Modules: Theme: Self-Discovery Title: Who?

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Dear recollection facilitators,

Here are our sample modules classified by theme:

1. Self

Title: Who?

1. To be able to gradually recognize their unique identity and special mission.
2. To be able to identify the importance of their friends in their lives as they discover
3. To be able to offer themselves into the God.


9:00 am Introduction
1. Opening prayer  To get the attention of the  Name tags of the
 Facilitator asks the students to be silent students students and the
and assume meditative position.  To set and prepare the facilitators
 Facilitator leads the prayer prepared mood of the students
and reads the Gospel reading (Gen 1:26-

9:15 am Orientation  Schedule posted
1. Short explanation of the  To have a basic knowledge on the classroom.
meaning of recollection and the of the recollection and its  White
theme/title. goals board/board
2. Schedule and House marker/chalk
3. Drawing expectations
from both sides
9:30 am  Short bond paper
Session 1: Who Am I?/ Name Your  drawing (crayon)
Name and writing
 To accomplish the first materials
Activity I: The meaning of your name objective  Masking tape.
a) The facilitator introduces himself by
explaining the meanings/history behind
his name.
b) The facilitator asks the students to reflect
on why their parents gave that kind of
name. Preferably, the students are
guided by some written questions and
given several minutes to reflect/write
down their answer.
c) The students are asked to draw and
decorate with colors their names (first
name, nick name or last name) on a bond
d) The students are also asked to write
down the meaning and the history of their
name on the same bond paper.
Activity II: Sharing
 Some students are to share the meaning
of their names and drawings.
a) Name is the first gift of from our parents.
It’s the first sign of love since they wanted
us to be born. It’s our first identity that we
are loved. We don’t earn our name, but
someone gives to us this identity.
b) It might be also a curse. Names become
our prison as our identity is determined
by the ‘stigma’ of the names. We are free
to surrender to those stigmas or to live up
to your original identity.
a) God commanded us to name the
creations (Gen 2:18). It is thus our
destiny to name the creation and
become the co-creator of God. Naming is
very powerful act since it brings things
under our domination. We are free to use
this power to destroy others or to love
and give life to others.
10:30 am Snacks
11:00 am Ice Breaker: Break-Break! (c/o Br.  To energize the students  Old newspaper
Aaron) after break and to dispose  Prizes
a. The students are to sit on them before the second  1.5 meter stick
their respective chair as they will session
use their laps and hands for
series of ‘claps’.
b. The facilitator is to give
sign with its corresponding ‘clap’
(ex. Break one for the simples
‘clap’)  To accomplish the second
c. The students are to objective
compete in their attentiveness in
following the sign given by the

Session 2: Who Are You?

- Reading of the Bible passages (Gen 2:7-
8, 18-25)

Activity I: Your Friend’s Face

a) The students are to prepare a bond
paper and coloring materials.
b) The students are group by two,
preferably close friends.
c) The students are asked to draw the face
of their friend and narrate the story of
their friend.

Activity II: Sharing

 Some students are to share their
experiences on the first activity.
a) We are created in the image and likeness
of God who is trinity. Thus, we are
created as communal/social being. We
cannot live without other people.
b) We are incomplete and God created an
equal helpmate to discover who we really
are. It is in relation with other persons
that we discover who we are deeper.
c) True friendship is not relation of
domination and control, but of freedom
and hope. We don’t impose our own
image/ideas to our friends but rather let
them grow in their own identity.

12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Ice Breaker: Break-Break!  To energize the students  Stationary paper
after the break and to  Envelop Puzzle
dispose them before the of Jesus
third session (prepared by the
 To accomplish the third facilitators)
1:45 pm3: I Am who Am objective  Vigil candle
- Reading of the Bible passages (Gen 2:7-
8, 18-25) or (Mat 16:13-18)

Activity I: Our Story in God (Guided

a) The facilitator shares his vocation story to
set the mood and offer inspiration.
b) The facilitator gives questions to ponder
I. Who do people say about me?
II. Who I am actually?
III. What is the great experience that changes
my life and greatly shapes my identity?
IV. How do I see God working in this experience?
c) The students are to be given enough time
to reflect on the questions.
d) The students are asked to share their
answers in group sharing.
Activity II: Candle and Flower
a) The facilitator introduces the 4 magic
words (I love you; thank you; I am sorry;
Help me)
b) The students are to be given candle and
c) The student is to give the candle/flower to
the person that is ‘special’ to him/her as
2:15 pm they say the magic words to his/her
special friend.
a) In God, that we find our true identity (in
his image and likeness) and destiny
(“You are mine”).
2:45 pm
b) Our stories are caught in the story of
God. We find the meanings and
fulfillment of our stories in Him.
Activity III: Letter Writing
 The students are to write a letter to God.
 They may color or decorate their letter.

