Nursec Company Profile

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PT. Nur Straits Engineering

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

About Us

History Vision
PT Nur Straits Engineering (NURSEC), which provides Being a leading, best, and innovative engineering
consulting engineering services, has been established since service company in Indonesia with international
2009. NURSEC’s activities are directed to supporting quality for the welfare and progress of the nation
Indonesian infrastructure development projects such as of Indonesia.
ports or other coastal structures developments. Besides,
NURSEC has been developed as well to providing survey

NURSEC is a privately owned company belong to citizen of Mission

Indonesia, including its management staff. The legal status
Develop strong and innovative
of the company is PERSEROAN TERBATAS (PT). In carrying 1
human resources with continously
out its activities, NURSEC is supported by experts from learning and being motivated to
various disciplines. NURSEC always provides effective and build Indonesia.
efficient services which are able to satisfy clients and
deliver the best results for any works performed. This Be a technology pioneer in the
would be possible because of the support of dedicated staff engineering services provider in
and sufficient and adequate equipments.

Have an active and maximal role in

contributing ideas and their
implementation in the field of
engineering to the government of
Indonesia, the society of Indonesia
and the international community.

Create a professional work

environment for encouraging the
development of the company

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Engineering Design

Front End Engineering

Nursec has the capability to deliver Pre-FEED
as well as full FEED depending on clients'
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) is critical to the requirements and needs. With the Pre-FEED
long-term success or failure of the overall objectives of the work we typically provide our clients with
plant project. While the business plan identifies the complete basis for design especially where
economic opportunity, the Front End Engineering Design this is neither available nor properly done at
(FEED) will establish the set of process operating conditions the conceptual design stage.
and specify the equipment to achieve the level of reliability,
efficiency, and safety required. Sincethis design phase sets
the direction for the rest of the project, proper process Construction
specification is very crucial its success.

Our commitment to your success includes

Detail Engineering planning, engineering design and
construction. We serve as your dedicated
Detail Engineering Design (DED) is the essential bridge
representative during the construction
between the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and
phase, ensuring you avoid the many pit falls
construction phase of a project in order to convert the ideas
that can compromise a project in its final
into reality. DED involves close coordination and
stage. We develop the construction
synchronization among various disciplines of engineering. It
method to meet the client expectation and
is vital to the owner flexibility time to execute the project
budgeting wisely to achieve project
when conducting DED. In NURSEC, we have a dedicated
schedule on time.
team of reliable and knowledgeable managers, engineers and
designers who are able to provide the complete detail
engineering design solution. We adhere to relevant
Our Detail Engineering Design Package
standards, specifications, procedures and relevant authorities.
generally contains the following:
- Process Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Piping Engineering
- Pipeline Engineering
- Instrument Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Civil and StructuraI Engineering

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Civil & Infrastructure Planning

Supported by competent experts in their
discipline, NURSEC has contributed in strategic
infrastructure planning in Indonesia.
The planning process involving multi discipline
experts and large area, have created our project
planning become masterpiece in each areas.

NURSEC has planned civil

infrastructure, such as:
- Airport,
- Coastal Zone Management,
- Mining and Coal Preparation Plant,
- Green Office Building Concept and
- An Environmental Friendly
Warehouse Complex
- Railways Route
- Road & Transportation Planning

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Geophysical Survey

Survey, Convey, and Verify Complete Services

We do Survey to see what is inside the earth and how is the - 2D and 3D seismic survey
- 2D and 3D seismic acquisition
earth's surface looks.
parameter design.
We Convey the survey result without any data left behind
- Seismic data processing
in the field even just one millimeter. - Bathymetric Charting
We Verify the survey result to convince the client t hat the - Hydrographic Survey
product is reliable and accurate. - Pipeline Route & Cable Route Survey
- Side Scan Sonar Survey
The updated and reliable survey tools are used to obtain - ROV
the accurate data. We use ROV, Side Scan Sonar (SSS) and
other imaging submersible tools to view, visualize and
trace the pipeline and cable route. We also use the
complete and modern Survey Vessel which utilized by
modern & accurate positioning systems.

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Geotechnical Survey

We drill and investigate what Onshore & Offshore

is under earth survace We do both onshore and offshore. Since we are
commited in several Port Design project,
Since nature gives the opportunity to dig the knowledge
warehouse and gas pipeline route, we do drilling
inside it, we gather all of potency to drill and investigate the
survey onshore for Land Facility, and offshore
soil, without disturb the environment. With the credence
drilling for Pipeline Support, Sea infrastructure
given to NURSEC by Client, we believe that every single
such as Jetty/Wharf and other marine
drill pipe that inserted into soil will represent all of the
scope of works that client gave to us, precisely!

