(Legal Forms) Pointers Answered (2018) - Shay
(Legal Forms) Pointers Answered (2018) - Shay
(Legal Forms) Pointers Answered (2018) - Shay
EFFICIENT USE OF PAPER RULE (5) A CD or an e-mail shall contain only electronic documents
pertaining to one case. In the same manner, all soft copies of SC-
APPLICABILITY bound papers and their annexes pertaining to the same case shall
be saved in one CD or attached to one e-mail.
This rule shall apply to all courts and quasi-judicial bodies under the
administrative supervision of the Supreme Court. In case the total size of the electronic documents exceeds the maximum size
of the CD or the maximum size allowed for uploading by the e-mail service
FORMAT AND STYLE being used by the filer, the electronic documents may be saved in different
CDs or e-mailed in batches, but must be clearly marked and/or follow the
All pleadings, motions, and similar papers intended for the court and quasi- format prescribed above.
judicial body’s consideration and action (court-bound papers) shall be
written: (6) The filer shall also attach to the CD or the e-mail a verified
In single-space declaration that the pleading and annexes submitted
With a one-and-a-half space between paragraphs electronically are complete and true copies of the printed
Using an easily readable font style of the party’s choice documents and annexes filed with the SC.
Of 14-size font
On a 13-inch by 8.5-inch white bond paper SERVICE OF ANNEXES
All decisions, resolutions and orders issued by courts and by quasi-judicial A party required by the rules to serve a copy of his court-bound paper on the
bodies under the administrative supervision of Supreme Court shall comply adverse party need not enclose copies of those annexes that based on the
with these requirements. record of the court such party has in his possession/
Similarly covered are the reports submitted to the courts and transcripts of In the event a party requests a set of the annexes actually filed with the
stenographic notes. court, the party who filed the paper shall comply with the request within 5
days from receipt.
The parties shall maintain the following margins on all court-bound papers:
Left hand margin: 1.5 inches from the edge;
Upper margin: 1.2 inches from the edge;
Right hand margin: 1.0 inch from the edge; CIRCULAR NO. 1-90, February 26, 1990
Lower margin: 1.0 inch from the edge
Municipal trial court (MTC) and municipal circuit trial court (MCTC) judges
are empowered to perform the function of notaries public ex officio under
Section 76 of Republic Act No. 296, as amended (otherwise known as the
Judiciary Act of 1948) and Section 242 of the Revised Administrative Code.
(1) Soft copies of all SC-bound papers and their annexes must be
submitted: But the Court hereby lays down the following qualifications on the scope of
If by compact disc (CD): simultaneously with the hard this power:
If by e-mail: within 24 hours from the filing of the hard MTC and MCTC judges may act as notaries public ex officio in the
copy notarization of documents connected only with the exercise of their official
functions and duties.
It must be understood, however, that the paper shall be deemed to have
been filed on the date and time of filing of the hard copy and not the soft They may not, as notaries public ex officio, undertake the preparation and
copy. acknowledgment of private documents, contracts and other acts of
conveyances which bear no direct relation to the performance of their
(2) The soft copy must be in PDF and individually saved, as well as functions as judges.
individually attached to the e-mail, if applicable. The filename of
the soft copy must be the same as the document title. The 1989 Code of Judicial Conduct not only enjoins judges to regulate their
extra-judicial activities in order to minimize the risk of conflict with their
Examples: judicial duties, but also prohibits them from engaging in the private practice
Petition for Review should have a file name “Petition for Review.pdf” of law (Canon 5 and Rule 5.07).
