Brochure Delft3D Flexible Mesh Suite

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1D/2D/3D Modelling suite for integral water solutions

Delft3D Flexible Mesh Suite

1D/2D/3D Modelling suite for integral water solutions

Delft3D Flexible Mesh Suite

The Delft3D Flexible Mesh (Delft3D FM) Suite is the successor
of the structured Delft3D 4.xx Suite. Like Delft3D 4.xx, the
Wind, waves and currents shape our coasts. Delft3D FM Suite can simulate storm surges, hurricanes, tsunamis,
detailed flows and water levels, waves, sediment transport and
Climate change and rising sea levels add further
morphology, water quality and ecology, and is capable of handling
to this pressure. To enable us to live safely the interactions between these processes. The suite is designed
for use by domain experts and non-experts alike, which may range
along our shores, we need effective coastal and
from consultants and engineers or contractors, to regulators and
marine management. Moreover, these coastal government officials, all of whom are active in one or more of the
stages of the design, implementation and management cycle.
processes do not present the only threat. We

must also protect ourselves against excess river Within the Delft-FEWS operational framework, Delft3D FM can
offer 24/7 forecasts. Forecasts, predictions and uncertainties can
water, while on the other hand we need that
easily be visualized on dedicated websites, using the Delta Viewer
water for transport, irrigation, energy, cooling, technology. Designed for policymakers, Delft3D FM is available on
a Touch Table for interactive modelling with all the stakeholders.
recreation, environmental protection and as a

source of drinking water. Consequently, design The key component of Delft3D FM is the D-Flow Flexible Mesh
(D-Flow FM) engine for hydrodynamical simulations on unstructured
and management procedures become more
grids in 1D-2D-3D. D-Flow FM is the successor of Delft3D-FLOW and
complex and require an integrated approach. SOBEK-FLOW. It is the result of five years of research funded by
Deltares and the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.
In response to this challenge, Deltares has

developed a powerful modelling suite called Some areas of applications

• Tide and wind-driven flow;
Delft3D Flexible Mesh (Delft3D FM), focusing
• Drying and flooding of inter-tidal flats;
primarily on coastal, estuarine, river and urban • Density driven flow due to density gradients of non-uniform
temperature and salinity concentration distributions;
• Horizontal transport of matter on large and small scales;
• Hydrodynamic impact of engineering works such as land
reclamation, breakwaters and dikes;
• Thermal recirculation of cooling water discharges from a power

Some of the typical key features of Delft3D FM are:
• the suite gives direct access to state-of-the-art process
knowledge, accumulated and developed at one of the world’s
most renowned hydraulic institutes;
• the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is one of the most user-
friendly in the market:
Central map with spatial editor
Customizable and dockable window views
Connectivity to online data bases
Batch running through Python scripting interfaces
• all modules show a high degree of integration and
Delft3D Flexible Mesh - Eastern Scheldt (Scaloost)

Delft3D FM allows you to simulate the interaction of water,
sediment, ecology, and water quality in time and space. The suite
is mostly used for the modelling of natural environments like
coastal, estuarine, lakes and river areas, but it is equally suitable
for more artificial environments like harbours, locks, urban
areas, etc. Delft3D FM consists of a number of well-tested and
validated modules, which are linked to and integrated with each
other. These modules are further described separately hereafter.

