therefore, p * oIj51 yj ≥ p * ðq 1 ðh= L Þ1Þ 2 εI ,
ffiffiffiffi final inequality is by part c. But p * oj51 yj > I implies by our choice of ε that
where p the
p * ððh= L Þ1Þ 2 εI > 0 and so p * oIj51 yj > p * q, contradicting the feasibility of y1 , … , yI for
the maxmin problem. pffiffiffiffi
Suppose that such an x^ exists. Replace q with q 1 ðh= L Þ1 in the statement of
theorem 1. Then for every i, either ui ð^ xi Þ > ui ðxi Þ or x^i 5 xi , and so part a(ii) implies
* *
that p * x^i ≥ 1 for every i with p ffiffiffi
ffi strict inequality whenever x^i ≠ xi* . Therefore, since x^ ≠ x * ,
p * oIi51 x^i > I ≥ p * ðq 1 ðh= L Þ1Þ pffiffiffi2
ffi εI , where the second inequality is by part c. But our
choice of ε implies that p * ððh= L Þ1Þ 2 εI > 0 and so p * oIi51 x^i > p * q, contradicting the fea-
sibility of x^.
The function dε ðcÞ exists and is finite because dε(p, c) is bounded above by max k xi 2 yi k,
where the maximum is over all i and all xi , yi ∈ Xi .
Observe that j ≤ L in the proof below because oi51 ð#Si 2 1Þ ≤ L and, in the summand,
18 j
each ð#Si 2 1Þ ≥ 1. Hence, q ≥ y* 5 y1* 1 ⋯ 1 yj* 1 xj11 * 1 ⋯ 1 x * for some y * in the con-
I i
vex hull of Si, i 5 1, … , j.
Recall that the support of a probability measure in a separable metric space is the
smallest closed subset having probability one.
where (ei, xi) denotes the concatenation of ei and xi, and DI denotes the I 2
1–dimensional unit simplex.
The equality in (6) says that ð1, : : :, 1, y * Þ=I is in the convex hull of the
closed subset C of DI RL that consists of all points of the form (ei, xi),
where xi is in the support of mi* for each i. By Caratheodory’s theorem
(Rockafellar 1970), ð1, … , 1, y* Þ=I can therefore be written as a convex
combination of I 1 L or fewer points belonging to C. Thus, for some pos-
itive integer K we may write
1 I K
ð1, … , 1, y * Þ 5 ool
i51 k51
ik ðei , xik Þ, (7)
where the lik’s are nonnegative and sum to one, and at most I 1 L of the
lik are strictly positive and lik > 0 implies that xik is in the support of mi* .
For each i 5 1, … , I , let Si 5 fxik : lik > 0g. Since the first I coordinates
of the vector on the left-hand side of (7) are positive, each Si contains at
least one element. Reindexing if necessary, let S1 , … , Sj denote those Si
that contain two or more elements. So Sj11 , … , SI are singletons, and
since at most I 1 L of the lik are strictly positive, the union of S1 , … , Sj
contains no more than L 1 j elements.
For every i 5 1, … , j, every xi in Si is in the support of mi* and there-
fore satisfies (3) and solves (4). In particular, for any xi ∈ Si letting ε0 5
ðp * xi 2 ci Þ1 , we have ε0 ∈ ½0, ε and xi ∈ Di ðp * , ci 1 ε0 Þ. Consequently,
the distance between any two points in Si is no greater than dε ðp * , cÞ,
where c 5 ðc1 , … , cI Þ. Therefore, the distance between any point in Si and
the simple average of all of the points in Si is no greater than dε ðp * , cÞð#Si 2
1Þ=ð#Si Þ.
ð#Si 2 1Þd2ε ðp * , c Þ
k y * 2 ox * k
I 2
i ≤ o
i51 4
≤ d2ε ðp * , c ÞL=4,
where the second inequality follows because the union of the sets
S1 , … , Sj contains no more than L 1 j elements, and so oi51 ð#Si 2 1Þ ≤
For every l, either oi xil* ≤ ql or yl* ≤ ql < oi xil* , by (5). Consequently, for
every l 5 1, … , L,
max oxil 2 ql , 0 ≤ yl 2 oxil : *
i i
Because the sum of the convex hulls of any finite number of sets is equal to the convex
hull of their sum.
Birkhoff, Garrett. 1946. “Three Observations on Linear Algebra.” Univ. Nacional
Tucumán Revista A 5:147–51.
Budish, Eric. 2011. “The Combinatorial Assignment Problem: Approximate Com-
petitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes.” J.P.E. 119 (6): 1061–1103.