Complete Services
- Drilling (Boring) & Coring of Soil Sample
- (Dutch) Cone Penetration Test/ CPT
- Dynamic Cone Penetration
- Vibrocoring
- Data Processing and Analysis of Soil and
Geological Composition

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Land and Aerial Survey

Land Survey Aerial Survey

Clients can now have terrain models and
Survey teams available for work throughout Indonesia with
contoured topographic mapping for large scale
latest Leica “state-of-the-art” equipment including DGPS,
projects which can be combined with high
total stations (conventional laser, reflectorless and
resolution satellite imagery or air photography to
Automatic Target Recognition), electronic levels,
produce base mapping in the form of combined
underground services locator, hydrographic equipment for
topographic and other thematic maps (geology,
bathymetric survey, tide and current monitoring.
surface water, vegetation, soils, etc.) at scales
that are useable for planning, feasibility,
Our surveyors are trained, experienced professionals who
preliminary and even detailed design. These can
are regularly audited & trained. All our equipment is
be combined with published maps from “desk
regularly calibrated by independent institutions. Calibration
top studies” to provide project start up base
certificates available.
maps that in the past were unavailable or took
many months or years to produce.

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Marine, Offshore, and

Subsea Structures

Marine Offshore &

- Mooring analysis (quasi-static, quasi-dynamic, dynamic) Subsea Strucutres
by frequency domain as well as time domain simulation. - All scope offshore structure/subsea PLEM
- Stability and transportation analysis. design including In service analysis (In-place,
- Offshore Loading-Offloading Systems, In-situ and dynamic, seismic and fatigue) and Pre-service
through-installation analysis, 3rd party analysis (loadout, seafastening,
verification/certification, etc. transportation, lifting, launching, upending,
onbottom stability).
- Assessment of platform for certification,
ultimate capacity and failure risk assessment,
Push over analysis, etc.
- Pile/foundation design, variety of civil work
design for oil/gas plant, bridge, tower, etc.

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Soil Mechanic Lab

Atterberg Limit
The test is performed to determine the plastic and
liquid limits of a fine-grained soil. The Liquid limit is
arbitrarily defined as the water content, in percent,
at which a part of soil in a standard cup and cut by a
groove of standard dimensions will flow together at
the base of the groove.

Consolidation Test Unit

The test is performed to determine the magnitude
and rate of volume decreaser that a laterally confined
soil specimen undergoes when subjected to different
vertical pressures. This data is useful in determining
the compression index, the swelling index and the
preconsolidation pressure of the soil

NURSEC is using the well manufactured tools to
make sure that all of precedures done are supported
by high quality equipment. Callibration and warranty
are also completed to all laboratory unit. Some of
Equipment are imported from Best Manufacturer.

PT. Nur Straits Engineering

Soil Mechanic Lab

Specific Gravity
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a
substance to the density (mass of the same unit
volume) of a reference substance. Apparent specific
gravity is the ratio of the weight of a volume of the
substance to the weight of an equal volume of the
reference substance.

Triaxial Test Unit

The triaxial test is a common laboratory testing
method widely used for obtaining shear strength
parameters for a variety of soil types under drained
or undrained condition.

Unconfined Compression
The primary purpose of this test is to determine the
unconfined compressive strength, which is then
used to calculate the unconsolidated undrained
shear strength of the clay under unconfined

PT. Nur Straits Engineering


NURSEC Warehouse Guarantee

NURSEC operates its own survey By operating its own equipment, NURSEC guarantees an

equipment such as: accurate data acquisition & cost and time-effective

- Drilling machine Jackro, Cap. 100, 200

and 300 meters depth
- Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Equipment
Cap. 2,5 Ton
- Hydraulic Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
Equipment Cap. 5 Ton
- Hydraulic Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
Equipment Cap. 10 Ton
- Inclinometer
- Field CBR
- DCP Equipment
- etc

PT. Nur Straits Engineering


Nursec Production Portable Drilling Machine

(Horizontal and vertical) : Jackro 50,
A well-maintained equipment is the key of
75, 100, 150, 175, 200, 300, etc
an accurate data acquisition on site. To
support the Soil and Rock Investigation
projects, NURSEC Workshop prepares and
maintains all survey equipments.
Post-project & pre-project maintenance is a
Standard Operation Procedure in NURSEC
Workshop to ensure that the equipments
are ready to be mobilized at any time.

NURSEC Workshop also conducts the

production of drilling machine and its
accesories being widely used by
geotechnical and geological survey firms
throughout Indonesia.