Annex A should have a file name “Annex A.pdf”
However, the Court, taking judicial notice of the fact that there are still
(3) Soft copies submitted by e-mail must be addressed to the municipalities which have neither lawyers nor notaries public, rules that MTC
appropriate docketing office and MCTC judges assigned to municipalities or circuits with no lawyers or
notaries public may, in the capacity as notaries public ex officio, perform
(4) The e-mail shall use the following format: any act within the competency of a regular notary public, provided that:
To: [e-mail address of the appropriate docketing office] (1) All notarial fees charged be for the account of the Government
From: [filer’s e-mail address] and turned over to the municipal treasurer; and
(2) Certification be made in the notarized documents attesting to the
Subject: GR No. 123456 (John Doe vs. Juan Dela Cruz) lack of any lawyer or notary public in such municipality or circuit.
Attachments: Petition for review.pdf Annex A.pdf Annex B.pdf FUENTES v. BUNO
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Geronimo Fuentes filed a complaint wherein he alleged that he is one of the (a) To promote, serve, and protect public interest;
nine heirs of Bernardo Fuentes, their father, who owned an agricultural land (b) To simplify, clarify, and modernize the rules governing notaries
located at San Jose, Talibon, Bohol. public; and
(c) To foster ethical conduct among notaries public.
He also alleged that respondent judge prepared and notarized an "Extra-
Judicial Partition with Simultaneous Absolute Deed of Sale" of the said WHO IS A “PRINCIPAL”
agricultural land, executed by complainant’s mother Eulalia Credo Vda. de
Fuentes, widow of Bernardo Fuentes, and Alejandro Fuentes, on his own “Principal” refers to a person appearing before the notary public whose act is
behalf and on behalf of his brothers and sisters, including Geronimo Fuentes, the subject of notarization.
as heirs/vendors and one Ma. Indira A. Auxtero, as vendee.
Sir’s discussion:
In the aforesaid document, the aforementioned agricultural land was sold, It depends on the circumstances –
transferred and conveyed by the heirs/vendors to the vendee despite the a) Whether married or not
fact that in his Special Power of Attorney (SPA), he merely appointed his b) Whether it’s a corporation
brother, Alejandro Fuentes to mortgage said agricultural land but not to
partition, much more to sell the same. (Wala ko’y sure ani )
These Rules shall be applied and construed to advance the following 1. A notary public is empowered to perform the following notarial
purposes: acts:
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3. A notary public is authorized to sign on behalf of a person who is IMPROPER INSTRUMENTS OR DOCUMENTS: A notary public shall not
physically unable to sign or make a mark on an instrument or notarize:
document if: a) A blank or incomplete instrument or document;
a) The notary public is directed by the person unable to sign or b) An instrument or document without appropriate notarial
make a mark to sign on his behalf; certification.
b) The signature of the notary public is affixed in the presence
of two disinterested and unaffected witnesses to the CASES:
instrument or document;
c) Both witnesses sign their own names;
d) The notary public writes below his signature: “Signature
affixed by notary in presence of (names and addresses of
person and two [2] witnesses)”; and Secretaries’ assurance not given credence by the SC; no personal appearance
e) The notary public notarizes his signature by
acknowledgment or jurat. FACTS:
Spouses William and Ermita Maria bought a land from Emmanuel and Ethel
Biteng, who presented an SPA allegedly signed by Gundaway and Namnama,
appointing him as their attorney-in-fact in all transactions pertaining to the
1. A notary public shall not perform a notarial act outside his subject properties. The SPA was notarized by respondent Atty. Cortez.
regular place of work or business; provided, however, that on
certain exceptional occasions or situations, a notarial act may be The complainant, however, doubted the authenticity of the document as it
performed at the request of the parties in the following sites appeared to be a mere photocopy. He also learned that both Gundaway and
located within his territorial jurisdiction: Namnama were living abroad, who allegedly never came home to execute an
a) Public offices, convention halls, and similar places where SPA in favor of Emmanuel.
