Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders: Review
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders: Review
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders: Review
320 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 42, no. 3, 2012
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders
Joseph A. Knight
Department of Pathology, University of Utah School of Medicine; Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Abstract. A sedentary lifestyle is a very serious worldwide problem, especially in North America and Eu-
rope. Unfortunately, physical inactivity, which has progressively increased over the past several decades,
significantly increases the risk of numerous diseases/disorders, including several forms of cancer, diabetes,
hypertension, coronary and cerebrovascular diseases, overweight/obesity, and all-cause mortality, among
others. Unless there is a reversal of this sedentary lifestyle, the incidence of these diseases/disorders will
increase, life expectancy will decrease, and medical costs will continue to rise.
Address correspondence to Joseph A. Knight M.D.; Department of Physical Activity Guidelines. The 1995 recom-
Pathology, University of Utah School of Medicine, 30 North 1900 mended guidelines indicated that at least 30 min-
East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132; phone: 801 581 4516; fax: 801 585
2463; e-mail address: utes of moderate intensity physical activity on
they declined to 0.0 and 11.0 MET/week (100% walked and floors climbed were independent pre-
decline for black girls, 64% decline for white girls). dictors of longevity [28].
Moreover, one-third of U.S. high school students Blair et al compared the degree of physical fitness
did not participate in the minimum recommended with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in men
level of moderate or vigorous physical activity in and women over an 8-year period [29]. Here, the
2003 [21], and only 55.7% were enrolled in a PE age-adjusted all-cause mortality rate declined
class where only 28.4% attended classes daily [22]. across physical fitness quintiles from 64/10,000
person-years in the least fit men to 18.6/10,000 in
Physical Inactivity and All-Cause Mortality. the most fit men (relative risk, 3.4) and 39.5/10,000
Life expectancy based on age and sex alone pro- person-years to 8.5/10,000 for women (relative risk,
vides limited information since survival is also 4.7). In a subsequent study, the relationship be-
significantly influenced by health and functional tween changes in physical fitness and mortality risk
abilities. Indeed, about 65% of the major causes of was evaluated in men [30]. Each man underwent
death are lifestyle-related [2,3]. Although individu- two clinical examinations (mean interval, 4.9
als with lower health risks generally live longer years) to assess any changes in physical fitness as
than those with higher health risks, there is often associated with risk of mortality during the follow-
concern that increased life expectancy may result up period. The highest age-adjusted all-cause death
in greater disability and increased medical costs. rate was present in those who were unfit at both
However, the compression-of-morbidity hypothesis examinations; the lowest death rate was in men
suggests that it is possible to reduce lifetime mor- who were physically fit at both examinations.
bidity and thereby increase life expectancy [23]. Moreover, men who improved from unfit to fit be-
Indeed, a study of university alumni showed that tween the two examinations also had a lower death
those with high health risks (e.g., low exercise pat- rate. In a recent review of physical activity and all-
terns, smoking, excess body weight) had twice the cause mortality in women, the authors concluded
cumulative disability compared to those with a low that “by adhering to current guidelines for physical
health risk after 32 years follow-up [24]. Thus, “not activity and expending about 4,200 kJ (about
only do persons with better health habits survive 1,000 kcal) of energy/week, women can postpone
longer, but in such persons, disability is postponed mortality” [31].
and compressed into fewer years at the end of life.” Since little was known about the mortality risk and
Television viewing time is associated with biomark- physical activity in the elderly, Bijnen and associ-
ers of cardiometabolic risk, but since its relation- ates evaluated 802 retired Dutch men at baseline
ship with mortality had not been studied, Dunstan [32]. All-cause 10-year mortality in the highest ter-
et al examined adult viewing time [25]. After tile decreased with increasing physical activity (rel-
adjustment for important variables, the hazard ra- ative risk, 0.77). More intense physical activity was
tio for each one-hour increment in television view- associated with greater decreased mortality.
ing time per day was 1.11 for all-cause mortality Moreover, walking or bicycling at least 3 times/
and 1.18 for cardiovascular mortality. Compared week for 20 minutes significantly reduced all-cause
with viewing time of less than two hours/day, the mortality compared with those who were physi-
hazard ratios for all-cause mortality were 1.13 for cally inactive (relative risk, 0.70). More recently,
2-4 hours/ day and 1.46 for more than 4 hours/day. Newman et al evaluated the long-term positive ef-
For cardiovascular mortality, the corresponding fects of elderly adults at baseline who completed a
hazard ratios were 1.19 and 1.80. 400 meter corridor walk [33]. After a mean period
In an early study, physical activity was compared of 4.9 years, those unable to complete the walk had
with all-cause mortality in 16,936 Harvard alumni a significantly higher mortality risk, incident
[26]. After 16 years follow-up, the death rate de- coronary heart disease, disability, and mobility
clined steadily as the expended energy increased. A limitation. Each additional minute of performance
subsequent prospective study of Harvard alumni time to complete the walk was associated with the
showed a graded inverse relationship between total following hazard ratios: mortality, 1.29; incident
physical activity and all-cause mortality [27]. The coronary heart disease, 1.20; mobility limitation,
third study of this group showed that distance 1.52; and disability, 1.52. Those in the lowest
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders 323
quartile had a significantly higher risk of death Indeed, it is the major worldwide cause of death in
than those in the highest quartile. women since it accounts for one-third of all female
Others evaluated the daily energy expenditure and deaths. In many countries, including the U.S.,
mortality among high functioning elderly individ- more women die of CVD than men [41]. Primary
uals for a mean of 6.15 years [34]. The free-living heart disease prevention, a reduction in coronary
activity energy expenditure was separated into the heart disease (CHD) risk factors in healthy people,
following three tertiles: less than 521 kcal/day; 521 results in a four-fold higher reduction in mortality
to 770 kcal/day; and greater than 770 kcal/day. from CHD than secondary prevention (i.e., risk
After adjusting for various confounders, those in factor reduction in people with established CHD)
the highest tertile energy expenditure group were at [42]. Although about 40% of 40 year old adults
a significantly lower all-cause mortality risk than will develop heart failure during their lifetime, the
those in the lowest tertile. Indeed, the least active Physicians’ Health Study indicated that adherence
group was three times more likely to die. Benetos to healthy lifestyle is associated with a significantly
and associates evaluated the role of physical activity lower risk of heart failure [43].
