Highways East Africa
Highways East Africa
Highways East Africa
East Africa
Delivering reliable roads
Procurement advice
Whether procuring through a traditional route, design and build, early
contractor involvement or public private partnership (PPP) we have experts
with experience in all options to offer advice throughout the entire process,
from contract preparation, through the pre-qualification and tendering process,
to tender analysis and award.
Contract/site supervision
Our teams of engineers, inspectors, quantity surveyors and specialists help to
deliver the contract requirements and tender commitments safely and effectively.
We advise on contract issues to help with efficient delivery of the project in
accordance with the contract.
Our experts have many years of experience in operations and maintenance,
whether through a traditional or PPP route. In Uganda we are delivering and
implementing output performance specifications tailored to the local conditions
Mott MacDonald offers advice on the that ensure networks are maintained safely, economically and efficiently for the
commissioning of various investigations including
benefit of all users. Internationally we operate networks, supervise maintenance
topographical surveys, pavement testing,
geotechnical investigations and structural contractors and monitor PPP contracts to ensure companies are delivering their
inspections. Based on these we can undertake obligations and we also provide maintenance services with contracting partners.
detailed analysis and design.
Track record
We have been developing and implementing road schemes in East Africa for over
40 years. Some projects of note include:
We provided detailed design services for the • Pre-investment for a new bridge crossing (Nalubaale bridge
Kapchorwa to Suam Road in Uganda.
replacement) at Jinja, Uganda Study for a proposed replacement of
the strategically important crossing of the Nile at Jinja. The study included
Contact us an assessment of technical, procurement and financing alternatives for a
replacement bridge that would be sympathetic to the environmental constraints
Andrew Theobald and socio-economic requirements.
t +256 (0) 41 711 7117
e peter.robinson@mottmac.com • Low cost roads, Burundi Feasibility study, detailed design and construction
supervision of 302km of low cost roads.
Stephen Jones
t +44 (0)23 8062 8833 • Bura irrigation settlement project: roads and bridges, Kenya
e stephen.jones@mottmac.com Detailed design of 70km of all-weather gravelled roads and two reinforced
concrete single span bridges, a 60m long ford and 1km long airstrip.
For the Nalubaale Bridge in Uganda we have developed rehabilitation proposals and have
studied the options for a new crossing of the River Nile at Jinja.
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