oaths of office may be administered;
b) Public function areas in hotels and similar places for the Spouses Biteng, however, promised to send Spouses Maria a duly signed SPA
signing of instruments or documents requiring notarization; notarized in the USA. Relying on their word, Ernita affixed her signature on
c) Hospitals and other medical institutions where a party to an the Deed of Sale. When Spouses Maria were back in Australia, they received
instrument or document is confined for treatment; and a communication from the Philippines together with a General Power of
d) Any place where a party to an instrument or document Attorney (GPA) signed by Gundaway and Namnama executed in Daly City,
requiring notarization is under detention. California, USA; but said document was allegedly not authenticated by the
Philippine Embassy. The document is also notarized by the respondent. The
2. A person shall not perform a notarial act if the person involved complainant got in touch with Gundaway and Namnama in the USA who told
as signatory to the instrument or document – them that they did not execute any SPA in favor of Emmanuel.
a) Is not in the notary's presence personally at the time of the
notarization; and ISSUE:
b) Is not personally known to the notary public or otherwise
identified by the notary public through competent evidence WON Respondent Atty. Cortez is administratively liable for notarizing a
of identity as defined by these Rules. document in the absence of the affiants
Notary public is disqualified from performing a notarial act if he: The Supreme Court reprimanded and disqualified Atty. Cortez as Notary
a) Is a party to the instrument or document that is to be notarized; Public for 6 months.
b) Will receive, as a direct or indirect result, any commission, fee,
advantage, right, title, interest, cash, property, or other In the respondent's defense, he asserted that he had no active participation
consideration, except as provided by these Rules and by law; or in the sale nor did he exert any influence over the parties into agreeing to
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said sale; that his two well-trusted secretaries carefully scrutinized every genuineness of the signature of the acknowledging party and to ascertain
document, specifically the identities of the parties involved and the that the document is the party's free act.
authenticity of their signatures, before they were brought to him for his
notarial signature. The respondent also averred that the SPA he notarized Respondent insists that complainant appeared before him and subscribed to
was not the one used in the registration of the subject properties. the SPA subject of the instant case. His contention, however, cannot prevail
over the documentary evidence presented by complainant that she was not
SC in its ruling said that, it should be noted that a notary public's function in the Philippines on 14 September 2000, the day the SPA was allegedly
should not be trivialized and a notary public must discharge his powers and notarized. Respondent may have indeed met complainant in person during
duties which are impressed with public interest, with accuracy and fidelity. A the period the latter was allegedly introduced to him by Spouses Gusi but
notary public exercises duties calling for carefulness and faithfulness. that did not change the fact established by evidence that complainant was
Notaries must inform themselves of the facts they certify to; most not in the personal presence of respondent at the time of notarization. It is
importantly, they should not take part or allow themselves to be part of well settled that entries in official records made in the performance of a duty
illegal transactions. by a public officer of the Philippines, or by a person in the performance of a
duty specially enjoined by law, are prima facie evidence of the facts therein
ISENHARDT vs. REAL stated.
Complainant was not in the personal presence of respondent at the time of AMORA vs. COMELEC
notarization (Evidence is German passport)
A defective notarization is not a ground to disqualify.
Respondent notarized a Special Power Attorney (SPA) supposedly executed
by her. The SPA authorizes complainant's brother to mortgage her real Petitioner Amora filed his Certificate of Candidacy for Mayor of Candijay,
property located in Antipolo City. Complainant averred that she never Bohol. At that time, Amora was the incumbent Mayor of Candijay and had
appeared before respondent. She maintained that it was impossible for her been twice elected to the post in 2007 and in 2007. Olandria, one of the
to subscribe to the questioned document in the presence of respondent on candidates for councilor in the same municipality, filed before the COMELEC
14 September 2000 since she was in Germany at that time. a Petition for Disqualification against Amora. Olandria alleged that Amora’s
COC was not properly sworn contrary to the requirements of the Omnibus
To support her contention, complainant presented a certified true copy of Election Code (OEC) and the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice. Olandria
her German passport and a Certification from the Bureau of Immigration and pointed out that, in executing his COC, Amora merely presented his
Deportation (BID) indicating that she arrived in the Philippines on 22 June Community Tax Certificate (CTC) to the notary public, Atty. Oriculo Granada
2000 and left the country on 4 August 2000. The passport further indicated (Atty. Granada), instead of presenting competent evidence of his identity.
that she arrived again in the Philippines only on 1 July 2001. Consequently, Amoras COC had no force and effect and should be considered
as not filed.