and other risk factors in older individuals who Morris et al reported in the early 1950s that active
could potentially reach the age of 80 years for men conductors in the London double-decker buses
and 85 years for women [35]. Their data showed a were protected against CHD compared with the
significantly increased probability of reaching these sedentary bus drivers [44,45]. Similarly, postmen
ages if they were involved in regular physical were protected from CHD compared with less ac-
activity. Wang et al added further support for tive government employees. Three decades later,
recommending physical activity in older persons Paffenbarger and associates examined 16,936
[36]. In this 13-year prospective study, runners’ Harvard alumni for lifestyle experiences related to
club members 50 years and older were compared CHD and longevity [46]. Those expending 2,000
with sedentary control subjects. Their findings kcal/week in walking, stair climbing, and sports
showed significantly lower disability levels in the play were at a 39% lower risk for CHD than the
runners’ clubs members and the death rate in the less active alumni and 16% fewer CHD deaths
control group was 3.3 times greater. A recent meta- would have occurred if everyone had expended the
analysis of 33 all-cause mortality studies also indi- same amount of energy in some form of exercise.
cated that better cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) Since that time, there has been a growing interest
was associated with a significantly lower risk of all- in using walking speed to assess functional status
cause mortality [37]. and motor performance in older people, 3,208 el-
A recent study also suggested that leisure time derly men and women were followed for an average
physical inactivity might accelerate the aging of 5.1 years [47]. Here, persons with low walking
process [38]. These researchers studied twin volun- speed had a three-fold increased risk of cardiovas-
teers on physical activity level, smoking, and socio- cular death compared with those who walked
economic status, as well as determined their leuko- faster.
cyte telomere length. After adjusting for age, sex, In their study of the association of 400 meters
BMI, smoking, socioeconomic status and physical corridor walk performance with the total mortality
activity at work, telomere length was positively as- in elderly individuals, Newman et al also evaluated
sociated with leisure time physical activity and its effect on incident CHD [33]. Here, inability to
thereby possibly slowed the aging process. complete the walk was associated with a signifi-
cantly higher risk of incident CHD. Of those who
Heart Disease: Primary Prevention. Heart dis- completed the walk, each additional minute was
ease has been the leading cause of death in the U.S. associated with a hazard ratio of 1.2 for incident
for the past four decades [39]. In 2007, cardiovas- CHD. Others studied the consequences of differ-
cular disease (CVD) accounted for 33.6% of all ent physical activity levels on total life expectancy
deaths in the U.S.; 2,200 Americans died of CVD with and without CHD in both men and women
each day [40]. Moreover, the myth that heart dis- [48]. Compared with low levels of physical activity,
ease is only a “man’s disease” has been debunked. moderate and high levels led to 1.3 and 3.7 and 1.1
324 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 42, no. 3, 2012
and 3.5 more years in total life expectancy, respec- Heart Disease: Secondary Prevention. Although
tively, as well as 1.3 and 3.3 more years free of rest and physical inactivity have been recommend-
CHD. ed for patients with established CHD for decades,
Since the role of walking compared with vigorous it is important to recognize that recent studies
exercise in the prevention of coronary heart disease clearly show that the benefits of physical activity
remains somewhat controversial, especially among and fitness also apply to those with coronary and
women, healthy postmenopausal women were pro- other vascular diseases. For example, a recent pro-
spectively studied [49]. The results showed that spective Nurses’ Health Study showed that regular
increasing quintiles of energy expenditure had age- exercise significantly minimizes the risk [53].
adjusted relative risks for coronary events of 1.00, Indeed, the absolute risk of sudden cardiac death
0.73, 0.69, 0.68 and 0.47, respectively. To further associated with moderate to vigorous exertion was
understand these variables, Duncan et al random- “exceedingly low.” A prospective study of U.S.
ized 492 sedentary adults to 1 of 4 exercise-coun- male physicians also indicated that habitual vigor-
seling conditions or to a physician advice compari- ous exercise “diminishes the risk of sudden death
son group [50]. The duration (30 minutes) and type during vigorous exertion” [54]. The following re-
(walking) of exercise were held constant while exer- ports further document the importance of physical
cise intensity and frequency consisted of moderate activity in patients with established CHD.