D-Flow Flexible Mesh

Like Delft3D-FLOW, D-Flow FM is capable of handling curvilinear
grids that provide very good performance in terms of computational Delft3D Flexible Mesh - 3D interactive modelling - Western Scheldt
speed and accuracy. In addition to this, the grid may also consist of
triangles, quads, pentagons and hexagons. This provides optimal
modelling flexibility and ease in setting up new model grids or Flow solver
modifying existing ones, or locally increasing resolution. 1D- and D-Flow FM implements a finite volume solver on a staggered
2D grids can be combined, either connecting adjacent grids or a 1D unstructured grid. The higher-order advection treatment and
grid overlying a 2D grid. Both Cartesian and spherical coordinate near-momentum conservation make the solver very suitable
systems are supported. This facilitates tidal computations on the for supercritical flows, bores and dam breaks. The handling of
globe with tide generating forces, thus without imposing open wetting-and-drying makes it suitable for flooding computations.
boundary conditions. The grid generation tool RGFGRID includes The continuity equation is solved implicitly for all points in a
new grid generation algorithms for the construction of orthogonal single combined system. Optionally, non-linear iteration can be
unstructured grids. applied for very accurate flooding results. Furthermore, Coriolis
forcing, horizontal eddy viscosity, tide generating forces and by the (included) METIS-partitioner, and/or defined by the user.
meteorological forcings were added, making the system suitable Parallel computing is functional both on Windows and Linux. On
for tidal, estuarine or river computations. Linux the PETSc matrix solver library can be coupled, and this is
the preferred way for good performance.
For three-dimensional modelling, three turbulence models are
available: algebraic, k-epsilon and k-tau. Vertical transport can On single machines with multi-core processors speedup can
be solved both explicitly and implicitly. First sigma layers were also be achieved by D-Flow FM’s built-in OpenMP-multithreading
implemented, with the anti-creep option based upon the Delft3D- option, which is the default setting.
FLOW algorithm. Fixed z-layers are also available, and z- and
sigma-layers can be combined in one single model domain, but
this is still ongoing research. Temperature modelling is supported D-Waves
either using the composite heat flux model or the excess heat D-Waves computes the non-steady propagation of short-crested
flux model, which can both be driven by space-and-time varying waves over an uneven bottom, considering wind action, energy
metereological datasets. dissipation due to bottom friction, wave breaking, refraction
(due to bottom topography, water levels and flow fields), shoaling
Time integration is done explicitly for part of the advection term, and directional spreading. The module is based on the spectral
and the resulting dynamic time-step limitation is automatically model SWAN. This model is a development of the Delft University
set based on the Courant criterium. The possible performance of Technology, which is a close partner of Deltares in a number
penalty can often be remedied by refining and coarsening the of research fields. For many decades, both institutes have been
computational grid at the right locations. prominent in the field of wave modelling.

D-Flow FM models can be run as parallel computations on D-Real Time Control
distributed-memory high-performance computing clusters. Real time control often saves money in the construction,
The parallel version is based on the familiar MPI standard, and alteration and management of the water system infrastructure.
partitioning of the model domain can be done automatically The D-Real Time Control module shows to what extent the

Delft3D Flexible Mesh - Makassar - Indonesia

existing infrastructure can be used in a better way. It allows you inserted into the process library, all of which are relevant to the
to simulate complex real-time control of all hydraulic structures study of eutrophication phenomena. This sub-module includes
in reservoirs and estuarine, river and canals systems. This module all algae connected water quality processes considered in the
allows the system to react optimally to actual water levels, D-Water Quality module plus a variety of more detailed processes.
discharges and (forecasted) rainfall, by controlling gates, weirs,
sluices and pumps. The D-Real Time Control module, using the
open source RTC-Tools engine, can be coupled for controlling of D-Particle Tracking
hydraulic structures with various triggering mechanisms, also for This short-term, near-field water quality module estimates the
parallel models if needed. dynamic, spatial (on a sub-grid scale) concentration distribution
of individual particles by following their tracks in time. The waste
substances may be conservative or subject to a process of simple,
D-Water Quality first order decay; a typical application is oil spill modelling. The
This module simulates the far- and mid-field water and module is also used for near-field fate simulations of dredging
sediment quality due to a variety of transport and water quality spillage.
processes. To accommodate these, it includes several advection
diffusion solvers and an extensive library of standardised This module is not yet available in Delft3D FM, only in the Delft3D
process formulations with the user-selected substances. Default 4.xx Suite. For our beta testing programme, please contact
processes allow you to simulate for instance the decay of BOD and
nitrification, elementary growth of algae and nutrient cycling,
exchange of substances with the atmosphere, adsorption and
desorption of contaminant substances and the deposition and re- D-Morphology
suspension of particles and adsorbed substances to and from the This module computes sediment transport (both suspended
bed. Deltares’ unsurpassed level of knowledge in the field of water and bed total load) and morphological changes for an arbitrary
quality is made available to the professional world by means of number of cohesive and non-cohesive fractions. Both currents
this module. The D-Water Quality module is also available as add-
on for TELEMAC users. D-Water Quality is including the D-Water
Quality Open Processes Library. This is an open system to define
additional substances, processes acting on new and existing
substances, additional coefficients to be used in the formulae,
the external forcing and auxiliary output. For grid aggregation we
offer a powerful tool called DIDO.

D-Sediment Transport
This sub-module of D-Water Quality simulates the transport,
erosion and settling of cohesive and non-cohesive, organic or
inorganic, suspended or bed sediments. The module includes
several standard transport formulae and considers different
particulate fractions independently. The effect of changes
in bottom topography is neglected, so that only short-term
transport can be assessed. As sediment is a dominating factor
in water quality and ecology studies, the inclusion of Deltares’
leading edge knowledge of sedimentation and silt transport
processes makes this module the vital base tool for a large range
of environmental studies.

