FL Agrante Delicto Shabu Via '' Buy-Bust"
FL Agrante Delicto Shabu Via '' Buy-Bust"
FL Agrante Delicto Shabu Via '' Buy-Bust"
SF01 Ofiaza had transacted drugs with Nabua but did not
report it to the latter who is his handler (TSN, SPOT Ofiaza,
February 24, 2015, p.22). It was only in the morning of
October 20, 2013 when said informant reported the alleged
illegal drug acti viti es of Nabua a.k.a. "Boyet" which the
former confi ded to the latt er outside of his offi ce. In the
aft ernoon of that fateful day, Nabua had been allegedly
caught in fl a g r a n te d e l i c to selling methamphetamine
hydrochloride or shabu via '` buy-bust" operations conducted by
members of the PNP-Rosario in at Barangay Rabon, Rosario,
La_ Union.
Prior to said arrest, in order to ascertain the veracity of
the informant's report, Police Chief Inspector Orly
Pagaduan (PC1 Pagaduan for brevity) conducted a briefing
through which a 'buy-bust" operation had been hatched and set
wherein SP01 Vargas was designated as the "poseur
b u ye r " a n d P 01 Fe r n a n d ez a n d S P0 1 O fi a za a s t h e b a c k
ups (TSN, SPO1 Ofiaza, February 24, 2015, p.4). For buy-bust"
money, P500.00, particularly fi ve (5) pieces twenty p e s o b i l l
with serial n u m b e rs XBO87542, RE282571,
ND526434„ EC527233, UW009116; and four (4) pieces of
one hundred peso bills with serial numbers DA957022,
DA880462, FDf381192 and BK539242 have been pre-dusted
with ultra violet powder and also recorded in the blotter by
SP1 Ofiaza. After that Inspector Carlos coordinated with the
PDEA. The informant then transac ted with the, subjec t
(Nabua) of the operati on by means of cell phone. SP01
Vargas was informed by the informant that the subject
(Nabua) agreed to sell a P500.00 worth of "shabu" to the
buyer and that they will transact at Brgy. Rabon, Rosario
(TSN, SP01. Vargas, August . 5, 2014, p.5). The team on board
their respecti ve vehicles, parti cularly SPO1 Vargas and the
informant rode in a motorcycle, they proceeded to Ortega's
S to re , R a b o n , L a U n i o n a h e a d o f t h e re st . A ft e r fi ve
m i n u te s , S P O 1 O fi a za a n d P 0 1 Fe r n a n d e z a r r i v e a n d
positi oned themselves inside the store while SPO1 Vargas
and the informant waited for their subject (Nabua) in front.
The informant then received a text message that the subject
(Nabua) was near and they noticed a white Mitsubishi L-300
cab m ade a U- tu rn an d h al te d 20 m eters away from th e
store. Their subject (Naba) alighted from the cab and the
informant told SPO1 Vargas, "That is Boyet". The latt er
proceeded , to the place of the informant and SPO1 Vargas. An
introducti on was made by the informant by saying to
Nabua, "This is the person who will buy the item." (TSN,
SPO1 Vargas, August 9, 2014, p.9; November 11, 2014,
p.19) Aft er - the brief talk, they proceeded inside the store
w i t h e ate r y w h e re t h e t wo b a c k- u p we re d r i n k i n g s o ft
drinks. Once inside, Nabua. asked' SPO1 Vargas "Where is
the money?", the latt er also asked him if he has the item.
Nabua then gave his a small heat-sealed plasti c sachet of
w hi te c r ysta l l i n e s u bsta n c e a l l e ge d to b e "s ha bu " a nd
subsequently, SPO1 Vargas handed the "buy-bust" money to
him and the latt er pocketed the same. Thereaft er, SPO1
Vargas sc ratc hed his nec k to signal his bac k-ups who
i m m e di ate l y r u s h towa rd s N a b u a a n d n a b b e d h i m . P0 1
Fernandez read the arrested person his rights while SPO1
Vargas followed by SPO1 Ofi aza and some other members of
the team, ran towards the vehicle of Nabua. The police
asked Nabua’s companions (Saturnino and Baltazar) to
disembark from the vehicle and therea ft er, frisked them but did
not fi nd anything from their bodies. Nabua was brought
beside the cab where he was searched by SPO1 Vargas and
it yielded another sachet of suspected "shabu" and some
personal belongings like cell phone and identi fi cati on cards
(TSN, SPO1 Vargas, August 5, 2014, p.16). However, SPO1
Ofi aza saw it this way – prior to the search, the barangay
offi cials were summoned as well as representati ve from DOJ
and media but only the local offi cials arrived at the place.
Upon their arrival, SPO1 Vargas conducted a second body
search on Nabua, Saturino and Baltazar. Recovered from
Nabua is the "buy- bust" money and a small plasti c sac het
of suspec ted "shabu" (TSN, SPO1 Ofi aza, Februa ry 24,
2015, p. 12). This is how his fellow bac k-up P01
Ferna ndez saw it also, that is, the searc h was made in
the presenc e of the barangay offi c ials (TSN, PO1
Ferna ndez, Oc tober 7, 2014, p. 14). Like the fi rst searc h,
nothing was recove re d from Nabua's companions. Aft er
the searc h, the inventory was conduc ted by SPO1 Vargas
in the presenc e of two baran gay tanods and the Barangay
Captain of the plac e. SPO1 Vargas marked with his
initi als (RVV- 1) the fi rst heat-sealed sac het sold (small
one) and the one recovered aft er the searc h of the
accused as RV V-2 (possession) (other one) (TSN SPO1
Vargas, August 5, 2014, p.18; November 11, 2014, p.4).
Thereaft er, the rec eipt/inve nto ry of property seized
(rollo, p.15) was signed at the sc ene by the three
bara ngay offi cials and SPO1 Vargas as can be gleaned
from some pic tures taken during the inve nto ry (Exhibits
"C" and "C-1"). Nabua did not sign said doc ument as
appa re nt in the fac e of the same. Nabua and his
companions were then brought to the Rosario Distric t
Hospital for medical examinati on wherein they were
diagnosed "No/normal physical injuries" (rollo, p.8).
Thereaft er, the inve ntoried items were personally
borught by SPO1 Vargas to the Regional Crime Laboratory
Offi ce 1 at Camp Brigaduer General Oscar M. Florendo,
Parrian, City of San Fernan do La Union on Oc tober 20,
2013 2300H (11 o'cloc k in the evening) and rec eived by
PSI Manuel (rollo, p.6). The latt er conduc ted the
laboratory examin ati on whic h confi rmed the presenc e of
methamphetamine hydroc hloride or shabu on the
following specimen submitt ed as follows: