Azolla Study Report
Azolla Study Report
Azolla Study Report
Carmen van Kruisbergen
Helma van Luttikhuizen
Juliette Oosterwegel
Chriss van Pul
Sookie Yiu
Dear Mr. Ramachandran and employees of SEEDS,
We are pleased that we have the opportunity to support women in the Namakkal District by
developing a New Business Model. As a finalist in the 1% Student Battle, we have learned a lot by
using our skills and by being creative in our crowdfunding campaign. We truly hope that our plan
contributes to the socio-economic enhancement of these women, their families and other farmer
communities. We wish you all the best and good luck with this project!
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Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Recommendations............................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Customer Segments and Value Propositions ................................................................................ 5
1.2 Cooperation ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Key Partners .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Key activities .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1 Set-up: Training ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Set-up: Sales ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3 Set up: Distribution................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.4 Set up: Finance ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.5 Upscaling phase key activities: Accelerate growth and become more self-sustaining .......... 8
1.5 Cost-benefit streams ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Set up phase time frame ............................................................................................................... 9
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Appendix I: What is Azolla? ............................................................................................................... 11
Appendix II : What is a New Business Model (NBM)? ....................................................................... 13
Appendix III : Market analysis ........................................................................................................... 16
Appendix IV: Features cooperation structure ................................................................................... 20
Appendix V: Cost-Benefit analysis ..................................................................................................... 23
References ............................................................................................................................................. 25
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An NBM has three interrelated principles: multiple, shared and collective value creation. Value
creation moves from one to a plural dimension, so not only economic values, but also social and
ecological values are important. For Azolla this implies that the economic value is created by selling
Azolla as feed for livestock. Moreover, Azolla contributes to the health of chickens and improves the
size of eggs. This multiple value creation is realized through sharing, creating, exchanging, borrowing
and saving.
The business model is implemented in two phases: the set up phase and the upscaling phase.
Economical value is created by in the set up phase by offering the customers different membership
options in the sales kit. These membership options offer the possibility to buy a certain amount of
Azolla in kg. for a predefined period with discount. Secondly, social value creation relates to the
employment and empowerment of women by taking into account the institutional context of India.
Finally, ecological value will be created during the cultivation of Azolla in which no pesticides or other
chemicals are involved.
To overcome the institutional barriers In India, the local partner SEEDS has an essential role since it
has knowledge about the socio-economic situation. Most importantly, to make this NBM suitable for
upscaling, a community network of different Indian tribes must be established, since they have
different norms, values and regulations. As a result, shared understanding between these different
tribes is created which contributes to a long-term survival of this cooperation.
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1. Recommendations
The following recommendations are essential for the fair-trade production process of Azolla in the
Namakkal District, in order to enhance economic security, social cohesion and empowerment of 50
The cultivation of Azolla has social, ecological and economic value propositions for the customer
segments (fig. 2). Essential is that the economic value proposition can only be achieved by first
creating social and ecological value. Also the maintenance of customer relationships is important
which is 1) transactional by providing income and 2) relational due to the memberships in the sales
kit. This makes it essential for the cooperation to build relationships based on trust.
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1.2 Cooperation
A cooperation is established to meet the value propositions and to connect the 50 women with the
local market as a supplier of Azolla. It aims to grow by achieving:
Financial viability: providing a sales kit with membership options, so customers pay in
advance which accelerates growth;
Economic security: providing income to the women and their families;
Social cohesion: due to open memberships all women can join the cooperation which
stimulates social cohesion;
Empowerment: providing skills and stronger bargaining position by working together
(Appendix IV: Features of cooperation structure).
The cooperation consists of a specialized group of women which forms the management. They are
selected by SEEDS and educate the other women in executing the key activities: Cultivation, Sales,
Distribution and Finance (fig. 3). SEEDS is the most essential key partner In the set up phase of the
realization of the NBM, since it trains the women in cultivation and hard business skills. Besides hard
business skills, the women must also be trained in soft business skills such as confidence building,
since they have a low strata in the society (Appendix III Market Analysis). Subsequently, due to peer-
to-peer learning the role of SEEDS in providing skills decreases which makes the women more self-
sustaining on the longer term.
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1.4.1 Set-up: Training
In the set up phase the women are trained in all key activities to gain overall knowledge and to
become less dependent on each other. After this they become responsible for one key activity to
become a specialist. To do this, SEEDS forms a training team, develops the training material and we
deliver a manual guide for the training sessions that will be held by SEEDS. The training of women in
the key activities is as followed:
1. The sessions start with a general presentation about the benefits of cultivating and selling
Azolla. Since most women are illiterate, it is important to work with visualizations;
2. To train them in the cultivation of Azolla, the existing demo farm in Namakkal is used. This
includes tanks filled with Azolla, to experience the cultivation process. The training team of
SEEDS directs this;
3. Next to this, a simulation game will be organized in which the women are trained in all key
activities of the cooperation. The training team of SEEDS directs the game. In this game the
production and selling process of Azolla will be simulated. This simulation game is an activity
that will be repeated, to give all the woman insights in different roles which are necessary to
run a cooperation. Since different stakeholders can be identified within a cooperation it is
important to make them visible in the simulation game (e.g. the roles of clients and
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During the set up, the 50 women cultivate a maximum of 1000 kg of Azolla a month with 150 water
tanks. This is enough for almost one small poultry farmer with 2000 chickens (600 kg Azolla = 1000
chickens). Thus it is Important that the sales kit is a trial set in this phase, which is used as a trigger to
familiarize the customers with the advantages of Azolla by providing a little amount to try. When the
customers are convinced, the membership options are extended which makes the cooperation able
to accelerate growth since investing in the enhancement of the key activities is made possible more
1.4.5 Upscaling phase key activities: Accelerate growth and become more self-sustaining
Growth in the cooperation is accelerated by selling extended membership options and by the trust
which is built between the cooperation and its customers. This results in investments and savings.
Also conducted research by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to enhance the cultivation
process, can be implemented due to investments. The role of SEEDs in the cooperation decreases
and takes the form of an Advisory Board, which makes the cooperation more self-sustaining.
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1.5 Cost-benefit streams
The NBM creates economic, social and ecological costs and revenues.
The most important costs are the water tanks and seed for the establishment of three Azolla plots
per women (Appendix V: Cost-benefit analysis). Based on the cost-benefit analysis of SEEDS, the
cooperation has a revenue of around 1420 Rs. on a monthly basis in the set up phase. Furthermore,
part of the profit will be shared by the women, the other part stays in the cooperation for further
investments and as a buffer in case of unforeseen events.
The social costs rely in a shifted position between men and woman in India (Appendix III: Market
Analysis). A changed attitude into good will by the men towards women is essential, in order to
support the new role of women in society. Next, the women are empowered by training and the c-
operative structure. At last the cooperation creates a social safety net, since it provides income for
the women which they can use to educate their children. empowerment of women.
A possible cost of the cultivation of Azolla is land degradation. If the Azolla cultivation increases in
amount, it will take up more space and could also lead to an increase in livestock. Another risk lies in
the nature of the fern itself. Because it grows rapidly and if it is (accidentally) introduced to new
areas, it could begin to choke river systems which previously flowed freely. The disposal of any water
from the troughs must be managed to ensure that the plant is contained within the growing systems.
Ecological revenues are the higher nutritional values compared to other food plants and that Azolla is
cultivated without the use of pesticides.
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Training cultivation skills Production targets and Both
and business skills self -sustaining
(simulation game) production
With the help of SEEDS SALES:
SALES: but some selected Selected women sell Azolla
SEEDS negotiates with women will do the sales on local market
potential customers too
Set up distribution plan, bags to the storage.
find the right location for Farmers pick up their
storage. bags at central storage
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Fig. 1. Azolla ‘The Wonder Fern’
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Appendix II : What is a New Business Model (NBM)?
Sustainability poses the question of whether there is enough for everyone, today and tomorrow. The
answer is not simple. It involves more than saving or improving. It is about being ‘radically different’.
It’s about transformation and transition. We need to work towards a different economy: from a
linear economy to a circular economy. This requires a different way of thinking, living and organizing.
Sustainability in today’s business forms an increasingly important challenge for many organizations.
To facilitate sustainability in business, New Business Models (NBM) are required. In these models,
the complex concept of multiple, collective and shared value creation takes a central place. Value
creation moves from one to a plural dimension, so not only economic values, but also social and
ecological values are important. It also concerns shared value: the core is that people who participate
in the process also benefit from the value they create together. Finally, it is a form of collective
organizing: a process of co-creation and cooperation: creating value for a community. These
principles are the opposite of the more traditional models that often focus on a single (economic)
value perspective (Jonker, Tap and van Straaten 2012).
These four elements constitute the building blocks for mutual value creation and at the same time
form an entry barrier for competitors. The ‘earnings model’ is not in the possession of any one
organization or party, but in the hands of the collective (Jonker, Tap and van Straaten 2012).
Most of the NBM are categorized in one (or more) of the following three currents:
The sharing of social capital, time and skills is a phenomenon that recurs in many New Business
Models. This type of New Business Models are focused on the formation of partnerships through
which people, ideas, things, data and transportation are shared. Furthermore, in many of these
business models, knowledge sharing and networking form an important basis for undertaking
business. The term 'reciprocity' is related to this (Jonker, Tap and van Straaten 2012).
The second current is ‘exchanging’. This current is concerned with transactions that are made with
alternative payment methods, such as points, credits, hours and saving systems. Furthermore, a
model could be based on the pursuit of transactions without payment, such as the exchange of
services ("if you maintain our website, we take care of your administration”). The models are
characterized by including not only money to sources of capital, but also the social value of
knowledge, networks and attention (Jonker, Tap and van Straaten 2012).
The third and final current consists of ‘creating’. New Business Models are trying in different ways to
simultaneously create win-win situations and multiple values. For example, a business model can
save energy, reduce CO2 emissions and also create economic profit. The transaction model is then
linked with different objectives. It concerned with creating win-win situations (Jonker, Tap and van
Straaten 2012).
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2.3 Common denominator: establishment of relationships
The common denominator within these tree currents is the establishment of connections. Without
connections and partnerships, you cannot create exchange and share. The connections often create
all kinds of new configurations of different parties: cooperation between different, often not obvious
natural parties. Individuals, local governments, neighborhood initiatives and large commercial
enterprises are then connected with each other in new compositions. So a sustainable business
model needs to make, facilitate and maintain connections and needs to create involvement and
commitment (Jonker, Tap and van Straaten 2012).
At least seven characteristics of NBM’s can be identified (Jonker, Tap and van Straaten 2012):
1) Forms of cooperative collaboration as a key principle;
2) The creation of multiple values: concerns striving for a balance between values like nature,
money, care and so on;
3) Money is no longer the only medium of exchange. Also time, energy or care may be earned,
used or exchanged. In line with this, the profit (surplus value) is shared with participants;
4) There is an economy based on needs and the utilization of these needs (now and in the
future). To overcome the time delay between ‘deserving now’ and ‘using later’, forms of
credit booklets are used, for example for energy, food or care;
5) Property (ownership) of the means of production is no longer central. "Having access to" is
probably more important. From now on money is paid for use, not for possession;
6) Long term commitment of all partners is important. High level of reliability in the relationship
is important;
7) And Finally: working with alternative types of ‘money’, such as points or time.
Most importantly, NBM’s must be financially sustainable (they can sustain themselves) and linkages,
connections and collaborations with partners must be created and maintained.
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Appendix III : Market analysis
Many factors need to be taken into account when creating a New Business Model for the cultivation
of Azolla. This section elaborates on:
Macro environmental conditions: developments in India which affect the New Business
Meso environmental conditions: developments in the direct environment of the New
Business Model. The Five Forces model of Porter supports the meso analysis.
These conditions justify the choices that are made in de development and implementation of the
New Business Model.
Because of the free market economy the rapid population growth has increased the unemployment
and poverty ratio dramatically. The middle class has advantaged from the liberalization of the
market. However, on the country side the poverty still exist. The gap between people in the cities
and people on the rural areas is large. India has the highest poverty concentration of the whole world
(Kastenstelsel, 2014). Since the economic reform, subsidies for irrigation, fertilizers and electricity are
taken away. Next to that, Monsanto, a company that sells genetically modified seeds, is pressuring
the rural farmers to buy their overpriced seeds. The forcing nature of Monsanto is present even in
the rural areas of India (Kastenstelsel, 2014).
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starting up businesses or apply for a microcredit. The percentage of women being illiterate is 50% in
India. This number can vary between the different regions (Verrijp and Willems, 2014). In Namakkal,
male and female literacy were 82.5% and 66.5% in 2011 (Namakkal district, 2011)
Women are not allowed much freedom, they occupy low strata in the family and community and
they are not political empowered (Ramachandran 2014). According to Vermeulen (2013), the deeply
embedded institutions need to change before women will be allowed to start cooperations, getting
financial independent and having a voice in the community. Framing is in this case one of the most
important mains for changing institutional systems. This can for example be done by involving men
that have a high status in the community and might be open for the idea of women working and
maintaining a cooperative.
With the growth of the sector, the structure of the poultry production is changed. The sector is
transforming from backyard production into a commercial system. Because of this shift investments
have been made what resolves a rising line of the poultry sector (Agriculture and Customer
Protection, n.d.). However, animal husbandry still has a large share in the sector. In most rural areas
it is in the hands of small and marginal farmers. Nevertheless, even in these regions the poultry
farming has developed into an industry. It becomes a profitable enterprise and provides a stable
income to the rural farmers (Agriculture and Customer Protection, n.d.).
The Tamil Nadu region of India is characterized by the many poultry farms the area contains. The egg
production in this region is the second biggest of India with a production of 10.8 billion eggs per
annum. (Poultry development schemes, n.d.). With this number, Tamil Nadu accounts for more than
17 per cent of the poultry population country wide. Poultry, lorry transport and related businesses
are the economic drivers of the town. Next to the egg production, many different crops are grown
within Namakkal. The poultry sector develops in different speeds concerning the states of India.
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Table 1 shows different states and the development in the poultry sector (Bhardwaj and Kumar,
2005). These data could be leading in the choice for upscaling activities of the New Business Model.
The bargaining power of customers is controllable in the New Business Model, due to the special
sales kit that is design for the customers, which regulates the bargaining power. Customers can
choose their own packet that fits them most. When contracts are signed, both parties have their
obligations. However, the bargaining power might be higher when talking about the prices ranges
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that will be set. Azolla is a product that will improve the quality of production, but it is not a
necessary nutrition that has to be fed. The need for the customers is not of a substantial nature. This
means that the cooperation cannot force high prices. The advantage of rural farmers as customers is
the fact that formal communication systems do not (or hardly) exist. Forming a collective group of
empowered customer demands will be hard.
The threat of substitute products is high since there is already feed for livestock available for the
local farmers. However, the advantages of Azolla are more than only nutrition. With the specific
advantages mentioned in the previous section, direct substitution might be hard to find. In addition
to that, the plant can be seen as special as well because of the unique growing speed. Azolla is one of
the fastest growing plants on the planet. Though, it does not need any soil to grow (Azolla
Foundation, n.d.).
Finally the bargaining power of suppliers is low in the set up phase of the New Business Model, since
the cooperation supplies Azolla by themselves. In upscaling phase the supply chain might be
extended which indicates that the bargaining power of suppliers increases.
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Appendix IV: Features cooperation structure
The most essential general advantages of a cooperation for this case are: (Motiran &
Vakulabhranam, 2007):
Provides the women the opportunity to work together and in this way create a stronger
bargaining position;
Provides the possibility to share tangible resources (such as water tanks) and intangible
resources (such as knowledge / cultivation skills) and in this way take advantage of
economies of scale;
Provides the possibility to share input costs such as water tanks, which results in increased
Provides the possibility to create better access to information sharing compared with
‘outsiders’, which contributes to a better knowledge management and in this growth in the
Together the women have more control over the cultivation of Azolla, which results in a
higher food security.
