Elt 121 2
Elt 121 2
Elt 121 2
WG 05 () of SC 22 (Overhead unes)
Hafstad (Norway) — Mr. T. lkeya (Japan) — Mr. nuously monitor the conductor tempe
D.T. Jones (U.S.A.) — Mr. A,R. McCulloch (Ca rature, during the operation of the line, refare, the planning of clearances,
nada) Mr. V.T. Morgan )Australia) Mr. P. have ta take into accaunt the thermal
Nicolini )ltaly)
— Mr. E. Palazuelos Serto (Spain)
— Mr. P. Paoli (Italyl— Mr. P. Ralston (Canada). ping below pre-set limits. history of the conductor [3].
N’ 121 E LE CIRA 53
1.2.5. JouIe Iosses ding of the thermol state of the actual practical significance of the
conductor and associated environ- problem.
During the initial design of a une or
system, if an attempt is made to mental conditions may help in the
Part 2 reports on the results of this
optimize the conductor cross-section, prediction of ice load and consequen
tly a possible improvement in une
one of the chief components of the
relia bility.
cost objective function, which must be
minimized is Joule losses cost.
1.3. Practical importance 1.4. Means and methods of applica
In calculating the Joule losses, tion
generally, a single conductor tempera In reviewing the effects due to
ture is assumed, but a greater know conductor temperature, we may note Once the state of the art has been
ledge of the probable statistical rela that this parameter is one of great ascertained from the respondents, the
tionship between the conductor tem importance in the design and opera work of the Group will continue with
perature and the load carried out by tion of lines, therefore it cannot be the preparation of a practical guide
the conductor, a better evaluation of neglected. The Working Group has that, starting with the experiments and
the Joules losses may be obtained. therefore decided that it would be achievements of a large number of
worth having direct information on the researchers, will provide information,
1.2.6. Ice formation opinions of power line users, manu on the basis of which calculations or
Some quantitative evaluations have facturers and contractors. To this end, methods may be applied for a correct
already been made in relationship a survey on thermal problems was set evaluation of conductor temperatures
between the formation of ice over up among the members of SC 22, and under any condition.
loads, environmental conditions, and a questionnaire circulated with the
A brief outline of this work is
conductor temperature. It is possible, object of collecting information that
would make it possible to evaluate the presented in part 3.
in the future, that a better understan
The respondent was asked how the This was arranged such that the
Africa 1
problem of thermal rating was treated, respondents were asked to give a
for what conditions and in what terms YES/NO reply to a number of specific
rating was specified, what effects America 26 questions.
were taken into account, and lastly,
what means were used to evaluate Asia and Australia 12
those effects. 75
Europe 27
Section B 50
These countries are listed by geo pour guider le calcul de la capacité ther
This section asked respondents for graphical area in Table I. This report mique.
any information considered useful but summarizes only the replies to part A Fig. 2. — Different approaches used to
not included in previous questions, and part B. govern thermal rating calculation.
N 121 E LE CIRA 55
tive). Even when considering thermal tions on the reference parameters and 50
state under fault conditions, just under coefficients which are used in the heat
50 % replies feit it necessary to consi balance equation, as follows
der this matter further. a) Peak value of solar radiation, 30
ning a better evaluation of the loss of Figure 7 shows in form of histo Vitesse de vent transversal
grams the results of the replies obtai
strength due to annealing and creep.
0f these replies the WG was surprised ned. Briefly, it may be noted that the
by the reply to the annealing which average values are:
was previously considered a less im — Summer solar radia
portant factor. tion 1000 W/m
With specific reference to the pro — Emission coefficient: 10
the thermal balance equation used to temperature (sum refit parameters used in the heat balance
calculate temperature under normal mer) 35°C equations.
