2016 06 09 Poster ISPE Ömer Sahin Tas IV2016
2016 06 09 Poster ISPE Ömer Sahin Tas IV2016
2016 06 09 Poster ISPE Ömer Sahin Tas IV2016
Ömer Şahin Taş, Florian Kuhnt, J. Marius Zöllner and Christoph Stiller
System architectures:
··Play a crucial role on the robust and reliable operation of
the vehicle
··Can coordinate the degradation between system modules
Review existing system architectures and propose research
directives for maintaining robust and reliable operation.
logical inaccuracies
The monitoring system is separated
Evaluates controller performance inside
motion planner
from other modules both in hardware
and in software
Cannot deal with conflicting perception
information http://gmauthority.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2014-Cadillac-SRX-720x340.jpg,
Date retrieved: June 15, 2016.
Date retrieved: June 15, 2016.
Ziegler J., et. al. „Making Bertha Drive - An Autonomous Journey on a Historic Route“, 2014.
·· Integrate the existing solution approaches into a unified architecture.
·· Employ various metrics that quantify performance status and give feedback to the vehicle.
·· Use the feedback to adapt data processing into degraded operation modes.
Taş Ö.Ş. et. al. “A Robust and Reliable Functional System Architecture for Fully Automated Driving”,
in IEEE Proc. Intell. Trans. Sys. Conf., 2016 (under review).
YOUR FZI Research Center for Information Technology | Mobile Perception Systems
M.Sc. Ömer Şahin Taş |tas@fzi.de| +49 721 9654-262
More Information at www.fzi.de The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union under the
H2020 EU. ECSEL Programme, as part of
the RobustSENSE project, contract number 661933