E-Way Bill System: User Manual For API Interface (Site-to-Site Integration)
E-Way Bill System: User Manual For API Interface (Site-to-Site Integration)
E-Way Bill System: User Manual For API Interface (Site-to-Site Integration)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 5
6. API Overview................................................................................................................................. 13
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Full Form
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) across India with effect from 1st of July 2017 is a very
significant step in the field of indirect tax reforms in India. For quick and easy movement of goods across
India without any hindrance, all the check posts across the country are abolished. The GST system
provides a provision of e-Way Bill, a document to be carried by the person in charge of conveyance,
generated electronically from the common portal. To implement the e-Way Bill system, ICT based
solution is required. Hence, as approved by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council, a web based
solution has been designed and developed by National Informatics Centre and it is being rolled out for
the use of taxpayers and transporters. The API interface based mechanism is also enabled for the tax
payers to generate the e-way bills directly linking their system with e-way bill system.
This document aims to explain the operational procedure on how to use API based interface can be
used for generation of e-Way Bill. Also it explains the features and sample method of using this system.
This document is intended for big registered tax payers under GST and transporters, who are the main
stakeholders of e-Way Bill system under GST.
1.3 Scope
2. API Interface
E-Way Bill team is happy to provide the API interface with E-Way Bill (EWB) system. The
tax payers or transporters, who have automated their systems, can use this API to
generate the e-way bill online from system to system. This API interface facilitates the tax
payers or transporters to enable their automated system to call the EWB system to
generate, update and pull the data related to their e-way bills.
2.1 Benefits
These APIs can be used by the Tax Payers or Transporters or GST Suvidha
Providers. The tax payers or transporters can have the following benefits by having
API interface with their systems:
2.2 Pre-requisites
To use the API interface, the tax payer has to meet the following conditions:
The tax payer or transporter should have automated his invoice generation
Tax payer or transporter should generate at least 1000 e-way bills per day or
update vehicle numbers per day on the e-way bill system.
The tax payer or transporter system should have SSL or TSL based domain name
for interface.
The tax payer or transporter system should have static IP address.
The tax payer or transporter needs to modify his automated system for data
exchange with EWB system as per the API.
The tax payer or transporter should have pre-production system for testing.
The tax payer or transporter needs to test his/her modified system on the EWB
pre-production site with all types of activities/services.
2.4.1 API Interface for Tax Payer system – One of the ways of interfacing
Note: This is one sample method/process of interfacing the EWB API into tax
payer system. However, the tax payer can decide his process/method as per his
business needs. No need to follow this only.
• On submit of the invoice generation, the tax payer stores and generates the
invoice number on his system
• Now, Tax payer system calls EWB API with relevant information for
generation of e-way bill.
• The Tax payer system gets this EBN No. and saves to his database the EBN
No. with related invoice record.
• The tax payer system prepares the invoice print, which will have the EBN No
at the bottom and the tax payer prints the invoice and gives it to the
transporter / driver for movement of goods.
2.4.2 API Interface for Transporter system - One of the ways of interfacing
Note: This is one sample method/process of interfacing the EWB API into tax
payer system. However, the tax payer can decide his process/method as per his
business needs. No need to follow this only.
• On hourly basis, Transporter system pulls all the e-waybills assigned to him
using EWB API and stores into his system.
• Before movement of goods, transporter enters vehicle no. for his LR and
saves in his system
• Now, Transporter system calls EWB system with EBN No. and other details
requesting to update Part B of particular e-way bill.
• Transporter system updates this ACK in his system and prints the Trip sheet
or manifesto.
• Now, Transporter moves the goods along with this trip sheet or manifesto.