The products produced by NURSEC

Workshops are:
- Portable Drilling Machine (Horizontal
and vertical) : Jackro 50, 75, 100, 150,
175, 200, 300, etc
- Tower Rig
- Bore Pile Drilling Machine
- Ground Water Drilling Machine
- Drilling Machine Accesories

PT. Nur Straits Engineering


Tower Rig Drilling Machine Accesories


Core Barrel

Hammer Housting Plug SPT

PT. Nur Straits Engineering



Supervision for Data Cable Link & Fiber Optic of Kuala Semboja Port Supervision I East Kalimantan
MP Coal Port Sebuku I South Kalimantan
Study Level of Service for Road I Bandung, West Java
Kuala Pembuang Port Supervision I Central Kalimantan
SID Subang Port I West Java
SID Special Port I Batam, Riau Islands
Port Supervision I Batang, Central Java
MP General Cargo Port I Muko-muko , Bengkulu
General Port Supervision I Rembang, Central Java
Port Supervision I Dumai, Riau
FS Port I Lamongan East Java
Bumbulan Port Supervision I Gorontalo
SID Dredging & Reclamation Tanjung Buluh Pandan
SID Poso Port I Central Sulawesi
Madura, East Java
Lawele Special Port Supervision I Southeast Sulawesi
Dredging Design Taddan Port (Including SID) Madura,
East Java Belang-belang Port Supervision I Mamuju, West
Pasean Port Supervision I Madura, East Java
Geotechnic Survey Special Port I Tarakan, East
Taddan Port Supervision I Madura, East Java
Labuan Amuk Port Supervision I Bali
General Port Supervision I Tanjung Redeb, East
SID Seba Port I Kab. Saba, NTT Kalimantan

Maloy Port Supervision I East Kalimantan

PT. Nur Straits Engineering



CPO (Special Purpose) Port Planning T Tobelo, North
Halmahera (Indofood Group)

General Port Development Supervision I Tadan, Pamekasan Survey Topography and Hidro Oceanography for Indexing
General Port Development Supervision I Pasean, Pamekasan Coal Port | Caliorang, Kutai, East Kalimantan

Passenger Port Development Supervision I Dumai , Riau Basic Design and Coal Preparation Plan, Indexim Coalindo
Kaliorang, Kitai, East Kalimantan
General Port Development Supervision I Subang, West Java
Waworada Port Supervision | West Nusa Tenggara
General Port Design Planning I Teluk Lamong, East Java
Masterplan for Kubangsari Area, Cigadung Port (Extend) |
CPO - Offshore Port Planning & Detail Design Lubuk Gaung,
Cilegon, Banten (Krakatau Steel Group)
Dumai - Riau (Smart Group)
Provision for Landing Jetty of Star Energy | Jailolo, West
CPO - Port Master Plan & Detail Design I Lampung (Smart
DED of Tomia Port | Southeast Sulawesi
General Port Construction Supervision I Tj. Mocoh . Tj. Pinang,
Riau FS Jalan Alternatif Ciawi-Kadipaten | Dinas Binamarga dan
Pengairan Kab. Tasikmalaya
Special Purpose Port Master Plan I East Kutai , East Kalimantan
Planning Techniques Roads And Bridges Regional 7 (Aceh
Airport Master Plan and Detail Engineering Design I North
Utara) | Dinas Bina Marga & Cipta Karya Aceh
Kayong, West Kalimantan
Technical Supervision Road Improvement :
General Port Master Plan & Detail Design I Lembata, NTT
Cikamurang-Jangga (4 Km), Cikamurang-Bantarwaru/Subang
Master Plan Review & Basic Design of Cigading Port I Cilegon, Bts Indramayu (5 Km) dan Kadipaten-Bts Majalengka
Banten ( Krakatau Steel Group) Indramayu (4 Km) Pakaet K-09/PW/2010 | Pemprov Jawa
Perencanaan Teknis Jalan Tasikmalaya- Cimaragas-Banjar | Barat Dinas Bina Marga
Dinas Bina Marga Jabar Road and Bridge Supervision Wilayah X (Aceh Timur)| Dinas
Bina Marga dan Cipta Karya Aceh

Feasibility Study work and Environmental Analysis for

Improved Roads Activity Cukul-Cisewu Rancabuaya Dan
Peningkatan Ruas Jalan Ciwedey-Rancabali | Dinas Bina
Marga Jabar
PT. Nur Straits Engineering



Master Plan of Coal Port PT IMDS | Central Kalimantan Bangkuang Coal Terminal Project | PT. IMDS

Detail Survey of PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. | Lampung, Sumatera Hauling Road Design for Natuna Project | PT Choice Plus
Detail Survey of PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. | Batam, Sumatera
Marunda Center Soil Investigation (Offshore) | DHV - MLD
Detail Survey Ringline 2 PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. | Cimanggis
Bitung Interior Construction Project Management | PT Pertamina EP

Java Sea Patrol Survey of PT PGN Pipeline Route | Java Sea Suban 2,13,14 Flowline Soil Investigation | COPI

