Inter Company Sale
Inter Company Sale
Inter Company Sale
Cust Deliv
Inv ery
$$$ XXXX
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Inter Company Sales
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Occasionally we come across companies that operate several companies
and carry on trading of goods and services among themselves. A Customer -
Vendor relationship is established between them.
Prices need to be set up either as the cost price + extra charges or by trade
agreements. Any change in values or information need to be synchronized
immediately in the other company.
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India SAP CoE, Slide 8
Inter Company Sales
Inter company sales processing allows a company to sell goods from a plant
which is assigned to another company code.
The system checks the company codes of the sales organization and of the
delivering plant and automatically carries out inter company billing
processing thru Inter Company Billing document.
The plant in the delivering company code delivers the goods to the customer
for whom the sales organization placed the order.
A sales
which is 2 3000
assigned to the
company code
creates a sales
order ordering Delivering
goods from the Plant
plant assigned
to another
company code.
3 Customer
Delivering Plant
The plant in the
company code
delivers the
goods to the
customer for
whom the sales
placed the order.
Ordering Sales
1000 Organization The delivering Delivering
company then Plant
4 bills the ordering
company for the
4 goods delivered
The to the customer
ordering by means of Inter
sales Company Billing
organization document.
bills the
for the
Plant: Y
Plant: X 3000
Inter Company
Accounts Accounts
Payable IDOC Receivable
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India SAP CoE, Slide 18
Define Order Types For Inter company Billing:
Inter company billing document type „IV‟ is assigned to all those order document
types for which inter company sales processing can be carried out.
Menu Path: IMG-> Sales & Distribution ->Billing->Inter Company Billing-> Define Order Types
For Inter company Billing.
Menu Path: IMG-> Sales & Distribution ->Billing->Inter Company Billing-> Assign
Organizational Units by Plant.
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Master Data -> Customer ->
Code: XD01
India SAP CoE, Slide 22
Define Internal Customer Number By Sales Organization:
The Internal Customer number has to be assigned to the Ordering Sales
Menu Path: IMG-> Sales & Distribution ->Billing->Inter Company Billing-> Define Internal
Customer Number By Sales Organization
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Master Data -> Products ->
Material -> Other Material -> Change.
Code: MM02
India SAP CoE, Slide 24
Configurations – Condition Type
Creating Inter Company Condition Types:
The delivering plant uses one of the following condition types to bill the sales organization.
PI01 Inter company: fixed amount per material unit
PI02 Inter company: percentage of the net invoice amount.
These condition types specify that the price charged by the delivering plant to the sales organization
is shown as a statistical value in the sales order and an effective charge in the internal invoice.
Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic functions Pricing Pricing Control Define Condition
T-code: V/06
India SAP CoE, Slide 25
Master Data – Condition Records
Creating Inter Company Condition Records:
PI01 Inter company: fixed amount per material unit
PI02 Inter company: percentage of the net invoice amount.
Menu Path: Easy Access Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Conditions Select using
Condition Type Create
T-Code: VK11
India SAP CoE, Slide 26
Transaction Steps - Order
Create Order: The ordering Sales Organization prepares the sales order.
The system checks for the company codes and the permissible combinations of the
ordering sales organization and delivering plant, to carry out the Inter company Billing
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Sales -> Order -> Create.
Code: VA01
India SAP CoE, Slide 27
Transaction Steps - Order
The system automatically carries out pricing a per the pricing procedure assigned to the
sales organization.
The inter company charge (PI01/PI02) appears in the conditions screen of the sales
order as a statistical value -the charge has no effect on the final value of the sales order
for the customer.
The inter company charge is not printed out on documents for the customer.
Condition value
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Sales -> Order -> Create.
Code: VA01
India SAP CoE, Slide 28
Transaction Steps - Delivery
The Delivery is created by the Ordering Company from the Shipping
Point which is assigned to the Delivering Plant.
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Shipping and Transportation ->
Outbound Delivery -> Create -> Single Document -> With ref to Sales Order.
Code: VL01N
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Billing -> Billing document ->
Code: VF01
India SAP CoE, Slide 30
Transaction Steps - Billing
The Company associated with the Delivering Plant bills the Ordering Company
thru the means of Inter Company Billing document.
The Payer and the Company Code are derived from the Order created by the
Ordering Company Code.
Menu Path: Easy Access -> Logistics -> Sales & Distribution -> Billing -> Billing document ->
Code: VF01
India SAP CoE, Slide 31
Transaction Steps - Billing
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IMG-> Sales & Distribution ->Billing->Inter Company Billing-
2. Assign Inter-Company document type The system accepts the input and Data is saved
“IV” against the required order
document type and Save
3. Menu Path: IMG-> Sales & Distribution „Change View “Organizational Units for Internal costings
->Billing->Inter Company Billing-> per Plant”: Overview „ screen appears
Assign Organizational Units by Plant.
4. Assign Sales Organization and The system accepts the inputs and Data is saved
Distribution Channel to the Delivering
Plant and Save
5. Enter Tcode: XD01 ”Customer Create “ : Initial Screen” appears
6. Enter the data relevant to represent System Displays the message “Customer XXXX saved”
the ordering sales organization.
Eg:Address, currency, Delivering
Plant, Payment Terms, etc and Save
7. Menu Path: IMG-> Sales & Distribution „Change View “View for Inter-Company Billing”: Overview‟
->Billing->Inter Company Billing-> screen appears.
Define Internal Customer Number By
Sales Organization
23. Enter the same Delivery document “Intercompany Billing : Overview screen appears”
created in the Step:19 and select the
billing type as “IV”
24. Check the Payer, Net Value of the Internal customer no assigned to the ordering sales
Invoice organization in the Step: 8 is displayed as the Payer.
Net Value of the Inter Company invoice is different from the
value of the invoice created in Step: 10.
25. Navigate to GotoItemConditions The net value of the item is based on values of Inter
Company conditions - PI01/PI02.
26. Save the invoice System displays the message “Invoice ZZII is saved”
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India SAP CoE, Slide 39
Tips and Tricks
• For the system to determine another delivering plant for the
material in the customer order item, when entering a sales