Module 6 - Torsion
Module 6 - Torsion
Module 6 - Torsion
Module 6 – Shear Strain from Torsional Loading
Activities During the module, students will perform the graded activities to
measure their progress during the course. Quizzes, seatwork,
assignment, problem set computations, recitation, and research
work are the examples of such graded activities.
In many engineering applications, members are required to carry torsional loads. In this chapter, we consider
the torsion of circular shafts. Because a circular cross section is an efficient shape for resisting torsional loads,
circular shafts are commonly used to transmit power in rotating machinery. We also discuss another important
application—torsion of thin-walled tubes.
Torque is a moment that tends to twist a member about its longitudinal axis. Its effect is of primary concern in
the design of axles or drive shafts used in vehicles and machinery. We can illustrate physically what happens
when a torque is applied to a circular shaft by considering the shaft to be made of a highly deformable material
such as rubber, Fig 6.1(a). When the torque is applied, the circles and longitudinal grid lines originally marked
on the shaft tend to distort into the pattern shown in Fig. 6.1(b). Note that twisting causes the circles to remain
circles, and each longitudinal grid line deforms into a helix that intersects the circles at equal angles.
Fig. 6.1 – Torque in a rubber circular shaft. Fig. 6.2 – Torque in a fixed rubber circular shaft.
If the shaft is fixed at one end and a torque is applied to its other end, the dark green shaded plane in Fig. 6.2
will distort into a skewed form as shown. Here a radial line located on the cross section at a distance 𝑥 from the
fixed end of the shaft will rotate through an angle 𝜙(𝑥). The angle 𝜙(𝑥), so defined, is called the angle of twist.
It depends on the position 𝑥 and will vary along the shaft as shown.
To understand how this distortion strains the material, we will now isolate a small element located at a radial
distance (rho) 𝜌 from the axis of the shaft, Fig. 6.3. Due to the deformation as noted in Fig. 6.2, the front and
rear faces of the element will undergo a rotation—the back face by 𝜙(𝑥), and the front face by 𝜙(𝑥) + Δ𝜙. As
a result, the difference in these rotations, causes the element to be subjected to a shear strain. To calculate this
strain, note that before deformation the angle between the edges AB and AC is 90°; after deformation, however,
the edges of the element are AD and AC and the angle between them is 𝜃′. From the definition of shear strain,
we have
Fig. 6.4
Since 𝑑𝑥 and 𝑑𝜙 are the same for all elements located at points on
the cross section at 𝑥, then is constant over the cross section, and
states that the magnitude of the shear strain for any of these
elements varies only with its radial distance 𝜌, from the axis of the
shaft. In other words, the shear strain within the shaft varies linearly
along any radial line, from zero at the axis of the shaft to a
maximum at its outer boundary (Fig 6.4).
Since 𝑑𝜙/𝑑𝑥 = 𝛾/𝜌 = 𝛾max /𝑐 Fig. 6.3 – Torsional deformation.
𝛾=( )𝛾
𝑐 max
When an external torque is applied to a shaft it creates a corresponding internal torque within the shaft. If the
material is linear-elastic, then Hooke’s law applies, 𝜏 = 𝐺𝛾, and consequently a linear variation in shear strain,
leads to a corresponding linear variation in shear stress along any radial line on the cross section. Hence, 𝜏 will
vary from zero at the shaft’s longitudinal axis to a maximum value, 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 , at its outer surface.
This variation is shown in Fig. 6.4 on the front faces of a selected number of elements, located at an intermediate
radial position 𝜌 and at the outer radius 𝑐. Using Hooke’s law, we can write
𝜏=( )𝜏
𝑐 max
This equation expresses the shear-stress distribution over the cross section in terms of the radial position of the
element. Using it, we can now apply the condition that requires the torque produced by the stress distribution
over the entire cross section to be equivalent to the resultant internal torque 𝑇 at the section, which holds the
shaft in equilibrium.
Specifically, each element of area 𝑑𝐴, located at 𝜌 is subjected to a force, due to shear stress, of 𝑑𝐹 = 𝜏𝑑𝐴.
From mechanics, the torque produced by this force is
𝑇 = 𝐹𝑑 → 𝑑𝑇 = 𝑑𝐹𝜌
𝑇 = ∫ 𝜌𝑑𝐹 = ∫ 𝜌(𝜏𝑑𝐴) = ∫ 𝜌 ( )𝜏 𝑑𝐴
𝐴 𝐴 𝐴 𝑐 max
𝑇 = ∫ 𝜌2 𝑑𝐴
𝑐 𝐴
The integral depends only on the geometry of the shaft. It represents the polar moment of inertia of the shaft’s
cross-sectional area about the shaft’s longitudinal axis. We will symbolize its value as 𝐽, and therefore the above
equation can be rearranged and written in a more compact form to determine the maximum shear stress from
a torsional loading, namely,
𝜏max =
Where 𝜏max the maximum shear stress in the shaft, which occurs at the outer surface
𝑇 the resultant internal torque acting at the cross section
𝑐 the maximum radial distance from the center, outer radius of the shaft
𝐽 the polar moment of inertia of the cross section
The shear stress at the intermediate radial distance 𝜌 can be determined from combining
𝜌 𝑇𝑐 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑇𝜌
𝜏=( )𝜏 ; 𝜏max = → 𝜏=
𝑐 max 𝐽 𝐽
Either of the above two equations is often referred to as the torsion formula. Recall that it is used only if the
shaft is circular and the material is homogeneous and behaves in a linear elastic manner, since the derivation is
based on Hooke’s law.