intensity-low frequency (3-4 days/week) and hard A British study involving men with established
intensity-high frequency (5-7 days/week). After 24 CHD compared the relative risks of death from
months, participants in the high-intensity exercise cardiovascular disease and all-cause with the level
group showed significant increases in cardiorespi- of physical activity [55]. Compared with the inac-
ratory fitness. tive or occasionally active group, the relative risks
Although exercise capacity is an important prog- (RR) were as follows: light activity, 0.42; moderate
nostic factor in people with CHD, it had been un- activity, 0.47; and moderately vigorous or vigorous
certain whether it predicts mortality equally well activity, 0.63. In addition, recreational activity of
among healthy individuals. To evaluate this, Myers four or more hours/week, moderate or heavy gar-
and associates studied 6,713 men referred for tread- dening, and regular walking 40 or more minutes/
mill exercise testing [51]. The participants were day were also associated with a significant reduc-
classified into two groups: 3,679 had an abnormal tion in mortality. Those who were initially seden-
exercise test result, history of CHD, or both; 2,534 tary, but began a light or more active program, also
had a normal exercise test result and no history of lived longer (RR, 0.58). Similarly, Hung et al com-
CHD. The peak exercise capacity, measured in pared the effect of aerobic training (AT) or com-
metabolic equivalents (MET), was the strongest bined AT and strength training (CT) on peak aero-
predictor of death between both groups. Each bic power (VO2 peak), distance walked in 6
MET increase in exercise capacity conferred a 12% minutes, upper and lower extremity maximal
improvement in survival. strength, and quality of life in elderly women with
To evaluate increased physical activity in the frail CHD [56]. The subjects, randomly assigned to AT
elderly, Ehsani et al randomly assigned frail octoge- or CT, exercised 3 days/week for 8 weeks. Both AT
narians to a control sedentary group or an exercise and CT improved similarly in VO2 peak, 6 minute
group in a 6-month training program followed by walking distance, lower extremity strength, and
3-months of more intense endurance exercise [52]. emotional as well as and global quality of life.
Compared with the sedentary group, the exercise Since the association between long-term outcomes
group showed a 14% increase in both the peak oxy- and the number of cardiac rehabilitation sessions
gen consumption and exercise cardiac output. The attended were unknown, Hammill et al identified
authors concluded that “although frail octogenari- 30,161 elderly patients who attended at least one
ans have a diminished capacity for improvement in session over a four-year period [57]. After adjust-
aerobic power in response to exercise training, this ment for several confounders, the results showed
adaptation is mediated most by an increase in Q the following: those who attended 36 sessions had
(peak exercise cardiac output) during peak effort.” a 14% lower risk of death and a 12% lower risk of
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders 325
MI than those who attended 24 sessions; a 22% stroke in men, but not women [64]. However, their
lower risk of death and a 23% lower risk of MI later study found that increased levels of physical
than those who attended 12 sessions; and a 47% activity were associated with a lower risk of silent
lower risk of death and a 31% lower risk of MI than brain infarcts in both men and women [65].
those who attended one session. In an early meta-
analysis of 48 clinical trials involving patients with Hypertension. Aging is accompanied by cardio-
CHD, exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation de- vascular changes that include a decrease in elastic-
creased all-cause mortality (20%), cardiac mortali- ity and an increase in stiffness of the coronary ar-
ty (26%), nonfatal MI (21%), coronary artery by- teries, which increases the afterload on the left
pass graft surgery (13%), and percutaneous ventricle resulting in systolic hypertension.
coronary angioplasty (19%) [58]. Unfortunately, hypertension is a major public
Flynn et al tested the effects of exercise training on health problem and appears to be increasing. For
the health status of individuals with heart failure example, in a community-based prospective study,
[59]. This multi-center, randomized controlled trial Vasan et al evaluated the lifetime risk of developing
involved stable outpatients with heart failure, of hypertension in 55- to 65-year-old individuals who
which 1,172 underwent usual care plus aerobic ex- were free of hypertension at baseline [66]. The re-
ercise training consisting of 36 supervised sessions sidual lifetime risk for developing hypertension was
followed by home-based training. The control 90% in both groups. Compared with an earlier pe-
group only received usual care. The researchers riod, the risk for hypertension remained unchanged
concluded that “exercise training conferred modest for women, but increased approximately 60% for
but statistically significant improvements in self- men.
reported health status compared with usual care Since exercise is a cornerstone therapy for the pre-
without training.” vention, treatment, and control of hypertension,
lifestyle modifications are strongly encouraged. In
Ischemic Stroke. In 2008, stroke was the third an early study of 14,998 Harvard male alumni,
leading cause of death in the United States [60], those who did not engage in vigorous sports play
and each year an estimated 795,000 people experi- were at a 35% greater risk for hypertension than
enced a new or recurrent stroke [61]. However, those who did [67]. Moreover, increased levels of
physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk BMI, weight gain since college, history of parental
of ischemic stroke in both women and men. For hypertension, and lack of strenuous exercise inde-
example, Hu et al examined the association be- pendently predicted an increased risk. The follow-
tween physical activity and risk of stroke in 72,488 ing year, Blair et al reported on the association of
women [62]. After eight years of follow-up, the physical fitness with hypertension in men and
relative risks for ischemic stroke across increasing women over a period of one to twelve years [68].
metabolic equivalent tasks from lowest to highest Those with low levels of physical fitness had a rela-
quintiles were 1.00, 0.87, 0.83, 0.76, and 0.52. tive risk of 1.52 compared with the highly fit group.