Complainant submitted that because of respondent's act, the property
subject of the SPA was mortgaged and later foreclosed by the Rural Bank of ISSUE:
Antipolo City.
Whether COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion in upholding
In his answer, respondent denied the allegations in the complaint. He Olandria's claim that an improperly sworn COC is equivalent to possession of
narrated that sometime in the middle of year 2000, spouses Wilfredo and a ground for disqualification
Lorena Gusi approached him to seek advice regarding the computer business
they were planning to put up. During one of their meetings, the spouses RULING:
allegedly introduced to him a woman by the name of Nesa G. Isenhardt,
sister of Wilfredo, as the financier of their proposed business. YES. In this case, it was grave abuse of discretion to uphold Olandrias claim
that an improperly sworn COC is equivalent to possession of a ground for
Respondent further narrated that on 14 September 2000, spouses Gusi, disqualification. Not by any stretch of the imagination can we infer this as an
together with the woman purporting to be the complainant, went to his additional ground for disqualification from the specific wording of the
office to have the subject SPA notarized. He maintained that the parties all Omnibus Election Code in Section 68.
signed in his presence, exhibiting to him their respective Community Tax
Certificates (CTCs). He added that the complainant even presented to him It is quite obvious that the Olandria's petition is not based on any of the
the original copy of the Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) of the property grounds for disqualification as enumerated in the foregoing statutory
subject of the SPA evidencing her ownership of the property. provisions. Nowhere therein does it specify that a defective notarization is a
ground for the disqualification of a candidate. Yet, the COMELEC would
ISSUE: uphold that petition upon the outlandish claim that it is a petition to
disqualify a candidate "for lack of qualifications or possessing some grounds
WON respondent is guilty of gross negligence as a notary public for disqualification."
RULING: Competent evidence of identity is not required in cases where the affiant is
personally known to the Notary Public, which is the case herein.
Respondent violated his oath as a lawyer and the Code of Professional
Responsibility when he made it appear that complainant personally appeared In this case, contrary to the declarations of the COMELEC, Amora complied
before him and subscribed an SPA authorizing her brother to mortgage her with the requirement of a sworn COC. He readily explained that he and Atty.
property. Granada personally knew each other; they were not just colleagues at the
League of Municipal Mayors, Bohol Chapter, but they consider each other as
It cannot be overemphasized that a notary public should not notarize a distant relatives. Thus, the alleged defect in the oath was not proven by
document unless the person who signs it is the same person who executed it, Olandria since the presentation of a CTC turned out to be sufficient in this
personally appearing before him to attest to the contents and the truth of instance.
what are stated therein. This is to enable the notary public to verify the
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BAYLON vs. ALMO Petitioner alleged that: on August 1, 2003, he was hired by respondent
corporation as administrator of the latter's Eye Referral Center (ERC);
FACTS: beginning February 2005, respondent withheld petitioner's salary without
notice but he still continued to report for work; on April 11, 2005, petitioner
Complainant averred that Pacita Filio, Rodolfo Llantino, Jr. and his late wife, wrote a letter to respondent Manuel Agulto (Agulto), who is the Executive
Rosemarie Baylon, conspired in preparing an SPA authorizing his wife to Director of respondent corporation, informing the latter that he has not been
mortgage his real property located in Signal Village, Taguig. He said that he receiving his salaries since February 2005 as well as his 14th month pay for
was out of the country when the SPA was executed on June 17, 1996, and 2004; petitioner did not receive any response from Agulto; on April 21, 2005,
also when it was notarized by the respondent on June 26, 1996. To support petitioner was informed by the Assistant to the Executive Director as well as
his contention that he was overseas on those dates, he presented (1) a the Assistant Administrative Officer, that he is no longer the Administrator of
certification from the Government of Singapore showing that he was the ERC; subsequently, petitioner's office was padlocked and closed without
vaccinated in the said country on June 17, 1996; and (2) a certification from notice; he still continued to report for work but on April 29, 2005 he was no
the Philippine Bureau of Immigration showing that he was out of the country longer allowed by the security guard on duty to enter the premises of the
from March 21, 1995 to January 28, 1997. To prove that his signature on the ERC.
