Anaguma Castle
Anaguma Castle
Anaguma Castle
The Anaguma or Bear In The Hole (穴熊 anaguma, lit. "hole-bear") is a castle used in Anaguma Castle
☖ pieces in hand: –
shogi. (An anaguma is a Japanese badger.) It is commonly used in professional shogi.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Contents 4
1 Details
1.1 Construction 6
This castle can be executed on either side of Ranging Rook Silver Anaguma Static Rook Silver Anaguma
☖ pieces in hand: – ☖ pieces in hand: –
the board. A player utilizing the Ranging Rook
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
strategy uses a Ranging Rook Anaguma ( 振 1 1
り飛車穴熊 furibisha anaguma) on the right 2 2
side while a player employing the Static Rook 3 3
strategy builds a Static Rook Anaguma(居飛 4 4
車穴熊 ibisha anaguma) on the left side. The 5 5
end-result will place the king in the corner 6 歩 6
square where the lance started, defended by 歩歩歩歩 7 歩歩角歩 7
two gold generals and one silver. This way, the 金銀香 8 香銀金 8
King cannot be easily checked by a knight or a 金桂玉 9 玉桂金 9
ranging piece.[1] ☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
Other than the Static Rook and Ranging Rook Ranging Rook Gold Anaguma Static Rook Gold Anaguma
classification, Anaguma castles can be ☖ pieces in hand: – ☖ pieces in hand: –
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
categorized depending upon which piece cover 1 1
the square at the ear of the king. When the 2 2
king is positioned at the corner square, if there 3 3
were only the knight and the lance with no 4 4
generals, there would be a hole diagonally in 5 5
front of the king – the 88 (Black) or 22 6 歩 6
(White) square for Ranging Rook Anagumas 歩歩歩歩 7 歩歩角歩 7
and the 28 (Black) or 82 (White) squares for 金金香 8 香金金 8
Static Rook Anagumas. This square is called 銀桂玉 9 玉桂銀 9
the diagonal hole. The piece that covers the ☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
diagonal hole names the castle. Thus, a Silver
Rook Anaguma Bishop Anaguma
Anaguma has a silver positioned on this
☖ pieces in hand: – ☖ pieces in hand: –
square whereas a Gold Anaguma uses a gold 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
for this purpose (with the silver on 79 instead 1 1
2 2
of the gold). (Although possible, Bishop and
3 3
Rook Anagumas are rare.)
4 4
5 5
6 6
歩歩歩歩 7 歩歩歩歩 7
金飛香 8 香角銀 8
金桂玉 9 玉桂銀 9
☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
One suggested strategy for a rook-side castle is:
It's also possible for a gold to be positioned at Silver Anaguma Gold-67 Variant Gold Anaguma Gold-67 Variant
☖ pieces in hand: – ☖ pieces in hand: –
67 instead of 78.[2]
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
歩歩 6 歩歩 6
歩歩角金 7 歩歩角金 7
香銀 8 香金銀 8
玉桂金 9 玉桂 9
☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
Anaguma variants
Incomplete Silver Anaguma Mino Anaguma
(Black) Incomplete Gold ☖ pieces in hand: –
Anaguma (White) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
☖ pieces in hand: – 1
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 銀 金香
桂王 2
1 歩歩歩歩
銀金香 3
歩歩歩歩 4
歩歩歩歩 7
金 銀香 8
歩歩歩歩 7
金桂玉 9
銀香 8
☗ pieces in hand: –
金桂玉 9
☗ pieces in hand: –
歩歩歩歩 6 歩歩歩 6
銀銀 7 歩歩銀金 7
香金金 8 香 金角 8
玉桂角 9 玉桂 9
☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
香銀銀 8
歩歩歩 6
玉桂金金 9
銀角歩 7
玉桂 9
☗ pieces in hand: –
歩歩 6 歩歩 6
歩銀銀歩 7 歩歩角金歩 7
香金金 8 香銀金 8
玉桂角 9 玉桂銀 9
☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
歩歩 6 歩歩 6
歩歩桂金 7 金桂歩歩 7
香銀 8 銀香 8
玉 金 9 金 玉 9
☗ pieces in hand: – ☗ pieces in hand: –
歩歩 6
歩銀角歩 7
香銀金 8
玉桂金 9
☗ pieces in hand: –
Feiji's King
☖ pieces in hand: –
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
銀銀 角
歩 歩
歩 歩 6
香歩桂歩 7
銀銀 角 8
☗ pieces in hand: –
Attacking Anaguma
Please see HIDETCHI's Shogi Exercises series.
See also
Castle (shogi)
1. Hosking 1997, p. 53–54, Part 1, Chapter 8: Castles.
2. Nishio 2014.
Aono, Teruichi (2009) [First published in 1983]. Better Moves for Better Shogi. Translated by Fairbairn, John (2nd
ed.). Ishi Press. ISBN 978-4-87187-999-6.
Fairbairn, John (1986).Shogi for beginners (2nd ed.). Ishi Press. ISBN 978-4-8718-720-10.
Hosking, Tony (1996). The art of shogi. The Shogi Foundation.ISBN 978-0-95310-890-9.
Kitao, Madoka (2012).Edge attack at a glance. Translated by Kawasaki, Tomohide. Nekomado. ISBN 978-4-9052-
Kitao, Madoka (2014).Ending attack at a glance. Translated by Kawasaki, Tomohide. Nekomado. ISBN 978-4-9052-
Nishio, Akira (2014). "4th-file rook vs. static rook (1)". Shogi Openings.
塚田泰明監修、横田稔著『序盤戦! 囲いと攻めの形』、高橋書店、1997年 ISBN 4-4711-3299-7
神吉宏充. 神吉宏充の禁断の戦法(videotape).
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