Similarly, Lee and Blair examined the association As noted by Brennan et al, isolated systolic hyper-
between cardiorespiratory fitness and stroke mor- tension is present in most older women [69]. To
tality in men over a ten year period [63]. After ad- evaluate the possible effect of lower levels of physi-
justment for age and other risk factors, the high-fit cal exertion on blood pressure, they studied 109
men had a 68% lower risk and moderately-fit men elderly women, of whom 63.3% were hypertensive.
a 63% lower risk of stroke mortality compared with The mean systolic BP was lower among women
the low-fit men. moving 5 or more hours/day than those moving
More recent studies confirm the importance of less than 5 hours/day. Others carried out a similar
physical activity in reducing the risk of ischemic six-month randomized controlled trial of combined
stroke. For example, a prospective cohort of stroke- aerobic and resistance training in persons with un-
free older individuals in the Northern Manhattan treated systolic BP of 130-159 mm Hg or a diastolic
Study indicated that moderate to heavy physical BP of 85-99 mm Hg [70]. Although the mean dia-
activity was protective against the risk of ischemic stolic BP was significantly reduced, the systolic BP
326 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 42, no. 3, 2012
was not, suggesting that “older persons may be re- In an early study, Pan et al randomized 577 Chinese
sistant to exercise-induced reduction in systolic men and women with impaired glucose tolerance
BP,” perhaps due to “the lack of improvement in to either a control group or one of three treatment
aortic stiffness….” Based on current evidence, the groups: diet only, exercise only, or diet plus exercise
American College of Sports Medicine recommends [75]. After six years of follow-up, 67.7% of the con-
30 or more minutes of moderate-intensity physical trol group developed diabetes compared with
activity for hypertensive people on most, but pref- 43.8%, 41.1% and 46.0% in the diet only, exercise
erably all, days of the week [71]. only, and diet plus exercise groups, respectively.
Similarly, 522 middle-aged overweight/obese
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Aging is commonly as- Finnish subjects with impaired glucose tolerance
sociated with an increased incidence of insulin re- were randomly assigned to an intervention group
sistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, or a control group [76]. Each interventional group
the number of diagnosed cases in the U.S. rose member received counseling for reducing weight,
from 1.5 million in 1958 to 17.9 million in 2007 improving diet, and increasing physical activity.
and as of 2009, 23.6 million Americans had type 2 After 4 years follow-up, the incidence of diabetes
diabetes [72]. In the U.S., diabetes is currently the was 11% in the intervention group and 23% in the
seventh most common cause of death. However, control group.
since it is also a major risk factor for cardiovascular, Hu et al. followed 84,941 female nurses who were
cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral vascular free of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer
diseases, hypertension, and renal disease, its actual at baseline for 16 years [77]. They concluded that
cause of death is significantly higher. 91% of the 3,300 new cases of type 2 diabetes were
Type 2 diabetes constitutes from 92% to 96% of all attributable to poor lifestyles. Although over-
diabetes cases. For decades, it was termed “late- weight/obesity was the single most important risk
onset diabetes” since it was uncommon prior to factor, physical inactivity was the second most im-
aged 40 years. It was also commonly referred to as portant factor. Similar findings were also reported
the “3-Fs”- female, fat, and forty. However, because in children [78]. In this study, insulin resistance
of the marked lifestyle changes over the past several was evaluated in 9 to 11.5 year-old obese and lean
decades, the disease is now common in males, ado- children. As with adults, total and central adiposity
lescents and young adults. Indeed, the major risk were positively associated with increased insulin re-
factors for type 2 diabetes are abdominal obesity sistance while physical activity was negatively as-
and physical inactivity. Although a familial risk sociated with insulin resistance.
factor is often present, it is significantly less impor- Importantly, diabetic adults 18 years and older who
tant than lifestyle. walked at least two hours/week reportedly had a
Numerous studies have clearly demonstrated that 39% lower all-cause mortality rate and a 34% low-
exercise improves glucose metabolism. To evaluate er cardiovascular mortality rate compared with
the effect of lifestyle intervention, the Diabetes sedentary persons [79]. The mortality rates were
Prevention Program Research Group assigned lowest for individuals who walked three to four
3,234 non-diabetic middle-aged persons with ele- hours/week. The authors concluded that “one death
vated fasting and post-load plasma glucose concen- per year may be preventable for every 61 people
trations to one of three groups: placebo, metfor- who could be persuaded to walk at least 2 hr/wk.”
min, or lifestyle change [73]. After an average
follow-up of 2.8 years, lifestyle intervention de- Cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of
creased the incidence by 58% and metformin use death in the U.S., Canada, and most of Europe. In
by 31%. Moreover, after a median follow-up of addition to poor nutrition and tobacco use, physi-
23.1 years, the Physicians Health Study reported cal inactivity is a major risk factor for several can-
that the hazard ratios of inactive men with normal, cers. Indeed, “The adoption of an active lifestyle
overweight or obese BMIs were 1.41, 3.14, and could reduce all-cause cancer rates by as much as
6.57, respectively [74]. Active but overweight and 46%” [80]. Although the mechanism(s) whereby
obese men had hazard ratios of 2.39 and 6.22. regular physical activity may prevent site-specific
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders 327
highest category of vigorous activity for advanced
Table 2. Cancer and Physical Inactivity and fatal prostate cancer [86].
Since vigorous activity after diagnosis had been re-
Prostate ported to be inversely associated with prostate can-
Breast cer-specific mortality, Richman et al examined vig-
orous activity and brisk walking among 1,455 men
with clinically localized prostate cancer [87]. After
Endometrium 2,750 person-years, men who walked briskly for 3
hours/week or more had a 57% lower rate of pro-
gression than those who walked at an easy pace for
less than 3 hours/week.