SPA was forged, the complainant presented a report from the National
Bureau of Investigation stating to the effect that the questioned signature on On their part, respondents contended that: upon petitioner's representation
the SPA was not written by him. that he is an expert in corporate organizational structure and management
affairs, they engaged his services as a consultant or adviser in the
The complainant likewise alleged that because of the SPA, his real property formulation of an updated organizational set-up and employees' manual
was mortgaged to Lorna Express Credit Corporation and that it was which is compatible with their present condition; based on his claim that
subsequently foreclosed due to the failure of his wife to settle her mortgage there is a need for an administrator for the ERC, he later designated himself
obligations. as such on a trial basis.
In his answer, the respondent admitted notarizing the SPA, but he argued The LA assigned to the case rendered a Decision dismissing petitioner's
that he initially refused to notarize it when the complainant’s wife first came complaint. However, on appeal, the NLRC reversed and set aside the Decision
to his office on June 17, 1996, due to the absence of the supposed affiant of the LA. Respondents filed an MR but were denied. They later on filed a
thereof. He said that he only notarized the SPA when the complainant’s wife Petition for Certiorari with the CA.
came back to his office on June 26, 1996, together with a person whom she
introduced to him as Charles Baylon. He further contended that he believed Petitioner contends that respondents' petition for certiorari filed with the CA
in good faith that the person introduced to him was the complainant because should have been dismissed on the ground that it was improperly verified
said person presented to him a Community Tax Certificate bearing the name because the jurat portion of the verification states only the community tax
Charles Baylon. To corroborate his claims, the respondent attached the certificate number of the affiant as evidence of her identity. Petitioner
affidavit of his secretary, Leonilita de Silva. argues that under the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, as amended by a
Resolution of this Court, dated February 19, 2008, a community tax
The respondent likewise denied having taken part in any scheme to commit certificate is not among those considered as competent evidence of identity.
fraud, deceit or falsehood.
WON the CA erred and abused its discretion in not dismissing respondents'
Whether respondent had been negligent in the performance of his duties as petition for certiorari on the ground that respondents submitted a
a notary public in this case verification that fails to comply with the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice
YES. Mindful of his duties as a notary public and taking into account the NO. The Court does not agree.
nature of the SPA which in this case authorized the complainant’s wife to
mortgage the subject real property, the respondent should have exercised This Court has already ruled that competent evidence of identity is not
utmost diligence in ascertaining the true identity of the person who required in cases where the affiant is personally known to the notary public.
represented himself and was represented to be the complainant.
Thus, as earlier stated, if the affiant is personally known to the notary public,
He should not have relied on the Community Tax Certificate presented by the the latter need not require the former to show evidence of identity as
said impostor in view of the ease with which community tax certificates are required under the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, as amended.
obtained these days. As a matter of fact, recognizing the established
unreliability of a community tax certificate in proving the identity of a person Applying the above rule to the instant case, it is undisputed that the
who wishes to have his document notarized, we did not include it in the list attorney-in-fact of respondents who executed the verification and certificate
of competent evidence of identity that notaries public should use in against forum shopping, which was attached to respondents' petition filed
ascertaining the identity of persons appearing before them to have their with the CA, is personally known to the notary public before whom the
documents notarized. documents were acknowledged. Both attorney-in-fact and the notary public
hold office at respondents' place of business and the latter is also the legal
counsel of respondents.