Budish, Eric, Yeon-Koo Che, Fuhito Kojima, and Paul Milgrom. 2013. “Designing
Random Allocation Mechanisms: Theory and Applications.” A.E.R. 103 (2):
Dierker, Egbert. 1971. “Equilibrium Analysis of Exchange Economies with Indi-
visible Commodities.” Econometrica 39 (6): 997–1008.
Glicksberg, Irving L. 1952. “A Further Generalization of the Kakutani Fixed
Point Theorem, with Applications to Nash Equilibrium Points.” Proc. American
Math. Soc. 3 (1): 170–74.
Hylland, Aanund, and Richard Zeckhauser. 1979. “The Efficient Allocation of In-
dividuals to Positions.” J.P.E. 87 (2): 293–314.
Koopmans, Tjalling, and Martin Beckmann. 1957. “Assignment Problems and
the Location of Economic Activities.” Econometrica 25 (1): 53–76.
Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell. 1970. Convex Analysis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ.
Starr, Ross M. 1969. “Quasi-Equilibria in Markets with Non-convex Preferences.”
Econometrica 37 (1): 25–38.
von Neumann, John. 1953. “A Certain Zero-Sum Two-Person Game Equivalent
to the Optimal Assignment Problem.” In Contributions to the Theory of Games,
vol. 2, edited by H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker, 5–12. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
Univ. Press.
A quick JSTOR query for the keyword “auction” in the JPE returns 215
articles. The very first article in the list is “The Assignats: A Study in the
Finances of the French Revolution,” by Emile Levasseur, published in
1894 in the second issue of the second volume of the journal. In this en-
gaging account of the monetary trials and tribulation of the French Rev-
olution, there is a single reference to an auction: assignats were claims to
public lands (mostly confiscated from the clergy) that were also decreed
to become the currency of the revolutionary government, and auctions
were used to sell the public lands to interested parties. Levasseur asserts
that very few assignat holders actually used them to claim land, and as a
paper money, the assignat’s credibility was very much shaken by the lack
of tax revenue for the new government and the many new additional as-
signat issues. Indeed, by the time the assignats were taken out of circula-
tion in 1794 (in quite spectacular fashion: “at nine o’clock in the morning,
with a great crowd of people looking on, all the tools which had been used
in printing assignats were brought to the Place Vendome; the plates and
stamps were broken, and reams of paper and 1167 millions of assignats
burned” [191]), they had depreciated by 98 percent.
The topic of assignats in the French Revolution is taken up a century
later by Thomas Sargent and François Velde, in their “Macroeconomic
Features of the French Revolution” (1995), which appears in the 103rd vol-
ume of the JPE. Sargent and Velde reexamine the data on the price level
and government expenditures during the French Revolution through
the lens of modern macroeconomic theory. Their reading of the data is
more favorable toward the assignat than Levasseur’s: they write that “the
tax-backed money scheme functioned adequately until a war broke out
in 1792, which initially went badly for France. The government wanted
more resources, so it divorced note issues from the land sales. The tax-
backed money plan devolved into a fiat money scheme, causing real bal-
ances to drop and prices to rise quickly in early 1793 and threatening
I would like to thank John Asker, Alex Wolitzky, and Robert Porter, who generously com-
mented on an early version of this note.
They could be implementing very sophisticated mechanisms to allocate rents. See,
e.g., Asker (2010).
Of course, as Becker (1968) notes, a number of great economic thinkers had written
about some of the same issues more than 100 years earlier.
I have often joked that Becker did a severe disservice to the economics of crime field by
writing a paper that was too good and left too little for those who followed him to improve
This is particularly notable given that George Stigler edited the journal for almost the
entirety of those two decades.
Becker, Murphy, and Grossman (2006) is an exception to this trend. This paper is an
“old-school” application of price theory to the question of illegal drugs. While disarmingly
simple, this paper sheds a plethora of important and nonintuitive policy-relevant insights.
One might think it would be an impossible task to convince the reader of the validity of
a proxy when the reason a proxy is needed in the first place is the absence of direct data on
guns. Duggan, however, manages to do this methodically and artfully by demonstrating a
high degree of correlation between his proxy, which is available both at a geographically
disaggregated level and with variation over time, and other gun-related outcomes that
are available only at high levels of geographic aggregation or in the cross section.
Becker, Gary S. 1968. “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach.” J.P.E.
76 (2): 169 –217.
Becker, Gary S., Kevin Murphy, and Michael Grossman. 2006. “The Market for
Illegal Goods: The Case of Drugs.” J.P.E. 114 (1): 38 – 60.