cancers is unknown, evidence suggests that compo- 2. Breast Cancer. Studies clearly demonstrate that
nents of the innate immune system are involved, as increased physical activity reduces the risk of breast
well as a better overall lifestyle, lower body fat, de- cancer. Although the positive effect of exercise ap-
creased stool transit time, lower estrogen levels, and plies to both pre- and postmenopausal women, the
enhancement of antioxidant enzyme systems [81]. association is stronger for the latter [88]. Among
The major cancers associated with physical inactiv- women of the French E3N cohort, there was a lin-
ity are listed in Table 2. ear decrease in breast cancer risk with increasing
1. Prostate Cancer. Studies of the relationship be- amounts of moderate (P < 0.01) and vigorous (P <
tween physical activity and prostate cancer have 0.0001) recreational activities [89]. Moreover,
been inconsistent. A literature review between 1989 women in the Women’s Contraceptive and
and 2001 identified 13 cohorts of U.S. and interna- Reproductive Experiences Study, which involved
tional studies, nine of which showed an association both black and white women with newly diagnosed
between increased physical activity and decreased breast cancer, were compared with cancer-free
risk of prostate cancer [82]. Five of 11 case-control women matched for age, race/ethnicity, and study
studies also indicated that high physical activity site [90]. Here, breast cancer risk was significantly
levels decreased prostate cancer risk. Of all studies decreased with increased levels of lifetime exercise
between 1976 and 2002, 16 of the 27 reported a activity in all women. Similarly, John et al con-
reduced risk in the most active men. More specifi- ducted a population-based case-control breast can-
cally, a recent Chinese case-control study showed cer study in African Americans, Latinos, and
that moderate physical activity was inversely asso- whites to assess the association with a lifetime of
ciated with prostate cancer risk [83]. There was also moderate and vigorous physical activity [91]. The
a dose-response relationship. However, a popula- results showed significant breast cancer risk reduc-
tion-based case-control Canadian study reported tions in both pre- and postmenopausal women and
mixed evidence for an association between prostate were similar in the three racial/ethnic groups.
cancer risk and physical activity [84]. Although oc- Interestingly, the Women’s Health Initiative
cupational activity decreased the risk, only vigor- Observational Study of older women reported that
ous physical activity decreased the risk. those who had engaged in strenuous physical activ-
Nilsen et al prospectively examined the association ity three or more times/week and worked up a
between physical activity and prostate cancer in sweat at age 35 years, had a relative risk for breast
29,110 Norwegian men [85]. After 17 years of fol- cancer of 0.86 compared with women who did not
low-up, multivariable analysis showed that exercise [92]. Thus, “An hour every day of moderate or
frequency and duration were inversely associated strenuous activity provides the most benefit.” It
with the risk of advanced prostate cancer and can- should also be noted that obesity, which can be
cer death. However, the results of a Health controlled to a significant degree by physical activ-
Professionals Follow-up Study showed no associa- ity, is also a major risk factor for postmenopausal
tion between total prostate cancer and total, vigor- breast cancer [93].
ous, or non-vigorous physical activity, although in
men 65 years and older there was a lower risk in the
328 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 42, no. 3, 2012
3. Colorectal Cancer. There is a strong inverse as- Other studies, however, have shown that physical
sociation between risk of colon cancer and physical activity decreases the risk of lung cancer. For ex-
activity. In a case-control study, data collected on ample, an Iowa Women’s Health Study found that
lifetime occupational and recreational physical ac- women with high physical activity levels were less
tivity for ages 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years from likely to develop lung cancer than those who were
patients with colon cancer were compared with a relatively inactive [101]. Similarly, a case-control
cancer-free control group [94]. For lifetime physi- study of women from the Czech Republic reported
cal activity, the multivariate odds ratio for the an inverse association for lung cancer between
highest quartile was 0.37. For life-long high exer- smokers and physical exercise [102]. Moreover, re-
cisers, compared with non-exercisers, the odds ra- searchers of an extensive Norwegian study reported
tio was 0.26. that men who exercise four or more hours each
Others examined the association between occupa- week had a lower lung cancer risk for both small
tional and leisure-time physical activity and cell and adenocarcinoma than men who did not
colorectal cancer in a cohort of male smokers [95]. exercise (relative risk, 0.71) [103].
After 12 follow-up years, the relative risks for light Furthermore, a sub-cohort of these men in which
and moderate/heavy occupational activity were physical activity was assessed twice, the relative risk
0.60 and 0.45, respectively. In addition, the relative for lung cancer was 0.39 for those who were most
risk for distal colon cancer in moderate/heavy oc- active at both assessments. Moreover, in a meta-
cupation activity was 0.21. For rectal cancer, the analysis “of all relevant reports published from
relative risk reductions for light and moderate/ 1966 through October 2003”, the odds ratios for
heavy occupational activity were 0.71 and 0.50, re- lung cancer were 0.87 for moderate leisure-time
spectively. Slatterly et al also reported that vigorous physical activity and 0.70 for high activity [104].
physical activity reduced the risk of rectal cancer 5. Ovarian Cancer. Increased physical activity
among both men and women [96]. may lower the risk for ovarian cancer by decreasing
Although the incidence of colorectal cancer in circulating sex hormones, ovulation frequency,
Japan is among the highest in the world, increased body fat or chronic inflammation. To investigate
job-related physical activity in males is associated this possible association, Hannan et al carried out a
with a significant risk reduction in both distal co- prospective cohort study of 27,365 women [105].
lon and rectal carcinoma [97]. However, only total Although there was no overall significant associa-
and moderate or “hard” non-job physical activity tion between physical activity and ovarian cancer
averted a positive affect on rectal cancer. In fe- over the previous year, “the results are suggestive of
males, job-related physical activity and moderate or an inverse association.” However, in the
“hard” non-job physical activity were protective Copenhagen City Heart Study “a highly signifi-
only in the distal colon. In a recent review of 52 cant inverse association was seen between vigorous
studies, 37 found a significant association between physical activity in leisure-time and cancer of the
the level of physical activity and decreased colon ovary…” [106]. Similarly, a case-control Canadian
cancer [98]. study reported that, compared to women in the
4. Lung Cancer. Population studies of the associa- lowest tertiles of moderate, vigorous and total rec-
tion between physical activity and lung cancer have reational activity, those in the highest tertiles had a
yielded inconsistent results. For example, Bak et al significantly lower risk [107]. In a case-controlled
examined the relationship between physical activi- Chinese study, the risk for ovarian cancer also de-
ty and risk of lung cancer in a Danish cohort aged clined with increasing duration of strenuous sports
50 to 64 years [99]. After adjustments for smoking, and frequency of “activity-induced sweating among
education level, possible occupational exposure to pre-menopausal women….” [108]. In addition, a
carcinogens, and diet, there was “no convincing literature review concluded that “physical activity
protective effect of physical activity on lung cancer protects against ovarian, endometrial and post-
risk.” Similarly, a large European study showed “no menopausal breast cancer independently of BMI”
consistent protective association of physical activity [109].
with lung cancer risk” [100].