The instant petition arose from a complaint for illegal dismissal filed by FACTS:
petitioner against respondents with the NLRC, National Capital Region,
Quezon City. In 2007, Corazon Nevada, filed a disbarment case against Atty. Rodolfo
Casuga. Nevada alleged the following:
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1. That Atty. Casuga acquired several pieces of jewelry from her; the of a notary public but they insisted for his assistance and accommodation.
jewelries include diamond earrings and diamond rings amounting Thus, in response to the exigency of the situation and thinking in all good
P300,000.00. and a Rolex gold watch worth $12,000.00; that faith that it would also serve the parties' interest having arrived at a
Casuga assured her that he will sell them; but despite repeated settlement, Atty. Laforteza opted to perform the subscription of the jurat.
demands, Casuga never remitted any money nor did he return He, however, insisted that at that time of subscription, after propounding
said jewelries. some questions, he was actually convinced that the persons who came to
2. That in 2006, Casuga, taking advantage of his close relationship him are the same parties to the said subject documents.
with Nevada (they belong to the same religious sect), Casuga
represented himself as the hotel administrator of the hotel (Mt. Atty. Laforteza likewise denied that there was conspiracy or connivance
Crest) that Nevada own; that as such, Casuga was able to enter between him and the Solis. He pointed out that other than the subject
into a contract of lease with one Jung Chul; that he negotiated an documents and Coquia's bare allegation of conspiracy, no evidence was
office space with Chul in said Hotel for P90,000.00; that Casuga presented to substantiate the same. Atty. Laforteza lamented that he was
notarized said agreement; that he forged the signature of Edwin also a victim of the circumstances with his reliance to the representations
Nevada (husband); that he never remitted the P90k to Nevada. made before him.
In his defense, Casuga said: In a Joint-Affidavit of Clemente and Luzviminda, both denied to have
1. That Nevada actually pawned said jewelries in a pawnshop; that connived or conspired with Atty. Laforteza in the preparation and execution
she later advised Casuga’s wife to redeem said jewelries using of the subject documents.
Mrs. Casuga’s wife; that Casuga can sell said jewelries and
reimburse herself from the proceeds; that he still has possession ISSUE:
of said jewelries.
2. That he never received the P90,000.00; that it was received by a Whether or not Atty. Laforteza acted in abuse of his authority in committing
certain Pastor Oh; that he was authorized as an agent by Edwin an unauthorized notarial act
Nevada to enter into said contract of lease.
In the instant case, we find that Coquia failed to present clear and
Whether Casuga had been negligent in his performance as a notary public preponderant evidence to show that Atty. Laforteza had direct and
instrumental participation, or was in connivance with the Solis' in the
RULING: preparation of the subject documents. The Court does not thus give credence
to charges based on mere suspicion and speculation.
YES. He signed a document (contract of lease) in behalf of another person
without authorization. His forgery made him an actual party to the contract. Consequently, the empowerment of ex officio notaries public to perform acts
In effect he was notarizing a document in which he is party in violation of the within the competency of regular notaries public under the 2004 Rules on
notarial rules (Secs. 1 and 3, Rule IV). Notarial Practice is now more of an exception rather than a general rule.
COQUIA vs. LAFORTEZA In the instant case, it is undisputed that Atty. Laforteza notarized and
administered oaths in documents that had no relation to his official function.
FACTS: The subject documents are both private documents which are unrelated to
Atty. Laforteza's official functions. The civil case from where the subject
Atty. Laforteza was a former Clerk of the RTC, Branch 68, Lingayen, documents originated is not even raffled in Branch 68 where Atty. Laforteza
Pangasinan, having assumed office in November 17, 2004 until January 31, was assigned. While Atty. Laforteza serve as notary public ex officio and,
2011. thus, may notarize documents or administer oaths, he should not in his ex
officio capacity take part in the execution of private documents bearing no
On February 6, 2012, this Flordeliza E. Coquia filed a petition for disbarment relation at all to his official functions.
against Atty. Laforteza, for Conduct Unbecoming of a Lawyer due to the
unauthorized notarization of documents. It is undisputed that Atty. Laforteza failed to comply with the rules of notarial
Coquia asserted that under the law, Atty. Laforteza is not authorized to
administer oath on documents not related to his functions and duties as Hence, a notary public should not notarize a document unless the persons
Clerk of Court of RTC. Thus, the instant complaint for disbarment for conduct who signed the same are the very same persons who executed and
unbecoming of a lawyer. personally appeared before him to attest to the contents and truth of what
are stated therein.