Recapitulation and Conclusion

 The facilitators are to remind the
students of the whole activities and the
values they could instill.
 The facilitators are to close the
recollection with the word of thanksgiving
and prayer.

3:00 pm Holy Eucharist

2. Family

Title: Facebook Family

1. To be able to recognize their roles/place in their family in relation to other family
2. To be able to identify the importance of their friends in their lives.
3. To be able to bring themselves and their family into the presence of God.
8:30 am Introduction
1. Opening prayer  To get the attention of  Name tags of the
2. Getting to know each other the students students and the
 The facilitators introduce themselves in  To set and prepare the facilitators
creative way. mood of the students  CD player
 The facilitators try to get some
information and expectation from the
8:45 am Orientation  Schedule posted
1. 
Short explanation of the To have a basic on the classroom.
meaning of recollection and the knowledge of the  White
theme/title recollection and its goals board/board
2. Schedule and House marker/chalk
3. Drawing expectations
from both sides
9:00 am
Session 1: My Family Time Line  Short bond paper
 To accomplish the first (50 pcs.)
Activity I: Drawing a Family Time Line. objective  drawing (crayon)
a) The students are asked to draw and color and writing
a family time line one sheet bond paper. materials
b) The students are to identify and fill up  Masking tape. (1
“one box” in the time line with the roll for the whole
information on one family member. Ex: class)
one box of the father containing
information about the date-place of birth,
favorite movies, habits, works, special
events and how the student relate with
the father.
c) After finishing their drawings, the
students are to post and display their
drawings on the wall of the classroom.
Activity II: Sharing
 Some students are to share the meaning
of their drawings.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of
their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important
values of first session:
 Everyone has a special place in
the family
 Everyone has a unique role in the
 The students know that they are
accepted and loved by their family.
10:15 am Snacks
10:45 am Ice Breaker: Break-Break!  To energize the  Prizes (optional)
a. The students are to sit on students after break and
their respective chair as they will to dispose them before
use their laps and hands for the second session
series of ‘claps’.
b. The facilitator is to give
sign with its corresponding ‘clap’
(ex. Break one for the simples
c. The students are to  To accomplish the
compete in their attentiveness in second objective
following the sign given by the

Session 2: Real Chatting

Activity I: Duet Sharing
a) The students are to find a friend
(preferably close one)
b) The group is to chat and intimately share
something about their family.
c) Guide question (optional):
a. What happen in your family now?
b. What is the ideal family for you?
c. Who is your favorite? (father, mother,
grandmother, etc.)
d. Special events in the family life?

Activity II: Sharing

 Some students are to share their
experiences on the first activity.
 The students are to tell something about
their partner.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of
their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important
values of second session:
 Everyone has a special story to share
with others and as we narrate our story,
we also shape other people’s stories.
 How important it is to trust our friends as
we discover ourselves
12:15 am Lunch
1:15 pm Ice Breaker: Moko-Moko Dance 
To energize the  Bond paper (one
students after the break or two each
and to dispose them student)
before the third session  Coloring
 To accomplish the third material.
1:20 pm Session 3: Emmanuel: The Lord is objective  Medium size
with us candle with base
Activity I: Letter from God (one for each
 The facilitator read a special letter from section)
God to the students.  The letter from
Activity II: Letter from a Parent God and parents
 The facilitator read a special letter from (prepared by the
a parent to the students facilitator)
Activity III: Word of God on Your Wall  Bible (preferably
a) The students are to choose a bible one per student)
passage that would strikes them most.  CD player and
b) The students are to write and decorate inspirational
that passage on one piece of short bond background
paper. musics.
c) The students are assigned to give that
passage to their parents

Activity IV: Reconciliation

 The students are taught the 4 Magic
i. Thank you
ii. I love you
iii. I am sorry
iv. Help me.
 He/she is to give the candle to someone
‘special’ in the group and say to him/her
one of the magic words. The next student
who receives the candle will submit
his/her letter and do the same process
done by the previous student.
 The facilitator is to gather all the letters.
 The facilitator is to give the important
values of third session:
 We do not have only relationship with
2:40 pm other human beings, but also with God.
 We are created in the image and
likeness of God.
 He always eager to love us and listen to
us (thus, we write Him a letter)

Recapitulation and Conclusion

2:45 pm
 The facilitators are to remind the
students of the whole activities and the
values they could instill.
 The facilitators are to close the
recollection with the word of thanksgiving
and prayer.
 The facilitators are to help the students
to dispose themselves before attending
the Holy Eucharist

Preparation before the Holy Eucharist

3:00 pm Holy Eucharist

3. Friendship
Title: Facebook Friends

1. To be able to gradually recognize their unique identity and special mission
through their friends.
2. To be able to identify the importance of their friends and friendship in their lives
as they discover themselves.
3. To be able to enjoy the friendship with God, the true Friend.