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders 329
6. Endometrial Cancer. The results of an early harmful aging effects [117]. Indeed, moderate
population-based case-control study of physical ac- treadmill running during murine lifespan reversed
tivity at work and outside work showed that non- all of the aging effects on intestinal, skeletal, and
retired women holding sedentary jobs or with sed- heart muscles. It also prevented the enhancement
entary lifestyles were at a “somewhat increased risk of lipid peroxidation and sarcopenia.
of endometrial cancer” [110]. Similarly, the authors Raguso et al evaluated the association between
of an early British study concluded that “physically physical activity on body composition in healthy
inactive women may be at increased risk of endo- elderly men and women [118]. After a 3-year peri-
metrial cancer because they are more likely to be od, increased physical activity was associated with
overweight or obese” [111]. greater muscle mass and less truncal body fat.
More recently Moradi et al reported results from a Exercise not only reverses the age-associated de-
population-based case-control study in the “entire cline in muscle mass, but also muscle strength
Swedish female population aged 50-74 years…” [119]. After 12 weeks of exercise training, about
[112]. Compared with the lowest levels of physical 40% of the 10-year strength loss and 75% of the
exercise, there was a significant reduction in endo- muscle mass loss were restored.
metrial cancer for those in the highest exercise lev- When exercise intensity is low, only modest in-
els. Another population-based case-control study creases in strength are achieved in the elderly.
that examined the relationship between endome- However, progressive resistance training shows
trial cancer and physical activity from exercise, similar or even greater strength gains compared
household activities, and transportation showed with young individuals. For example, after a 12-
the following: exercise participation in both adoles- week progressive training program involving older
cence and adulthood reduced the cancer risk by men, the extensor strength more than doubled,
40%; postmenopausal women who initiated exer- flexor strength more than tripled, and total muscle
cise in adulthood significantly reduced their cancer area increased by 11.4% [120,121]. Strength train-
risk; and reductions in risk were found for house- ing also leads to significant improvement in muscle
hold activities and walking for transportation [113]. strength in frail individuals aged 90 years and older
A review of physical activity and individual cancer [122]. After eight weeks of high-intensity resistance
risk concluded that “a convincing risk reduction training, strength gains averaged 174%, mid-thigh
was found for colon cancer and estrogen-depen- muscle area increased 9%, and mean tandem gait
dent malignancies such as breast and endometrial speed improved 48%.
cancer” [114].
Osteoporosis and Fractures. Osteoporosis, a very
Sarcopenia. By the age of 50 years, most humans common problem in postmenopausal women and
become aware that they are losing endurance and the elderly, is associated with a decrease in bone
muscle strength due to a loss of muscle mass and mineral density (BMD) and increased fractures re-
adaptive ability (sarcopenia). The most apparent sulting in a high percentage of late-life disability
causes are lack of use, depletion of muscle regenera- and death. Unfortunately, 20 million Americans
tion stem cells, a decline in anabolic hormones, and have osteoporosis and another million will develop
decreased physical activity. As a result, muscle the disease unless preventive action is taken [123].
strength decreases approximately 50% from age 30 An estimated 26% of U.S. women 65 years and
to 80 years [115], and by the seventh and eighth older and more than 50% 85 years and older have
decades of life, maximal voluntary strength is de- osteoporosis [124]. However, osteoporosis is not
creased by 20-40% for men and women in both just a woman’s disease. Although men are com-
proximal and distal muscles [116]. monly affected, it is not well appreciated by the
A recent study evaluated the effects of aging on the medical community. In fact, two million American
functional and morphological properties of cardi- men have osteoporosis compared with eight mil-
ac, skeletal, intestinal muscles, and oxidative status lion women [125]. Moreover, 24% of men 45 years
in mice to determine whether a moderate lifelong and older will have an osteoporosis-related fracture
exercise program would be protective against some compared with 47% of women and 31% will die
330 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 42, no. 3, 2012
within one year compared with 17% of women. were compared between 50- to 80-year old mem-
Osteoporosis is responsible for over 1.5 million bers of a runners’ club and a university population
fractures each year in the U.S. resulting in 500,000 [132]. The runners’ club members had significantly
hospitalizations, 800,000 emergency room visits, better overall health and less disability at baseline
2.6 million physician visits, 180,000 nursing home and after a six-year follow-up. Predictors of greater
admissions, and 12 -18 billion dollars in healthcare subsequent disability were greater baseline disabil-
costs. ity, medication, pack-years of smoking, and age, as
Numerous studies have shown that physical activi- well as increased blood pressure, arthritis, and less
ty is an important factor in reducing/preventing physical activity. Similarly, a six-year prospective
osteoporosis. Furthermore, increased physical ac- longitudinal disability study compared older men
tivity during childhood and adolescence is an im- and women with general community members
portant prevention factor. For example, athletically [133]. The authors concluded that “older persons
active adolescent females have higher bone mass who engage in vigorous running and other aerobic
than their sedentary counterparts [126]. Moreover, activities have lower mortality and slower develop-
weight bearing physical activity during the years of ment of disability than do members of the general
peak bone acquisition (age 12 to 18 years) “appears population.”