A variety of algae growth and nutrient dynamics models have
been incorporated into this sub-module of D-Water Quality. For
instance, models describing the governing processes of biotic and
abiotic ecosystems and the interaction between these have been Slufter, The Netherlands
Delft3D Flexible Mesh - Singapore - Urban catchment - 1D2D flooding

and waves act as driving forces and a wide variety of transport from zero, or by importing existing models or data from external
formulae have been incorporated. For the suspended load this databases such as boundary conditions from the Topex-Poseidon
module connects to the 2D or 3D advection-diffusion solver of the database. It supports the visualization of model input, reference
D-Flow FM module; density effects may be taken into account. data and simulation results as time series and animations of 1D,
2D and 3D data sets. The user can also gather a wide, overhead
An essential feature of this module is the dynamic feedback with perspective of his entire system or, by contrast, zoom in on a site
the D-Flow FM and D-Waves modules, which allow the flows and of particular relevance or difficulty. Delft3D FM is open to various
waves to adjust themselves to the local bathymetry and allows data visualizations. One of the most powerful tools is the option
for simulations on any time scale from days (storm impact) to export data to Google Earth through Python scripting.
to centuries (system dynamics). It can keep track of the bed
composition and thus build up a stratigraphic record. The module
includes extensive features to simulate dredging and dumping
scenarios. For over 30 years, Deltares has been at the forefront
in the development of this type of combined morphological
simulation techniques.

This module is not yet available in Delft3D FM, only in the Delft3D

4.xx Suite. For our beta testing programme, please contact

Graphical User Interface

The Delft3D FM Graphical User Interface (GUI) is based on the
Delta Shell Framework and is one of the most user-friendly in
the market. Under the umbrella of this GUI, the modules combine
to form an exceptionally versatile, powerful and easy-to-use
suite. The GUI allows for complete model construction starting Delft3D Flexible Mesh and OpenEarthTools - Connecticut river - USA
The validation of a modelling system such as Delft3D FM requires
continuous attention. Even though the individual modules of
the suite have been thoroughly tested during their development
and maintenance, the suite as a whole requires intensive testing
and also validation. To this end, a regular programme has been
established and tests of many of the most likely combinations are
continually performed. As a policy, new versions are released only
after an extensive beta testing period, to ensure that our users are
provided with stable and validated products.

System requirements
Delft3D FM is supported on both Microsoft Windows and Linux.
The advised minimum requirements: Scale experiments for model validation

Minimal Preferred
User meetings
Processor 1 GHz   2 GHz
Deltares organizes the annual international Delft3D user meeting
Memory 1 GB   4 GB
during the Delft Software Days ( Several smaller
Disk free 1 GB 100 GB
Delft3D user meetings are organized at international conferences
worldwide. These are excellent venues for receiving updates on the
latest developments and for meeting other Delft3D users.

Service packages
Deltares offers high quality services to consultancy firms, Deltares Academy
governmental organizations, universities and research institutes Please visit the for all information
worldwide. about our Delft3D training courses.

Several Delft3D service packages, including fully validated high

quality Delft3D FM distributions, are available to suit your specific Delft3D in open source
needs: Delft3D is Open Source Software. To enhance collaboration, to
• For consultancy firms, governmental organizations and combine the unique expertise of researchers worldwide and
research institutes worldwide, we have designed our to further expand the modelling suite, the source code can be
Basic Service Packages, downloaded. For more information, please visit our Deltares open
Advanced Service Packages, source community portal ( or the Delft3D
Professional Service Package, open source website ( directly. More than
Premium Service Package and 10,000 software developers and users worldwide have daily access
Enterprise Service Package. to the source code.
• For universities and schools, we offer our Education Service
• Code developers are supported with our Developer Service

Designed with you in mind, they offer you your requested level of

As long as not all anticipated functionality of the Delft3D 4.xx Suite

is included in the Delft3D FM Suite, we will include both:
1. the fully validated Delft3D FM Suite and
2. the Delft3D 4.xx Suite
in the above Delft3D Service Packages. Delft3D Flexible Mesh - Rebuild by Design - New York - Long Island
PO Box 177 +31 (0)88 335 81 88
2600 MH Delft
Boussinesqweg 1
2629 HV Delft
The Netherlands

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