On January 12, 2012, the Office of the Bar Confidant referred the complaint
to Atty. Cristina B. Layusa, Deputy Clerk of Court and Bar Confidant, Office of While Atty. Laforteza was merely an ex-officio notary public by virtue of his
the Bar Confidant, Supreme Court, for appropriate action. position as clerk of court then, it did not relieve him of compliance with the
same standards and obligations imposed upon other commissioned notaries
On March 19, 2012, the Court resolved to require Atty. Laforteza to comment public. However, this Court can no longer acquire administrative jurisdiction
on the complaint against him. In compliance, Atty. Laforteza submitted his over Atty. Laforteza for the purpose of imposing disciplinary sanctions over
Comment where he denied the allegations in the complaint. Atty. Laforteza erring court employees since the instant complaint against him was filed
recalled that on January 7, 2009, while attending to his work, fellow court after he has ceased to be a court employee.
employee, Luzviminda Solis, wife of Clemente, with other persons, came to
him. He claimed that Luzviminda introduced said persons to him as the same GAMIDO vs. NEW BILIBID PRISON
parties to the subject documents.
Luzviminda requested him to subscribe the subject documents as proof of
their transaction considering that they are blood relatives. Atty. Laforteza The Supreme court required Atty. Icasiano M. dela Rea to show cause why no
claimed that he hesitated at first and even directed them to seek the services disciplinary action should be taken against him for making it appear in the
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jurat of the petition in this case that petitioner Gambino subscribed the Bustria died and he was substituted by his daughter, the petitioner, Zenaida
verification when in truth and in fact the petitioner did not. B. Tigno. Tigno attempted to repurchase the property by filing a Motion for
Consignation. The Aquinos filed an opposition, arguing that the right to
In his explanation, Atty. dela Rea admitted having executed the jurat without repurchase was not yet demandable and that Tigno had failed to make a
the presence of petitioner, who was imprisoned in the New Bilibid Prisons at tender of payment. The Motion for Consignation was denied.
the time of notarization.
Tigno filed an action for revival of judgement. The spouses in their answer
He said he did it in the honest belief that since it is jurat and not an alleged that Bustria had sold his right to repurchase the property to them in a
acknowledgement, it would be alright to notarize without the petitioner’s deed of sale.
presence since he knew the latter.
During trial, two witnesses were presented, the instrumental witness to the
ISSUE: deed of sale, and former Judge Franklin Cario (Judge Cario), who notarized
the same. These two witnesses testified as to the occasion of the execution
Whether executing a jurat without the presence of the person swearing is and signing of the deed of sale by Bustria.
A Decision was rendered by the RTC in favor of Tigno. The RTC therein
NO. expressed doubts as to the authenticity of the Deed of Sale, characterizing
the testimonies of De Francia and Cario as conflicting. The RTC likewise
A jurat is that part of an affidavit in which the officer certifies that the observed that nowhere in the alleged deed of sale was there any statement
instrument was subscribed and sworn to before him. that it was acknowledged by Bustria, that it was suspicious that Bustria was
not assisted or represented by his counsel in connection with the preparation
Accordingly, in a jurat, the affiant must sign the document in the presence of and execution of the deed of sale.
and take his oath before a notary public or any other person authorized to
administer oaths. CA’S RULING:
An acknowledgment, on the other hand, shall be made before a notary Reversed RTC Ruling. The absence of the acknowledgment and substitution
public in which the notary public shall certify that the person acknowledging instead of a jurat did not render the instrument invalid; and that the non-
the instrument or document is known to him and that he is the same person assistance or representation of Bustria by counsel did not render the
who executed it, and acknowledged that the same is his free act and deed. document null and ineffective. It was noted that a notarized document
carried in its favor the presumption of regularity with respect to its due
It is obvious that the party acknowledging must likewise appear before the execution, and that there must be clear, convincing and more than merely
notary public or any other person authorized to take acknowledgments of preponderant evidence to contradict the same.
instruments or documents.