N° 121 ELECTRA 57
dent. The WG was particularly surpri conductor temperature (ordinate), ing the replies relating ta section C of
sed when considering the low devia with reference ta normal operation the questionnaire.
tian in the maximum ambient tempe conditions and ta ACSR conductors of
As a first conclusion, however, t
rature. These values coincide whith lines above 220 kV.
may be said that the problem of the
those normally used in calculations
The central narrow band, includes thermal state of conductors has arou
employing the deterministic approach
about the 50% of the replies, the sed considerable interest, and, above
ta the probiem.
larger one the 90 %. ail, that a great deal of work is called
Figure 8 cortsiders the respondents for to coliate aIl the information avail
The replies concern lines located in
who collect meteorological data. This able, which it is hoped may be possi
different climatological areas; this fact
section of the questionnaire conclu ble in the later documents.
may explain the notable scattering of
ded by considerating the measure
the data because the quantities assu
ments of the conductor temperature
med for temperature calculation are,
under operating conditions. 130
normally, dependent on the location of
The first part, figure 8a, deals with the line. 120
the current practice of respondents 110
who monitor meteorological data, 2.3. Final considerations
while figure 8b deals with respondents
who monitor live conductors. The Working Group is now examin
2.2. Analysis of the replies of section o o.
B D W 70
Fig. 9. Résumé des réponses concer
result, the diagrams in figure 9 sum ning the admissible temperature of A CSR
conductors of unes above 220 kV: each
marizes the replies concerning the
point represents the current density and
current densities (abscissa) as a func the relevant admissible temperature in CURFCENT DENSITY 2
tian of the admissible maximum normal operation. Densité de courant A/mm’
This part presents a summary of heat stored = heat supplied heat lost
the work that WG is developing with in conductor to conductor by conductor
the aim of issuing a practical guide ta
the application of thermal rating which in mathematical terms, s the t = time (s)
concepts bath in design and in ope- equation
ration. The solution O = 0(t) expresses
CdO (P + M + F’ — —
a) Steady state case, the total heat supplied is due is expressed by the following simpli
only ta the Joule effect, and there is fied relationship if, for the sake of
If the meteorological parameters
na heat exchange with the environ- simplicity, the reflectance effect is
are assumed ta be constant and the
ment: this heat must therefore have ignored and it is assumed that = O
electrical load does flot change, the
been stored in the conductor. The
heat supplied to the conductor is P = e D [I sin + it/2 ‘d j (6)
equation expressing this fact is the
constant in time and it is balanced by
following The intensity of the direct beam l
an equal constant in respect of heat
dissipation. This condition is defined varies with the air-mass traversed, and
hence with the solar altitude H , and
as steady-state and, in practice, s
assumed to be true even when the
= Ç P(t) R(9) dt
(4) with the turbidity of the atmosphere.
parameters involved vary little around where 1(t) is the current flowing during The turbidity is due ta the attenua
an average constant value. the short circuit, R (9)is the conductor tian of the solar beam as the resuit of
In this case CdO = 0, and therefore resistance and t is the duration of the scattering by air molecules, dust parti
equation (1) is simplified as follows short circuit [7]. The factors included des and water vapour, and absorption
in equations (1), (2), (3), (4) wilI be by ozone.
P + S + M = 00
P0 Pr + ‘‘v (2) examined in the items that follow. In still air, solar heating of a
that is, the well-known “balance equa 3.1.1. JouIe heating conductor s significant, even on
tion”. cloudy days. In windy conditions, the
The heat generated by the Joule relative importance of solar heating
This is the characteristic situation effect is expressed by:
during normal operation or, during decreases as the wind velocity increa
temporary operation, after the tran = k /2
0 (1 + co 7)
R (5) ses. Although the coincidence of high
sient due ta the load change has been solar heating with low convective
where cooling is important, hardly any field
I = effective (r.m.s.) current flow tests have been carried out ta carre
b) Transient state ing through the conductor (A) late these twa parameters on a proba
When the electrical load varies 0
R = electrical resistance (d.c.) per bilistic basis. The solar absorptivity of
suddenly with constant, or practically unit length at 0 oC (/m) weathered conductors is greater than
constant, meteorological parameters, 7, = average conductor tempera 0.5 and may approach unity.