to have lasting benefits for lumbar spine and proxi- To further appreciate the benefits of aerobic
mal femoral aBMD (areal bone mineral density) in exercise on disability and mortality in older per-
postmenopausal women.” Similarly, an Eastern sons, Wang et al examined whether regular exer-
Finland study that compared the walking distance cise could compress morbidity into later years of
at ages 9 to 11 years with femoral BMD in peri- life [134]. Compared with the control group, their
menopausal women showed that the greater the findings showed the following: (a) disability levels
walking distance, the higher the BMD [127]. were significantly lower in the runners’ club mem-
Others studied the effect of daily physical activity bers; (b) relative disability was postponed 8.7 years;
on the proximal femur in women aged 35-40 years (c) runners’ club membership and participation in
[128]. After 12 months, there was a significant rela- other aerobic activities were protective against mor-
tionship between physical activity and proximal tality; and (d) controls had a 3.3 times higher death
femoral BMD. Similarly, after comparing the rate in every disease category.
BMD of long distance male runners with age-
matched healthy controls, the runners had signifi- Overweight/Obesity. Physical inactivity and obe-
cantly higher BMD at the calcaneus, lower limbs, sity are major public health concerns throughout
femoral neck, pelvis, and trabecular lumbar spine the industrialized world. Indeed, obesity and phys-
[129]. However, a meta-analysis of 10 studies that ical inactivity independently contribute to all-cause
examined the effect of walking on BMD in men and cause-specific mortality among young and
and postmenopausal women indicated that walk- middle-aged adults [135]. These researchers com-
ing only had a significant positive effect on lumbar pared adiposity with physical activity in predicting
BMD, but the effect was not significant on the fe- mortality over a 24-year period involving 116,564
mur or calcaneus [130]. Nevertheless, when com- women who were free of cancer and coronary heart
bined with a weight-bearing program, the results disease at baseline. Compared with physically ac-
are more significant. For example, in a 12-month tive lean women, the multivariate relative risks of
prospective randomized trial, elderly women as- death were 1.55 for lean inactive women, 1.91 for
signed to the exercise group showed a significant active obese women, and 2.42 for inactive obese
increase in BMD of the Ward’s triangle, women. Moreover, a BMI greater than 25 and
improvement in walking speed, and isometric grip physical activity less than 3.5 hours each week to-
strength [131]. gether accounted for 31% of all premature deaths.
Since the amount of physical activity needed to
Physical Disability. As a person ages, there is a prevent long-term weight gain in older persons was
significant increased risk of becoming frail and dis- unclear, Lee and associates carried out a prospec-
abled. In an early study, predictors of disability tive 15 year study involving 34,079 healthy women
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders 331
[136]. At the end of the study, the average weight More recently, Lindwall et al investigated the rela-
gain was 2.6 kg. However, those who were success- tionship between light and strenuous exercise and
ful in maintaining normal weight and gaining less depression in elderly Swedish men and women
than 2.3 kg averaged 60 minutes of daily moderate [141]. Here, the inactive elderly had higher depres-
intensity activity (mostly walking). sion scores both in terms of light and strenuous ex-
Menschik et al studied 3,345 adolescents over a ercise. Moreover, those who were continuously ac-
five-year period and found that the likelihood of tive had lower depression scores than both the
being an overweight young adult was reduced by continuously inactive persons and those who shift-
48% in those involved in various extracurricular ed from activity to inactivity during the previous
wheel-related activities (i.e., rollerblading, roller year. Similarly, a Finnish study found that those
skating, skate boarding, or bicycling) more than who exercised at least two to three times each week
four times each week [137]. Moreover, each week- experienced significantly less depression, anger,
day the students who participated in curricular cynical distrust, and stress than those exercising
physical education decreased the odds of being less frequently or not at all [142]. Others evaluated
overweight adults by 5%; participation in physical the effect of treadmill walking in a group of U.S.
education every weekday decreased the odds by men and women with a major depressive episode
28%. [143]. Following an interval training pattern, tread-
The HALE project investigated the single and mill walking 30 minutes daily for ten days resulted
combined effect of the Mediterranean diet, being in “a substantial improvement in those with major
physically active, moderate alcohol use, and non- depressive disorders.”
smoking on all-cause and cause-specific mortality Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease. Under normal
in elderly Europeans [138]. After 10 years of follow- conditions, the production of neurons (i.e., neuro-
up, the hazard ratios were as follows: adherence to genesis) occurs only in the hippocampus and olfac-
a Mediterranean diet, 0.77; moderate alcohol use, tory systems of the adult brain. Since aging causes
0.78; physical activity, 0.63; and non-smoking, changes in the hippocampus, it may lead to cogni-
0.65. The combination of these risk factors lowered tion decline in the elderly. However, several studies
the all-cause mortality rate to 0.35. Indeed, have shown that regular exercise ameliorates some
Mokdad et al noted that combined physical inac- of the deleterious morphological and behavioral
tivity and obesity/poor diet was the second highest consequences in aging mice and thereby increases
“actual” cause of death in the United States in 1990 the potential for neurogenesis [144-147]. Moreover,
and 2000 [2,3]. as in mice, exercise was shown to have a primary
effect on dentate gyrus cerebral blood volume,
Depression and Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease. which correlated with cardiopulmonary and cogni-
Depression. Depression is reportedly the leading tive function in humans [148].