Soil Investigation & Geotechnical Services | CNOOC SES Ltd. Suban 3,6 Flowline Soil Investigation | COPI

DED Landung Jetty PT Pertamina EP | Sanga-sanga Suban Erosion | COPI

Structure & Engineering Services | Conoco Phillips Indonesia Offshore Platform Extension | COPI

Perencanaan Teknis Jalan,Jembatan dan Pengairan JP1. Belida Platform Requalification | COPI
Perencanaan Teknis Jalan (paket 1) | Dinas Pekerjaan Umum
UKL-UPL Land Seismic Acquisition 2D at Sengkang Block
Kabupaten Bandung
South Sulawesi | Energy Equity
Pengawasan Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan Paket JS1 Wilayah
DED Jembatan Timbang Cianjur - Bandung Route |
Soreag, Pasir Jambu, Banjaran, Margahayu | Dinas Pekerjaan
Umum Pem Kab Bandung Dinas Perhubungan Jawa Barat

Perencanaan Trase Dan DED Jalan Lingkar Utara dan Selatan Well Monitoring Services (Soil Investigation,

Serta Jembatan Penunjang Ibu Kota Dan Kawasan Pusat Soil Resistivity) | STAR Energy Wayang Windu
Pemerintahan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya | Dinas Bina Marga
Marine Consultancy Agreement |
Perencanaan Teknis Jalan Tasikmalaya-Cimaragas Banjar |
PT. Segah Energy Resources
Dinas Bina Marga
Offshore Soil Boring Services | CNOOC SES Ltd.

PT. Nur Straits Engineering


Renovasi Hangar FTC | PTDI

Detail Survey Pipeline Route untuk Pengalihan (Jawa
Sumatera) | PT PGN (Persero) Tbk.
Belida WHPB Rig Assessment | COPI ( Extension Blanket
Ramba Jetty | COPI ( Blanket Project) Project)
Matak Runway Overlay | COPI ( Blanket Project) Belida DPPA Rig Assessment | COPI ( Extension Blanket
Onshore Pigging Soil Investigation | COPI ( Blanket Project) Project)

Dayung Landslide Mitigation | COPI ( Blanket Project) Matak Jetty Integrity | COPI ( Extension Blanket Project)

Water Disposal Project | COPI ( Blanket Project) Rawa Sumpal Telco Soil investigation | COPI ( Extension
Blanket Project)
Core Drill Test | COPI ( Blanket Project)
Tower Inspection Guideline | COPI ( Extension Blanket
Onshore Pigging Topography | COPI ( Blanket Project)
Ramba Mud Chemical Test | COPI ( Blanket Project)
Puyuh Bridge Design Assessment | COPI ( Extension Blanket
Rawa Power Generator Soil Investigation | COPI ( Blanket Project)
Grissik Metering Lifting Aids Study | COPI ( Extension
HDD Dayung | COPI ( Blanket Project) Blanket Project)

ROW Pipeline Risk Assessment | COPI ( Extension Blanket Java Sea Pipeline Patrol | PT PGN (Persero) Tbk.
Feasibility Study Fishery Port | Kabupaten Batubara
Dayung KM 46 Landslide Mitigation | COPI ( Extension
UKL - UPL Development of Performance Test Facility at
Blanket Project)
Bojonegara Plant, Serang-Banten | PT Perusahaan Gas
Dayung KM 46 Landslide Monitoring | COPI ( Extension Negara Leko & Kapas Bridges Design | COPI ( Extension
Blanket Project)
Blanket Project)
Bridges Assessment at on 21 bridges at Onshore Area | COPI
Installation Engineering Study for Subsea Manifold Structure,
( Blanket Project)
26" Production Flowline and 12" Flexible Flowline as Part of
Terang Serasun Batur Development Project

PT. Nur Straits Engineering



Provision of Engineering Blanket Services | Star Energy

Geothermal Wayang Windu, Ltd

Provision of Survey Blanket Services, | Star Energy

Geothermal Wayang Windu, Ltd

Jasa Engineering Services Civil di Aset 5 | Pertamina EP

Survey Investigation and Design Reclamation of

Wilmar Backyard area, Teluk Bayur Port | PT. Pelindo 2

PT. Nur Straits Engineering


PT. Nur Straits Engineering



Lokasi Pipa


PT. Nur Straits Engineering

List of Software

Licensed Softwares
1. Auto CAD 2014
2. Caesar
3· Ansys-Fiuent
s. Plaxis
6. Primavera
9· MathCAD
10. Orca Flex (Lease)
11. Offpipe (lease)

Head Office:
Jl. Situsari VII No 49A Bandung
Phone/Fax: 022-7304740
Email: nursec

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