the terms P., P, in equation (1) ture °C
depend only on the temperature 9, and = temperature coefficient of re 3.1.3. Magnetic heating
5 and Pv may be assu
the terms P,,, P sistance between O OC and 7,
(oc)-’ With alternating current, the cyclic
med ta be constant.
k = coefficient, taking into account magnetic flux causes heating by eddy
In this case, the following expres currents, hysteresis and magnetic vis
skin effect (with d.c. k = 1)
sion can be used; cosity. The eddy-current heating P. is
The resistance temperature coeffi usually negligible with non-ferrous
9(t) =
cient, con, for steel cored conductors canductors at power frequency, but
of the steel.
the solution of the general differential diffuse sky radiation in relation ta a
equation (1) has ta be considered [6]. horizontal surface; the solar altitude The ferramagnetic heat gain is PM
H; the angle ri of the solar beam with = P. + PH, because the heating due
d) Adiabatic state respect ta the axis of the canductor; ta magnetic viscasity is negligible. t
During a short circuit, the current and the albedo (reflectance) F of the is also possible ta include the ferra
flawing in that very short space of surface of the ground beneath the magnetic heating term PM with the
time produces an adiabatic thermal conductor. The total solar heat recei Joule heating term P. in equation (5),
response of the conductor. In this ved per unit length of the conductor , taking
by redefining the coefficient k
N° 121 E LE CIRA 61
into account both skin and magnetic In stili air, convection cooling de The models are based on different
effects. creases as the orientation of the philosophies
Magnetic heating in steel-cored conductor to the horizontal increases. — One modelling method is based on
conductors produces a small increase In wind, convection cooling increases fixed conventional terms of refe
in the effective resistance with increa with wind velocity and turbulence in rence and is the welI-known and
sing current when there is an even tensity; stranding increases the heat very widely used deterministic
number of layers of non ferrous wires transfer by approximately 10 per cent method.
with alternately reversed directions of for 100 < (Re)Df 2650, and by 50
per cent at (Re)Df = l0 for crossflow. — Two modelling methods take into
lay. With an odd number of layers, the account the statistical nature of
increase in resistance is greatest for a Forced convection cooling decreases
with the angle of attack of the wind in the relevant parameters appearing
single layer; for three layers, the resis in the thermal equation of the
tance increases by 5-10% at full rated relation to the conductor axis. The
orientation of the forced flow in rela conductor. They are known as the
load current. statistical parametric method and
tion to the natural flow is important.
Typical ranges of variation of k for the real-time parametric method.
conductors having various layers of Two other modelling methods are
3.1.5. Radiative cooling —
this distribution, the system designer racteristics, as in the case of the line An alternaltive ta performing mea
can assess the risk of exceeding the to which the model s applied. surements on an energized line s to
maximum permissible temperature of As far as operation is concerned, use a thermal model of the conductor
conductors, or estimate the probable bearing in mmd that the method at Iow voltage. The model consists of
loss of tensile strength of the conduc would be unlikely to predict actual a cylinder that is long enough ta
tors from their thermal history. The conductor temperature with any pre enable axial heat flow ta be ignored,
statistical parametric method could, cision, because the data are usually and has the same diameter, surface
on the contrary, be used by system properties and thermal time-constant
only available at too long, (say hourly),
operators with the same limitations as as the me conductor. The current
intervals, its application is reliable only
the deterministic method, the only in normal operation, while, in tempo passed through the model should
difference being that the former pro- rary or emergency operation, cannot produce the same Joule heat as that
vides knowledge of the probability in the me conductar. The temperature
supply any information on the dyna
that a given limiting temperature may of the model should be measured at
mic aspect of the termal behaviour of
or may flot be reached. No information the conductor. its mid-point. An advantage of the
on the actual conductor temperature thermal model several samples can be
can be obtained from this model. placed with different orientations in
3.2.4. Statistical conductor-tempera the same place; or else one model can
ture method be ratated to various azimuths.