Polar Moment of Inertia. In Engineering Mechanics – Statics of Rigid Bodies, the polar moment of inertia is the
moment of inertia acting at its pole, z-axis, and it is defined as the sum of the centroidal moment of inertia of
the two axes, x and y.
To have simplified solution, we will all express the cross section in terms of radius, since the torsion formula was
derived in this constant.
For solid circular shafts 𝐽= 𝑟4
For solid circular shafts 𝐽= (𝑟𝑜4 − 𝑟𝑖4 )
Shafts and tubes having circular cross sections are often used to transmit power developed by a machine. When
used for this purpose, they are subjected to a torque that depends on the power generated by the machine and
the angular speed of the shaft. Power is defined as the work performed per unit of time. Also, the work transmitted
by a rotating shaft equals the torque applied times the angle of rotation. Therefore, if during an instant of time 𝑑𝑡
an applied torque 𝑇 causes the shaft to rotate 𝑑𝜃, then the instantaneous power is 𝑃 = 𝑇𝑑𝜃/𝑑𝑡. Since the angular
velocity is 𝜔 = 𝑑𝜃/𝑑𝑡, we can express power as
𝑃 = 𝑇𝜔
In the SI system, power is expressed in watts when torque is measured in newton-meters and angular velocity is in
radians per second. In the FPS system, the basic units of power are foot-pounds per second: however, horsepower
(hp) is often used in engineering practice is 1 hp = 550 ft ∙ lb/s.
For machinery, the frequency of a shaft’s rotation, 𝑓, is often reported. This is a measure of the number of
revolutions or cycles the shaft makes per second and is expressed in hertz, 1 Hz = 1 cycle/s. Since 1 cycle =
2π rad, then 𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓 and so the above equation for power becomes
𝑃 = 2𝜋𝑓𝑇
The gear motor can develop 2 hp when it turns at 450 rpm. If the shaft has a diameter of 1 in., determine the
maximum shear stress developed in the shaft.
Ans. 1.427 ksi
𝑇(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 𝑇(𝑥)𝑑𝑥
𝑑𝜙 = → 𝜙= ∫
𝐽(𝑥)𝐺 0 𝐽(𝑥)𝐺
Constant Torque and Constant Area. Usually in engineering practice the material is homogeneous so that 𝐺 is
constant. Also, the shaft’s cross-sectional area and the external torque are constant along the length of the
shaft. If this is the case, the internal torque the polar moment of inertia and can be integrated, which gives
𝑇𝑑𝑥 𝑇𝐿
𝜙= ∫ → 𝜙=
The similarities between the above two equations and those for an axially loaded bar 𝛿 = ∫ 𝑃(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 /𝐴(𝑥)𝐸
and 𝛿 = 𝑃𝐿/𝐴𝐸 should be noted.
Sign Convention. To apply the equation, we must develop a sign convention for both the internal torque and
the angle of twist of one end of the shaft with respect to the other end. To do this, we will use the right-hand
rule, whereby both the torque and angle will be positive, provided the thumb is directed outward from the shaft
when the fingers curl to give the tendency for rotation. This means, using method of sections, if your right thumb
is directed outward from the cross sectional area, this is a positive internal torque and angle of twist.
The propellers of a ship are connected to a A-36 steel shaft that is 60 m long and has an outer diameter of 340
mm and inner diameter of 260 mm. If the power output is 4.5 MW when the shaft rotates at 20 rad/s, determine
the maximum torsional stress in the shaft and its angle of twist.
Ans. 44.30 MPa ; 11.9o
The two shafts are made of A-36 steel. Each has a diameter
of 1 in., and they are supported by bearings at A, B, and C,
which allow free rotation. If the support at D is fixed,
determine the angle of twist of end A when the torques are
applied to the assembly as shown. Use G = 11 GPa.
Ans. 0.3111 rad
INSTRUCTIONS From the available resources in the library about the course, search thirty problems about statically
determinate members. Ten of each about torsion formula, power transmission, and angle of twist.
Provide necessary solutions and free-body diagrams for each. There must be no similar problems
in each group; if there is, it will not be considered.
Create an organized computation that is easy to follow; shortcuts are not allowed. Use colored
pens to emphasize your free-body diagram. Erasures are strictly discouraged; no erasures will be
allowed. Strictly use one template each problem.