Finally, the major constraints of a cooperation below are tackled (Singh & Pundir, 2000):
Lack of professionalism in management;
Inability to attain financial viability;
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Lack of good internal work culture that does not contribute to growth of cooperations as
business enterprise.
Most importantly, financial viability is achieved by the special financial packages which offers
customers the option to pay in advance, in return for economic and livestock food security. In short,
this means that customers pay in advance for receiving a # amount of kg Azolla, spread over for
instance the upcoming three months (more about these financial packages in 4.3.3). It gives the
customers economic security since they are guaranteed of enough food for their livestock, which
results in the guarantee to sell for instance # amount of eggs or chickens. Thus they are more
guaranteed of achieving their average monthly income. In addition to that, the financial packages
result in economic security for the supplier too, since they are able to accelerate growth more easily
by financial payments in advance.
Finally a good internal work culture is achieved by peer-to-peer learning and individual investments,
of which the latter results in a higher commitment of the women.
4.2 Key objective cooperation: break down poverty cycle and train hard and soft
The key objective of the cooperation is to enhance socio-economic development of the local farmer
communities in Namakkal. To show how this is achieved, see the figure below. The generation of
income provides margins for savings. In turn, the savings are used as investments. For instance, a
small truck can be bought for the transport of Azolla to the local market or technologies for a better
cultivation of Azolla can be bought. As a result, investments accelerate growth which leads to the
generation of (more) income. See the figure below that visualizes breaking down the poverty cycle.
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Savings Investments
Generating Enlarge
income Breaking cooperation
To make this cooperation structure work, we can learn from Project Shakti created by Hindustan
Unilever, since their target group also consisted of Indian women living below the poverty line and in
rural areas (Neath & Sharma, 2008, p. 13). Gavin Neath is the Senior Vice-President of Corporate
Responsibility by Unilever and Vijay Sharma is the former head of Shakti by Hindustan Unilever. One
of their key lessons in achieving rural wealth creation and successful business operation, is that
women with low strata and income need hard skills such as selling, as well as soft skills such as
confidence building. Thus the cooperation management must also provide training in confidence
building which results in social cohesion and a more sustainable future for the cooperation.
The social cohesion contributes to a more unambiguous vision which is needed to overcome future
challenges. According to Neath & Sharma (2008, p. 16), “creating convergence between activities is
the key to progress” and that working together and using infrastructure is an important part of the
solution. The cooperation stimulates the creation of an unambiguous vision by training the women in
all key activities (cultivation, sales, distribution and finance) at first and then specialize them into one
of the parts. In this way every starting women has an overview of all key activities which enables
them to create an overall vision of the cooperation. In addition to that this multi-task training lowers
the internal dependency, since the women can replace each other quickly in case of sickness. As a
result, the training in all key activities in the set up contributes to a lower internal dependency, but
afterwards the specialized training in one of the key activities contributes to interdependency, since
a group of women become experts in these key activities. This interdependency stimulates working
together, which results in empowerment and social cohesion.
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Appendix V: Cost-Benefit analysis
Two -third of the harvest is cultivated routinely from the tank, say daily or twice a week or weekly
and dried. It is expected to have 60-80 kgs of wet Azolla monthly from a single tank. The yield from
one tank will be utilized in a wet form for self need of livestock keeping; say 60-80 kgs and the yield
from further two of the tanks, say 120-160 kgs will be utilized for drying and sales. On drying, the
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Azolla diminishes to 15-20 % by weight and hence yield 10-15 kgs per tank per month. Hence three
tanks are expected to harvest 20-30 kgs of dry Azolla in a month. So, per month a total of 1000 kgs of
dry Azolla will be produced (20 kg * 50 women). These dry Azolla will be bagged in 5 kgs, 10 kgs and
25 kgs. The standard market price of Rs.50 will be fixed per kgs.
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