3.2.3. ReaI-time parametric method
In this method, a conductor car A third and pramising solution is
In this method, an appropriate time rying a constant current at low voltage represented by the purely analytical
interval t is selected, as in the statisti is exposed outdoors for a period of at thermal models that can predict the
cal parametric method. The average, least one year, and the conductor temperature af an overhead conduc
calculated in the interval A t, of the temperature and the air temperature tor. The system involves cailecting
actual measured values of the metea are monitored. The distribution of the data an the actual metearological
rological and load parameters (or temperature rise of the conductor is a quantities at the lacation of the une
stored data from previous measure function of the distribution of the these data are then entered in a
ments) are inserted in the heat equa meteorological parameters. This pro computer program that, provided the
tion to determine the calculated value cedure can be repeated for other line characteristics and electrical load
of the conductor temperature at that values in respect of current. through dispatching are known, pre
specific time.
The method requires to continuous dicts actual line temperature at pre
The distribution of the conductor monitoring the sample, and its appli selected locations (i.e. particularly
temperature can then be determined, cation s meinly for design, because its critical spans versus clearances...) in
after repeating this process a suffi use in operation is similar to that of many cases, the three alternatives are
cient number of times ta include data previous models. combined and used to contrai a whole
from ail four seasons. The advantage network.
of this method lies in the fact that the 3.2.5. Real-time conductor tempera At present, these systems are
meteorological quantities taken as ture method knawn as Dynamic thermal une rating.
above are automatically correlated
In this method, the temperature of The real-time conductor-tempera
with each other and the temperature one or more of the conductors of an ture method takes into accaunt ail
evaluated approximates ta the real energized high-voitage line is measu meteorologicai and Ioad fluctuations.
average coriductor temperature in the red, either continuously or at short From the system design point af view,
interval A t. The parametric method intervais, by means of a transducer, the methad wiiI provide temperature
requires access to electrical load pat and the signal is transmitted ta ground distribution curves that enable the
terns and meteorological data measu by means of an optical or telemetry probability, or risk, of exceeding a
red at fairly frequent intervals over a Iink. Because the actual temperature given temperature to be assessed.
period of at least one year, and a of the conductor is measured, this
computer ta solve the equation repea Moreover, the real-time conduc
method is the most appropriate one
tedly, to obtain conductor temperature tor-temperature method gives ta the
for the une operator to use; however,
distribution. system control engineer a continuaus
since the conductor has a fixed azimu
indication af the temperature of the
thal direction, the temperature of
The resultant temperature distribu conductor, so that he can handie load
conductors of other azimuths should
tion wiIl be an approximation, even if dispatching, particularly in emergency
also be monitored, in order to ensure
the wind direction and turbulence conditions, confident that there
that the worst combination of meteo
have been measured, because no should be no risk of overheating the
rological parameters is obtained. if the
aceaunt has been taken of random conductor.
me is long, it is also advisable to
factars such as rainfall, and the cup
measure the temperature at other
anemometers used at meteorological
points along the une. This method
stations rarely record velocities lower
enables the thermal history of the
than about 1 m/s. References
conductors to be recorded : this s
The statistical information obtained useful for estimating the loss of [1] V.T. Morgan The Ioss of tensile
by collecting the results of the model strength of the conductor due to strength of hard-drawn conduc
may be used in designing unes having annealing and the progressive creep tors by annealing in service, IEEE
similar structural and operation cha ot the conductor. Trans. PAS Vol. 98 (1979).
N° 121 ELECTRA 67
[2] B. Dalle Etude théorique et ex femerits et des effects électrody [10] R.D. Findlay and H. Riaz A non
périmentale de la capacité de namiques. Techniques de l’ingé linear diffusion model for the
vieillissement des raccords de nieur DG73 — 12— 1978. electromagnetic field configura
conducteurs nus des lignes aé tion of single layer ACSR, Proc.
riennes; Technical Memorandum [6] S.D. Foss, S.H. Lin, R.A. Fernan
IEEE Power Engineering Society
dez : Dynamic Thermal Line Ra
EdF HM/72-04566/BD/MC, pre Winter Meeting, New York, NY,
tings Part I Dynamic am
sented by WGO5 SC 22 3 February 1978,
— —
— —
29 January —