A copy of the receipt, a proof of using books, journals or references, must be attached to the
MATERIALS Black pen, colored pens, ruler
A torsionally loaded shaft may be classified as statically indeterminate if the moment equation of equilibrium,
applied about the axis of the shaft, is not adequate to determine the unknown torques acting on the shaft.
An example of this situation is shown. As shown on the free-body
diagram, the reactive torques at the supports A and B are unknown.
We have
(∑ M = 0) 𝑇 − 𝑇𝐴 − 𝑇𝐵 = 0 EQUATION 1
INSTRUCTIONS Carefully solve each situation. Strictly No FBD, No Points. Show your complete solution and create
an organized computation that is easy to follow; shortcuts are not allowed. Use colored pens to
emphasize your free-body diagram. Erasures are strictly discouraged; your maximum limit of
erasure is three. Strictly use one template each problem.
Rewrite all and draw the figure.
MATERIALS Black pen, colored pens, ruler
SITUATION Problem A. (RE001) A hollow steel shaft ACB of outside diameter 50 mm and inside diameter 40
mm is held against rotation at ends A and B. Horizontal forces P are applied at the ends of a
vertical arm that is welded to the shaft at point C. Determine the allowable value of the forces P
if the maximum permissible shear stress in the shaft is 45 MPa.
Problem B. (RE002) A circular bar AB with ends fixed against rotation has a hole extending for
half of its length. The outer diameter of the bar is d2 =3.0 in. and the diameter of the hole is d1
= 2.4 in. The total length of the bar is L = 50 in. At what distance x from the left-hand end of the
bar should a torque be applied so that the reactive torques at the supports will be equal?
Problem C. (RE003) A steel shaft (Gs = 80 GPa) of total length L = 4.0 m is encased for one-half
of its length by a brass sleeve (Gb = 40 GPa) that is securely bonded to the steel. The outer
diameters of the shaft and sleeve are d1 = 70 mm and d2 = 90 mm, respectively. (a) Determine
the allowable torque that may be applied to the ends of the shaft if the angle of twist f between
the ends is limited to 8.0°, (b) Determine the allowable torque if the shear stress in the brass is
limited to τ_b= 70 MPa, (c) Determine the allowable torque if the shear stress in the steel is
limited to τ_s = 110 MPa, (d) What is the maximum allowable torque Tmax if all three of the
preceding conditions must be satisfied?
Thin-walled tubes of noncircular cross section are often used to construct light-weight frameworks such as those
used in aircraft. In some applications, they may be subjected to a torsional loading. Assumption of the effects of
applying a torque to a thin-walled tube having a closed cross section, that is, a tube that does not have any breaks
or slits along its length. Such a tube, having a constant yet arbitrary cross-sectional shape, and variable thickness 𝑡.
Since the walls are thin, we will obtain the average shear stress by assuming that this stress is uniformly distributed
across the thickness of the tube at any given point.
The product of the average shear stress times the thickness of the tube is the same at each point on the tube’s cross-
sectional area, this product is called shear flow,* 𝑞, and in general terms we can express it as
𝑞 = 𝜏𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝑡
Since 𝑞 is constant over the cross section, the largest average shear stress must occur where the tube’s thickness is
the smallest. The shear flow measures the force per unit length along the tube’s cross-sectional area. The shear flow
and the average stress to always be directed tangent to the wall of the tube, such that it contributes to the resultant
internal torque.
Average Shear Stress. The average shear stress can be related to the torque 𝑇 by considering the torque produced
by this shear stress about a selected point 𝑂 within the tube’s boundary. As shown, the shear stress develops a
force on an element of the tube.
𝑇 = ∮ ℎ𝜏𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝑡 𝑑𝑠 → 𝑇 = 𝜏𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝑡 ∮ ℎ 𝑑𝑠
Here the “line integral” indicates that integration must be performed around the entire boundary of the area. A
graphical simplification can be made for evaluating the integral by noting that the mean area.
𝑇 = 2𝜏𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝑡 𝐴𝑚
Angle of Twist. The angle of twist of a thin-walled tube of length 𝐿 can be determined using energy methods, which
is not covered in this lecture. If the material behaves in a linear elastic manner and 𝐺 is the shear modulus, then this
angle given in radians, can be expressed as
𝑇𝐿 𝑑𝑠
𝜙= 2 ∮
4𝐴𝑚 𝐺 𝑡
The tube is subjected to a torque of 750 N-m. Determine the average shear stress
in the tube at points A and B. Points are in the center of each thickness.
Ans. A = 15.6 MPa ; B = 10.4 MPa
The mean dimensions of the cross section of the leading edge and
torsion box of an airplane wing can be approximated as shown. If
the wing is made of 2014-T6 aluminum alloy having an allowable
shear stress of 125 MPa and the wall thickness is 10 mm, determine
the maximum allowable torque and the corresponding angle of
twist per meter length of the wing.
Ans. 4.73 MN-m , 0.428o/m
3. Site the maximum allowable angle of twist, in real life situation, of a simple transmission shaft.
4. What is the scientific reason why we use circular transmission shafts instead of other shapes?