Drago, Francesco, Roberto Galbiati, and Pietro Vertova. 2009. “The Deterrent Ef-
fects of Prison: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.” J.P.E. 117 (2): 257– 80.
Duggan, Mark. 2001. “More Guns, More Crime.” J.P.E. 109 (5): 1086 –1114.
Fisher, Franklin M., and Daniel S. Nagin. 1978. “On the Feasibility of Identifying
the Crime Function in a Simultaneous Model of Crime Rates and Sanction
Levels.” In Deterrence and Incapacitation: Estimating the Effects of Criminal Sanc-
tions on Crime Rates. Washington, DC: Nat. Acad. Sci.
Fisman, Raymond, and Edward Miguel. 2007. “Corruption, Norms, and Legal
Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets.” J.P.E. 115 (6): 1020–
Glaeser, Edward, and Bruce Sacerdote. 1999. “Why Is There More Crime in Cit-
ies?” J.P.E. 107, no. 6, pt. 2 (December): S225 – S258.
Glaeser, Edward, Bruce Sacerdote, and Jose Scheinkman. 1996. “Crime and So-
cial Interactions.” Q. J.E. 111 (2): 507– 48.
Similar to the spirit in which astronomy draws on the data from mechan-
ics and physics to make deeper insights, experiments can help to provide
the necessary behavioral principles to permit sharper inference from nat-
urally occurring data in economics. Indeed, experiments have helped to
uncover the key causes and underlying conditions necessary to produce
data patterns observed in the field. At the same time, the experimental
method has gone beyond merely a complementary role, as today experi-
ments generate data that provide crisper tests of economic theory than
previously achieved.
In contrast to other sciences, the experimental approach has not pro-
gressed to the point of being the cornerstone of the scientific method in
economics just yet, but it has progressed sufficiently to find itself in the
center of key debates and is well represented in every major economics
journal. This was not always the case. Indeed, the Journal of Political Econ-
omy has played a central role in the general acceptance of the experi-
mental approach.
To showcase this fact, I focus narrowly on two areas of experimental in-
quiry: market institutions and individual choice. Given that two standard
assumptions that underlie standard economic theory are that (i) markets
are cleared via the institution of Walrasian tâtonnement and (ii) agents
aim to maximize utility, it is fitting that the J P E has contributed to both
experimental research agendas.
Andreoni, James. 1998. “Toward a Theory of Charitable Fund-Raising.” J.P.E. 106
(6): 1186–1213.
Andreoni, James, Justin M. Rao, and Hannah Trachtman. 2017. “Avoiding the
Ask: A Field Experiment on Altruism, Empathy, and Charitable Giving.” J.P.E.
125 (3): 625–53.
Camerer, Colin F. 1998. “Can Asset Markets Be Manipulated? A Field Experiment
with Racetrack Betting.” J.P.E. 106 (3): 457–82.
Cason, Timothy N., and Charles R. Plott. 2014. “Misconceptions and Game Form
Recognition: Challenges to Theories of Revealed Preference and Framing.”
J.P.E. 122 (6): 1235–70.
Castro, Barry, and Kenneth Weingarten. 1970. “Toward Experimental Econom-
ics.” J.P.E. 78 (3): 598–607.
Chamberlin, Edward. 1948. “An Experimental Imperfect Market.” J.P.E. 56 (2):
Cummings, Ronald G., Steven Elliott, Glenn W. Harrison, and James Murphy.
1997. “Are Hypothetical Referenda Incentive Compatible?” J.P.E. 105 (3):
Gode, Dhananjay K., and Shyam Sunder. 1993. “Allocative Efficiency of Markets
with Zero-Intelligence Traders: Market as a Partial Substitute for Individual Ra-
tionality.” J.P.E. 101 (1): 119–37.
Kahneman, Daniel, Jack L. Knetsch, and Richard H. Thaler. 1990. “Experimental
Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem.” J.P.E. 98 (6): 1325–
List, John A. 2004. “Testing Neoclassical Competitive Theory in Multilateral De-
centralized Markets.” J.P.E. 112 (5): 1131–56.
———. 2006. “The Behavioralist Meets the Market: Measuring Social Prefer-
ences and Reputation Effects in Actual Transactions.” J.P.E. 114 (1): 1–37.
———. 2007. “On the Interpretation of Giving in Dictator Games.” J.P.E. 115 (3):
List, John A., and David Lucking-Reiley. 2002. “The Effects of Seed Money and
Refunds on Charitable Giving: Experimental Evidence from a University Cap-
ital Campaign.” J.P.E. 110 (1): 215–33.