The claim or belief of Atty. dela Rea that the presence of petitioner was not
necessary for the jurat because it is not an acknowledgment is patently Whether former Judge Cario has the capacity to notarize the alleged
baseless. document in this present case
His prior acquaintance and friendship with petitioner provides no excuse for RULING:
non-compliance with his duty. If Atty. dela Rea were faithful to his duty as a
notary public and if he wanted to accommodate a friend who was inside a The notarial certification of the Deed of Sale reads as follows:
prison, he could have gone to the latter's cell.
Thus, Atty. dela Rea committed grave misconduct when he agreed to prepare
the jurat in the petition in this case in the absence of petitioner, making it REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES)
appear that the latter personally signed the certification of the petition and MUNICIPALITY OF ALAMINOS )
took his oath before him when in truth and in fact the said petitioner did not.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 17th day of October 1985 at Alaminos,
TIGNO vs. SPS. AQUINO Pangasinan both parties known to me to be the same parties who executed the foregoing
Ex Officio Notary Public
The controversy in the present petition hinges on the admissibility of a single Judge, M.T.C.
document, a deed of sale involving interest over real property, notarized by a Alaminos, Pangasinan
Spouses Aquino filed a complaint for enforcement of contract and damages There are palpable errors in this certification. Most glaringly, the document is
against Isidro Bustria. The complaint sought to enforce an alleged sale by certified by way of a jurat instead of an acknowledgment.
Bustria to the Aquinos of a fishpond. The property was not registered.
A jurat is a distinct creature from an acknowledgment. An acknowledgment is
the act of one who has executed a deed in going before some competent
The conveyance was covered by a Deed of Sale dated 2 September 1978.
officer or court and declaring it to be his act or deed; while a jurat is that part
Bustria and the Aquinos entered into a compromise agreement, whereby
of an affidavit where the officer certifies that the same was sworn before
Bustria agreed to recognize the validity of the sale, and the Aquinos in turn
him. Under Section 127 of the Land Registration Act, which has been
agreed to grant to Bustria the right to repurchase the same property after
replicated in Section 112 of Presidential Decree No. 1529, the Deed of Sale
the lapse of seven (7) years.
should have been acknowledged before a notary public.
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It is undisputed that Franklin Cario at the time of the notarization of the Deed
of Sale, was a sitting judge of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Alaminos.
Petitioners point out, citing Tabao v. Asis, that municipal judges may not
undertake the preparation and acknowledgment of private documents,
contracts, and other acts of conveyance which bear no relation to the
performance of their functions as judges. In response, respondents claim that
the prohibition imposed on municipal court judges from notarizing
documents took effect only in December of 1989, or four years after the
Deed of Sale was notarized by Cario.
There are possible grounds for leniency in connection with this matter, as
Supreme Court Circular No. I-90 permits notaries public ex officio to perform
any act within the competency of a regular notary public provided that
certification be made in the notarized documents attesting to the lack of any
lawyer or notary public in such municipality or circuit. Indeed, it is only when
there are no lawyers or notaries public that the exception applies.
The facts of this case do not warrant a relaxed attitude towards Judge Carios
improper notarial activity. There was no such certification in the Deed of
Sale. Even if one was produced, we would be hard put to accept the veracity
of its contents, considering that Alaminos, Pangasinan, now a city, was even
then not an isolated backwater town and had its fair share of practicing
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