Rapidly emerging technologies and their new applications by businesses make it extremely
challenging for managers to stay abreast and arrive at crucial business decisions related to
investments in Information Technology and Systems. This course introduces the students to
existing and upcoming technologies, wide variety of their applications for business and e-
Commerce, and issues involved in their management.
The course objectives are as stated below:
a) To understand the role of information systems in business.
b) To learn how IT systems can be used for managing customers.
c) To learn about emerging technologies and their impact on businesses.
d) To learn IT enabled business models.
e) To learn management of IT infrastructure & Information systems in an organisation
Individual Component Group Component Weightage
Case Analysis and Assignments 10
Class Participation 20
Quizzes 20
End term 50
Total 100%
Expected Learning Outcomes and Associated Measures
At the end of the course student is expected to accomplish the following learning outcomes
(CLO). Alignment of CLO with the Programme Level Goals & Objectives and Assessment of the
learning outcomes of the course is presented below.
IIM Indore believes in Academic honesty. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is cheating that
relates to an academic activity. It is a violation of trust between the Institute and its stakeholders.
Plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating and sabotage are examples of unacceptable
academic conduct. Please consult the Programme manual for the section on academic
High, P. A. (2009). World Class IT: Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs. John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN13: 9780470450185.
Roberts, Dan. (2013). Wiley CIO: Unleashing the Power of IT: Bringing People, Business, and
Technology Together (2nd Edition). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN13: 9781118824726 (available in
Sharda, R., Aronson, J. E., & King, D. (2008). Business intelligence: A managerial approach.
Pearson Education, New Delhi. ISBN13: 9788131764435.
Simon, Phil. (2013). Wiley and SAS Business Series: Too Big to Ignore: The Business Case for Big
Data. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN13: 9781118642108 (available in eBrary).