9:00 am Introduction
1. Opening prayer  To get the attention of  Name tags of the
 Facilitator asks the students to be silent the students students and the
and assume meditative position.  To set and prepare the facilitators
 Facilitator leads the prayer prepared. mood of the students
2. Getting to know each other
 The facilitators introduce themselves in
creative way
 The facilitators try to get some
information from the students.
9:15 am Orientation  Schedule posted
1. Short explanation of the  To have a basic on the classroom.
meaning of recollection and the knowledge of the  White
theme/title (to help recollection and its goals board/board
understanding, the facilitator can marker/chalk
us the facebook
analogy: facebook account: sign
up, information about self, profile,
pictures, etc.
2. Schedule and House
3. Drawing expectations
from both sides
9:30 am  Short bond paper
Session 1: Your Symbol/ Your Profile  drawing (crayon)
Pictures and writing
 To accomplish the first materials
Activity I: Drawing of your symbol/your objective  Masking tape.
profile pictures
a) The students are asked to pair
themselves (preferable close friends)
b) The students are asked to draw and color
any symbol that would represent his/her
partner, and draw his/her partners’ face
on one sheet bond paper
c) The students are to identify the symbol
which would represent his/her partner
d) After finishing their drawings, the
students are to post and display their
drawings on the wall of the classroom.
Activity II: Sharing
 Some students are to share the meaning
of their drawings.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of
their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important
values of first session:
 Your true friend sees you as one who
has a special identity (even thought the
symbol might be the same)
 Your true friend will help you identifying
and fulfilling your unique.
 The students know that they are in
continuous self-discovery.
10:30 am Snacks
11:00 am Ice Breaker: Break-Break!  To energize the  Old newspaper
a. The students are to sit on students after break and Prizes
their respective chair as they will to dispose them before  1.5 meter stick
use their laps and hands for the second session
series of ‘claps’.
b. The facilitator is to give
sign with its corresponding ‘clap’
(ex. Break one for the simples
c. The students are to  To accomplish the
compete in their attentiveness in second objective
following the sign given by the

Session 2: Online Games

Activity I: Team Building.
a) On Board.
b) Samson, Tiger and Delilah.
c) Bring the Stick Down.
d) Group yourself
e) Group and follow the sign
f) The Paper Bridge
Activity II: Sharing
 Some students are to share their
experiences on the first activity.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of
their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important
values of second session:
 Everyone has a special role in the group
and contribute uniquely to the group’s
 How important it is to trust our friends as
we discover ourselves.

12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Ice Breaker: Break-Break! 
To energize the  Stationary paper
students after the break  Envelop Puzzle
and to dispose them of Jesus
before the third session (prepared by the
 To accomplish the third facilitators)
1:45 pm3: Emmanuel: The Lord is with us (Beyond objective
Session  Vigil candle
the Facebook)
Activity I: Magic Puzzle Making.
a) The facilitator introduces the 4 magic
words (I love you; thank you; I am sorry;
Help me)
b) The students are to be given a piece of
puzzle as they say the magic words to
his/her special friend.
c) They are to complete the whole puzzle.
d) The facilitators are to see to it that the
students will complete their puzzle within
the allocated time frame.
Activity II: Sharing
 Some students are to share their
experiences on the first activity.
 The facilitator is to gather the points of
their sharing.
 The facilitator is to give the important
values of second session:
 As we discover ourselves, we discover
God in each one of us.
 We are created in the image and
likeness of God.
2:15 pm He always eager to love us and listen to
us (thus, we write Him a letter)

Activity III: Letter Writing

 The facilitator reads the letter from
2:45 pm
 The facilitator reads some replies to the
 The students are to write a letter to God.
 They may color or decorate their letter.

Recapitulation and Conclusion

 The facilitators are to remind the
students of the whole activities and the
values they could instill.
 The facilitators are to close the
recollection with the word of thanksgiving
and prayer.

3:00 pm Holy Eucharist

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