Sl Applicable
API Service API Description Response (data)
No. To
1 Authenticate Authenticate with the Token Tax Payer,
credential to access the Transporter,
APIs Suvidha
2 Get e-Way Get the e-Way Bill details EWB Object, Vehicle Tax Payer,
Bill based on EWB Number details Transporter,
3 Get Get the Consolidated e- CEWB Object, Vehcile Transporter,
Consolidated Way Bill details based on Details Suvidha
E-Way Bill EWB Number Provider
4 Get E-Way Get the list of e-Way Bills List of EWBs (EWB_No, Tax Payer,
bill generated generated by other party Date, Gen_GSTIN, Suvidha
by others for my name based on Oth_party_GSTIN, Provider
generated date TRN_Type,
Sub_TRN_Type, Doc_no,
Doc_date, Tot_value)
5 Get assigned Get the list of e-Way Bills List of EWBs (EWB_No, Transporter
E-Way Bills assigned to me for EWB_Date,
of my state transportation in my state Gen_GSTIN,
6 Get assigned Get the list of e-Way Bills List of EWBs (EWB_No, Transporter
E-Way Bill by assigned to me for EWB_Date, Gen_GSTIN,
GSTIN transportation by TRANS_Doc_No,
particular GSTIN TRANS_Doc_Date,
7 Generate E- Generate e-Way Bill EWB_No, Date Tax Payer,
Way Bill Transporter,
8 Update Update new vehicle EWB_No, Date, Tax Payer,
Vehicle number for the e-way Bill Ref_Uniq_No Transporter,
Number to E- Suvidha
Way Bill Provider
9 Cancel E- Cancel the e-Way Bill EWB_No, Date, Tax Payer,
Way Bill Ref_Uniq_No Transporter,
Sl Applicable
API Service API Description Response (data)
No. To
10 Reject E- Reject the e-Way Bill EWB_No, Date, Tax Payer,
Way Bill Ref_Uniq_No Suvidha
11 Generate Generate Consolidated CEWB_No, Date Tax Payer,
Consolidate e-Way Bill Transporter,
E-Way Bill Suvidha
12 Update Update new vehicle CEWB_No, Date, Tax Payer,
Vehicle number for Ref_Uniq_No Transporter,
Number for theConsolidated e-way Suvidha
Consolidated Bill Provider
E-Way Bill
13 Get HSN Get the HSN master List of HSNs Tax Payer,
Master codes (HSN_Code, Transporter,
Codes HSn_Descr) Suvidha
14 Get State Get the State master List of States Tax Payer,
Master codes (State_code, Transporter,
Codes State_name) Suvidha
15 Get UQC Get the Unit Quantity List of States Tax Payer,
Master master codes (Uqc_code, Uqc_name) Transporter,
Codes Suvidha
16 Get Error Get the Error master List of States Tax Payer,
Codes codes (err_type,err_code, Transporter,
err_name) Suvidha
17 Get New Get the list of latest API List of APIs (API_Name, Tax Payer,
latest version version and release date Ver_No, Rel_Date) Transporter,
APIs Suvidha
18 Get Alerts Get alerts List of Alerts (Date, Tax Payer,
Alert_type, Transporter,
Alert_message) Suvidha
19 Get GSTIN Get the GST tax payer GSTIN Object Tax Payer,
details details Transporter,
20 Get Get the Transporter TRANSIN Object Tax Payer,
TRANSIN details Transporter,
details Suvidha
4. Authentication API
To access the API, application should first authenticate using the credentials shared and
get the access token issued. Same access token to be used to access subsequent APIs.
Access token will be configured to expire after 360 minutes. On expiry, same
authentication API needs to be invoked to get new Access Token issued.
The API header information is used for authentication and authorization purpose.
User API
Application Authentication Token
To access the service requests like generate e-way bill, update vehicle, cancel e-way bill,
the user application should have the valid authentication token. With the authentication
token he has to send the request for the services with the relevant parameters to get the
response or result.
6. API Overview
The EWAYBILL APIs are used to communicate between Tax Payers and Transporters of
e-way Bill System. This section describes standards and formats which will be used to
define API exposed by EWAYBILL systems. EWAYBILL APIs will be implemented as
RESTful Web services.
The following documents are shared online, once the tax payer registers for API.