cause of nonfatal medical disability in developed Recognizing that increased physical activity may
countries among those aged 15 to 44 years [139]. also maintain cognitive function in older adults,
Indeed, depression is the major cause of suicide, the Weuve and associates examined the association be-
10th leading cause of death in the U.S. Although tween regular long-term physical activity, includ-
aging is strongly associated with functional decline ing walking, and cognitive function in 18,766 el-
and depression, increased physical activity has been derly women [149]. They found that when
shown to delay these disorders. For example, 158 combining the tests of cognition, verbal memory,
men and women aged 50 years and older with a category fluency and attention, women in the high-
major depressive disorder were randomly assigned est activity quintile had a 20% lower risk of cogni-
to a program of aerobic exercise, antidepressants, or tive impairment. Indeed, an American study noted
combined exercise and medication [140]. Although that greater energy expenditure is protective against
persons receiving medication alone exhibited the cognitive impairment in a dose-response manner
quickest initial response, exercise was equally effec- [150]. However, since low-intensity physical activi-
tive in reducing depression after 15 weeks. ty, such as walking, had not been evaluated with
332 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 42, no. 3, 2012
regards to dementia, Abbott et al examined this as- Both physical activity and diet were recently evalu-
sociation in men aged 71 to 93 years [151]. After ated in a prospective study of two cohorts compris-
five years of follow-up, those who walked less than ing community-dwelling elders without dementia
0.25 miles each day experienced a 1.8-fold higher at baseline [158]. After 14 years, the hazard ratio for
risk for dementia than those who walked two or “some” physical activity was 0.75 and 0.67 for
more miles each day. “much” activity. A literature review of the positive
Colcombe and associates reported that increased effects of exercise on the aging brain and cognition
cardiovascular fitness results in increased function- has been published [159].
ing of the attentional brain network during a cog-
nitively challenging task [152]. Here, highly fit or Miscellaneous Diseases/Disorders.
aeraobically trained individuals showed greater Inflammation and Atherosclerosis. Although the
task-related activity of the prefrontal and parietal pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is incompletely un-
cortices compared with low fit or the non-aerobic derstood, inflammation is a widely accepted mech-
control group. More recently, they reported a sig- anism. Since CHD is the number one cause of
nificant increase in brain volume in 50 to 79 year death in the U.S. and in most other Western coun-
old individuals who participated in aerobic fitness tries, and cerebrovascular disease is number three,
compared with those who participated in the non- the prevention or delay of these diseases would not
aerobic group [153]. only improve the quality of life but increase longev-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause ity. As of 2005, twenty-two prospective epidemio-
of death in the U.S. The major risk factors include logic studies demonstrated that increased blood
age, family history, educational level, and the pres- levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-
ence of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype e4 CRP), a sensitive marker of inflammation, is a
[154]. A leading explanation for AD is an increase strong predictor of future CHD. Other studies also
in cerebral beta-amyloid protein. Importantly, showed that physical activity decreases the inflam-
Lazarov et al recently reported that “environmental matory process. For example, a group of 197 pa-
enrichment” decreases the accumulation of amy- tients with CHD was randomized to either a com-
loid protein and alters the gene expression changes prehensive lifestyle program (regular physical
in a double transgenic mouse model [155]. These activity, low fat diet, smoking cessation) or usual
genetically modified mice were placed in an “en- care with routine follow-up for six months [160].
riched” environment containing exercise equip- Independent of diet and smoking, physical perfor-
ment and toys, as well as the usual food, water, and mance was significantly and inversely correlated
bedding material for the control mice. After five with levels of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and
months, the brains of the mice housed in the en- soluble cell adhesion molecule-1 in patients with
riched environment showed a significant reduction CHD “possibly retarding the process of
in amyloid protein, which was primarily related to atherosclerosis.”
increased physical activity. Immune System. Aging is commonly accompa-
At about this same time, Podewills and associates nied by a decrease in immune function, which can
reported that persons regularly engaged in a variety lead to an increased incidence of infectious diseas-
of physical activities may decrease the risk of devel- es, malignancy, and autoimmune disorders; thus,
oping AD by as much as 50% [156]. Increased the immune theory of aging. Since the aging pro-
physical activity also decreased the risk of all-cause cess does not uniformly affect the immune system,
and ischemic dementia. However, physical activity a possible explanation may be due, at least in part,
did not affect individuals who carried APOE4, a to differences in the level of physical activity.
gene variant that increases the risk for AD. Others Indeed, many studies have shown that moderate
also reported that leisure-time physical activity at exercise training attenuates immunosenescence in
midlife is associated with a decreased risk of AD the elderly. For example, Chubak et al studied the
[157]. Thus, “regular physical activity may reduce effects of moderate-intensity exercise on the risk of
the risk or delay the onset of dementia and AD, colds and upper respiratory tract infections in over-
especially among genetically susceptible weight and obese sedentary postmenopausal wom-
individuals.” en [161]. After several months, the risk of colds in
Physical Inactivity: Associated Diseases and Disorders 333
the control group was three times that of the dementia, among others. However, even among the
exercisers. very old “not only continuing but also initiating”
Although moderate regular physical activity bene- physical activity is associated with better survival
fits the immune system by augmenting resistance and function [165]. Moreover, since there is a linear
to infections and some forms of cancer, intense relationship between the level of physical activity
long-term exercise (e.g., marathon runners) appar- and health status, children and adolescents should
ently has a negative effect. For example, the suscep- participate daily in 60 minutes or more of moder-
tibility to upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) ate to vigorous physical activity that is enjoyable,
after chronic physical exercise at various intensities involves a variety of activities, and is developmen-
is described with a “J-shaped” curve. In this review, tally beneficial.
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