Automatic Attendance Using Face Recognition
Automatic Attendance Using Face Recognition
Automatic Attendance Using Face Recognition
Volume: 5 Issue: 12 24 – 27
Automatic Attendance Using Face Recognition
Ms. Pooja Humbe, Ms. Shivani Kudale, Ms. Apurva Ms. Akshata Jagtap, Prof. Krushna Belerao
Kamshetty Trinity College of Engineering and Research
Trinity College of Engineering and Research University of Pune, India
University of Pune, India
Abstract— Human face detection and recognition is an important technology used in various applications such as video monitor system.
Traditional method for taking attendance is Roll Number of student and record the attendance in sheet which takes a lot of time. Because of that
systems like automatic attendance is used. To overcome the problems like wastage of time, incorrect attendance, the proposed system gives a
method like when he enters the class room , system marks the attendance by extracting the image using Principal Component Analysis
algorithm. The system will record the attendance of the student automatically. The student database is collected, it includes name of the students,
there images and roll number. It carries an entry in log report of every student of each subject and generates a pdf report of the attendance of the
Keywords- face detection and recognition, Principal Component Analysis(PCA), MySQL, feature extraction.
NetBeans is written in java,it is a software development
platform. Applications are developed from modules.
Applications are designed on the NetBeans Platform, with
integrated development environment (IDE), it can be
extended by third party and other developers.
Java Advance(JSwing,Applet)
Figure 2. System Architecture
IJRITCC | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 12 24 – 27
Image Acquisition 4. Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
Images can be acquired by facial-scan technology from the covariance matrix.
camera that captures images of better quality and resolution. 5. Choosing component and forming a feature vector.
6. Deriving new data coordinates.
Pre-processing 7. Approximation.
First Image is cropped from acquired image. Then
cropped images are resized to some pixels for face VII. CONCLUSION
recognition. These resized images are converted from RGB The automated student attendance system using human
to Gray level. face recognition technique works nicely.The automatic
attendance management will replace the traditional method,
Database (DB) which takes a lot of time and is hard to maintain.
It stores the pre-processed images for further processing Certainly, it is improved for better result particularly by
and results. paying attention in feature extraction or recognition process.
This improvement may help the recognition process become
more robust.
Template Matching
It compares match templates against enrollment
templates. In identifying a single individual from a large
The current developed software is installed on the system,
database, facial scan is not so effective as iris scan. After
i.e. it is a desktop application, and it will be used for some
large-scale facial-scan identification searches, numbers of
institute. But later it can be updated so that it will be operate
matches are returned.
as online application. Currently, the system has reached up
to some great accuracy level for partial and dense images. It
Face Recognition
can further be improved to obtain higher accuracy level. It
For face recognition or detection it compares selected
can be automatically updated by the use of the concept of
facial components from the image and a face database, it
Internet of Things.
identifies or verifies a person in image.
Face Database Generation
The project on “Automatic attendance using face
Original face database consists of images of all students
recognition“ is a source of trending and immense
having 5 images per student. With change in intensity of
information to us. We would glad to express our sincere
light and various facial expressions, the original database
gratitude to the “Trinity College of Engineering and
images are acquired at various interval of time.
Research department of Computer Technology for the
guidance and most valuable support in the help for this
VI. ALGORITHM project work. We acknowledge with a pleasant gratitude, the
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) encouragement and inspiration received from our guide
In this , a face contains set of important feature and Prof.Krushana Belerao, Head of the Department
these are called Principal Components or Eigen Faces. By Prof.Dr.S.B.Chaudhari , Principal Dr. P. Dabeer and
implementing PCA Technique facial features are extracted colleagues.
from original database.
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